It isn’t the cost of housing, it’s the cost of land. Marin County is scenic, the weather is perfect, and there’s virtually no crime. I grew up there, and my parents’ modest house is estimated at $2 million today. How many people can afford $2 million? Seriously. Sausalito? $2 million is the low end.
I see a newly renovated 4 bed bath house within walking distance to bus stops for under $2m in Marin. Black American people would have great challenges in buying this because they don't have the family wealth from working in this country for so many generations. Instead they had to give their wealth and productivity to mostly white families. Immigrants who have come after civil war largely prefer not to honor the humanity of those nonimmigrant black American families. It's somewhat a silent pact we make as a country: give us your talent and tax dollars, and we promise it won't go to the black people whose ancestors built this country.
Yes it's really a shame when people who grew up in an area like that can no longer afford to live even where they grew up because it's too expensive . It seems to be happening more and more in so many places . I was actually looking for vids of the area from 40 and 50 years ago .
Also the lady who says oh people like to stay with their groups knows nothing about residential segregation and denial of housing opportunities to black people in this country.
What about those of us who weren't even born yet? Boomers have no idea how difficult is is to "make it" today as a millennial. High college debt, high rent, and the down payments keeps going up faster than you can save.
Yeah but there's also the people you can't afford to live there in the neighborhoods they grew up in and that's a shame ... but then again it seems to be happening everywhere in so many places
So if a certain area is redlined and minorities are excluded and then minorities have to live in a certain area why is it that the minorities then destroy that area they are forced to live in? Why can't they make it nice?
Who cares about whether racism is intentional or not. If your action has racist implications, you are being racist. It is so counterproductive to debate whether someone is racist at heart.
I am black, not African immigrant descent, but actual African-American and I’ve lived in Marin for years and plan on going back the moment I retire. As much as I want black people to have every opportunity afforded them every other race has, I do not agree with a bunch of low income housing being placed in Marin County. Everyplace can’t be a damn ghetto! There has got to be at the very least a few islands and enclaves of beauty left in our country for people who have aspired for those things to move to. It’s very sad how historically white America has altered the financial trajectory of black people downwards, causing all kinds of financial and social ills. There should definitely be something done about that. There should be a push for STEM learning and training in black schools, so they can get software engineer jobs. There shouldn’t be one more Filipino nurse allowed into the United States, until the nursing school rolls in California are filled with actual American minorities! Speaking of minorities, quit importing more and more poor people from other countries, making us have to also figure out what to do about them as well! Let’s wait until we have gotten a good handle on the people already here in terms of job growth and financial well-being. I am sure there are a host of other solutions other people can come up with. What I don’t think should be done is to arbitrarily determine because Marin County is so pretty, it’s unfair for only white people to be able to live there, and build up a bunch of projects and homeless shelters, turning the place into Venice Beach! Let’s work to get our poorer citizens, regardless of color, on a level where they can afford Marin County because of their financial success, not just allow the poor versions of themselves to come muck it up.
@@jeschr3462 why should I use some liberal talking point? There’s more in the reason, than just not in my back yard. Hell, it’s not even my back yard. There’s more to life than just liberals making themselves feel better.
altered the financial trajectory of black people? hate the break it to you but there are poor white people and poor asians and poor latinos. its about culture and upbringing, poor asians dont go around being ignorant and raising violent children. they make sure their children are respectful and hard working and get educated. they make sure their child dont go around gang banging and robbing people.
@@markjones3213 You might wanna take your argument to someone a little less knowledgeable concerning history. Black people as a whole have a net worth six times less than whites. Not all 43 million black Americans are lazy idiots, from broken homes. Hell, even if we are, and it’s all our fault, it’s not the government of the most powerful nation to ever exist’s job to leave 15% of its population in that condition. Asians, nor the Irish, we’re never slaves. Both groups decided to come over here on their own. Only one group in this nation were slaves and there was only one group half the nation resented when they were no longer slaves. no other group in the United States, with the exception of Native Americans, had massacre after massacre visited upon them and their towns and neighborhoods systematically burned down over and over. No other group had the CIA purposely place drugs in their neighborhoods, so they could buy guns for rebels in other countries. So you can take your fake, revisionist history and shove it up your ass. If you don’t know the real history, that’s your damn fault and problem. Many of us out here know the truth, and will teach it every chance we get.
@@markjones3213 by the way, if you think Asian gangs aren’t doing every home invasion in Fresno and Long Beach, you’ve got another thing coming! Get your head out of your ass and update your stereotypes!
@Écrivain let's just ignore the fact that Marin City is one of the most expensive places in the world and a lot of African Americans are of low income. It's not just a preference thing it is an affordability issue.
@Écrivain I think you're making the mistake of believing that a nice place must be expensive. I believe Marin county can be more affordable than it is now and still a very nice place to live.
@Écrivain I live right next to the water I watch the sunset from my bed over the mountain tops and guess what I live in Marin city the lowest income neighborhood in Marin… because I don’t make $1 million a month I should not have the option to live in a safe environment… most low income environments are very high in crime… I don’t think it’s fair u think if u make less money u deserve to be treated shitty..
Most people period can't afford to buy property in Marin County. My neighbor, a doctor, just moved in next door. She bought a 3 bedroom/3bath/2000 sqft home $1.5ml and pays $20,000/yr property taxes. If the price of the house doesn't keep you out the price of property taxes will.
@WorldFlex Though Marin isn't all bad and despite its cons, as I grew up here so have some fond and bad memories of this place. I value the hiking, my home, and dogs here.
@WorldFlex By the way, liking or disliking dogs doesn't determine someone's social life. Whether they're social or anti social and be judged for just that. I was judged in schools throughout Marin just for liking dogs and making friends with them wherever I go. But I was really social in my school life, but could not make friends because no accepted me for who I am was their loss and still is. Though today I'm between social and anti social.
I’ve got news, those homes elsewhere in Marin County are out of reach for most whites, too. It’s a matter of affordability. And when you force low cost multiple occupancy housing crime ALWAYS follows, regardless of race.
So race doesn't matter? If that's the case, then I guess you think most slaves were white and most slaveowners were black? In truth, money, in this country, IS race. Black people were the single largest asset class, they produced the largest export revenue, and creative financing deals enriched families who didn't want to get their hands dirty in the business of torturing black people for capitalist gains. Study up on history of America. Respect your roots.
Story and study seems to contradict itself. They complain one town is too white but not about the other town being too black. Pricing is keeping people out of those areas in this day and age. It’s expensive all over the Bay Area. They ask if the guy wants to buy a home there but seems to not want to but why would he want to in the first place ? What is legally keeping him from it other than affordability? They make the lady(looks and sounds a bit like dude) look ignorant and bigoted but other groups practice self segregation more so than not on their own. This is just another propaganda piece. They barely report any news.
Wrong. All these Woke, White Liberal towns do all in their power to prevent construction of low-income housing which would attract Black occupants. That is a fact. In fact, the hypocrite White Liberals in Marin specifically lobbied Sacramento to be exempt from low income housing requirements. You can Google that.
@@kennethtennysfan6101 I’m not disagreeing with what you said here but low income housing and private property for sale; is that one and the same here? I don’t think so. I know also that BART wanted to go to Marin County but they didn’t want it and I heard later they do. So yeah I’m seeing what you say and I don’t think going by what you said we’re in opposition. My real feeling with this story is that it’s propaganda
@Écrivain South Park is a cartoon that base vast majority of what happens in the show on real life events and circumstances. not saying it is where i get my information from but they do hit the nail on the head most of the time. watch the episode i am referring to if you dont think so.
Yea keep saying that while the entire country is literally falling apart lol not just along race but class as well. Literally falling apart. And those people in Marin are the type that deserve the finger to be pointed at them.
It all comes down to where your kids go to school. Education is everything and if you cant afford to live somewhere with the best education in the area then rarely does the situation change. Living in marin I've watched people groom their kids for really great lives. I've also watched those same kids get bailed out of trouble or charges reduced time after time while kids from neighboring cities get sent to group homes and youth authority. I watched a 14 year old get a year for the color of his shoelaces(last straw). You cant be called a racist if it's too expensive to integrate. But it's still kinda racist. Especially when people stare at you like you don't belong in public streets in their town.
Also side note look up ronnie morris. Parole officer who sued the county multiple times. As a matter of fact look up all marin county court discrepancies and lawsuits over the years. The sherriff's would get hit with lawsuits all the time.
I don't bring my black coworker with me to Marin cause it's a sure way to not get the sale. Yes, they are racist. Most are undercover republicans. They vote blue but don't want any real change cause the system is working great for them, while it's failing 90%+ of the country,
What does it mean to get a year for the color of your shoelaces ... ? You mean a year in jail if your shoelaces were red or blue like Bloods or Crips ... I'm trying to understand what you're saying
Thats actual bullshit. The same money you white people have access to was denied for generations of african americans driving them into poverty. Sure plenty of us rise above it but we were denied basic assets like home ownership and pushed into communities that are now ghettos. You can't deny this being a major factor in people's inability to create wealth . Also banks still make it hard for black families to own homes and take out loans regardless of meeting income and credit requirements. I'm not attacking your theory and I understand it seems more logical. But i'm just explaining that Black people are treated differently by institutions in America. I've experienced it first hand. Does it stop all of us? No but you can't deny these things exist and are the reason for the wealth gap.
@@yarchism i know some many asians who grew up poor and in segregated areas back in the day in san francisco. but they worked hard and created a life for themselves. then they had children and raised them to be educated and work hard. thats the culture of asians. where the culture of blacks is have 12 kids with 8 baby daddys. let them be raised by a single ignorant mother who beats her child then the kid grows up all messed up and turns to a life of sagging his pants and gang banging. its a culture thing.
I think it's very few people want to live up there. Cost of living, do these fools know what it cost to live in PALO ALTO, SARATOGA, BELMONT, and I'll throw in Sunnyvale. Come on folks........
Did you know that Menlo Park was first an all Jew town? Los Altos had No Colored charter until 1965. Swedal was all Swedes. This truth exists all over the place. East Palo Alto was bought up by India and white guys around 2000. I had to install DSL circuits then and the blacks were being bought out. This is not segregation. It's economics.
I work in Marin. There is a good amount of Latinos living there. The people there aren't racist or anything but the 'not in my background' attitude exist
I grew up in Marin. I'm white. I'll tell you r this, which ever ethnic background you are, you can't afford to buy a house in Marin, for most people. There are so many people renting, 3-4 roommates in a place to barely eke out rent and bills. Landlords just rent places out for high dollar because they can get it.
Just sad and pitiful. East Palo Alto in the early 90s used to be a city that was redlined with mostly Black and some Latino communities mixed in. MC Charizma was killed in EPA this month in 1993, it was a city filled with crime because of redlining practices.
Just because minorities are forced to live in a certain area why is it that this area then has to become a ghetto? Why can't they make it a nice place? Following your logic minorities are incapable of making a place nice and if there was no redlining then they would destroy all the areas.
I grew up in Marin County and lived there most of my life. I left because of a racist landlord and found a much nicer place not too far away. I remember all there racial slurs I was called like yesterday. It's not just a black and white thing I had racist comments made to me by everyone. It was pointed out I didn't belong as a young child. When I was called racial slurs teachers didn't know what to do. Now it's way more diverse than when I was in school and it wasn't that long ago.
People want to be around their own kind and there are many reasons for this but in this case it's primarily because of the crime associated with minorities. So when a white person moves into Oakland ghetto how well do you think they are received?
Super success today typically requires attending top colleges. Blue collar millionaires, without family wealth, are rare in Marin. Do you mind sharing how you became so successful?
Not everything is a evil plot... Sometimes it is just a simple matter of who was there first and how long they have been there 'as groups go' , some havr not yet been to certain places and thus it was not planned that way... A culture a ethnic groups may appear the same but to assume such - well I must tell you - whoever assumes that, they are wrong... Not all whites are the same, they did not all get along all the time and everywhere they went... We need to stop assuming evil and looking at things in a more neutral and intellectual context - as apposed to the context of dark and plotted schemes and conflict... That is not always the case... Context is Everything ........
Please learn the history and then come back and tell us “who was here first”. Part of the “evil plot” was to have Black and Brown people build up this area, limit them to one area with the worst schools, deny people the sale or rent of homes, and now today try to kick their families out bc the clear folk are done with them.... now that’s evil.
Nothing to do with hypocrisy. There not stopping minorities from moving in, only the poor. Would you be willing to risk you financial future by allowing multi-tenant/unit development right next door to your single family neighborhood? I think not. Most folks net worth are tied to their homes.
I work for these people and they are not progressives, they claim to be moderates but are really republicans undercover. When I bring a white coworker, they are fine. But bring a black co worker with me and they are noticeably on edge.
@@rocketmanpm If you think things are so black and white, you'll get push around your entire life. Hypocrisy is claiming to be a patriot, while trying to over throw the government through an insurrection. That makes you a traitor punishable by death, not a patriot.
San Rafael bball team hosted a tournament couple years ago just for it to end by one of the kid's on the team hosting it calling my teammate the hard 'R' in the middle of the championship just for us to lose by the game being 'FORFEITED' cuz we had kids of color
I live in Larkspur, which is a town in Marin County, and being honest, the population is almost completely white, and the population of people of color is very low. but this is because of the price to live here, most of the population in Marin was born, and raised here, including myself, and Marin has always been exclusive since it was established, and after generations and generations, the diversity hasn't changed much at all. So all in all, we are not bias, or racist in anyway, and it has always been the way it has worked. And yes, there are some towns, like Marin City, that over 80% of the population of it is people of color.
A lot of black people lived there during the war effort and weren’t allowed to buy homes as it put into contracts by developers that they couldn’t sell to blacks that wanted homes, pushing them to Marin city or outside the county so it hasn’t ‘always been that way’ naturally. The price is keeping everyone out now that it’s unaffordable though
I totally agree, and I now realize that i stated that wrong before, Marin does need to lower it's prices drastically, and I recently learned that much of the mayors are red lining Marin. Meaning black, or other people of color were pushed to certain areas, like Marin City, and the government hasn't made any attempt to help/fix that problem. @@Ace-990
I like Sausalito Tiburon Belvedere and its surroundings cities I am a minority and spend a lot of time in that area everyone seems polite and friendly I have never had an issue, however, if they knew I am a constitutional conservative I'm sure they look at me with hate and discontent.
Its the income issue, not a race issue. Houses are expensive low income family can't afford it. Sadly most of the low income earners in Bay area Blacks/Latinos and new immigrants.
HOW DID IT BECOME THAT WAY THOUGH? Budget cuts , redlining, and black people being DENIED housing for generations did not allow families to have the basic assets of home ownership. You can't act like this wasn't constructed.
@@yarchism theres also poor asians. but they raise their children to get educated and work hard. black parents raise their kid with one parent and teach them to be hateful and ignorant. one grows up a Dr and another grows up just another thug on the block with his pants sagging and a gun in his drawers ready to kill you
@@yarchism But the majority of people who grew up in Marin County cannot afford to live there ... these are mostly white people so what does that tell you ? Too expensive for them
Well they are not there through hard work but inherited money. And that money was earned in part due to racist laws that prevented competition from anyone but white people. As a white male who has been effected negatively by the reverse discrimination of affirmative action, I still understand the need to fix things racially. But I also understand how we got to this point, and we're too focused on race at this point rather than wealth, which is where the problem lies today. Regardless of the color of your skin, 91% of millennials are NOT expected to do better than their parents, compared to only 9% in the baby boomer generation. The poor and middle class are getting squeezed, while the top 1% make 26% of all income in the US compared to 9% just 10 years ago. This is not a race issue anymore, it's a class issue, and it comes down to the rich have money to buy influence in Washington through campaign donations and buying lobbyists than the middle class or poor. The more I work with these rich people who have nothing better to do than complain about how hard their life is because one of the 15 tv's in their 65 room mansion stopped working. I deal with these people every day. We live a completely different life and until you spend your days with these people, you have no idea the lifestyle of luxury they live compared to the rest of us, and how they literally do nothing but collect interest to support this lifestyle. They are the problem.
How many of these anchor people live in these communities?? is the anchor lady married to person of color or her boyfriend a person of color? Why don't they start introspecting themselves first instead of accusing certain communities of racismm. How many black people live and work in china town, japan town, little saigon etc?
i dont care yeah marin county as a whole is beautiful but its unrealistically expensive and the wages don't match the cost of living well. i aint paying half of my salary on rent that is ridiculous. people should just live somewhere else cuz marin isnt worth it
@@bobsingh5521I'm guessing you haven't walked outside and beat up or been robbed. Maybe you should spend more time there to see how bad it is. They need to just rebuild the place and make it a better place. I'm also assuming you don't talk to the people that have been there are few generations. Get out there meet the people an you will understand. Marin county has failed the people by not getting rid of everything making it a safe place for all. The Canal area in San Rafael I would say is better.
@@bobsingh5521 cross the street. Walk around at night. I have heard and lived the nightmare that place is horrible. I think you should go to where the people stand around in crowds and do drugs.
They mention EPA at the end. But it was being bought up by white guys and India folks beginning in 2000. I often had to go there and it changed Dramatically. Like Whiskey Gulch changed
@@markjones3213 yeah I'm a black person that lives in Marin county. No I don't live in Marin City like most white people assume. I'm not from Richmond or Oakland. White people assume that too 😂
@@markjones3213 I just live where I live. Don't assume I like living with racist people 😂. You know how many false reports and dispatch calls that I had encounters with police. Working as a plumber. Some of these Caucasian folks lose their mind when they realize my plumbing company is family owned. They think that they can lie and get me fired. One time a lady called the plumbing company and tried to complain about a person driving recklessly. You know she described her position as in to where she was while I was in that very plumbing truck. I end up giving that lady the finger. We were driving just fine but because she saw it was a black man she felt like calling and telling lies. Drive by shootings are usually intended for the people they are shooting at. I rather deal with that then to have a false encounter with the police or somebody trying to make me lose employment. That's why I work for myself. If I had work for a white man who owned the company. My father or I would have been fired. Great job white people in Marin showing your prejudice
@@kushitesmoke6111so one bad experience and you label all white people the same? That’s sad you would rather live with people who make communities dangerous to walk down the street and let off shots in public places.
ok, time to give everyone $5M if they are people of color and not rich enough to live in Marin, Hillsborough, Los Alos Hills or Beverly Hills. Infact, buy them all Lamborginis too and a nice big yacht.
How about make Marin City a better place to live in by improving the neighborhood and investing in job-generating initiatives. It's not the residents' fault if Sausalito is mostly white. If someone wants to afford buying a property there, start by going to school and earning a degree
School. That's a bright idea. Reality is, nonimmigrant black American families don't need degrees if this country would simply honor their lineage of investments into building the greatest superpower country on Earth. Instead our collective immorality continues to obstruct them from accessing the wealth their families are owed...
It isn’t the cost of housing, it’s the cost of land. Marin County is scenic, the weather is perfect, and there’s virtually no crime. I grew up there, and my parents’ modest house is estimated at $2 million today. How many people can afford $2 million? Seriously. Sausalito? $2 million is the low end.
It really is. In looking at houses out in Sausalito/Tiburon, it's hard to find a decent home with even a $4M budget
I see a newly renovated 4 bed bath house within walking distance to bus stops for under $2m in Marin. Black American people would have great challenges in buying this because they don't have the family wealth from working in this country for so many generations. Instead they had to give their wealth and productivity to mostly white families. Immigrants who have come after civil war largely prefer not to honor the humanity of those nonimmigrant black American families. It's somewhat a silent pact we make as a country: give us your talent and tax dollars, and we promise it won't go to the black people whose ancestors built this country.
Blk people unfortunately work hard while other people work smart
Yes it's really a shame when people who grew up in an area like that can no longer afford to live even where they grew up because it's too expensive .
It seems to be happening more and more in so many places .
I was actually looking for vids of the area from 40 and 50 years ago .
Also the lady who says oh people like to stay with their groups knows nothing about residential segregation and denial of housing opportunities to black people in this country.
Such an outrage!
Yeah she's a weirdo
But unfortunately many of them think that way
No she's not.i live in Marin and know what she saying
What an outrage to hear her viewpoint. She’s representative of Marin unfortunately., having lived there I’ve found.
Marin has always been expensive. The people who bought there in the 60s and 70s are killing it now
What about those of us who weren't even born yet? Boomers have no idea how difficult is is to "make it" today as a millennial. High college debt, high rent, and the down payments keeps going up faster than you can save.
Yep my mom sold her house for a lot!!!
Yeah but there's also the people you can't afford to live there in the neighborhoods they grew up in and that's a shame ... but then again it seems to be happening everywhere in so many places
Prohibitively high housing prices might have something to do with it
@Dee Cee some issues here nobody wants to talk about but are true.
or that THE TWINS done did it again…
Born in raised in SF. left SF 1988. Marin was racist throughout all my childhood until
I left.. Why is this a surprise....
never seen racism in marin
@@markjones3213 ha ha ha ok MAGA
@@mixedhairless marin is liberal why you saying maga
Yall keep saying it's not a race thing yet they have history of red lining 🙄
So if a certain area is redlined and minorities are excluded and then minorities have to live in a certain area why is it that the minorities then destroy that area they are forced to live in? Why can't they make it nice?
It works for me.sam b
They are 'progressive' due to their lack of exposure. Hilarious.
They are not progressive, they are entitled pricks. I live in Marin.
Who cares about whether racism is intentional or not. If your action has racist implications, you are being racist. It is so counterproductive to debate whether someone is racist at heart.
woek snowflakes like to complain about racism, discrimination, blah blah and don't care about anyone's personal freedom of choice.
I am black, not African immigrant descent, but actual African-American and I’ve lived in Marin for years and plan on going back the moment I retire. As much as I want black people to have every opportunity afforded them every other race has, I do not agree with a bunch of low income housing being placed in Marin County. Everyplace can’t be a damn ghetto! There has got to be at the very least a few islands and enclaves of beauty left in our country for people who have aspired for those things to move to. It’s very sad how historically white America has altered the financial trajectory of black people downwards, causing all kinds of financial and social ills. There should definitely be something done about that. There should be a push for STEM learning and training in black schools, so they can get software engineer jobs. There shouldn’t be one more Filipino nurse allowed into the United States, until the nursing school rolls in California are filled with actual American minorities! Speaking of minorities, quit importing more and more poor people from other countries, making us have to also figure out what to do about them as well! Let’s wait until we have gotten a good handle on the people already here in terms of job growth and financial well-being. I am sure there are a host of other solutions other people can come up with. What I don’t think should be done is to arbitrarily determine because Marin County is so pretty, it’s unfair for only white people to be able to live there, and build up a bunch of projects and homeless shelters, turning the place into Venice Beach! Let’s work to get our poorer citizens, regardless of color, on a level where they can afford Marin County because of their financial success, not just allow the poor versions of themselves to come muck it up.
Thats a long essay when you could have just said NIMBY!
@@jeschr3462 why should I use some liberal talking point? There’s more in the reason, than just not in my back yard. Hell, it’s not even my back yard. There’s more to life than just liberals making themselves feel better.
altered the financial trajectory of black people? hate the break it to you but there are poor white people and poor asians and poor latinos. its about culture and upbringing, poor asians dont go around being ignorant and raising violent children. they make sure their children are respectful and hard working and get educated. they make sure their child dont go around gang banging and robbing people.
@@markjones3213 You might wanna take your argument to someone a little less knowledgeable concerning history. Black people as a whole have a net worth six times less than whites. Not all 43 million black Americans are lazy idiots, from broken homes. Hell, even if we are, and it’s all our fault, it’s not the government of the most powerful nation to ever exist’s job to leave 15% of its population in that condition. Asians, nor the Irish, we’re never slaves. Both groups decided to come over here on their own. Only one group in this nation were slaves and there was only one group half the nation resented when they were no longer slaves. no other group in the United States, with the exception of Native Americans, had massacre after massacre visited upon them and their towns and neighborhoods systematically burned down over and over. No other group had the CIA purposely place drugs in their neighborhoods, so they could buy guns for rebels in other countries. So you can take your fake, revisionist history and shove it up your ass. If you don’t know the real history, that’s your damn fault and problem. Many of us out here know the truth, and will teach it every chance we get.
@@markjones3213 by the way, if you think Asian gangs aren’t doing every home invasion in Fresno and Long Beach, you’ve got another thing coming! Get your head out of your ass and update your stereotypes!
"like to be with their own group, like Marin City over there" smh
@Écrivain let's just ignore the fact that Marin City is one of the most expensive places in the world and a lot of African Americans are of low income. It's not just a preference thing it is an affordability issue.
@Écrivain I think you're making the mistake of believing that a nice place must be expensive. I believe Marin county can be more affordable than it is now and still a very nice place to live.
@Écrivain I live right next to the water I watch the sunset from my bed over the mountain tops and guess what I live in Marin city the lowest income neighborhood in Marin… because I don’t make $1 million a month I should not have the option to live in a safe environment… most low income environments are very high in crime… I don’t think it’s fair u think if u make less money u deserve to be treated shitty..
@Larry David if you racist just say that
Most people period can't afford to buy property in Marin County. My neighbor, a doctor, just moved in next door. She bought a 3 bedroom/3bath/2000 sqft home $1.5ml and pays $20,000/yr property taxes. If the price of the house doesn't keep you out the price of property taxes will.
I hated living in Marin County.
@WorldFlex True. Take it from me I live and grew up here. I stay away from people here, just hike and stay home.
@WorldFlex Though Marin isn't all bad and despite its cons, as I grew up here so have some fond and bad memories of this place. I value the hiking, my home, and dogs here.
@WorldFlex Just use Grindr.
@WorldFlex By the way, liking or disliking dogs doesn't determine someone's social life. Whether they're social or anti social and be judged for just that. I was judged in schools throughout Marin just for liking dogs and making friends with them wherever I go. But I was really social in my school life, but could not make friends because no accepted me for who I am was their loss and still is. Though today I'm between social and anti social.
@WorldFlex Dudes are everywhere not just sf.
Well. Just leave Marin alone. It is what it is. You can’t afford it anyway. Don’t trash Marin.
My bad bill gates🤣
They don’t want anyone in the middle class to live there
I’ve got news, those homes elsewhere in Marin County are out of reach for most whites, too. It’s a matter of affordability.
And when you force low cost multiple occupancy housing crime ALWAYS follows, regardless of race.
So race doesn't matter?
If that's the case, then I guess you think most slaves were white and most slaveowners were black?
In truth, money, in this country, IS race.
Black people were the single largest asset class, they produced the largest export revenue, and creative financing deals enriched families who didn't want to get their hands dirty in the business of torturing black people for capitalist gains.
Study up on history of America. Respect your roots.
True .
It's about price of rent.
Story and study seems to contradict itself. They complain one town is too white but not about the other town being too black. Pricing is keeping people out of those areas in this day and age. It’s expensive all over the Bay Area. They ask if the guy wants to buy a home there but seems to not want to but why would he want to in the first place ? What is legally keeping him from it other than affordability?
They make the lady(looks and sounds a bit like dude) look ignorant and bigoted but other groups practice self segregation more so than not on their own.
This is just another propaganda piece. They barely report any news.
white guilt
Wrong. All these Woke, White Liberal towns do all in their power to prevent construction of low-income housing which would attract Black occupants. That is a fact. In fact, the hypocrite White Liberals in Marin specifically lobbied Sacramento to be exempt from low income housing requirements. You can Google that.
Why would someone want that in their city?
@@kennethtennysfan6101 I’m not disagreeing with what you said here but low income housing and private property for sale; is that one and the same here? I don’t think so.
I know also that BART wanted to go to Marin County but they didn’t want it and I heard later they do. So yeah I’m seeing what you say and I don’t think going by what you said we’re in opposition. My real feeling with this story is that it’s propaganda
@@conskate not white guilt for those rich folks. They don’t feel that. That’s for the sheep
A rapper can live there no problem
J Cole has a song about that and yes, there were problems. South Park also has an episode about it.
@Écrivain South Park is a cartoon that base vast majority of what happens in the show on real life events and circumstances. not saying it is where i get my information from but they do hit the nail on the head most of the time. watch the episode i am referring to if you dont think so.
@Larry David south park tells the truth just in exaggerated ways
It’s too damn expensive
People generally want to be around others who are racially similar to themselves. This isn't a novel or racist concept. It's called human nature.
Yea keep saying that while the entire country is literally falling apart lol not just along race but class as well. Literally falling apart. And those people in Marin are the type that deserve the finger to be pointed at them.
Naw Steve go do some research
It all comes down to where your kids go to school. Education is everything and if you cant afford to live somewhere with the best education in the area then rarely does the situation change. Living in marin I've watched people groom their kids for really great lives. I've also watched those same kids get bailed out of trouble or charges reduced time after time while kids from neighboring cities get sent to group homes and youth authority. I watched a 14 year old get a year for the color of his shoelaces(last straw). You cant be called a racist if it's too expensive to integrate. But it's still kinda racist. Especially when people stare at you like you don't belong in public streets in their town.
Also side note look up ronnie morris. Parole officer who sued the county multiple times. As a matter of fact look up all marin county court discrepancies and lawsuits over the years. The sherriff's would get hit with lawsuits all the time.
@rishi pael who? Huh?
@rishi pael I remember reading that. Thing is.. they killed a cop. Nobody's getting away with that.
I don't bring my black coworker with me to Marin cause it's a sure way to not get the sale. Yes, they are racist. Most are undercover republicans. They vote blue but don't want any real change cause the system is working great for them, while it's failing 90%+ of the country,
What does it mean to get a year for the color of your shoelaces ... ?
You mean a year in jail if your shoelaces were red or blue like Bloods or Crips ... I'm trying to understand what you're saying
Old Money / Tech Bullshit Money
- easy living .
Color has nothing to do with it -
It’s MONEY 💰 .
Thats actual bullshit. The same money you white people have access to was denied for generations of african americans driving them into poverty. Sure plenty of us rise above it but we were denied basic assets like home ownership and pushed into communities that are now ghettos. You can't deny this being a major factor in people's inability to create wealth . Also banks still make it hard for black families to own homes and take out loans regardless of meeting income and credit requirements. I'm not attacking your theory and I understand it seems more logical. But i'm just explaining that Black people are treated differently by institutions in America. I've experienced it first hand. Does it stop all of us? No but you can't deny these things exist and are the reason for the wealth gap.
@@yarchism i know some many asians who grew up poor and in segregated areas back in the day in san francisco. but they worked hard and created a life for themselves. then they had children and raised them to be educated and work hard. thats the culture of asians. where the culture of blacks is have 12 kids with 8 baby daddys. let them be raised by a single ignorant mother who beats her child then the kid grows up all messed up and turns to a life of sagging his pants and gang banging. its a culture thing.
Depends how much money has simple as that. I would love to live there. Don't have the income.
It's called class division and it is nothing new... you see it in literally every city in every county
I think it's very few people want to live up there. Cost of living, do these fools know what it cost to live in PALO ALTO, SARATOGA, BELMONT, and I'll throw in Sunnyvale. Come on folks........
Did you know that Menlo Park was first an all Jew town? Los Altos had No Colored charter until 1965. Swedal was all Swedes. This truth exists all over the place. East Palo Alto was bought up by India and white guys around 2000. I had to install DSL circuits then and the blacks were being bought out. This is not segregation. It's economics.
Maybe the fine people in Belvedere like their low crime rate. No "affordable housing" where I live either. Very low crime.
There is a reason that bart does not go to the N.Bay?
If you don’t have the income there is no option to buy a home
If you don’t have any eggs you don’t have the option to make an omelette
@@philmccracken179 you're pretty much saying the same thing she said 🤦🏾♂️
@@kushitesmoke6111 yes I know. I was making an obvious statement like she did
@@philmccracken179I guess that's just the whiteness in you to be some type of sarcastic but okay 👍🏾
If a bomb were dropped on Marin county, our nation would lose a valuable bomb.
Good piece. Ty, kpix.
@Écrivain yeah, shame about the people though
Of course, the state that screams the most are the most
I work in Marin. There is a good amount of Latinos living there. The people there aren't racist or anything but the 'not in my background' attitude exist
If you truly believe your comment I think you’re either ignorant, naive or living under a rock. And white.
go hang out in the canal of san rafael and you'll see why
I grew up in Marin. I'm white. I'll tell you r this, which ever ethnic background you are, you can't afford to buy a house in Marin, for most people. There are so many people renting, 3-4 roommates in a place to barely eke out rent and bills. Landlords just rent places out for high dollar because they can get it.
Just sad and pitiful. East Palo Alto in the early 90s used to be a city that was redlined with mostly Black and some Latino communities mixed in. MC Charizma was killed in EPA this month in 1993, it was a city filled with crime because of redlining practices.
Just because minorities are forced to live in a certain area why is it that this area then has to become a ghetto? Why can't they make it a nice place? Following your logic minorities are incapable of making a place nice and if there was no redlining then they would destroy all the areas.
I grew up in Marin County and lived there most of my life. I left because of a racist landlord and found a much nicer place not too far away. I remember all there racial slurs I was called like yesterday. It's not just a black and white thing I had racist comments made to me by everyone. It was pointed out I didn't belong as a young child. When I was called racial slurs teachers didn't know what to do. Now it's way more diverse than when I was in school and it wasn't that long ago.
Oh what years did this happen may I ask? 😅
@@traviskam1332 About 6 years ago.
People want to be around their own kind and there are many reasons for this but in this case it's primarily because of the crime associated with minorities. So when a white person moves into Oakland ghetto how well do you think they are received?
Poor child life will be hard on you.
I grew up in Marin this is correct. Yes I am Black and super successful period.
Super success today typically requires attending top colleges. Blue collar millionaires, without family wealth, are rare in Marin.
Do you mind sharing how you became so successful?
@@economicdevelopmentplannin8715 None of your business.
Not everything is a evil plot... Sometimes it is just a simple matter of who was there first and how long they have been there 'as groups go' , some havr not yet been to certain places and thus it was not planned that way... A culture a ethnic groups may appear the same but to assume such - well I must tell you - whoever assumes that, they are wrong... Not all whites are the same, they did not all get along all the time and everywhere they went... We need to stop assuming evil and looking at things in a more neutral and intellectual context - as apposed to the context of dark and plotted schemes and conflict...
That is not always the case...
Context is Everything ........
Please learn the history and then come back and tell us “who was here first”. Part of the “evil plot” was to have Black and Brown people build up this area, limit them to one area with the worst schools, deny people the sale or rent of homes, and now today try to kick their families out bc the clear folk are done with them.... now that’s evil.
@WorldFlex KKK was created by Democrats
Bro you’re on stolen land!! Don’t even talk about who was here first🤦♂️
Can’t wrap my head around how progressive you claim to be, yet you have this?
It is easy, my friend...hypocrisy is in the Liberal DNA.
Nothing to do with hypocrisy. There not stopping minorities from moving in, only the poor. Would you be willing to risk you financial future by allowing multi-tenant/unit development right next door to your single family neighborhood? I think not. Most folks net worth are tied to their homes.
I work for these people and they are not progressives, they claim to be moderates but are really republicans undercover. When I bring a white coworker, they are fine. But bring a black co worker with me and they are noticeably on edge.
@@rocketmanpm If you think things are so black and white, you'll get push around your entire life. Hypocrisy is claiming to be a patriot, while trying to over throw the government through an insurrection. That makes you a traitor punishable by death, not a patriot.
so what--are we suppose to miracle everyone to the top!!? enough of the bullsh_t..
San Rafael bball team hosted a tournament couple years ago just for it to end by one of the kid's on the team hosting it calling my teammate the hard 'R' in the middle of the championship just for us to lose by the game being 'FORFEITED' cuz we had kids of color
I never supported sports in Marin. One of the reasons why.
Trying to understand what is meant by the hard R ... does it mean racist ?
@@ryanwitwickifaddegon4291dam i play football in marin 😢
I live in Larkspur, which is a town in Marin County, and being honest, the population is almost completely white, and the population of people of color is very low. but this is because of the price to live here, most of the population in Marin was born, and raised here, including myself, and Marin has always been exclusive since it was established, and after generations and generations, the diversity hasn't changed much at all. So all in all, we are not bias, or racist in anyway, and it has always been the way it has worked. And yes, there are some towns, like Marin City, that over 80% of the population of it is people of color.
A lot of black people lived there during the war effort and weren’t allowed to buy homes as it put into contracts by developers that they couldn’t sell to blacks that wanted homes, pushing them to Marin city or outside the county so it hasn’t ‘always been that way’ naturally. The price is keeping everyone out now that it’s unaffordable though
I totally agree, and I now realize that i stated that wrong before, Marin does need to lower it's prices drastically, and I recently learned that much of the mayors are red lining Marin. Meaning black, or other people of color were pushed to certain areas, like Marin City, and the government hasn't made any attempt to help/fix that problem. @@Ace-990
Let us be honest we don’t want him living there just no one admits it
or visiting, either. That's why BART wasn't extended into Marin.
I like Sausalito Tiburon Belvedere and its surroundings cities I am a minority and spend a lot of time in that area everyone seems polite and friendly I have never had an issue, however, if they knew I am a constitutional conservative I'm sure they look at me with hate and discontent.
Its the income issue, not a race issue. Houses are expensive low income family can't afford it. Sadly most of the low income earners in Bay area Blacks/Latinos and new immigrants.
HOW DID IT BECOME THAT WAY THOUGH? Budget cuts , redlining, and black people being DENIED housing for generations did not allow families to have the basic assets of home ownership. You can't act like this wasn't constructed.
@@yarchism theres also poor asians. but they raise their children to get educated and work hard. black parents raise their kid with one parent and teach them to be hateful and ignorant. one grows up a Dr and another grows up just another thug on the block with his pants sagging and a gun in his drawers ready to kill you
@@yarchism preach
@@yarchism But the majority of people who grew up in Marin County cannot afford to live there ... these are mostly white people so what does that tell you ?
Too expensive for them
Who can afford a home in Marin County? My parents had a home there, but it is too expensive for anyone except the rich. It is not racist.
Well they are not there through hard work but inherited money. And that money was earned in part due to racist laws that prevented competition from anyone but white people. As a white male who has been effected negatively by the reverse discrimination of affirmative action, I still understand the need to fix things racially. But I also understand how we got to this point, and we're too focused on race at this point rather than wealth, which is where the problem lies today. Regardless of the color of your skin, 91% of millennials are NOT expected to do better than their parents, compared to only 9% in the baby boomer generation. The poor and middle class are getting squeezed, while the top 1% make 26% of all income in the US compared to 9% just 10 years ago. This is not a race issue anymore, it's a class issue, and it comes down to the rich have money to buy influence in Washington through campaign donations and buying lobbyists than the middle class or poor. The more I work with these rich people who have nothing better to do than complain about how hard their life is because one of the 15 tv's in their 65 room mansion stopped working. I deal with these people every day. We live a completely different life and until you spend your days with these people, you have no idea the lifestyle of luxury they live compared to the rest of us, and how they literally do nothing but collect interest to support this lifestyle. They are the problem.
How many of these anchor people live in these communities?? is the anchor lady married to person of color or her boyfriend a person of color? Why don't they start introspecting themselves first instead of accusing certain communities of racismm. How many black people live and work in china town, japan town, little saigon etc?
This is a crock - privilege is privilege.
Snoop D hung out in Marin City, had some gun crime but you don’t hear about that….look it up.
i dont care yeah marin county as a whole is beautiful but its unrealistically expensive and the wages don't match the cost of living well. i aint paying half of my salary on rent that is ridiculous. people should just live somewhere else cuz marin isnt worth it
Half your salary on rent ? Most people couldn't even afford if their whole salary went to rent ... it's just a ridiculously expensive area
How come People who are at the same High income level still group together?...
People like to live in the same Neighborhood
I love in Marin and this is disappointing to see but important that it be pointed out so we can change for the better
Change what?!
So it will be better if it gets worse?!
@@philmccracken179 only if you think increasing diversity makes things worse
@@abbeyglencircle change to be more inclusive and more diverse abbey
@@grahamimal8336 why don’t we diversify Chinatown or the mission. Should they change for the better or just white people in nice white neighborhoods?
If they cleaned up Marin City a bit, it’s a dope place to live
They need to rebuild everything its a horrible place like the pits of hell.
Come on. It’s not that bad
@@bobsingh5521I'm guessing you haven't walked outside and beat up or been robbed. Maybe you should spend more time there to see how bad it is. They need to just rebuild the place and make it a better place. I'm also assuming you don't talk to the people that have been there are few generations. Get out there meet the people an you will understand. Marin county has failed the people by not getting rid of everything making it a safe place for all. The Canal area in San Rafael I would say is better.
I have been to that shopping center a few times. Didn’t notice anything.
@@bobsingh5521 cross the street. Walk around at night. I have heard and lived the nightmare that place is horrible. I think you should go to where the people stand around in crowds and do drugs.
The East Bay can supply all the low income ppl they need to bring their numbers into balance. Just let us know where to drop them off.
We don't need those kind of people here
You got the money you got the money to buy a house you can't complain and cry to get into a house that's just life
I’m not surprised
If we only liked our own group, we wont reluctantly be here
I mean, Im far from my aunts uncles and cousins because my parents decided to settle down here in the 80s
Hey 🌹
Marin county has a 2 mile long homeless encampment. 😂😂😂 rich liberals you voted for it and you got it.
So they omit EPA? The top city on the list?
They mention EPA at the end. But it was being bought up by white guys and India folks beginning in 2000. I often had to go there and it changed Dramatically. Like Whiskey Gulch changed
Marin is safe and clean. Why is that? 😅
no black people
@@markjones3213 yeah I'm a black person that lives in Marin county. No I don't live in Marin City like most white people assume. I'm not from Richmond or Oakland. White people assume that too 😂
@@kushitesmoke6111 I’m sure you like living amongst white people. Knowing you don’t have to worry about gang violence and drive by shootings
@@markjones3213 I just live where I live. Don't assume I like living with racist people 😂. You know how many false reports and dispatch calls that I had encounters with police. Working as a plumber. Some of these Caucasian folks lose their mind when they realize my plumbing company is family owned. They think that they can lie and get me fired. One time a lady called the plumbing company and tried to complain about a person driving recklessly. You know she described her position as in to where she was while I was in that very plumbing truck. I end up giving that lady the finger. We were driving just fine but because she saw it was a black man she felt like calling and telling lies. Drive by shootings are usually intended for the people they are shooting at. I rather deal with that then to have a false encounter with the police or somebody trying to make me lose employment. That's why I work for myself. If I had work for a white man who owned the company. My father or I would have been fired. Great job white people in Marin showing your prejudice
@@kushitesmoke6111so one bad experience and you label all white people the same? That’s sad you would rather live with people who make communities dangerous to walk down the street and let off shots in public places.
We are against building more low income housing in our town!!! We want more housing around marin not just Marin city..
Rich and Poor. The circle of life.
ok, time to give everyone $5M if they are people of color and not rich enough to live in Marin, Hillsborough, Los Alos Hills or Beverly Hills. Infact, buy them all Lamborginis too and a nice big yacht.
How about make Marin City a better place to live in by improving the neighborhood and investing in job-generating initiatives. It's not the residents' fault if Sausalito is mostly white. If someone wants to afford buying a property there, start by going to school and earning a degree
School. That's a bright idea.
Reality is, nonimmigrant black American families don't need degrees if this country would simply honor their lineage of investments into building the greatest superpower country on Earth. Instead our collective immorality continues to obstruct them from accessing the wealth their families are owed...