The Unit That DOMINATES This Map

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Beyond All Reason (BAR) is a free to play Real Time Strategy Game. You'll find plenty of gameplay, guides, commentary and tier lists coming up for BAR on this channel.
    Check out BAR for FREE here ➤ www.beyondallr...
    Main Channel ➤ @AussieDrongo


  • @rekrn12345
    @rekrn12345 Рік тому +39

    That was 100% your fault. A single turret in your base would have stopped that first rush. A single AA turret would have stopped the bomber. You are playing extremely greedy and everything that happened was your fault. They attacked you because you have no defense and they knew it after you got scouted.
    Stop worrying about what your team is doing and work on yourself lol.

    • @PhuVinh030609
      @PhuVinh030609 Рік тому +4

      Drongo hear me, you can build units then reclaim them after you are safe like you do with your other buildings like labs and energy buildings so please do it

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +9

      Plus this position is a t2 and then help frontline spot, not a 3rd eco on this map...

    • @Powerofriend
      @Powerofriend Рік тому

      It's never that simple. Red started to flame before marauders went in. kept at it whole game. We see drongos mistakes since it's his point of view but in reality everyone is messing up left and right. Red stopped playing shortly after drongo stabilized.

  • @jgbeerx
    @jgbeerx Рік тому

    If i see a guy with an AFUS in his name im gonna assume its you

  • @chossuh9058
    @chossuh9058 Рік тому +60

    The life of Drongo. See enemy hovers come close to his base - do you:
    A) Cancel the T2 constructor to quickly make combat units
    B) let the T2 constructor finish, lose half of your economy, and then complain that you couldn't do anything about it.
    I'd choose B also.

    • @stareSimulVelCadere
      @stareSimulVelCadere Рік тому +4

      Not exactly accurate but, funny nonetheless haha

    • @armed_but_blind2768
      @armed_but_blind2768 Рік тому +7

      See frontline collapsing, go for a flank to enemy backline 😅 the amount of times he just doesn't build units when it seems like the thing to do as well haha just one more afus

    • @Argonwolfproject
      @Argonwolfproject Рік тому +8

      @@armed_but_blind2768 He is a student of the Hail Mary school of strategy. It's all or nothing baby.

    • @evilme73
      @evilme73 Рік тому +4

      BAR players are kinda funny. The way people play is unlike any RTS I've played prior. It's like everyone just plays 8v8's on the assumption that everyone will follow a 10min-no-rush community rule or something.

    • @kriegscommissarmccraw4205
      @kriegscommissarmccraw4205 Рік тому +3

      What games are you playing?
      My lobbies always have early harass. I always see 3 or 4 players on front in strait.
      Are you high?

  • @jmarino715
    @jmarino715 Рік тому +21

    I'd like to commend you for publishing this game despite the mistakes that were made - very respectable on your part and extremely helpful to us as a learning example. The only thing I didn't like about this video was when you kind of bashed on one of your fans who was on your team as they didn't really deserve that (especially considering that you were making your own mistakes as well) but it's another good learning example, regardless. Just remember that nobody's perfect and keep up the great work!

  • @cosac18
    @cosac18 Рік тому +15

    "Dont worry Invictus, Ill give you back your adv solars after my geo rebuilds." (Proceeds to keep solars the rest of the game) Hahaha

  • @gl600
    @gl600 Рік тому +18

    "you can't trust anybody but yourself" or maybe- be willing to transition to help the front line if your teammates need your help.

  • @jayfarthing
    @jayfarthing Рік тому +12

    Another Drongo video demonstrating why people who aren't frontline on Straits should build some base defence. Not the lesson the video was trying to demonstrate but a key takeaway. So frustrating watching backline players build no defences and then complaining about losing a base to a few hovers!

    • @pooman7691
      @pooman7691 Рік тому +4

      It would be nice if backline players would support their frontline too.

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому

      drongo was in a frontline spot, that spot helps frontline once they get t2 up. Ive only seen them eco like that if the frontline is rolling the opponents and doesnt need help. And in that case they should give them a t2 con for free and let them know they are going for an afus, my favorite players do that. Im very competent in the frontline especially on straits so I dont usually need help. But if their geo is competent then im going to need help by 13 minutes when 1 million hounds are on my front door

  • @nein3405
    @nein3405 Рік тому +5

    maybe instead of bitching about your team you just help them out instead of going for rush after rush that ultimatively fails because your team doesnt carry you enough? ultimatively this would teach people how to play way better than some stupid cheese tactics that only work if all stars align perfectly.
    i know weird idea ...

  • @marcinkrawczak186
    @marcinkrawczak186 Рік тому +19

    If you're frustrated about people recognizing you then you can just change your name one more time but blur it or cover with something for the videos

    • @MrDeineZehe
      @MrDeineZehe Рік тому +4

      Or bring the barcode names from sc2 to bar. How ironic

    • @marcinkrawczak186
      @marcinkrawczak186 Рік тому +3

      Sadly, that wouldn't work just yet. If he's the only one with a BARcode name, then it's pretty obvious it's him

    • @FuuzBeeen
      @FuuzBeeen Рік тому +3

      they should make a proper randomiser for streamer/youtuber names for it, I feel it is likely in the works but goodness knows, would be nice

    • @marcinkrawczak186
      @marcinkrawczak186 Рік тому

      Something I believe should be doable is have your account name that's solid and can't be swapped in the future and a displayed name that you can freely customize whenever you want

    • @shadamethyst1258
      @shadamethyst1258 Рік тому

      ​@@marcinkrawczak186I believe he already has that, he mentionned it in another video

  • @3komma141592653
    @3komma141592653 Рік тому +7

    Like why not build at least some combat units, sure you want to scale, but with that setup any leak can easy kill your whole base, plus there is always a way for hovers. So for me this is ridiculous. But hey, i am still a noob.
    Also, why not plop down one or two cheap ant air sooner or later. Even at the end of the game you only relay on the air guy to stop bombers.

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +4

      3 pawns cost like 50 metal and would have saved him from the first leak, its not even needing to scale, drongo just cant play the game, he should stick to cities skylines or sim city

  • @FuuzBeeen
    @FuuzBeeen Рік тому +18

    I just wanna commend the efforts of the player "reject" for what it seems they were doing the massive click work to try and share power to Drongo and Xero during a segment of this until "Deskup" informed them about lowering the red slider on the energy bar, good on ya "reject" for trying to be a trooper, I wish him a fun BAR time

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому +1

      Reject definitely gets MVP on that basis.

    • @Argonwolfproject
      @Argonwolfproject Рік тому +8

      I know right? It's like a guy who sees his neighbor's house burning down, can't figure out how to attach the garden hose so just says fuck it and starts carrying buckets of water over one at a time to throw on it. What an absolute superstar.

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому +1

      @@Argonwolfproject A little confused, but they've got the spirit.

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +3

      I had a game the other day where I was holding the fuck out of frontline, literally 1v3 as the other frontline was doing nothing other than massing rocket bots and doing nothing with them till id kill everything and then he would just move them up, not to attack, just move them up. I held till around 18 minutes when i was slammed with t3/sea player fucking me with flagships and literally couldnt do anything against it with my mostly t1 being phased out for t2 vech army. and finally got rolled before the backline could get stablized, but the second I got rolled and lost all my power, literally that second the flagship cannon hit my wind farm, i was given 2 fusions and 4 adv metal maker things from a backline player. Thats when I knew we won, not because frontline got rolled, but because I knew the backline guy with 6 AFU was watching. Seconds after that tick spam started from him closely followed by a massive t2 push

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому +2

      @@agentbarron3945 Hero play on your part and the backline's part. Would be better if the backline was more proactive, but it's a start.

  • @NachoMancebo
    @NachoMancebo Рік тому +11

    Thats what happend when one dosent makes units or towers, and try to rush t3. It only works when the other team donset attack.

  • @LOTSL
    @LOTSL Рік тому +9

    drongo i've noticed that pros have been going t1 AA turrets, i suggest you make some they are cheap and you don't need to rely on your team for AA

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому +8

      Drongo's static defense of the main base is generally a massive weak point. If everything goes perfectly, the static defenses aren't needed and Drongo wins hard by putting all the resources into rushing the cheese, but on average, things are not going to go perfectly, and static defenses can save a lot of lost resources. At the least, a token home guard consisting of AA, anti-ground, and a hybrid AA/anti-ground should at least be built to handle leaks.

    • @rekrn12345
      @rekrn12345 Рік тому +7

      @@KAClown He always gets carried. He plays extremely greedy and if he doesn't get carried he gets wiped out.

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +1

      @@rekrn12345 not even light carried, hard carried, he is playing on a spot that should have 15 hounds destroying the enemy frontline by 10 minutes, as seen by his opponent in the geo spot... 15 mausers at 10 minutes, and wiped both frontline players...

  • @Sapnom24
    @Sapnom24 Рік тому +3

    In regards to the pathing it makes a lot of sense from an optimization standpoint for the constructor bot to stand in the next build location because the game knows it wont have to path find to that spot since it's free and available (the location was available to build on so there must not be a path obstruction for the bot) It's a build up of all these optimizations that allows for thousands of instances pathfinding all at once. At least it's my best guess (I'm a developer). From a speed perspective it's annoying since you have to wait for the builder to move before he starts building, one thing which I'm sure the devs thought about is having the computer calculate the most optimal spot for the builder to stand in order to achieve best time results but this would be way too taxing on the computer FPS wise. So all in all optimization > building speed. The less the game needs to calculate the better.

  • @KonnorGann
    @KonnorGann Рік тому +14

    Drongo absolutely losing his shit about the repair command is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day

    • @JafoolyTing
      @JafoolyTing Рік тому +1

      He is literally "mad because bad".

    • @Argonwolfproject
      @Argonwolfproject Рік тому +1

      @@JafoolyTing Weird, I didn't know you could tell construction turrets to set repair as a low priority.

    • @agentbarron3945
      @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +1

      @@Argonwolfproject You typically dont need to repair your base if you dont let your base get attacked. This literally is "mad cuz bad" drongo lost frontline because he didnt help and the front had to contend with a 4v3 with the 4 having t2 (and given t2 cons) and the 3 only at t1, with no given t2 cons

    • @Argonwolfproject
      @Argonwolfproject Рік тому

      @@agentbarron3945 Not only is he not mad about the loss, he freely admits his own significant role in it. He's very much mad at his nano turrets prioritizing repairs over assisting.

  • @lucustwyatt1960
    @lucustwyatt1960 Рік тому +3

    lmao so entitled, was fun watching you to learn the game, but now it's just in shambles. Other channels has better learning content now thanks.

    • @Argonwolfproject
      @Argonwolfproject Рік тому

      Nobody who would say something like this was ever worth having as a subscriber. Seems to me you've solved both your own problem and his, so I guess that's nice.

  • @Dozer456123
    @Dozer456123 Рік тому +3

    If you reclaimed your t2 while it was doing nothing for 3 minutes you would have had metal for your mexes, and then you can just rebuild it.

  • @FiltyIncognito
    @FiltyIncognito Рік тому +2

    All or nothing, and everything is someone else's fault.
    It's the Drongo way xD

  • @agentbarron3945
    @agentbarron3945 Рік тому +1

    "had i opened hovers id have been able to defend myself" bruh, you could have opened with 3 pawns (like 50 metal) and defended that. I cannot wait till I get a game vs drongo lol, ive only played with him and thankfully we managed to carry him till he could get online and "win the game for us" (his words, not mine), meanwhile I had to build my own t2 cons on the frontline
    also, dudes fretting about a marauder push by their light green player, light green was on the same spot as drongo and played CORRECTLY and had tons of mausers rolling frontline by 10 minutes as youre supposed to be doing on that spot, not having 0 game impact with 10 marauders

  • @dtarchon
    @dtarchon Рік тому +5

    don't explode your com and you would have been fine. zero defense, what were u thinking?

    • @ChaseAnderson5k
      @ChaseAnderson5k Рік тому +2

      It was fast units, coms are slow, and a com is way more metal than a few units. I don't understand the question, it's common to blow your comm. I guess if he was blowing after he was aware of the threat he could have delayed but that still slows you down a lot because of how much metal the com is

    • @ChaseAnderson5k
      @ChaseAnderson5k Рік тому +2

      I'm hardly an expert but seems to me building enough fast units to kill his is a better strat than keeping com.

    • @Spudtion
      @Spudtion Рік тому

      @@ChaseAnderson5k well sure, but he didn't do that either

    • @aidananderson9350
      @aidananderson9350 Рік тому

      I feel like exploding the com would be fine if he used his botlab to make units instead of rushing out a t2 constructor while being actively raided

    • @ALaviahA
      @ALaviahA Рік тому +3

      That is his signature move, explode com, no static defense, no units. Just eco for 30-40 minutes, then rush snipers.

  • @visebro5580
    @visebro5580 Рік тому +1

    I saw In many videos you are not using your resources, usually it happens when something goes wrong, overflowing for the rest of the game and having thousands metal unused :D

  • @ryand7428
    @ryand7428 Рік тому +1

    Many experts in the field of BAR geography speculate there are other maps people can play on, little evidence exists to support this theory though.

  • @KAClown
    @KAClown Рік тому +3

    22:10 Drongo teach people how to use their slider bars!

  • @Jehandaman
    @Jehandaman Рік тому +2

    The risk of no units or LLT's early game... Get a perfect opening and the KABOOM.

    • @TimoRutanen
      @TimoRutanen Рік тому

      Perfect opening.. perfect closing

  • @kevintrigg3707
    @kevintrigg3707 Рік тому +2

    A small improvement I've found in my games is not walling off with wind turbines early on. If your base was attacked by rovers at ~2:30 it could attack your mex's without your com being able to fight from behind the winds. If you leave a small gap (like one turbine placed elsewhere than the wall) it allows the com the ability to go out and fight them quicker.
    no intention to backseat just a minor strategy I've found, love the videos! great to have an eco/rush player making them so it isn't all frontline

  • @SirWoj86
    @SirWoj86 23 дні тому +1

    Drongo you still alive?

  • @KAClown
    @KAClown Рік тому +1

    There's a thing you said that I'm thinking about. You said "the most efficient play is the optimal play" or something along that line. There's this notion of global vs local optima; you often fall into local optima traps. This is where you are evaluating the optimality of a move strictly in the exact moment in the exact space but you're also evaluating as if that local optima is the global optima (if it is optimal in some ideal then it is always optimal) but this is false in general. This reasoning is part of why you virtually never build fusion and go for AFUS; something you don't tend to calculate is how much you have to spend on all the infrastructure to build one AFUS and in some sense all of that infrastructure is part of the cost of the AFUS, and it is a good idea to get an AFUS when you can, and there are a bunch of advantages to getting it sooner, but you're putting more eggs into fewer baskets in a game where the whole thing is someone coming along and kicking your sand castle down.
    AFU are good to have, but in the time it takes you to build your first AFU, you could build multiple regular fusion with the same infrastructure. They'd cost you slightly more and would be less efficient by some build cost measure ratios just comparing the building cards to each other, but the lowest efficiency is not fusion production but 0 production. Like I'd love you to do a video demonstrating/testing what the absolute fastest is that you can manage to build an AFU vs the absolute fastest that you can manage to build regular fusion; if you get into it then I'd like to you do comparisons of how fast you can get up solar, wind, advanced solar, geo, advanced geo, tidal, Havens/Oasises, and naval advanced energy. There are advantages to not skipping "lesser" power than AFUS. Especially based on distributing your economy around the map in various degrees of security.
    The "barrier to entry" for the different energy generation methods is different and requires different logistical planning. The same unit types that build fusion can build AFUS, but it is a mistake to view them as the same. AFU costs 2.26 times as much mass, 3.29 times as much energy, and requires 4.46 times as much build power as compared to one fusion; it produces 3 times as much as a single fusion, but do pay attention to that build cost because you wait 4.46 times as long for equivalent build power to get 3 times the energy per tick; in the same amount of time, consider how much energy production potential you lose by going for AFUS over fusion. When your build power is infinite or practically infinite with respect to the costs of building an AFUS then these differences of build time don't matter much, but when you're starting out they absolutely do. And in the time it takes you to build 1 AFU you could have around four regular fusion reactors; in the time it takes you to build two AFU, you could hand one fusion to every member of your team.

    • @evilme73
      @evilme73 Рік тому

      You're 100% right here... the BAR meta has not yet evolved to really understand what is commonly called "tempo" in other games... and considering the game only seems to be played in 8v8, that evolution is probably a long way off.

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому

      @@evilme73 It seems that there's two major play modes. 8v8 and 1v1; the highest ranked players are generally moving from playing 8v8 to 1v1; the bulk of players are playing 8v8 because even really highly ranked players can lose against common combinations of lower ranked players. (It's basically the party game principle in action; politicking is arguably more important in 8v8 then being an absolute master of the formal game mechanics.)

  • @8BitShadow
    @8BitShadow Рік тому

    definitely need to build *at least* some defence it seems?
    choosing to push the backline with the maruders when they where right there to defend the front was a massive mistake, I don't think anyone can argue against that.
    Team played really well NGL, air was responding to the leaks so it makes sense why there where no fighters.
    The build probably will just never work without getting carried hard by the team for the start, or specifically having a team-mate queued with you that knows what you're going to try to do, but if it can be pulled off could very well be a basically insta-GG.
    Fun idea and would be a fun watch.
    As much as people like to bitch about 'not playing the meta', making insane and 'stupid but it works' builds is what keeps a competitive game alive - otherwise you may as well just watch a bunch of AI fight it out, lo and behold you'll quickly see 'high tier' meta players being indistinguishable from just a bot.

  • @Milkdragon.109
    @Milkdragon.109 Рік тому

    Yeah these strats will not work when higher TS people are in lobby. I think your commitment to a strat should always be dependent on how the front is looking.
    If your team is pushed to your mountain front has fallen. Because their geo player gifted T2 to their front for free and made t2 units to support a push... But you're a content creator so views are obviously more important lol which is fair

  • @ExeQshN
    @ExeQshN Рік тому

    Every game I saw how u loosing units not controlling it while make eco moves.
    I very like ur videos but I don’t understand why u loosing it so simple when u can make some more impact in attack.
    Thanks anyway!

  • @seanruffolo6083
    @seanruffolo6083 2 місяці тому

    You could also edit your videos to block out your SN on the right, on the commander, and in the game chat ;)

  • @TimoRutanen
    @TimoRutanen Рік тому

    I just can't understand why, when there is a player on your team with no base and no units, doesn't anyone give him a constructor so he can at least do something. Or even some military units to play with.
    Is that just not how the game is played, or only this dude?

  • @XenoDragon52
    @XenoDragon52 Рік тому +1

    With this build it might be better to go straight into razorbacks and smash through the front (Which someone did to me a while ago from the geo spot and I remember it working pretty ok) or cortex shivas, or maybe even a catapult to smash those big balls of t2 artillery/hounds/sheldons that are usually used to break the frontline.
    Edit: After trying out t3 rushing from geo with a Vanguards and Razorback I can say that if you don't get killed by hover or amphib it can work pretty well, not neccsarilly game ending but good enough to crack open the enemy front most of the time and completely nullify the range advantage of those big mauser/sheldon balls.

    • @KAClown
      @KAClown Рік тому +7

      I think that Drongo gets fixated on attacking the backline on Straits, and I think Drongo could benefit greatly from learning to crack the front from the geo spot. Consistently, the pattern of Drongo's team losing is that Drongo looks at the front and goes "I have time" then the front steadily crumbles. Drongo looks when the front leaks "That's not my problem". Two players on his team are down and Drongo looks at the front goes "I can reclaim/resurrect their stuff and shove a couple units there, but I got to go for my win condition." The game is lost when the two front players are lost and Drongo doesn't remember to give them their stuff back and get them back into the game. If Drongo reliably took over their function in establishing and holding a front this might not be bad for the whole team, but it is bad for the two players which generally is bad for turning the match into 6v8.
      @Drongo, you need to stop doing the thing where you look at the front players as walls and disregard the tremendous role they play in allowing you to engage in your shenanigans. They are relying on YOU. You frequently will say something about not being able to rely on other people, but the thing you are missing is that your team mates are relying on YOU; you need to be thinking about it in terms of whether you can cover and protect the front players rather than thinking of it strictly in terms of them protecting you from "leaks". The front players need your help.
      When you spotted the high skill player on the front going for T2? That's when you should have switched into "we're making sure that play works for them and for us." Obviously, they were going to need more resources, and you are in the exact correct spot to provide them with those resources. Somewhere between 2 and 10 minutes, you should be contributing more than a few units worth of resources to the front, and I don't necessarily mean you should be spending your attention trying to play your units on the front but that you should give them units or the means to produce units. Your plans for Straits at this point has to include "have I personally ensured that the front is secure and my team is safe in the first ten minutes of the game?" There's a place around 4 to 10 minutes that will make or break games where the opposing team is probably trying to rush *YOU* with T1. Your front is either 2 v upwards of 8 OR your front is at least 3 vs upwards of 8 and your team has Drongo.
      Something to think about. As you climb the Open Skill ratings and get to the higher and higher players, a bunch of the hijinks that worked to win you games that got you where you're at will stop working because the players collectively have stronger fundamentals and have lived through lots of cheese to get to where they are.

  • @Kuray4mi
    @Kuray4mi Рік тому

    You know your in trouble if the best player in your team is telling you not to play like Drongo and you got 2 Drongos.

  • @ProfessorPicke
    @ProfessorPicke Рік тому

    use editing to blur your name on youtube, then the next time you change it no one will recognize you.

  • @IrishRepoMan
    @IrishRepoMan Рік тому

    You gotta get like 30+ people to make barcode accounts with.

  • @danlegend8486
    @danlegend8486 Рік тому

    You can't create a new account, the devs are as authoritarian as it comes.

  • @DRXxUziixX95
    @DRXxUziixX95 Рік тому

    You have no metal and you're making more nanos lol

  • @DanRTS
    @DanRTS Рік тому

    Hey drongo, I play Planetary Annihilation Titans games and Ive only had the targeting issue due to recognition a couple of times. I think the only way around it is to not align your name with your Channel and make it totally random every time. Love the content, keep it up. I need to start playing BAR!

  • @KyranFindlater
    @KyranFindlater Рік тому +1

    lol Drongo, calling a pit bull a bullpup

  • @timiaus
    @timiaus Рік тому

    Don't know if you know this but the Naval energy converters are 10% better when converting energy into metal but cost more upfront energy to build. I've been finding it best when playing that spot to just to send my com and spam naval eng converts in the pool then blowing him up. Yeah its a bit slower on the t2 but has a good ramp up mid game and about even or slightly more in the late game. Plus most raids avoid that area in the early game so its a safe place to build converts then to build tidal gens.

  • @F_Print
    @F_Print Рік тому

    I'm curious as to how red lost the sea to purple when purple basically only had a shipyard left after Drongo's marauders went through his base.

  • @checkbox9884
    @checkbox9884 10 місяців тому

    What hotkey was it?

  • @jaroslavpesek6642
    @jaroslavpesek6642 Рік тому

    You are pretty bad.

  • @MGPL_
    @MGPL_ Рік тому

    18:47 lol damn repair

  • @visebro5580
    @visebro5580 Рік тому

    Paniiiiic!!! :D

  • @Argonwolfproject
    @Argonwolfproject Рік тому

    I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the reason constructors walk into the path of their own build order is because the player placing those buildings creates a path that the unit knows will most likely be unobstructed and therefore it doesn't have to re-run pathfinding algorithms every time it finishes a building. This is, of course, just my guess. If they did it to intentionally slow down automated building processes to give an advantage to people who micro their constructors, they can fuck right off. Incentive to spend more time staring at your constructors and manually bossing them around is about the worst idea I can think of for an RTS game.

  • @MrSubsonicc
    @MrSubsonicc Рік тому +1

    Drongo dont swear pls,its not like u man :(

    • @FuuzBeeen
      @FuuzBeeen Рік тому +1

      he was having some hot unbridled rage 😅 probably the most I've heard him shotgun out all in one small time frame

    • @MrSubsonicc
      @MrSubsonicc Рік тому

      @@FuuzBeeen im fine with it,just saying cuz of the YT algorithams n stuffs

  • @botmes4044
    @botmes4044 Рік тому +6

    This is painful to watch. No laser turrets. No AA. No regular fusion reactors. Energy stalls for like 60% of the game. Sends less than a dozen Marauders into the back line just to take out a single AFUS while your front is collapsing. Painful, just painful.
    Work on your fundamentals, man. Build more wind turbines. Defend your base. Help the front. The Geo spot isn't for you to dick around while you energy stall. You have an *obligation* to assist the front when you pick that spot. They need you to support them with your geo, because they don't have that amount of energy at their disposal. They *depend* on you. Stop wasting time and *energy* on pet projects and put it towards keeping your front solvent.
    I can't remember a single game you've won from Geo, cuz you just double down on failed strategies, and then take too long to transition because you've got a skeleton economy and few if any labs. You had a game not to long ago where you successfully nuke rushed and still lost. You had a whole army *at your doorstep* and yet you kept launching volleys of nukes by the dozen into their impenetrable backline. Like, what? You need to learn some risk analysis. What's the greatest threat, and how do you address that? Instead you just put on blinders and focus on the cheese, even though you're getting bombed, raided by hovers, and your front is collapsing.
    It feels more like you're playing for the memes rather than trying to win games. We the denizens of UA-cam don't enjoy watching you flounder and spittle in rage. We wanna see you kick ass. If you can't git gud, help your team, and win games, you're gonna start losing subscribers.