For Pgtrb exam,we need to read original text book,don't we? And I have annamalai university distance education books only,that is enough for exam???? Kindly guide me pllssss..and also tell where to study...thankyou
Yes! Kindly download the syllabus and prepare accordingly. Yes you can follow the university books but it is not enough. The first step to start is to start. Start to study with what books you have it will guide you, don't worry about what you don't have. For your further improvement you can follow our channel and we are planning to upload PGTRB topics as soon as possible.
Okay. For example: First start from "Prologue to the Canterbury Tales". Take a printout of the text lines of "Prologue To The Canterbury Tales". Then read the text. If you can't understand it, You can have a look at the videos that I posted on "Prologue To The Canterbury Tales based on the original Text. Then read yourself repeatedly. And then frame questions by yourself. Then go through different materials or sources from the website by yourself. Try to answer quizzes based on the topics, repeatedly. You can follow these steps on all the topics and then you will come up with your own study tips.
Ur narration seems to be spontaneous... Just wow.. heard so many narrations but urs is best ❤
Thank You so much 🪄🤍
Excellent madam
Thanks a lot ❤️😊
Excellent narration
Thank you 🍃
Nice explanation mam❤️
Glad you liked it ☺️
Thank u so much pa
Welcome 😊
Thank you so muchhh.....
Most welcome 😊
For Pgtrb exam,we need to read original text book,don't we? And I have annamalai university distance education books only,that is enough for exam???? Kindly guide me pllssss..and also tell where to study...thankyou
Yes! Kindly download the syllabus and prepare accordingly. Yes you can follow the university books but it is not enough. The first step to start is to start. Start to study with what books you have it will guide you, don't worry about what you don't have. For your further improvement you can follow our channel and we are planning to upload PGTRB topics as soon as possible.
Thank you mam...pls guide me where to study..that will be a big help.
Okay. For example: First start from "Prologue to the Canterbury Tales". Take a printout of the text lines of "Prologue To The Canterbury Tales". Then read the text. If you can't understand it, You can have a look at the videos that I posted on "Prologue To The Canterbury Tales based on the original Text. Then read yourself repeatedly. And then frame questions by yourself. Then go through different materials or sources from the website by yourself. Try to answer quizzes based on the topics, repeatedly. You can follow these steps on all the topics and then you will come up with your own study tips.
Thank you so much, mam...🙏
They r not lovers at first.. Kindly conform
Yes, they are not lovers at first.