@trueman mann Hitler and Goering were the traitors. Hitler, for ordering certain death to the 6th Army by refusing to let them fight their way out of the encirclement by the red army, to live to fight another day, turning his back on 100,000 soldiers was inexcusable. And Goering, for failing to supply them, when he promised he would. Traitors both.
@trueman mann The ultimate betrayal of a political leader is to consign his/her countrymen serving in uniform to death, against all military realities in the ground, against logic.
@@masterbaiting22 yea I read about that too. Not after tho, during Stalingrad. He seems too nervous and insecure. And he was only a witness on the trial.
@@pagodebregaeforro2803 it’s one thing to betray your nation and speak on radio broadcasts and quite another to publicly betray men whom you had personally met and worked with in front of their very eyes, any man would be nervous in this situation if they had even the smallest shred of honor and dignity.
@@bigboi701 I read that years ago in a British book about Nuremburg. The Soviets surprised everyone when they said Von Paulus was in Nuremberg and would testify. The defendants were especially interested in seeing this Field Marshall who had surrendered and become a famous anti-Nazi as a POW. The witnesses entered and exited the courtroom by walking past the defendants. As Von Paulus walked by the defendants after his anti-German testimony, Goering could not contain himself and shouted "Schweinhund!" After that the door that witnesses entered and exited the courtroom was moved away from the defendants to avoid similar occurrences.
He's not "Von Paulus" Silly~ The Soviets thought this as he was a Field Marshal ~ A role associated with nobility. But Paulus explained that he didn't have Von in his name & he lived in an apartment. "Ich bin nicht von Paulus, sondern Paulus." - Friedrich Paulus.
@@samfisher2306, no one asked you to like them. But not everybody within the German Reich thought of himself a devotee to the NSGWP, rather to Hitler, which was at that time common because of the propaganda and the tricks he used to let the people think they had it much better than in the times of the late Weimar Republic. Most of the people didn't believe their cause was evil, they perceived it as righteous and just, so why abandon it? Of course many found out about the cruel and horrendous acts the Nazis committed when the war ended, but before that, it was unheard of.
For the lives he cost on both sides fighting an illegal and immoral war of aggression I'd say club him with that nightstick before he even walked into the room.
I after asking My Soldiers to fight to the end ... I WOULD HAVE JOINED THEM IN THE LAST FIGHT ...AND NOT ALLOW THE ENEMY TO CAPTURE ME. That's a Very Basic Officer's Principle. LOYALTY ! First Lieutenant Air Force of Chile
He was a murderer. His work directly cost the lives of millions and allowed the Einsatzgruppen to kill many millions more. Have no pity on a filthy murdering Nazi thug.
@Doug B What are you complaining about ? The Soviets were the closest allies of the US then. Have a look at the documents from the parade in Moscow in 1945, when Eisenhower was standing side by side with Josef Stalin on the Cremlin Wall.
He was a politician wearing a uniform. All militaries are full of officers and NCOs who are there not for the mission but for themselves and will sacrifice others for their own personal advancement. I witnessed it numerous times during my 20 plus years of service.
Ich verstehe das dir dein opa am Herzen liegt. Meiner liegt mir ebenfalls am Herzen aber das dritte Reich war urböse, so viele tote menschen, ganz zu schweigen von der Ostftont, mein Opa war teil der Roten Armee und hat von Stalingrad zu Kursk bis Berlin gekämpft und ich bin ihm Dankbar das er und seine genossen damals gewonnen haben!
Clint Rockfist you mean the invasion of the UK and the US ? Right seems I missed that in history. And let’s not forget it was France and England who declared war on Germany and not the other way round, and it was France attacking and crossing the German boarder in 1939 and not the other way round.
@@michaelraller4471 France and Britain declared war on Germany because of the Defensive Alliance that they had signed with the Polish. This alliance was essentially useless, as the British and French had no real intention of invading the Germans while they were attacking the Poles. As to the french crossing the border into Germany that was a half hearted attempt to assist Poland, which was then under invasion, by attacking Germany's understrength western front. But a quick victory in Poland allowed German troops to reinforce the western front and French forces eventually withdrew amid a German counter-offensive. That then paved the way for Hitler to invade France and the low countries including many neutral countries.
The minor difference is that most soviet veterans do not deny that they did evil deeds. They say:"Being better in a sport gets victory"-and they needed it too badly. The losers however not only deny, justify their horrors - but they continue doing it as we speak - in slightly different format, but same spirit, principle and aims. Respect exceptions.
Not realy. The man was a highly skilled general. First he overcame an enemy that outnumbered him. Destroyed with his 1 army 3 soviet ones befor even crossing the Don. After that he establish the first positions on the volga (not general Hoth that had a way easier starting position in the south). His army repulsed countless huge soviet offensives in the Kotlaban region with just minor loses and then conquered nearly the entirety of Stalingrad with insufficient (and from the OHK neglected) forces. And i know what you meant. 'But he got encircled'. Yes and he knew a month before it started what was coming. He told the OHK that they need to strengthen his northern and southern flanks. But not only didnt they bring in reserves that were clearly there they also forbid him to stop assaulting Stalingrad or even to pull the 14th Tank corps (a mobile unit conducting a static defensive battle) out of the line to form his own local reserve. To blame Paulus for this defeat is in my opinion highly unfair
@@vesselcaptain8314 Adam sure is an interesring character and a good writer, but in no way reliable source. If you want to learn about how german army lived during siege, he's good, but he twists many facts to clean himself and Paulus from any critique
Das Kämpferherz wird ihm wohl abhanden gekommen sein, als er von dieser Gangsterclique, die ihm gegenüber sitzt, per Führerbefehl nach Stalingrad getrieben und mitten im russischen Winter im Stich gelassen wurde. Den Charakter hat er durchaus behalten.
Er war nicht nur Feige, sondern auch ein Überläufer. Das Schwein hat sein Männer im Stich gelassen. Offizierstreckpack. Das hatte Steiner schon in Steiner das eiserne Kreuz klargestellt.
@@berndschweitzer7750 Der Steiner aus Deinem Idolfilm hat gerade noch gefehlt ! Wieso hat Paulus seine Männer im Stich gelassen ?? Die waren doch von ihrem Gröfaz längst vorher im Stich gelassen worden ! Das einzige, was er falsch gemacht hat, war, die ganze Scheiße nicht schon früher hinzuschmeißen ! Mehr kann man ihm nicht vorwerfen. Er hätte den Fußtapfen von Hans Langsdorff folgen sollen, der seine Admiral Graf Spee in die Luft gesprengt und damit tausend Matrosen das Leben gerettet hat. Statt sich von den Engländern zusammenschießen zu lassen. Von einer gewissenlosen Clique in den Russischen Winter getrieben sollte Paulus wohl Befehle verantworten, die er gar nicht selber erteilt hat ?
So ein Quatsch. Er ist ein Kämpfer... hat zig Schlachten geschlagen, auch selbst im WK I. Ich meine das Sterben seiner Armee hat einen großen Teil von Ihm mitgenommen.... daran ging er quasi zu Grunde, genau so wie Onkel Adi im Großen.... sein Volk ging unter und er mit. Das ist die INNERE Verbindung. Wie ein Hund dessen Herrchen stirbt, schau was passiert ! Generalfeldmarschall Paulus mit unseren Politikern gleich zu setzen nach all dem was er durchmachen musste zeigt was für ne riesen Pfeife du bist.
Reichenau was a war criminal who shot women and kids. He died early but his criminal orders and actions would haunt the 6th Army which was annihilated at Stalingrad with loss of 300,000 men.
Too bad all those Germans had to die, due to Hitler's bad moves, strategically. A lot of folks who are history buffs, are glad we did not have to live through that era. Thanks.
It is risky to express an opinion but humbly I believe that Paulus failed in his responsibility for the Sixth Army and his soldiers. In hindsight it is easy to decide.
A lot of people failed the sixth army. Hitler: by refusing to allow the army to withdraw after it was surrounded. Goring: by promising the sixth army could be supplied by air.
@@AlexeyX8b Do you believe?. The truth is that a breaking of the Kessel would have saved lives. Particularly in collaboration, which there was not, with Manstein. Out of 90,000 German prisoners only 6,000 saw Germany again. Russian victory was amazing but Paulus' performance was disastrous.
@@sirb2616 Состояние попавших в плен немцев под Сталинградом было ужасным. У Красной Армии не было ресурсов что бы всех накормить и вылечить. Дистрофия - 70%. Авитаминоз - 100%. Обморожение - 60%. Психическое истощение - 100%. При смерти - 10%. Паулюс вернулся домой ,В ГДР Паулюсу были предоставлены охраняемая вилла в элитном районе Дрездена, машина, адъютант и право иметь личное оружие.
@@AlexeyX8b Effectively. So why do you say that Paulus saved German lives? You are contradicting yourself. Паулюс лишил немецкого солдата никаких шансов на выживание.
Great till the end. No bullets,no food,no medecines, nothing. Nothing is the end... Right???? Respect by the Russians that's all he got in the end. He will always be remembered.
Gentlemen, I believe that there is certainly some evidence that Von Manstein (the strategic genius) was well aware that the German position in Stalingrad was untenable and that a breakout should have been ordered and much sooner, yet he deferred to Hitler. Von Manstein spent the rest of his life trying to shift 100% of the blame for the debacle onto Paulus. Paulus only surrendered after the remaining half of his army was starving and out of ammunition. My opinion is that all of them (the German High Command) were criminally responsible for following Nazi Party orders. I also believe that the German military could not rid itself of Hitler for the simple fact that he was their front man and they needed him. That is why Eisenhower stated that the German General Staff needed to be destroyed. The attempt on Hitler’s life was only after it had become obvious that the war was lost and was attempted by lower ranking officers, not the top dogs.
All other things aside, I think it was disgraceful on his part to turn around, join the Soviets, and then spend the rest of his life in the former DDR with livings standards far above those of the average East German citizen. You can loose an army but at least retain your personal dignity. He let go of that too.
maybe he just was fed up of everything, he lost the biggest battle in history EVER, he was not a nazi and had to carry out all those horrific orders, i think he was a broken man
ellin67 not to mention they literally abandoned him and the 6th Army, wouldn’t let them breakout when they wanted to, couldn’t supply them when they needed it, and expected him to fight to the death? Hell no.
This guy is a shame for any soldier and in particular for German military tradition. He failed terribly as a commander to fulfill his tasks and duty , he didn’t obey his orders and with his surrender he sent 90.000 German soldiers into Russian labor camps of which only 6000 should return home many years later. Moreover, from being a loser he turned into being a traitor and immediately started to work for the Soviet communist regime against his own soldiers. And such a guy is presented by the tribunal as a witness. That says it all.
Didn't the US fight against the Nazi army as well ? So what are you complaining about ? Wasn't Stalin America's best ally as long as he did all the dirty jobs ? Have a look at the documents !
Attaquer le plus grand pays du monde c’était partie perdue ... Allez ravitailler vos troupes à près de 3000 kms dans de pareilles conditions et on en parlera après. Respect au feld-maréchal et à son état-major !
Post-scriptum : Hitler était un si mauvais stratège (Ok, la providence était avec lui...) que les Alliés ont jugé bon de le garder à la tête de ses armées. Ils avaient prévu de l’éliminer pourtant au Berghof avec le SOE mais finalement se sont résignés à l’éliminer.
Paulus was one of the greatest Generals of the Wehrmacht - he advanced distances which no other German General did. It was his fate to reach Stalingrad and lock in that life and death struggle with the Soviets and lose. And he was not a war criminal like Von Manstien and others.
GOTT MIT UNS Mt 10,22 Ihr werdet um meines Namens willen von allen gehasst werden. Jesaja 5:20 Wehe denen, die sagen, dass Gutes böse ist und Böses gut, denen die Finsternis durch Licht ersetzen und Licht durch Finsternis, denen die Bitteres als Süßes hinstellen und Süßes als Bitteres Hebräer 9:27 " Und so gewiss es den Menschen bestimmt ist, einmal zu sterben, danach aber das Gericht"
His name should have been changed to Friedrice Paulus then sent to Thailand after the war to run a massage business instead of becoming a civil servant.
@@ПиероВессел A big factor in why so few men of Sixth Army returned home is because of the terrible condition these soldiers were in at the time of surrender. Suffering from starvation/malnutrition, dysentery, jaundice, frostbite, pneumonia, septicemia, many of these men were experiencing failure of internal organs as they marched into captivity. The kind of care needed for a recovery simply did not exist within the Gulag system.
@@yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx dieses framing kennen wir schon, meistens mit irgendwelchen Bildern dahinter die das ganze dann noch unterstützt. Nein, die deutschen waren nicht so wie man immer behauptet! Das die wehrmacht bis 43 keine eigene Scharfschützen Kompanie hatte, weil es zu unehrenhaft erachtet wurde, andere aus dem Hinterhalt ab zu knallen spricht Bände
not true. he saved people, at least some of them survived. in that situation and the supply situation, they could not advance to meet the Goth. the real traitor is the smiling fat man in the dock who promised Paulus an air bridge, and in the end, as always, his words fell out of line with the case.
@@doganozgur fight to the death? hmm combat-ready units at the time of surrender were very few, in the main it was an armed crowd of desperate people with one thought: that all this is over as soon as possible. read the memories of the survivors. it clearly describes the situation and, most importantly, the morale of the soldiers of the army of Paulus.
Yes a shame for any soldier . A loser and a traitor who sent 90.000 German soldiers into Soviet Labour camps of which 10 years later only 6000 should return
Das sagt sich so leicht, man war ja nicht dabei. Verloren hätte Deutschland den Krieg sowieso. Es war Wahnsinn den Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion anzufangen, was daraus geworden ist, zeigt uns die Geschichte
What about the trial for the war criminals that bombed Dresden, Hamburg, Essen, Frankfurt, Leipzig, etc?. The attack to England by Luftwaffe was peanut compared to this
@@ABc-mx5pu well considering most of the soldiers under his command that surrendered alongside him did in fact die in Russian labor camps or on the way to these camps while he himself lived the rest of his days serving the ussr in relative comfort compared to other Germans under Soviet occupation it’s not a stretch to say he betrayed his men
It best he died in the war. Like Model, Von Kluge and himself he would have met death at the end of a rope if captured afterwards. Thoroughly disgraceful for a professional soldier.
@@MouldMadeMind when people call him a traitor they’re typically referring to the fact that all but 6,000 of the men who surrendered alongside him died in or on the way to labor camps in the ussr while he walked away with a nice job working for the Russians and later their puppet government in East Germany.
German History Archive ▶ ua-cam.com/play/PLLEtu_bvreispSTeS_m08OcY8sC26bJVN.html
Subtitles ON: German, English, Russian
Hhhv+by NH by vh
He wasn't tried at Nuremburg for crimes, he was there as a witness, for the prosecution.
He should have been tried ... and then shot.
@@garypulliam3740 bruh you know nothing about what you're talking about.
@@garypulliam3740 Why ? Should those who incinerated the civilians of Hiroshima been shot as well ? Because of war crimes against humanity !
@@garypulliam3740 learn before you speak
@terry waller they didn't let him to see his dying wife ,they said what for?
The Soviets, the worst that did happen to this world
His former headquarters at the department store in Stalingrad is virtually intact and is a small museum. Utterly fascinating to see.
@Prakaash A I have loads of photos.
@Prakaash A I have them stored on my computer.
That sounds cool
Wladimir PUTIN
Goering seems pissed that Paulus was there.
He got over it a few days later.
@trueman mann Hitler and Goering were the traitors. Hitler, for ordering certain death to the 6th Army by refusing to let them fight their way out of the encirclement by the red army, to live to fight another day, turning his back on 100,000 soldiers was inexcusable. And Goering, for failing to supply them, when he promised he would. Traitors both.
@trueman mann why not? Make your case.
@trueman mann The ultimate betrayal of a political leader is to consign his/her countrymen serving in uniform to death, against all military realities in the ground, against logic.
He looked mighty uncomfortable under the gaze of his former comrades.
That was just Paulus, he had a nervous disposition which only worsened after Stalingrad.
@@masterbaiting22 yea I read about that too. Not after tho, during Stalingrad.
He seems too nervous and insecure. And he was only a witness on the trial.
@@pagodebregaeforro2803 it’s one thing to betray your nation and speak on radio broadcasts and quite another to publicly betray men whom you had personally met and worked with in front of their very eyes, any man would be nervous in this situation if they had even the smallest shred of honor and dignity.
@@masterbaiting22 Jaja ~ He had a horrible tick and out of all the high officers captured at Stalingrad, he was the only one in bad shape
At some point during Von Paulus’ appearance at Nuremberg Göring shouted out “schweinhund!” I wonder if that moment is preserved on film.
Wrong. He did not shout that to von Paulus.
@@bigboi701 I read that years ago in a British book about Nuremburg. The Soviets surprised everyone when they said Von Paulus was in Nuremberg and would testify. The defendants were especially interested in seeing this Field Marshall who had surrendered and become a famous anti-Nazi as a POW. The witnesses entered and exited the courtroom by walking past the defendants. As Von Paulus walked by the defendants after his anti-German testimony, Goering could not contain himself and shouted "Schweinhund!" After that the door that witnesses entered and exited the courtroom was moved away from the defendants to avoid similar occurrences.
@@oldcremona Maybe Goering should have led the Army to Stalingrad, maybe he would have been more successful than Paulus !
He's not "Von Paulus" Silly~
The Soviets thought this as he was a Field Marshal ~ A role associated with nobility.
But Paulus explained that he didn't have Von in his name & he lived in an apartment.
"Ich bin nicht von Paulus, sondern Paulus." - Friedrich Paulus.
Even as a young officer, his colleagues referred to him as “Der Lord” due to his impeccable good manners & noble bearing.
That one guy in glasses: 😎
Was it really necessary to escort a former Fieldmarshal with drawn night stick ? What possible security risk did the man pose?
No special treatment should be given---to all scum.
@@MrDaiseymay Like you?
The guard is probably ment to protect Fieldmarshal himself from attack of other people as well. So he needs that stick anyway
@@samfisher2306, no one asked you to like them. But not everybody within the German Reich thought of himself a devotee to the NSGWP, rather to Hitler, which was at that time common because of the propaganda and the tricks he used to let the people think they had it much better than in the times of the late Weimar Republic. Most of the people didn't believe their cause was evil, they perceived it as righteous and just, so why abandon it? Of course many found out about the cruel and horrendous acts the Nazis committed when the war ended, but before that, it was unheard of.
For the lives he cost on both sides fighting an illegal and immoral war of aggression I'd say club him with that nightstick before he even walked into the room.
Awesome footage, like on may of your videos
I after asking My Soldiers to fight to the end ...
That's a Very Basic Officer's Principle.
First Lieutenant
Air Force of Chile
Germany 1946 ▶ Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Ernst Wilhelm Paulus - Nuremberg Trial Stalingrad
The biggest traitor for all germany,soviet leader and situation push his broke mind
sukamto 14 fully agree
das wright the one who should have been hanged was Hitler - but he was too of a coward to face the justice -
Quanto ha preso di condanna ?
Fridrich Ernest Wilhelm paulud
He was just a military man. Not a fanatical nazi at all.
He was a murderer. His work directly cost the lives of millions and allowed the Einsatzgruppen to kill many millions more. Have no pity on a filthy murdering Nazi thug.
He dishonored and lead to captivity 250.000 mens.which only 4.000-5.000 survived from gulang...shame to him!!!
@Doug B What are you complaining about ? The Soviets were the closest allies of the US then. Have a look at the documents from the parade in Moscow in 1945, when Eisenhower was standing side by side with Josef Stalin on the Cremlin Wall.
@@iliassampson3996 Why don't you blame those who gave the orders ?
He was a politician wearing a uniform. All militaries are full of officers and NCOs who are there not for the mission but for themselves and will sacrifice others for their own personal advancement. I witnessed it numerous times during my 20 plus years of service.
Ruhet in Frieden , Kameraden . Im Gedenken an Karl Kriegenhöfer Division Das Reich . Opa danke das es dich gab .
Ich verstehe das dir dein opa am Herzen liegt. Meiner liegt mir ebenfalls am Herzen aber das dritte Reich war urböse, so viele tote menschen, ganz zu schweigen von der Ostftont, mein Opa war teil der Roten Armee und hat von Stalingrad zu Kursk bis Berlin gekämpft und ich bin ihm Dankbar das er und seine genossen damals gewonnen haben!
The allied air war criminals should have been right there in the dock with them as well as the Red Army brutal criminals like stalin.
@Clint Rockfist he's an escapee---call the police.
Clint Rockfist you mean the invasion of the UK and the US ? Right seems I missed that in history. And let’s not forget it was France and England who declared war on Germany and not the other way round, and it was France attacking and crossing the German boarder in 1939 and not the other way round.
@@michaelraller4471 France and Britain declared war on Germany because of the Defensive Alliance that they had signed with the Polish. This alliance was essentially useless, as the British and French had no real intention of invading the Germans while they were attacking the Poles. As to the french crossing the border into Germany that was a half hearted attempt to assist Poland, which was then under invasion, by attacking Germany's understrength western front. But a quick victory in Poland allowed German troops to reinforce the western front and French forces eventually withdrew amid a German counter-offensive. That then paved the way for Hitler to invade France and the low countries including many neutral countries.
@Clint Rockfist Britain and France declared war on Germany. So Germany reacted like being at war. Just as easy as that.
The minor difference is that most soviet veterans do not deny that they did evil deeds. They say:"Being better in a sport gets victory"-and they needed it too badly. The losers however not only deny, justify their horrors - but they continue doing it as we speak - in slightly different format, but same spirit, principle and aims. Respect exceptions.
He was a staff officer suited for desk duty at HQ and had no business commanding in the field, yet alone the sixth army.
But with Arthur Schmidt on his side!
Not realy. The man was a highly skilled general.
First he overcame an enemy that outnumbered him. Destroyed with his 1 army 3 soviet ones befor even crossing the Don. After that he establish the first positions on the volga (not general Hoth that had a way easier starting position in the south).
His army repulsed countless huge soviet offensives in the Kotlaban region with just minor loses and then conquered nearly the entirety of Stalingrad with insufficient (and from the OHK neglected) forces.
And i know what you meant. 'But he got encircled'. Yes and he knew a month before it started what was coming. He told the OHK that they need to strengthen his northern and southern flanks. But not only didnt they bring in reserves that were clearly there they also forbid him to stop assaulting Stalingrad or even to pull the 14th Tank corps (a mobile unit conducting a static defensive battle) out of the line to form his own local reserve.
To blame Paulus for this defeat is in my opinion highly unfair
Arthur Schmidt gets no respect. According to Oberst Adam, he tried to escape via Storch during the last days!
@@vesselcaptain8314 Adam sure is an interesring character and a good writer, but in no way reliable source. If you want to learn about how german army lived during siege, he's good, but he twists many facts to clean himself and Paulus from any critique
2:41 - Paulus has a different guard standing behind him, so must be some time past or video edited in from a different day?
Good eye. 1:04 first guard off. 1:13 second guard on.
@@Number-py1bs Guard got tired?
It never ceases to amaze me what an individual will do to save their skin.
paulus, the man who saved his own skin while thousands of his soldiers died on a terrible way
He wasnt the right one to comand that army, the real one was Guderian, Romel or Runsdet
Lmao internet warriors 🤡🤡🤡
@@thir671 Guderian was discharged in 1941
@@thir671Rommel was in africa or was dead. Guderian was discharged. Rundstedt was commanding another army group.
The messed up part was him going in a nice car to prison, while his troops marched and died in the cold to Siberia
Das Kämpferherz wird ihm wohl abhanden gekommen sein, als er von dieser Gangsterclique, die ihm gegenüber sitzt, per Führerbefehl nach Stalingrad getrieben und mitten im russischen Winter im Stich gelassen wurde. Den Charakter hat er durchaus behalten.
Er war nicht nur Feige, sondern auch ein Überläufer. Das Schwein hat sein Männer im Stich gelassen. Offizierstreckpack. Das hatte Steiner schon in Steiner das eiserne Kreuz klargestellt.
@@berndschweitzer7750 Der Steiner aus Deinem Idolfilm hat gerade noch gefehlt ! Wieso hat Paulus seine Männer im Stich gelassen ?? Die waren doch von ihrem Gröfaz längst vorher im Stich gelassen worden !
Das einzige, was er falsch gemacht hat, war, die ganze Scheiße nicht schon früher hinzuschmeißen ! Mehr kann man ihm nicht vorwerfen. Er hätte den Fußtapfen von Hans Langsdorff folgen sollen, der seine Admiral Graf Spee in die Luft gesprengt und damit tausend Matrosen das Leben gerettet hat. Statt sich von den Engländern zusammenschießen zu lassen.
Von einer gewissenlosen Clique in den Russischen Winter getrieben sollte Paulus wohl Befehle verantworten, die er gar nicht selber erteilt hat ?
So ein Quatsch. Er ist ein Kämpfer... hat zig Schlachten geschlagen, auch selbst im WK I. Ich meine das Sterben seiner Armee hat einen großen Teil von Ihm mitgenommen.... daran ging er quasi zu Grunde, genau so wie Onkel Adi im Großen.... sein Volk ging unter und er mit. Das ist die INNERE Verbindung. Wie ein Hund dessen Herrchen stirbt, schau was passiert ! Generalfeldmarschall Paulus mit unseren Politikern gleich zu setzen nach all dem was er durchmachen musste zeigt was für ne riesen Pfeife du bist.
@@berndschweitzer7750 Wie es in Wahrheit war wissen wir leider nicht.
GFM Walther von Reichenau must still be spinning in his grave at the loss of his formidable army.
Reichenau was a war criminal who shot women and kids. He died early but his criminal orders and actions would haunt the 6th Army which was annihilated at Stalingrad with loss of 300,000 men.
Why you guys don't show Julius Streicher at the nuremberg trials ? He explains how he was tortured by the western allies
that was filmed as well but nobody cares because he butchered so many people
Do you have clips of the Tokyo Trials?
If only paulus had plot armor
Big respect general Paulus
He was a tragic figure.
@@RBAILEY57 Он спас жизни своих солдат
@@RBAILEY57 but he is not looser like hilter
Paulus looked dejected, 3 years under Russian control by this point
Stalingrad broke him.
what's with the background batucada percussion sound
Paul would’ve said her done anything to save his own hide.
we get it angloid zionist cuck
Paulus deveria ter recuado com seu exército, mesmo contras ordens da Toca do Lobo.
He couldn’t break out of the encirclement and made repeated attempts to do so
@@jjiang7488 What are you even talking about? No official breakout attempts were ever sanctioned by Paulus.
If you played hoi4 you know it is impossible for his own group to attempt breakout, without help from the other fronts
Too bad all those Germans had to die, due to Hitler's bad moves, strategically. A lot of folks who are history buffs, are glad we did not have to live through that era. Thanks.
Darrell Borland, yep.
One man to blame Hitler
hitotsu, makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Nein. Mit uns.
This is is the true general that surrender with his army not like other german general that commits suicide or leave his army during a battle
Entièrement d accord avec toi. Tu remonte le niveau des commentaires. Salut à toi
Could you write down the accuse for every from German leaders in this trial?
@Ignatz Rosenbaum Very guilty, all. And those who got away, guilty.
@@roybean7166 no
I love paulus.
Translation of Polus speech plzz???
@Ignatz Rosenbaum I want more?
In life nothing is written on a piece of paper in how people would react ir say after the fact
Maréchal Paulus 👌👌👌
I like how rudolph hess ignores goeing
It is risky to express an opinion but humbly I believe that Paulus failed in his responsibility for the Sixth Army and his soldiers.
In hindsight it is easy to decide.
A lot of people failed the sixth army.
Hitler: by refusing to allow the army to withdraw after it was surrounded.
Goring: by promising the sixth army could be supplied by air.
Он спас жизни своих солдат. Разве это не подвиг?
@@AlexeyX8b Do you believe?. The truth is that a breaking of the Kessel would have saved lives. Particularly in collaboration, which there was not, with Manstein.
Out of 90,000 German prisoners only 6,000 saw Germany again. Russian victory was amazing but Paulus' performance was disastrous.
@@sirb2616 Состояние попавших в плен немцев под Сталинградом было ужасным. У Красной Армии не было ресурсов что бы всех накормить и вылечить.
Дистрофия - 70%.
Авитаминоз - 100%.
Обморожение - 60%.
Психическое истощение - 100%.
При смерти - 10%.
Паулюс вернулся домой ,В ГДР Паулюсу были предоставлены охраняемая вилла в элитном районе Дрездена, машина, адъютант и право иметь личное оружие.
@@AlexeyX8b Effectively. So why do you say that Paulus saved German lives? You are contradicting yourself.
Паулюс лишил немецкого солдата никаких шансов на выживание.
Great till the end.
No bullets,no food,no medecines, nothing.
Nothing is the end...
Respect by the Russians that's all he got in the end.
He will always be remembered.
Paulus! Betrayer! Be ashamed of yourself, from Japan.
What was the point of this presentation?
In the latter part he became rather a soviet propoganda machine and worked for stalins red army
He did not breakout to Hoth. He failed.
Akula971 no his orders actually were to move towards Hoth and the reunite with his troops to form a corridor. He just failed terribly as a commander
Maybe he came to his senses ?
I believe that there is certainly some evidence that Von Manstein (the strategic genius) was well aware that the German position in Stalingrad was untenable and that a breakout should have been ordered and much sooner, yet he deferred to Hitler. Von Manstein spent the rest of his life trying to shift 100% of the blame for the debacle onto Paulus. Paulus only surrendered after the remaining half of his army was starving and out of ammunition. My opinion is that all of them (the German High Command) were criminally responsible for following Nazi Party orders. I also believe that the German military could not rid itself of Hitler for the simple fact that he was their front man and they needed him. That is why Eisenhower stated that the German General Staff needed to be destroyed. The attempt on Hitler’s life was only after it had become obvious that the war was lost and was attempted by lower ranking officers, not the top dogs.
Paulus was a good soldier you bastard!
When you have 7 Soviet armies encircling you and you have limited ammunition and fuel supplies, breaking out is not an option.
All other things aside, I think it was disgraceful on his part to turn around, join the Soviets, and then spend the rest of his life in the former DDR with livings standards far above those of the average East German citizen. You can loose an army but at least retain your personal dignity. He let go of that too.
ellin67 ap Indeed a shameful loser, liar and traitor to the end.
maybe he just was fed up of everything, he lost the biggest battle in history EVER, he was not a nazi and had to carry out all those horrific orders, i think he was a broken man
ellin67 not to mention they literally abandoned him and the 6th Army, wouldn’t let them breakout when they wanted to, couldn’t supply them when they needed it, and expected him to fight to the death? Hell no.
@@mrbreeze40 Absolutely.
Were you there? No!
Paulus : about to speak
GOERING : 01:07 inquièt , anxious
What did you expect?
Lächerlich...Sieger richten über Besiegte. Das ist so wie wenn mich jemand niederschlägt, ich dann über diesen das Urteil verhänge... lächerlich
Lächerlich? Vergleichen Niedergeschlage zu seinen und der Mord an Millionen von Menschen! Sie haben von der Geschichte nichts gelernt! 🤮🇧🇪
Rene Lurkin lächerlich dummer Kommentar
@@renelurkin1637 und bei Ihnen erkennt man die 75 jährige Umerziehung und Gehirnwäsche
Why the irritating music in the background
That is what "cheerleading" is all about.
Paulus was a coward.
How did the Soviets allow the oath to be taken in the name of God ?
They were atheist.
The soviets respect god when it is on their side.
@@jzk3919 на западе плевали на Бога, типа верующие, а сами развращены до самого дна
It’s a shame that people are forced to take this childish oath. “God” is as real as Harry Potter
Wo liegt Nuremberg??? Nürnberg? Wehe dem Besiegten.
In Bayern
@GERMAN HISTORIY Die Musik ist endlos geil !!!! Habt Ihr oder jemand mir nen Link ?
Ja die ist sensationell..
@@GERMANHISTORYARCHIVE Habt Ihr nen Link oder Titel ? DANKE. GruSS ^^
This guy is a shame for any soldier and in particular for German military tradition. He failed terribly as a commander to fulfill his tasks and duty , he didn’t obey his orders and with his surrender he sent 90.000 German soldiers into Russian labor camps of which only 6000 should return home many years later. Moreover, from being a loser he turned into being a traitor and immediately started to work for the Soviet communist regime against his own soldiers. And such a guy is presented by the tribunal as a witness. That says it all.
He was a smart guy
He Came to his senses ?
Roger Olson indeed you are
Didn't the US fight against the Nazi army as well ? So what are you complaining about ? Wasn't Stalin America's best ally as long as he did all the dirty jobs ? Have a look at the documents !
Paulus es más inteligente qe todos los qe están ahí
Don’t need the safari music
He is as big as his name is.
Attaquer le plus grand pays du monde c’était partie perdue ... Allez ravitailler vos troupes à près de 3000 kms dans de pareilles conditions et on en parlera après. Respect au feld-maréchal et à son état-major !
Enfin un jugement sensé. Ca fait plaisir.Merci
Post-scriptum : Hitler était un si mauvais stratège (Ok, la providence était avec lui...) que les Alliés ont jugé bon de le garder à la tête de ses armées. Ils avaient prévu de l’éliminer pourtant au Berghof avec le SOE mais finalement se sont résignés à l’éliminer.
Paulus was one of the greatest Generals of the Wehrmacht - he advanced distances which no other German General did. It was his fate to reach Stalingrad and lock in that life and death struggle with the Soviets and lose. And he was not a war criminal like Von Manstien and others.
A magnificent man.
Pensaba que el mariscal Paulus había muerto en Siberia
Sin lugar a dudas un verdadero soldado y patriota, que luchó más allá del deber, entre 😈 dos demonios👹.
Quantos anos ele pegou de cadeia ?
Ele não estava la como criminoso e dim como um testemunha. Ele morreu na sua casa em Dresden.
Mt 10,22
Ihr werdet um meines Namens willen von allen gehasst werden.
Jesaja 5:20
Wehe denen, die sagen, dass Gutes böse ist und Böses gut, denen die Finsternis durch Licht ersetzen und Licht durch Finsternis, denen die Bitteres als Süßes hinstellen und Süßes als Bitteres
Hebräer 9:27
" Und so gewiss es den Menschen bestimmt ist, einmal zu sterben, danach aber das Gericht"
His name should have been changed to Friedrice Paulus then sent to Thailand after the war to run a massage business instead of becoming a civil servant.
He betrayed his men
He was at the end...no options other than death.
Bruh, he disobeyed orders and surrendered so his men could have a chance at surviving, rather than fighting to the last man as he was told to do.
@@ПиероВессел A big factor in why so few men of Sixth Army returned home is because of the terrible condition these soldiers were in at the time of surrender. Suffering from starvation/malnutrition, dysentery, jaundice, frostbite, pneumonia, septicemia, many of these men were experiencing failure of internal organs as they marched into captivity. The kind of care needed for a recovery simply did not exist within the Gulag system.
Perhaps they should't have attacked the mighty Russians.
I bet you were not among them. I admit-just my guess!
Pessoas responsáveis por tempos negros...
As a veteran I hate seeing soldiers like this , German or USSR ! 😭
Bro cant respect the ussr army who held the eastern front imagine if ussr lose that mean german can now focus on USA o british
Die Musik ist geil ^^!!!
if that means SHITE I agree.
@@MrDaiseymay NEIN :P ........ "es soll durch die Musik bedrohlich rüber kommen" *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*
@@MrDaiseymay Mit mir wird DEUTSCH geschrieben Kleiner ^^
@@yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx dieses framing kennen wir schon, meistens mit irgendwelchen Bildern dahinter die das ganze dann noch unterstützt. Nein, die deutschen waren nicht so wie man immer behauptet! Das die wehrmacht bis 43 keine eigene Scharfschützen Kompanie hatte, weil es zu unehrenhaft erachtet wurde, andere aus dem Hinterhalt ab zu knallen spricht Bände
This man was a disgrace in every respect . Presenting someone like him as a witness shows impressively the value of this tribunal .
Guess we have nazi here
@@fabiopreviatti3466 yea.. those kind of videos attract those racists nazis so much, look at the upvotes and who gets more..
Faltou gente no tribunal de Nuremberg (Franco,Pinochet,Mão,Stalin etc)
Gerson Nogueira Nogueira churchil!
Biggest traitor for all germany...
biggest traitor to germany, was the nazi party
not true. he saved people, at least some of them survived. in that situation and the supply situation, they could not advance to meet the Goth. the real traitor is the smiling fat man in the dock who promised Paulus an air bridge, and in the end, as always, his words fell out of line with the case.
@@doganozgur fight to the death? hmm combat-ready units at the time of surrender were very few, in the main it was an armed crowd of desperate people with one thought: that all this is over as soon as possible. read the memories of the survivors. it clearly describes the situation and, most importantly, the morale of the soldiers of the army of Paulus.
Yes a shame for any soldier . A loser and a traitor who sent 90.000 German soldiers into Soviet Labour camps of which 10 years later only 6000 should return
ausser Merkel,
Paulus der Feigling und Wendehals!!!!
er hätte ausbrechen sollen nov 1942
Das sagt sich so leicht, man war ja nicht dabei. Verloren hätte Deutschland den Krieg sowieso. Es war Wahnsinn den Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion anzufangen, was daraus geworden ist, zeigt uns die Geschichte
X favor alguien lo puede transmitir en español no entiendo ingles y mucho menos alemán
What about the trial for the war criminals that bombed Dresden, Hamburg, Essen, Frankfurt, Leipzig, etc?. The attack to England by Luftwaffe was peanut compared to this
Мужчины делают историю.
Shame on Paulus.
Nachher sass er ruhig und warm ☀️ in der DDR wie ein Baron....
.. mehr sog I ned 🙈...
Besser als ein Verräter der sich im eigenen Bunker das Leben nahm während sein Land zerstört wurde und sogar Kinder das Leben für ihn gelassen gaben 😜
If you want to win, the Anglo-Saxons need to be on your side, almost always.
In brief, the history write by winners. The Innocent will be guilty, and the guilty will become innocent.... End.. Sorry for poor English.
He betrayed his solders.....
No he didn't betray...........know the history first
@@ABc-mx5pu well considering most of the soldiers under his command that surrendered alongside him did in fact die in Russian labor camps or on the way to these camps while he himself lived the rest of his days serving the ussr in relative comfort compared to other Germans under Soviet occupation it’s not a stretch to say he betrayed his men
mind boggling
Paulus inadeguate. With 400.000 soldier incapace of take control of Stalingrad with about 40.000 people.
Paulus le falló a sus soldados higual está pantomima de julio justo no creíble el fue un gran general no un genocida saludos desde buenos aires
المارشال باولوس فعل الصواب عندما استسلم واصبح شاهد ضد النازية بذالگ الوقت
It best he died in the war. Like Model, Von Kluge and himself he would have met death at the end of a rope if captured afterwards. Thoroughly disgraceful for a professional soldier.
He said that german generals are expecting him to commit a suicide. No. Never do that.
F that. Guy lived many more years.
greatest traitor in history
@@MouldMadeMind when people call him a traitor they’re typically referring to the fact that all but 6,000 of the men who surrendered alongside him died in or on the way to labor camps in the ussr while he walked away with a nice job working for the Russians and later their puppet government in East Germany.
Hitler 👇😠
Paulus was a coward
Teu cu
A Field Marshal Dropping Dimes!
Un incompetente.
Innocent man punished by allied war criminals
This wasnt him being tried, he was a witness in this.