I think this channel has convinced me to just get rid of all my organs, those things are always shutting down and causing problems for people and I don't want to be next
I had this disease in 2020 from a dog bite. Doctors still aren't sure why I became so desperately infected as I remain to this day more or less immuno-competent. I went in to sepsis with DIC, and I spent a week in a coma. Some parts of me took it a little more seriously than others, but in the end the largest long-term effect was kidney failure (I lost my toes to dry gangrene but I honestly don't even miss them anymore). Dialysis is a pain, but it's tolerable and I'm slated to get a transplant soon. ::edit:: Got the transplant on 7/31, one more month and I'll be out of the tough part. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the support! I couldn't have made it without everything.
Doggo is a 5 year old dog, presenting to the emergency room with having nausea and extreme headache. He tells the admitting nurse that his owner licked his organs.
My father died of sepsis, March 29th, 2021. He had food poisoning that went septic. His pancreas ruptured. My brother and I made it across the country 40 minutes before he died. I got to sing to him as he was dying. It was heartbreaking. I wish he had gone to the doctor sooner. People need to know the symptoms of sepsis. He didn't know. I miss him so much.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a neighbor to sepsis from a hip replacement infection. She had recovered enough to drive herself to lunch with a friend, felt ill that night and was rushed to the ER. Cascading organ failure led to her demise just hours later.
It can come on quickly, without previous symptoms as well. My mom had sepsis twice, and the second time she was fine, until suddenly she wasn't. Dad got up and discovered her awake but unresponsive. This was back in 2020, and ironically the pandemic may have helped her then. The ER was a ghost town, so they were able to examine and treat her quickly. (And she arrived by ambulance, that tends to speed things up.) Turned out it was caused by a urinary tract infection. Even though she survived it, she had a heart attack a few months later. The sepsis may have made it happen sooner, but her mom also died from a sudden heart attack around the same age, so it probably would happened before long regardless.
“JD was improving for several days.” Me: “alright good.” “JD now has gangrene in all 4 of his limbs.” Me: “WHAT?! When did that happen?!” “The Ancient Egyptians thought that the brain was disgusting.” Me: “???”
I know a lady who, in her 30s, came very close to death because of a pet. She suddenly became sick with fever, weakness, and nausea. She was vomiting every minute or two. She was admitted to the hospital here in San Diego, where they ran every test known to man, except for one: meningitis. After weeks in the hospital they took out her gall bladder, thinking that would help. It didn't. She was getting weaker by the day and the hospital told her family she would likely pass away soon, as she was almost a skeleton by now. Her family made the decision to take her to her native country of Mexico, so they might try to save her there. They had to drive her as no airline would allow her as a passenger. She was admitted to the hospital in Mexico City and they began to run tests. Within a couple of hours, they came to her and asked, "Do you have a pet turtle?" She said yes, it was her daughter's pet. They told her she had meningitis caused by bacteria from a turtle. They started the correct antibiotic and within days she was almost completely well. The US doctors had not run any tests for meningitis.
@@senorgato70 I'm not sure what tests they ran, but they specifically came and asked her about having a turtle. I think there is a type of salmonella that can cause meningitis, and it is common in pet turtles.
wow that's amazing. Many people including myself view America as the best in the medical field and a lot of ppl see Mexico as a very poor country. That's awesome that they figured out what some of the best doctors in the world couldn't.
@@dylanryanmoore That was my thought also; how is it possible that the Mexican doctors, in a third-world country, solved this in a couple of hours? They were grateful she survived to raise her children. And they did get rid of the turtle, too.
Adventist I’m actually a 4th year medical student in the Hashemite university, that’s why I’m interested in this channel, I just made the comment for the memes lol
I went from sitting up in bed after surgery, to being assessed by an ICU team 15 minutes later. I was a nurse and I had never seen anyone go downhill so fast. That's saying something as I was a paeds nurse and kids go downhill quick! The first time I had sepsis it was much slower and I wasn't as sick, but this sure taught me not to feel so invincible!
I work on a plastics ward. A patient came in for day surgery who had been licked by either his own or a neighbour's cat (he preferred not to know) and he'd ended up in ITU for weeks. Same scenario as this patient exactly. Lost both legs below the knee, several fingers too, and was having more fingers amputated as they had necrotised and sort of mummified. They looked (and sounded when he tapped them on the table) like old, blackened dry wood. The nicest guy you could hope to meet, same age as me, just 49. Probably will never work again, luckily he had a very devoted wife. I hope life treats him a bit nicer in future. He deserves it.
@@Triadii Pets are not inherently dangerous to your health. And the people who may be most at risk are usually immunocompromised in some way, shape or form. If you have a healthy immune system you shouldn't really have anything to be anxious about. Just don't let animals lick you anywhere near your face or broken skin/cuts and always wash your hands after handling or cleaning up after them.
CE was a 25 year old man presenting to the emergency room with youtuberemia, youtube means youtube and -emia means presence in blood, youtube presence in blood.
AngstRiddenAnnoyance I had three day old pasta the other day and expected death to welcome me with open arms and this morning my brother had mouldy bread (he cut the parts with visible mould off) and I’m waiting for death
A friend of mine died suddenly at 28yo. He was misdiagnosed at a clinic with minor sinus/bronchial infection. He didn't get better and within 2-3 days went to hospital. Turns out he had a pneumonial infection in his lungs. By the time he was admitted to the hospital, the infection had apparently started spreading to the heart. He died the next day. Not sure about his state of health aside from being a little over weight and a smoker. Was very sad and unexpected. RIP Chris.
Cigarettes aren't just bad for your lungs, they're bad for other organs, too. Actor Patrick Swayze died of pancreatic cancer. He was a heavy smoker and drinker.
@@nosleepjones4551 wow thank you! this was very, very interesting to read indeed. It was a very detailed explanation! At first, I was confused, but now I see the meaning of life. Thank you so much for this what the hell am i doing with my life
What a great explanation for sepsis. Several years ago I developed severe cellulitis in my dominant hand from a really bad dog bite. I was transported to the ER and received 1 dose of IV antibiotics, as well as a full betadine soak and cleansing of the wounds. After this initial treatment in the ER, I was sent home with 2 Rx's for antibiotics and pain medicine. I didn't fill them because it was so late at night. Less than 16° after the bite & initial tx, I awoke to my hand ✋️ looking like a Big Swollen Red Gross & Extremely painful nasty infection. I've had years of EMS training & experience, so I was fully aware of what this meant & how serious it could get. I drove myself to a level 1 trauma center nearby and I was admitted within ~10 minutes after being triaged by a PA. Once I was up on the unit, I was given IV antibiotics, IV pain meds, and so much heprin that my tummy turned purple from the injections. A few days later, my liver enzymes were off, I had a CT SCAN and enlargement of my liver because of the type of antibiotics they had me on. So, I was switched to another drug, had to have a surgical procedure to try and drain what they thought was pus, but there wasn't any [Thank you again God] but my hand was still really really swollen & being my dominant hand, well it was pretty tough. The infection spread to my forearm, but after 10.5 days inpatient I was released. It was a very painful recovery. Ironically this happened ~10 years earlier when i got bit [same damn hand] while working at a dog kennel. I was hospitalized then too, but the wound was nowhere near as bad. This was a great way to really break it down & explain the A & P consequences in chronological order. Thanks for this! I feel so sad about that poor patient. Wow.
It's beyond disgusting. People are freakin' nasty and rude with their dogs. Yet I'm supposed to be ok with them pooping on my lawn, and them not picking the shit up, or having them jump all over me to greet me. People are so rude. Can I go poop on my neighbors lawn, since he thinks it is perfectly fine for his dog to do so on mine and not pick it up?
Sometimes it's not that you're "letting" them, they just do it so quickly that before you know it you've been licked on the mouth. They are quick and sneaky little fur missiles.
My mom died from sepsis in her mid 70s, from a perforated ulcer that nobody knew about. Only two days before she felt fine. She went to the hospital as soon as she started feeling bad, but quickly went downhill. They thought it was some kind of cardiac thing at first and didn’t identify sepsis until it was too late to save her. This was a private hospital in Mexico.
I got sepsis from nursing my daughter. She was teething and accidentally bit me. I got an infection and (since it had happened once before) I waited it out. The next morning I was a super high fever. I felt like I was freezing and took a shower and knew I couldn’t drive. I went to the OBGYN and they didn’t know why after Motrin and Tylenol the fever kept increasing. I slept in the waiting room all day. Finally they sent me to the hospital and said it was sepsis. The only antibiotic that would treat it was (ironically) the only one I was allergic to- vancomycin. They had to give me several other antibiotics and massive doses of clindamycin (which made my mouth taste like metal). My vision was blurred and never recovered. It took me quite a while to feel like myself again. That was horrible.
I was craving bananas. I ate four bananas over the last two days, while bingeing Chubbyemu. Now I am slightly convinced that I have too much potassium in my blood, which will knock off my sodium levels causing hyponatremia and brain necrosis.
This happened to my neighbor. Every day he shared his coffee with his dog out of the mug. He was in a medically induced coma for 3 months. He was written up in medical journals I believe mostly because he survived.
A man stubbed his toe after getting up after playing Fortnite for 5 hours which made his feet fall asleep which is pretty annoying a terrible tbh... This is what happened to his cat.
A friend of my mom's actually went through much of what JD did, all after her pup licked her nose! She survived after intense care in the hospital, but her story certainly left an impression on us 😳 20 years later and I still won't let my cat lick my arm let a lone my face lol
I got bit by a neighborhood cat while saving it from getting stuck in my fence. (keep your pets on your own property people, your cat is devastating the local bird population and getting hurt out there). Anyhow, as a nurse I know that animal bites are very serious, no matter how small. I went immediately to the emergency room and got an x-ray (bugger really tore into my thumb... leather gloves next time dummy) and a 2 week course of antibiotics, specifically against this bacteria. It still took weeks for the bite to heal fully and I still have some stiffness in my thumb a couple months later. Don't mess with animal bites. Seek help. Even your own well cared for pet has a dirty mouth!
Franco Sellanes Yup. That’s The Whole point. Kinda like someone saying, “A guy breathed. This is how his LIVER shut down”, or should we say Chubby. Chubby make nonsense titles, that are t r u e.....
Me: Peacefully scrolling through youtube Chubby Emu: *A person did this perfectly normal thing you do on a daily basis. This is how they suffered a slow and painful death.*
Just been discharged from 3rd time of sepsis (first time August last year septic shock) and we just got a puppy. My downhill started before getting a pup but now I'm going to take alot more care around our pup. Thank you for sharing these
I had it for the first time last summer. I was so discouraged when I learned you can have it again. I was in the hospital from May til the end of September. I'm a bit anxious now that it's May. I'm avoiding doing things like planting flowers for fear of repeat. I did buy some last night. I had Streptococcus Aureus, and no clue how I got it. It took over 90% of my body, and permanently damaged parts of the spine. When I was discharged, they feared that some could hide in the bones to reappear later.
I’ve had the kind of dry gangrene shown due to lack of blood circulation because of 3 different pressors needed to keep me alive 😢 I was in respiratory failure and septic shock from MRSA-pneumonia. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital and I’m just extremely grateful to the literal teams of doctors and nurses and the various therapists that helped get me better and get me back home 😢🙏🏽🥰
I never let animals lick me, I hate them even licking my hand as I have to wash it straight away... When you see what animals lick and eat it is mad to let them lick anything of yours.
Last year I had pneumonia and sepsis before leaving on a road trip driving my camper van cross country. I felt great, but my wife thought I was not well enough. She always worries too much, so I thought. That first afternoon I drove from Portland, OR, clear across the state to Ontario, OR. I felt OK, but dehydrated. So I stopped at a big truck stop to fuel and get iced tea, then sleep there in my van. I hadn’t had a bowel movement for a few days. Should have know as that is Unusual for my system. I never felt any pain nor shortness of breath. As I walked into the truck stop cafe I fell backwards and knocked out on the pavement. Fortunately someone called 911. The only thing I recall is the EMT crew picking me up off the pavement and loading me into their ambulance. I spent the night in the Ontario hospital. Apparently they didn’t check for pneumonia or infection but fed me a good breakfast. So I told them I felt great. So they called a shuttle van to go back to my van. On the road again and drove east on I-84 clear past Boise, ID , to a truck stop with a good cafe, Boise Stage Stop. I went into the back of my van to change clothes as I was getting hot. Fortunately the van windows were open as I was too weak to get up after laying down. So someone heard me holler for help and called 911. Again I passed out and don’t even recall how they got my weak body out of the van. They took me to St. Luke Hospital in Boise, ID, where they tested me for sure and found the pneumonia and sepsis. I don’t even recall that until the doctor told me, must have been the next day. They also kept me isolated in the far end of the ward and wouldn’t let me out without help. They had a constant flow of IV anti-biotic fluids. I was there for 6 days and would not let me out until my Methodist minister drove over with another church friend to drive me home with my camper van. Those lovely sweet nurses wanted to keep me there another 2 weeks! (Must have been the doctor tho) But they released me to adult supervision🥴 to go home. A year later I’m doing OK but paying more attention to my own health and will listen to my wife if she says I don’t look well. I’m still weak but have other health issues after beating cancer 15 years ago and spine surgery for neuropathy.
I had pet dogs for 30 years. never I have let them lick my face. Animals have germs. Love is not about licking and sleeping with animals. Its taking care of them.
@@blugaledoh2669 People don't generalle lick all sorts of stuff (including other dog's butts) and then lick my face though. I mean, not that I let dogs lick my face either (the thought alone, ew) but still.
Odds of this happening are so low though.. It's like if you said "hey i'm not driving a car because I can have car accident". Imma let my dog licking my face thank you very much.
An organ was licked by his dog. This is how his man shut down. Worst of all is that it would actually happen, if a dog licks your organs, well, goodbye
I really appreciate the way you explain things, especially when you define the latin roots of medical terminology. It helps to create a fuller understanding of the word/condition. Thank you for your videos and attention to detail!
Me: *complains about my constant minor injuries* JD: *has organ injury and failure all because his dog licked him* Me: "I have now decided that I want to appreciate life."
I feel so sorry for this guy, he just wanted to have a good time with his pets that loved him and wanted to show it. And when he became ill he suffered so much from different bacteria and fungi, developed gangrene and brain damage in the state that he just couldn't no longer have a chance to live somewhat normal life. Poor soul, wish he will meet his dogs in the heaven at some moment.
I had a rare bacterial meningitis in 2019 and it caused swelling of my brain and stroke and heart attack also had to learn to walk again. It is not from my dog licking me it was from picking up shell at beach which was a african land snail and they carry the rat lungworm virus which causes deadly meningitis
I think this channel has convinced me to just get rid of all my organs, those things are always shutting down and causing problems for people and I don't want to be next
A sasquatch watches UA-cam. This is what happened to his organs
I got rid of mine and I have never felt safer.
China joins the chat
seph *China has joined the chat*
damn it bro, You made me stop having nachos, sushi, and even black liquorish yet now I can't even play with my dog
Go destroy more p2w servers!
No vita gummies either 😂
“A man was reading the comments, this is how he missed the whole video.”
LOL true dat
damn called out
😂 😂 😂 😂 too true
Thanks for helping me to stop and rewind. 😂
I had this disease in 2020 from a dog bite. Doctors still aren't sure why I became so desperately infected as I remain to this day more or less immuno-competent. I went in to sepsis with DIC, and I spent a week in a coma. Some parts of me took it a little more seriously than others, but in the end the largest long-term effect was kidney failure (I lost my toes to dry gangrene but I honestly don't even miss them anymore). Dialysis is a pain, but it's tolerable and I'm slated to get a transplant soon. ::edit:: Got the transplant on 7/31, one more month and I'll be out of the tough part. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the support! I couldn't have made it without everything.
You seem to have a good attitude about what happened to you, best of luck with dialysis
What a lot for your body to handle! All the very best to you.😊
Congrats on your upcoming transplant! The waiting lists for organs can be real fucking rough.
Good I had childish instincts shunning me away from the dangers of dogs and their bites. I’m definitely 10x more scared of dogs now.
@Triadii To be fair to dogs I have a 1:3 million generic anomaly so you're not very likely to experience what I did.
A man was touched by an atom, this is how he exploded.
**Antimatter joins the chat**
A man licked his organs this is how his dog shut down
Doggo is a 5 year old dog, presenting to the emergency room with having nausea and extreme headache. He tells the admitting nurse that his owner licked his organs.
One answer: KILLER QUEEN
A person inhales air, this is how 2020 happened
You have 210k subs you should have more likes lol
Ayy a popular yt
Not funny didnt laugh
Alexander_Xaiver _ ok
i feel like i understand everything and nothing at the same time
yes same
Thanks Dan
I feel the same here.
Hi dan big fan and also I didnt even know he meant in the video can you make the same thing but for dummies
My father died of sepsis, March 29th, 2021. He had food poisoning that went septic. His pancreas ruptured. My brother and I made it across the country 40 minutes before he died. I got to sing to him as he was dying. It was heartbreaking. I wish he had gone to the doctor sooner. People need to know the symptoms of sepsis. He didn't know. I miss him so much.
I'm really sorry for you. I can't imagine how sad that was, I love my dad and don't know what I would do without him
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a neighbor to sepsis from a hip replacement infection. She had recovered enough to drive herself to lunch with a friend, felt ill that night and was rushed to the ER. Cascading organ failure led to her demise just hours later.
Sorry for your loss.
It can come on quickly, without previous symptoms as well. My mom had sepsis twice, and the second time she was fine, until suddenly she wasn't. Dad got up and discovered her awake but unresponsive. This was back in 2020, and ironically the pandemic may have helped her then. The ER was a ghost town, so they were able to examine and treat her quickly. (And she arrived by ambulance, that tends to speed things up.) Turned out it was caused by a urinary tract infection.
Even though she survived it, she had a heart attack a few months later. The sepsis may have made it happen sooner, but her mom also died from a sudden heart attack around the same age, so it probably would happened before long regardless.
was he covid vaccinated? that may have worsened his case.
A doctor made a UA-cam channel, this is how his viewers got anxiety...
😂 almost made the anxiety go away
A commentor looked like a furry, this is how one brave man retaliated
i have massive anxiety because of this stuff lmao
McDonald's Employee LOL
jd: i’m kinda feeling bette-
the 13 other infections: *we’re just getting started baby*
*Antibiotics kill bacterial infection
Jd: oh boy. I'm feeling much better
Candida yeast: that's where you're wrong kiddo
o h n o
God no
“JD was improving for several days.”
Me: “alright good.”
“JD now has gangrene in all 4 of his limbs.”
Me: “WHAT?! When did that happen?!”
“The Ancient Egyptians thought that the brain was disgusting.”
Me: “???”
Yeah, i know that part is quite sketchy and sort of jumping out of nowhere. But i think it serves as the introduction of sepsis.
Literally and figuratively
@@akmalagassi7711 Maybe it would have made more sense after. Like "another example of a culture thinking this would be ..."
well, at least they didn't think it was just useless stuffing
Haha no wonder I got confused from the sepsis talk. For some reason it turned to ancient medical history instead 😂.
I know a lady who, in her 30s, came very close to death because of a pet. She suddenly became sick with fever, weakness, and nausea. She was vomiting every minute or two. She was admitted to the hospital here in San Diego, where they ran every test known to man, except for one: meningitis. After weeks in the hospital they took out her gall bladder, thinking that would help. It didn't. She was getting weaker by the day and the hospital told her family she would likely pass away soon, as she was almost a skeleton by now. Her family made the decision to take her to her native country of Mexico, so they might try to save her there. They had to drive her as no airline would allow her as a passenger. She was admitted to the hospital in Mexico City and they began to run tests. Within a couple of hours, they came to her and asked, "Do you have a pet turtle?" She said yes, it was her daughter's pet. They told her she had meningitis caused by bacteria from a turtle. They started the correct antibiotic and within days she was almost completely well. The US doctors had not run any tests for meningitis.
Wow. How did they know a turtle was the origin?
@@senorgato70 I'm not sure what tests they ran, but they specifically came and asked her about having a turtle. I think there is a type of salmonella that can cause meningitis, and it is common in pet turtles.
wow that's amazing. Many people including myself view America as the best in the medical field and a lot of ppl see Mexico as a very poor country. That's awesome that they figured out what some of the best doctors in the world couldn't.
@@dylanryanmoore That was my thought also; how is it possible that the Mexican doctors, in a third-world country, solved this in a couple of hours? They were grateful she survived to raise her children. And they did get rid of the turtle, too.
Doesn't Menningentis usually kill within a day or two?
Me: oh he’s going to say it, SAY IT
Him: “power house of the cell”
Me : there it is, my complete knowledge of biology
a minute later, your organs shut down...
when he said mitochondria I thought "power house of the cell" and then he said it. XD
I have a pin that says ‘mitocondria, the powerhouse of the cell’ that I take out whenever I’m in bio.
All your 7th grade science teachers are shook-
Adventist I’m actually a 4th year medical student in the Hashemite university, that’s why I’m interested in this channel, I just made the comment for the memes lol
"A man spent 1 minute on Twitter. This is what happened to his will to live."
Please stop lmao
Agreed, Twitter is just too toxic.
*he got canceled immediately*
Getting cancelled any% speedrun. WR is 0.2 seconds.
Some days are good other days hell. You have to be really picky with who you follow.
Parents: You aren't ill
Doctor: You aren't ill
google says it's cancer, but also drug resistant super bug, but also an incredibly rare genetic disorder. luckily google says it's not lupis.
Checked Google for causes of dandruff and found AIDS and HIV. I mean, wtf.
Bee Jay Pador hahaha
WebMD: you already died.
"Sepsis is serious". I am a nurse, and we see sepsis *all* of the time. It's terrifying how quickly patients can go from okay to dying.
I went from sitting up in bed after surgery, to being assessed by an ICU team 15 minutes later. I was a nurse and I had never seen anyone go downhill so fast. That's saying something as I was a paeds nurse and kids go downhill quick! The first time I had sepsis it was much slower and I wasn't as sick, but this sure taught me not to feel so invincible!
My father passed from sepsis😢
A man decided to create Medical Mondays. This is how UA-cam became more interesting.
Me too!
This is how UA-cam was diagnosed with paranoia.
And educational.
These videos are an immediate click for me!
More scary*
"A man drank pepsis. This is how he got sepsis."
alahos hohoho hello my old chum
Drink *_b e p i s_* instead
@@carletonhighschool3686 It's not.
“A man logs into youtube, this is how he got no work done”
y e s
*A youtuber uploaded a video, this is how his entire channel was demonetized*
A man logs out and watches youtube, this is how he got work done
I work on a plastics ward. A patient came in for day surgery who had been licked by either his own or a neighbour's cat (he preferred not to know) and he'd ended up in ITU for weeks. Same scenario as this patient exactly. Lost both legs below the knee, several fingers too, and was having more fingers amputated as they had necrotised and sort of mummified. They looked (and sounded when he tapped them on the table) like old, blackened dry wood. The nicest guy you could hope to meet, same age as me, just 49. Probably will never work again, luckily he had a very devoted wife. I hope life treats him a bit nicer in future. He deserves it.
Omg pets are so dangerous 😭i wish something Like that never could have happened
@@Triadii Pets are not inherently dangerous to your health. And the people who may be most at risk are usually immunocompromised in some way, shape or form. If you have a healthy immune system you shouldn't really have anything to be anxious about. Just don't let animals lick you anywhere near your face or broken skin/cuts and always wash your hands after handling or cleaning up after them.
@@beautyforashes2022better yet. Don’t have any pet and you don’t have to worry about any of that nonsense.
like your mom's when she had you lol@@J-zg5mh
@@Annie-eg9xc agreed
A doctor became a youtuber.
this is what happened to his comments section.
Ah yes. 69 likes. Lol
CE was a 25 year old man presenting to the emergency room with youtuberemia, youtube means youtube and -emia means presence in blood,
youtube presence in blood.
Good one😆
Next up is 420
Edit: Damn already passed it, I guess 666 is next?
‹ Jînx › way to 666
"A man saw a girl at the bar. This is how I met your mother"
A man told his son something. This is how I am your father.
A man open a condom pack with his teeth. This is how you were born
A man leads a gay guy to the washroom. This is how I was elated.
A man has fallen into the river in lego city. This is how he was rescued.
Me: _reheats a meal from yesterday_
My brain: “just like in the chubbyemu video”
Me: *starts eating furiously hoping for the sweet release of death*
Dude I ate some old pasta the other night and fully expected to die
@@MediaDestroyer I deadass ate overcooked soggy pasta at a McDonald's and fully expected to die.
AngstRiddenAnnoyance I had three day old pasta the other day and expected death to welcome me with open arms and this morning my brother had mouldy bread (he cut the parts with visible mould off) and I’m waiting for death
A friend of mine died suddenly at 28yo. He was misdiagnosed at a clinic with minor sinus/bronchial infection. He didn't get better and within 2-3 days went to hospital. Turns out he had a pneumonial infection in his lungs. By the time he was admitted to the hospital, the infection had apparently started spreading to the heart. He died the next day.
Not sure about his state of health aside from being a little over weight and a smoker. Was very sad and unexpected. RIP Chris.
Cigarettes aren't just bad for your lungs, they're bad for other organs, too. Actor Patrick Swayze died of pancreatic cancer. He was a heavy smoker and drinker.
May they rest in peace. Sorry to hear that.
I’m on dyalisis at the age of 28... it sucks. No cure for me just need a kidney. Be grateful if you’re healthy.
dialysis is preventive
@@omgnoi .... not necessarily. Infections from food/stuff like and just effed up genes can get you there
I can only imagine. It sounds and looks extremely painful.
@@omgnoi Piss off!
... pun intended 😤
You’re young so you should have some priority for transplants. Hopefully someone compatible comes along soon... for now hang in there!
A man played catch with his daughter
This is how his cousin’s flamingo disintegrated
I drink cheese ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yo Tengo It's sad that I genuinely thought it was an albert related comment
That makes sense
"Man was alive - this is how he started dying"
By living
@@nosleepjones4551 hmmm interesting
Well, shit.
@@nosleepjones4551 wow thank you! this was very, very interesting to read indeed. It was a very detailed explanation! At first, I was confused, but now I see the meaning of life. Thank you so much for this
what the hell am i doing with my life
@@bluesusername I don't know how to respond to that I love the sarcasm dude lol
What a great explanation for sepsis.
Several years ago I developed severe cellulitis in my dominant hand from a really bad dog bite. I was transported to the ER and received 1 dose of IV antibiotics, as well as a full betadine soak and cleansing of the wounds. After this initial treatment in the ER, I was sent home with 2 Rx's for antibiotics and pain medicine. I didn't fill them because it was so late at night. Less than 16° after the bite & initial tx, I awoke to my hand ✋️ looking like a Big Swollen Red Gross & Extremely painful nasty infection.
I've had years of EMS training & experience, so I was fully aware of what this meant & how serious it could get.
I drove myself to a level 1 trauma center nearby and I was admitted within ~10 minutes after being triaged by a PA.
Once I was up on the unit, I was given IV antibiotics, IV pain meds, and so much heprin that my tummy turned purple from the injections.
A few days later, my liver enzymes were off, I had a CT SCAN and enlargement of my liver because of the type of antibiotics they had me on.
So, I was switched to another drug, had to have a surgical procedure to try and drain what they thought was pus, but there wasn't any [Thank you again God] but my hand was still really really swollen & being my dominant hand, well it was pretty tough.
The infection spread to my forearm, but after 10.5 days inpatient I was released.
It was a very painful recovery.
Ironically this happened ~10 years earlier when i got bit [same damn hand] while working at a dog kennel.
I was hospitalized then too, but the wound was nowhere near as bad.
This was a great way to really break it down & explain the A & P consequences in chronological order.
Thanks for this!
I feel so sad about that poor patient.
God was kind to you that day. There must not have been alot going on.
What does 16 degrees later mean? 16°?
Glad you recovered!
“A man inhaled air, this is how his brain shut down”
😶 don't play
William Eyelash*
@Yotecai Luz loser
The circle of life.~
Me: *Opens refrigerator door*
*Hears Chubbyemu music*
*Closes refrigerator door immediately*
When did he speak about refrigerator
@@harinath700 That time someone ate spoiled pasta
A man missed his meal once
This is how his stomach imploded
The artist is lifeformed, they are pretty chill.
@@chance5280 yeah. my favourite one is Frozen Hot Sauce.
dog : *"mlem"*
his organs : 👀...✌👀 ---> 💨
Underrated af
Emoji form
I’ve always thought that letting a dog lick you on he mouth was disgusting.
more for the rest of us
It's beyond disgusting. People are freakin' nasty and rude with their dogs. Yet I'm supposed to be ok with them pooping on my lawn, and them not picking the shit up, or having them jump all over me to greet me. People are so rude. Can I go poop on my neighbors lawn, since he thinks it is perfectly fine for his dog to do so on mine and not pick it up?
It is disgusting.
Sometimes it's not that you're "letting" them, they just do it so quickly that before you know it you've been licked on the mouth. They are quick and sneaky little fur missiles.
If you want to have anxiety, this is the perfect channel for you
This is so true
Yupp bro but I overcome anxiety.
I know right
Well take care of yourself and hope your not that one in million of something bad
A man walked on a crack. This is what happened to his mother's back.
This is so underrated
🤣🤣🤣 this too good
A man stepped on stick. This is what happened to his father d*** 😂😂
Ja lmao lol hahaha
man: **gets licked by his own dog**
organs: (windows shutdown sound)
best comment
Why did i hear that exact sound in my ears
@@yashbhatt5373 same
I feel bad for laughing 🖐️😭
Lol but I kinda feel bad
My mom died from sepsis in her mid 70s, from a perforated ulcer that nobody knew about. Only two days before she felt fine. She went to the hospital as soon as she started feeling bad, but quickly went downhill. They thought it was some kind of cardiac thing at first and didn’t identify sepsis until it was too late to save her. This was a private hospital in Mexico.
he's turning Black run for your safety!!!!!!
That recently happened to my mother. She had to be airlifted to a special hospital with several bleeding ulcers.
"A man breathed, this is how he exploded into a fine mist."
Bedroom Pianist Sounds like my luck...
Bedroom Pianist 😂😂
@ButtmasterFlex69 An excellent example indeed sir. Thank you for your invested demonstration.
This is actually the plot of Emily Suvada’s This Mortal Coil
Lmfao xD
A man ate an apple, this is how his doctor died.
When you guys repeat this stuff it not funny, it is stupid.
@@sweetguy19762 Thanks for your input. But it most likely won't change anything.
@@sweetguy19762 and?
That made me remember that one Zach King vine.
Fun fact all his patients kept eating apples everyday causing them to keep the doctor away so he lost his job and starved to death
This poor man just won the infection lottery 20 times in a row
Won, or lost?
Either/or I guess
... this is how his organs shut down
@@hoppytoad79 yes
I got sepsis from nursing my daughter. She was teething and accidentally bit me. I got an infection and (since it had happened once before) I waited it out. The next morning I was a super high fever. I felt like I was freezing and took a shower and knew I couldn’t drive. I went to the OBGYN and they didn’t know why after Motrin and Tylenol the fever kept increasing. I slept in the waiting room all day. Finally they sent me to the hospital and said it was sepsis. The only antibiotic that would treat it was (ironically) the only one I was allergic to- vancomycin. They had to give me several other antibiotics and massive doses of clindamycin (which made my mouth taste like metal). My vision was blurred and never recovered. It took me quite a while to feel like myself again. That was horrible.
Well now I know I won’t be breastfeeding once they cut teeth. Thanks! 😂
One example to have a vasectomy, folks, prevent your wife from illness and reduce property damage and stress in the future
@@maritesbaladad4382Imbecile. You might as well cut to the chase and end it all so you don't die. Or, you know, be sane.
@@jacquelinekenknight9280my sister was born with some teeth😮
Dog: *lick*
All of this mans organs: I have decided that I want to die
*guess i’ll die*
Suicide is badass
"K imma head out."
Guess the dog loved him to death.
What sort of dog did he have, a komodo dragon?
Me: *watches this video then nervously looks over at my dog*
Dog: *licks lips*
Oh snap, you better run like a booger flicker
Your Hilarious😂
I can't 😂
*_watch ouT i think motto motto likes u_*
I was craving bananas. I ate four bananas over the last two days, while bingeing Chubbyemu. Now I am slightly convinced that I have too much potassium in my blood, which will knock off my sodium levels causing hyponatremia and brain necrosis.
this channel has made me and electrolytes enemies
“Four bananas over the last two days”
Get him an ambulance, stat!
A banana only contains 400 mg
But it is high in carbohydrates which convert to glucose in blood causing high blood sugar.
Showoff, lol.
This happened to my neighbor. Every day he shared his coffee with his dog out of the mug. He was in a medically induced coma for 3 months. He was written up in medical journals I believe mostly because he survived.
The dog drank coffee??? That's weird...
Letting your dog stick its tongue in the cup youre drinking is gross. They'll gladly eat poop off the floor sometimes
Damn that's disgusting. I don't even kiss pets and wash my hands after touching any animal
@@11lvr11same here!
dog lover got humbled real fast
I'm just waiting for "A man breathed, this is how his toes turned into fingers"
A man breathed, this is how his toes turned into fingers.
A man used shampoo this is how his face melted
I liked your comment so it now has 100 likes. Because that is what a hero would do.
@@achtunger5528 You're a hero. That's the truth.
A man ate dog food, this is how his body turned into a dog.
I'm sorry but these titles are hilarious to me.
"A Man Gently Extended His Index Finger. This Is How Every Bone In His Body Shattered At Once."
Liked wit my pinky
Whippity Whine, Your Bones Are Now Mine.
oh wow you're late to the party
A man stubbed his toe after getting up after playing Fortnite for 5 hours which made his feet fall asleep which is pretty annoying a terrible tbh...
This is what happened to his cat.
But we love those titles
A kid was looking at the comments. This is how he got depression.
That's depressing. (Ba dum tiss)
A kid jumped off a building. This is how he was rushed to the hospital. (Please don’t commit suicide, depressed people, it will get better.)
A girl had depression
This is why she looks at comments
Nah, its not the comments its the replies
A friend of my mom's actually went through much of what JD did, all after her pup licked her nose! She survived after intense care in the hospital, but her story certainly left an impression on us 😳 20 years later and I still won't let my cat lick my arm let a lone my face lol
A scientist turned himself into a pickle. This is what happened to the internet
Funniest shit i’ve ever seen in the news
I’m Pickle Rick!!
Ga k ni4 Ok ni7 funniest thing I’ve every seen
PiCkLe RiCkKkKkKkKk
Dog: _licks owner_
Owner's body: I see you've chosen *_DEATH_*
@808 slaps by commenting
I just laughed in class
"A man ate a burger at a McDonald's in the state of Missouri 16 years ago at 4 PM, this is how his bones shut down."
You deserve more likes it's really underrated
Me: *does anything*
My liver: "guess I'll die"
Lol his bones shut down
A true story
Aye missouri
I got bit by a neighborhood cat while saving it from getting stuck in my fence. (keep your pets on your own property people, your cat is devastating the local bird population and getting hurt out there). Anyhow, as a nurse I know that animal bites are very serious, no matter how small. I went immediately to the emergency room and got an x-ray (bugger really tore into my thumb... leather gloves next time dummy) and a 2 week course of antibiotics, specifically against this bacteria. It still took weeks for the bite to heal fully and I still have some stiffness in my thumb a couple months later. Don't mess with animal bites. Seek help. Even your own well cared for pet has a dirty mouth!
"A man ate grass, this is how his lungs had a heart attack"
Had to re-read the part about the LUNG having a HEART ATTACK
Franco Sellanes Yup. That’s The Whole point. Kinda like someone saying, “A guy breathed. This is how his LIVER shut down”, or should we say Chubby. Chubby make nonsense titles, that are t r u e.....
Smuddy The Maine Coon he wasn’t saying the comment was stupid he was saying he didn’t process it at first and had to make a double take
When Unicorns Grow 😂
hypo meaning low
ferr meaning iron, as the Fe in the periodic table
emia meaning presence in blood.
low iron presence in blood
Me: Peacefully scrolling through youtube
Chubby Emu: *A person did this perfectly normal thing you do on a daily basis. This is how they suffered a slow and painful death.*
Also Chubby Emu: *this person did something really damn stupid because of illness. This is how they survived but were messed up.*
Also Emu: *medical meme shows up on screen for about 0.1 attoseconds*
@@ultimax140 you mean something super stupid, got messed up but made a full recovery
kissing a dog is not a normal thing
Beginning : the narrator is probably over reacting
End : stares at my dog
Honestly just watched because I have 3 dogs myself. I need to know this!
But I literally love my dog more then myself
Calm down 😂 lol
@@grey3414 1/1000000 is so rare
Giving my snoring geriatric beagle the side eye
Just been discharged from 3rd time of sepsis (first time August last year septic shock) and we just got a puppy. My downhill started before getting a pup but now I'm going to take alot more care around our pup. Thank you for sharing these
I've had it 3 times also. It's not fun at all. Hospitalized all three times for about a week. Here is hoping you stay well 🙂
I had it for the first time last summer. I was so discouraged when I learned you can have it again. I was in the hospital from May til the end of September. I'm a bit anxious now that it's May. I'm avoiding doing things like planting flowers for fear of repeat. I did buy some last night. I had Streptococcus Aureus, and no clue how I got it. It took over 90% of my body, and permanently damaged parts of the spine. When I was discharged, they feared that some could hide in the bones to reappear later.
Why even get a pup after going through sepsis. That’s really stupid.
@Annie-eg9xc no thats what your unnecessary comment is dear 🥰
Ok, then get sepsis again and don't complain on youtube lol@@dappppppppt
"A person woke up one morning. This is how their eyeballs imploded."
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised
Man i woke up one morning and my Cornea got cut and had an abrasion.
@ً No, what is your problem?
Let's just make the English Language progress.
ً shut up lol
@ً let's be inclusive and use them
Humans: *Drinks/Eats slightly too much of anything*
Liver and kidneys: *Coffin dance ensues*
JT Bayliss 😂😂😂
I thought the other reply would be something like:
Actually yes, precedes to write a whole essay on why this is true
Wrong video.
Lmao coffin dance is so good.
Im booking them for my funeral asap. I better be shakin in ma coffin bich!
JT Bayliss humanity is slowly destroying itself
Me: I gotta stop watching these right before bed...
Chubbyemu: *A Dad Drinks a Lava Lamp*
Me: lol ok just one more
A man drinks water this is how he had internal bleeding
Me but on opposite order
Mystery Wryter like what? A lava eat a dad?
Watching when tired at 0:45 in the morning.
I’ve had the kind of dry gangrene shown due to lack of blood circulation because of 3 different pressors needed to keep me alive 😢 I was in respiratory failure and septic shock from MRSA-pneumonia. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital and I’m just extremely grateful to the literal teams of doctors and nurses and the various therapists that helped get me better and get me back home 😢🙏🏽🥰
glad you're doing better now :)
@@littlerat760thank you very much, it’s been a year and I’m beating the odds
when mitochondria is no longer the powerhouse of the cell :'(
Dog: **Licks you**
You: Awww how cute!
Dog: omae wa mou shindeiru
Chronus Guerin **develops gangrene in all four limbs*
lmfaoooo underrated comment 🤣
A man made a comment. This is how he was ignored because almost the whole section is talking about title ideas
You poor Malus
Best Comment Ever!
All too true
Why tf did he lick his dog lol
I'll never understand why people let their dogs lick their mouths. Ugh
“A man blinked.......... *this is how every cell in his body exploded* ”
dont hate on my driving this seems about right
Killer queen has already touched your cells
You acctually made me laugh bro XD
A man existed for 23 years straight, this is how he completely imploded
A man looked at a painting from the wrong angle. This is how his existence was deleted.
Weenus deletus
@@johneec65 Is there a spell that does the opposite? I'd like to leave behind my only source of pleasure in life.
*_[The SCP Foundation has joined the chat]_*
Chubbyemu: *exists
Internal Organs: I dont feel so good
The organs instantly shut down
LOOOOL! hahahah
A man made a comment about internal organs. This is how his internal organs shut down.
I never let animals lick me, I hate them even licking my hand as I have to wash it straight away... When you see what animals lick and eat it is mad to let them lick anything of yours.
exactly! idk why people let pets lick their mouths and other parts.. like it's so gross...
"a guy died, this is how he survived"
Oopsie 🪦 ripperino
"Unfortunately, I died"
"but I lived!"
I mean thats technically possible if someone is declared braindead
My dad has died before after his heart stopped and they restarted it after a car accident.
probably a true story.
I swear every time I watch his videos, something starts aching, itching or I just panic in general.
You won't die here Ryan. No need for time travel.
ummmm me too
Hey Ryan, do you remember why I mentioned time travel? Cuz I sure don't.
Same my head aches
Btw always drink 8 glasses of water to avoid headaches, migraine, vertigo, dizzines
"Doctors rushed to his aid"
The doctors: "lets just casually walk down the hallway while our patient dies"
😅 EMTs too.
Escort quests be like.
Patient: Doctor doctor! I’ve only got 59 seconds to live!
Doctor: Hang on a minute.
lol, he probably couldn't find any stock footage of doctors running down the hallway.
A man existed. This is how he spontaneously combusted.
a kid stepped on a crack
*This is what happened to his mother's back*
42 year old JM reported to the emergency room with severe back pains and an unusually stiff back.
Hey Hey
I think that kid is called timy
Copied though
This is probably a repost but I laughed hard lmao
a kid stepped on a line
*this is what happened to his father's spine*
A boy stayed up 2 minutes past bedtime, this is how his eyelids stopped working
Me: reads this comment
This is how her is her stomach shut down
@@thatonekid6471 bro did you have a stroke
@@stereotype2269 how her is her lol
@@БайжигитКурмантаев-б9ж lol
@BRENDON MANYSHOTS yeh funny 🤦♂️
“A man was licked by his dog...”
Wow, that’s sweet
“This is how his organs shut down”
Wow, that escalated quickly
wow that is a BRUH MOMENT LOLS! sory
Like, that really got out of hand.
Ide be d e a. D
You should not allow a dog to lick you should be common knowledge from now
@@mulan7015 it's literally so rare you cannot say that, my dog gives me a kiss every day before and after work, not een worries
Last year I had pneumonia and sepsis before leaving on a road trip driving my camper van cross country. I felt great, but my wife thought I was not well enough. She always worries too much, so I thought.
That first afternoon I drove from Portland, OR, clear across the state to Ontario, OR. I felt OK, but dehydrated. So I stopped at a big truck stop to fuel and get iced tea, then sleep there in my van. I hadn’t had a bowel movement for a few days. Should have know as that is Unusual for my system.
I never felt any pain nor shortness of breath.
As I walked into the truck stop cafe I fell backwards and knocked out on the pavement. Fortunately someone called 911. The only thing I recall is the EMT crew picking me up off the pavement and loading me into their ambulance. I spent the night in the Ontario hospital. Apparently they didn’t check for pneumonia or infection but fed me a good breakfast. So I told them I felt great. So they called a shuttle van to go back to my van. On the road again and drove east on I-84 clear past Boise, ID , to a truck stop with a good cafe, Boise Stage Stop. I went into the back of my van to change clothes as I was getting hot. Fortunately the van windows were open as I was too weak to get up after laying down. So someone heard me holler for help and called 911.
Again I passed out and don’t even recall how they got my weak body out of the van. They took me to St. Luke Hospital in Boise, ID, where they tested me for sure and found the pneumonia and sepsis. I don’t even recall that until the doctor told me, must have been the next day.
They also kept me isolated in the far end of the ward and wouldn’t let me out without help. They had a constant flow of IV anti-biotic fluids. I was there for 6 days and would not let me out until my Methodist minister drove over with another church friend to drive me home with my camper van.
Those lovely sweet nurses wanted to keep me there another 2 weeks! (Must have been the doctor tho) But they released me to adult supervision🥴 to go home.
A year later I’m doing OK but paying more attention to my own health and will listen to my wife if she says I don’t look well. I’m still weak but have other health issues after beating cancer 15 years ago and spine surgery for neuropathy.
A man got rejected in art school, this is how he started World War II
Wow bro that’s a pit too fair but funny
That dumb Aussie TM how?
@@pathemeleski ya, that’s not too far.
Do u understand comedy?
Dark but true...
"The point of this video is not to scare anyone of their animals."
Well, you did it anyway.
Valdagast Eh, I live for my fur babies, so... it's fine. ❤
I had pet dogs for 30 years. never I have let them lick my face. Animals have germs. Love is not about licking and sleeping with animals. Its taking care of them.
@@TheShani2012 Everyone have germ
@@blugaledoh2669 People don't generalle lick all sorts of stuff (including other dog's butts) and then lick my face though. I mean, not that I let dogs lick my face either (the thought alone, ew) but still.
@@TheShani2012 I kiss them and drink and smoke and well, a vegan.....might as well go out happy with no limbs and no brain
"A man touched water, this is how all his organs evaporated."
Hope that he doesn't use DK for represnting the name😂
Wait how tf does this have 109 likes
@@noakkkkk now 431 likes🤣
Dude all these comments are so funny
"Man got 108 likes, this is how he got 708 likes."
A man got out of bed in the morning. This is how his skeleton exploded and his liver invaded his big toe.
Immune system: alert! An unknown bacteria has entered the chat!!
The bacteria sir?
Body: Idfk lmo
"A man farted, this is how his colon turned inside out"
This made me laugh so much holy moly
Omfg HAHAHA 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
and you thought sharting gave you a, "whoops," face... I can only imagine the surprise from a casual complete rectum prolapse
Lmao 🤣
JD: I’m getting better. I feel great.
ChubbyEmu: But wait, it’s a plot twist. You’re *n o t .*
Calamity Echoes lmaoooo
Chubbyemu: but wait. There's more
JD: wow, everything seems to be getting better
*ChubbyEmu music intensifies*
*Entire body starts to die*
Odds of this happening are so low though.. It's like if you said "hey i'm not driving a car because I can have car accident". Imma let my dog licking my face thank you very much.
Him: it’s just a lick
Doctor: it’s just a lick
Family: it’s just a lick
Chubbyemu: death
A man ate breakfast, this is how Joseph Stalin resurrected and re established the Soviet Union
there are no accidents
- master oogway
Dawar Ali no with that attitude
@@coffeebug i don't get the joke
am i dumb?
Bacon makes everything better.
@@DastardlyDawar happy accidents
Dog: *Mua
Human: *Dead
Dog: "I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not this."
This guy is the rod serling of medical horror stories
These titles are awesome, they're like:
"An old lady was knitting a sweater, this is how her intestines came out of her ears"
First time?
@ You got it backwards but it's k
A 33 year old man counted sheep this is how he became a dragon
These comments are killing me 😂
This poor guy who died from his dog's lick☹
A child was born, this is how he died 80 years later
This is underrated
"A man was licked by his organs, this is how his dog shut down"
I’m dying of laughter
An organ was licked by his dog. This is how his man shut down. Worst of all is that it would actually happen, if a dog licks your organs, well, goodbye
@@shiggleswookles same
@@staringgasmask lmaooo
A lady just passed away yesterday from this bacteria in our town. Her friends dog chomped her finger by accident when going for a toy. 😢
I really appreciate the way you explain things, especially when you define the latin roots of medical terminology. It helps to create a fuller understanding of the word/condition. Thank you for your videos and attention to detail!
Don't r\whoosh me but I think he has joking..
@@philipnativio3923 r/whoosh XD
emeia meaning blood
@@philipnativio3923 r/woosh
Latin and Greek
This channel reminds me that literally anything will make my organs fail and kill me.
i mean, eventually something will.
A man was reminded on how likely it was that his internal organs could kill him. This is how his internal organs shut down.
Me: *complains about my constant minor injuries*
JD: *has organ injury and failure all because his dog licked him*
Me: "I have now decided that I want to appreciate life."
*Jigsaw wants to know your location*
I feel so sorry for this guy, he just wanted to have a good time with his pets that loved him and wanted to show it. And when he became ill he suffered so much from different bacteria and fungi, developed gangrene and brain damage in the state that he just couldn't no longer have a chance to live somewhat normal life. Poor soul, wish he will meet his dogs in the heaven at some moment.
French kissing a beast that licks its own bum doesn't deserve much sympathy
Me: * sees title and looks at my dog *
Dog: * Ignores me like always *
Me: Good thing you're about as affactionate as a toenail.
FailedArtKid Oh help me. I choked on my saliva while trying to stifle a chuckle.
Thanks for the laugh! :)
Oh god do we have the same dog ?
A man took a big dump, this is how his toilet exploded.
Wait, that means he ate taco bell, which causes explosive dihoreea
@@thunderbuttocks28 yes sir
this made me laugh so hard
Sounds like someone hid either lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, or francium in the toilet.
That backsplash be deadly af.
*literally anything happens*
This is how their organs shut down
Chubbyemu one liner meme... Still not global level meme yet.
I had a rare bacterial meningitis in 2019 and it caused swelling of my brain and stroke and heart attack also had to learn to walk again. It is not from my dog licking me it was from picking up shell at beach which was a african land snail and they carry the rat lungworm virus which causes deadly meningitis