Shocking 9/11 Home Videos And First-Hand Accounts

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
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  • @shannon_w.
    @shannon_w. 8 днів тому +19

    Not that I want ANYTHING like this to happen to our country again, EVER! But I just wish so bad that we were as united as a country today as we were on September 12, 2001! Our country is just so sad today and today it is neighbor against neighbor, friends against friends, and families against families! For what? Why? It breaks my heart that so many lives were lost that day and the way a lot of my fellow Americans are acting today is not any kind of legacy to leave or dedication to all of the lives lost on September 11, 2001.❤

    • @victoriapopaz5303
      @victoriapopaz5303 5 днів тому

      Pls , pls hear me, The Great tribulation coming make no mistake this here what evil men did is only the tip of the iceberg another evil is coming to our world his known as the ANTI-CHRIST - EVIL DICTATOR HE IS ON THE HORIZON. This evil man will rule this world 🌍 with an iron fist and he will force the world to take his evil mark aka the 666 mark of the beast system . People have only 2 options they can be [born again] in Jesus Christ TODAY & be saved from the coming wrath by putting their faith and trust WHOLEHEARTEDLY in Jesus Christ blood atonement sacrifice 🎚🩸👈🏻 or reject Jesus Christ provision for salvation and be left behind in the 7yrs tribulation coming upon the whole world 🌍…? whom will you choose this day..? The evil man of sin aka the anti - christ or the man Jesus Christ aka the Saviour / Redeemer the one who loves u and care’s about ur eternal soul & the one who gave his life for u 🎚🩸👈🏻 ..? 👉🏼Kjv[John 3:16-18] For God so loved the world 🌍 , that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth puts their faith in him and what Jesus did on the cross for you 🎚🩸👈🏻 should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      For God sent not His Son JESUS into the world to condemn the world 🌍 ; but that the world through him might be saved.
      He that believeth on JESUS CHRIST is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      Those who reject Jesus Christ provision that he made on their behalf 🎚🩸👈🏻 will forfeit their eternal soul. The outcome will be catastrophic for those left behind in the tribulation because they vehemently rejected Jesus Christ provision for them on the cross
      9/11 is incredibly sad but this is dim compared to what is coming upon the whole world 🌎
      Kjv[Revelation 13:16-17]And he [ anti Christian evil dictator] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the devils mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name on the right hand or forehead .
      If you are one of those who rejected Christ & are u are left behind I implore u DO NOT TAKE THAT EVIL MARK rather put ur faith and trust WHOLEHEARTEDLY in Jesus Christ and be martyred for Christ instead because to take that anti- christ 666 evil mark on ur right hand or forehead would mean u lose ur eternal soul forever. Kjv[1 John 5:12] He who has the Son has [a]life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Pls those reading this choose Jesus Christ. God bless you all ❤🙏🏼🎚🇦🇺

    • @ronniewoodinsteadofmt2615
      @ronniewoodinsteadofmt2615 День тому

      Damn , I wish you were my neighbor. Tremendously said with what you wrote . Joey in Pennsylvania

  • @anniebieber19
    @anniebieber19 3 дні тому +2

    What a beautiful documentary. I watched this event unfold on TV, as so many did, from my home in the remote Northern California mountains. I remember staring at the TV on the phone with my neighbor screaming as the towers fell, something I repeated prefaced by "Please God NO" each time they replayed the collapse as if some miracle could stop it, make it not real. My husband was a Firefighter, shortly after I became a fire 911 dispatcher and worked with many who volunteered their time at The Pile. Twenty three years later the looks on their faces when asked what was it like, and they answered "You don't want to know" still haunts me as do the faces of the First Responders going in to do their jobs and never coming back. I pray we never see an incident like this again and that we never, ever forget.

  • @ginag6209
    @ginag6209 4 дні тому +2

    A lot of this I’ve never seen, the people fighting and trying to come to terms with it all is beautiful, ending with hugs 😢

  • @randomrebecka6778
    @randomrebecka6778 9 днів тому +12

    Around 10 minutes when that cloud of debris was coming, that video always hits me really hard. Even though she might not have died from the debris itself breathing that in has caused so many people their lives years later. I’m always so shocked that this is real life.

  • @rb9581
    @rb9581 7 днів тому +10

    As of right now, it’s been 8,417 days since that awful day, and it STILL seems like yesterday. 😢

  • @jesusjessegonzalez191
    @jesusjessegonzalez191 4 дні тому +3

    Makes me sad how that taxi driver from India felt as if he needed to explain himself and that he was from a country that was “best friends with America.” The treatment that foreigners faced post 9/11 was unreal. I was a teenager when it happened and remember that a girl from the Middle East never came back to school after 9/11. To this day I don’t know what ever happened her.

  • @randomrebecka6778
    @randomrebecka6778 9 днів тому +6

    Around 10 minutes when that cloud of debris was coming, that video always hits me really hard. Even though she might not have died from the debris itself breathing that in has caused so many people their lives years later. I’m always so shocked that this is real life. I am impressed with what Bill Clinton said. But he went there with Chelsea to try and do some thing, but made sure to tell people not to jump to conclusions.❤

  • @conniejohnsoncj8724
    @conniejohnsoncj8724 3 дні тому +1

    8:29 is definitely an explosion!

  • @winstoncorrigan4309
    @winstoncorrigan4309 6 днів тому +3

    It’s all so sad and must of been terrifying to have actually have been there it must of seemed like the end of the world, in a way it feels like it was the beginning of the end look where we are nowadays and I am so ashamed of our so called leaders who enable these warmongers and call for ceasefire and still arm them to the teeth ⚖️🙈🙈🙊

    • @ivrsn7949
      @ivrsn7949 6 днів тому

      Its 2024 and still so many sheeps out there like you ., thats so sad ., US fucking A is the Virus .,

    • @victoriapopaz5303
      @victoriapopaz5303 5 днів тому

      @@ivrsn7949 you need Jesus Christ salvation 🎚🩸👈🏻

    • @victoriapopaz5303
      @victoriapopaz5303 5 днів тому

      Pls , pls hear me, The Great tribulation coming make no mistake this here what evil men did is only the tip of the iceberg another evil is coming to our world his known as the ANTI-CHRIST - EVIL DICTATOR HE IS ON THE HORIZON. This evil man will rule this world 🌍 with an iron fist and he will force the world to take his evil mark aka the 666 mark of the beast system . People have only 2 options they can be [born again] in Jesus Christ TODAY & be saved from the coming wrath by putting their faith and trust WHOLEHEARTEDLY in Jesus Christ blood atonement sacrifice 🎚🩸👈🏻 or reject Jesus Christ provision for salvation and be left behind in the 7yrs tribulation coming upon the whole world 🌍…? whom will you choose this day..? The evil man of sin aka the anti - christ or the man Jesus Christ aka the Saviour / Redeemer the one who loves u and care’s about ur eternal soul & the one who gave his life for u 🎚🩸👈🏻 ..? 👉🏼Kjv[John 3:16-18] For God so loved the world 🌍 , that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth puts their faith in him and what Jesus did on the cross for you 🎚🩸👈🏻 should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      For God sent not His Son JESUS into the world to condemn the world 🌍 ; but that the world through him might be saved.
      He that believeth on JESUS CHRIST is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      Those who reject Jesus Christ provision that he made on their behalf 🎚🩸👈🏻 will forfeit their eternal soul. The outcome will be catastrophic for those left behind in the tribulation because they vehemently rejected Jesus Christ provision for them on the cross
      9/11 is incredibly sad but this is dim compared to what is coming upon the whole world 🌎
      Kjv[Revelation 13:16-17]And he [ anti Christian evil dictator] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the devils mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name on the right hand or forehead .
      If you are one of those who rejected Christ & are u are left behind I implore u DO NOT TAKE THAT EVIL MARK rather put ur faith and trust WHOLEHEARTEDLY in Jesus Christ and be martyred for Christ instead because to take that anti- christ 666 evil mark on ur right hand or forehead would mean u lose ur eternal soul forever. Kjv[1 John 5:12] He who has the Son has [a]life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Pls those reading this choose Jesus Christ. God bless you all ❤🙏🏼🎚🇦🇺

  • @VEGA_173
    @VEGA_173 7 днів тому +3

    5:25 was that ernest armstead?

    • @lemonheadgames
      @lemonheadgames 7 днів тому +1

      I just realized the same thing

    • @VEGA_173
      @VEGA_173 7 днів тому

      @@lemonheadgames i just looked at some pictures and i'm 90% sure its him, i wonder if this is before or after he saw the black tag lady?

  • @JasonClarke-l4d
    @JasonClarke-l4d 5 днів тому +5

    The people that told everybody to remain at there desks in south tower killed countless more people they should be blamed for holding up the evacuation if we’re me I would of been out regardless of the intercom

    • @anniebieber19
      @anniebieber19 3 дні тому

      Unfortunately in NYC the "Stay" was protocol for high-rise fires, people were safer waiting for rescue. This was an extraordinary event that could not have been forseen in the wildest of imaginations. As a former 911 Dispatcher I can imagine the guilt and pain of those sitting on the phones following this protocol, hearing people dying and having to live with having your audio tapes replayed for 23 years and being so harshly judged for doing as instructed. People seem to forget 911 Dispatchers are the first First Responders. I wish someone would do a documentary about their 9/11 experience though just the thought brings tears to my eyes.

    • @JasonClarke-l4d
      @JasonClarke-l4d 3 дні тому

      Yes but not only was it a high rise fire it was a explosion which everybody heard and felt when it comes to safety your job should go out the window just get to safety regardless of protocols

    • @JePe-on4ff
      @JePe-on4ff 2 дні тому

      Hindsight is 20/20 if you didnt know the first bombing of WTC in 93 alot of people died because they were trampled on in the staircases due to panic so blaming the announcer is very childish of you to say when you dont know the full details the person who caused the deaths of WTC is the person who flew the planes into the building

    • @JePe-on4ff
      @JePe-on4ff 2 дні тому

      Hindsight is 20/20 if you didnt know the first bombing of WTC in 93 alot of people died because they were trampled on in the staircases due to panic so blaming the announcer is very childish of you to say when you dont know the full details the person who caused the deaths of WTC is the person who flew the planes into the building

    • @dalerimoller272
      @dalerimoller272 День тому +1

      One big reason why the south tower was told to remain there before it was hit was because back in 1993 when the wtc was bombed, people were frantically rushing to get out of the buildings and it caused some to get trampled to death. So on 9/11 they were just thinking of what they should have done differently in the previous situation, keeping people who were in seemingly no danger to remain inside so others could get out of the complex.
      A lot of people on the inside had no idea what was going on out there. Once the port authority was told that people were being told over intercom to stay in their building, they tried but could not get through to the intercom to inform the person on the other end to change the message.
      That poor person just thought they were doing the right thing, especially by taking into consideration what they knew from previous experience. I do believe that the 93 bombing did in a way help people who were evacuating to stay calm and orderly while evacuating though. From every account I’ve heard, they’ve all said that people were walking at a good pace, no pushing, no crowding, and they walked in double file down the flights of stairs. Of course in the beginning anyways, before the south tower fell.
      I do agree with you that in hindsight, countless people died because they were told to stay in their offices. That at one point there were guards physically making people turn around and go back up, from at least one account I recall. But regardless, no one knew exactly what to do, they only did the best they could that day. It’s awful and tragic, but that message wasn’t spoken out over intercom with malice, and hindsight is 20/20.

  • @Cornelius-n4k
    @Cornelius-n4k 7 днів тому +3


  • @allaboutloveatyutoob2507
    @allaboutloveatyutoob2507 4 дні тому +2

    Very deep video

  • @MrGamingDJ1
    @MrGamingDJ1 9 днів тому +7

    Does anyone know what happened at 8:25? Was that debris hitting the ground?

    • @joseconde91
      @joseconde91 8 днів тому +5

      I once read that they were cars exploding or gas leak explosions.

    • @MrGamingDJ1
      @MrGamingDJ1 7 днів тому +1

      @@joseconde91 Oh wow! yeah now that you say it it does sound more like an explosion rather than something hitting the ground

  • @astridmuellerchen
    @astridmuellerchen День тому +1

    Good video! Many thanks

  • @renettareno662
    @renettareno662 4 дні тому +1

    Sir you do not need to be saying my heavenly father's name in vain you had better watch your mouth and watch what you seriously say my heavenly father does not deserve to have his name said in vain from you or anybody I'm seriously sick and tired of people saying my heavenly father's name in vain in cussing at him he does not deserve that enough is enough. Be very very careful choose your words wisely because if you don't you will severely pay the consequences of your actions so watch your filthy mouth and watch what you say. And if you are going to mark my heavenly father you know what's coming to you he will knock you to the floor

    • @Luvlacegrl
      @Luvlacegrl 3 дні тому

      What the heck?!?

    • @biancabruns1691
      @biancabruns1691 14 годин тому

      Und ich bin der Vater meiner Mutter 😶

    • @elizabethsteer6883
      @elizabethsteer6883 8 годин тому

      Threats threats threats! You’re obviously god’s holy mouthpiece - or you think you are. Sheer arrogance.