Right now I am in a very dark place. I don’t have a job right now and no finances are coming in. It is a impossible situation.Just perfect for God to show His glory.
I'm currently a widow and have been dealing with many responsibilities. I really get frustrated with myself for not trusting the Lord. I've been a believer for 50 years .I can look back over my life and see many times the Lords faithfulness and care. I am again in a season of facing new challenges and yet I struggle with resting and not being full of anxiety and fear about my future. Thank you for this encouraging message. It's 4am ,obviously I'm worried. Lol
May God be with you in this trying time, And don't be afraid to ask others for help, And let go of unneeded burdens, downsizing to give yourself less to contend with if possible. Though I know it's hard to do. May God bless you with much comfort.
Trust in YESHUA with ALL your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding. In ALL ways acknowledge HIM, and HE WILL direct your steps(make your paths straight). FEAR NOT!
- Pastor John explains the concept of casting anxieties on God using a village defense analogy. - The key to casting cares is trusting God's promise and his ability to carry the burdens. - God is not served by human hands; He gives and provides, not needing help from us. - Casting cares involves trusting God's might, care, and promises, lifting the burden of anxiety.
Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee ye, I will help thee ye, and I will uphold thee, with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
I’m struggling with years of crying out, feeling better for a day, then my trust being worn back down as the burdens are indeed not lifted. It leaves me tired and angry, unequipped for the tasks at hand, my heart aching to pour out the love He’s put in me on others, to use FINALLY to use His gifts, only for the rug to be pulled out the moment He seems to have lifted the burdens. Then I’m terrified by the growing bitterness at the conflict between how others describe the promises and what actually happens. It’s like I see and hear the splashing and cries of joy of people in a river while my feet are held between boulders on the shore and all I can do is stick out tongue, hoping some of the splashing will reach me while I wait for the boulders to be lifted. I’m still standing but I’m increasingly struggling to not give up. If I just wanted to feel better I’d dive into some New Age or Joel Osteen brand nonsense, but I don’t.
You are not alone in this struggle. God is in control. I also struggle daily and believe there are many more of us with the same concerns and worries. In Matthew 24:13, Jesus tell to endure unto the end and we shall be saved. Keep in prayer and keep up the good fight. God bless
Patiently wait for the Lord! It’s so hard when it feels things will never happen for you but anything is possible with God- do we believe that? Stay drawing near to God even when you don’t feel him and he will draw near to you we have that promise as Christians.
Book of JOB. I know it’s rough. I’m going through a lot as well. Sometimes I just wonder why. Why this test of life. Why not just heaven? But for ways higher than us. I just have to accept it. Pray and search for Jesus. Because I don’t know how to make it in this world with out him. I’m definitely not perfect. I’m tired. And time seems fleeting. But we have to keep the fait. It’s an endurance race. Lord help us all get closer to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
LO. Seriously? You're working at a job "sucking your soul" and you think praying will resolve that? Not going to happen my friend. I suggest either finding a new career or stop waiting for God to intervene. Guess which is the most likely to help resolve your problem?
And we are made righteous when we believe that He will do it, and that it has already been done, on our behalf, because He loves us most. He is our Father, and He will do it. Our faith makes us righteous, and in that, we glorify God.
I've never really understood what I think has almost become a cliche at this point..."Trust God". What few people ever say though...is trust Him to do what, exactly? Fix the situation? If its trust God that we will one day see heaven through Christ, then, yeah, ok, I'm all on board. I fully believe He will keep His promise. If it's that everything is part of God's plan, and bad stuff is part of the plan, well, that seems to be most consistent with our experience. I'm not sure how it's much of a comfort to the parent who has to take their child off of life support. " "Turn it over to God, its part of a plan you may never understand." I'm not sure that's how most people interpret that though. I think many people comfort others in a hard situation with "Trust God", thinking that God has promised to protect us from bad things. I don't think that's true. Sometimes we trust God, and the tragedy or loss we were "trusting" about happens anyway. Bad things happen to Christians every day. Death, disease, job loss, divorce, depression, financial collapse. Jesus said in this world, you will have troubles. Suffering is a HUGE part of the New Testament. So perhaps "Trust" means to not worry about whatever is going to happen because it will all work after we pass to the next life? I struggle to understand the context of this doctrine, as it seems to shift around a lot.
Yes, it is a cliche because the Biblical examples given are all clear promises of God to specific people. In most cases of our suffering today, there is not a specific promise given to us directly in which we can trust. We are just called to trust in the general promises of God(for the future) without really knowing if or how He will deliver us in the present. This works with a background understanding of vss like Jn 16:33(life will have trials). But would be nice if this reality was preached on more, rather than just the cliches.
The real thing about our Father - whose Name is JESUS - is He has a WORD that is written. He can not ignore His own Word. He has to keep it. At the time of His choosing, of course. We just wait and watch. And keep casting on Him all our burdens in accordance with His Law of Always (Luke 18:1) Thank you for what you are doing to make the Word easy and simple to understand.
I’m 22 I’ve been struggling for a while to consistently strive after God. I believe He’s real and I know he can fix all my problems in one lift of a finger. It’s that he doesn’t and I’m praying I’m reading I’m seeking. Of course not perfectly but it hurts all the more knowing he could fix my issues self inflicted or not and doesn’t. I grow in bitterness and hate that. I know I’m not doing any favors to God believing in him but this pain is great and I just want relief
I believe that is easier for a person who’s on the outside looking in to say have faith because they’re many troubles in this life. Having doubts fears worries emotions aren’t wrong and from my experience as a believer, I’ve been tempted with many of these, and fell into them. It’s when we allow our emotions to follow our heart completely rather than being honest with God of how you feel, what we’re thinking, and GOD in His unconditional underserving loved hears us because He is the great counselor.
Thank you God for giving me the peace of mind of knowing the truth and the truth sets my mind free. Thank you father God for bringing to me another day. Amen
Dear God, in times where I am at a crossroad in my life, I ask that you will give me the counsel that will help me make the right decision. I do not desire to go in the way that is not pleasing to you, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen Shalom.
C.s. Lewis comments that every arrow of Satan is targeted to perseverance. I too feel bad when I say okay I trust you to take care of this but then find myself worrying about it again. I think this is a test to keep reminding ourselves to trust in God's character, to forgive ourselves for doubting even as he forgives us, and to be grateful that God keeps his promises.
Hi friends. Please be wary of the comment that says $57K profits. There are a ton of comments saying they “know olivia too and have made money too”. This is usually how a lot of new online scams work. A bunch of people will all comment the same thing because they want you to believe its real. Please be careful.
I feel I Trust God immensely. I know He is all wise. I know He is in control. I know Satan can only do what God allows Him to do. I know He has a redemptive plan and I just need to be patient. Knowing all this gives me SOME comfort. However, My problem/anxiety starts when I wonder what God will allow me to go through. Will I be able to endure it or not!?!? After all look at what He allowed His Son and all but 1 of His Disciples to go through. 😬
I have this fear also. I’ve been in chronic pain for yrs, bedridden at times, homebound a lot, surgeries, procedures, not having pain control bc of the opioid epidemic. I’m only 40. I feel guilty for my anxieties and unstable mind (depression, suicidal thoughts). I know God is doing this for my good, to draw me closer to Him, make me rely on Him, and grow my character. When I had 1.5 yrs of good health around 2020, I ignored Him. I needed this discipline from a loving Father. But oh God, how long can I keep going like this?? I fear the future (although I know I shouldn’t fear), how to care for my aging parents 300 miles away when I can’t even make the drive there. My soul hurts and cries out to Him. Our Savior knows our pain and distress. Jesus suffered greatly on earth, even before he suffered the wrath of the Father for the sins of His people. Oh Lord, hear our cries and calm our spirit. Give Cindy and I and all Your people greater trust and reliance on You. Help us to have joy in You whether our circumstances are easy or hard. During times of prosperity, I tend to forget You, and I thank You for drawing me back. You are all that we need. Edit to add: God has used me more during my times of physical pain and distress than any other time. My brothers and sisters see my deeper trust in God and that I can raise my hands in worship even while crying through the pain. Even though I feel weak and ineffectual, God is using little ol me. He’s made me bolder to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. Our days on earth, our suffering, is temporary. Let’s take comfort in Him and lean on the Body when we’re in need. One day we’ll be worshipping at His feet forever!
0:56 - The problem with the village and the King analogy is that the invading army is a future threat. Many of our cares are a current pain, problem, or difficulty that is putting great pressure on our soul. You still experience the pain and the pressure whether you trust or don't trust, so the analogy is useless for current pain.
Hello Christan brothers and sisters please help me answere this , I'm a born again Christian but still addicted to chewing tobacco and right now i don't have desire and strength to quit this, am i still under Grace ?
Yes. God didn’t save you according to your ability to obey. He saved you because He wanted to save you. Work from salvation, but don’t work for it. There will be many more sins to conquer. Trust Him. Love Him.
Good question. I often ask myself the same thing. But i'm looking for real answers with practical applications . . . not mere platitudes consisting of nothing more than words. . . . I like the part where Jesus said *THE SON OF MAN CAME NOT TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE ETC.* But exactly how does that impact ME ????????????????????????????? I mostly think of myself as a character very similar to Ebeneezer Scrooge. And this is what he said when told the poor often cannot take advantage of available social services and are dying as a result. *WELL THEN LET THEM DIE TO DECREASE THE SURPLUS POPULATION.*
I understand what you’re feeling and I pray that you will sit quietly alone and ask Jesus to settle your mind and body down and sit in his presence. You will feel his presence. Sometimes before I do that my mind is so burdened that I first say lord Jesus please take my problems and fears and decisions and worries. I put them into your all powerful hands. I need your help I don’t know what to do and I don’t trust my own thinking to even know if you are speaking to me. I tell him each problem. Then I sit quietly before Jesus and relax my body and mind the best I can. And then I slowly feel his presence and I sit there with him for as long as I feel I should then I pick up my Bible asking the Holy Spirit to give me understanding and knowledge of His word. I just open it and read the psalms or wherever and start reading. He will speak by stopping you when reading where your eyes will just go back and read it over and over.
John what's your take on heavy metal bands who profess the name of Jesus as their savior. I'm so tired of legalistic Christan people telling me that it's wrong which is a load a crap. How do I handle these people
If GOD is a lie.... then how is it that you're able to breathe? I've seen your trolling statements.... It is evident that you are bitter...thus, opens the door for Satan to use you as a puppet to cause confusion in this post... DEVIL, I BIND YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE AND NEVER TO RETURN TO THIS POST ...THEY DON'T NEED YOUR POISON!
Right now I am in a very dark place. I don’t have a job right now and no finances are coming in. It is a impossible situation.Just perfect for God to show His glory.
I'm currently a widow and have been dealing with many responsibilities. I really get frustrated with myself for not trusting the Lord. I've been a believer for 50 years .I can look back over my life and see many times the Lords faithfulness and care. I am again in a season of facing new challenges and yet I struggle with resting and not being full of anxiety and fear about my future. Thank you for this encouraging message. It's 4am ,obviously I'm worried. Lol
May God be with you in this trying time, And don't be afraid to ask others for help, And let go of unneeded burdens, downsizing to give yourself less to contend with if possible. Though I know it's hard to do. May God bless you with much comfort.
God bless bless you, and may you see, yet again, his specific cares and faithfulness.
I'm a recently minted widower & face the same challenges you've outlined. Blessings.
Trust in YESHUA with ALL your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding. In ALL ways acknowledge HIM, and HE WILL direct your steps(make your paths straight).
@@michaelhelmick8225 . Jk
No money blessing can override His blessings of grace, mercy, and peace!!
- Pastor John explains the concept of casting anxieties on God using a village defense analogy.
- The key to casting cares is trusting God's promise and his ability to carry the burdens.
- God is not served by human hands; He gives and provides, not needing help from us.
- Casting cares involves trusting God's might, care, and promises, lifting the burden of anxiety.
Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee ye, I will help thee ye, and I will uphold thee, with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
I’m meditating on this verse since battling fear and it’s really helping. Best verse that has helped me. He is our help.
I’m struggling with years of crying out, feeling better for a day, then my trust being worn back down as the burdens are indeed not lifted. It leaves me tired and angry, unequipped for the tasks at hand, my heart aching to pour out the love He’s put in me on others, to use FINALLY to use His gifts, only for the rug to be pulled out the moment He seems to have lifted the burdens. Then I’m terrified by the growing bitterness at the conflict between how others describe the promises and what actually happens. It’s like I see and hear the splashing and cries of joy of people in a river while my feet are held between boulders on the shore and all I can do is stick out tongue, hoping some of the splashing will reach me while I wait for the boulders to be lifted. I’m still standing but I’m increasingly struggling to not give up. If I just wanted to feel better I’d dive into some New Age or Joel Osteen brand nonsense, but I don’t.
You are not alone in this struggle. God is in control. I also struggle daily and believe there are many more of us with the same concerns and worries. In Matthew 24:13, Jesus tell to endure unto the end and we shall be saved. Keep in prayer and keep up the good fight. God bless
I Pray for you this morning. Xxx
Patiently wait for the Lord! It’s so hard when it feels things will never happen for you but anything is possible with God- do we believe that? Stay drawing near to God even when you don’t feel him and he will draw near to you we have that promise as Christians.
I feel this exact same way ❤. He’s really been putting it on my heart to be patient on Him, and to focus on love
Book of JOB. I know it’s rough. I’m going through a lot as well. Sometimes I just wonder why. Why this test of life. Why not just heaven? But for ways higher than us. I just have to accept it. Pray and search for Jesus. Because I don’t know how to make it in this world with out him. I’m definitely not perfect. I’m tired. And time seems fleeting. But we have to keep the fait. It’s an endurance race. Lord help us all get closer to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
this just strengthened my faith. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ
I’m trying to cast the cares of my job on the Lord. Working in customer service for over 20 years is stressful & soul sucking.😓
Amen to that.
So true!
It's OK to find something new!! why do stay where you are miserable?
LO. Seriously? You're working at a job "sucking your soul" and you think praying will resolve that? Not going to happen my friend. I suggest either finding a new career or stop waiting for God to intervene. Guess which is the most likely to help resolve your problem?
@@TboneWTFPraying can resolve anything. that attitude will only get you a prideful mind
Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee, He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalms 55:22
God is so so good 🙏✝️❤️🔥 he shall take your burdens. I’ve felt it. Praise the Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!
And we are made righteous when we believe that He will do it, and that it has already been done, on our behalf, because He loves us most. He is our Father, and He will do it. Our faith makes us righteous, and in that, we glorify God.
Thank you Jesus…I needed this… i ask for help and you just gave it to me..ohhhh How wonderful Your Way❤❤❤❤
Thank you Jesus, in your Holy name, Amen!
Thank you, Jesus. I needed to hear that
I've never really understood what I think has almost become a cliche at this point..."Trust God". What few people ever say though...is trust Him to do what, exactly? Fix the situation? If its trust God that we will one day see heaven through Christ, then, yeah, ok, I'm all on board. I fully believe He will keep His promise. If it's that everything is part of God's plan, and bad stuff is part of the plan, well, that seems to be most consistent with our experience. I'm not sure how it's much of a comfort to the parent who has to take their child off of life support. " "Turn it over to God, its part of a plan you may never understand."
I'm not sure that's how most people interpret that though. I think many people comfort others in a hard situation with "Trust God", thinking that God has promised to protect us from bad things. I don't think that's true. Sometimes we trust God, and the tragedy or loss we were "trusting" about happens anyway. Bad things happen to Christians every day. Death, disease, job loss, divorce, depression, financial collapse. Jesus said in this world, you will have troubles. Suffering is a HUGE part of the New Testament. So perhaps "Trust" means to not worry about whatever is going to happen because it will all work after we pass to the next life?
I struggle to understand the context of this doctrine, as it seems to shift around a lot.
Yes, it is a cliche because the Biblical examples given are all clear promises of God to specific people. In most cases of our suffering today, there is not a specific promise given to us directly in which we can trust. We are just called to trust in the general promises of God(for the future) without really knowing if or how He will deliver us in the present. This works with a background understanding of vss like Jn 16:33(life will have trials). But would be nice if this reality was preached on more, rather than just the cliches.
This is the best episode of APJ I’ve ever heard. I believe Pastor John nails the response to the question.
The real thing about our Father - whose Name is JESUS - is He has a WORD that is written. He can not ignore His own Word. He has to keep it. At the time of His choosing, of course. We just wait and watch. And keep casting on Him all our burdens in accordance with His Law of Always (Luke 18:1) Thank you for what you are doing to make the Word easy and simple to understand.
By trusting his abilities. That is to understand that he is able to make all things possible.
God never makes anything possible because He is not real.
remind us Lord we are in your hands and we don't have to worry because you take care of us
I think I’ve listened to this 8 times in the last 3 weeks. Praise God! Thank you DG!!
Lord I trust you
Tracey Burroughs from South Africa 🇿🇦 listening to your podcast. Thank you for another good episode.
Halleluyah! 🛐🙌🙌🙌
I’m 22 I’ve been struggling for a while to consistently strive after God. I believe He’s real and I know he can fix all my problems in one lift of a finger. It’s that he doesn’t and I’m praying I’m reading I’m seeking. Of course not perfectly but it hurts all the more knowing he could fix my issues self inflicted or not and doesn’t. I grow in bitterness and hate that. I know I’m not doing any favors to God believing in him but this pain is great and I just want relief
I believe that is easier for a person who’s on the outside looking in to say have faith because they’re many troubles in this life. Having doubts fears worries emotions aren’t wrong and from my experience as a believer, I’ve been tempted with many of these, and fell into them. It’s when we allow our emotions to follow our heart completely rather than being honest with God of how you feel, what we’re thinking, and GOD in His unconditional underserving loved hears us because He is the great counselor.
Cast your burden upon the Lord
He will sustain thee!
Excellent! It’s all about truly trusting God.
Sometimes I just feel like crying .my heart is filled with tears because I tend to ask myself .where is God .thanks for this message
God is a lie.
Thank you God for giving me the peace of mind of knowing the truth and the truth sets my mind free. Thank you father God for bringing to me another day. Amen
Can you elaborate on the "truths" God has given you?
Dear God, in times where I am at a crossroad in my life, I ask that you will give me the counsel that will help me make the right decision. I do not desire to go in the way that is not pleasing to you, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen Shalom.
Has God given you the answer you required yet? It's been 4 months.
I don't care about making 57,000$ in profit. I care about having Christ say to me "well done good and faithful servant".
Wonderful message ! Thanks so much ! Blessings from Berne 🇨🇭 💓
Thank you pastor john for this it so encouraged me god ia sooooooo good
I really like how this is put! I never quite thought of it as just simply trusting in God and letting go of worries. Very lovely ❤
C.s. Lewis comments that every arrow of Satan is targeted to perseverance. I too feel bad when I say okay I trust you to take care of this but then find myself worrying about it again. I think this is a test to keep reminding ourselves to trust in God's character, to forgive ourselves for doubting even as he forgives us, and to be grateful that God keeps his promises.
This is hard :( 😰
Thank you pastor John .makes sense. Hopefully I can apply
Thank you for this encouraging word, Pastor John - God Bless!
This is powerful thank you
Hi friends. Please be wary of the comment that says $57K profits. There are a ton of comments saying they “know olivia too and have made money too”. This is usually how a lot of new online scams work. A bunch of people will all comment the same thing because they want you to believe its real. Please be careful.
Report such comments. So that UA-cam can take note and remove them
I feel I Trust God immensely. I know He is all wise. I know He is in control. I know Satan can only do what God allows Him to do. I know He has a redemptive plan and I just need to be patient. Knowing all this gives me SOME comfort. However, My problem/anxiety starts when I wonder what God will allow me to go through. Will I be able to endure it or not!?!? After all look at what He allowed His Son and all but 1 of His Disciples to go through. 😬
I have this fear also. I’ve been in chronic pain for yrs, bedridden at times, homebound a lot, surgeries, procedures, not having pain control bc of the opioid epidemic. I’m only 40. I feel guilty for my anxieties and unstable mind (depression, suicidal thoughts). I know God is doing this for my good, to draw me closer to Him, make me rely on Him, and grow my character. When I had 1.5 yrs of good health around 2020, I ignored Him. I needed this discipline from a loving Father. But oh God, how long can I keep going like this?? I fear the future (although I know I shouldn’t fear), how to care for my aging parents 300 miles away when I can’t even make the drive there. My soul hurts and cries out to Him. Our Savior knows our pain and distress. Jesus suffered greatly on earth, even before he suffered the wrath of the Father for the sins of His people. Oh Lord, hear our cries and calm our spirit. Give Cindy and I and all Your people greater trust and reliance on You. Help us to have joy in You whether our circumstances are easy or hard. During times of prosperity, I tend to forget You, and I thank You for drawing me back. You are all that we need.
Edit to add: God has used me more during my times of physical pain and distress than any other time. My brothers and sisters see my deeper trust in God and that I can raise my hands in worship even while crying through the pain. Even though I feel weak and ineffectual, God is using little ol me. He’s made me bolder to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. Our days on earth, our suffering, is temporary. Let’s take comfort in Him and lean on the Body when we’re in need. One day we’ll be worshipping at His feet forever!
@@jenniferruth812 I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. Thank you for adding me to your prayers. I'll keep you in mind. 🙏
1:22 1:43 to 2:57💡 3:08
0:56 ❤
Pastor John working the Lord's WORKS on this one!
God needs obedience..to follow his commandments, doing this, will be like a child obeying the Father
0:56 - The problem with the village and the King analogy is that the invading army is a future threat. Many of our cares are a current pain, problem, or difficulty that is putting great pressure on our soul. You still experience the pain and the pressure whether you trust or don't trust, so the analogy is useless for current pain.
Future threat? Tell that to Job! Satan is walking about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour! Keep watch!
Awesome 🤩
Please father God help me to be able to bear this burden. 🙏
I believe all will be well if it be your will Lord.
I'm proud to be a Christian hedonist.
What do you mean by hedonist? It sounds like sinful living? It seems contrary to Christian living.
love this
Hello Christan brothers and sisters please help me answere this , I'm a born again Christian but still addicted to chewing tobacco and right now i don't have desire and strength to quit this, am i still under Grace ?
Yes. God didn’t save you according to your ability to obey. He saved you because He wanted to save you. Work from salvation, but don’t work for it. There will be many more sins to conquer. Trust Him. Love Him.
Those who are under the grace are free from fault because ( Roman 5:21 ) the grace works by doing right and salvation.
Good question. I often ask myself the same thing. But i'm looking for real answers with practical applications . . . not mere platitudes consisting of nothing more than words. . . . I like the part where Jesus said *THE SON OF MAN CAME NOT TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE ETC.* But exactly how does that impact ME ????????????????????????????? I mostly think of myself as a character very similar to Ebeneezer Scrooge. And this is what he said when told the poor often cannot take advantage of available social services and are dying as a result. *WELL THEN LET THEM DIE TO DECREASE THE SURPLUS POPULATION.*
I understand what you’re feeling and I pray that you will sit quietly alone and ask Jesus to settle your mind and body down and sit in his presence. You will feel his presence. Sometimes before I do that my mind is so burdened that I first say lord Jesus please take my problems and fears and decisions and worries. I put them into your all powerful hands. I need your help I don’t know what to do and I don’t trust my own thinking to even know if you are speaking to me. I tell him each problem. Then I sit quietly before Jesus and relax my body and mind the best I can. And then I slowly feel his presence and I sit there with him for as long as I feel I should then I pick up my Bible asking the Holy Spirit to give me understanding and knowledge of His word. I just open it and read the psalms or wherever and start reading. He will speak by stopping you when reading where your eyes will just go back and read it over and over.
Powerful powerful
Your FAITH is at work if you cast your cares/burdens to God
{{{}}} The spirit of virtous_virtue, thrive, chaste_chastity & truthful_truth be with you {{{}}}
I want to ask John a question does anybody know how I contact him?
John what's your take on heavy metal bands who profess the name of Jesus as their savior. I'm so tired of legalistic Christan people telling me that it's wrong which is a load a crap. How do I handle these people
How do I trust a invisible being who doesn't speak to me?
Pray from a believing & humble heart…
The exact ??? I've had.
If the Jews in Egypt had sent a search committee for a deliverer they wouldn't have chosen Moses
Does his voice bother anyone else?
The real and better question should be: "How can I cast God to my cares?" God is a lie.
If GOD is a lie.... then how is it that you're able to breathe? I've seen your trolling statements.... It is evident that you are bitter...thus, opens the door for Satan to use you as a puppet to cause confusion in this post... DEVIL, I BIND YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE AND NEVER TO RETURN TO THIS POST ...THEY DON'T NEED YOUR POISON!