when ever the interest rate rise bussiness lead to demotivated for the investment in over all this will cause unemployment and the down fall of the aggregate economy activities
Thank you for raising this timely and critical issue which serves as a wider indicator of the wider economic ailment that the economy is suffering. My interest rate was raised to 22% abruptly and unexpectedly...its close to impossible to get appropriate ROI from the loans I took to repay the bank. Not in the current economic environment. I might default. So will a large portion of the economic actors. 2008 like economic collapse loading.
I don't think foreign banks will have a lower interest rate. You have to remember that they calculate their profit using USD not Ethiopian birr. They will never lower their interest below inflation rate because it would be marked as a loss in their annual report. This decision is actually the reverse. It's to allow the foreign banks to enter since local banks were fine with an interest rate below the inflation rate as long as they were making profits in inflated birr.
መበደር ጥሩ ነዉ÷ ብድር መክፈልን ልማድ እና ባህል ማድረግ ደግሞ እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ነዉ።
ብድር ወስደን መቀመጥ ውይም የወሰድነዉን ብድር አጓጉል በማባከን የመክፈያ ጊዜ ሲደርስ ወገቤን ከማለት ይሊቅ እንደእብድ መስራት እናም በማትረፍ ብድርን ከፍሎ የተረፈዉን ለቀጣይ እንቬስመንት መጠቀም ነዉ እንጂ የምን መጨቃጨቅ ነዉ ባሻዬ።
ሳይሰሩ ወይም የረባ ሥራ ሰርተዉ ሳያተርፉ ወይም የተበደሩትን ገንዘብ ለረባ ነገር ሳያዉሉ እንዲሁ በዋል ፈሰስ ገንዘቡን አባክነዉ የብድር መክፈያ ጊዜዉ ሲደርስ ነገሩን ወደ ፖለለቲካ በማዞር እሪ ከማለት አሁኑኑ መበርታት ነዉ ዘመዲዬ።
ታዲያ የብድር ገበያዉ የዋጋ ጭማሪን አስፈላጊነት ከጠቆመ የብድር ዋጋዉ (interest rate) የማይጨመርበት ምክንያቱ ምንድነዉ??
ለባለቪዲዮዉ ይህን ከተራ ሰዉ ምክር መመከር እንደስድብ ስለሚቆጠር እርስዎን አይመለከትም በሉልኝ እባካችሁ።
when ever the interest rate rise bussiness lead to demotivated for the investment in over all this will cause unemployment and the down fall of the aggregate economy activities
የሚገርም ቅዠት ነው ያሰቡት። እናመሰግናለን ዋሴ።
Thank you for raising this timely and critical issue which serves as a wider indicator of the wider economic ailment that the economy is suffering. My interest rate was raised to 22% abruptly and unexpectedly...its close to impossible to get appropriate ROI from the loans I took to repay the bank. Not in the current economic environment. I might default. So will a large portion of the economic actors. 2008 like economic collapse loading.
ካሱ የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ የ20/80 እና የ40/60 የኮንዶሚኒየም ቤት ቆጣቢዎች ከ10 አመት በላይ በዝግ ሂሳብ እየቆጠቡ ከመደበኛ ቁጠባ እኩል ወለድ መታሰቡ እንዴት ትመለከተዋለህ። በእነዚህ ዜጎች ላይ እየደረሰ ያለ ኢኮኖሚያዊ ኪሳራ በተለይ ከወለድ ክፍያ አንፃር ያለው አንድምታ ማብራሪያ ብትሰጥበት (ለምሳሌ በ2% ከመደበኛ ቁጠባ የተሻለ ማሰብ ቢቻል ተፅእኖው ምን ያህል ሊሆን እንደሚችል ብታብራራው)
Given other complications, how it can be effective for the clients already borrowed (signed the terms)?
እዚህ ላይ ነባር ተበዳሪዎችን በተመለከተ አንድ ያላነሳሄዉ ሀሳብ ቢኖር ለምሳሌ በfixed interest rate ለ20 አመት የተዋዋለ ተበዳሪ ላይ መጨመር ከህግ አንፃር እንዴት ይታያል?
Ethiopia ውስጥ fixed interest rate ያለ አይመስለኝም
@@ymkbe5952 No there is. ለምሳሌ የዲያስፖራ የቤት መግዣ የብድር ውል ከባንኮች ጋር የተደረገው ለ20 ዓመታት በ8.5 ቋሚ ወለድ ተመን ነበር።
Thanks for ur update mr wasyhun
ዋሴ እንዴት ነህ ?
እኔ በጣም የሚገርመኝ ከሃሳቡ illogical ነት ይልቅ የትግበራው ፍጥነት ነው
ቆይ የት ሀገር ሄደን እንኑር ? ወዴት እንሂድ ንቅል ብለን ጓዛችንን ይዘን 🤔 የት እንሂድ እና ሰላም አግኝተን ሰርተን እፎይ ብለን ሀብት ይዘን ጠግበን ምናድርበት ሀገር ..... የት እንሂድ እቺን ሀገር ትተን በየጊዜው የዚን መንግስት ጉዳይ የማንሰማበት
I don't think foreign banks will have a lower interest rate. You have to remember that they calculate their profit using USD not Ethiopian birr. They will never lower their interest below inflation rate because it would be marked as a loss in their annual report. This decision is actually the reverse. It's to allow the foreign banks to enter since local banks were fine with an interest rate below the inflation rate as long as they were making profits in inflated birr.
አብዛኛው ተበዳሪ ብድሩን አይከፍሉም።ወለድሲጨመርባችቸው መክፈል ሊጀምሩ ይችላሉ።
ይህን መከረኛ ህዝብ
የባንክ ወለድ
የባንክ ቫት
የንሮ ውድነት……………
Egna bank lay ke December 1 jemro tegbarawi honual esk 23% dersual le building and construction tebedariwoch lelelochum 3-5 chemrual
What is the implication for non interest banks? You should at least talk to them to enrich your knowledge of the sector.
Koy gin mengist reform adereghu yemilew balefut 6 ametat waga manar bicha
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Transport ......
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