Camp Cretaceous Season 5 Trailer



  • @ccs5040
    @ccs5040  2 роки тому +11

    I think everyone has seen it, but I will throw it on everyone. Unfortunately, I am afraid that my channel will not be about cc or anything(the content may change completely) because I do not want to make videos, but I can write something. We have Hawk's return and probably Dr. Wu, there will be dinosaurs from Isla Nublar, Kenji will choose his dad and not friends, Darius's brother will be looking for him. There are more of these things, but it is just like that in a nutshell. After the trailer itself, I can say that this season will be the best

    • @kalebsmith3185
      @kalebsmith3185 2 роки тому +1

      I'm excited for this

    • @pating-sharkyt1324
      @pating-sharkyt1324 2 роки тому +3

      I’m excited btw hello, hopefully you remember me?

    • @ccs5040
      @ccs5040  2 роки тому +2

      @@pating-sharkyt1324 sure

    • @frohawkgaming3658
      @frohawkgaming3658 2 роки тому +2

      The one show that helped me get through the pandemic, when the final season comes I won't ever forget this show

    • @kalebsmith3185
      @kalebsmith3185 2 роки тому

      @@frohawkgaming3658 i agree with you

  • @lauraclarke22
    @lauraclarke22 2 роки тому +2

    Looks so good I can’t wait!!

  • @kalebsmith3185
    @kalebsmith3185 2 роки тому +1

    This is awesome I can't wait

  • @ffstoryteller4394
    @ffstoryteller4394 2 роки тому

    Dang it. The final season? I want more

  • @Ben-pf3dl
    @Ben-pf3dl 2 роки тому

    Damn l really wait that full SEASON

  • @ninosibarani4742
    @ninosibarani4742 2 роки тому

    WHAT THE SNAKE IS GOING OOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? camp cretaceous season five trailer thats so good bro I can't wait this broooooOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!??????😛😜😝🤤😖😨😨😨😨😨😨😤😓😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨ther's the barbesol can and the dilophosaurus patterns is diferent kenji wearing a suit and the biomewalls has a warning sign how crazy is that!!!!!! Well I like the music huehehe😄😄😄but it's the final season😢😢😢😢😢

  • @andresdeleon5160
    @andresdeleon5160 2 роки тому

    Good man

  • @sofiagutierrez5994
    @sofiagutierrez5994 2 роки тому +1

    estoy muy emocionado porque ya va a salir la temporada 5

  • @DancerMoeRexy
    @DancerMoeRexy 2 роки тому

    In Jurassic world camp cretaceous Season 1 and 5 put on the other music is called it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday from the boyz ll men for the campers of friendships

  • @Yugumi_axolotl
    @Yugumi_axolotl 2 роки тому

    I cant wait for season 5

  • @r4faedits
    @r4faedits 2 роки тому

    Essa trailer tá epico

  • @Dafnesubliminales
    @Dafnesubliminales 2 роки тому

    Voy a llorar como que la última temporada?? Noooo

  • @nioschannell
    @nioschannell 2 роки тому

    Ow finally sesaon ;(

  • @demonsilvy
    @demonsilvy 2 роки тому +1

    So first off, I can't wait to see this new season and I don't care what happens/what ships happen.
    Second off I do hate to see how toxic this fanbase is getting over just a new season. And no I don't mean anyone directly and I'm not trying to attack anyone.
    People assuming Kenji is automatically going to side with his dad permanently and just toss away everything he's built up with his friends over the six months. People act like he can't change and look past the character development just because "he's rich". I had an uncle who legitimately was a millionaire. He had his own shoe shops everywhere. And guess what, he was the nicest person I ever knew. He lived in a suburban house, bought cheap clothes and never spent anything more than necessary but he spoiled us on our birthdays. So just because you are rich, doesn't me you can't be nice/have friends. It's like My Hero Acedemia fans looking at Bakugou and saying "he should be the villain because he's mean" and ignore his character growth.
    And I'm sure things don't mean to come across this way because you seem like a really nice person, but as a Kenji/Brooklynn shipper, a lot of videos/other peoples comments make it seem like we as Kenji/Brooklynn shippers are wrong for shipping that. Unless people ship the top 3 ships in this show (Darius/Brooklynn, Sammy/Yaz and Ben/Kenji) you're wrong and how dare you ship anything else. My ships from end of season 1 were Kenji/Brooklynn, Sammy/Darius and Ben/Yaz (especially after season 4) but that doesn't mean I don't like/can't see other ships. I'll ship anything but 90% of my ships are crack ships. I was surprised Kenji/Brooklynn became a ship in show. But even if Darius and Brooklynn made it as a ship, I wouldn't have cared or stopped watching the show. I'm used to my ships not happening. My fanfics/pairings are crack but if all people have time to do is attack the crack shippers, than I'm sorry but that's not my fault if you think only your opinion is right.
    So many people seem to want to stop watching the show because their ship didn't make it or only want to watch this season to see Kenji/Brooklynn end so their ship happens. Thankfully I don't take these things to heart when people act like my thoughts/ships are invalid because I have more drama to deal with irl to bother with people like that. But I can't help but still feel like people are attacking people for their ships and this is what turns me off shows. The toxic fan bases.
    Again, no trying to attack anyone. I respect all peoples opinions and ships but I won't tolerate people attacking me or smaller shippers for their own opinions so don't come for me because I think different. This was just a ad for the new season and people are already wanting to tear the current ship apart so their ship happens and I really don't like that the ships are all people care about..
    Sorry for the rant but I have no one else to rant to about it😂

    • @ccs5040
      @ccs5040  2 роки тому +1

      I just took a distance from it. The fact that I didn’t like Kenlynn, because I still think that creators did it a little wrong. Anyway, everyone has an opinion and you have to keep your distance - I love people who don't give up and still ship

    • @demonsilvy
      @demonsilvy 2 роки тому

      @@ccs5040 I agree the way Kenlynn came seemed a little rushed into the first 3 to 4 episodes and as I said, I never expected it to happen. I honestly thought Darlynn was set to happen.
      Sometimes I'll take a break from a show just till the hype dies down so I can get away from the toxic side of the fan base. I don't consider you part of that because I do see how you try to separate everything in a logical manner. It's mainly other peoples comments that get me and how they view the show/characters.
      I will still keep my ships, not expecting them to make the show, but just because I enjoy it. I'll love the show no matter what ship happens

    • @corentintesta8473
      @corentintesta8473 2 роки тому

      One thing to think about for the ships in the series is that I don't want to judge anyone:
      To get back to Kenlyn the thing that's wrong is that the relationship comes out of nowhere, that it's rushed, that I think we could have had a better choice than that, and especially that it's supposed to be a subplot and it doesn't really do anything considering how it's concluded at the end of season 4.
      That's the root of the problem, apart from bringing us cute moments, their relationship has no impact, no interesting moments, intense, empty.
      The only thing they have to do now is to continue to show this relationship in a more interesting way by correcting this current flaw but they can't go back.

    • @HardcoreBeta
      @HardcoreBeta 2 роки тому +1

      I agree with your point about the toxicity. It honestly sucks and the worst part of it is that it's in every fandom. You can't escape it. As for season 4 as a whole, I'll admit I just didn't like it. I won't attack others who did, but I will lay out my reasons as to why I dislike this season. First off, to get my stance on the romance out of the way, as someone who was hoping no romance would form in a story I felt didn't need it nor did I feel it would benefit from it, I was disappointed to see it shoehorned in there. I felt the show was better when it was just 6 close friends trying to survive. But that was the least of my complaints. On to my main dislikes:
      1. The Brads. Now, the technology in and of itself was believable for me until the Brad-X showed up. In a world where dinosaurs were cloned in the 80s. The Brads weren't an issue. The number of them and the Brad-X was, though. If the Brads were just shown as prototypes and there were just say maybe 5, I wouldn't have had an issue. But not only was there an abundance of them with only one human working on them. And that was a bit too far for me.
      2. The writing. I felt the characters, with the exception of Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, were horribly written. Darius's whole character was assassinated and I already stated that I didn't like the shipping, as miniscule of a complaint as it is. I just didn't care for the core three characters. I don't care what anyone says, you don't go from willing to let a Baryonix starve in it's cage to willing to help a Kentrosaurus over prioritizing getting home. Then trying to pep talk everyone after all of that. And having him almost chose the dinosaurs again over calling for help? And saying they were gonna stay to help Dr. Mae when no one agreed to it? Nah, there wasn't a reason for that. And, him not knowing about everyone's nightmares didn't sit well with me either. You mean to tell me he wasn't aware of any of their suffering when he was the one trying to end it by getting them home and the only reason they even survived as long as they did the past three seasons? I hated the direction the writers took with Darius's character this season.
      3. The dinosaurs taking a backseat. Hated that.
      Overall, it felt like the writers threw this season together rather quickly and shoddily with the info they had for Dominion. Because season 3 was supposed to be the end. If they had the time and put in a little more effort, I felt it could have been a good season. But with the demand for the story to continue, and Dominion coming up, it seems they had to rush this one out and go with what they had. While season 4 had some good elements to it, there was a lot of bad to counteract it. It's 50/50 for me compared to the others. And that's a shame given all the hype. But I'm glad there are some who genuinely liked it and able to enjoy it. Sadly, it just wasn't for me. Now, I'm not gonna be like some and drop the basket over one bad apple. It's just a hiccup in a rather surprisingly well done series. Maybe this last season will end things with a bang. One can only hope.

    • @corentintesta8473
      @corentintesta8473 2 роки тому

      @@HardcoreBeta I too agree with your point of view however there is one thing that I disagree with and that is the dinosaurs that the kids are trying to save all the time. For the baryonyx grim and for the kentrosaur I agree that at the first rabor you could say that they could have let them die to get back, but already if this kind of decision had been taken the series would already be over, and then what would be the moral behind it, if there is something that the series shows us it is that even if some actions are not logical, you have to do what is morally good so that you don't have any regrets or remorse later on even if you drool or if it is dangerous.