Why I Don't Use The Freethinking Argument | A Critique of Tim Stratton

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @KayfabeGames
    @KayfabeGames 10 місяців тому +9

    The Freethinking Argument is a terrible argument and I say this as a libertarian. I'm glad you addressed this.

    • @KayfabeGames
      @KayfabeGames 10 місяців тому +1

      @@TheNaturalTheologian You're boxing with ghosts because I want to say 'yes' and 'amen' to everything you say. However, I reject ambitious transcendental arguments as a whole because I think they were sufficiently dealt with in the 1960's. Think of it this way, suppose hypothetically that some philosopher is able to come along and successfully show that epistemically circular arguments fail. If that philosopher is right, then even if a particular epistemically argument is revised it will still inevitably fail if it turns out to be epistemically circular. So in that case it's not merely a specific argument that fails, but an entire class of arguments that fail in virtue of falling into that class. We can apply this same reasoning mutatis mutandis to ambitious transcendental arguments and so reject them monolithically.

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому +3

      I encourage you to evaluate the updated version found in a paper I coauthored with JP Moreland, I’ve not seen any good counter to it since it was published last year. It’s called An Explanation and Defense of the Free-Thinking Argument.

    • @KayfabeGames
      @KayfabeGames 10 місяців тому +5

      @@FreethinkingMinistries you're talking with JT. I did evaluate the updated version of the paper, Tim and my review is coming out next month. Also, quit lying with your whole "I co-authoured with J.P. Moreland" schtick. I emailed Moreland about that, openly challenged him about the quality of the paper, asked him what happened regarding his alleged co-authorship since there are so many errors in the paper that I know aren't attributable to someone of his calibre. The details I learned regarding your "co-authorship" are not good at all. Want to know what was said during that email exchange? Well, I'm making them publicly available next month alongside my review. To quote you, "stay tuned".

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому +1

      @@KayfabeGameswell hi JT!
      Moreland shared your email exchange with me and I discussed your objections with him. What am I lying about? I’ve been clear from the beginning that I authored about two thirds of the paper and JP wrote the rest. We are also currently working on a book together on the topic.
      Don’t talk to me about lying when you’re the one who made it sound like you know me so well along with my family. You met my parents once.
      Anyway, we have responses ready to rock as soon as you release them. So, stay tuned yourself.

    • @KayfabeGames
      @KayfabeGames 10 місяців тому +2

      @@FreethinkingMinistries Moreland didn't co-author your paper in any usual sense of the word co-author. Moreland is only your co-author in a bastardized sense of the term. He glanced at the paper, added in a small portion, admitted to not ever having looked at the paper thoroughly due to his having other obligations, and explicitly admitted to having been so critically uninvolved with the paper that he couldn't even comment on the errors I brought to his attention. So if I'm wrong and you're ready to put me in my place, why not explain the problems with my responses here. What, for example, do you make of the blatant non-sequitur that I mentioned to Moreland? It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two to do away with this objection if I'm wrong since the objection strictly concerns the formal validity of the argument I'm referring to. So, since, you're taking the time to respond you should be able to quickly refute my uninformed errors here, right?
      Also, I never made it seem like I knew you or you folks more than I actually did. I mentioned that I knew your family (which is true) and worked with you for several years and so, as a result, know you a bit better than the average person (which is also true). So whence the lie or exaggeration? I didn't say or insinuate that I was every your or your family's best friend or anything remotely beyond what I explicitly stated above. So you're just being defensive here at this point and are just trying to come up with any excuse to make your opponent look bad in light of the fact that you're being publicly exposed.

  • @modernmoralist
    @modernmoralist 10 місяців тому +6

    Wow! Stratton owes you a thank you letter for engaging with such clarity and charity regarding his work! Good work.

  • @FreethinkingMinistries
    @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому +7

    I just recorded a three hour video detailing the multiple mistakes Pallmann has made in his full length video entitled Why I Don't Use the Freethinking Argument. I am going to try to edit it down to make it a bit shorter, but I plan to release it before the New Year.
    Stay tuned.

  • @FloydFp
    @FloydFp 10 місяців тому +3

    Thanks for putting all the work into this video. Stratton's argument is yet another variation of C.S. Lewis' "argument from reason". This argument is quite popular to assert against atheists and it does take a lot of time to unpack it. In debate though, you have to have to refute an argument in a short amount of time or the modern audience just zones out.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      I think there is a version of the argument of reason which goes through. But it ain't Lewis' version.

  • @CosmoPhiloPharmaco
    @CosmoPhiloPharmaco 10 місяців тому +3

    What a coincidence! I was reading Malpass' critiques of this argument some days ago (because I watched a debate between MadeByJimBob and some random atheist where Bob brought that nonsensical argument). I'm looking forward to watch it!

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +2

      Where can I find this debate?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      @@CosmoPhiloPharmaco thanks!

    • @CosmoPhiloPharmaco
      @CosmoPhiloPharmaco 10 місяців тому +1

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 Wait, I misunderstood your question. lol I referenced Malpass' articles rather than the debate! Sorry. The debate is "MadeByJimBob vs Gnostic Informant: Secular Humanism vs Christian Ethics"

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому

      Malpass critiqued an old version of the Free-Thinking Argument. The new and improved arguments offered by JP Moreland and me in our recently published journal article called, "An Explanation and Defense of the Free-Thinking Argument" have not been refuted. I encourage you to Google that paper. It's free online.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @@FreethinkingMinistries so are you saying that the old version of the argument is no good?

  • @PresbyterianPaladin
    @PresbyterianPaladin 9 місяців тому

    As a person who sees Tim as a mentor, and who respects the work you've been putting out and sees you as a friend I have to admit I'm a bit torn here, but I watched the whole video and feel like Im giving it a fair hearing.
    That being said I'm just wondering at a possible solution to your counterexample and would like your thoughts on it (but if the back and forth on this vid has worn you out I totally understand). In world A you have a subject (John) believing a proposition based on evidence and in world B you have the same subject (John) believing the same proposition based on the same evidence and so both seem to conform to your account of inferential justification despite John having free will in A and being determined in B. Im wondering if the difference isn't in the proposition or the evidence justifying it, or the account of justification, but what if the difference is the subject(John)? So for example if John in world A meets the necessary condition for free will (the sourcehood condition) regardless of whether he meets the sufficient condition (the PAP) he's an agent, he can refer to himself as "I". But if determinism is true it doesn't seem like he could be an agent in the same sense. The "John" in world B wouldn't be the same subject, the same I as world A. So is it possible that the reason the proposition is justified in world A but not world B is that theres a genuine(so to speak, though I know thats imprecise) subject believing the proposition based on the evidence where in world B there isn't?
    Just to preface the above I am working with a incompatibilist conception of free will and take the sourcehood condition to definitionally affirm incompatibilism (you are free if you are not determined by anything external to yourself to do what you in fact do). But Im not dogmatic on that front and realize I need to read more incompatibilists on their accounts of the necessary and sufficient conditions for free will. If it could be shown that the source-hood condition could be affirmed by compatibilists then my proposed reason for why the proposition is justified in world A but not B would fail.
    Now even if that works to solve your counterexample I have no idea how to respond to your points on transcendental arguments nor how to escape the horns of your argument for premises 3 and 4 contradicting eachother. I'll definitely be giving it a lot of thought.
    But thats just my thoughts on your video. It's all off the top of my head but what do you think? And again if you can't get back to me or are feeling too warn out by this topic I completely understand, just figured Id put it out there.

  • @petromax4849
    @petromax4849 10 місяців тому +1

    Has anyone tried to argue that consciousness requires free will? It seems intuitively true to me, but I don't know how to argue for it.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      I don't see why it would. It seems to me that a thoroughly determined being could still be conscious.

    • @petromax4849
      @petromax4849 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 something about consciousness necessarily involving experiences that are caused by oneself

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      I just don't see that

    • @petromax4849
      @petromax4849 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 yeah, just wondering if anyone else has had a similar idea. I guess not.

    • @huntsman528
      @huntsman528 9 місяців тому

      ​@@petromax4849this prob isn't the place/crowd to ask, lol. I think it's a good question. Any "conscienceness" of a determined creature would just be determinationsnof its creator/determiner. A programmer programming a program to become aware of itself isn't truly aware. It could appear aware based on appearance, but in the end it's just a programming sequence. It's like simulated conscienceness.

  • @exploringtheologychannel1697
    @exploringtheologychannel1697 10 місяців тому +1

    This was extremely good.

  • @theepitomeministry
    @theepitomeministry 10 місяців тому

    Here's a question I have (I'm about half-way through, so my apologies if you answer later in the video), because I tend to agree with his basic ideas, even if they aren't precisely drawn out in his premises.
    There was one part of the video where you said determinists can say that the reasons they believe something can also be predetermined, justifying their belief.
    This seems to me to only let some sort of compatibilist theist off of the hook for justification - it seems highly unlikely that a purely materialistic world would have any intentionality in order to bring about reasons in a determined way.
    So it seems unlikely that such reasons would be predetermined given materialism.
    This gets me to my question: Since his argument is against materialism, wouldn't some consideration like this lead us to believe it is much more probable that God exists if *reasons* are unlikely to be predetermined by an atheistic universe?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      Well it looks to me like the argument that you are making is that if we compare the hypotheses of theism and materialism, reasons are more predicted on theism. And therefore, reasons are evidence for theism. I'm totally fine with that sort of argument. Indeed, it looks very similar to my own version of the argument from reason.
      But notice that this is vastly different than the sort of argument which Stratton is making. Stratton is arguing that it is actually impossible to have knowledge if determinism (or materialism) is true. That's a much stronger claim than just saying that theism has a better explanation than materialism for why reasons exist at all. It is one thing to say, yes a materialist could have reasons for his beliefs even though this isn't predicted by materialism. It's quite another thing to say that this scenario is not even logically possible. That is Stratton's claim.

    • @theepitomeministry
      @theepitomeministry 10 місяців тому

      @faithbecauseofreason8381 Okay - I'm definitely seeing the difference now. Thanks!
      And I'm glad I'm not crazy in thinking reasons are evidence of theism - I paused the video and thought about that statement you made for at least 10 minutes, and it seemed to me that it definitely is.
      Great video as always! I'm almost done with it now. I am really enjoying the part about not being able to prove skepticism wrong by simply saying if we knew that to be the case, we can know something. That distinction between the thesis itself and the knowledge of it is really helpful.

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому

      You do not represent me accurately, Dave. My claim - my argument - is that determinism plus untrustworthy antecedent conditions provides a defeater against your metaphysical beliefs.

  • @JohnCamara7dominion7
    @JohnCamara7dominion7 5 місяців тому

    If you are determined by God to see that the wall you are looking at is blue, or if you freely see that the wall you are looking at is blue, does either case change the fact that the wall being looked at is blue?
    In either case a false belief can also obtain.
    If you are determined by God to see water on the road which in fact is a mirage, or if you freely see water on the road which in fact is a mirage, does either case change the fact that the water on the road is a mirage?
    As you think about that keep these scriptures in mind...
    19 Then Micaiah continued, “Listen to what the Lord says! I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the armies of heaven around him, on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who can entice Ahab to go into battle against Ramoth-gilead so he can be killed?’
    “There were many suggestions, 21 and finally a spirit approached the Lord and said, ‘I can do it!’
    22 “‘How will you do this?’ the Lord asked.
    “And the spirit replied, ‘I will go out and inspire all of Ahab’s prophets to speak lies.’
    “‘You will succeed,’ said the Lord. ‘Go ahead and do it.’
    23 “So you see, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all your prophets. For the Lord has pronounced your doom.”
    - 1 Kings 22:19-23 New Living Translation
    And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.
    - Ezekiel 14:9 King James Version
    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    - 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 King James Version

  • @malachitea5055
    @malachitea5055 10 місяців тому

    If logical inference based on evidence was determined, then surely everyone who comes upon the evidence would believe it, but since that is not the case, and we get people disagreeing all the time, does that not mean we can simply reject this as being possibly true?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      Huh? Who says that everyone will be determined to make the same inference? That was never part of my argument.

    • @malachitea5055
      @malachitea5055 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 I originally thought that two people could not come to contradictory conclusions, while both having sound logic, but thinking through it further, and (more importantly) discussing it with a friend rn it appears i was mistaken.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @malachitea5055 the thought experiment wasn't about two people in any case. It was about one person in two different worlds who has exactly the same evidence in both cases. In one world he is determined and in the other he is free. Why should his belief not be justified in the determined world if it is justified in the indeterministic world? The thought experiment is intended to make the proponent of this argument specify whatt work free will is supposed to be doing in making our beliefs justified.

    • @malachitea5055
      @malachitea5055 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 As far as i can tell, free will guarantees that the person can come to their conclusions based on their own logical reasoning. Sure logical reasoning might be determined for person B, but I'm not sure it's a given, and given that, I'm not sure he can ever be sure that he's come to a rational conclusion.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @@malachitea5055 it's not a given in either case. So again, what epistemic work is free will doing?

  • @wilsonian4236
    @wilsonian4236 10 місяців тому +1

    Hey bro these are offtopic questions, I have two questions for you I hope you can answer these:
    1. Do you have like a sort of paypal account? It may be useful for you so people like me can donate to help your UA-cam channel.
    2. Have you try to consider to make a series to refute the JEPD theory?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      1. I do. I've considered including it in the video descriptions, but I've been reluctant to do that because I really don't do this to make a profit and I don't want to be accused of doing so.
      2. JEPD?

    • @wilsonian4236
      @wilsonian4236 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 2. JEPD you know the theory that the five books of the Pentateuch,Genesis,Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,and Deuteronomy aren't written by Moses and Joshua but instead were written by 4 schools,Jahwist,Elohist,Priestly,and Deuteronomist. It can be quite useful if you can make a series refuting that theory

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      ​@wilsonian4236 the documentary hypothesis? Yes, I know about it in very broad strokes. TBH OT studies are not my field. I probably don't know enough to argue against it (or of I even should). I know that Inspiring Philosophy has argued against it so he may be the better person to talk to about it.

  • @hughconway5318
    @hughconway5318 10 місяців тому

    I'm a Calvinist, but in Stratton's defense, does the video conflate 1. the truth of LFW with 2. the justified tru belief in LFW? Why must one first be justified in believing LFW before transcendentally or abductively showing that a rejection of LFW precludes the ability to reason and/or to have knowledge?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      I believe I explained that in the my defense of the first premise of my argument. If one cannot be justified in believing that the conditions for justification obtain, then one cannot establish that any beliefs are actually justified. So if LFW is such a condition, then one must be able to obtain a justified belief in LFW before they can obtain justification for their other beliefs.

    • @hughconway5318
      @hughconway5318 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 No need to respond to this. I'll need to think about your answer more. Seems your point works against Stratton's deductive argument. But I'm not sure it would in either a 1. Reductio ad Absurdum argument, or 2. a transcendental argument, or 3. an inference to the best explanation (i.e. abductive) argument. BTW, I DO think you videos pokes many massive holes into Stratton's FTAAN.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @hughconway5318 I would need more details as to how reformulating the argument in either of the three ways you have suggested would get around my argument.

  • @huntsman528
    @huntsman528 9 місяців тому

    Im not a philosopher. I am a Christian though and there are many parts in this video that seems very unchartitable and unchristlike. I have no issues with questioning positions, statements, and claims by others such as Tim, but dont attack the person and assume the worst in them. Challenge the content.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  9 місяців тому

      I believe this video was largely focused on the content. There were no personal attacks on Tim.

  • @danielcartwright8868
    @danielcartwright8868 10 місяців тому +1

    You could be determined to believe something true for good reasons on determinism, but how would you know that your reasons are good when another person can look at the same evidence and come to different conclusions? Being as both of you are equally determined, how would you know that you are interpreting the evidence rationally? If you say 'because of the evidence', it seems circular.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      Why would that be circular?

    • @danielcartwright8868
      @danielcartwright8868 10 місяців тому

      The circle would be something like this: I know I have been determined to interpret the evidence correctly because the evidence has led me to this interpretation.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @danielcartwright8868 why is that circular as long as one is not appealing to the same evidence?

    • @danielcartwright8868
      @danielcartwright8868 10 місяців тому

      ​@@faithbecauseofreason8381Two people can look at the same evidence and come to different conclusions. It's like putting the same inputs into two calculators and getting different outputs.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому

      @danielcartwright8868 so? Why would disagreement preclude the person who has made a valid inference from that evidence unjustified?

  • @FreethinkingMinistries
    @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому +1

    The Free-Thinking Argument vs David Pallmann:
    1- If David Pallmann’s beliefs about metaphysics and epistemology are true, then human mental activity can be exhaustively determined by non-rational and mindless stuff (antecedent conditions) that knows nothing of metaphysics and epistemology.
    2- If DP’s mental activity is exhaustively determined by non-rational and mindless stuff that knows nothing of metaphysics and epistemology, then DP does not freely think in a libertarian sense. (That's true by definition.)
    3- If DP does not freely think in a libertarian sense, then DP is not rationally responsible for his metaphysical and epistemological beliefs (rather, non-rational and mindless stuff that knows nothing of metaphysics and epistemology is responsible for that much).
    4- But, DP is rationally responsible for his metaphysical and epistemological beliefs.
    5- Therefore, DP freely thinks in a libertarian sense.
    6- Therefore, DP’s mental activity cannot be exhaustively determined by non-rational and mindless stuff that knows nothing of metaphysics and epistemology.
    7- Therefore, David Pallmann’s views on metaphysics and epistemology are false.

    • @OriginalWinProductions
      @OriginalWinProductions 10 місяців тому +2

      Premise 1 is already questionable since divine determinism and panpsychic determinism are also plausibly true forms determinism.

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому

      @@OriginalWinProductions we have arguments addressing those as well. All forms of determinism coupled with actual human experience lead to defeaters. See my paper coauthored with JP Moreland for the problems with divine determinism. See my forthcoming book with the problems with panpsychism determinism.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +4

      The first premise is false

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому +1

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 David Pallmann,
      I know you are *personally* an indeterminist, but you are standing up for those (so to speak) who are determinists (who my argument is aimed at). That’s why I worded the premise in that manner.
      If you think your indeterminism solves the problem, then you seem to be agreeing with me that determinism (combined with other factors) is a problem. That’s the point of my argument.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +3

      @@FreethinkingMinistries no, I'm disagreeing with you that there is a problem in the first place. But I am simply pointing out that, as worded, the first premise of your argument is false given the metaphysical beliefs which I actually hold.

  • @danielboone8256
    @danielboone8256 10 місяців тому

    What arguments do you use?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      1. The argument from the resurrection of Jesus (MDA)
      2. Rasmussen's contingency argument
      3. The argument from consciousness
      4. The argument from reason
      5. Various cosmological arguments

    • @FreethinkingMinistries
      @FreethinkingMinistries 10 місяців тому

      @@faithbecauseofreason8381 this is interesting!
      - Rasmussen seems to agree with me that libertarian freedom is essential for rationality. In fact, I appeal to his work to support my own. The paper I presented last month at the EPS referenced him and I even did a UA-cam video on his fifth chapter of his last book. This book really shows why determinism plus mindless stuff doing the determining of human minds, is a huge problem.
      - Fifteen PhD philosophers are currently collaborating with me on a volume focused on why arguments from reason are not compatible with determinism. The volume is focused on the importance of libertarian freedom and that important kinds of rationality require libertarian freedom.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +2

      @FreethinkingMinistries as many have already pointed out, you are not capable of reliably determining when a person agrees with you (or if you are, then you dishonestly say that people agree with you when they do not). You have a long track record of name dropping people who supposedly agree with you, and these people turning out to not actually agree with you at all. So you'll have to forgive my skepticism when you claim that Rasmussen agrees with you.
      I should care why? Your argument doesn't work for the reasons stated in my video (and which you have still not addressed). So even if there is some way to show that determinism is self-defeating, this will not vindicate your argument. Again you're bringing up irrelevant issues as per usual.

  • @eternalgospels
    @eternalgospels 10 місяців тому +1


  • @michaelfaber6904
    @michaelfaber6904 10 місяців тому +3

    John's belief in world B is NOT based upon evidence. John's belief in world B is based upon what he was determined to conclude. The evidence is irrelevant albeit that it at least "looks good" (to God) for evidence to be present.

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      Are you saying that it is logically impossible for somebody to be determined to believe on the basis of evidence? And if so, why? Where is the logical contradiction?

    • @CosmoPhiloPharmaco
      @CosmoPhiloPharmaco 10 місяців тому +2

      Can't one be determined to make rational conclusions, though? Why is it that people have to be determined to make irrational or non-rational conclusions?

    • @faithbecauseofreason8381
      @faithbecauseofreason8381  10 місяців тому +1

      @@CosmoPhiloPharmaco precisely. Proponents of this argument need to show some sort of logical contradiction in being determined to believe something rationally.

    • @michaelfaber6904
      @michaelfaber6904 10 місяців тому +3

      @@CosmoPhiloPharmaco the problem is justifying them. The fact that is is a rational decision doesn't mean that the individual came to that conclusion via rational means.
      And, in fact, in determinism, they came to that conclusion because that is what they were determined to do, not because it was a rational choice.

    • @bilbobaggins9893
      @bilbobaggins9893 10 місяців тому

      I’m kind of agnostic here but I do sort of see your point. It seems what you are saying is that on determinism, someone coming to a conclusion based on rational grounds is at best an illusion. Them being predetermined is more fundamental than the reasons they are operating on.