Loved your positive rant at the end, too. I do agree that a single experience isn't really enough to bring about a complete and credible 180 in someone. Fluttershy took 6 whole seasons to come this far, through different experiences and challenges to test her strengths and weaknesses, and I love her all the more for the mare she's become. =) As for constantly bringing up Starlight's past, I just don't want it to come to the point where it's the only thing that people label her with: that she was evil and has to always live with being reminded of it. Maybe that's an exaggeration, and no one _can_ just move on from a past mistake effortlessly if it was something really bad, but it just hurts to see her constantly having it brought up against her when she's already proved herself a changed mare, even if it _is_ more of a tongue-in-cheek thing.
I appreciate that you're one of the many bronies who understand how Fluttershy's development from a shrinking violet to a tough cookie takes a while to progress throughout all the seasons. I find her to be a hero for all little girls and boys who are afraid to come out of their shells and they can be strong and capable with whatever abilities and talents they have, if they set their minds to it
15:15 they aren't listening because it's like asking a cook to plan a party. It's not their job. They're there to build a stable structure, design it by a PONY designer, and build structures for ANIMALS. Fluttershy hired the wrong people who have no clue how to perform her tasks. It's not their fault. If you asked a stone mason to build you a water slide, why would you get angry when he tries to build that slide out of stone and granite? A stone mason crafts with STONE.
What annoys me the most is that the three ponies that were asked to help don't do their job. That's extremely unprofessional. That's like having a client who wants something unique and a worker gives them something else that they think they will like that they didn't ask for. You know what I mean?
The main problem with Suited for success was the show. Without that, or together with Rarity's own dress, there would not have been any breakdown, and Rarity would have had opportunities to explain that those dresses were purely made after specifications given to her by her clients. The show accidentally turned them into Rarity's own designs, which they essentially were not.
The difference between the two is that thee three should never have been asked to do this in the first place. Rarity is a professional and designing clothes for ponies. It's what she does, you should listen to her advice. None of these three had any experience in doing what Fluttershy wanted them to do. They had no idea how to create stuff for animals, only ponies. And refused to listen to the one pony that did know, Fluttershy. It would be like asking Rarity to design a Hazmat suit. Sure, it's a lot of the same general idea.. creating a type of garment. But there is a lot of detail and others considerations at work with the Hazmat suit that need to be done just right. Things beyond the normal things needed for making a good looking outfit. The lesson isn't 'Don't listen listen to experts' it's "Listen to the RIGHT experts for the actual job at hand."
It's awesome to see Fluttershy's character growth, but kind of bittersweet at the same time, because her shyness originally was partly what made her my favourite pony to begin with. :)
I'll never understand why a place called Equestria (A place with a population of mostly equines) has ponies and zebras talk yet deer and giraffes aren't sentient, it's kind if disturbing.
Alisha Dee it's probably because ponies are the only native sentience species. Zebras and Gryphons and deers and giraffes are probably foreign immigrants from other lands.
Why do you think they aren't sentient? Just because they can't speak the language of the ponies? That is probably an anatomical problem. They seemingly have no trouble going to a recommended doctor when they feel ill. Or to read magazines while being there.
The work I was focusing on wasn't sentient, but NATIVE. the land is made up of 95% ponies, with only immigrant and their children making up the remaining group. You could make the argument that buffalo are ancestral to the Appleloosa area, but they're the only ones. Cervine have their own do Zebras. Anyone who can't speed in a land of ponies clearly isn't a resident of the nation that they grew up in. THAT'S why it's called Equestria...and mostly ponies live here.
YES! Someone else spotted the eyes on the Giraffe. I do also want to remind that Goats we know are sentient given the Iron Will episode where they worked as security and general staff for his show. Yet one of those was at the Vet as well.
"Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind" is now "Fluttershy, what is on your mind?"....... Wait, more like "Fluttershy, we don't care what's on your mind." I really understand how awful it is to be ignored. One of my coworkers couldn't remember my last name, even after I corrected her (she thought it was "Travis" two times now). Sigh..... Your reaction to Fluttershy firing her team of experts was wonderful. :)
It's like the older episodes again...No-one is listening to Fluttershy. :l Yeah she is...She is much more better than she was. Season Seven is bringing out the other pony's traits.
Chris Hunt oh yelling at people she shouldn't have hired in the first place to do a job she didn't even plan out well? She's manipulative from the start and had a tantrum when the PROFESSIONALS disagreed. Would you rather have them do the job they aren't in the field to do try and fail and injure animals in the process? They knew her plan wasn't something they could why did she hire them!
I here what you're saying and I agree but, all I was trying to say is that she was good with her decisions with the "experts" in the fact that she realized all their decisions would harm the animals so tired them to protect the animals
She was confident...but like...she got herself into this. She was the one that got people who have NO IDEA how to make a sanctuary agree to it by blinking and smiling and wooing them.
I loved this episode! It was so great to see Fluttershy so sure of herself, she's come such a long way and I'm so proud of her! As someone who has always been rather harsh on her, not lack of character development, because she still has some, I suppose slow progression with her character development is what I mean. But this episode has developed Fluttershy's character in a huge way by showing off all of the lessons that she has learnt through the seasons. This episode isn't really about Fluttershy learning anything but showing us, the viewers how much she's learnt through all of the seasons and I love it! This is definitely my second favorite Fluttershy episode, just love it! And I actually felt bad for Angel Bunny, I mean he wasn't being a jerk to Fluttershy in this episode and he looked to be in real pain Great reaction and can't wait for more! XD.
Interesting side note; although kuala's eat pretty much only eucalyptus leaves, if u take them off of the branch and give them to the kuala they won't eat them. It's very strange and experts aren't really sure why... fun fact!
Giraffes are not related to horses, they have an ancestor shared with antelope and deer, whom also are not related. Perhaps that's why neither of those two talk here.
Aside from the huge step forward Fluttershy had in character, I also like about this episode that she was finally able to fulfill a lifelong dream. Of course, since she never actually mentioned that dream in the show before, it didn't have as much an effect on people as, for instance, RD becoming a real Wonderbolt. Still, characters have their dreams, Lauren Faust said as much so many years ago, and its great to see them being fulfilled.
24:30 Well you're about 9 episodes ahead of where Fluttershy pretty much states this which I guess proves the writers did a good job putting you in that mindset
I think Fluttershy doesn't understand what an engineer/construction worker is. They aren't artists. It would have been better to get an artist and a construction worker working in collaboration. My father is a stone mason and although he does beautiful work, symmetry and stability reign supreme. An artist to chip away at a construction worker's design and compromise symmetrical with creative would work much better. Look at any NYC skyscraper and you'll see that beauty and awe come second to design and safety.
I too am very proud of Fluttershy! This episode was very motivational in my eyes. Why? Because it reminded me to "keep moving forward(as Walt Disney once said)" in perusing my lifelong goal in becoming an animator for Disney one day. That is why I rank this Fluttershy episode in my top ten picks based on her.🙂
In a sense I wished they'd stick around to see the opinions of their "customers". Now, on the subject of everything being dandy at the snap of a finger, weren't you one to complain about how the Mane 6 didn't automatically trust Discord when he was reformed? And we had a little debate on the episode "What About Discord"? Also, there have been a number of "All Dandy In A Snap" episodes that people kind of forget that there is development moving through the series. Forgoing the whole timetraveling finale, it did seem as though Starlight turned around quite quickly. Ok, she needed to be talked into being nice. ;) In a sense, Discord turned around in a snap once he realized the one thing he really wanted was an actual friend (though there was a bit of a build). And the Changelings all of a sudden knowing how to share love like that. Those are the only examples I can think of at the moment.
My main complaint about the season 4 premiere was that they were ready to blast him back to stone at the drop of a hat, which is a tad more extreme than simple distrust.
Edward256 I know this doesn't concern me but I wanted to say that not everything you pointed out is entirely accurate. For Starlight, yes, that was way too fast but in context it does make at least some sense as to why she ended up turning around since she wasn't actually evil to begin with. Even the others forgiving her so easily at the end isn't all that bad since she's technically only wronged them once and "payback" was already achieved for that one instance. Discord didn't just "turn around". That whole episode about redeeming him clearly indicated that he was actually taking a liking to Fluttershy despite his initial plans to use her. Everyone else was ready to send him back to the stony lonesome but Fluttershy openly accepted his shenanigans which made him reflect on what exactly he was doing with her. It only feels like it happened so quickly because it was in a single episode even though it followed the necessary criteria to justify its resolution. Its not like it was a problem to begin with or was one later since he wasn't fully changed after that episode anyways. As for the changelings, Thorax makes sense completely but the others is more difficult to say. Its the epitome of a quick resolution but given the fact that changelings can manipulate the love inside them freely to live, I'd say it gets a pass for being logically possible to an extent, especially since they all turned out normal sized versus their king who had been sharing love for a while at that point. Plus, the confirmation from the beginning of the new season kinda says enough that the changelings changed physically but not entirely with their mentalities if both Celestia and Twilight agreed that they still had much to learn. Honestly, the only thing that actually feels like a "all dandy in a snap" moment from the whole show is Sunset being forgiven for *everything* she had done by the girls literally right after her defeat. The other students not doing so make up for it imo though(sorta). Most of this stuff as plotpoints is highly dependent on actually continuing the story of the characters these changes have effected therefore most of them can't actually be classified as them changing at the drop of a hat.
Huh... Didn't quite see that build in "Keep Calm...". It felt as though he was legitimately playing her for a fool. At least up until Fluttershy called him a friend for the first time. But it does sound like another Discord story. I guess DisneyFanatic saw what you saw and drew it out.
Edward256 Its how these things work. Its very bad writing to make such a big change and do nothing with it. There needs to be probable cause for it to happen and there needs to be more to it in the future. Discord is the best example of doing something like redemption and have his growth last for throughout the show instead of changing his role and attitude entirely within a single episode
This is a good episode. Fluttershy shows great character growth. Fluttershy having an animal sanctuary is a great idea. The three guest ponies are not the greatest.
1. 1:52 "He's training. He's gonna beat Tank, in a race. Or, you know, get lazy halfway through and then let Tank win." As if we didn't have enough Aesops in this series already. 2. 3:00 Ohhh, now I get it! Fluttershy _leans in!_ XD 3. 4:04 This is the first time I've ever heard the original version of that song, and not the Weird Al polka version. 4. 6:51 (Referring to "all your ducks in a row") "Alright, I'll give you that. Every episode gets at least one joke like that." Unless it's a Discord episode. Then it gets at least five. 5. 8:24 Fluttershy is the only pony who can make Rainbow Dash cry. She's cracked the code. 6. 10:52 "She's cute!" Derpibooru seems to agree. 7. 16:38 "You have joined the list of characters I wouldn't mind seeing punched, good sir." I'm guessing that list includes Svengallop, Gladmane, Garble, Prince Blueblood and Angel Bunny. 8. 19:10 "I love how clingy the sloth is." Admit it. If Fluttershy let _you_ hug her for as long as you wanted, you'd still be there too. 9. 21:24 "Gotta have Starlight, haha!" Thank goodness! We'd almost gotten through a whole episode without a Starlight sighting and I was starting to feel symptoms of withdrawal. :) Thank you for that post-episode rant! That was one of my favorite speeches you have *ever* made. I was as impressed by you as I was by Fluttershy.
I see you are ALSO bothered by the question of Giraffe sentience this episode brought up and then never explained. :P My commentary (being rendered) was full of this.
I think this was just a showcase of how far Fluttershy's come in her confidence. Season 1 Fluttershy would have whimpered an "okay..." and let the farce run to completion. But the developed Fluttershy fired them and took it upon herself (with help from her friends) to set things up her own way.
The conflict is that when someone is naturally hesitant, timid and unconfident about themselves, others will easily think they know everything better than you and will not listen to your opinions. Sometimes even by accident. Fluttershy knew what needed to be done for the animals, but she needed other ponies to help because she wasn't expert enough at building, designing or getting things she needed for the sanctuary. But because she's shy, the other ponies (including her friends briefly) didn't respect her expertise for animal-caring enough, thus ignoring her opinions which were the most essential part for the whole thing to work. So Fluttershy needed, pretty much for the first time ever, tell others no and respect herself enough to put her own expertise above the others'. It's a very clear conflict, in fact. It's just that instead of Fluttershy going through the lesson in this same episode, like it's usually done, she used all the lessons she's learned from the previous episodes to resolve the matter.
This is a complete nitpick, but one thing that I have always felt a little oddly about in the show is how unlike the ponies the regular animals all have "normal" names like Rupert and Constance, but I have no idea how these names would come about. Apparently Anglicized names exist in-universe somehow, but there is no cultural basis for them in Equestria or the EQG verse where the naming conventions seem to be identical. Whenever I hear a name from real life in the show I'm always jolted out just a little bit for a second because it feels out of place. I'm not sure if I would give them ponified names because maybe that wouldn't work either, so unfortunately I can't think of a solution outside of just not naming them which also seems out of place and out of character for Fluttershy. It doesn't at all detract from my enjoyment of the show, but I will always wonder what the basis for these names is in this universe because they don't really make any sense in context with all the other names.
Yo Luffy I think you'll be really happy with episode 6! I can't wait to share my opinion on the episode with you! (By the way, be prepared for it to be a touchy-feely episode; well, kind of)
It's Flutters' way or the highway. =P This may have been a relatively mild episode in itself, but it's _huge_ for Fluttershy lovers. It's shown just how far she's come over the course of the show, becoming bolder and more confident, to the point where she can finally unveil and achieve her dream of opening an animal sanctuary. I am so proud of her. ^^ With those experts, when they insisted on their changes, Flutters' could have buckled under like she had in the past to avoid upsetting them, but no! She stood her ground and rightly chewed them out for not listening to her. It's a lot like how she refused to take any of Zephyr's crap, and it really warms my heart to see her like this now. =) Also, loved seeing Big Daddy McColt return =)
You notice that Rarity Apple Jack and Pinky had some pony to help Twi and Dash just blew her off. Jk guys I'm sure Twi had important princess shit to do and Dash had wonder bolt stuff to do. It's a good episode but It fell flat for me Flutters was great but the experts were there just to mess it up.
dmclegg66 the experts were there to mess it up instead of her friends. that way no out of character shenanigans (avoid 28 Pranks Later, reinforce Saddle Row Review). Though they did almost repeat the experts' mistake.
I feel like maybe the writers listened to our complaints about Fluttershy a little too much. Season 6 was great with the little ways Fluttershy demonstrated her competence, but this is just a whole episode of Fluttershy doing nothing but assert herself and not facing an ounce of internal conflict. Frankly, it was a little boring.
Yea...I completely disagree with you in this episode. It was Fluttershy and the gang's mistake hiring the wrong people. Why blame them for doing their job? Fluttershy is the kind of person to force someone to remake a backyard path 4 times because they didn't properly convey their message to the workers. You didn't hire sanctuary builders. That's not their job...why did you ALLOW them to help you in the first place? This infuriates me to watch and hear you cheering her on when all she and her friends have done is hire the wrong people and then shout at them when they do their jobs. They shouldn't have accepted the job, but she shouldn't have HIRED THEM!
All three of them (especially Hard Hat) were contractors and given a very clear image of what she wanted. Yes, they were the wrong ponies for the job. However, Fluttershy wasn't pissed because they "messed up", she was pissed they deliberately went completely against what she wanted, and they KNEW IT. All three of them basically went "well her design sucks so let's just make shit up". If they really couldn't handle building what she wanted, they should have just said they weren't qualified. I don't know what world you live in, but there aren't specific builders for every single structure ever made. Like, you don't go find a "sanctuary builder" because that would be way too specific. No, you go find contractors and tell them what you want, and they use their skills to figure out how to make it fucking work. They consult with you on the project, tell you what will and what won't really function, and if the person who hired you doesn't like what you keep saying, they'll fire you before you go and build something 150% opposite of what is asked for without consulting you. She had every right to be upset because she was completely ignored. I also find it hard to believe that Hard Hat couldn't have built whatever it was she needed in that sanctuary. It looked like pretty damn simple work, to be honest. He was just an arrogant asshole. The interior designer, yeah, I'll give you that one, it made no sense to hire him, and honestly I'm not sure what Wrangler was even hired to do in the first place. But Hard Hat? Yeah nah. Dude can build a hospital, he should be able to deduce how to construct some super basic shit like she had in the end. ....Anyway that's just my opinion. :3
Arekasune Thing is, what Fluttershy wanted wasn't really a building, or anything a contractor would normally work on. I feel like she should have gone to a landscaper or something.
Arekasune Just before I saw your comment, I Googled the definition of a contractor to make sure it wasn't something more 'general' than I thought, and the definition doesn't say anything about construction or buildings. So... seems I was wrong about what a contractor is in the first place. Probably should've done that BEFORE I said anything.
I really don't, because the point is pretty clear. This isn't just a Fluttershy episode, this the epitome of all of Fluttershy's progress throughout the entire series. She takes all of that experience and newfound strength to finally achieve her life goal like RD and Rarity have done. No, she didn't struggle the same way they did upon reaching the finish line and seeing there was still another lap to run, and that's because she's been struggling since season 1 to even have a hope of succeeding. RD and Rarity were already talented, they were just unrecognized. The Fluttershy of past seasons had no chance of doing what Fluttershy accomplished in this episode, and THAT is the point.
Except that this episode makes Fluttershy a completely unbearable character. To wit: *1* she volunteers for a task that she has neither the time nor the means to perform herself. *2* she accepts offers of help by proxy from her friends' acquaintances, and offers them *no compensation* for their work. *3* she quite visibly has no clear plan for this massive project. *4* she doesn't clearly communicate her desires to the ponies whose time she is presuming upon. *5* she takes far too long to notice that she got the wrong ponies for the job. *6* she goes ballistic on them in spite of having left them with unclear instructions. *7 she actually knew an expert on the task she sought to have performed and didn't go get him first.* This episode would be like if Fluttershy's character building has been her climbing a hill and she's now fallen down a cliff on the other side. Knowing how to assert yourself is really only great if you have a ground to stand on when you do. Otherwise, you're just being belligerent, and *Fluttershy should have already learned about that*. Also, this far into the series, Fluttershy *still* doesn't seem to have a special talent besides intimidating animals into obeying her commands. So she's basically Diamond Tiara without the attitude. Well, *with* the attitude now, apparently having stolen it.
I'm not sure anymore. There are good things in the episode and bad things in it. Someone seen only the bad things (like me) and someone seen only the good things.And this means that I was right all this time and the episode has no point of existing.
I guess episode was alright, i just don't know at whom I am mad more. those 3 specialists who was hired to do wrong jobs, but still doing whatever they wanted or Fluttershy being manipulative
I know I'm probly going to get attacked for this, but this is the first episode in the series to completely aggravate me and cement Fluttershy as my least favorite pony. first off, these guys were doing a favor for their friends, for no charge, and going on a completely vague description of what she wanted. Second, she just acted like an entitled brat and just snapped on everyone in a totally bitchy way, even later on, she got bitchy with her friends for just offering their opinions as well. there is a difference between being assertive and just being mean, she could've been a lot nicer to these guys and just came up with a compromise, but no, they didn't do it exactly her way the first time, so fuck those guys. The element of kindness everyone.
Fluttershy made it clear what she wanted and those ponies completely disregarded her. There's a difference between getting something wrong based on a vague description and completely going against what she says. Fluttershy said she didn't want cages and the wrangler brings cages anyway. Fluttershy made it clear she didn't want a closed off building and Hard Hat went ahead and did it anyway. She had every right to be mad that she specifically said she didn't want those things and they were forced on her anyway. Even if she was being vague, it was their job to ask for more information rather than completely disregarding her opinion. And as we saw, she was completely right. The animals showed up and it was complete chaos, which is exactly why Fluttershy didn't want that in the first place. She isn't entitled for being upset that these ponies deliberately did the exact opposite of what she said. She wasn't even bitchy with her friends. All she said was "Everybody stop!" Before giving a totally calm, reasonable explanation for why everyone needed to trust that she knew best. She was never mean, and I don't know where you get that impression. Because she was louder than she needed to be? If she said the same thing in a soft, timid tone would that have been nicer? She just assertively made it clear that this is not what she asked for. Nothing mean about what she did
My point is mostly that she could've handled herself in a nicer way instead of being as bitchy as she was since she is the element of kindness and all, it seems there is no middle ground for Fluttershy's character, shes either written to be extremely shy and timid, or extremely mean and aggressive, which can can be fun to see in the right context, but not here. I really want to like her as a character, but every time she gets some depth in one episode, she is totally regressed in another, I agree that the other ponies were wrong to just do their own thing, but again, most professionals require more than just crude drawings and an idea to create a cohesive floor plan. And yea, she did seem unnecessarily harsh towards the ponies offering their help for free.
First, no one said they were working for free. We don't know if they were being paid or not, and they never directly stated that the help would come free. Can't really use that as a valid argument. Second, again, she wasn't bitchy. Like, at all. She was loud. She had a loud, assertive tone of voice. That was it. She wasn't insulting, demeaning, volatile, hostile, sarcastic, or anything of that sort. If she had said anything that was out of line or harsh, then you would have a point. But the only reason you think she was being mean was because of the tone of her voice. She kept saying "I appreciate all your hard work" "I appreciate you sharing your thoughts", "I know you worked hard, but", and etc. Again, everything she said was completely valid and not mean at all, and the only reason you're saying it is was because of the tone of her voice. ANY client would have a right to be upset if the person they hired for a very important job trampled all over their specifications, and the fact that Fluttershy didn't get more upset is a surprise in itself. She was not mean, aggressive, or bitchy. She was assertive with the fact that this is not what was best for the animals. It's not harsh to say "You all did the exact opposite of what I asked for" and "This is not best for the animals".
That's all well and good, but from my personal point of view and opinion, she acted a little out of character for the pony dubbed the element of kindness, I can bet that most other ponies would've handled the situation in a kinder way, but in the sake of Fluttershy's "character development" she came off more aggressive than reasonable. And they never said they were being paid either, I'm just going by the fact that she asked for her friends help, which I'm sure they were not expecting payment, and in turn, they asked their friends for help, which also leads me to believe they too are doing it as a favor. but all that a side, I'm not trying to argue, just state my opinion, and I respect everyone else's, and I know not everyone in the fandom will agree all the time, if we did, the world would be a boring place.
Loved your positive rant at the end, too. I do agree that a single experience isn't really enough to bring about a complete and credible 180 in someone. Fluttershy took 6 whole seasons to come this far, through different experiences and challenges to test her strengths and weaknesses, and I love her all the more for the mare she's become. =)
As for constantly bringing up Starlight's past, I just don't want it to come to the point where it's the only thing that people label her with: that she was evil and has to always live with being reminded of it. Maybe that's an exaggeration, and no one _can_ just move on from a past mistake effortlessly if it was something really bad, but it just hurts to see her constantly having it brought up against her when she's already proved herself a changed mare, even if it _is_ more of a tongue-in-cheek thing.
I couldn't agree more, Tprower. I love me bonnie wee Flutters so much. She reminds me so much of myself when I was younger.
I appreciate that you're one of the many bronies who understand how Fluttershy's development from a shrinking violet to a tough cookie takes a while to progress throughout all the seasons. I find her to be a hero for all little girls and boys who are afraid to come out of their shells and they can be strong and capable with whatever abilities and talents they have, if they set their minds to it
The three professionals would have created a fancy prison .... :P
15:15 they aren't listening because it's like asking a cook to plan a party. It's not their job. They're there to build a stable structure, design it by a PONY designer, and build structures for ANIMALS. Fluttershy hired the wrong people who have no clue how to perform her tasks. It's not their fault. If you asked a stone mason to build you a water slide, why would you get angry when he tries to build that slide out of stone and granite? A stone mason crafts with STONE.
What annoys me the most is that the three ponies that were asked to help don't do their job. That's extremely unprofessional. That's like having a client who wants something unique and a worker gives them something else that they think they will like that they didn't ask for. You know what I mean?
Ah, but what about the episode Suited for Success?Wasn't that episode about a client needing to shut up and listen to the ideas of a professional? =P
The main problem with Suited for success was the show. Without that, or together with Rarity's own dress, there would not have been any breakdown, and Rarity would have had opportunities to explain that those dresses were purely made after specifications given to her by her clients. The show accidentally turned them into Rarity's own designs, which they essentially were not.
The difference between the two is that thee three should never have been asked to do this in the first place. Rarity is a professional and designing clothes for ponies. It's what she does, you should listen to her advice.
None of these three had any experience in doing what Fluttershy wanted them to do. They had no idea how to create stuff for animals, only ponies. And refused to listen to the one pony that did know, Fluttershy.
It would be like asking Rarity to design a Hazmat suit. Sure, it's a lot of the same general idea.. creating a type of garment. But there is a lot of detail and others considerations at work with the Hazmat suit that need to be done just right. Things beyond the normal things needed for making a good looking outfit.
The lesson isn't 'Don't listen listen to experts' it's "Listen to the RIGHT experts for the actual job at hand."
especially the construction pony he was actually destroying the area and would have ruined the property for the project
It's awesome to see Fluttershy's character growth, but kind of bittersweet at the same time, because her shyness originally was partly what made her my favourite pony to begin with. :)
I'll never understand why a place called Equestria (A place with a population of mostly equines) has ponies and zebras talk yet deer and giraffes aren't sentient, it's kind if disturbing.
I guess this is the point where we all make the excuse that: "It's just a cartoon!"
Alisha Dee it's probably because ponies are the only native sentience species. Zebras and Gryphons and deers and giraffes are probably foreign immigrants from other lands.
Deer aren't equines, they are cervids.
Why do you think they aren't sentient?
Just because they can't speak the language of the ponies?
That is probably an anatomical problem.
They seemingly have no trouble going to a recommended doctor when they feel ill.
Or to read magazines while being there.
The work I was focusing on wasn't sentient, but NATIVE. the land is made up of 95% ponies, with only immigrant and their children making up the remaining group. You could make the argument that buffalo are ancestral to the Appleloosa area, but they're the only ones. Cervine have their own do Zebras. Anyone who can't speed in a land of ponies clearly isn't a resident of the nation that they grew up in. THAT'S why it's called Equestria...and mostly ponies live here.
YES! Someone else spotted the eyes on the Giraffe. I do also want to remind that Goats we know are sentient given the Iron Will episode where they worked as security and general staff for his show. Yet one of those was at the Vet as well.
"Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind" is now "Fluttershy, what is on your mind?"....... Wait, more like "Fluttershy, we don't care what's on your mind."
I really understand how awful it is to be ignored. One of my coworkers couldn't remember my last name, even after I corrected her (she thought it was "Travis" two times now). Sigh.....
Your reaction to Fluttershy firing her team of experts was wonderful. :)
Great music choice for the intro
It's like the older episodes again...No-one is listening to Fluttershy. :l
Yeah she is...She is much more better than she was. Season Seven is bringing out the other pony's traits.
This is my favorite Fluttershy episode! She's like me when it comes to animal care.
Fluttershy was amazing in this because of how much confidence she had in her decisions to help the animals
Chris Hunt oh yelling at people she shouldn't have hired in the first place to do a job she didn't even plan out well? She's manipulative from the start and had a tantrum when the PROFESSIONALS disagreed. Would you rather have them do the job they aren't in the field to do try and fail and injure animals in the process? They knew her plan wasn't something they could why did she hire them!
I here what you're saying and I agree but, all I was trying to say is that she was good with her decisions with the "experts" in the fact that she realized all their decisions would harm the animals so tired them to protect the animals
She was confident...but like...she got herself into this. She was the one that got people who have NO IDEA how to make a sanctuary agree to it by blinking and smiling and wooing them.
22:09 and that is how zootopia was made xD
I loved this episode! It was so great to see Fluttershy so sure of herself, she's come such a long way and I'm so proud of her! As someone who has always been rather harsh on her, not lack of character development, because she still has some, I suppose slow progression with her character development is what I mean. But this episode has developed Fluttershy's character in a huge way by showing off all of the lessons that she has learnt through the seasons. This episode isn't really about Fluttershy learning anything but showing us, the viewers how much she's learnt through all of the seasons and I love it! This is definitely my second favorite Fluttershy episode, just love it! And I actually felt bad for Angel Bunny, I mean he wasn't being a jerk to Fluttershy in this episode and he looked to be in real pain Great reaction and can't wait for more! XD.
3:50 Not really, giraffes have their own Family. They're actually closer to cows and even pigs.
Interesting side note; although kuala's eat pretty much only eucalyptus leaves, if u take them off of the branch and give them to the kuala they won't eat them. It's very strange and experts aren't really sure why... fun fact!
11:38 Erk, that face! That powerful, adorable face!
Giraffes are not related to horses, they have an ancestor shared with antelope and deer, whom also are not related. Perhaps that's why neither of those two talk here.
You know for some reason I always thought Fluttershy WAS the vet.
Library cave is home to the LIBRARYMAN
Aside from the huge step forward Fluttershy had in character, I also like about this episode that she was finally able to fulfill a lifelong dream. Of course, since she never actually mentioned that dream in the show before, it didn't have as much an effect on people as, for instance, RD becoming a real Wonderbolt. Still, characters have their dreams, Lauren Faust said as much so many years ago, and its great to see them being fulfilled.
Oh yeah and sorry for not being able to make it to your livestream yesterday.
oh, steps in. fluttershy steps in, but the shy one leans. obscure
Y'know, I can never hear that intro song without immediately thinking of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin punching each other.
Well you're about 9 episodes ahead of where Fluttershy pretty much states this which I guess proves the writers did a good job putting you in that mindset
could not have been a more appropriate song for the intro replacer
I think Fluttershy doesn't understand what an engineer/construction worker is. They aren't artists. It would have been better to get an artist and a construction worker working in collaboration. My father is a stone mason and although he does beautiful work, symmetry and stability reign supreme. An artist to chip away at a construction worker's design and compromise symmetrical with creative would work much better. Look at any NYC skyscraper and you'll see that beauty and awe come second to design and safety.
I too am very proud of Fluttershy! This episode was very motivational in my eyes. Why? Because it reminded me to "keep moving forward(as Walt Disney once said)" in perusing my lifelong goal in becoming an animator for Disney one day. That is why I rank this Fluttershy episode in my top ten picks based on her.🙂
Poor Fluttershy💖💖💋❤👄
Maybe Fluttershy joins the mofia and she has to lean on ponies to make them talk?
In a sense I wished they'd stick around to see the opinions of their "customers".
Now, on the subject of everything being dandy at the snap of a finger, weren't you one to complain about how the Mane 6 didn't automatically trust Discord when he was reformed? And we had a little debate on the episode "What About Discord"?
Also, there have been a number of "All Dandy In A Snap" episodes that people kind of forget that there is development moving through the series. Forgoing the whole timetraveling finale, it did seem as though Starlight turned around quite quickly. Ok, she needed to be talked into being nice. ;) In a sense, Discord turned around in a snap once he realized the one thing he really wanted was an actual friend (though there was a bit of a build). And the Changelings all of a sudden knowing how to share love like that. Those are the only examples I can think of at the moment.
My main complaint about the season 4 premiere was that they were ready to blast him back to stone at the drop of a hat, which is a tad more extreme than simple distrust.
Edward256 I know this doesn't concern me but I wanted to say that not everything you pointed out is entirely accurate. For Starlight, yes, that was way too fast but in context it does make at least some sense as to why she ended up turning around since she wasn't actually evil to begin with. Even the others forgiving her so easily at the end isn't all that bad since she's technically only wronged them once and "payback" was already achieved for that one instance.
Discord didn't just "turn around". That whole episode about redeeming him clearly indicated that he was actually taking a liking to Fluttershy despite his initial plans to use her. Everyone else was ready to send him back to the stony lonesome but Fluttershy openly accepted his shenanigans which made him reflect on what exactly he was doing with her. It only feels like it happened so quickly because it was in a single episode even though it followed the necessary criteria to justify its resolution. Its not like it was a problem to begin with or was one later since he wasn't fully changed after that episode anyways.
As for the changelings, Thorax makes sense completely but the others is more difficult to say. Its the epitome of a quick resolution but given the fact that changelings can manipulate the love inside them freely to live, I'd say it gets a pass for being logically possible to an extent, especially since they all turned out normal sized versus their king who had been sharing love for a while at that point. Plus, the confirmation from the beginning of the new season kinda says enough that the changelings changed physically but not entirely with their mentalities if both Celestia and Twilight agreed that they still had much to learn.
Honestly, the only thing that actually feels like a "all dandy in a snap" moment from the whole show is Sunset being forgiven for *everything* she had done by the girls literally right after her defeat. The other students not doing so make up for it imo though(sorta). Most of this stuff as plotpoints is highly dependent on actually continuing the story of the characters these changes have effected therefore most of them can't actually be classified as them changing at the drop of a hat.
Huh... Didn't quite see that build in "Keep Calm...". It felt as though he was legitimately playing her for a fool. At least up until Fluttershy called him a friend for the first time. But it does sound like another Discord story. I guess DisneyFanatic saw what you saw and drew it out.
Edward256 Its how these things work. Its very bad writing to make such a big change and do nothing with it. There needs to be probable cause for it to happen and there needs to be more to it in the future. Discord is the best example of doing something like redemption and have his growth last for throughout the show instead of changing his role and attitude entirely within a single episode
This is a good episode. Fluttershy shows great character growth. Fluttershy having an animal sanctuary is a great idea. The three guest ponies are not the greatest.
Anyone else realise there was a fish in a cup
Man, the people in this episode are really ni-
I love your reactions so much :)
Alternative into reminds me of Wrestlemania XIX great episode for Futtershy
7:20 - Apparently it is, especially when it comes to reforming villains... Well that, and regret. Though maybe it's my cynicism.
Lola the Sloth is real. look her up!
There are indeed a lot of ppl liking this episode including me but did you ever imagine that a lot of ppl hated this episode too? I don't get them.
Sorry I'm late to the party! I was away on holiday for a few days.
Time to make up for lost time, and what an episode to come back on!
1. 1:52 "He's training. He's gonna beat Tank, in a race. Or, you know, get lazy halfway through and then let Tank win."
As if we didn't have enough Aesops in this series already.
2. 3:00 Ohhh, now I get it! Fluttershy _leans in!_ XD
3. 4:04 This is the first time I've ever heard the original version of that song, and not the Weird Al polka version.
4. 6:51 (Referring to "all your ducks in a row") "Alright, I'll give you that. Every episode gets at least one joke like that."
Unless it's a Discord episode. Then it gets at least five.
5. 8:24 Fluttershy is the only pony who can make Rainbow Dash cry. She's cracked the code.
6. 10:52 "She's cute!"
Derpibooru seems to agree.
7. 16:38 "You have joined the list of characters I wouldn't mind seeing punched, good sir."
I'm guessing that list includes Svengallop, Gladmane, Garble, Prince Blueblood and Angel Bunny.
8. 19:10 "I love how clingy the sloth is."
Admit it. If Fluttershy let _you_ hug her for as long as you wanted, you'd still be there too.
9. 21:24 "Gotta have Starlight, haha!"
Thank goodness! We'd almost gotten through a whole episode without a Starlight sighting and I was starting to feel symptoms of withdrawal. :)
Thank you for that post-episode rant! That was one of my favorite speeches you have *ever* made. I was as impressed by you as I was by Fluttershy.
The after episode song... that... that is...
Yep, that's Digimon World music.
I started humming it and my brain just started panicking going
I see you are ALSO bothered by the question of Giraffe sentience this episode brought up and then never explained. :P My commentary (being rendered) was full of this.
what I don't get is that there was really no plot conflict, because Fluttershy voiced her opinions and wishes clearly over and over, and that was it
I think this was just a showcase of how far Fluttershy's come in her confidence.
Season 1 Fluttershy would have whimpered an "okay..." and let the farce run to completion.
But the developed Fluttershy fired them and took it upon herself (with help from her friends) to set things up her own way.
The conflict is that when someone is naturally hesitant, timid and unconfident about themselves, others will easily think they know everything better than you and will not listen to your opinions. Sometimes even by accident. Fluttershy knew what needed to be done for the animals, but she needed other ponies to help because she wasn't expert enough at building, designing or getting things she needed for the sanctuary. But because she's shy, the other ponies (including her friends briefly) didn't respect her expertise for animal-caring enough, thus ignoring her opinions which were the most essential part for the whole thing to work. So Fluttershy needed, pretty much for the first time ever, tell others no and respect herself enough to put her own expertise above the others'. It's a very clear conflict, in fact. It's just that instead of Fluttershy going through the lesson in this same episode, like it's usually done, she used all the lessons she's learned from the previous episodes to resolve the matter.
don't get me wrong tho, I loved the episode
This is a complete nitpick, but one thing that I have always felt a little oddly about in the show is how unlike the ponies the regular animals all have "normal" names like Rupert and Constance, but I have no idea how these names would come about. Apparently Anglicized names exist in-universe somehow, but there is no cultural basis for them in Equestria or the EQG verse where the naming conventions seem to be identical. Whenever I hear a name from real life in the show I'm always jolted out just a little bit for a second because it feels out of place. I'm not sure if I would give them ponified names because maybe that wouldn't work either, so unfortunately I can't think of a solution outside of just not naming them which also seems out of place and out of character for Fluttershy. It doesn't at all detract from my enjoyment of the show, but I will always wonder what the basis for these names is in this universe because they don't really make any sense in context with all the other names.
Did you choose the Digimon World music, cause the first Digimon Theme song was called "Butterfly", or was that just a happy coincidence?
Happy coincidence.
sooo keep doing the crash bandicoot music till next month when the remaster comes out : D maybe do a live stream of the remasters ? : 3
Time to make a giraffe-sona
U and ZEE DEE both got the ZOOTOPIA thign
Yo Luffy I think you'll be really happy with episode 6! I can't wait to share my opinion on the episode with you! (By the way, be prepared for it to be a touchy-feely episode; well, kind of)
Luffy u have Twitter
Mariah michaelson He does it is @thebeardiscool
okay I make sure to follow him as well I follow the king crane to in past the both got good UA-cam video s
I still hate that they used "paw-kour"
I will have to check but Wrangler sounds like Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob.
Nevermind I just checked Kazumi does Wranglers voice.
She sounds very close to Applejack I thought, just in a different tone.
she is a recolored Aj the same stubbornness too
Ilovekimpossiblealot agrees with you. I do too.
It's Flutters' way or the highway. =P
This may have been a relatively mild episode in itself, but it's _huge_ for Fluttershy lovers. It's shown just how far she's come over the course of the show, becoming bolder and more confident, to the point where she can finally unveil and achieve her dream of opening an animal sanctuary. I am so proud of her. ^^
With those experts, when they insisted on their changes, Flutters' could have buckled under like she had in the past to avoid upsetting them, but no! She stood her ground and rightly chewed them out for not listening to her. It's a lot like how she refused to take any of Zephyr's crap, and it really warms my heart to see her like this now. =)
Also, loved seeing Big Daddy McColt return =)
For me, this was a good episode in a season where "great" is the average, making it the weakest by default.
giraffes are not even close to horses. Actually 🦏 are closer to 🏇 then 🏇 to giraffe's.
You notice that Rarity Apple Jack and Pinky had some pony to help Twi and Dash just blew her off.
Jk guys I'm sure Twi had important princess shit to do and Dash had wonder bolt stuff to do.
It's a good episode but It fell flat for me Flutters was great but the experts were there just to mess it up.
dmclegg66 the experts were there to mess it up instead of her friends. that way no out of character shenanigans (avoid 28 Pranks Later, reinforce Saddle Row Review). Though they did almost repeat the experts' mistake.
I know I have said that in other comments what I meant is there were only 3 experts instead of 5
dmclegg66 a pony comparable to book horse is hard to find.
actually I think they limited it to three for time.
If you have time, can you react to the new season of Samurai Jack?
This is by far my favorite episode of the season, and my second favorite episode of the series. Anyone else?
I know im probably gonna get hate for this, but I actually like Wrangler, plz don't kill me.
I feel like maybe the writers listened to our complaints about Fluttershy a little too much. Season 6 was great with the little ways Fluttershy demonstrated her competence, but this is just a whole episode of Fluttershy doing nothing but assert herself and not facing an ounce of internal conflict. Frankly, it was a little boring.
Yea...I completely disagree with you in this episode. It was Fluttershy and the gang's mistake hiring the wrong people. Why blame them for doing their job? Fluttershy is the kind of person to force someone to remake a backyard path 4 times because they didn't properly convey their message to the workers. You didn't hire sanctuary builders. That's not their job...why did you ALLOW them to help you in the first place? This infuriates me to watch and hear you cheering her on when all she and her friends have done is hire the wrong people and then shout at them when they do their jobs. They shouldn't have accepted the job, but she shouldn't have HIRED THEM!
That was one of the lessons of the episode - 'ask the right people for the job'.
All three of them (especially Hard Hat) were contractors and given a very clear image of what she wanted. Yes, they were the wrong ponies for the job. However, Fluttershy wasn't pissed because they "messed up", she was pissed they deliberately went completely against what she wanted, and they KNEW IT. All three of them basically went "well her design sucks so let's just make shit up". If they really couldn't handle building what she wanted, they should have just said they weren't qualified.
I don't know what world you live in, but there aren't specific builders for every single structure ever made. Like, you don't go find a "sanctuary builder" because that would be way too specific. No, you go find contractors and tell them what you want, and they use their skills to figure out how to make it fucking work. They consult with you on the project, tell you what will and what won't really function, and if the person who hired you doesn't like what you keep saying, they'll fire you before you go and build something 150% opposite of what is asked for without consulting you. She had every right to be upset because she was completely ignored.
I also find it hard to believe that Hard Hat couldn't have built whatever it was she needed in that sanctuary. It looked like pretty damn simple work, to be honest. He was just an arrogant asshole. The interior designer, yeah, I'll give you that one, it made no sense to hire him, and honestly I'm not sure what Wrangler was even hired to do in the first place. But Hard Hat? Yeah nah. Dude can build a hospital, he should be able to deduce how to construct some super basic shit like she had in the end.
....Anyway that's just my opinion. :3
Arekasune Thing is, what Fluttershy wanted wasn't really a building, or anything a contractor would normally work on. I feel like she should have gone to a landscaper or something.
Good point, I actually meant to bring up the idea of a landscaper in one of my comments but spaced it.
Arekasune Just before I saw your comment, I Googled the definition of a contractor to make sure it wasn't something more 'general' than I thought, and the definition doesn't say anything about construction or buildings. So... seems I was wrong about what a contractor is in the first place. Probably should've done that BEFORE I said anything.
I don't really see the point of this episode. You know what I mean?
I really don't, because the point is pretty clear. This isn't just a Fluttershy episode, this the epitome of all of Fluttershy's progress throughout the entire series. She takes all of that experience and newfound strength to finally achieve her life goal like RD and Rarity have done. No, she didn't struggle the same way they did upon reaching the finish line and seeing there was still another lap to run, and that's because she's been struggling since season 1 to even have a hope of succeeding. RD and Rarity were already talented, they were just unrecognized. The Fluttershy of past seasons had no chance of doing what Fluttershy accomplished in this episode, and THAT is the point.
Well said!
(wow that's a lot of text I'm struggling even to write this) guess your right.But I still didn't like the episode that much.
Except that this episode makes Fluttershy a completely unbearable character. To wit:
*1* she volunteers for a task that she has neither the time nor the means to perform herself.
*2* she accepts offers of help by proxy from her friends' acquaintances, and offers them *no compensation* for their work.
*3* she quite visibly has no clear plan for this massive project.
*4* she doesn't clearly communicate her desires to the ponies whose time she is presuming upon.
*5* she takes far too long to notice that she got the wrong ponies for the job.
*6* she goes ballistic on them in spite of having left them with unclear instructions.
*7 she actually knew an expert on the task she sought to have performed and didn't go get him first.*
This episode would be like if Fluttershy's character building has been her climbing a hill and she's now fallen down a cliff on the other side. Knowing how to assert yourself is really only great if you have a ground to stand on when you do. Otherwise, you're just being belligerent, and *Fluttershy should have already learned about that*. Also, this far into the series, Fluttershy *still* doesn't seem to have a special talent besides intimidating animals into obeying her commands. So she's basically Diamond Tiara without the attitude. Well, *with* the attitude now, apparently having stolen it.
I'm not sure anymore. There are good things in the episode and bad things in it. Someone seen only the bad things (like me) and someone seen only the good things.And this means that I was right all this time and the episode has no point of existing.
I guess episode was alright, i just don't know at whom I am mad more. those 3 specialists who was hired to do wrong jobs, but still doing whatever they wanted or Fluttershy being manipulative
No Starlight = bad episode.
I know I'm probly going to get attacked for this, but this is the first episode in the series to completely aggravate me and cement Fluttershy as my least favorite pony. first off, these guys were doing a favor for their friends, for no charge, and going on a completely vague description of what she wanted. Second, she just acted like an entitled brat and just snapped on everyone in a totally bitchy way, even later on, she got bitchy with her friends for just offering their opinions as well. there is a difference between being assertive and just being mean, she could've been a lot nicer to these guys and just came up with a compromise, but no, they didn't do it exactly her way the first time, so fuck those guys. The element of kindness everyone.
Fluttershy made it clear what she wanted and those ponies completely disregarded her. There's a difference between getting something wrong based on a vague description and completely going against what she says. Fluttershy said she didn't want cages and the wrangler brings cages anyway. Fluttershy made it clear she didn't want a closed off building and Hard Hat went ahead and did it anyway. She had every right to be mad that she specifically said she didn't want those things and they were forced on her anyway. Even if she was being vague, it was their job to ask for more information rather than completely disregarding her opinion. And as we saw, she was completely right. The animals showed up and it was complete chaos, which is exactly why Fluttershy didn't want that in the first place. She isn't entitled for being upset that these ponies deliberately did the exact opposite of what she said. She wasn't even bitchy with her friends. All she said was "Everybody stop!" Before giving a totally calm, reasonable explanation for why everyone needed to trust that she knew best. She was never mean, and I don't know where you get that impression. Because she was louder than she needed to be? If she said the same thing in a soft, timid tone would that have been nicer? She just assertively made it clear that this is not what she asked for. Nothing mean about what she did
windwaker407 that is all true. Which is good, because it shows that she has come a long way from season 1
My point is mostly that she could've handled herself in a nicer way instead of being as bitchy as she was since she is the element of kindness and all, it seems there is no middle ground for Fluttershy's character, shes either written to be extremely shy and timid, or extremely mean and aggressive, which can can be fun to see in the right context, but not here. I really want to like her as a character, but every time she gets some depth in one episode, she is totally regressed in another, I agree that the other ponies were wrong to just do their own thing, but again, most professionals require more than just crude drawings and an idea to create a cohesive floor plan. And yea, she did seem unnecessarily harsh towards the ponies offering their help for free.
First, no one said they were working for free. We don't know if they were being paid or not, and they never directly stated that the help would come free. Can't really use that as a valid argument.
Second, again, she wasn't bitchy. Like, at all. She was loud. She had a loud, assertive tone of voice. That was it. She wasn't insulting, demeaning, volatile, hostile, sarcastic, or anything of that sort. If she had said anything that was out of line or harsh, then you would have a point. But the only reason you think she was being mean was because of the tone of her voice. She kept saying "I appreciate all your hard work" "I appreciate you sharing your thoughts", "I know you worked hard, but", and etc. Again, everything she said was completely valid and not mean at all, and the only reason you're saying it is was because of the tone of her voice. ANY client would have a right to be upset if the person they hired for a very important job trampled all over their specifications, and the fact that Fluttershy didn't get more upset is a surprise in itself. She was not mean, aggressive, or bitchy. She was assertive with the fact that this is not what was best for the animals. It's not harsh to say "You all did the exact opposite of what I asked for" and "This is not best for the animals".
That's all well and good, but from my personal point of view and opinion, she acted a little out of character for the pony dubbed the element of kindness, I can bet that most other ponies would've handled the situation in a kinder way, but in the sake of Fluttershy's "character development" she came off more aggressive than reasonable. And they never said they were being paid either, I'm just going by the fact that she asked for her friends help, which I'm sure they were not expecting payment, and in turn, they asked their friends for help, which also leads me to believe they too are doing it as a favor. but all that a side, I'm not trying to argue, just state my opinion, and I respect everyone else's, and I know not everyone in the fandom will agree all the time, if we did, the world would be a boring place.