Summary: The story follows Izuku, a young six-year-old (first chapter at least) boy who dreams of becoming a hero despite being quirkless. Despite facing ridicule, Izuku remains determined to achieve his goal. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters a legendary hero in need of help. Through a series of events, Izuku inherits a powerful quirk and discovers a hidden world of heroes and villains. As he navigates this new reality, Izuku faces challenges, makes allies, and uncovers secrets about his past and the origins of his newfound abilities. With courage and determination, Izuku embarks on a journey to become the hero he has always dreamed of being.
More this epic
Summary: The story follows Izuku, a young six-year-old (first chapter at least) boy who dreams of becoming a hero despite being quirkless. Despite facing ridicule, Izuku remains determined to achieve his goal. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters a legendary hero in need of help. Through a series of events, Izuku inherits a powerful quirk and discovers a hidden world of heroes and villains. As he navigates this new reality, Izuku faces challenges, makes allies, and uncovers secrets about his past and the origins of his newfound abilities. With courage and determination, Izuku embarks on a journey to become the hero he has always dreamed of being.
Thank you
Part 2 pls❤
Please for part 2
Part 2?