Has anyone ever looked up the word “touch” in the verse where Eve says, “neither shall we touch it”? The word in Hebrew is “smite”. The word “midst” in Hebrew can also mean “among”. How do we know if the tree of knowledge of good and evil might be the (living beings) as in animals among the garden. Could it be that Adam (which means mankind and Eve, womankind could represent mankind and womankind began lusting for animal flesh. After all, it’s talking about eating. Just like the story of the children in the wilderness lusting for flesh. All those that ate the quails (flesh) died. Could it be, as soon as their spiritual bodies ate flesh, they were also made flesh and became mortal. The skin God put on them might be the skin on our bodies. Why mention God putting coats of skin on Adam and Eve (mankind) unless it’s important. How do we know it’s not talking about skin as in “flesh bodies”. The scripture can be understood many different ways, but those who refuse to give up eating the flesh bodies of living beings will never translate to anything that might disclose this. The fact that most people couldn’t slice the throat of a baby lamb, shows the Commandments are written in our hearts. But one with a heart of stone could do it. I have a problem accepting how easily the priests could slice the throats of baby lambs regularly. In fact it says to break the neck of a lamb in Exodus 13:13. There are plenty of verses that say God despised their animal sacrifice and even says God never commanded it. Interestingly, the people ignore those verses. Jeremiah 7:22 Isaiah 66:3 Isaiah 1:11-17 Psalms 40:6 Psalms 51:16 Hosea 6:6 Even Jesus said, go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice”. Matthew 9:13. Blessed are those with eyes to see.
Thank you SOOOO very much Judy for watching and taking time and care to share your thoughts on Genesis 3! I agree, animal sacrifices, especially wee lambs, is extremely hard to understand and even worse to imagine. Understanding the Old Testament laws and how it relates to atonement and forgiveness is more complex than I can fully understand. A friend shared a study on the book of Leviticus that I plan on listening to (it's an audio sermon online). (Not sure if I'll be able to 'doodle' that book.... !?) Am I misunderstanding your comment/question regarding the 'tree of good and evil' in that you're pondering if the tree were actually animals not to be eaten in the garden? I'll admit I've never heard of that idea before! When I read 'tree' I have to believe that it is a tree and not a complex symbol to confuse us. I did see a video from the Bible Project that related the symbolism of this 'tree of good and evil' as representing our human will vs. God's will for us. Our thoughts/desires/will as being in conflict with God's... and thus the spiraling of humankind in horrible sin etc. When reading Get 3:3 it says in KJV "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." When I read 'tree' with fruit, which in Genesis 1:11 says that fruit trees yield fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself... which does not sound like an animal to me since animals don't bear seeds for fruit but bear seeds for baby animals of their own kind. I would hope that scripture wouldn't try to be so tricky and if it was an animal, it would simply have stated animal instead of tree and flesh instead of fruit. Covering Adam and Eve's shame and sin and expelling them from the garden wearing 'garments of skin' would also be a constant heavy reminder of what they had done. (Gen 3:21) Your comment about our skin being - our skin on a spiritual body becoming flesh was interesting. We are spiritual beings with a body after all, but doesn't it say that Adam was made from the dust of the ground (Gen: 2:7) and Eve was brought forth from his rib? (Gen 2:22) Still sounds odd to me and I won't claim to understand how that works. Dirt and bone would be physical matter. Could our spirit have entered Adam through God's breath into his nostrils - the "breath of life?" (Gen 2:7) I don't know... just pondering out loud. When we die... we return to the dust... but our spirit is not bound to the dirt. In Genesis 4 brothers Cain and Abel offer God a sacrifice. Abel offered the 'firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof'. And Cain brought 'fruit of the ground.' God rejected Cain's offering (was it his heart posture of the sacrifice more than 'what it was'?? I don't know! Both perhaps...?)... but that made Cain soooooo jealous and mad that he killed his own brother. Yikes! (Gen 4:8) What's really special in the verses you mentioned is how our heart and mind is relating TO the sacrifice. Is it precious to us? Is it an idol? Is it no big deal? Done with humility or pride? Done with righteousness or obligation? Is it actually for pagan deity?! Is there hypocrisy? Were sacrifices done 'to look good' and more devout than others? Like the example of a rich man offering gold coins (that wouldn't be missed so it wasn't a sacrifice) VS. the widow who was down to her very last coin (which is a huge sacrifice to her and therefore more precious in the eyes of God.) God knows were our hearts and minds are. In OT days, would it have been a more valuable sacrifice to offer an unblemished, prized innocent little lamb - the only lamb an Old Testament family might have to save all year for to raise and keep - or a lame old sheep? (PS SO glad that I was not born in that era as a Levite priest!!!!) How hard is it for us today to do a sugar or coffee fast and suppress our freshly desires? (Speaking for myself... hard!!!! LOL) Even more poignant is Abraham's obedience to sacrifice his own son Isaac, down to the knife blade last moment... for God to provide a ram caught in the thicket instead. (Gen 22:13) And of course, the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf, to save us from our sins. A merciful gift that we can't possibly be good enough to earn or deserve. The lamb of God. No more sacrificial system needed (for Christians anyway.) It's a lot to absorb for sure and still is mind blowing to me. The reality is, there are STILL animal sacrifices happening all of the world in a multitude of various other religions and traditions. I googled. I don't recommend looking at photos! I spent multiple hours this afternoon reading scripture and thoughtfully contemplating your comments. I really appreciate you and your insights/questions, and bravery in putting your thoughts out there. Anything that causes us to stop, read, contemplate, and discuss is valuable time spent in God's word!! I'm not a theologian and would never claim to be 100% right on all things - far from it! We read, study, and engage in sermons and commentaries so that we try to understand a portion until one day we will know everything clearly and in full! YES, as you said, blessed are those with eyes to see. Thank you, you made my day taking the time to comment on my tiny little channel! May God bless you and your loved ones in the coming new year - 2025! 🥰🙏
I agree that the knowledge of good and evil could very well be their own thoughts. It makes perfect sense. It could be the pondering by mankind to “touch” as in smite an animal because they lusted for flesh. Remember beast in Hebrew is “living being”. Mankind already knew it was wrong to hurt or kill any living being. It’s very doubtful they were slaughtering and eating animals in the garden of Eden. But perhaps that’s exactly what happened which could have been thousands of years later and caused mankind to become mortal flesh themselves. You mentioned seed being only related to fruit, but the word seed is many times used in a human context. Gen 7:3 talks about God saying he will keep Noah’s “seed” alive, Gen 12:7 refers to Abraham’s seed being given land. Jesus’s parable of the wheat and the tares uses seed in a human context. The Bible talks about the tree or the vine and the children being the branches. In Genesis 1:20 it shows mankind and womankind being created simultaneously on the 6th day. Gen 5:2 says male and female created he them…and called “their name” Adam. Adam in Hebrew is mankind as in humans. Adam also means, to show BLOOD in the face although the Hebrew is slightly different. Was there blood in the face before they became mortal? Perhaps they were the first couple to shed blood. It’s said by scholars that Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 were from two different books originally. Gen 1 says male and female created simultaneously. Gen 2 says the male was created first. If God created all the animals and didn’t mention taking a rib from the animal to create a female counterpart, why would God have to create a man first and then a woman counterpart? We know the Church and the synagogue always put the male first. Most of the Bible leave out the women. Most scholars are male and most churches and synagogues did not allow women to be in any church or synagogue office. The ancient scrolls show Mary Magdalene was a disciple and Peter was contrary to her position. As a Jew, that is understandable. Regarding scripture, Jeremiah 8:8 says the pen of the scribes is “in vain”. The Hebrew word vain is actually, false lies, untruth. Thus Jeremiah was warning the people the scriptures were being corrupted. Even Jesus called the Temple scribes a bunch of vipers and hypocrites. Matt 23. This is why many of the Jews left the Temple and lived in the wilderness. They didn’t believe in sacrifice or the eating of flesh and they were teaching as was Jesus the scriptures were corrupted which is why they feared for their lives. I believe both truth and lies are among the scriptures. The truth might very well be hidden for those with eyes to see. If we know we couldn’t take a knife and slice the throat of a baby lamb, or any creature, it tells us it’s because it was written in our hearts that it’s wrong. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 gives the Commandments. Note at Deuteronomy 5:22 says these words were spoken by God and then it says AND HE ADDED NO MORE and wrote them on two tablets of stone and delivered them to Moses. Thus, thou shalt not kill means thou shalt not kill. Yet later it shows God giving a multitude of laws, (called the law of Moses). Well the laws of Moses involve killing. And later it shows God telling them to go ahead and kill every man, woman, child and infant, and kill all their animals. Go to Deuteronomy 31:19 and read what Moses was told to write (as a witness against the people). Then look at Deuteronomy 31:26 and see what was written (as a witness against them). See if you notice a gigantic change in a word. Then read from Deuteronomy 31:19 through to Deuteronomy 32:46 and see if you can find what’s going on between the word song and law (Torah). Incidentally, The word law in those verses is Torah, thus referring to the first 5 books of the Bible and not the Commandments.
@judygodwin8886 It sounds like you have some conflicting views about scripture. You’re bringing up a lot of arguments here and going in several different directions to make your point about ways you question scripture. I’ll just respond to a couple: In some areas where Jesus talks about a tree as an analogy, for example, when he describes being the vine and the followers being the branches, it’s really clear that it’s an analogy. Genesis is a little different. Even if parts of Genesis are analogy, they are meant to be an analogy about specific and tangible things. Like when it says in Genesis 1:14, about the lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day and night, it is directly referring to the sun, moon, and stars. And in Genesis 2:8-9, where it says that God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and out of the ground trees were growing, it’s using the word tree to refer to an actual tree. There were true trees that were very unique to the garden. The tree of life and the tree of good and evil. Now, these trees may represent that God provided the opportunity for man to CHOOSE to live and trust Him…or not, but they are still referring to trees. If God had not provided an opportunity for mankind to choose something other than His will then making would not know what it actually means to have the choice to trust and obey God or not. God wanted mankind to have a choice. This scripture is not making a point about about animals or the first death, but about trees and choice. God would have made the first sacrifice of animal in Genesis 3:21 to clothe Adam and Eve. Man was already a living being, as mentioned in Gen. 2:7. So the flesh of the animal was to cover his body to help him deal with the shame of being exposed. As far as your question / concern about the possibility that the tree was an animal, i’m not sure where you’re getting that from. I could not find any theologians who have ever interpreted it that way before. And as far as the choice to eat animals being a sin, Jesus, partook of fish and lamb for passover and was without sin, so there is a conflict there. Even if it was not a part of God‘s original plan for mankind to eat of animals, this became permissible. That’s my take on a few of your main original points. I’m response to your many other conflicting concerns about scripture, I encourage you to find somebody who you can process some of these things with who regularly studies scripture. We can find a lot of strange ideas online, but we want to be careful that we are not learning from people who are interpreting scripture according to personal agenda. The scriptures are several historical books joined together, and one larger body of writing. The scriptures do not tell, lies and truth, but are inspired writings. That’s not to say that scriptures do not leave us with any questions. But as we study them and take time to interpret them, we must always do that according to the original text and to their situation in time so that we might understand the original intent and historical meaning and significance of the text. Blessings to you in your endeavors to ask questions about, study, and deeply understand scripture. I have learned over many years at the most important part of my studying scripture is learning how to apply to my life day by day. ❤ By the way, to the video creator, I absolutely love these videos. I do love that you’re not necessarily trying to teach or interpret the scriptures, but you are creating these artistic displays of what is presented in the written word. Thank you for Doodling the Bible with your gifts and I hope you continue to create more of these. 👍🏻
I really appreciate your passion for God's word and really diving in and thinking deeply and studying it. I'm not a theologian or apologist, so I'm not qualified to agree or disagree with what you are generously sharing. I just encourage you to keep in the Word and asking God to illuminate His character day by day. It's a journey for each of us, and I would consider myself as just being at the early steps of the journey - certainly not a seasoned expert who has walked through every hill, mountain top, valley, and crevice. The Bible is fascinating! Yes, when I mentioned seed, I was trying to simply say that seed begets that it's designed for... fruit seed makes fruit, animal 'seed' makes animals, human 'seed' makes more humans... that's all. There are a lot of seed references in the bible that's for sure - especially surrounding the legacy of Abraham. There are some wonderful women in the Bible and I remember as study I took years ago where they mentioned that certain women were specially highlighted as being so important in the long geneaology lists where usually they were usually just the men. There are numerous books that highlight extraordinary women in the bible. I have only read one so far... Also, Kristi McClelland has a study called "Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now" that was so interesting and beautiful how he respected the honor and righteousness of women that was new. On youtube there are creators who focus on discussing theological debates of all kinds and have open question times, apologetics etc. that could be really rewarding and fun for you to engage with too. God bless you and your loved ones this coming new year!
Welcome to this little channel! Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment! I really appreciate your encouragement. I'm really enjoying my quiet time with God reading and re-reading and studying line by line as I go. There for sure are confusing parts that are hard (for me) to understand and some that are also quite shocking!! LOL It's been fun investigating commentaries of theologians of the past and of today to compare. There are many nuanced different perspectives especially within the MANY different denominations too. Never boring!! I appreciate and respect your love of scripture and study of God's word. God bless you and your loved ones in this exciting new year that's upon us!
Has anyone ever looked up the word “touch” in the verse where Eve says, “neither shall we touch it”?
The word in Hebrew is “smite”.
The word “midst” in Hebrew can also mean “among”.
How do we know if the tree of knowledge of good and evil might be the (living beings) as in animals among the garden.
Could it be that Adam (which means mankind and Eve, womankind could represent mankind and womankind began lusting for animal flesh.
After all, it’s talking about eating.
Just like the story of the children in the wilderness lusting for flesh.
All those that ate the quails (flesh) died.
Could it be, as soon as their spiritual bodies ate flesh, they were also made flesh and became mortal.
The skin God put on them might be the skin on our bodies.
Why mention God putting coats of skin on Adam and Eve (mankind) unless it’s important.
How do we know it’s not talking about skin as in “flesh bodies”.
The scripture can be understood many different ways, but those who refuse to give up eating the flesh bodies of living beings will never translate to anything that might disclose this.
The fact that most people couldn’t slice the throat of a baby lamb, shows the Commandments are written in our hearts.
But one with a heart of stone could do it.
I have a problem accepting how easily the priests could slice the throats of baby lambs regularly.
In fact it says to break the neck of a lamb in Exodus 13:13.
There are plenty of verses that say God despised their animal sacrifice and even says God never commanded it.
Interestingly, the people ignore those verses.
Jeremiah 7:22
Isaiah 66:3
Isaiah 1:11-17
Psalms 40:6
Psalms 51:16
Hosea 6:6
Even Jesus said, go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice”.
Matthew 9:13.
Blessed are those with eyes to see.
Thank you SOOOO very much Judy for watching and taking time and care to share your thoughts on Genesis 3! I agree, animal sacrifices, especially wee lambs, is extremely hard to understand and even worse to imagine. Understanding the Old Testament laws and how it relates to atonement and forgiveness is more complex than I can fully understand. A friend shared a study on the book of Leviticus that I plan on listening to (it's an audio sermon online). (Not sure if I'll be able to 'doodle' that book.... !?)
Am I misunderstanding your comment/question regarding the 'tree of good and evil' in that you're pondering if the tree were actually animals not to be eaten in the garden? I'll admit I've never heard of that idea before! When I read 'tree' I have to believe that it is a tree and not a complex symbol to confuse us. I did see a video from the Bible Project that related the symbolism of this 'tree of good and evil' as representing our human will vs. God's will for us. Our thoughts/desires/will as being in conflict with God's... and thus the spiraling of humankind in horrible sin etc.
When reading Get 3:3 it says in KJV "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." When I read 'tree' with fruit, which in Genesis 1:11 says that fruit trees yield fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself... which does not sound like an animal to me since animals don't bear seeds for fruit but bear seeds for baby animals of their own kind. I would hope that scripture wouldn't try to be so tricky and if it was an animal, it would simply have stated animal instead of tree and flesh instead of fruit. Covering Adam and Eve's shame and sin and expelling them from the garden wearing 'garments of skin' would also be a constant heavy reminder of what they had done. (Gen 3:21) Your comment about our skin being - our skin on a spiritual body becoming flesh was interesting. We are spiritual beings with a body after all, but doesn't it say that Adam was made from the dust of the ground (Gen: 2:7) and Eve was brought forth from his rib? (Gen 2:22) Still sounds odd to me and I won't claim to understand how that works. Dirt and bone would be physical matter. Could our spirit have entered Adam through God's breath into his nostrils - the "breath of life?" (Gen 2:7) I don't know... just pondering out loud. When we die... we return to the dust... but our spirit is not bound to the dirt.
In Genesis 4 brothers Cain and Abel offer God a sacrifice. Abel offered the 'firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof'. And Cain brought 'fruit of the ground.' God rejected Cain's offering (was it his heart posture of the sacrifice more than 'what it was'?? I don't know! Both perhaps...?)... but that made Cain soooooo jealous and mad that he killed his own brother. Yikes! (Gen 4:8)
What's really special in the verses you mentioned is how our heart and mind is relating TO the sacrifice. Is it precious to us? Is it an idol? Is it no big deal? Done with humility or pride? Done with righteousness or obligation? Is it actually for pagan deity?! Is there hypocrisy? Were sacrifices done 'to look good' and more devout than others? Like the example of a rich man offering gold coins (that wouldn't be missed so it wasn't a sacrifice) VS. the widow who was down to her very last coin (which is a huge sacrifice to her and therefore more precious in the eyes of God.) God knows were our hearts and minds are. In OT days, would it have been a more valuable sacrifice to offer an unblemished, prized innocent little lamb - the only lamb an Old Testament family might have to save all year for to raise and keep - or a lame old sheep? (PS SO glad that I was not born in that era as a Levite priest!!!!) How hard is it for us today to do a sugar or coffee fast and suppress our freshly desires? (Speaking for myself... hard!!!! LOL) Even more poignant is Abraham's obedience to sacrifice his own son Isaac, down to the knife blade last moment... for God to provide a ram caught in the thicket instead. (Gen 22:13) And of course, the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf, to save us from our sins. A merciful gift that we can't possibly be good enough to earn or deserve. The lamb of God. No more sacrificial system needed (for Christians anyway.) It's a lot to absorb for sure and still is mind blowing to me. The reality is, there are STILL animal sacrifices happening all of the world in a multitude of various other religions and traditions. I googled. I don't recommend looking at photos!
I spent multiple hours this afternoon reading scripture and thoughtfully contemplating your comments. I really appreciate you and your insights/questions, and bravery in putting your thoughts out there. Anything that causes us to stop, read, contemplate, and discuss is valuable time spent in God's word!! I'm not a theologian and would never claim to be 100% right on all things - far from it! We read, study, and engage in sermons and commentaries so that we try to understand a portion until one day we will know everything clearly and in full! YES, as you said, blessed are those with eyes to see. Thank you, you made my day taking the time to comment on my tiny little channel! May God bless you and your loved ones in the coming new year - 2025! 🥰🙏
I agree that the knowledge of good and evil could very well be their own thoughts.
It makes perfect sense.
It could be the pondering by mankind to “touch” as in smite an animal because they lusted for flesh.
Remember beast in Hebrew is “living being”.
Mankind already knew it was wrong to hurt or kill any living being.
It’s very doubtful they were slaughtering and eating animals in the garden of Eden.
But perhaps that’s exactly what happened which could have been thousands of years later and caused mankind to become mortal flesh themselves.
You mentioned seed being only related to fruit, but the word seed is many times used in a human context.
Gen 7:3 talks about God saying he will keep Noah’s “seed” alive, Gen 12:7 refers to Abraham’s seed being given land.
Jesus’s parable of the wheat and the tares uses seed in a human context.
The Bible talks about the tree or the vine and the children being the branches.
In Genesis 1:20 it shows mankind and womankind being created simultaneously on the 6th day.
Gen 5:2 says male and female created he them…and called “their name” Adam.
Adam in Hebrew is mankind as in humans.
Adam also means, to show BLOOD in the face although the Hebrew is slightly different.
Was there blood in the face before they became mortal?
Perhaps they were the first couple to shed blood.
It’s said by scholars that Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 were from two different books originally.
Gen 1 says male and female created simultaneously.
Gen 2 says the male was created first.
If God created all the animals and didn’t mention taking a rib from the animal to create a female counterpart, why would God have to create a man first and then a woman counterpart?
We know the Church and the synagogue always put the male first.
Most of the Bible leave out the women.
Most scholars are male and most churches and synagogues did not allow women to be in any church or synagogue office.
The ancient scrolls show Mary Magdalene was a disciple and Peter was contrary to her position. As a Jew, that is understandable.
Regarding scripture,
Jeremiah 8:8 says the pen of the scribes is “in vain”.
The Hebrew word vain is actually, false lies, untruth.
Thus Jeremiah was warning the people the scriptures were being corrupted.
Even Jesus called the Temple scribes a bunch of vipers and hypocrites. Matt 23.
This is why many of the Jews left the Temple and lived in the wilderness.
They didn’t believe in sacrifice or the eating of flesh and they were teaching as was Jesus the scriptures were corrupted which is why they feared for their lives.
I believe both truth and lies are among the scriptures.
The truth might very well be hidden for those with eyes to see.
If we know we couldn’t take a knife and slice the throat of a baby lamb, or any creature, it tells us it’s because it was written in our hearts that it’s wrong.
Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 gives the Commandments.
Note at Deuteronomy 5:22 says these words were spoken by God and then it says AND HE ADDED NO MORE and wrote them on two tablets of stone and delivered them to Moses.
Thus, thou shalt not kill means thou shalt not kill.
Yet later it shows God giving a multitude of laws, (called the law of Moses).
Well the laws of Moses involve killing. And later it shows God telling them to go ahead and kill every man, woman, child and infant, and kill all their animals.
Go to Deuteronomy 31:19 and read what Moses was told to write (as a witness against the people).
Then look at Deuteronomy 31:26 and see what was written (as a witness against them).
See if you notice a gigantic change in a word.
Then read from Deuteronomy 31:19 through to Deuteronomy 32:46 and see if you can find what’s going on between the word song and law (Torah).
Incidentally, The word law in those verses is Torah, thus referring to the first 5 books of the Bible and not the Commandments.
@judygodwin8886 It sounds like you have some conflicting views about scripture. You’re bringing up a lot of arguments here and going in several different directions to make your point about ways you question scripture. I’ll just respond to a couple:
In some areas where Jesus talks about a tree as an analogy, for example, when he describes being the vine and the followers being the branches, it’s really clear that it’s an analogy. Genesis is a little different. Even if parts of Genesis are analogy, they are meant to be an analogy about specific and tangible things. Like when it says in Genesis 1:14, about the lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day and night, it is directly referring to the sun, moon, and stars. And in Genesis 2:8-9, where it says that God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and out of the ground trees were growing, it’s using the word tree to refer to an actual tree. There were true trees that were very unique to the garden. The tree of life and the tree of good and evil. Now, these trees may represent that God provided the opportunity for man to CHOOSE to live and trust Him…or not, but they are still referring to trees. If God had not provided an opportunity for mankind to choose something other than His will then making would not know what it actually means to have the choice to trust and obey God or not. God wanted mankind to have a choice. This scripture is not making a point about about animals or the first death, but about trees and choice. God would have made the first sacrifice of animal in Genesis 3:21 to clothe Adam and Eve. Man was already a living being, as mentioned in Gen. 2:7. So the flesh of the animal was to cover his body to help him deal with the shame of being exposed.
As far as your question / concern about the possibility that the tree was an animal, i’m not sure where you’re getting that from. I could not find any theologians who have ever interpreted it that way before. And as far as the choice to eat animals being a sin, Jesus, partook of fish and lamb for passover and was without sin, so there is a conflict there. Even if it was not a part of God‘s original plan for mankind to eat of animals, this became permissible.
That’s my take on a few of your main original points. I’m response to your many other conflicting concerns about scripture, I encourage you to find somebody who you can process some of these things with who regularly studies scripture. We can find a lot of strange ideas online, but we want to be careful that we are not learning from people who are interpreting scripture according to personal agenda.
The scriptures are several historical books joined together, and one larger body of writing. The scriptures do not tell, lies and truth, but are inspired writings. That’s not to say that scriptures do not leave us with any questions. But as we study them and take time to interpret them, we must always do that according to the original text and to their situation in time so that we might understand the original intent and historical meaning and significance of the text. Blessings to you in your endeavors to ask questions about, study, and deeply understand scripture. I have learned over many years at the most important part of my studying scripture is learning how to apply to my life day by day. ❤
By the way, to the video creator, I absolutely love these videos. I do love that you’re not necessarily trying to teach or interpret the scriptures, but you are creating these artistic displays of what is presented in the written word. Thank you for Doodling the Bible with your gifts and I hope you continue to create more of these. 👍🏻
I really appreciate your passion for God's word and really diving in and thinking deeply and studying it. I'm not a theologian or apologist, so I'm not qualified to agree or disagree with what you are generously sharing. I just encourage you to keep in the Word and asking God to illuminate His character day by day. It's a journey for each of us, and I would consider myself as just being at the early steps of the journey - certainly not a seasoned expert who has walked through every hill, mountain top, valley, and crevice. The Bible is fascinating! Yes, when I mentioned seed, I was trying to simply say that seed begets that it's designed for... fruit seed makes fruit, animal 'seed' makes animals, human 'seed' makes more humans... that's all. There are a lot of seed references in the bible that's for sure - especially surrounding the legacy of Abraham. There are some wonderful women in the Bible and I remember as study I took years ago where they mentioned that certain women were specially highlighted as being so important in the long geneaology lists where usually they were usually just the men. There are numerous books that highlight extraordinary women in the bible. I have only read one so far... Also, Kristi McClelland has a study called "Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now" that was so interesting and beautiful how he respected the honor and righteousness of women that was new. On youtube there are creators who focus on discussing theological debates of all kinds and have open question times, apologetics etc. that could be really rewarding and fun for you to engage with too. God bless you and your loved ones this coming new year!
Welcome to this little channel! Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment! I really appreciate your encouragement. I'm really enjoying my quiet time with God reading and re-reading and studying line by line as I go. There for sure are confusing parts that are hard (for me) to understand and some that are also quite shocking!! LOL It's been fun investigating commentaries of theologians of the past and of today to compare. There are many nuanced different perspectives especially within the MANY different denominations too. Never boring!! I appreciate and respect your love of scripture and study of God's word. God bless you and your loved ones in this exciting new year that's upon us!