Going on a longer trip where I'm at quickly means it's to another country in Europe. So any car trouble needs to be solved there. So getting your car checked out before the trip is very important and making sure the insurance covers that too. Even when a garage has checked it always check yourself. As a child I went on vacation once with a caravan. During the travel through the mountains we heard strange noises. After checking it appeared that the bolts of the wheels of the caravan were loose. Luckily we could fix it but it was quite a scare.
How u doing?, Bravo! you did top ~
Good, thank you.
Going on a longer trip where I'm at quickly means it's to another country in Europe. So any car trouble needs to be solved there. So getting your car checked out before the trip is very important and making sure the insurance covers that too.
Even when a garage has checked it always check yourself. As a child I went on vacation once with a caravan. During the travel through the mountains we heard strange noises. After checking it appeared that the bolts of the wheels of the caravan were loose. Luckily we could fix it but it was quite a scare.
I can’t imagine how scary that must have been for you, especially in the mountains.
@@NervousNessie yeah, you don't want to think too much about what could have happened.
Thank you for sharing your story.