By a mistake, i deleted all windows fonts from c:\windows\fonts\*.* i was dualboot to windows 10 but its deleted my fonts. but all of that, i do a backup folder named font (to not to reinstall windows 10, it was deleted on my pc). Everything happened same on this video. Logonui wont load (black screen) mouse cursor stuck at loading animation. when i reboot, it give me a blue screen says "windows düzgün yüklenmemiş gibi görünüyor." (It looks like windows is not installed correctly.) and then i tried automatic repair. but it says "Otomatik onarım bilgisayarınızı onaramadı" (Automatic repair cannot repair your pc). and then i understand i deleted it from my real pc, i quickly copied all fonts from font to fonts folder. now my pc is working perfectly.
By the error messages, i could understand your turkish, o yüzden türkçe konuşcam, yazı stili gibi basit birşeyi silğnce neden kaos oluşuyor anlamıyorum, bir tahminim var, tekniken bilgisayardaki herşey bit boyutunda şeylerle depolandığı için ve bu bitler ise karakterlerden oluştuğu için, ve bu karakterlerde basit te olsa bir yazı stili kullandığı için yazı stillerişnişn silinmesi, karakterleri sişldi, ve bunise bit depolamasının sağlamlığını sildi, ve bu ise direk neredeyee herşeyi kırdı bitirdi yani bozdu, yani tahmin de olsa m0mkün
#underrated 😔
I love Frieren in your videos😊
In Windows Vista/7 , delete dwn.exe will not make system broken
try "deleting system32 on windows 11"
(my idea)
By a mistake, i deleted all windows fonts from c:\windows\fonts\*.* i was dualboot to windows 10 but its deleted my fonts. but all of that, i do a backup folder named font (to not to reinstall windows 10, it was deleted on my pc). Everything happened same on this video. Logonui wont load (black screen) mouse cursor stuck at loading animation. when i reboot, it give me a blue screen says "windows düzgün yüklenmemiş gibi görünüyor." (It looks like windows is not installed correctly.) and then i tried automatic repair. but it says "Otomatik onarım bilgisayarınızı onaramadı" (Automatic repair cannot repair your pc). and then i understand i deleted it from my real pc, i quickly copied all fonts from font to fonts folder. now my pc is working perfectly.
By the error messages, i could understand your turkish, o yüzden türkçe konuşcam, yazı stili gibi basit birşeyi silğnce neden kaos oluşuyor anlamıyorum, bir tahminim var, tekniken bilgisayardaki herşey bit boyutunda şeylerle depolandığı için ve bu bitler ise karakterlerden oluştuğu için, ve bu karakterlerde basit te olsa bir yazı stili kullandığı için yazı stillerişnişn silinmesi, karakterleri sişldi, ve bunise bit depolamasının sağlamlığını sildi, ve bu ise direk neredeyee herşeyi kırdı bitirdi yani bozdu, yani tahmin de olsa m0mkün
that's because LogonUI needs dwm to run. Try deleting Windows.UI.Logon.dll or something like that in system32
The answer is very simple, it does not open on the computer, namely Windows.
So Gnome can be deleted and will have a command prompt
@@NepTuneLuis i mean yeah if you delete gnome from a linux desktop it's not going to exist... so your only option is a shell
There is Only 1 Way to Recover and That is by Resetting the Computer but Choosing to Keep My Files
alternative way, copy a known good copy of dwm.exe into your system using a Windows PE image
why no one knows about sfc /scannow