Calling All Jews - a plea...

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @nicolegonzalezmarrero629
    @nicolegonzalezmarrero629 2 місяці тому +40

    I can't even complete my conversion. I so desperately want to move to Israel, complete my conversion....I don't even care if I am homeless as long as it's there!!!

    • @ChaverahChannah
      @ChaverahChannah 2 місяці тому +3

      😢 why can't you complete it?

    • @nicolegonzalezmarrero629
      @nicolegonzalezmarrero629 2 місяці тому +12

      @@ChaverahChannah I live in the mountains of WV in the USA. There is nothing here. I tried several different avenues with no success. I pray and wait for HaShem to make the path.

    • @Lindaloosh
      @Lindaloosh 2 місяці тому +7

      Come and complete your conversion here.

    • @margasa8548
      @margasa8548 2 місяці тому +1

      Oh my Gosh!

    • @jasminthelemaque
      @jasminthelemaque 2 місяці тому +7

      I wish you a lot of blessings and that HaShem will hear your prayers .

  • @Lana-hb6xf
    @Lana-hb6xf 2 місяці тому +5

    It's me you are talking to. I came to the USA from Russia I was 17. My mother after my brother's service in the army was afraid of that. I wanted to come to Israel and have been FOR THE VERY REASON YOU ARE SPEAKING OF NOW, wanting to go to Israel for 44 years now. I'm older) and it's not as easy financially from America ( I REALLY WANT TO HOPE I WILL SOON

  • @ChaverahChannah
    @ChaverahChannah 2 місяці тому +20

    The problem with visiting is that the correct way, according to the Torah is a one way ticket only

    • @GreenCanvasInteriorscape
      @GreenCanvasInteriorscape 2 місяці тому

      Kahane pointed that out often before his murder by a jihadi who is connected to the first world trade center bombing, his files set and looked at by the FBI for years full of incriminating information about Islamic scheming

  • @rogerbeaird3320
    @rogerbeaird3320 2 місяці тому +20

    Barruch Hashem 🔯 psalms 122 pray for the peace of Jerusalem

  • @TheMalka770
    @TheMalka770 2 місяці тому +2

    Glad to hear you.❤ BH

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +3

    I'm trying to wrap my head around this so I can make it happen

  • @Mercy_Chanter
    @Mercy_Chanter 2 місяці тому +28

    I'm neither a Jew nor a Christian, I do not follow man made religions, I follow God's Word and I live in His presence because I trust God and only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Forty years ago I have been in the presence of God, I did not see His face, but when I was caught up in the spirit by God Himself (and it was not a near death experience) I felt His presence all around me, I felt unconditional love all around me, and the kind of peace that has not been experienced in this world, at least not yet.
    This was the day God took all my fears away, and now I'm not ever afraid of death because we don't die but keep on living. The flesh dies, but not the spirit in us, it goes back to God who gave it to us, and God does whatever He pleases with it. We either exist, or we cease to exist. Everyone's fate lies in God's hands. Trust in God, and God alone, with all you heart, mind, soul, and spirit. We are humans and make mistakes, but as long as you feel remorse, ask for forgiveness, accept correction by God and abstain from evil, God is loving and just and will correct you and forgive you. Blessed be His name forever and ever, and may God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Glory to God, our heavenly Father and only Savior!

    • @SethSongwriter
      @SethSongwriter 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Mercy_Chanter I believe you

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +1

      You got it right. ALL things are used for His purposes - even evil. Evil is the 'teacher' that you do NOT want to learn from... as the lessons can be a very costly way to learn.
      The spirit MUST be embraced as the way to be guided, because the law of Moses cannot be fulfilled to the letter without 'breaking' it.
      For instance, IF you were in a group of people ready to stone a woman, I would write the following two things on the ground...
      1st - Exodus 21:12...
      "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death."
      And then if there were protests that 'she' was NOT a 'man' - the 2nd verse...
      Leviticus 24:17...
      "Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death."
      Let God be the judge as He will redeem the works. The way that a sinner takes lead to the fires (troubles) that will 'refine' him. If you stand in the way, you are then taking the seat of judgement away from God, and then sit in the seat of the scornful, and should expect that the pearls of wisdom that have been thrown in front of them as stumbling blocks will be the cause of them turning and trampling you. Instead, realize that there are (2) parts to the law - a 1/2 for day, and the other 1/2 for night.
      IF someone chooses to walk in darkness, they are then their own 'light'... and that 'light' is the 'life' of mankind. Because the one who stumbles is still being 'guided', He is in the fire with him.
      When we are so fearful of God that we are too afraid to serve Him as commanded, we are right back to square one all over again, and will only lose our lives in war, as we through anxiety try to save them.

    • @HebelDan
      @HebelDan 2 місяці тому +2

      Where do you find G-d's word?

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +1

      @@HebelDan - Hopefully in your heart - where it is supposed to be. Hopefully all around you, for it created all that there is. Hopefully inside of and a part of ALL things... whether good OR evil.
      It is good to avoid evil as Job did. But it is better to see it as a 'form' or 'good'... that is 'not good' yet.
      But, because what was, is, and always will be, what is yet - or not - still 'is'.
      Perspective. Joseph knew perspective. And Job and Abraham knew to blindly trust it - even if things aren't looking so 'good'.
      Where do I get my scriptures from? From everything that is around me... good OR evil.
      The Book of Life is the Torah. It is a compilation of parables, that are so connected to 'life', that if one is careful as they read them, the future can be known - as time itself just goes around and around and around... nothing new under the sun.
      Where do I get my scriptures from? From everything that my eyes look upon, as ALL of creation screams out to me... the 'presence' of God. And because of... there is nowhere to hide.
      IF you are asking me because you want to check my sources, then understand this... I have no 'earthly' sources, such as authors or specific 'men'. I don't know where to say my knowledge is from, as it was given to me by life, and a life of suffering at that.
      Homeless at the age of 14. Sounds terrible... but I can also tell you that I never cooked my own meals at the time - the dumpster behind McDonald's has lots of food in it when everybody has to run home. Or like the times where I slept in a tree, and awoke to the sounds of birds signing... and so loudly that I wonder how it was that I didn't wake up sooner. Everywhere... birds!!
      Do you not know why the birds were not cut in half when the covenant was made?

    • @Rosy-7877
      @Rosy-7877 2 місяці тому +2

      You stay. We go to our Land. ❤

  • @Yaeli-24K
    @Yaeli-24K 2 місяці тому +4

    I hear you. I am exactley where you discribe. On the threashold. I am a jew. Mother from israel with a yemenite backround. Came to israel in the late 1800s.
    My mother always wanted to go back. So she spoke hebrew to me and instilled in me a longing for israel. I tried once. Studied in jerusalem one year when I was 20. but my secular upbringing and progressive ideas made me feel strange there. Not israeli enough. Let alone not jewish enough, since I wasnt focused on that. Even though as a child I said shema every evening and my savta was religious and always prayed for me to come to israel, be ezrat h’ (from norway where I grew up). Now I live in norway, with two sons and a gentile husband. My sons also speak hebrew because my longing has just become bigger and bigger. My husband went from progressive to conservative over the last 8 years and even realized that G-d exists. in this process I also realized a thing or two. My oldest son has had his bar mitsva, doing the whole musaf and attending every jewish summercamp putting on Tefillin. He looks more middle eastern than me and loves and feels israel and his jewish identity. The small one also. I say Shema Israel with them every night and learn the parasha every week. I pray every day that we find a way to do aliyah. I still dont know how practically as there are so many obstacles. But as you say, excuses I guess. But I am asking God for help. Help to see the way. Your message hit me hard as I know it is true. And I know time is running out. Thank you for the reminder❤. Yael

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +8

    I have no 'family'. All - even friends - have abandoned me because of my faith.

    • @davidwenger9821
      @davidwenger9821 2 місяці тому +1

      So Chris what part of the country are you in? Do you study Torah?

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +1

      @@davidwenger9821 - ne USA. And I study 'time'.

    • @TheMalka770
      @TheMalka770 2 місяці тому +1

      We're all family Don't worry we embrace you and more importantly you are within the space of God

    • @rimwrecka100590
      @rimwrecka100590 2 місяці тому +1

      I'm curious, what does it mean to study time? ​@@ChrisMusante

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому

      @@rimwrecka100590 - it is what the eyes that are in the wheels - Ezekiel's Wheels - do. They 'watch' every single thing that happens and align the results with the law of God.
      There are also 'time studies' where a person can test or calculate how much can be accomplished during a specific time 'interval'. Hopefully the person that you are working a production job for has some this. If you know that you can make 1 'piece' every hour - hopefully your boss will not request 2 (or more) per hour.
      You can also study the things that God does (or has already done) to see 'where' your 'are' within a cycle of time, and by noticing a 'time's time' calculate what is possible to come 'next'.
      Time switches back and forth between good time and bad time, over and over, but ALWAYS goes 'forward'. What I mean is that you cannot (easily) 'reverse' time, though ALL of time CAN be reversed. To reverse time is to 'change' a 'bad time' into a 'good time' and visa versa. You can reverse the time of something that has happened by redefining what 'kind' of time that it was that has passed. Say you got a flat tire, and you 'considered' it to be a bad thing, as you were then late to your job interview and were not 'hired'. And then later you discover that a tragedy had occured, and one that you 'missed out' experiencing BECAUSE of the flat tire. At this point, what you thought was bad or 'evil' has actually turned out for 'good'.
      Now, take a 'walk' through life, with the mindset that God is ALWAYS 'good'. How does one accept the 'bad' as 'good'? That requires the ability to 'fish from the otherside' - as Jesus said.
      Notice that they were fishing ALL NIGHT long and caught nothing. If 'one side' does not produce 'fruit', then it should be expected that the opposite side, or the 'reverse' is where the fruit (fish) can be found.
      If one takes a look at Genesis, they will see that EVERYTHING that God 'does'... is 'good'. So where then does the 'evil' come from? Both good AND evil are from the Lord.
      God and Lord are NOT the same thing, they are opposing sides of the ONE TRUE GOD. An Elohim is a 'god', YHWH Elohim is THE GOD. An Elohim is a disembodied spirit, meaning without physical form. And though 'formless' still exists.
      If one were to read Genesis 1, it reads... "now the earth was formless and void." Most would read that and see the word used 'void' and imagine that 'nothing is there'. To that I would ask, how can 'nothing' be 'formless'?
      To some, time exists without 'form', while to others time IS the 'former', the 'potter', by which ALL THINGS are 'made' OR 'created'.
      Making and creating are NOT the same thing. Darkness and evil are 'created', while light is 'formed' and peace is 'made'. Notice the stark contrast between the two seemingly similar words. Some (in error) even think as they read Genesis that they are the same, in the verse where it is written the "God (Elohim) tested from all He made and created." If we fast forward a bit, we can see the 'us' in Genesis as being Elohim (the many) and LORD God (YHWH Elohim) by reading what Isaiah wrote about the LORD.
      "I form light and I create darkness. I make peace and I create evil: I the Lord do ALL these things." (Isaiah 45:7)
      Do you understand thus far?

  • @RuthAlvesReis
    @RuthAlvesReis 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you Tent of Abraham, so important and urgent this message. I'm preparing to come back to the Holy Land and I know I will ❤❤🇮🇱💙💙🤍🙏🏼💙💙🇮🇱💙💙

  • @jacovawernett3077
    @jacovawernett3077 2 місяці тому +4

    L'chaim, my Hebrew name Jacova is the female form of Jacob. God spoke fifty sentences to me from above over nine years' time span, so far. I was born March 11th in Bethlehem.
    8.4.2015 in the morning, God spoke His first nine sentences to me from above to my ear. One of the wisest things God said was, "When you notice something, there is a reason." Its a way to see signs from God.
    11.11.2015 Honolulu, Nimitz Highway 18th floor in the morning. God spoke one sentence to me from above. He said, You are rain. I walked out to the balcony, stretched my arms to the sky and said, It's time for a rainbow. Immediately a double rainbow appeared beside the building and reached out to the Pacific Ocean. A neighbor lady asked me, How did you do that. I answered, I am not a solo act. God is not a solo act. No one is a solo act.
    11.17.2015 Eve Beach Waikiki early evening. I couldn't find a book reading, so I sat under the stars alone.
    God asked me, What side of the blade are you on. I answered The side of the righteous my words are my sword. He then showed me my ascension to Heaven.
    He said, Make Israel one. You are anchor.
    God's last sentence to me so far was four years ago after months. He said, "You are Princess Messenger of God." In Aramaic, it's Amira Malaka Elah.
    The latest sign I asked God for was the big solar flare for May 11th Aurora Borealis. There are eleven solar years on the sun.
    God is my Father and rabbi.
    My 25 year old son Zechariah Wolf Orion is in Tel Aviv.
    My Messenger is Jacova Adonistan. Give me a ring.
    God's voice was kind, clear as a bell, alto. Not some weird whisper or roar.
    It turned my stick straight hair to ringlets.
    11= Gevurah.
    Baruch Hashem

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +3

    God bless you rabbi. May God's will be done. Shalom.

  • @curtistowler8643
    @curtistowler8643 2 місяці тому +8

    Thank you 💙

  • @judystaab7126
    @judystaab7126 2 місяці тому +5

    Thank you for speaking god's word❤

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +5

    God's got this he's got it all planned out and I got to leave it up to him

    • @Mercy_Chanter
      @Mercy_Chanter 2 місяці тому +1

      That's the correct way to do it! ❤🕊

  • @RachaelLeeThornton
    @RachaelLeeThornton 2 місяці тому +4

    I could live there if I had a place to live and a job. My mother was 100% Ashkenazi Jewish. How do I know? My DNA is 50% Ashkenazi. But there's a catch, I'm a Christian also. About 3 years ago, my longing to be in Israel started growing. I've been praying that God would open the doors that need to open for me. I have the finances to get there, but not to stay long-term. I also have signed a contract to work in the U.S., but I know HE can make a way when there is no way. And when the time is right, HE will do it. My contract will be finished in June. If this call is truly for me, I will be there as soon as possible. ❤❤❤!!!!

    • @RachaelLeeThornton
      @RachaelLeeThornton 2 місяці тому

      4 bedroom 3 bathroom apartment $5,500/month in Jerusalem facing the Old City. Divided by 4 people 1,150 /month each. Not easy to find, but they are outthere

    • @Lindaloosh
      @Lindaloosh 2 місяці тому +1

      Everybody doesn't have to live in Jerusalem. It's crazy expensive. Average rent in the Golan Heights is 4000₪ per month for a large house. It's beautiful here.

    • @malka2851
      @malka2851 2 місяці тому +1

      Jewish mother means you are 100% Jewish. Come home to Israel.

    • @dkcheraw
      @dkcheraw 2 місяці тому

      Respectively, what he is saying is meant for Jews. If you are a Christian with "50% Yehudi DNA" it still doesn't make you a part of Israel...your god is NOT our G-D.

    • @dkcheraw
      @dkcheraw 2 місяці тому

      Ma'am, you are a simply a Christian with Jewish ancestry. There is no requirement for you to make Aliyah. How about you remain where you are and help your fellow Christians.

  • @seanvandiijk2889
    @seanvandiijk2889 Місяць тому

    Powerful message, thank you very much.

  • @nataliesirota2611
    @nataliesirota2611 2 місяці тому +9

    We are trying desperately to get there! Applied years ago and still no response from JA. We support Israel and do what we are able from where we have been planted. Obviously, HaShem wants us to be here.

    • @Lindaloosh
      @Lindaloosh 2 місяці тому +4

      We came with suitcases and nothing else. No help from NBN. It's easier to deal with the Israeli government from Israel. Come and you'll see that Hashem will provide miracles. You only need to take the first step. Peace be with you. 🙏🏻

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому

      The body of Adam... I already have one!! I have a scar on my right side from a giant hole that was found the day of my second wedding in 1995. If you touch the scar, it will leave the smell of Babies Breath (a flower) on your hand. Seriously.

    • @evelynpowell7517
      @evelynpowell7517 2 місяці тому

      Are you saying that you did not use N'bN and Israeli government is easier to deal with?

    • @Lindaloosh
      @Lindaloosh 2 місяці тому

      @@evelynpowell7517 I didn't use NBN at all, although I did have to visit the Israel embassy to get our passports. Once we arrived in Israel, we visited the ministry of the interior to establish our benefits. Hope this helps.

    • @MarjorieBernal-v5b
      @MarjorieBernal-v5b 2 місяці тому

      My situation is exactly the same. The JA has been telling me "your file is on the Ministry of Absorption's desk" since October '23. I feel like going on a one way ticket but I'm afraid of being sent back.

  • @Lindaloosh
    @Lindaloosh 2 місяці тому +8

    Amen! Thank you for having the courage to say what so few rabbis are saying. I've been very disappointed by Diaspora rabbis as of late. It was refreshing to wake up to your video this morning. עם ישראל חי! 🇮🇱

  • @josephcohen1740
    @josephcohen1740 2 місяці тому +3

    Thnku well said

  • @Shane_The_Confessor
    @Shane_The_Confessor 2 місяці тому

    "They will remember Me in distant countries
    And they with their children will live and come back.
    I will bring them back from the land of Egypt
    And gather them from Assyria;
    And I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon
    Until no room can be found for them"

  • @todddavis9412
    @todddavis9412 2 місяці тому +1

    Seven Noahide Laws:
    1. There is a G-d and you aren't it.
    2. Don't blaspheme G-d and don't say a bad thing about anything good in your life.
    3. Don't steal.
    4. Don't murder.
    5. Don't practice sexual immorality.
    6. Don't be cruel to animals, including human ones.
    7. Don't pervert justice.
    Practical observance of these 7 Laws should ease you into a world created especially for you, by HaShem. Helping a Jew return to Israel: PRICELESS.

  • @plarks-guddaboyz
    @plarks-guddaboyz 2 місяці тому

    Rabbi I long every day to be in Eretz Israel but I don't have much means I'm only a humble Yid. I have a family & we eat well but to move us & sustain us there is currently overwhelming & i cant see how its possible. I am going to ask Hashem to please provide the ability to make Aliyah.. Toda raba Rabbi..

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm not worried about what he's going to give me he's giving me enough

  • @zehava77
    @zehava77 2 місяці тому

    This video makes me think about it, I never left this country, I don’t have a lot of money, I got a good job but I struggle here. I don’t think I could l leave my dog. Also, working on my next black belt.

  • @rutbrea8796
    @rutbrea8796 16 днів тому

    May HASHEM/ELOHIM TZEVAOT REVEAL HIMSELF TO THIS WORLD AND THE UNIVERSE!! I am waiting for my King of Kings and Lord of Lords to show His Power to the world!! No man or man made, can change this world except for our CREATOR!! No man ever has!! To HaShem /Elohim Tzevaot is the glory!! HALLELUJAH!!

  • @mitzijackson3598
    @mitzijackson3598 2 місяці тому

    Love you Rabbi❤

  • @crystalaviles4091
    @crystalaviles4091 2 місяці тому

    I just found that my ancestors are from the house of King of David, im truly shocked. I know Hashem has been leading me, its been by far the loneliest walk but he has been holding my hand through it all. Reading the Torah more and more and clearly seeing the lies that no one had to die for my sins as a human scarfice as this is a abomination to God. And finally realizing that the Holy One of Israel blessed be his name is One. I feel safe and at peace that he will protect me through it all. Hashem will succeed in fulfilling his promises. And if I die before than I know where I am going, Home.

  • @RunningOverRocks
    @RunningOverRocks 2 місяці тому +1

    "...So deeply entrenched in the system, you are not aware that you are slaves to it..." 3:14 Powerful words to begin this upload, and I can hear the urgency of your cry. Your message would have been even more profound if you were to speak from your heart and not have been a slave to your notes!

  • @nicolascamacho319
    @nicolascamacho319 2 місяці тому +1

    Esteemed thinker and wise counselor, what if I am a Ben Noah and long for becoming a convert, do you think I should go to live in the Land,when my soul wishes for it, like a treasure.... ? I think that my family is Sefardi , but became lost in idolatry because of the Spanish persecution. Do you think I should go to convert and to live the Holy Land???

    • @Keithphysics
      @Keithphysics 2 місяці тому

      If you're Jewish, you're Jewish. (Referencing Sephardi ancestry). Read the Scriptures, follow G-d and keep His commands. Choose to love Him with all your heart, soul mind and being and He will direct your path. In the event you find you are a Ger, study the scriptures and learn what the Tanakh says about the strangers and sojourners who were joined to Israel by following The Elohim of Israel. Shalom

  • @nancyfriedberg9516
    @nancyfriedberg9516 2 місяці тому

    I’m planning my trip to get a handle on the move. It’s expensive.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    All the stars are aligned over here

  • @sunrayrosin7181
    @sunrayrosin7181 2 місяці тому

    I’m a non religious Jew and I am Christian by faith. And I feel the need to make Aliyah NOW! How can I serves Israel and come home!

    • @123Homefree
      @123Homefree 2 місяці тому

      Israelis spit and attack christians over there youtube it soo much footage!

    • @interior.imperial1
      @interior.imperial1 Місяць тому +1

      You're a Christian... not a Jew. You just said so yourself. You don't need to make Aliyah any more than a Hindu or a Scientologist needs to make Aliyah.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I am here for y'all

  • @pinkyg6508
    @pinkyg6508 Місяць тому

    Thank you for these words. I would love to go home to my people & stay there. There is only 1 G-d. Baruch Hashem.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому

    Summary. SIN is 'self inflicted neglect'. But even sin will prove the promises of curses that one will know because of their rebellion. But since the sins are 'rewarded' also, one who has understanding should notice that their sins will then be as white as snow, and used to redeem to works that were done.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    My life isn't cushy at all I live on the streets for god sakes

  • @j.lsantos9106
    @j.lsantos9106 2 місяці тому

    Wow the closing brought me to tears 😭
    Torah hashem israel
    ❤ 🇮🇱 out of 🇺🇸 ❤

  • @HaroldKatcher
    @HaroldKatcher 2 місяці тому

    "My thoughts are not like your thoughts, and what I do is beyond your imagining", says the Lord. So, how do the sages know what God "wants"?

  • @wolfnelson1540
    @wolfnelson1540 2 місяці тому +1

    Shalom! I'm not here to refute what you said , LO! But to humbly ask you,
    We know so little of our Jewish family we did find our family in the 5 books of death from wwII but, I ask without hard evidence and then there is cost of moving I understand they give 1 oe 3 shipping containers to you to fill and have it shipped to Israel. I also understand several interviews what if you are what they call Messianic? Yes many are there such as Joshua Arron etc.. but how do you prove sur name only? Mothers name was Shipman we found maybe a direct linage of King David? Hard to find out more, father's name is Nelson both also have native America Indians Mother Cherokee father ,
    Catawba, also known as Issa, Essa or Iswä but most commonly Iswa how do you prove any tribe of the 12 of Israel? How I longed for Benjamin as Wolf is my Jewish name! Is the 2nd greater Exodus my only hope of returning? Because I study Torah I no longer attend any temple or synagogue, very long story, but I have no Rabbi to give me any written words of return if that's even stipp a requirement? But how does someone as I and my family go up? Just a desire alone is not enough! Time is short I know that! The PM is here in USA and I feel so sorry for him Joe sick or dead? The VP she did not meet him Yesterday and she is boycotting PM Benjamin speech tomorrow! I say Am Yesrael CHI! I will bless who blesses you etc.. it's clear USA is in grave danger it's such a mess here! I long for the day I can walk the streets and by it's rivers and lakes sit. But just wanting to go is not enough, and no real info on how to just do that. I do know that yhe 2nd Greater Exodus will be far greater than the 1st one. Seems those who long for Home are the ones kept back! We keep Shabbat and Feast days among ourselves and eat Kosher and avoid GMO also. One day the EL of Creation will indeed open a door for those of us who can't just get on a jet and stay in Israel will indeed be carried to that City of Shalom our long awaited HOME. Any info would be greatly appreciated. TADA, AND MUCH shalom,
    Wolf Nelson

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    Do you know how hard it is to take in all this I don't even know who I am anymore

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    Please answer me the question of how do I get there by what means of transportation

    • @Joshua-wf8zp
      @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

      @@stardel I don't have a passport and I can't get one

      @ANCIENTWISE 2 місяці тому

      @@stardelare you too??

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    Can I have your information so when I get there I can look you up

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I would only do this all the goodness of my heart and because I'm a servant of God

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    We've had red tide in the ocean here for 10 years ever since I died

  • @CrisPalacios-nj1ef
    @CrisPalacios-nj1ef 2 місяці тому

    I talked to a realtor a week before Oct. 07, 2023. This realtor told me to live in Jerusalem, starts at $5,000,000, for an apartment. Southern Israel starts at $5,000,000. But, Northern Israel starts at $250,000. I was so shocked…!

    • @CrisPalacios-nj1ef
      @CrisPalacios-nj1ef 2 місяці тому +1

      I’ve always wanted to go to Israel for the Feast. I ❤ Israel.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    It speaks to me oh too well

  • @thesoulmateconnection
    @thesoulmateconnection 2 місяці тому +2

    The Jew is not alone. I am not Jewish but I am a woman. I often ask, where is the man? Where is my protector. My life is also a hard one. If it were not for God, where would I be? Where was the Jew when I was dying? See, this game is not the what we thought. What is Jew? Who is better the man or the woman? Or are we not ONE? Our oneness is Jew. See, you cannot possibly understand me because no one does and I have lost hope is trying to be understood. Our oneness wins this game. He is the power of God in our physicality. He is balance. He is masculine and feminine. He knows what is good. When we see Him in our image, we are there. We have found paradise, which is Israel. 🙏

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +1

      Wow!! Both masculine and feminine in one!! This is in Genesis. Male AND female made them 'he' and called 'their name' (plural)... 'Adam'. Adam is singular.

    • @thesoulmateconnection
      @thesoulmateconnection 2 місяці тому +1

      @@ChrisMusante thank you 💓

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому +2

      @@thesoulmateconnection - don't thank me, thank God! He is the one that opened your eyes so that you could see the truth. You are thus blessed and therefore a blessing. 😊

    • @HebelDan
      @HebelDan 2 місяці тому +2

      Man is our union.
      An insipring concept
      I do believe in.
      Though I have my reservations if you're interested.
      First off,
      I think that you're understood better than that, Kapara.
      After reading genesis 1& 2,
      I believe that I see the union on different fractal levels,
      Like the tree of life, our children, the heavens and earth, unite.
      Man, or Adam,
      The word connects earth, blood, the act of stillness and Hashem. (adama, dam, nadam, A א means Hashem.
      I'm not sure where do I see it for the Jew, rather than Man.
      In Genesis, G-d creates Man (singular). Cool.
      And created them male and female (plural),
      Indicating they are perhaps both Man,
      Each on his own.
      These were my reservations.
      Thank you for sharing your work.
      Salutations from Israel

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I don't care what label is put on an individual I look at character and faith and Truth

  • @BeauWolfe
    @BeauWolfe 2 місяці тому

    Brother where can I go to help, please give Us a place to congregate and We will be there. I have tried to help in my own way and i hope it means something that dreams can become true. I am here please help me help You

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому

    These are the partitions... day and night, light and darkness, peace and evil, laughter and war. Everything has a time and a season.
    I like that you acknowledge our choice, our freewill.
    My last name is not Italian as our family thought... it is African and has an interesting set of 'bookends of destiny'.
    Musa - Moses
    Etna - Mountain of Fire
    And then someone in my family decided to take a DNA test. Ashkenazi and from the tribe of Judah.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 2 місяці тому

    The best way to 'study it' - is to 'live it'. If one 'lives it' - it's 'truth' is then 'tested'. IF it is tested and tested without hypocrisy - it will be proven to be 'good'.
    What prophecies can be fulfilled, should be sought to be fulfilled - as prophecy is not a divine weather forecast... but a 'promise'. God does NOT break His promises - ever.
    There is a very tiny word in the writings... the word is IF.
    IF the promises that WE make are fulfilled by our actions, then we have both spoken AND fulfilled prophecy.
    Was Jonah a false prophet or was Nineveh overturned? Nineveh WAS overturned, but the fulfilled the prophecy by their own hands instead of waiting for the Lord to fulfill the promise. We should do the same.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    It was in the 12th house in Pisces during the eclipse

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Really most of my life I've always been true to my faith but I've never picked up a Bible until recently

  • @michekids
    @michekids 2 місяці тому +12

    Im a Believer in Yeshua and am strengthened by the teaching of the Torah and the Promises of The Holy One to Israel. I have no family and no place in Israel as a Stranger and am suffiently ganged up on for being a Believer and supporter of Israel and not a democrat. I pray that all Jewish people be Echad with each other as He is for you and with you.

    • @OliveWeitzel
      @OliveWeitzel 2 місяці тому

      Same to me!

    • @JeWCyDuDe
      @JeWCyDuDe 2 місяці тому +4

      I'm so sorry. May Hashem remove the scales from your eyes so that they may be opened to the idolatry of xtianity and to the light of Torah.

    • @AdaraBalabusta
      @AdaraBalabusta 2 місяці тому +3

      If you follow Jesus as a philosopher, you are fine. If you worship Jesus as a deity, you are deceived.

    • @DanialADisciple
      @DanialADisciple 2 місяці тому

      Disregard the naysayers! Christ is the way the truth and the life! They will Soon know the truth! Shalom

  • @blancabellizia4691
    @blancabellizia4691 2 місяці тому +2

    Cushi lives? Seriously Tamir, if I would be able, I would be there already. Bezerat HaShem that is my main concern

    • @TheTentofAbraham
      @TheTentofAbraham  2 місяці тому +5

      I am speaking of those who can, and do not, I'm sorry I thought that was clear.
      Fully aware that not everyone is living a cushi life :)
      There's more to come, so don't worry, I gotchu...

    • @blancabellizia4691
      @blancabellizia4691 2 місяці тому

      @@TheTentofAbraham 💞🇮🇱 all good

  • @Falconress49
    @Falconress49 2 місяці тому

    A whole bunch of us "Christians" are going to be helping you get back home, even already are. The enemy hates us, too. Don't forget us. We love you, and we are prepared to stand with you to the death. Also, lots of us live and love Torah. We are in this together. The unbelieving world hates Hashem and his Word and everyone associated with Him. No one talks about the sanctioned persecution of Christians worldwide as we speak. There's a reason for that.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    What would you recommend of how I can get over there

  • @RobertFox-r8h
    @RobertFox-r8h 2 місяці тому

    It goes back to the builders AKA cobbla formerly known as the order of farrow.

  • @baruchben-david4196
    @baruchben-david4196 2 місяці тому

    Aliyah sounds great, but... I'm in my Seventies, in reasonable health but requiring some heavy medication. My only source of income is from Social Security. If I were to go to Israel, I am afraid that I would be a burden. I could work if I could find a job, but honestly I don't think I could contribute my fair share to Israel.

  • @dawvidben-huir8101
    @dawvidben-huir8101 2 місяці тому

    🙄 just thinking, when you mentioned about refining silver, in order to see if it is TRULY refined, the one that is doing the refining ( Ha-Shem ) will see His face purely reflected 🛐🔎✒️📜🫀🔍👂🗣️👣

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm not supposed to put the 12 tribes Israel together

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    God's waiting on me

  • @amethyst4990
    @amethyst4990 2 місяці тому

    i like your beard thanks for video

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    And he wants his praise he wants credit for credits due

  • @hoshea4
    @hoshea4 2 місяці тому

    The way of Yoseph has been subdued by the woman of seduction and this is why he remains in gulos. But a small remnant will seek the embrace of Yehudah, out of exile for the sake of the Esteem of the Father.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I understand your frustration

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    That's what I'm explaining

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    We are in Exodus now

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    That's what he sent me back for us his children

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    If I can get the military to fly me over there I'm coming

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    When I come there are you going to help me go to the right people so that I can have this situation handled

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    But like you said reading time is over it's action time

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Because I don't want to be a blasphemous

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Well that's what I'm trying to do

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I just learned who I am now

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Trust me I'm going through it

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Yeah the eclipse just happened

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    The military bases put here to protect this land the old holy Land

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I have to lay the laws of Deuteronomy back down 2

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    You see what I'm talking about

  • @mbaker8188
    @mbaker8188 2 місяці тому

    Baruch atah Adonai

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Nobody will accept me in my own land

  • @SixOneNiner23
    @SixOneNiner23 2 місяці тому

    Why is antisemitism being falsely boosted? Are they trying to scare Jews into making Aliyah?
    Tinkenn Olam is also falsely accusing some people of horrible things.
    I pray for the Jewish people and for all of us.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Who do I go to I want to come help but nobody will take me serious

  • @judystaab7126
    @judystaab7126 2 місяці тому +1

    God's spirit will keep us! I have a ppastor l understand what you are saying . If god will provide if his will he will provde and his will. I must find the united pentecostal church in jerusalem or lsreal easyto reach. 😮❤😂😅🎉❤

    • @dkcheraw
      @dkcheraw 2 місяці тому +2

      What he is speaking of has nothing to do with Xtians. Its about Israel's redemption.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Because that's for the Bible told me to seek the help

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I'm even the drunk

  • @SethSongwriter
    @SethSongwriter 2 місяці тому

    What if the dad was but the mom wasn't, what does that mean for the child?

    • @elijacobs2529
      @elijacobs2529 2 місяці тому +1

      Not jewish then

    • @SethSongwriter
      @SethSongwriter 2 місяці тому

      @@elijacobs2529 What if the mom said, well you're not Irish either?

    • @SethSongwriter
      @SethSongwriter 2 місяці тому +1

      Good thing I've been born again, now I'm a child of God.

    • @dkcheraw
      @dkcheraw 2 місяці тому

      ​@@SethSongwriter, So obviously you're Christian, why are you injecting yourself into a message meant for Jews?

    • @lorietaylor6837
      @lorietaylor6837 2 місяці тому

      You may have Jewish soul. Conversion would prove it.

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I don't pay taxes I'm an outlaw here

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Use my birthday and go to the scripture of it 3/8/80

    • @Joshua-wf8zp
      @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

      3 + 8 is 11 the double helix make 16 so use 38 and 316 and 11 and eight go to any part in the Bible

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I just said when I come to the land

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I'm Joshua Michael like I said

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    They won't acknowledge me

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    It all has to do with the military believe in me and who I am

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    I don't have a passport it's been taken I can't leave the country

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Yep that's me

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Hey I'll have to get with you when I come there

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    Do you believe in me do you know who I am

  • @Joshua-wf8zp
    @Joshua-wf8zp 2 місяці тому

    That's what I'm having problem with right now