This is such an important video for this time of our food supply being attacked by global interests and as our magnetic field weakens causing abnormal weather patterns .Our production ability lessens with erratic weather patterns as well as weather systems like late spring and early fall frosts for example . these huge gains in plant health are real equalizers for people who want more healthy and robust plants . Its so great Yannick has kept this knowledge alive and improved upon it even . I have been installing these techniques in my gardens this year and will soon be able to see results . thanks again Yannick i hope you benefit as well now the popularity is growing quickly also .All your years of work will pay off i believe. take care
Most people trust those that run the world. I do not. Listen to JFK's last speech before he was assassinated. The world is run by luciferians. They own and control everything.
That’s because the powers that shouldn’t be don’t want us to know about the powers that magnetism holds . There’s only one country in the world that holds any college courses on magnetism and some of its benefits,ie (some)
I've tried experimenting with these techniques with my tomatoes and have found that the tomatoes I've used electro culturing and fertilization with have surpassed the growth of the tomatoes I started seeding a week before
No, because copper is diamagnetic and for this technique you need a ferromagnetic material or ferromagnetic metal, maybe a paramagnetic substance could work too
super ! Ich entdecke immer mehr, danke !! Was tun bei Wühlmäusen ,die von all den konv. Feldern auf unseres umziehen....bei Trockenheit wie jetzt umsomehr. Die Arbeit mache ich gerne, aber dann gräbt nach mir einer alles wieder aus - das ist demotivierend im Moment.....Liebe Grüße aus Norddeutschland
Your magnets are fantastic. They make me feel incredible and uplift my entire mood. Are they kown to have such powerful effects on the body. I cant wait to put thess in the ground next year
This video shows Galvanized steel wire running north and south on ground then buried. In my experiments I do add atmospheric antennas to this as well. You can try with and also without. The more Electro culture or magneto culture devices you add the better. Like adding Lakovsky coils ❤
Fantastic, a video in English! Good work. Have you tried this with a copper wire? I also noticed you're using a steel or iron shovel also. What advantages does this have using Iron, over Schaubergers principles with copper?
it is better with copper like Schauberger explains. We have invented a copper piece you can put on your iron shovel to neutralize the bad energy of iron when you work with it on the earth, to maintain the vitality energy in the soil. You find it on my french website, I will put it also on my english one soon.
Schauberger did not use iron or steel because of the rust that will come off the shovel, not the "bad energies". The rust that flakes off in friction is breaking down the healthy soil microbes. Galvanized wire will take longer time to rust, but it will eventually rust. This wire magnet idea seems better with copper wire. Watched a couple of your lectures already and would like to see more of the solar ideas. Maybe use solar current in a coil to create magnetic field that slowly pulses with the daily sunlight. Thank you for the inspiration, fantastic!
solar current is artificial electricity and that creates a kind of pollution. I prefer to use only passif antennas increasing natural electric phenomenons
The iron rust is not a problem for the earth and plants. Schaubergers shows the energetic disturbance of the energetic vitality of the soil and fields of the plants, with the work with iron tools. You don't have that bad energetic effect with copper tools, but you can also neutralize the bad energetic influence of iron tools with a little copper harmonizer on it like I show on my french site and presentations. Tou don't have to look at it about copper or iron ions or oxydation, but you have to approach this about the energetic effects of these materials and their interaction.
great video Yannick. we would like to implement your program at our place. can we get DVD of your full program. we cannot attend the seminars you give. mygreathanks
You can put a magnetic antenna on each row to make it easy, but you can also connects all the wires of the rows together at the south side and connect to one antenna.
Hi Yannick, how many feet does the magnetic field extend horizontally from the wire? You put the wire in the middle of 2 rows, and it covers both? Thanks!
Around one meter maximum on each side, so around 3 feet on each side. In reality the energy will decrease with the distance and be almost zero one meter each side, that is why we put one wire oriented north south each on to 2 meters maximum distance from each other, to create a homogenous energy field.
I am very interested in considering testing the ability to manage a combinations of ecosystems and biomes. I am thinking that it could be possible to improve the water quality of the water in the Magothy river by reducing the need for petrochemicals, and fertilizers through the use of your reintroduction of ancient farming techniques. This could potentiall red]ice the nitrogen blooms from the flash flood runoff a from heavy rain storms. For Thur more if we reduce the nitrogen blooms, could the electro-culturing and fertilization tecniqued be use to improve the spat redevelopment prgram? Could this then be a catalyst for the cleansing of the ecosystem and an increase in the the crab and fish poplations?
They could already have totally eliminated the use of natural gas based fertilizers with electroculture. The fact is, that would not be profitable for a bunch of very rich individuals, so they suppress these inventions instead of making them widespread. There have been a few people in usa that developed hydrogen cars using only water, they are all dead.
You put the magnetic antenna also on the south side and the wire going to the north with starting at the magnetic antenna. The magnetic field is in the same direction in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere, so this does not change, it is the same rule. Just take a compass as reference. Look at my course presentation about the cylinder magnetic antenna and I explain it in detail and show it.
No, because copper is diamagnetic and for this technique you need a ferromagnetic material or ferromagnetic metal, maybe a paramagnetic subtance could work too
I will make a new video of this technique in english to explain in detail how to do, so it will be more clear. Put my magnetic antenna in same direction as compass earth magnetic field, if you put it opposite that the compass turn upside down then it's bad, you always need to respect earths magnetic field. The galvanised steel wire will be oriented north south, with the antenna at south geographic end, and the wire going to the north like shown by the compass. The wire can be several hunderds of meters length with only one magnetic antenna, it works. Trees grow generally twice as rapid, allmost all vegetable plants from the garden will also grow much better, more then 30% better for most of them, sometimes even more then double. You can buy my antennas on my site , i deliver all around the world, also in the US.
I would not place a magnet in a little pot, because if the magnet move of direction with handling and time, it can be worse all around. In a pot I advice to use a Lakhovsky coil or a double spiral, and some paramagnetic rock.
I've watched recently.. many videos on Electroculture. Most of them reccomend using COPPER wire. Your thoughts? Ich habe mir in letzter Zeit viele Videos über Elektrokultur angesehen. Die meisten von ihnen empfehlen die Verwendung von Kupferdraht. Ihre Gedanken?
Copper or galvanised iron or aluminium wire depends on the technique or application. For each technique a specific metal is more adapted. For this application in this video it is galvanised steel wire and not copper or aluminium, because for this application you need ferromagnetic material as iron.
You can use them but better is ferrite magnets. They need to be well oriented, this is the most important aspect, when they are too little, they will move over time and disturb the energies what is very bad.
@@YannickVD Hi Yannick, what strength should the magnets be for each wire? In your videos, you seem to use 6 magnets that total about 3 inches (7.62 cm). I want to put magnets on #1018 galvanized steel rods, maybe 3/16 in x 72 in. for landscaping. There will be at least 40 trees/shrubs.
hi yannick thank you for all your know how (Mr.wüst too) we install the elektro culture here in ungarn we think the first of world with wine and mixtculture . between the wineplance (zwiebeln knoblau erdbeeren lavendel usw..) if you want we can sent picture of this... you know a lot of ..but not all the earth is not aball teh earth is flat (100% shure) i can sent information of this per email too.... best of (lightning) wishes from silvi and wolfgang
I want to use 3/16 in. x 72 in., #1018 galvanized steel rods to put under landscaping trees I will plant this Autumn. I will plant at least 40 trees, so I can't afford to buy 40 magnetic cylinder antennas. I'd like to make my own, but I don't know what kind of magnets to use. Does anyone here know? The inner diameter needs to be a little larger than 3/16 in., but the mystery is the strength, material, and weight of the magnets. Does anyone have a guess?
You can buy the right magnets directly on my site and make yourself if you want, or you can build a factory to make your own magnets on demand with ceramic clay and machines. Most easy would be to take them on my site, so you are sure to get the right ones that has given best results since 2010 and you will not loose your time.
Because for this technique you need to use galvanised steel wire and not copper wire otherwise it will not work correctly. Iron is ferromagnetic and copper not, it need to be iron to conduct the magnetic energies to the soil with my earth magnetic antenna. A lot of people follow ignorant pseudo experts of electroculture that tell nonsense about copper. Copper is good for making Lakhovsky coils and atmosphéric antennas, not for the earth magnetic antenna. Each technique has his specific metal that works better.
Hello. Je suis allez acheter un tube de 3 mettre en cuivre avec des cable galvanized et en cuivres au magazin brico a orlando en floride la ou j habite. MAIS la dame du magazin m as fait tres peur. Elle m as dit le tonnere aller venir sur mon Electro culture antena et que c etait tres dangereux. Est ce que cela est vrai? Si la foudre tombe sur mon antenne qu est ce qu il vas ce passer?
You put the magnet in the same direction in harmony with the natural poles. I know the north magnetic pole is the south geographic pole on earth, and the north geographic pole on earth is actually a south magnetic pole. I explain all this pore in detail in my documents and workshops.
@@ioewells9563 just use a compass and do like I show and there can not be confusion. In words, there is always confusion because not everybody has same degree of ignorance or knowledge about magnetism on earth and will not understand everything. But when I show, you just need to do the same with the compass, even a child can do.
Good question, me too. Ask to the scientific institutions to do a test and article about this technique. I ask them since 20 years and still wait, in the meantime I do my work and help the gardeners and farmers with real efficient techniques that works, where they observe real results in their gardens and fields. And prepare your wallet because they will ask to pay in most cases. I have other priorities ass to pay people that are already paid with my tax money. I would like they do more interesting experiments then the nonssense they do for poison people with chemicals and toxic fertilisers for multinationals with our tax money. But there is a book full of science information and references of scientific articles of the effect of magnetic on plant growth, fondamental research, look at "The magnetic pulse of life" of Alan Cruise.
Science is a paid institution by the establishment 😂 What you need is to just try your own experiments using "Applied Science" based on theories. The results you seek can be seen with own eyes once you try for yourself. Even using Basalt can be a start to your experiments if you're not interested in building anything.
if you put the magnet backwards in opposite direction as the natural earth magnetic field, then the plants will grow less and weaker. I have test it also.
You can cover huge areas of hectares then you put galvanised steel wires in parallel, north south position, at 1 to 2 m distance from each other, with length can be several meters to hundreds, and all connected to a magnetic antenna. if you put only one wire, then the effect is most on the wire to one meter left and right of it.
@@YannickVD Does each parallel wire need a magnet antenna or does the one all you need? Also, the parallel wires, do they need to be connected to each other as well?
Quote From "Living Energies" Chapter 19.1 "In Viktor's view the use of steel ploughs hadmany detrimental effects on the soil. As thesteel ploughshares are drawn rapidly through the soil, minute ferro-electric and ferro-mag-netic currents are generated in the interactionof hard steel against soil which decomposethe nutrient-laden water molecules in theground in a manner analogous to electrolysis,thereby discharging the soil's potential andreducing the surface-tension of the water mol-ecule. This not only destroys the soil's subtlerenergies, but converts the nutritive elementsor removes them from the mature water mol-ecule. This was demonstrated in the discus-sion of the true facts of electrolysis in chapter8, in which the end product of the process ispure juvenile water, which, as we have seen,is of little benefit to any organism." In addition, small particles of steel areabraded from the shear-surfaces of theploughshare, covering the ground with a thinfilm of rust. As we saw mentioned in thechapter on water supply with steel pipes, thisprovides an ideal breeding ground for thepropagation of pathogenic bacteria, harmfulto both soil and crops. This extra depositionof iron also increases the overall iron contentof the ground and it is a known fact that soilshigh in iron are less water-retentive than soilswhere iron is not present, whereas soils highin copper have the capacity to retain greaterquantities of water. The use of copper replaced the destructive ferro-electromagnetic effects withbeneficial bio-electromagnetic ones whichthrough processes of bio-electromagneticionisation enhanced growth and soil fertility.
This hypothesis seems to be wrong, our experience show it doesn't work like this. I explain more in comments below. Viktor's has also a lot of hypothesis how it works, of his explanations, a hypothesis doesn't mean it is true or like this. We have observed that we can neutralize the harmfull effects of the work of iron tools on the soil with only a little piece of copper and beech wood connected to the iron tool. This experience show it doesn't work like the hypothesis of the chemical effects, but that is is an energetic and subtle energy effect that has profound changes on the fertility of the soil.
In Russia they have invented a technique with an iron steel tool that injects one time a kind of electricity to the soil that increase a whole season fertility to the soil. This shows certain technology can neutralize the harmfull energetic effects of steel tools on soil fertility and even increase fertility with the right energy applied to it.
Inspired by the super water energizer invention from Stanislas Bignand, Marcel Violet and Rodolphe Lavinay, where there is use of beeswax for very specific properties to help energize water with electricity. With the knowledge too of information vibrational transfer through the magnetic field of the magnet that go through the energized beeswax, it will propagate all its good information frequencies to the antenna and wire in the soil. It is highly beneficient. I also energized the beeswax my way to increase the effect.
Just try in your garden, you are able to do it, it is so simple I explain how to do it in my videos, and you will see, if you do not want, just pass by these videos... There are many proofs, scientific resaearch, and testimonials that I share in many videos on my account and sites, just search and study, but if you test by yourself it will probably be a better proof for yourself.
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This is such an important video for this time of our food supply being attacked by global interests and as our magnetic field weakens causing abnormal weather patterns .Our production ability lessens with erratic weather patterns as well as weather systems like late spring and early fall frosts for example . these huge gains in plant health are real equalizers for people who want more healthy and robust plants . Its so great Yannick has kept this knowledge alive and improved upon it even . I have been installing these techniques in my gardens this year and will soon be able to see results . thanks again Yannick i hope you benefit as well now the popularity is growing quickly also .All your years of work will pay off i believe. take care
It's Crazy how something in 5 years gotten only 77K views, And this is crucial to humanity😢
Most people trust those that run the world. I do not. Listen to JFK's last speech before he was assassinated. The world is run by luciferians. They own and control everything.
That’s because the powers that shouldn’t be don’t want us to know about the powers that magnetism holds . There’s only one country in the world that holds any college courses on magnetism and some of its benefits,ie (some)
I've tried experimenting with these techniques with my tomatoes and have found that the tomatoes I've used electro culturing and fertilization with have surpassed the growth of the tomatoes I started seeding a week before
you sir are a genius and asset to the human race! God bless you for this work you do!
Are you still there Herr Dornne? I am 6 years later, but thank God for this Video!
Harnessing that POWER of the Atmosphere😎 Nature Freedom Dreams.
Vielen Dank für das super Video. Werde es gleich in der nächsten Gartensaison anwenden. 😊
Great video, questions, how many magnets and what type are they? and when do you change the wire?
Muito bom. Saudações. Sul do Brasil. Começando a estudar e fazer experiências.
im surprised the galvanized steel worked, i thought it was best to use copper. good to know, thanks for the information.
Copper has very weak interactions with magnetic fields
No, because copper is diamagnetic and for this technique you need a ferromagnetic material or ferromagnetic metal, maybe a paramagnetic substance could work too
super ! Ich entdecke immer mehr, danke !! Was tun bei Wühlmäusen ,die von all den konv. Feldern auf unseres umziehen....bei Trockenheit wie jetzt umsomehr. Die Arbeit mache ich gerne, aber dann gräbt nach mir einer alles wieder aus - das ist demotivierend im Moment.....Liebe Grüße aus Norddeutschland
Your magnets are fantastic. They make me feel incredible and uplift my entire mood. Are they kown to have such powerful effects on the body. I cant wait to put thess in the ground next year
Is the wire attached to a pole or just sitting in the ground?
This video shows Galvanized steel wire running north and south on ground then buried.
In my experiments I do add atmospheric antennas to this as well.
You can try with and also without. The more Electro culture or magneto culture devices you add the better.
Like adding Lakovsky coils ❤
Where do i get those magnets at¿
i cant imagine how impressive this can be if you treat your seeds in the ionized air of stone caverns
Fantastic, a video in English! Good work. Have you tried this with a copper wire? I also noticed you're using a steel or iron shovel also. What advantages does this have using Iron, over Schaubergers principles with copper?
it is better with copper like Schauberger explains. We have invented a copper piece you can put on your iron shovel to neutralize the bad energy of iron when you work with it on the earth, to maintain the vitality energy in the soil. You find it on my french website, I will put it also on my english one soon.
Il y a aussi ce tuto en français :) ?
Schauberger did not use iron or steel because of the rust that will come off the shovel, not the "bad energies". The rust that flakes off in friction is breaking down the healthy soil microbes. Galvanized wire will take longer time to rust, but it will eventually rust. This wire magnet idea seems better with copper wire. Watched a couple of your lectures already and would like to see more of the solar ideas. Maybe use solar current in a coil to create magnetic field that slowly pulses with the daily sunlight. Thank you for the inspiration, fantastic!
solar current is artificial electricity and that creates a kind of pollution. I prefer to use only passif antennas increasing natural electric phenomenons
The iron rust is not a problem for the earth and plants. Schaubergers shows the energetic disturbance of the energetic vitality of the soil and fields of the plants, with the work with iron tools. You don't have that bad energetic effect with copper tools, but you can also neutralize the bad energetic influence of iron tools with a little copper harmonizer on it like I show on my french site and presentations. Tou don't have to look at it about copper or iron ions or oxydation, but you have to approach this about the energetic effects of these materials and their interaction.
@Yannick VD What is the purpose of the beeswax around the magnet?
Waxes hold charge. Like natural capacitors
looks like this system will work well with the JDAM (Korean Natural farming) as they keep planting in the same beds over a long period of time...
You are correct❤
great video Yannick. we would like to implement your program at our place. can we get DVD of your full program. we cannot attend the seminars you give. mygreathanks
I will make a series of new videos in english. Just be patient and stay in touch.
Hopefully you seen Yannick Van Dorne's videos made in 2023 with Angela it's a wealth of info ❤
So with the setup he buried , how much area will that cover in the increased growth ?
Does it has to go in each row?
You can put a magnetic antenna on each row to make it easy, but you can also connects all the wires of the rows together at the south side and connect to one antenna.
hi, if the galvanized steel iron line is keep 5 inches above the ground. will it still work?
yes, it works also, but I think little less. The best is to put in the soil.
@@YannickVD oh i see. i will try to make it lowered to slightly below the soil surface
Hi Yannick, how many feet does the magnetic field extend horizontally from the wire? You put the wire in the middle of 2 rows, and it covers both? Thanks!
Around one meter maximum on each side, so around 3 feet on each side. In reality the energy will decrease with the distance and be almost zero one meter each side, that is why we put one wire oriented north south each on to 2 meters maximum distance from each other, to create a homogenous energy field.
I am very interested in considering testing the ability to manage a combinations of ecosystems and biomes. I am thinking that it could be possible to improve the water quality of the water in the Magothy river by reducing the need for petrochemicals, and fertilizers through the use of your reintroduction of ancient farming techniques. This could potentiall red]ice the nitrogen blooms from the flash flood runoff a from heavy rain storms. For Thur more if we reduce the nitrogen blooms, could the electro-culturing and fertilization tecniqued be use to improve the spat redevelopment prgram? Could this then be a catalyst for the cleansing of the ecosystem and an increase in the the crab and fish poplations?
They could already have totally eliminated the use of natural gas based fertilizers with electroculture. The fact is, that would not be profitable for a bunch of very rich individuals, so they suppress these inventions instead of making them widespread. There have been a few people in usa that developed hydrogen cars using only water, they are all dead.
you say put the magnet on the south but if we are in the southern hemisphere do we put the magnet on the north side?
Excellent question.
He did videos in 2023 that explains everything. It's a wealth of information
You put the magnetic antenna also on the south side and the wire going to the north with starting at the magnetic antenna. The magnetic field is in the same direction in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere, so this does not change, it is the same rule. Just take a compass as reference. Look at my course presentation about the cylinder magnetic antenna and I explain it in detail and show it.
What function does wrapping the wire around the rebar achieve
This is just to hold the wire straight. Not absolutely necessary.
Where can i buy the magnetic 🧲 at?
Can you replace the galvanized wire with copper magnetized wire?
No, because copper is diamagnetic and for this technique you need a ferromagnetic material or ferromagnetic metal, maybe a paramagnetic subtance could work too
Do you think these techniques could be use in aquaculturing or farming to improve day the rebuilding of oyster reefs and aquatic biomes?
Yes for sure, it can also be used underwater.
with the magnet do you mean the north pole of the magnet or the north seeking pole ?
I will make a new video of this technique in english to explain in detail how to do, so it will be more clear. Put my magnetic antenna in same direction as compass earth magnetic field, if you put it opposite that the compass turn upside down then it's bad, you always need to respect earths magnetic field. The galvanised steel wire will be oriented north south, with the antenna at south geographic end, and the wire going to the north like shown by the compass. The wire can be several hunderds of meters length with only one magnetic antenna, it works. Trees grow generally twice as rapid, allmost all vegetable plants from the garden will also grow much better, more then 30% better for most of them, sometimes even more then double. You can buy my antennas on my site , i deliver all around the world, also in the US.
do you think a scaled down version ( like a magnet in a pot plant ) would work? I am specifically thinking about Pot plants in pots.
I would not place a magnet in a little pot, because if the magnet move of direction with handling and time, it can be worse all around.
In a pot I advice to use a Lakhovsky coil or a double spiral, and some paramagnetic rock.
@@YannickVD thank you for your reply and your good work - cheers man
@K Parker Maybe if you put the rod through multiple pots to keep them aligned with the magnet on the south end it may work. Worth a try anyways.
what is the recommended width for each row
I've watched recently.. many videos on Electroculture. Most of them reccomend using COPPER wire. Your thoughts?
Ich habe mir in letzter Zeit viele Videos über Elektrokultur angesehen. Die meisten von ihnen empfehlen die Verwendung von Kupferdraht. Ihre Gedanken?
Copper or galvanised iron or aluminium wire depends on the technique or application. For each technique a specific metal is more adapted. For this application in this video it is galvanised steel wire and not copper or aluminium, because for this application you need ferromagnetic material as iron.
thank you
Can I just use rare earth magnets without the bees wax, I have some now with holes in them.
You can use them but better is ferrite magnets. They need to be well oriented, this is the most important aspect, when they are too little, they will move over time and disturb the energies what is very bad.
@@YannickVD Hi Yannick, what strength should the magnets be for each wire? In your videos, you seem to use 6 magnets that total about 3 inches (7.62 cm). I want to put magnets on #1018 galvanized steel rods, maybe 3/16 in x 72 in. for landscaping. There will be at least 40 trees/shrubs.
@@peternyche has the magnets on his website
hi yannick
thank you for all your know how (Mr.wüst too)
we install the elektro culture here in ungarn we think the first of world with wine and mixtculture .
between the wineplance (zwiebeln knoblau erdbeeren lavendel usw..)
if you want we can sent picture of this...
you know a lot of ..but not all
the earth is not aball teh earth is flat (100% shure)
i can sent information of this per email too....
best of (lightning) wishes from silvi and wolfgang
Send me pictures of your experiments with electroculture or testimonials, to my email or message yannickvd11 at
I want to use 3/16 in. x 72 in., #1018 galvanized steel rods to put under landscaping trees I will plant this Autumn. I will plant at least 40 trees, so I can't afford to buy 40 magnetic cylinder antennas. I'd like to make my own, but I don't know what kind of magnets to use. Does anyone here know? The inner diameter needs to be a little larger than 3/16 in., but the mystery is the strength, material, and weight of the magnets. Does anyone have a guess?
You can buy the right magnets directly on my site and make yourself if you want, or you can build a factory to make your own magnets on demand with ceramic clay and machines. Most easy would be to take them on my site, so you are sure to get the right ones that has given best results since 2010 and you will not loose your time.
Why doesn't Yannick just use copper wire?
Because for this technique you need to use galvanised steel wire and not copper wire otherwise it will not work correctly. Iron is ferromagnetic and copper not, it need to be iron to conduct the magnetic energies to the soil with my earth magnetic antenna. A lot of people follow ignorant pseudo experts of electroculture that tell nonsense about copper. Copper is good for making Lakhovsky coils and atmosphéric antennas, not for the earth magnetic antenna. Each technique has his specific metal that works better.
@@YannickVD Thank you Yannick.
Je suis allez acheter un tube de 3 mettre en cuivre avec des cable galvanized et en cuivres au magazin brico a orlando en floride la ou j habite. MAIS la dame du magazin m as fait tres peur. Elle m as dit le tonnere aller venir sur mon Electro culture antena et que c etait tres dangereux. Est ce que cela est vrai? Si la foudre tombe sur mon antenne qu est ce qu il vas ce passer?
Il ne va rien se passer. Même si par chance le tonnerre tomberait dessus cela ne pose aucun problème particulier.
The Earth's North Pole is actually a South magnetic pole. So this device is placed to have an opposite polarity to the Earth's magnetic field?
You put the magnet in the same direction in harmony with the natural poles. I know the north magnetic pole is the south geographic pole on earth, and the north geographic pole on earth is actually a south magnetic pole. I explain all this pore in detail in my documents and workshops.
@@YannickVD If you use "north seeking pole or south seeking pole" it eliminates the confussion
@@ioewells9563 just use a compass and do like I show and there can not be confusion. In words, there is always confusion because not everybody has same degree of ignorance or knowledge about magnetism on earth and will not understand everything. But when I show, you just need to do the same with the compass, even a child can do.
Thanks a lot
Nice video, when close my eyes I hear a voice, I'LL BE BACK
Where is a some concrete data on the efficacy of this method? I'd like to see some science. Thx.
Good question, me too. Ask to the scientific institutions to do a test and article about this technique. I ask them since 20 years and still wait, in the meantime I do my work and help the gardeners and farmers with real efficient techniques that works, where they observe real results in their gardens and fields. And prepare your wallet because they will ask to pay in most cases. I have other priorities ass to pay people that are already paid with my tax money. I would like they do more interesting experiments then the nonssense they do for poison people with chemicals and toxic fertilisers for multinationals with our tax money.
But there is a book full of science information and references of scientific articles of the effect of magnetic on plant growth, fondamental research, look at "The magnetic pulse of life" of Alan Cruise.
Science is a paid institution by the establishment 😂 What you need is to just try your own experiments using "Applied Science" based on theories. The results you seek can be seen with own eyes once you try for yourself.
Even using Basalt can be a start to your experiments if you're not interested in building anything.
I put the magnet backwards and killed the weeds.
if you put the magnet backwards in opposite direction as the natural earth magnetic field, then the plants will grow less and weaker. I have test it also.
how much square food of area does that one application cover???
You can cover huge areas of hectares then you put galvanised steel wires in parallel, north south position, at 1 to 2 m distance from each other, with length can be several meters to hundreds, and all connected to a magnetic antenna. if you put only one wire, then the effect is most on the wire to one meter left and right of it.
@@YannickVD Does each parallel wire need a magnet antenna or does the one all you need? Also, the parallel wires, do they need to be connected to each other as well?
Quote From "Living Energies" Chapter 19.1
"In Viktor's view the use of steel ploughs hadmany detrimental effects on the soil. As thesteel ploughshares are drawn rapidly through the soil, minute ferro-electric and ferro-mag-netic currents are generated in the interactionof hard steel against soil which decomposethe nutrient-laden water molecules in theground in a manner analogous to electrolysis,thereby discharging the soil's potential andreducing the surface-tension of the water mol-ecule. This not only destroys the soil's subtlerenergies, but converts the nutritive elementsor removes them from the mature water mol-ecule. This was demonstrated in the discus-sion of the true facts of electrolysis in chapter8, in which the end product of the process ispure juvenile water, which, as we have seen,is of little benefit to any organism."
In addition, small particles of steel areabraded from the shear-surfaces of theploughshare, covering the ground with a thinfilm of rust. As we saw mentioned in thechapter on water supply with steel pipes, thisprovides an ideal breeding ground for thepropagation of pathogenic bacteria, harmfulto both soil and crops. This extra depositionof iron also increases the overall iron contentof the ground and it is a known fact that soilshigh in iron are less water-retentive than soilswhere iron is not present, whereas soils highin copper have the capacity to retain greaterquantities of water.
The use of copper replaced the destructive ferro-electromagnetic effects withbeneficial bio-electromagnetic ones whichthrough processes of bio-electromagneticionisation enhanced growth and soil fertility.
This hypothesis seems to be wrong, our experience show it doesn't work like this. I explain more in comments below. Viktor's has also a lot of hypothesis how it works, of his explanations, a hypothesis doesn't mean it is true or like this. We have observed that we can neutralize the harmfull effects of the work of iron tools on the soil with only a little piece of copper and beech wood connected to the iron tool. This experience show it doesn't work like the hypothesis of the chemical effects, but that is is an energetic and subtle energy effect that has profound changes on the fertility of the soil.
In Russia they have invented a technique with an iron steel tool that injects one time a kind of electricity to the soil that increase a whole season fertility to the soil. This shows certain technology can neutralize the harmfull energetic effects of steel tools on soil fertility and even increase fertility with the right energy applied to it.
Hello Yannick! Please, could you tell me more about that technology?
@@YannickVD Yes I also want to know more about this technology. Maybe you can give us a website or a contact to find out more?
How about in reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides no golf courses?
It is something to test, normally it will work very well too.
Cool thanks buddy cheers Ricky 🕺💃🎶🎵🐈⬛🎸🙏🥷🔥🤺🎈🐅💦
cool why bees wax?
Inspired by the super water energizer invention from Stanislas Bignand, Marcel Violet and Rodolphe Lavinay, where there is use of beeswax for very specific properties to help energize water with electricity. With the knowledge too of information vibrational transfer through the magnetic field of the magnet that go through the energized beeswax, it will propagate all its good information frequencies to the antenna and wire in the soil. It is highly beneficient. I also energized the beeswax my way to increase the effect.
Porfavor subtítulos en español 😞
Hydroponics science fair I left at
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." -Carl Sagan
Just try in your garden, you are able to do it, it is so simple I explain how to do it in my videos, and you will see, if you do not want, just pass by these videos... There are many proofs, scientific resaearch, and testimonials that I share in many videos on my account and sites, just search and study, but if you test by yourself it will probably be a better proof for yourself.
Atheists are as lazy as they are arrogant
poor you!