Minecraft: Last Hope - Teaser



  • @DigitalXMedia
    @DigitalXMedia  13 років тому

    We need some idea's for the movie, comment below and if we use your idea we'll include your channel name in the credits. Don't forget to like & favorite the video!

  • @laxwolf
    @laxwolf 13 років тому

    A band of creepers destroyed your village, brutally killing everyone one you loved. You survived because you were in your cliff front fort on the outskirts of town... you saw everything. It was your birthday that day, the whole town was setting up the town for celebration. As you search through the wreckage, you find a sword issued to you by your father... it was your birthday present. You swear to the gods that you will defeat the creeper army (lightning flash.) Fight pigmen, spiders, ect.

  • @DigitalXMedia
    @DigitalXMedia  13 років тому

    @max2icey We're aiming for a more "Drama" type movie but we don't have plan at the moment that is why where taking idea's.

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    The Earth is over runned by zombie's as you are asleep for 5 years you wake up and something doesnt feel right you look outside its quiet so you go out looking for people and find dead corpses you run back home in fear pondering what could've happened. suddenly from around the corner of the street millions of zombies rush by but dont see you because you're inside you grab a broom stick and your leather clothes and sneak out. Sneaking in panic while hoping for existence you come across.

  • @TrioPhoenix
    @TrioPhoenix 13 років тому

    @DigitalXMedia People get stranded on an island looking for a legendary blade, they slowly start going insane, and get greedy, one starts killing the others but no one knows it. I can make that story very long but I'll leave the details and twists to you.

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    What's this going to be about? Itt'd be easier to give an idea if i know what the story is or what it's about.

  • @DigitalXMedia
    @DigitalXMedia  13 років тому

    @GodlikeFurry Search "Bioshock Theme"

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    @max2icey you and the others find a temple and so you go to it because your all tired and in need of food so you go there and you are in luck not only is there food there is swords and armor( Gun's and armor if possible) and food and beds. The Next day you wake up and you guys see that its raining and so you feel to just wait but in no luck creepers start to swarm and so you try to run out side fighting through them and you all make it out. Your friend became wounded and so you have to help fix

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    @max2icey it. so now you go off in search while they wait. and you battle through monsters trying to find stuff to help your friend and so find a medicine (and a plane if possible) and hurry back and help treat the wound and (if you have the plane you can tell them you found transportation if not oh well) and so you guys carry on trying to find out whats going on and then you come across the people responsible for this anarchy and you try to get information to stop it but they aren't telling.

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    sorry im very detailed.

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    @max2icey two people after walking for five days and so then you get to know these people and so you and them finally agree to go on a search for more people and then you all are quickly backed into a dark house by giant mutated spiders and you find a cellar which leads somewhere but you don't know where you head down it. Now you come up you seem to be two blocks down from the house you all were in and so you get out and run away and start traveling after leaving town. Going on for awhile you.

  • @max2icey
    @max2icey 13 років тому

    @max2icey and so they try to kill you all and you end up killing one of them and sothe other shoots you and you kill him and then main person gets away and so you try to fix your wound with whats left of medicine and then the revenge for the murder of millions of people begins when you all travel to there HQ.