Pali Chanting Bojjhanga sutta

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @theinngu5560
    @theinngu5560 4 роки тому +15

    beautiful - my Burmese nun friend suggested I chant (or play) the Bojjhanga Sutta in front of water 7 or 37 times in front of a bottle of water and get my very sick father to drink it - hope it works and others should try it for the sick ...may all beings be free from all suffering ….this is a beautiful chant - thanks for uploading ...

  • Рік тому

    Namo Buddhaya, Bhante. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @elvislui4974
    @elvislui4974 3 роки тому +5

    May all beings free from suffering.
    May all Countries free from COVID-19.
    May all patients suffering from Wuhan pneumonia recover.
    May all people free from fear.
    May the heads of state of all countries be healthy and wise to face the disasters brought about by bad karma.

  • @pradeepsenaratne1367
    @pradeepsenaratne1367 8 років тому +3

    තෙරුවන් සරණයි!.....සාදු!!...සාදු!! ...සාදු!!...

  • @prajaktabalveer4187
    @prajaktabalveer4187 4 роки тому +4

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ...🙏🙏🙏🇮🇳

  • @curiosityimagination8118
    @curiosityimagination8118 4 роки тому +8

    Evam me sutam,
    ekam samayam Bhagavā Rājagahe viharati Veluvane Kalandakanivāpe, tena kho pana samayena āyasmā Mahā Kassapo Pipphali guhāyam viharati ābādhiko, dukkhito, bālhagilāno.
    Thus have I heard:
    On one occasion the Blessed One was residing at the Squirrels’ feeding ground in the Bamboo Grove, near Rajagaha. At that time, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa who was living in the Pipphali Cave,was afflicted with a disease, was suffering, and was gravely ill.
    Atha kho, Bhagavā, sāyanha-samayam, patisallānā vutthito yenāyasmā Mahā Kassapo ten’upasankami,upasankamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. Nisajja kho Bhagavā āyasmantam Mahā Kassapam etadavoca:
    Then the Blessed One, arising from His solitude at even tide, visited the Venerable Mahā Kassapa and sat down on a seat made ready for Him. Thus seated, the Blessed One spoke to the Venerable Mahā Kassapa:
    Kacci te Kassapa khamanīyam? Kacci yāpaniyam? Kacci dukkhā vedanā patikkamanti no, abhikkamanti? Patikkamosānam paññāyati no, abhikkamo’ti?
    “Well Kassapa, how is it with you? Are you enduring your suffering? Are you bearing up? Does your painful feeling decrease or increase? Are there signs of decreasing and not increasing?”
    Na me bhante khamanīyam na, yāpanīyam, bālhā me dukkhā vedanā, abhikkamanti no, patikkamanti; Abhikkamosānam paññāyati no, patikkamo’ti.
    “No. Venerable Sir, I am not enduring. I am not bearing up, the painful feeling is very great. There is a sign of pain not decreasing but of their increasing.”
    Sattime Kassapa, bojjhangā mayā sammadakkhātā, bhāvitā, bahulīkatā, abhiññāya, sambodhāya, nibbānāya, samvattanti.
    "Kassapa, these seven factors of Enlightenment are well expounded by Me, and are cultivated and fully developed by Me. They are conducive to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana"
    Katame satta?
    What are the seven?
    1. Sati-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Mindfulness, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    2. Dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Investigation of the Dhamma, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    3. Viriya-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Persevering effort, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    4. Pīti-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Rapture, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, Is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    5. Passaddhi-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Tranquility, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    6. Samādhi-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Concentration, the factor of Enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    7. Upekkhā-sambojjhango kho Kassapa mayā sammadakkhāto, bhāvito, bahulīkato abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattati.
    Equanimity, the factor of Enlightenment. Kassapa, is well expounded by Me, and is cultivated and fully developed by Me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    Ime kho Kassapa satta bojjhangā mayā sammadakkhāta, bhāvitā, bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya samvattanti.
    These seven factors of Enlightenment, Kassapa, are well expounded by Me, and are cultivated and fully developed by Me. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
    Taggha Bhagava bojjhangā taggha, Sugata, bojjhangā’ti.
    “Most assuredly, O Blessed One, they are factors of Enlightenment.
    Most assuredly, O Welcome One (Sugata), they are factors of Enlightenment.”
    Idamavoca Bhagavā attamano, āyasmā Mahā Kassapo Bhagavato bhāsitam abhinandi. Vutthāhi cāyasmā Mahā Kassapo tamhā ābādhā tathā pahīno cāyasmato Mahākassapassa so ābādho ahosī ti.
    Thus said the Buddha, and also the Venerable Mahā Kassapa, who glad at heart, was delighted at the utterances of the Buddha. Thereupon the Venerable Mahā Kassapa recovered from that affliction, and that affliction of the Venerable Mahā Kassapa disappeared.
    Etena sacca vajjena - Roga vūpa samentu me/te.
    Etena sacca vajjena - Roga vūpa samentu me/te.
    Etena sacca vajjena - Roga vūpa samentu me/te.
    By the firm determination of this Truth, may I/you be free from illness!
    By the firm determination of this Truth, may I/you be free from illness!
    By the firm determination of this Truth, may I/you be free from illness!

  • @rasikapawar1229
    @rasikapawar1229 2 роки тому

    Vandami bhanteji sadu sadu sadu namo budhay Jay bhim

  • @manoramadeshbhratar9336
    @manoramadeshbhratar9336 Рік тому

    Rag talking aur sangeet me gane se sunneme acha lagegya

  • @hendriknaghata3212
    @hendriknaghata3212 7 років тому +14

    May all beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…..
    May all living beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…..
    May all breathing beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…..
    May all individuals be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…..
    May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…..

  • @pravinnikade2819
    @pravinnikade2819 3 роки тому +1

    Namo buddhay

  • @rajeshgaikwad6309
    @rajeshgaikwad6309 4 роки тому +3

    namo buddha

  • @cariyaputta
    @cariyaputta 5 років тому +4

    Very beautiful and touching chanting!

  • @ramilashakya5393
    @ramilashakya5393 3 роки тому +1

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!!!

  • @nitinbhoigand8199
    @nitinbhoigand8199 3 роки тому +1

    साधू....साधू...साधू. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sushmarajbanshi1479
    @sushmarajbanshi1479 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @gcheele
    @gcheele 6 років тому +9

    Samsare samsarantanam,
    sabbadukkha vinasane;
    satta dhamme ca bojjhange,
    marasena pamaddane.
    The seven kinds of Dhamma are the Factors of Enlightenment, which destroy all sufferings of beings who wander through this samsara (rounds of birth and death) and defeat the army of Mara, the Evil One.

    Bujjhitva ye cime satta,
    tibhava muttakuttama;
    ajati majara byadhim,
    amatam nibbhayam gata.
    Having realized the seven Dhammas, these persons were liberated from the three kinds of world. They have gone to Nibbana, where there is no birth, no decay, no sickness, deathlessness and fearlessness.

    Evamadi gunupetam,
    aneka guna sangaham;
    osadhanca imam mantam,
    bojjhanganca bhanama he.
    Oh gentle ones! Let us recite this Bojjhanga Sutta endowed with such and other innumerable qualities. It is like a medicine and a mantra.

    Bojjhango sati sankhato,
    dhammanam vicayo tatha;
    viriyam piti pasaddhi,
    bojjhanga ca tathapare.
    These seven Factors of Enlightenment, namely; mindfulness, investigation of Dhammas, effort (or energy), zest, tranquility and two others.

    Samadh-upekkha bojjhanga,
    satte'te sabbadassina;
    munina sammadakkhata,
    bhavita bahulikata.
    The factors of concentration and equanimity, these seven well-expounded by the All Seeing Sage are cultivated and practiced repeatedly.

    Samvattanti abhinnaya,
    nibbanaya ca bodhiya;
    etena saccavajjena,
    sotthi te hotu sabbada.
    So that there is realization of the Truth, cessation of suffering and knowledge of the Path. By this utterance of truth, may there always be happiness for you.

    Ekasmim samaye natho,
    moggallananca kassapam;
    gilane dukkhite disva,
    bojjhange satta desayi.
    At one time when the Bhagava saw Moggallana and Kassapa being unwell and suffering, he preached the seven Factors of Enlightenment.

    Te ca tam abhinanditva,
    roga muccimsu tankhane;
    etena saccavajjena,
    sotthi te hotu sabbada.
    They, who took delight in the discourse, at that moment, were freed from the disease. By this utterance of truth, may there always be happiness to you.

    Ekada dhammarajapi,
    cundattherena tamyeva,
    bhanapetvana sadaram.
    Once when the King of Dhamma was affected by illness, he had the Venerable Cunda recite the discourse respectfully.

    Sammoditvana abadha,
    tamha vutthasi thanaso,
    etena saccavajjena,
    sotthi te hotu sabbada.
    Having taken delight in the discourse the Buddha was immediately cured of the illness. By this utterance of truth, may there always be happiness to you.

    Pahina te ca abadha,
    tinnannampi mahesinam;
    maggahata kilesava,
    patta'nuppatti dhammatam;
    etena saccavajjena,
    sotthi te hotu sabbada.
    Just as the defilements, once eradicated by Noble Path, could not arise again, in like manner, the diseases of the three Great Sages eliminated by the seven factors of enlightenment never occurred again. By this utterance of truth, may there always be happiness for you.

  • @AN_IK
    @AN_IK Рік тому

    🙏🙏🙏 Shadu Shadu Shadu

  • @rajeshgaikwad6309
    @rajeshgaikwad6309 4 роки тому +5

    may all b free from corona virus.

  • @irenefooyoekfoun2408
    @irenefooyoekfoun2408 2 роки тому

    🙏🙏🙏sadhu,sadhu, sadhu

  • @XuânHồ-e1r
    @XuânHồ-e1r 4 місяці тому


  • @stevenlee6888
    @stevenlee6888 4 роки тому +3

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @sayangyin
    @sayangyin 9 років тому +8

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @manoramadeshbhratar9336
    @manoramadeshbhratar9336 Рік тому

    Translate to hindi aur rag tal sangeet me gaye plz.

  • @neelamdudeja5652
    @neelamdudeja5652 3 роки тому

    Koti koti vandan

  • @sanjaykharat3818
    @sanjaykharat3818 3 роки тому

    मराठी भाषेत अर्थ सांगावे वंदामी भंते

  • @beldarchitra
    @beldarchitra 7 років тому +3

    Be happy

  • @Nibbanway
    @Nibbanway 3 роки тому +1

    to be practice

  • @saifuddinueo
    @saifuddinueo 4 роки тому +1

    sadhu x 3

  • @SajeewaRanasinghe
    @SajeewaRanasinghe  11 років тому +3

  • @irenefooyoekfoun2408
    @irenefooyoekfoun2408 2 роки тому


  • @amanlokhande3097
    @amanlokhande3097 3 роки тому +1

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @samudratamrakar3301
    @samudratamrakar3301 2 роки тому


  • @samudratamrakar3301
    @samudratamrakar3301 3 роки тому +1
