Nanotechnology Takes Off | KQED QUEST

  • Опубліковано 7 тра 2007
  • From Lawrence Berkeley National Labs to Silicon Valley, researchers are manipulating particles at the atomic level, ushering in potential cures for cancer, clothes that don't stain, and solar panels as thick as a sheet of paper.
    KQED's Quest explores the future of Nanotechnology.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @OverlordOfEcchi
    @OverlordOfEcchi 10 років тому +2

    This really makes me want to have a career in this field. Time to change my major!

    • @kyri3803
      @kyri3803 4 місяці тому

      hallo ich bin Adolf

    • @kyri3803
      @kyri3803 4 місяці тому

      pitler on top

  • @thomthum2000
    @thomthum2000 16 років тому +1

    I was just accepted to UC Berkeley's undergraduate engineering program. If I decide to go there, I would very much like to do research in nanotechnology.

  • @kqed
    @kqed  14 років тому

    Hi Everyone:
    Reminder from the editor: discussions about promoting / bashing Christianity or other religious views are considered off-topic, and will be removed.
    Commenters who make personal attacks or offensive posts will be blocked.
    Thanks in advance for keeping the conversation civilized and on-topic.

  • @Justamit2501
    @Justamit2501 16 років тому +1

    this tuff is amazing.... shows just how much more is possible that we have no idea about today...

  • @kqed
    @kqed  17 років тому

    Thanks everyone!

  • @ihateuutube
    @ihateuutube 15 років тому

    I'm not sure if I should actually respond because I don't think you'll understand regardless. They are talking about the energy of the electron, and how quantum confinement can elevate that energy. The energy of a nuclear bomb comes from the binding energy of the nucleus. That energy is not increased here.

  • @SaharaForce
    @SaharaForce 14 років тому

    Thank you very much for this film and post!!!

  • @mariosmanesis8376
    @mariosmanesis8376 9 років тому

    great vidolist and info, thanks

  • @Robski18
    @Robski18 16 років тому

    I think it will have a huge impact on the human race, technology beyond our dreams, but we'll definitly have to watch out for the risks and ethical problems! It will change things in EVERY field of science.

  • @Kehayi
    @Kehayi 15 років тому +1

    Damnit, I accidentally rated one :(
    Thanks for this video! This is way above my level of intelligence, but nanotechnology fascinates me! Thanks again!

  • @phongbong
    @phongbong 15 років тому

    Berkeley ! WOO WOO!

  • @DC200560
    @DC200560 15 років тому

    We have already isolated the triggers for aging. Although nobody has yet replaced them. It's not that we can't do it, it's just that some people find it unethical.

  • @trader0108
    @trader0108 15 років тому

    Here is a way that a residential house could effectively store solar energy during the five hours of good sunshine, to last for the full twenty-four hours in a day. Use a hydraulic elevator system lifting a very heavy weight, where the energy is stored by the gravity of the weight. When the sun goes down,or when more power is needed during the five hours of good sunshine, the very heavy weight movement is reversed and the hydraulics is used to generate power. Maybe more days could be stored.

  • @stockjonebills
    @stockjonebills 16 років тому

    nanotechnology will be an evolutionary step in tech.

  • @OfficeThug
    @OfficeThug 13 років тому

    I've only participated in one nanochemistry-based research project so far in my career, but it was incredibly interresting stuff.

  • @mmtot
    @mmtot 13 років тому +1

    Real technology is the medatitve study of how your consciousness effects reality, that's the future.

  • @Brasker
    @Brasker 16 років тому

    Nice!! It's amazing to see how many people work their entire life in labs in order for us, gamers, to have better PCs and consoles with nano videocards, nano CPUs and nano harddrives to store stuff at nano prices!

  • @gumikebbap
    @gumikebbap 14 років тому

    really informative video! im making a presentation about nanotechnology and i learnt here somethings that I didnt heared anywhere else like:
    · + surface, - volumen = more reactions
    · properties changes with the lenght of crystals cause of cinetic energy of electrons.

  • @Xenon777channel
    @Xenon777channel 16 років тому

    I think you missed my point. Sony bought several laboratories to develop chips for the PS3, and they're obviously going to wait a few years until they release the PS4 since the PS3 has hardly even started selling yet.

  • @DeXDesTrOyAzZ
    @DeXDesTrOyAzZ 14 років тому

    would anyone be able to tell me which television programme this is from, im using it as a source in and essay and need to know the origin of the vid.
    thanks in advance

  • @DK0526
    @DK0526 14 років тому

    this makes those who promoted Cryonics look like geniuses after all.

  • @VidKingz
    @VidKingz 17 років тому

    Good vid. Thanks for uploading.

  • @presbarkeep
    @presbarkeep 14 років тому

    i like how the guy at 1:38 gets all giggly when he starts talking about something really nerdy hahahah

  • @DamnitHurley
    @DamnitHurley 16 років тому

    So what happens if you make it to small for the electrons to do anything?

  • @GeorgeLenton
    @GeorgeLenton 15 років тому

    1984 was written in 1948, he reversed the years. he worked for a period of time in the government, which may have been the reason he was particularly "on the money."
    its annoying to think that were so close to having technolagy that would enable the whole world to live with what they needed, yet due to the systems we live in it will be packaged and sold to us for a high price, leaving many without.
    anyone who's interested in this area would also enjoy a film called ' zeitgeist addendum'

  • @terranark
    @terranark 14 років тому

    i was thinking of doing something nano for my thesis, but my lecturer advises against it because its still so very new, and information is difficult to find, and he has a point there, and i'd need years to figure out something epic. but im still very into it, Its my main goal, nanorobotics.
    yay science and Engineering

  • @damianpoirier
    @damianpoirier 16 років тому

    if you'd like to see a mind blowing example of a near utopian nanotech future read The Golden Age, (but don't bother with the next two in the series.)

  • @oliverrrrr
    @oliverrrrr 3 роки тому +3

    2020 anyone?

  • @nothingbutstars
    @nothingbutstars 16 років тому

    As a man of quantum confinement I challenge
    you, man of reason, to see who can knock
    themselves out first by bouncing our heads
    off these padded walls. You first.

  • @DC200560
    @DC200560 15 років тому

    The polymer-based solar cells are great. They are not as efficient (currently) as monocrystalline silicon, but they are cost effective. I used a few to power a model of a hydrogen powered car.

  • @WJen8
    @WJen8 16 років тому

    "and solar panels as thick as a sheet of paper."
    it's "as thin as a sheet of paper", not thick, you are trying to describe how small it is compared to the original or prior version or form.

  • @njchad
    @njchad 16 років тому

    crazy how things have over the past few years with this amazing technology. my ipod nano is much smaller then my first ipod, and the battery lasts much longer.

  • @Changeis9
    @Changeis9 14 років тому

    what type of plant is that at 6:30?

  • @DK0526
    @DK0526 14 років тому

    the key to reversing cryonics suspensions in the future....:)

  • @hartistry1957
    @hartistry1957 15 років тому

    I love this shit! I consider myself so fortunate to be alive during these times. I hope that we make a quantum leap in this field.

  • @Nashy119
    @Nashy119 15 років тому

    I think Star Trek was based on the writers informed vision of the future, the space ships not really that interesting but the on-land parts look really cool.

  • @Crazygeneral
    @Crazygeneral 16 років тому

    If you want to know more about the potential of nanotechnology I suggest reading "The Singularity is near: When humans transcend biology" by Ray Kurzweil, it will blow your mind away.

  • @ramsam78
    @ramsam78 13 років тому

    Support nanotechnology as the technology with the biggest impact on
    human life in the next 30 years

  • @GOAQ
    @GOAQ 16 років тому

    I'm more excited about using nano tech for the space elevator idea.

  • @hipstarchild
    @hipstarchild 16 років тому

    So to which molecules do you talk of ?
    And where do such molecules obtain there energy from in order to create light ?
    What is the machine that you speak of ?

  • @bangoopong
    @bangoopong 16 років тому

    I agree. More we know, more humble we become.

  • @hipstarchild
    @hipstarchild 16 років тому

    Sure I only looked at this vid once.
    yes you are right.
    The future of this is technology is immense.

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 16 років тому

    Awesome stuff! The thought of a level of bio/nanotechnology where we can identify and control the triggers for aging and nullify them...:p

  • @am1548
    @am1548 16 років тому

    They don't have to wait a few years, those chips are already made regardless of whether the public has seen it yet.

  • @Occulus
    @Occulus 16 років тому

    ref: Crysis, from Crytek.
    Awesome game, and I want that nanosuit.

  • @JezebelDecibel
    @JezebelDecibel 16 років тому

    Science is the holy sprit when love is in the equation.

  • @Kintrada
    @Kintrada 15 років тому

    perhaps the comments have gotten slightly off topic? not that people on the internet ever stay on topic for more then 30 seconds anyway....
    any way, nice video not really any new information but a good way to present it

  • @TheNdoki
    @TheNdoki 16 років тому

    Well at least now even the smallest motor we've created is still pretty massive compared to, say, a human platelet. I'm sure by the time nanotechnology becomes a weapon I'll be long gone.

  • @LordEmilous
    @LordEmilous 16 років тому

    can you like take the little molecule that creates light because it hits the "walls of the box" and put ALOT of them in a room and turn on the machine that transforms the energy of light into electric energy and you got perpetual energy :P

  • @hipstarchild
    @hipstarchild 16 років тому

    But going back to the molecule in the box.
    These molecules look colored because of the visable light radiation to which the electrons absorb.
    If the source of visable light radiation is taken away then these molecules will not look colored.
    basically atoms need a source of energy to excite electon from a low vibrational electron energy level to a higher electron level.
    For example.A substance looks blue because it has absorbed mainly the orange wavelength in the visable light spectrum.

  • @PolarisCZ
    @PolarisCZ 16 років тому

    Yes, we are working very hard. You're welcome. :)

  • @scumbauggio
    @scumbauggio 16 років тому

    Wish I could be as optimistic. History is full of tech advances that have been redirected for commercial or military use, co-opted and made economically exclusive, suppressed or even destroyed, regardless of their potential benefits for the common good. The power of greed trumps altruism - sad but historically true.

  • @HealthIsAll1
    @HealthIsAll1 12 років тому

    please may this let some of natures victims gain health they never were given to experience

  • @free2squash
    @free2squash 16 років тому

    at least someone has the balls to tell the world the truth. thanks man

  • @ladollyvita
    @ladollyvita 15 років тому

    damn, this stuff is like something straight out of Star Trek or the Terminator. It's kinda scary even.

  • @bighands69
    @bighands69 13 років тому

    Academic research creates the knowledge and modelling systems to allow for real engineering to take place.
    Academic research allows source materials so that education can advance.

  • @Boryspitzanzx
    @Boryspitzanzx 11 років тому

    any body guessed why all the images we see are black and not in color well it is because light waves dont come in the measurements of atoms the only electromagnetic wave that comes in that form is gamma radiation but you dont want a lot of that in a room they use electron microscopes to shoot electrons as they reflect they see the image electron size wide, long, high which is very small.

  • @Tamizushi
    @Tamizushi 12 років тому

    @ThirdRomeAquilo It could also help Africa, you know? Say for example they manege to create very efficient and very inexpansive solar panels with the technology. It would compete with biomass as an energy source which in turn would lower food price and this is great for any country with starvation. And of course it's perfectly possible that they would eventually develop and benefit more directly from our tech.

  • @gumikebbap
    @gumikebbap 14 років тому

    anyway, I'd like that somebody would tell me a video which talks about actual results in
    nanotechnology like: Self-powered smart windows, trap captures cancer cells in blood...
    I found articles but they're hard to understand due to I'm not english-speaking.

  • @factanon
    @factanon 16 років тому

    Job shortages in some areas and not enough houseing and then they would build more and it looks crappy when all u can see is apartments and condos everywhere and ur all packed in i like the country so but you do have a point

  • @tseng61
    @tseng61 15 років тому

    While it is uncommon some animals do reproduce asexually, for example, hydra, (sea) sponges, certain flatworms (planarians), echinoderms. (starfish, sea cucumbers, sand dollars) Some animals have the ability to reproduce either sexually or asexually (female turkeys, and some sharks, actually)

  • @Tallacus
    @Tallacus 16 років тому

    awesome! cant wait for it, who thought Nanobots are comming so far so quickly

  • @FiloDeSarten
    @FiloDeSarten 16 років тому

    Well I'm no scientist but I can see two possibilities for this kind of technology
    1-We get to use it right and the world becomes heaven itself, with no hunger, disease, need to work or study, where energy comes from natural sources and there won't be any more pollution, where we could be able not just to fix our ozone layer but create one for other planets and live there, where we all get to live well and explore science even more and achieve some kind of god-status lifestyle

  • @False798
    @False798 12 років тому

    Beginning says 'High Quality.' UA-cam says 240p.

  • @damianpoirier
    @damianpoirier 16 років тому

    and yes The Singularity is near is a great book to. i highly recommend it.

  • @Karudu
    @Karudu 15 років тому

    You could only look back into time, not travelling. And looking back into time will be a result of time space bending and will not have anything to do with traveling nearly the speed of light or faster (which is impossible).

  • @hippielandinfo
    @hippielandinfo 14 років тому

    Obviously here knows what this stuff really is.This stuff can change all matter into what ever we program it to do.

  • @itskshitij
    @itskshitij 12 років тому

    since when is 240p high def?

  • @YangPile
    @YangPile 16 років тому

    Not quite Bauggio-
    Imagine if one kid from a college university had access to a nano machine and could produce a single layer of a substance. That he could then go to another machine and copy-past like crazy and build his own nano-design & print machine from parts. He could then produce as many of these as he wanted and give them to whomever he wished. And if he charged, someone else can do the same.
    I expect nano tech to help clean the environment, create kick ass gadgets and scare others...

  • @djdoole
    @djdoole 11 років тому

    Who else is hoping this comes to making a nanosuit?

  • @hipstarchild
    @hipstarchild 16 років тому

    Yes Mwermaidinheaven.
    you are absolutely right.
    the commmentator always sexes up the story for the listeners to become `fixated`.
    Just because it is nano technology it doesn`t mean that the laws of physics in relation to the way the atom behaves are completely new.
    Sure we will find some amazing new uses for this technology but I`m afraid that if want to find a new law of physics then we have to dig a lot deeper than just making things a lot smaller.

  • @ExtantFrodo2
    @ExtantFrodo2 13 років тому

    A big part of why people learn to be "bad" is in the current system where they've come to expect their lot in life (and that of their children) to be one of poverty. Do you doubt that nanotechnology can change that? When people can make what ever drugs they want right inside their bodies to you think there will be any drug related crime?
    What happens when a youth in Uganda can manufacture oscilloscopes or computers or hamburgers or vaccines at home?

  • @DC200560
    @DC200560 15 років тому

    We can do that now without nanotechnology. It's called electrolysis.
    However, removing the hydrogen from water produces only oxygen. Air is a combination of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and some minor constituents.
    The point is that you don't need nanotechnology to split water.

  • @mana2432
    @mana2432 13 років тому

    Ok I need help from someone that understands nanotech.. just a basic question, what are nanomachines built from?

  • @sagan666
    @sagan666 13 років тому

    Bill O'Reilly should watch this.

  • @NiVoXE
    @NiVoXE 14 років тому

    Mind = Blown

  • @billyjakk
    @billyjakk 16 років тому

    This is alien technology, Mork from Ork brought to us in the 70's, Nanoo-Nanoo!

  • @cmbears17
    @cmbears17 15 років тому

    cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @kqed
    @kqed  16 років тому

    Hi Everyone:
    I've just removed a large number of nasty comments (and their users) that focused solely on religious differences. Please keep the discussion here on topic. Trolls will be blocked.
    Thanks in advance for your help -

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 10 років тому

    What's curious is how so many of these nano-experts have their left shoulders depressed..

  • @reomex
    @reomex 15 років тому

    so in futur we can build a houses of glace with this technology, that is a great

  • @strono
    @strono 16 років тому

    boy did you miss the boat on that call...

  • @dexterfree
    @dexterfree 16 років тому

    muy buen video

  • @hazonku
    @hazonku 17 років тому

    Wow I like that last bit. It's really unethical to not act yet at the same time it should be the public's obligation to at least now a little aout nano tech, so thy can be an active part of the debate. Wow that speaks volumes.

  • @TehManofMusic
    @TehManofMusic 11 років тому

    If we have nanomachines that are made in nature like the flagellum on a bacteria, this means we could possibly study how it uses bio-electricity to fuel it. This could open up so many interesting possibilities. We could literally have machines in us, fueled by calories just like our body. Need a new leg? We can build a machine one out of nanomachines that.

    • @TransparentMediaTruth
      @TransparentMediaTruth 5 років тому

      Only prob is Nick tptsb are in CONtrol here using the Univ system to advance this tech in a most nefarious, suppressing way》safe to say you have Morgellons inside you & thus your dna has been modified/altered》See Carnicom Institute for Leader in this Research》Uncompromised Independent Science is the only place where this truth can be found》Comes down to a very simple question you trust the Gov》Vive les #GiletsJaunes

  • @Maxaka0007
    @Maxaka0007 14 років тому

    Gotta love technology ^_^
    Hope their research goes well...

    • @Maxaka0007
      @Maxaka0007 5 років тому

      Thanks for the Necro-like?

  • @gaotu
    @gaotu 15 років тому

    5:54 Igor ! ! !

  • @theforestero
    @theforestero 11 років тому

    We need more nano carbon water proof solar skins( coats)

  • @Searonix
    @Searonix 16 років тому

    Damn straight.

  • @undertake782
    @undertake782 12 років тому

    @Borderlands808 They are already working on that.

  • @zippolag
    @zippolag 16 років тому

    it's the size of their molecules if I didn't get it wrong.

  • @psychonaut25
    @psychonaut25 11 років тому

    Maximum strenght

  • @GremiasV
    @GremiasV 16 років тому

    Starts with little things like solar power, ends up with a HalfLife alien and zombie killing fiasco.

  • @snapman218
    @snapman218 14 років тому

    This technology should be used for the pleasure and benefit of those who made it. The people who spent a large portion of their lives dedicated to making a better tomorrow for the ignorant, whiney, peanut gallery, children, deserve to have opulent present.

  • @bighands69
    @bighands69 13 років тому

    The technology is already being used to research cancer.
    The technology is already in our society.
    Integrated circuits were first used for defense but they eventually were distributed in society.

  • @PolarisCZ
    @PolarisCZ 16 років тому

    Indeed. One day it will kill today's semiconductor technology. Thinnest deposition I worked with was about 40nm but it was only one layer...
    Yes,nanotechnology is amazing.

  • @ike714
    @ike714 14 років тому

    Cool story, bro.

  • @1984bigface1984
    @1984bigface1984 15 років тому

    if they do invent that kinda energy source i'm going to buy one and put it outside your house.

  • @volix16
    @volix16 16 років тому

    What's the problem with over populatation if you have this technology?

  • @LordEmilous
    @LordEmilous 16 років тому

    they sad that when they take a little piece of the element it glows a color
    and the energy it uses to create the light is as I understood the energy from the molecule bouncing in the walls.
    and you know solar energy can be turned into electric energy so why wouldn't the light from the molecule be turned into el. energy?
    I see you confused so watch the part of the video from 3:15 to 3:30