In the New Year we Ethiopians- need to be more resilient, persistent, determined, and hardworking to continue on the developmental path of prosperity until we don't see any Ethiopian mothers on streets carrying firewood on their back and until we light each Ethiopian household with a light bulb. Happy Ethiopian New Year to all! ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለውም በረካ!
This First Lady is the most beautiful woman in the planet! She is so humble. Also, Ethiopia is the ONLY country Approved by God to produce such Beauty like the first leady of Ethiopia! Dr. Abey, pay attention everywhere you go we notice you are taking her with you and protects you chocolate beauty queen first leady of Ethiopia all the time. Happy New Year!
ይሚጠላችሁ ለዘለአለም የተጠላ ይሁን
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ለእኛ ለኢትዮጵያዊያን ያላደረገዉ ነገር የለም ፤ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ።
Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
አብቹ እና ዝኑ ዘመናቹህ ይባርክ የድንግል ልጅ ይጠብቃቹህ
አሜን አሜን🙏
Wisha yewisha lij yemariyam telat. Askemiteh yedingil lij yibarki ye abiy kitirena leba
In the New Year we Ethiopians- need to be more resilient, persistent, determined, and hardworking to continue on the developmental path of prosperity until we don't see any Ethiopian mothers on streets carrying firewood on their back and until we light each Ethiopian household with a light bulb. Happy Ethiopian New Year to all! ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለውም በረካ!
Zemenachu yilemilim egzahaber erejim edime yisitik yisitachu melikam addis amet
መጀመሪያ ሠላም ይቅደም እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ምንድነዉያለዉ ፍቅር ይኑራችሁ ፍቅር ከሌላችሁ ሠዉ ሥጋዉን ቆርጦ ቢመጸዉት ፍቅር ከሌለዉ ከንቱ ነዉ ብሏል የማስመሠል ኑሮ ምን ያረጋል ሁኖ መገኘትነዉ ሀገራችን እማበላ ጥሪት አይደለም ያጣችዉ ሠላም ፋቅር አንድነት መተሣሠብነዉ አባቴ።።።
ክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዶክተር አብይ አህመድ ፣ እንዴት ላግኝወት ?
ግብር ይባል ነበር
This First Lady is the most beautiful woman in the planet! She is so humble.
Ethiopia is the ONLY country Approved by God to produce such Beauty like the first leady of Ethiopia!
Dr. Abey, pay attention everywhere you go we notice you are taking her with you and protects you chocolate beauty queen first leady of Ethiopia all the time.
Happy New Year!