To all those complaining about adverts; “It takes money & precious time to make a show of this nature. Respect & appreciate others’ efforts.” Keep up the good work Comic.
There is no problem nekuita ma adverts bt comic vano zviwanza remember some are using data to watch these videos. No wonder why ma views ari kudzikira ndiani angade kutenga data rekuona ma adverts
Keep up the good work Comic Mfundisi but pa sound engineering apo pane karuzha mbichana your voice is not as clear as it used to muchiri Zimbabwe. Itayika zvimatche nekwamava uko.
ummm sister ve2 years no reply on FB avo, red flag, vanga vapedza kuJola and out of desperation vakutanga kuita go through her inbox to reply to potentials hahahah pakaipa
Hi . Can i buy online from pipeline fashion ?
Apa ndaitodzidzawo muSpecial Class mufunge
You are most welcome
#special class #Boaster Redenga#ZiGo united to de 🌎 greatest glory to almighty 🥰
Kkk #What we do for money! Lord have mercy 🙏🏾
To all those complaining about adverts; “It takes money & precious time to make a show of this nature. Respect & appreciate others’ efforts.”
Keep up the good work Comic.
Nhai nhai zvako. Some of us are even happy for comic getting these ads- all media platforms require adverts to fund them!
There is no problem nekuita ma adverts bt comic vano zviwanza remember some are using data to watch these videos. No wonder why ma views ari kudzikira ndiani angade kutenga data rekuona ma adverts
UA-cam has it's on adverts , comic pastor must know that, do no advertise on UA-cam, have a separate channel for advertising
Vasiye vazunze the aquaya kusvika msika wadonha💃
True it takes a million views to get money payoutube so maadvet ndipo pavanowana Mari and it helps vanhu vari diaspora to get some services ekuzim
Intro dance iyo hatina zera nayo 🔥🔥🔥
😂ndeye makings
Yakapenga kani dhanzi iyo.
Baba vari kutaura zvekuti vakanoona governor is a very educated man. I know him personally. Thank you comic pastor nekuvaita include. Thank you!
Comic pastor pa Chekupenga award pamati ihanzvadzi nehanzvadzi, havasi vana vemunhu mumwe chete or ma cousins, vangori ne mutupo wakafanana thats all
Mutupo is the most common denominator than surnames, vatori nehukama
Ichokwadi ndakaona video yakazara tsvagai nyya dzakakwana😂
Kkkk celeberation manjeee TINASHE MUGABE hw du u kip ur composure ini dai ndafa nekuseka😂😂😂😂😂
Eee eee, Pastor imi ka ska Zim yakuuraya wangu zvamuri yellow born
Thank u Comic Pastor
Apa varimuClutch.... ndatombofunga kuti iManual car 🚗
Asi Imbwa idzo ngadzivharirwe shuwa ,, ,"vanodii kudzivharira"
Zvakanaka kuva pano😂it's nyc to bi here....intro manyama
Am here my grand children
Inhema....inhema. in comic's voice 😂😂😂
He got me rolling on the floor.
Haa comic chimbondiisaiwo pama best upcoming artist 😅 madance arikurohwa ayo ndeenguva yangu chaiwo😂😂😂
SPCA Zimbabwe, vakagarira basa. Iyezvino imbwa dzinongofamba. Hadzina muridzi. Hatizive vemutemo vanotii nazvo? Uyezve mutemo wedu unotii nezve ma pets akaita sembwa? Senyika tatambura. Handizive why vanhu vachichengeta imbwa idzi. It's now anarchy. Hapachina mutemo wezvipfuyo nevanhu. Vemutemo pindirai.
Unfortunately, SPCA relies purely on ma donations. They are not part of govt or city council. If we don't donate, they can only do so much.
SPCA relies purely on donations. They are not part of govt or city council. Without much money, hapana zvakawanda zvavano kwanisa kuita
Who else watched that INTRO more than once kkkkkkkk
We are together.😂
To us who replayed the opening mapostori dance 🕺 🕺 💃 Arikuridza bhosvo uyo akapenga at large.....🎉
Ndati murume uyo ari paBackground akabata ZIG uyo hai hai hai 😅😅 Baba avo vakashinga havo 🙌🏾
Ukarumwa nembwa iuraye kuti muridzi aite simba rekuvharira rova ifirepo kusvika vakugona kuvharira imbwa dzavo. Inorohwa pasi pehuro inobva yananga kumba kwayo kunofira muGate matenzi wayo
@@HaisonMuzungu 😂😂
I thought in the intro they were trying to
Kunonoka kuona ma awards nhac kwakuri kumirira my father kuti vabve kubasa haangaoneke vasipo kaa😅😅😅
The number of adverts was 👌
Thanks comic pastor... My best
The intro is lit as always 😂
Comic pastor to the world❤
Aiwa mupostori agona. Economics 101 in an understandble format for the audience
Don’t forget to like vanofadza comic
inhema that statement is iconic really
Bhachi dzvuku ndini hangu muHwisiri ndichinhongawo jive nevatambiri vashe
Some serious work needs to be done on audio and video quality
Yes like kudhara
Its the intro for me😂😂
Nhayi can I have the link yemukadzi uyooo akupimirwa mafuta
Kasi ukuda kunotora murume wacho
Baba vekurumwa nembwa daily ndivo vahwina apa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.... Sound has improved but haisati yanyatsodzokera chaipo..
😂😂comic pastor always killing it..
I loved the word from the VP
This has been the best show since long back..
inhema inhema🔥🔥🔥🔥
😂😂😂😂😂ndazvinzwawo ,aramba wena
My favourite this month mdara arikurumwa nembwa😂😂😂 varikurumiswa here😂😂
😂😂😂😂haaa Comic Pastor munondita bhoo macomments amunombokanda soka ndofa nekuseka
Best Comedian
Usadade pa social media coz hauzive kuna suitor wako vhura inbox unotirorerwa iwe
Thank you comic
You're welcome
@@ComicPastor Makapenga.
First time watching the awards live 🎉🎉
Intro dance iyo inonzi sunga 😂😂
I knew you were going to say something about bhachi dzuku.
Ahhh SPCA vapedza ma spots 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The background song kumberi ahh💫💥
Comic never disappoint
Mwedzi wemaZug Zug
Who else is here for the intro🔥
Intro dance + Governor 😂
Keep up the good work Comic Mfundisi but pa sound engineering apo pane karuzha mbichana your voice is not as clear as it used to muchiri Zimbabwe. Itayika zvimatche nekwamava uko.
Madzibaba story happened in Kimberley not Cape Town
MaComic awards I like it kasound ako
Comic ndimi muneyese handitombodi kupotsa ma comic awards😂
Asi mdara uyo anorumwa everyday here nembwa 😂
Kkkk hanzii ngatitsiurei ana mai
Ahhj comic ka pamapostori emari ayoka haya wanguka
Ma intro agara ane Moto 🔥🔥🔥😂😂
Babe mira kani, mira ndikuudze😂😂😂
lol in one of the clips i saw someone from my high school in the background.
Sakazipra didn't fight futseke kambwa kemwanq yusu tadaro😢😮😮
Avo hanzvadzi nehanzvadzi mangovapa havo award ndezvemutupo hazvina basa izvo😅
Goat 🐐🐐🔥🔥🔥👍
Introoo is under Kontrooo😂😂😂
Mufec weVAR uyo anotopenga hake 😂😂😂😂akuwanza bhora kkk
Mwana wemsangano ngaapihwewo something. Nyanduri wechidiki🥹
Comic AWARDS 👏👏👏👏👏
"inhema inhema yenge isina kubhekwa😂"
Iyeye wawurikudadira iyeye ndiye achakuyisa ring
The guy's name is Tendai kutadzaushe, he was my senior at Waddilove high back then2010
Inokabatsirei history yacho paanopedza kudetemba
Comic musadaro😂😂😂 mukomana akapinda zvogona kuvafambira, imboita upiwe Auqwa
Lols Comic Pastor soo 🤣🤣🤣😂
April magona comic ndandakambomira kuona zvazvakubhowa but haaaa mabayaaa
uyo arikuti vharirai imbwa dzenyu
haasiye here mdhara wekuti ndirikuda kumbonyengawo chero yakasviba zvayoo ndinoda kumboirovaa
Kkk,mari yedu yaroorwa
Intro vabereki 😂😂...... haaa unosvika pachikamu chekuzorora 🙌
Opening act u never dissapoint
facebook ipi iyoyo maybe ndaka downloader a wrong one
Always a pleasure watching Ma comic anenge atononoka
Comic Comic Comic how many times did l call you kkkkkk chrch yani? Kkk
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉huyai nawo emwedzi uno🏃🏃👩🦯🏃
I am here for the smile 😅
Intro intro intro. Always on fire
im here for vanamoms kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
😂😂😂😂😂hanzi munorara muchiibva
Takuda mapositori of the week
V.A.R yapedza ma sports
Hanzi imboisai Chaminuka paZIGU pamwe zvingaite 😂😂😂😂🙌
Introduction is always Topnotch
Haaaa mdhara wekurumwa nembwa uyo achema chema😂😂😂😂
Icho chibaba, Zig ndati Zig hapan a kwatiri kuenda
The opening choir yemapostori understand their assignment 😅
Kupatisa mwana
Kkkk regai kuzora mafuta enyama unokwadzwa neimbwa
ummm sister ve2 years no reply on FB avo, red flag, vanga vapedza kuJola and out of desperation vakutanga kuita go through her inbox to reply to potentials hahahah pakaipa
Where are the Governors classmates kikikikiki ask them Hayi sukaaaa
Song yamavhara nayo kkk comic kaaa
Hanzi inhema 😂😂😂😂😂mari hairoorwe😂