Build Video, RC excavator Volvo EC160E Double E - APK Hydraulic conversion, with Wuehlbox options.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BartsteRCModels
    @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому +6

    I put the Open TX program in the video description. The program is made for Magom pump and Servonaut ESC

  • @ralphwilhelm868
    @ralphwilhelm868 2 роки тому +1

    Auch wenn es keine Anleitung ist, es für dich durch Erfahrung einfach ist, macht es doch Hoffnung daß es als Winterprojekt umsetzbar sein kann. Dankeschön für das Video. Danke an Wühlbox für die Erstellung der Zurüstteile. Gruß Ralph

  • @RS125JOE
    @RS125JOE 2 роки тому +3

    Really nice work 👍🏻 I've just bought the hydraulic conversation kit for my electric Volvo I already have the blade and slew ring upgrade and a few other bits once it's done it will be nearly identical to the one you've converted in this video

  • @dutchconstructionrc7429
    @dutchconstructionrc7429 2 роки тому +4

    this is really another example that you really deserve your youtube aword. your work is great. keep it up. you are a great inspiration to many people. 🤩🤩

  • @SC.243k
    @SC.243k 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome… very beautiful 👌
    Fully watched 👍👍👍

  • @ketjow8995
    @ketjow8995 2 роки тому +3

    I am speechless. You have done an amazing work again. keep it up!

  • @vidasandor5409
    @vidasandor5409 Рік тому +1

    Szuper! Igazán nagyon szép!

  • @PhuongDuc-sx5si
    @PhuongDuc-sx5si Рік тому +3

    thankyou 💞👏💪🥰🥰

  • @WebFreedomLifeStyle
    @WebFreedomLifeStyle 2 роки тому +1

    Electric screwdriver 👍👍... 🙄 but great video, the RC world had gone big! Amazing Machines.

  • @maga_bagger
    @maga_bagger 9 місяців тому +1

    I bought a blade from wuehlbox but I don't know how to connect the wires. Can you explain it briefly?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  9 місяців тому +1

      I depends the esc you have, I use my own esc, not the esc from wuehl, ask the seller for support.

    • @maga_bagger
      @maga_bagger 9 місяців тому

      @@BartsteRCModels thank you so much 😀

  • @kurwinramsran8509
    @kurwinramsran8509 Рік тому

    Thank you for responding if you look on your official manual link. Thats what im doing, at the end i see them connecting the 40 ESC but it doesn't really show what they're connected to. Did the cut off the factory battery plug and put the deans connector on the new ESC? Or did they wire the +and- wires to the factory electronics I hope im explaining this right..

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      I don't know how it's made... Is there a BEC from factory ? Maybe tracks and swing motors ESC need power too ? I changed everything on mine, maybe you have to ask APK or wuhlbox of how it have to be done ?

    • @ALRIGHTdieBand
      @ALRIGHTdieBand Рік тому

      Hey. I removed the power cable from the original circuit board and now it gets power from the new ESC 30A controller. But the chain drive and uppercarriage rotation can no longer be controlled on the original remote control. Did you find a solution for this?

  • @reggiereg92
    @reggiereg92 2 роки тому +2

    That's amazing 👏, if you don't mind me asking would you sell these?

  • @عبودي-وغ
    @عبودي-وغ 4 місяці тому +1

    رائع جداً حفاره فولفو

  • @SonerBaysal
    @SonerBaysal Рік тому +1

    Is it anyhow possible to make electronics detailed video for this? Hardware is well seen but you kind of skipped the electronic part a little with servo connections and such. I want to copy exactly your setup with radio and sbus connectors and such. That would be perfect to see or is there any pictures somewhere? Thanks!

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому +1

      Sorry I didn't made it, the video is about APK kit build and Wuhlbox option, usually you can use the standard radio, I made my own setup like my other excavator, but it's not detailled here.

    • @SonerBaysal
      @SonerBaysal Рік тому

      @@BartsteRCModels I see. I liked the video a lot actually. I am also planing to build the same excavator with wuhlbox hydraulic upgrade kit. Thats why i was interested. Thanks for the reply and hard work you put to record the process and sharing. Does those grey 3D parts comes with Wuhlbox hydraulic set? The ones closes the gaps after taking the electric motors way from the boom arm?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      @@SonerBaysal yes the 3d parts comes with the APK Kit

  • @RUS-ol8xv
    @RUS-ol8xv 2 роки тому

    Ну вот.. снова какое-то волшебство... Очень круто Стив!

  • @luddvikk1
    @luddvikk1 11 місяців тому +1

    Where did you get the plastic cover for the stick and boom?

  • @Oddis
    @Oddis Місяць тому

    Pipe Diameter?
    Bigger between pump and valwes , than between valwes and cylinders?
    Is there good capcity on all cylinders simultaneous?

  • @Pantano0
    @Pantano0 2 роки тому +1

    Como siempre, un trabajo impecable. 👏👏👏👍

  • @camsullivan5207
    @camsullivan5207 Рік тому

    Did you implement the quick coupler without upgrading to a 4v system? If so its electronic quick coupler?

  • @optimus8910
    @optimus8910 2 роки тому +1

    Super vidéo merci

  • @simonw6922
    @simonw6922 2 роки тому +1

    Mega Umbau ;) eine Frage hätte ich , woher sind die Abdeckungen für die ehemaligen Kabelöffnungen im Baggerarm?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      C'est dans le kit APK.

    • @simonw6922
      @simonw6922 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels das war in meinem Kit leider nicht mit drin 🧐

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      @@simonw6922 Il faut contacter le vendeur du kit ? Moi il me manquait de la visserie, et 2 raccords.

  • @daveb5520
    @daveb5520 Рік тому

    Hi there.. awesome model. I like the addition of the blade. How many millimeters stroke would the actuators for the blade be?

  • @-1-2-1-
    @-1-2-1- 9 місяців тому

    Is a diy conversion better than the hydraulic version from double e?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  9 місяців тому

      Yes it's better than the double-E hydraulic version

  • @gregor001
    @gregor001 Рік тому

    Hello, I also converted it and operate it with the original white remote control and original circuit board. The hydraulic functions and lights can be controlled, but the upper carriage and chain drive can no longer be rotated. Please advise, thank you.

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      Hello, I don't know, I use RadioMaster transmiter. Ask the seller for support with original transmiter

    • @gregor001
      @gregor001 Рік тому

      @@BartsteRCModels OK thanks

    @MYRCHOBBY Рік тому

    Hello might be a stupid question but where do I hook up the ESC from the hydraulic pump and motor to? I’m using the factory electronics and transmitter. Does it go to the battery or connect to the channel box somewhere? If it does go to a battery. What do I do with the factory battery wire? Thanks

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      Yes the esc must be wired to battery, there is not instruction with your installation ?

      @MYRCHOBBY Рік тому

      Hello. The kit came, everything is going well but the hoses. There are not fitting. I tried heat , oil, grease. any advice? Thanks

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      @@MYRCHOBBY Yes I had the same problem, hose are too strong, I put some oil before pushing it, but it's very hard.

      @MYRCHOBBY Рік тому

      Hello, I purchased the song module you have in the description. How do you program it. I only get a truck sound? Thanks

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      @@MYRCHOBBY You can buy a programmation cable and other sound where you buy the sound module

  • @la.pyykko
    @la.pyykko 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing video once again.

  • @simonelucarelli9633
    @simonelucarelli9633 9 місяців тому

    Salve, volevo chiedere se è possibile installare questo kit idraulico apk su un volvo originale idraulico, lasciando solo i pistoni originali.grazie

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  9 місяців тому

      Je ne sais pas si les diamètres des tubes correspondent, si elle est déjà hydraulique pourquoi changer ?

  • @lontongbalap7127
    @lontongbalap7127 8 місяців тому

    how much money is needed to make it?

  • @-DawnZero
    @-DawnZero 2 роки тому

    Do you happen to have a link to the STL for the 3D printed covers you made?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      I get the cover with the APK kit, I didn't printed it

  • @rockman49er
    @rockman49er 2 роки тому

    Can I convert the huina 1550 to hydraulic system 😫

  • @markuskania4380
    @markuskania4380 2 роки тому

    Where does the Feetech Micro ESC go? I can't see that on the video.

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      It's for auxiliary control, they are small, you can put everywhere

    • @markuskania4380
      @markuskania4380 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels for the excavator shovel to tilt ?

  • @wiktorator3213
    @wiktorator3213 2 роки тому

    Will you give me a link to these connectors to which you attach the cables from the hammer to the excavator?

  • @markusburger344
    @markusburger344 10 місяців тому

    Wie hast du das Soundsystem angeschlossen?

  • @michaelkuchler7195
    @michaelkuchler7195 2 роки тому

    Also wo gibt es den Bausatz ?

  • @sheldonxx30
    @sheldonxx30 2 роки тому

    Hey, wie kann ich die beiden Ketten Antriebe so machen das sie feinfühlig fahren ? Kann ich da eine esc von WB dazwischen schalten? Hab auch die Electric Version vom Volvo EC160E. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      Tout les lien des pièces sont dans la description de la vidéo. J'utilise des variateurs servonaut MF8

    • @sheldonxx30
      @sheldonxx30 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels many thanks for your fast support.

  • @김대환-e9y
    @김대환-e9y 2 роки тому

    Did you make the cylinder or did you buy it?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      Cylinders are include in kit, all parts are in video description

    • @김대환-e9y
      @김대환-e9y 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels Do you know where to buy kits?

  • @francky_4524
    @francky_4524 7 місяців тому +1

    nice job !

  • @민건-w8l
    @민건-w8l 2 роки тому

    How many minutes can I operate after the battery is fully charged?

  • @민건-w8l
    @민건-w8l 2 роки тому

    LESU warning light?

  • @Metagross555
    @Metagross555 2 роки тому

    Are you an engineer? What is your experience background as you seem to be knowledgeable in many fields

  • @michaelkuchler7195
    @michaelkuchler7195 2 роки тому

    Hallo wo hast du das Raumschild her

    @CLAUDIOSRC9529 2 роки тому +1

    I liked and subscribed

  • @999gufi
    @999gufi 2 роки тому

    I really like your excavator. I have a question and a request. Where did they make the chain movement on the remote control. I'm thinking about buying such a remote control too, would it be possible to get your settings from the remote control.

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      I modified my TX16 with back joystick like this :

  • @RCJCB_and_Forestry
    @RCJCB_and_Forestry 2 роки тому +2


  • @beomyhan5601
    @beomyhan5601 2 роки тому

    I'm curious about the electronics behind the driver's box, is it necessary to move smoothly?

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому +1

      All parts are listed in the video description

  • @Sampick94
    @Sampick94 2 роки тому

    Allo Steve,
    J’aimerais avoir ton avis par rapport à ce kit. J’ai présentement une Bruder Cat 320 next gen convertie en hydraulique avec le kit magom, le bras en métal et la base en acier. Je l’aime bien, mais la volvo m’attire par sa puissance. Recommanderais-tu l’achat de ce kit vs ma pelle Magom? Merci!

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      Salut, pour être franc, j'ai eu pas mal de soucis avec le kit APK, j'ai remplacé la pompe et le distri par du magom, donc perso je garderai la CAT 320, si tu veux plus de force met plus de pression ou prends une pompe Jung.

    • @Sampick94
      @Sampick94 2 роки тому

      Merci de ton retour. Si j’installe une pompe Jung, ce ne sera pas trop de pression pour les vérins Magom? À quelle pression recommandes tu de l’opérer? Merci beaucoup!

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому +1

      @@Sampick94 Dans tout les cas il faut un limiteur de pression, donc peu importe la pompe, on peu réduire la pression, j'ai 20bars c'est bien assez.

  • @lucadebernardo7540
    @lucadebernardo7540 2 роки тому +1


  • @FlorianKunz-rp6ld
    @FlorianKunz-rp6ld 10 місяців тому

    Kul 😊😁

  • @NineTravelers
    @NineTravelers 2 роки тому

    How to buy this

  • @miniaturasmikeias3577
    @miniaturasmikeias3577 2 роки тому +1

    muito top mano

  • @clauswerle
    @clauswerle 2 роки тому +1


  • @robertorico5787
    @robertorico5787 2 роки тому

    Tu me la pasarías a hidráulica la mía? O no te dedicas a eso?

  • @youngladygaming828
    @youngladygaming828 Рік тому +1


  • @jonnirc6843
    @jonnirc6843 2 роки тому +1

    Great barste.

  • @عبودي-وغ
    @عبودي-وغ 4 місяці тому

    قمتوا بعمل ازاحه الحفاره

  • @cindydegrange-brayette6815
    @cindydegrange-brayette6815 2 роки тому

    KIT APK Hydraulic conversion tres bien seulement le hic pas de pieces de rechanges le bout des tiges de verins sont en laiton et donc fragile

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      Je dois dire que je suis déçu au final, la pompe à laché au bout de 3min, j'ai des fuites sur le distri et les passages dans le distri sont trop petits. Servo de distri trop bruyant et trop lent aussi. Ca reste pas cher, on en a pour son argent.

    • @cindydegrange-brayette6815
      @cindydegrange-brayette6815 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels a mon avis il faudra modifier et ameliorer cela avec du magom hrc

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  2 роки тому

      @@cindydegrange-brayette6815 j'ai deja la pompe de magom et si le distri me prends trop la tete il sera remplacé aussu

    • @cindydegrange-brayette6815
      @cindydegrange-brayette6815 2 роки тому

      @@BartsteRCModels moi j'ai opter pour le distrib et moteur pompe et servo ESC matos de chez magom HRC seule les verins APK que j'ai conserver sur le bras de la pelle

  • @stevenjacobs270
    @stevenjacobs270 6 місяців тому

    this is sick nice work can you do it for my😀😀😀😀i paid for sure

  • @mainanahui5852
    @mainanahui5852 2 роки тому

    Berapa harganya excavatornya bang

  • @hamidoaga3376
    @hamidoaga3376 2 роки тому

    Hey dostum bunu bana satmak ister misin😁😳

  • @cindydegrange-brayette6815
    @cindydegrange-brayette6815 Рік тому

    UN FORUM ou l'admin est un gros C... on se fait insulter sexisme et homophobe

    • @BartsteRCModels
      @BartsteRCModels  Рік тому

      Je pense que tu parle de JPG lol. Ca fini toujours comme ca avec lui...
      Ta vidéo est privé je ne peu pas la voir.