Doberman meets German Great Dane

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Jeff's dog food:
    Poultry and millet He tolerates and tastes best
    Jeff's throwing balls:
    Since Jeff likes to sink the balls or the one or the other thrower is not accurate ^ ^ disappear again and again a few balls.
    Jeff's brush:
    Yes, Jeff is brushed like a horse: D
    My jacket:
    Everywhere Portable, not over it, but always very chic. Have years of such jackets because they are really well processed and keep warm. Especially on cold winter days in the open field, I was godfather to this jacket! and Doberman steadfast she is still: D
    My shoes:
    No matter how the things look like after a spin they are as new and for hiking boots I'm still too young: D
    Durable Collars: D (Jeff has collar size 50)
    I'm sure there are endless other good ones but I got stuck with Hunter because they combine durability and looks. There are also some of art or no leather I prefer, however, the leather versions.
    Hunter Basic
    Hunter Arizona
    Light Collars
    Please avoid the croppers! these parts are constantly broken. At Aldi, there are from Romeo for 6-7 € light collars with a real buckle and battery. Holding the parts and just in the cold batteries tend to give up the mind from one to the other minute. Jeff gets it now he is a decent with an unusual color so that his colleagues know who this is in the dark ^ ^
    Leuchti collar