Well, in some shape or form we have to compensate .... at least it is not that unhealthy (assuming, to much internet consumption is unhealthy, and with fiber speeeds, even more so).😂
I personally live in some shithole in the forest (DE) and have a stable fiber optic gigabit connection. My friends live in a semi big city and their internet goes out like daily
6:03 Be careful with the difference: "Deutsche Bank" is a big private bank. In contrast to this, "Deutsche Bundesbank" (Translation: German Federal Bank) is the central bank of Germany.
@@CroxlDdont know if i would say that our federal bank is the german equivalent to the federal reserve. Would say since we established the euro as currency „our federal reserve“ is the EZB, while the german federal bank is more like a state bank in the usa.
Yeah and it’s illegal to advertise that you offer abortions as a service and the woman has to declare that she wants an abortion and then she has to wait for a grace period and she has to go to some kind of therapy or speak to a priest or something like this
I do not think grain is healthy at all. But if you cannot leave your hands from bread, cake, noodlles, "brezls" it should not be fine white powder, it is like sugar killing you in the long run.
You definitely need to make a video with the Wahl-O-MAT. A programm helping you to choose the party youvrelate the most to by answering a couple of questions. That should be real fun!
@@CathrineMacNiel not yet, I think. Everything's quite chaotic when it comes to preparation of the elections, I would think it's the same chaos with Wahl-O-Mat...
unsure. the questions on the wahl-o-mat sometimes also require some pretty specific awareness of current debates, issues and contexts of German politics. It might not be all to accessible to people that are not directly exposed to the respective issues. The Wahl-o-Mat is somewhat specific to the context of the respective election, its not as much of a general-purpose political alignment questionnaire as for instance the political compass or the like.
The typical white bread is made without the shell of the wheat grain. For whole wheat flour the shell is ground up and mixed with the flour. That way you have more fiber, minerals and vitamins in whole grain which makes you stay full for longer ☺️ We Germans like to eat whole grain bread or Müsli made from oats which are always whole grain.. there's also whole grain pasta
3:40 "Abortions are 'illegal' in Germany" - also in Germany: about a hundred thousand officially registered abortions per year, during the last some decades - i.e. somewhere between 10% and 15% of all pregnancies in Germany have been terminated in the first 12 weeks, during the last 30 or 40 (maybe even 50?) years. And this are just the officially recorded abortions that had been performed by doctors. Abortions are , by far, not as rare or unusual as the sentence "Abortions are illegal" make them seem to be.
yes, but they‘re still complicated af, and it depends on which state you‘re living in, in bavaria e.g. are only 4 or so clinics offering it - while not being allowed to inform about it😂
The sentence "Abortions are illegal in Germany" also doesn't explain the whole nuance of the topic in German law. Like yeah they are illegal but under these and these conditions they don't get punished... This is in that regard interesting that most German young people (especially young men) don't know that they are infact illegal here because they are possible to have. Personally I think I was 28 the first time I realized Abortions were illegal in Germany and was dumbfounded by that fact because I know women in my family who had them and I thought they were legal therefore.
Brezels are made from pure wheat flour like other fancy bakery products like cake. The archtypical wholegrain brad is of course the North-German dark or rye-bread. It contains not only rye-flour but softened entire grains. It is a sour dough and its baking temperature is low, so it does not get a crispy crust. Cut into thin slices it is mostly eaten with a thick coat of butter and cold meats like smoked or cooked ham, salami-style sausages and so on. It gives your guts a good job and is reach in vitamins.
The "morning-after pill" can be bought in pharmacies in Germany without a prescription. The pharmacist can also advise you. For example, you can clarify whether you are already pregnant or whether there are possible interactions with other medications.
Whole grain flour and products made out of it have much more fiber, like 6x more and many important micro-nutrients than plain white, refined flour. They keep you much longer fed, don't spike up your blood sugar levels and are much healthier than white flour products :D But they taste more rich/earthy and can be a bit more "grainy", pasta for example.
@@Bassalicious In my opinion whole grain pasta is super close to regular pasta. The only differences I've noticed is that it has a slightly richer flavor and stays al dente longer, while regular pasta gets soggy quickly if it boils too long or sits around afterwards. Honestly, I consider it a straight upgrade.
Er muss echt googlen was Vollkornbrot ist^^ vielleicht sollten wir als Dank für die Rosinenbomber damals Vollkornbrot-Bomber und, vermutlich noch wichtiger, Bücher-Bomber in die USA schicken?!^^
Für außerhalb Deutschlands ist dunkles Brot kaum existent. Das geht ja schon in Frankreich los, wo man in jedem Supermarche oder jeder Boulangerie nach irgendetwas brot-ähnlichem sucht, was nicht hell und weich ist. Da soll es nur schmecken und nicht gesund sein.
It was 12 weeks in Denmark, and that linit was chosen because around 12 weeks the brain and the spine connect and when connected you can feel the pain in your body - you may not want the child, but that's no reason to inflict pain on the fetus.
Abortion currently is possible in Germany up to the 12th week of pregnancy. However it is not official allowed but "straffrei" (exempt from punishment) when you attend a counseling interview beforehand. Those counselings are done by social services (sometimes also churches if you prefer). What now is discussed is to eliminate this very German judicial construct and to just allow abortion. However conservatives (mainly CDU, CSU) want to leave everything as it is.
False. This is not what is discussed. It's only about getting rid of the 3 day period between counseling and abortion, NOT about getting rid of counseling. It's purely symbolic and waste of tax money, so a good reason to be against this proposition in its current form.
In my opinion they could cut it to two sentences: „Abortions are illegal if not done by doctors and with the patients consent.“ And „Abortions performed after 16 weeks of gestational age should only be allowed if two doctors support this decision of the patient, exceptions for medical emergencies apply“.
@@Asto508 No, you are wrong. It's about eliminating §218 completely and making abortion legal (without counseling) up to week 22, at least the main proposal. Of course there might be others but with no real relevance.
@@Ken-555-NOSE No, you are wrong, sorry. Read the proposal. The counseling is NOT going to be changed and the week 22 change is also NOT part of this proposal, but just of a fringe group. Please inform yourself about what is actually going to be voted on.
It is also not punished when the pregnancy poses a significant risk to the life and well-being of the patient, regardless of how far the pregnancy has progressed.
07:00 fax machines used to be pretty secure as long as they only used actual phone lines. For about 4 years in Germany all phone lines are solely routed via internet, which means they are no longer secure, and the same goes for fax machines
@@MiaMerkur it wasn't secure before at the Moment one side let the faxes sent to their Email account it had to be switched to the internet. What should be the problem? If your internet isn't working switch to you handy? If both arent operating, like during the flood in Ahrtal you have more serious problems and help is under way anyway. If it reaches you in time is a different story but would be the same with a telefon cable.
isnt going over the internet arguably more secure provided it uses an encrypted connection to your provider? phone lines can just be literally tapped into.
@@My1xT This. Fax was never secure in the meaning of nobody can eavesdrop. But it was used a lot because with standalone fax machines a successfully transmitted fax was confirmedly delivered, legally.
Êven back then when it was used over dedicated telephone wire it wasn't secure at all. You could easily have a man in the middle "attack" by just attaching a paired cable to that telephone line and get a "copy" without anyone ever to notice. And the second security flaw is: You don't know how the fax at the receiving end is secured and who has access to it. In some companies or even government agency there is a fax for the whole department located in a dedicated room... No wonder the DSGVO (Data Protection Act) excludes fax for sensible data.
Problem in Germany is that besides registered letter with return receipt, Courier with return receipt, the FAX is the ONLY judicial recognized method of proof of receive if needs to be proven.l....
Fax machines are an important part of the german system. There is a meme out there, the fax machine is on a shelf, unter it's outtake is the paper shredder. So the income fax gets shreddered straight.
5:00 the German ID has a series of numbers (the last row) that is meant to be as an online authentication number, without transferring to much data. So it will transmit your age and your legal European citizenship, but it won’t transmit your address or telephone number. I’m actually not sure if it transmits the name. This system is in use already for years. For instance, if you buy anything 18+ from the PlayStation store, you have to give in these numbers. They are a quick and secure way to verify your age at the internet. And because the ID is mandatory here, everyone has a number like that. I guess the only reason why there isn’t more age identification on the internet, is because of the US. Europe could implement this in a day, all the tools are already out there. It’s probably because the social security number from the US, is not actually secure. And few people have it.
it's not really an online authentication number. the machine readable zone just has things like the serial Number, date of birth, date of expiry and some checksums, and companies like to abuse it for a pretty bad age check. however as the checksum algorithms are public knowledge and serial numbers cant be verified by companies, it's trivial to make up your own machine readable zone data.
If using the online authentification via AusweisApp, the website can ask "born before date X" and the ID card answers only with yes or no. No name, birthdate, number, etc. has to be sent for age verification. The AusweisApp will display all categories of requested data before authentification and you can abort, if the website requests data you don't want provide.
7:45 calling va piano a fancy looking restaurant. That's what calling a McDonald's a restaurant does to a people. But seriously chain restaurants barely clear the bar to be called restaurants instead of fast food joints for me.
A lot of German companies and authorities still show a fax number on their web site as a legacy service. But a friend who works in customer support at a midsize industrial company employing 400 people has told me that at the most, they will get 30-40 faxes a week these days. The absolute bulk of customer requests is all e-mail now. They still intend to keep their fax for the foreseeable future, because of the acceptably low cost of operating it and the added convenience it offers for some of their older or more low-tech customers that still have a fax machine in their office or home.
8:00 We have to caution here that Vapiano went through troubled times after 2015 on the brink of bankruptcy, and had to close many sites to consolidate finances. Maybe they raised the prices for some supplementary items because they were sold too cheap and were causing the troubles in the first place, putting expansion before profits. So Vapiano might not be the best example for inflation in general.
9:59 yes, "made in w germany" does mean west germany. At my work place we even do have products where the label is big enough that the label says "made in west germany". Since there were 2 germanys they had to specify wich one made it. It was also used to advertise as higher quality similar to how "made in germany" is seen today
@@mick-berry5331 Meine Antwort ist anscheinend im YT Filter hängen geblieben :( Ich kenne das vor allem aus Nord- und Mitteldeutschland. Weiß nicht, bis wo "nach unten" das noch verbreitet ist.
There are a lot of upsides to faxing, but I would have never said security. It is literally not encoded, at all. Intercepting a fax is as easy as eating pancakes. Yes, fax uses a public switched telephone system, which should make it a peer to peer connection, with no man in the middle, but most fax machines are fully unencripted. The only hard part is to become the man in the middle, you need at least partial physical access to some of the points of contact. Then you get the digital fax people, like efax. They encrypt the data, but it becomes a fancy email, which has all the downsides of an email. I give you that in practice faxes are more secure. But mostly because you get physical copies, which cannot be read remotely.
Emails are insecure and some offices ignore them. They also might get in a spam box/treatment. But faxes are like a personal letter you put in the letter box of the person with the door giving you a feedback paper you throw that paper inside.
In theory there are extensions for end to end encryption for emails. In practice it's too complicated to use and normal people don't even know that exists. But with that extension a signed email shouldn't land in the junk mail folder, either. Shouldn't, if the auto filtering is programmed by anyone with any sense. So it probably still does.
6:55 They aren't even more secure. They aren't even encrypted. If you managed to get into the network, you can read them like everything else. They are just as secure as sms are. They are just faster then a letter, which is their main benefit. At work we are getting around 30 fax per day and I'm still wondering why they aren't using encrypted and signed emails -.-
If it's left to rest/soak and ferment, like sourdough bread for example, it's good. Just like the Danes and maybe other Scandis, we love our whole grain sourdough rye bread and others (they are usually made with resting/sourdough methods though to be more easily digrstible and very delicious (this kind of bread is somehow almost impossible to find in the US)). Grains in general and especially whole grains are best if they rest/soak before using/eating. But yes, in general, whole grains are healthy!
It's not even encrypted. Fax is hilariously unsafe and easy to snoop on when compared to an onsite server and end to end encryption. Which should be easy for courts and such that need high security.
@@nichfra However, i had to send documents and the Court wanted it per Fax and denied mailing. I presumed fax as more safe. But if it is not then I say thanx for this Info!
i think fax used to have a seperate network to the phonenetworks and thus it was written in rules for courts etc that it was safe but not updated once there were much safer options
Not kidding: I've heard that once some German officers had to print every mail attachment to put a mandatory entry stamp on it, send it by post to the central scan center and so where able to attach it to a file on their local computer. And if the scan went wrong they had to do all the procedure again because the paper automatically gets shreddered after scanning (or sometimes without getting scanned). Welcome to the real world! 😆
Whole grains are super healthy! Sometimes I put whole flaxseed in my muesli. And personally I think whole-grain rice and noodles taste better than the other ones. More earthy
Overhead projectors in classrooms? I am a teacher in Germany and I haven't seen one of these in years and haven't used one of these in over a decade. I must admit that the schools I worked at were all well funded, albeit all public schools, but it cannot be so bad everywhere else.
@@Kautschkartoffel-bw8oi That is so sad. The school I am currently working at is throwing away old smartboards (the projector-based ones). We have a projector in (almost) every classroom, as well as an AirServer/EShare Hub (which might also feature google home, but I am not 100% sure about that). And of course there is a good full room speaker system in every room. Most of the rooms additionally have document cameras. Some of our more modern rooms are fully digital by now, meaning that they git rid of chalkboards and projectors and have two big LED-smartboards, that can be used in conjunction or independently. I know that this is way above normal for a public school in NRW, but it seems I sometimes need to be reminded how much so. I suppose it is an irregularity as well that we have computer rooms with a combined capacity of about 1/3 of our student body, school based laptops for another third of the student body and literally dozens of laptops as hardware to be lend rent free to students if they do not have a working computer or tablet at home? If so, I feel happy to be privileged to work at such a well-funded school and very sad that not every municipality spends as much on education as mine does.
We have a lot of parties that don't reach the required percentage of votes to be eligible for being an option for the elections per default, the sudden elections mean that all of them are at risk to not be on there, which is especially bad at a time like this when people are so divided and lack options. They need to gather signatures, 27k in order to be on the vote everywhere, but it depends where the person giving the signature is from and you are only allowed to give a signature for one party (if you give two, that is considered manipulation - something I don't quite understand and find strange). If you are a German and think there is a party you want to support even if they aren't your choice for the elections or you just want to support democracy in general, please check if there is a party you can support with your signature.
Most "whole grain food" in Germany is "Vollkornbrot" = whole grain bread. Most Germans have at some time "learned" to consider whole grain bread as healthier than simple white bread - actually it is however not as simple. Many type of breads sold as whole grain bread simply contain some additional seeds as well as some malt (which makes the bread darker, so it looks more "whole grain"). Also not every "whole grain" is healthier than the whitish flour you could make from it after husking - wheat husks for example contain some irritants not so healthy for many people (those are not in flour made from husked wheat). The numbers for Austria are lower, because in the South (including Switzerland and Austria) traditionally more wheat-based bread is consumed than in Northern Germany. Abortion is still formally illegal, but not prosecuted during the first 12 weeks (if a "pregnancy conflict consultation" was taken and documented before) or in case of medical or criminological (rape or sexual abuse) indication. Fax is not much more secure than Email (which is about as secure as a postcard), but lawyers loved it because it produced printed letters on paper. And since laws requested that some contracts and administrative acts had to be drawn in writing, the fax has been considered to fulfill this while writing on a screen did not. (Also faxing a signature seemed more direct and "straight" than scanning it and sending the image of the signature - although most faxes are nowadays sent exactly that way: scanning it, putting the result in a program on the computer and sending it to a fax receiver, which is often a so called fax server - simply another computer).
FAX was very safe as long as it was send over wire only but now those service is digitalized too and it's data security is compromised so it doesn't make any difference if you use email or fax. The thing is that by German Law FAX is considered as a valid safe option and digital services are not.
Wasn't safe even back then. A paired cable attached to that telephone line and you get a copy of every fax without anyone ever to notice. And sending a fax to a company or government agency you never knew who would have access to that fax grabbing your sensible data. That's why the DSGVO excludes fax for sensible data. An email is to a specific person you addressed. for enhanced security you can digitally sign it or even encrypt.
In Germany, there is a famous traditional wholegrain rye bread called "Pumpernickel". "Pumpern" means to fart. Now you know. There is a legend, that in a certain region (Westfalen) a groom had to prove his manhood by cutting a slice from it in order to get the bride. Because Pumpernickel was so hard those times. Today you can buy it everywhere, not so hard anymore and pre-sliced.
Vapiano is a "make your own pasta" restaurant where you can decide what pasta to get, with which sauce and what toppings. They were out of business for a few years and then (at least one restaurant in my town) reopened.
And you can get much more support if you get a baby. In America they say, you have to carry the baby and do nothing for the mother and the baby after it is born. You cannot work because there is no affordable daycare, you get no financial support.
The fax thing is actually a legal thing, there's (roughly translated) a difference between "text form" and "written form" in german law. A lot of contract related stuff requires the "written form" and "text form" is legally not sufficient. The idiotic bit is that if you scan in the same letter and send it by email it is considered "text form" and not legally sufficient to do contract stuff, while the same paper sent over fax is considered "written form" and thus legally correct. With fax going away the only remaining option is to send it by postal service, which has its own issues.
Data protection: A fax is like a letter in an envelope and cannot be read by anyone else on the way from sender to recipient. An email is like a postcard that can be read by anyone on the way from sender to recipient (An encrypted email costs a lot of money (at least here in Germany)).
Most of what you said is wrong... Yes a fax is as secure as a letter. The only thing stopping anyone from reading it is a flimsy piece of paper which is illegal to open but can be done without any problems. Email transfer between server and client is encrypted as pretty much everything is nowadays on the internet. Encrypted mails have the additional benefit that nobody without the correct key can read it. Not even the email provider. Email encryption does cost nothing at all. It is just a pain to set it up.
Fax is unencrypted. How can you even claim that this cannot be read by anyone? As soon as you get physical access to the line, you can sniff everything.
That's wrong. Encrypting your emails can be done via free software. Problem is: the receiver needs to care about encryption too. It's just to complicated for most people (well, it's not THAT complicated, but people just don't care. Learning about the internet, before using it: no, thank you!). That's why most companies offer forms on their web pages to securely receive messages and attachments (via HTTPS/SSL).
In normal flour, the actual seedling is removed from the grain before grinding, which is rich in vegetable oil and proteins. The remainder of the grain is more or less purely carbohydrates. If you eat American bread, where part of the carbohydrates comes from high fructose corn syrup (just because it is so cheap), you even get less additional value besides the carbohydrates. (Maybe you get some additional iron compounds because of legal requirements, and some Vitamine A for coloring and some Vitamine C for conservation.)
Whole grain bread offers numerous health benefits: It is rich in fiber, which supports digestion and provides a longer feeling of fullness. It also contributes to better blood sugar control and provides important vitamins and minerals. It promotes heart health and helps with weight management. Many Germans already eat a varied diet, but whole grain bread is a particularly nutrient-dense choice - especially compared to cake, which is often made from wheat flour.
just went to an appointment a couple days ago and asked them if they would send it (via postal service) or if I should just take the documents with me to the other government place and this woman SMILED at me and pointed with her head towards a machine.. she saw that I looked lost and said "..or we use the FAX 😏😌"
German postal office offers a service where you can verify yourself for online accounts, without the need to upload an ID (you show it to a human in a store). Matter of fact, it is illegal to create copies/photos of your ID and upload them. Companies must never ask for a copy of your ID.
If it is NOT a Latin or Greek loan word you are pretty safe when you pronounce a German "v" as an "f". So as in English it is Vase , Vaseline, Vakuum, Vision.... that have the voiced consonant in German as well. But it is the voiceless variant in Germanic words like Vogel (bird) , von (of and other prepositions) , viel and viele (plenty, many, lots of) ) vielleicht (mayby presumably) , Vetter (cousin), Volk (folks, people) ...
1:14 whole grains come with all the nutrients of the grain and with more fibre. meaning you need to eat less for your nutrients, by eating less empty calories, and are kept satiated for longer. in short yes it's good for you.
overhead projectors are pretty cool, you can write with a literal pen on the foils or even layer stuff on top of each other and you dont an additional device like in the case of a projector or "smart" whiteboard where you additionally need a computer.
Abortion is illegal, but not punishable (if you had a consultation first and it’s done by a doctor) in the first twelve weeks after conception (not twelve weeks since the start of your last period) so that’s pretty close to 16 weeks and around eight more weeks than you have in Texas for example. Abortion after those twelve weeks is also not punishable, if done by a doctor I case of medical necessity (e.g. health of the pregnant person is too bad or the fetus develops in a way that is not viable). But it is very, very difficult to find a hospital that performs a late(er) abortion because many doctors haven’t learned how to do it or the hospital or the ethics of the doctors don’t allow it. As a woman in Germany I really wish, that abortion and later term abortions were on the curriculum for all OBGYN.
Fax machines are not more safe. It’s just that Germany was pretty fast in adopting ISDN and DSL and Fax so we just stopped reinventing communications in the 90s which is why we‘re pretty far behind in internet things now
5:24 It's very easy. Either you have a verified account the provider can reliably address you. Then you can use the services that the provider provides for your age and you can be held accountable for anything that is unlawful in your neck of the woods. Or you do not have a verified account and cannot use the services. The onus will be on the provider to implement this reliably, lest he be held accountable, which would cost money. Of course, some people will go the VPN-provider way to create and use accounts in countries that do not have such legislation, but, as you said, this will have long coat tails and quite a few countries will follow. There will be the usual handwringing about freedom of speech, the answer to which is that the freedom of speech will not be infringed upon by being identifiable and accountable.
Fax machines are actually quite important in the legal space.. A fax report that says "your document has been successfully sent on this date at this time" will hold up in court. So that bank just got rid of a way to send them legal documents - it usually isn't used by anything but lawyers..
Switzerland also takes a lot of grain and they are Nr. 1 in the longest living males on the planet ranking (Spain leads the ranking with the longest living ppl but the mans life is actually slightly lower than the ones from Switzerland while the womens life span is higher). Apart form that, grain comes in different forms and qualities, just like every kind of food resource ...
Also your internet connection at home should also have a user ID for connecting to the access point on the curb. Most people just don't know it or even see it, since they get their router pre-configured. Somebody is always accountable for the internet - even if you permit anybody to use it.
10:00 Probably, but it isn't necessarily the case. I got lot of thinks produced after the reunification which are still labeled as 'Made in W. Germany'. Some companies just didn't want to cancel the unnecessary 'W'. Why should they? It was still true. And some companies wanted to pronounce that this isn't a 'cheap' GDR product. Image was (and is) king. Even a lot of ex-GDR citizens tend to buy W.German products, because they can't have it that easily when GDR existed. They were a bit tired of the things they were used to.
Deutsche Bundesbank is not the Deutsche Bank. It is the equivalent to the Federal Reserve. It is the ones who issue the banknotes as part of the Eurozone (European Central Bank) and where the German private banks and saving institutes have their accounts.
It should be noted that Vollkornbrot was invented by the Germans in World War II, when flour had to be stretched due to a shortage. The population was then told by propaganda that Vollkornbrot was particularly healthy. This attitude has persisted to this day and is being promoted by industry.
In whole grain all the nutrients are contained. Refined flour only has about a fifth of minerals left. Together with the loss of vitamins and fibre the refined stuff is of extremely low nutritional value. It just delivers calories. Whole grain is the foundation of a healthy diet.
Vapiano isn't fancy at all. The significant price increase in the food service industry is also and above all due to the introduction of the minimum wage, which has also risen from €8.50 in 2015 to €12 in 2022.
Ryan is interested in Germany's next election, probably expecting something more along the lines of American elections, meanwhile in Germany peace and order. Germans are like "Oh, is it time again? Where do I put my X's this time? Which party should I choose? How many elections are there this time?". Note: In Germany there are more then 2 parties which one can vote for. Normally german villages/cities, regions and federal states try to combine as many elections on the same date as the for the country (for example election for mayor....), which results in having sometimes 3 ballot papers to fill out and some of them giving the voter more then one X to vote with. Elections are always on sunday's (by default a free day) or can be requested for postal ballot. German parties advertise by flyers in mailbox, posters on lampposts, tv ads and talk shows/discussion rounds to cover most people.
Our bread has lots of fiber our internet doesn’t 😂
Holy crap this is true 😂😂😂
🤣 So true!
My new favorite description of Germany.
Well, in some shape or form we have to compensate .... at least it is not that unhealthy (assuming, to much internet consumption is unhealthy, and with fiber speeeds, even more so).😂
I personally live in some shithole in the forest (DE) and have a stable fiber optic gigabit connection. My friends live in a semi big city and their internet goes out like daily
@@re-gaming3913Herzlichen Glückwunsch. 🎉
6:03 Be careful with the difference:
"Deutsche Bank" is a big private bank. In contrast to this,
"Deutsche Bundesbank" (Translation: German Federal Bank) is the central bank of Germany.
Like Federal Reserve and Bank of America.
@@CroxlDdont know if i would say that our federal bank is the german equivalent to the federal reserve. Would say since we established the euro as currency „our federal reserve“ is the EZB, while the german federal bank is more like a state bank in the usa.
@@soewenue Maybe but you got the point
At this point I'm just using this channel to find out what's been going on in my own country😂
This and Rewboss, who has great explanations!
@ Plus Freshtorge's Helga & Marianne😂
Abortions are in some weird legal state here in Germany. They are illegal, but there is no punishment within the first 12 weeks.
If you follow certain rules.
And only as long as the total number of abortions decreases every year... officially.
It's allmost like prostitution, when it wasn't clearly illegal, but had zero punishment associated to it in the criminal code.
Yeah and it’s illegal to advertise that you offer abortions as a service and the woman has to declare that she wants an abortion and then she has to wait for a grace period and she has to go to some kind of therapy or speak to a priest or something like this
@@AntiGoogleEmpire THIS is the actual problem in the current legislation for doctors, not the de facto legality of abortion itself.
"Whole grain is good for you" Little hint: it's good for YOU as well. 😁
he looks like he eats white bread, 0% grain 😂
@@bta7658in Germany we live from grain in the US they live from sugar
I do not think grain is healthy at all. But if you cannot leave your hands from bread, cake, noodlles, "brezls" it should not be fine white powder, it is like sugar killing you in the long run.
"you" in English = "man" in German. In this case. Just saying.
I mean, you probably know that but maybe not.
You definitely need to make a video with the Wahl-O-MAT. A programm helping you to choose the party youvrelate the most to by answering a couple of questions. That should be real fun!
is the Wahl-o-Mat for the next election already online and updated?
@@CathrineMacNiel not yet, I think. Everything's quite chaotic when it comes to preparation of the elections, I would think it's the same chaos with Wahl-O-Mat...
I think it is too private for a yt channel which is meant to be not so political but cultural.
I think that might be a bit too personal - he would not want to divulge his attitudes to some political questions
unsure. the questions on the wahl-o-mat sometimes also require some pretty specific awareness of current debates, issues and contexts of German politics. It might not be all to accessible to people that are not directly exposed to the respective issues.
The Wahl-o-Mat is somewhat specific to the context of the respective election, its not as much of a general-purpose political alignment questionnaire as for instance the political compass or the like.
The typical white bread is made without the shell of the wheat grain. For whole wheat flour the shell is ground up and mixed with the flour. That way you have more fiber, minerals and vitamins in whole grain which makes you stay full for longer ☺️ We Germans like to eat whole grain bread or Müsli made from oats which are always whole grain.. there's also whole grain pasta
3:40 "Abortions are 'illegal' in Germany"
- also in Germany: about a hundred thousand officially registered abortions per year, during the last some decades - i.e. somewhere between 10% and 15% of all pregnancies in Germany have been terminated in the first 12 weeks, during the last 30 or 40 (maybe even 50?) years.
And this are just the officially recorded abortions that had been performed by doctors.
Abortions are , by far, not as rare or unusual as the sentence "Abortions are illegal" make them seem to be.
yes, but they‘re still complicated af, and it depends on which state you‘re living in, in bavaria e.g. are only 4 or so clinics offering it - while not being allowed to inform about it😂
@@sophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieinform and advertise are two diffrent things
The sentence "Abortions are illegal in Germany" also doesn't explain the whole nuance of the topic in German law. Like yeah they are illegal but under these and these conditions they don't get punished...
This is in that regard interesting that most German young people (especially young men) don't know that they are infact illegal here because they are possible to have.
Personally I think I was 28 the first time I realized Abortions were illegal in Germany and was dumbfounded by that fact because I know women in my family who had them and I thought they were legal therefore.
@@sophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiewhy are they not allowed to inform about it? The ban on advertising for abortion (§ 219a StGB) was lifted in 2022.
@@DerEchteZ900even information was advertising until 2022.
Brezels are made from pure wheat flour like other fancy bakery products like cake. The archtypical wholegrain brad is of course the North-German dark or rye-bread. It contains not only rye-flour but softened entire grains. It is a sour dough and its baking temperature is low, so it does not get a crispy crust. Cut into thin slices it is mostly eaten with a thick coat of butter and cold meats like smoked or cooked ham, salami-style sausages and so on. It gives your guts a good job and is reach in vitamins.
The "morning-after pill" can be bought in pharmacies in Germany without a prescription. The pharmacist can also advise you. For example, you can clarify whether you are already pregnant or whether there are possible interactions with other medications.
Whole grain flour and products made out of it have much more fiber, like 6x more and many important micro-nutrients than plain white, refined flour.
They keep you much longer fed, don't spike up your blood sugar levels and are much healthier than white flour products :D
But they taste more rich/earthy and can be a bit more "grainy", pasta for example.
Whole grain bread products are amazing, whole grain pasta is a sin. I can't do it.
@@Bassalicious I was about to say that haha
@@Bassalicious the rapunzel emmer vollkornspirelli are amazing in nudelsalat.
@@feuerling Mh, idk but maybe. I didn't think of Nudelsalat being included in pasta for some reason, it's oddly different.
@@Bassalicious In my opinion whole grain pasta is super close to regular pasta. The only differences I've noticed is that it has a slightly richer flavor and stays al dente longer, while regular pasta gets soggy quickly if it boils too long or sits around afterwards. Honestly, I consider it a straight upgrade.
Er muss echt googlen was Vollkornbrot ist^^ vielleicht sollten wir als Dank für die Rosinenbomber damals Vollkornbrot-Bomber und, vermutlich noch wichtiger, Bücher-Bomber in die USA schicken?!^^
Ja, am besten richtig dicke Wälzer 😂😂😂
Bücher verbrennen die da eh nur
Wenn er das in Englisch übersetzt kriegt er einen herzinfarkt😂
Für außerhalb Deutschlands ist dunkles Brot kaum existent. Das geht ja schon in Frankreich los, wo man in jedem Supermarche oder jeder Boulangerie nach irgendetwas brot-ähnlichem sucht, was nicht hell und weich ist. Da soll es nur schmecken und nicht gesund sein.
@Fischkopp67 Scheint so.
Yooo your joke about the overhead projectors killed me cause it still is reality in some old schools xD
in some old schools? I changed to a school that was famous in my region for its modernization, it has polyluxes in every other room.
2:00 Germans love their whole grain pumpkin seed buns.
I am literally eating pumpkin seeds right now
Dinkelvollkorn mit Buchweizenmehl nach einem Rezept von Hildegard von Bingen. DAS ist Brot ❤
It was 12 weeks in Denmark, and that linit was chosen because around 12 weeks the brain and the spine connect and when connected you can feel the pain in your body - you may not want the child, but that's no reason to inflict pain on the fetus.
It is legal unto 24 weeks in The Netherlands, but because there is a margin of error of 2 weeks, abortion clinics usually don’t abort after 22 weeks.
Abortion currently is possible in Germany up to the 12th week of pregnancy. However it is not official allowed but "straffrei" (exempt from punishment) when you attend a counseling interview beforehand. Those counselings are done by social services (sometimes also churches if you prefer).
What now is discussed is to eliminate this very German judicial construct and to just allow abortion. However conservatives (mainly CDU, CSU) want to leave everything as it is.
False. This is not what is discussed. It's only about getting rid of the 3 day period between counseling and abortion, NOT about getting rid of counseling. It's purely symbolic and waste of tax money, so a good reason to be against this proposition in its current form.
In my opinion they could cut it to two sentences:
„Abortions are illegal if not done by doctors and with the patients consent.“ And „Abortions performed after 16 weeks of gestational age should only be allowed if two doctors support this decision of the patient, exceptions for medical emergencies apply“.
@@Asto508 No, you are wrong. It's about eliminating §218 completely and making abortion legal (without counseling) up to week 22, at least the main proposal. Of course there might be others but with no real relevance.
@@Ken-555-NOSE No, you are wrong, sorry. Read the proposal. The counseling is NOT going to be changed and the week 22 change is also NOT part of this proposal, but just of a fringe group.
Please inform yourself about what is actually going to be voted on.
It is also not punished when the pregnancy poses a significant risk to the life and well-being of the patient, regardless of how far the pregnancy has progressed.
0:45 I can confirm that. I start my day with an oatmeal with 10 spoons of oat, which is about 140 grams, so about average.
07:00 fax machines used to be pretty secure as long as they only used actual phone lines. For about 4 years in Germany all phone lines are solely routed via internet, which means they are no longer secure, and the same goes for fax machines
That is sad.
And a bit stupid, because this way no internet means no emergency phone calls.
@@MiaMerkur it wasn't secure before at the Moment one side let the faxes sent to their Email account it had to be switched to the internet.
What should be the problem? If your internet isn't working switch to you handy? If both arent operating, like during the flood in Ahrtal you have more serious problems and help is under way anyway. If it reaches you in time is a different story but would be the same with a telefon cable.
isnt going over the internet arguably more secure provided it uses an encrypted connection to your provider?
phone lines can just be literally tapped into.
@@My1xT This. Fax was never secure in the meaning of nobody can eavesdrop. But it was used a lot because with standalone fax machines a successfully transmitted fax was confirmedly delivered, legally.
Êven back then when it was used over dedicated telephone wire it wasn't secure at all. You could easily have a man in the middle "attack" by just attaching a paired cable to that telephone line and get a "copy" without anyone ever to notice. And the second security flaw is: You don't know how the fax at the receiving end is secured and who has access to it. In some companies or even government agency there is a fax for the whole department located in a dedicated room...
No wonder the DSGVO (Data Protection Act) excludes fax for sensible data.
The UVP you saw as the Black Friday post wasnt the discount. It's the price the manufacturer recommends the seller.
Doesn't change that it became more expensive, going from 500€ to 550€
Problem in Germany is that besides registered letter with return receipt, Courier with return receipt, the FAX is the ONLY judicial recognized method of proof of receive if needs to be proven.l....
Postzustellungsurkunde (PZU)!
Overhead Projectors are still the best teaching tool IMHO, especially the fancy ones where you write on a transparent scroll.
Fax machines are an important part of the german system. There is a meme out there, the fax machine is on a shelf, unter it's outtake is the paper shredder. So the income fax gets shreddered straight.
5:00 the German ID has a series of numbers (the last row) that is meant to be as an online authentication number, without transferring to much data. So it will transmit your age and your legal European citizenship, but it won’t transmit your address or telephone number. I’m actually not sure if it transmits the name.
This system is in use already for years. For instance, if you buy anything 18+ from the PlayStation store, you have to give in these numbers. They are a quick and secure way to verify your age at the internet.
And because the ID is mandatory here, everyone has a number like that. I guess the only reason why there isn’t more age identification on the internet, is because of the US. Europe could implement this in a day, all the tools are already out there. It’s probably because the social security number from the US, is not actually secure. And few people have it.
it's not really an online authentication number. the machine readable zone just has things like the serial Number, date of birth, date of expiry and some checksums, and companies like to abuse it for a pretty bad age check.
however as the checksum algorithms are public knowledge and serial numbers cant be verified by companies, it's trivial to make up your own machine readable zone data.
If using the online authentification via AusweisApp, the website can ask "born before date X" and the ID card answers only with yes or no. No name, birthdate, number, etc. has to be sent for age verification. The AusweisApp will display all categories of requested data before authentification and you can abort, if the website requests data you don't want provide.
7:45 calling va piano a fancy looking restaurant. That's what calling a McDonald's a restaurant does to a people.
But seriously chain restaurants barely clear the bar to be called restaurants instead of fast food joints for me.
Vapiano is basically the German Olive Garden.
you knowing where France and Poland are already shows how much you learned through these videos in comparison to the averag american.
Pretzel are not whole grain.
Whole grain means you grind the whole grain and use all of it.
Theme "clubs": YES. Germans organize around their interests. Find something that interests you and join the club!
But I think they cost.
Do US school clubs cost money?
@@MiaMerkur Some do, some don't - and the memberships are subsidized for children and youth.
A lot of German companies and authorities still show a fax number on their web site as a legacy service. But a friend who works in customer support at a midsize industrial company employing 400 people has told me that at the most, they will get 30-40 faxes a week these days. The absolute bulk of customer requests is all e-mail now. They still intend to keep their fax for the foreseeable future, because of the acceptably low cost of operating it and the added convenience it offers for some of their older or more low-tech customers that still have a fax machine in their office or home.
1:10 I mean are burgers and pizza better for you than bread ? ^^ yeah it's good. We are the bread guys!
8:00 We have to caution here that Vapiano went through troubled times after 2015 on the brink of bankruptcy, and had to close many sites to consolidate finances. Maybe they raised the prices for some supplementary items because they were sold too cheap and were causing the troubles in the first place, putting expansion before profits. So Vapiano might not be the best example for inflation in general.
9:59 yes, "made in w germany" does mean west germany. At my work place we even do have products where the label is big enough that the label says "made in west germany". Since there were 2 germanys they had to specify wich one made it. It was also used to advertise as higher quality similar to how "made in germany" is seen today
Please try some more German products, like Apfelschorle for example. Love ur content 😊
You mean 'Apfelsaft g'spritzt' ?😊
@@mick-berry5331 ew don't say it like thattt
@xiaolan1369 that's what we call it in Austria.
Translate this German idiom, Ryan: Da hat wohl jemand einen Clown gefrühstückt. You were really on fire with the subtle jokes today :D
Also das habe ich noch nie gehört! Seit 66 Jahren.😅
@@mick-berry5331 Krass, das ist (etwas älter) ganz gebräuchlich hier. Aus welcher Ecke kommst du, wenn ich fragen darf? :)
@Tuberino Wien bzw. Niederösterreich.
@@mick-berry5331 Meine Antwort ist anscheinend im YT Filter hängen geblieben :( Ich kenne das vor allem aus Nord- und Mitteldeutschland. Weiß nicht, bis wo "nach unten" das noch verbreitet ist.
fax machines are still used in Australia by medical professionals, as it is extremely secure for sending personal information compared to emails
Yes, it's shocking how many problems we have because of medical details on the computer/ online. 😢
There are a lot of upsides to faxing, but I would have never said security.
It is literally not encoded, at all. Intercepting a fax is as easy as eating pancakes.
Yes, fax uses a public switched telephone system, which should make it a peer to peer connection, with no man in the middle, but most fax machines are fully unencripted. The only hard part is to become the man in the middle, you need at least partial physical access to some of the points of contact.
Then you get the digital fax people, like efax. They encrypt the data, but it becomes a fancy email, which has all the downsides of an email.
I give you that in practice faxes are more secure. But mostly because you get physical copies, which cannot be read remotely.
Emails are insecure and some offices ignore them.
They also might get in a spam box/treatment.
But faxes are like a personal letter you put in the letter box of the person with the door giving you a feedback paper you throw that paper inside.
In theory there are extensions for end to end encryption for emails. In practice it's too complicated to use and normal people don't even know that exists. But with that extension a signed email shouldn't land in the junk mail folder, either. Shouldn't, if the auto filtering is programmed by anyone with any sense. So it probably still does.
End to end encryption like pgp is even more secure though
ROFL, what would you guess my breakfast consisted of? I just finished eating.
Yes, you're right: Two slices of whole grain bread.
6:55 They aren't even more secure. They aren't even encrypted. If you managed to get into the network, you can read them like everything else. They are just as secure as sms are. They are just faster then a letter, which is their main benefit. At work we are getting around 30 fax per day and I'm still wondering why they aren't using encrypted and signed emails -.-
3:20 De facto abortion is legal in Germany since the 1970s. By law it is still illegal, but without punishment.
10:05 Look at Ryan's evil villain potential here, where it comes through at full force!
My goodness, what a savage move that was!!!
Abortion is illegal in germany, but relatively accessible and not a crime
If it's left to rest/soak and ferment, like sourdough bread for example, it's good. Just like the Danes and maybe other Scandis, we love our whole grain sourdough rye bread and others (they are usually made with resting/sourdough methods though to be more easily digrstible and very delicious (this kind of bread is somehow almost impossible to find in the US)). Grains in general and especially whole grains are best if they rest/soak before using/eating. But yes, in general, whole grains are healthy!
Courts will still receive Documents per Fax because it is more safe than mailings and it is not stored in datas anywhere.
It's not even encrypted. Fax is hilariously unsafe and easy to snoop on when compared to an onsite server and end to end encryption. Which should be easy for courts and such that need high security.
@@nichfra However, i had to send documents and the Court wanted it per Fax and denied mailing. I presumed fax as more safe. But if it is not then I say thanx for this Info!
This excludes lawyers and agencies. They habe to User a dedicated "E-Mail-Program". They aren't allowed to use Fax.
i think fax used to have a seperate network to the phonenetworks and thus it was written in rules for courts etc that it was safe but not updated once there were much safer options
The digitalization Minister uses Fax too
Not kidding: I've heard that once some German officers had to print every mail attachment to put a mandatory entry stamp on it, send it by post to the central scan center and so where able to attach it to a file on their local computer. And if the scan went wrong they had to do all the procedure again because the paper automatically gets shreddered after scanning (or sometimes without getting scanned). Welcome to the real world! 😆
Whole grains are super healthy! Sometimes I put whole flaxseed in my muesli.
And personally I think whole-grain rice and noodles taste better than the other ones. More earthy
Overhead projectors in classrooms? I am a teacher in Germany and I haven't seen one of these in years and haven't used one of these in over a decade.
I must admit that the schools I worked at were all well funded, albeit all public schools, but it cannot be so bad everywhere else.
I'm a student in Germany and there is an overhead projector in almost every classroom, unlike smart boards
@@Kautschkartoffel-bw8oi That is so sad. The school I am currently working at is throwing away old smartboards (the projector-based ones). We have a projector in (almost) every classroom, as well as an AirServer/EShare Hub (which might also feature google home, but I am not 100% sure about that). And of course there is a good full room speaker system in every room. Most of the rooms additionally have document cameras.
Some of our more modern rooms are fully digital by now, meaning that they git rid of chalkboards and projectors and have two big LED-smartboards, that can be used in conjunction or independently.
I know that this is way above normal for a public school in NRW, but it seems I sometimes need to be reminded how much so.
I suppose it is an irregularity as well that we have computer rooms with a combined capacity of about 1/3 of our student body, school based laptops for another third of the student body and literally dozens of laptops as hardware to be lend rent free to students if they do not have a working computer or tablet at home?
If so, I feel happy to be privileged to work at such a well-funded school and very sad that not every municipality spends as much on education as mine does.
We have a lot of parties that don't reach the required percentage of votes to be eligible for being an option for the elections per default, the sudden elections mean that all of them are at risk to not be on there, which is especially bad at a time like this when people are so divided and lack options. They need to gather signatures, 27k in order to be on the vote everywhere, but it depends where the person giving the signature is from and you are only allowed to give a signature for one party (if you give two, that is considered manipulation - something I don't quite understand and find strange).
If you are a German and think there is a party you want to support even if they aren't your choice for the elections or you just want to support democracy in general, please check if there is a party you can support with your signature.
Most "whole grain food" in Germany is "Vollkornbrot" = whole grain bread. Most Germans have at some time "learned" to consider whole grain bread as healthier than simple white bread - actually it is however not as simple. Many type of breads sold as whole grain bread simply contain some additional seeds as well as some malt (which makes the bread darker, so it looks more "whole grain"). Also not every "whole grain" is healthier than the whitish flour you could make from it after husking - wheat husks for example contain some irritants not so healthy for many people (those are not in flour made from husked wheat). The numbers for Austria are lower, because in the South (including Switzerland and Austria) traditionally more wheat-based bread is consumed than in Northern Germany.
Abortion is still formally illegal, but not prosecuted during the first 12 weeks (if a "pregnancy conflict consultation" was taken and documented before) or in case of medical or criminological (rape or sexual abuse) indication.
Fax is not much more secure than Email (which is about as secure as a postcard), but lawyers loved it because it produced printed letters on paper. And since laws requested that some contracts and administrative acts had to be drawn in writing, the fax has been considered to fulfill this while writing on a screen did not. (Also faxing a signature seemed more direct and "straight" than scanning it and sending the image of the signature - although most faxes are nowadays sent exactly that way: scanning it, putting the result in a program on the computer and sending it to a fax receiver, which is often a so called fax server - simply another computer).
9:19 There is another price comparison a little higher in red…
Even in the US court system, Fax machines are still used on the regular!
FAX was very safe as long as it was send over wire only but now those service is digitalized too and it's data security is compromised so it doesn't make any difference if you use email or fax. The thing is that by German Law FAX is considered as a valid safe option and digital services are not.
Wasn't safe even back then. A paired cable attached to that telephone line and you get a copy of every fax without anyone ever to notice. And sending a fax to a company or government agency you never knew who would have access to that fax grabbing your sensible data. That's why the DSGVO excludes fax for sensible data. An email is to a specific person you addressed. for enhanced security you can digitally sign it or even encrypt.
Faxing can be very insecure compared to internet connections over TLS/SSL.
In Germany, there is a famous traditional wholegrain rye bread called "Pumpernickel". "Pumpern" means to fart. Now you know. There is a legend, that in a certain region (Westfalen) a groom had to prove his manhood by cutting a slice from it in order to get the bride. Because Pumpernickel was so hard those times. Today you can buy it everywhere, not so hard anymore and pre-sliced.
Vapiano is a "make your own pasta" restaurant where you can decide what pasta to get, with which sauce and what toppings. They were out of business for a few years and then (at least one restaurant in my town) reopened.
Easy: register for a social media platform and wait for 16 years to be able to use it.
Or submit a mail adress that existed for at least 16 years....
3:03 Even on this map, Switzerland is neutral...
And you can get much more support if you get a baby. In America they say, you have to carry the baby and do nothing for the mother and the baby after it is born. You cannot work because there is no affordable daycare, you get no financial support.
The fax thing is actually a legal thing, there's (roughly translated) a difference between "text form" and "written form" in german law. A lot of contract related stuff requires the "written form" and "text form" is legally not sufficient. The idiotic bit is that if you scan in the same letter and send it by email it is considered "text form" and not legally sufficient to do contract stuff, while the same paper sent over fax is considered "written form" and thus legally correct. With fax going away the only remaining option is to send it by postal service, which has its own issues.
made my day "talking" German at 2:25 😀😀😀😀😀
who voted on those polls, those are like the exact opposite results i would've expected
Data protection:
A fax is like a letter in an envelope and cannot be read by anyone else on the way from sender to recipient. An email is like a postcard that can be read by anyone on the way from sender to recipient (An encrypted email costs a lot of money (at least here in Germany)).
Most of what you said is wrong... Yes a fax is as secure as a letter. The only thing stopping anyone from reading it is a flimsy piece of paper which is illegal to open but can be done without any problems. Email transfer between server and client is encrypted as pretty much everything is nowadays on the internet. Encrypted mails have the additional benefit that nobody without the correct key can read it. Not even the email provider. Email encryption does cost nothing at all. It is just a pain to set it up.
Fax is unencrypted. How can you even claim that this cannot be read by anyone? As soon as you get physical access to the line, you can sniff everything.
@@AtraLP It's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.
That's wrong. Encrypting your emails can be done via free software. Problem is: the receiver needs to care about encryption too. It's just to complicated for most people (well, it's not THAT complicated, but people just don't care. Learning about the internet, before using it: no, thank you!). That's why most companies offer forms on their web pages to securely receive messages and attachments (via HTTPS/SSL).
@@DirtiHerri thanks, I did not think about differences betrween contact forms and emails before.
In normal flour, the actual seedling is removed from the grain before grinding, which is rich in vegetable oil and proteins. The remainder of the grain is more or less purely carbohydrates. If you eat American bread, where part of the carbohydrates comes from high fructose corn syrup (just because it is so cheap), you even get less additional value besides the carbohydrates. (Maybe you get some additional iron compounds because of legal requirements, and some Vitamine A for coloring and some Vitamine C for conservation.)
r/de is not the subreddit for German topics but for all news in German. It is there for the entire German-speaking area (hence the different flags).
Whole grain bread offers numerous health benefits: It is rich in fiber, which supports digestion and provides a longer feeling of fullness. It also contributes to better blood sugar control and provides important vitamins and minerals. It promotes heart health and helps with weight management. Many Germans already eat a varied diet, but whole grain bread is a particularly nutrient-dense choice - especially compared to cake, which is often made from wheat flour.
Vollkornbrot ist lecker! 😋That's why we eat so much of it😁
just went to an appointment a couple days ago and asked them if they would send it (via postal service) or if I should just take the documents with me to the other government place and this woman SMILED at me and pointed with her head towards a machine..
she saw that I looked lost and said "..or we use the FAX 😏😌"
I just got a bread where I'm wondering how all these grains hold together to build a bread. Delicious, makes full, gives effortless dumps. Love it.
2:50 Greetings from CHECK-YEAH
German postal office offers a service where you can verify yourself for online accounts, without the need to upload an ID (you show it to a human in a store). Matter of fact, it is illegal to create copies/photos of your ID and upload them. Companies must never ask for a copy of your ID.
If it is NOT a Latin or Greek loan word you are pretty safe when you pronounce a German "v" as an "f". So as in English it is Vase , Vaseline, Vakuum, Vision.... that have the voiced consonant in German as well. But it is the voiceless variant in Germanic words like Vogel (bird) , von (of and other prepositions) , viel and viele (plenty, many, lots of) ) vielleicht (mayby presumably) , Vetter (cousin), Volk (folks, people) ...
whole grains come with all the nutrients of the grain and with more fibre. meaning you need to eat less for your nutrients, by eating less empty calories, and are kept satiated for longer. in short yes it's good for you.
Mind, minimum wage in 2015 was only 8,50€. Now it's almost 13€.
overhead projectors are pretty cool, you can write with a literal pen on the foils or even layer stuff on top of each other and you dont an additional device like in the case of a projector or "smart" whiteboard where you additionally need a computer.
Abortion is illegal, but not punishable (if you had a consultation first and it’s done by a doctor) in the first twelve weeks after conception (not twelve weeks since the start of your last period) so that’s pretty close to 16 weeks and around eight more weeks than you have in Texas for example.
Abortion after those twelve weeks is also not punishable, if done by a doctor I case of medical necessity (e.g. health of the pregnant person is too bad or the fetus develops in a way that is not viable). But it is very, very difficult to find a hospital that performs a late(er) abortion because many doctors haven’t learned how to do it or the hospital or the ethics of the doctors don’t allow it.
As a woman in Germany I really wish, that abortion and later term abortions were on the curriculum for all OBGYN.
Vapiano is a chain restaurant, located in many german towns.
fax are legaly binding in germany, so if you terminate a contract via fax then its the same as received per the post office. while an email is not.
Fax machines are not more safe. It’s just that Germany was pretty fast in adopting ISDN and DSL and Fax so we just stopped reinventing communications in the 90s which is why we‘re pretty far behind in internet things now
Also Chancelor Helmut Kohl killed a project to build a fiber network throughout all of Germany because he wanted to spend the money on TV networks
5:24 It's very easy. Either you have a verified account the provider can reliably address you. Then you can use the services that the provider provides for your age and you can be held accountable for anything that is unlawful in your neck of the woods. Or you do not have a verified account and cannot use the services. The onus will be on the provider to implement this reliably, lest he be held accountable, which would cost money.
Of course, some people will go the VPN-provider way to create and use accounts in countries that do not have such legislation, but, as you said, this will have long coat tails and quite a few countries will follow. There will be the usual handwringing about freedom of speech, the answer to which is that the freedom of speech will not be infringed upon by being identifiable and accountable.
Fax machines are actually quite important in the legal space.. A fax report that says "your document has been successfully sent on this date at this time" will hold up in court. So that bank just got rid of a way to send them legal documents - it usually isn't used by anything but lawyers..
We like healthy food over here!
We are a bread country 😅
With a nigth bread tv Program
@axelurbanski2774 😂😂😂 genau.
Aber die Milchbrötchen werden mehr und mehr
Diese Kommentarspalte ist offizielles Staatsgebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 😂😂😂😂😂
2%? The last few years it was more like 7%, sometimes even more. (I'm from Austria, where food got more expensive than in Germany.)
Switzerland also takes a lot of grain and they are Nr. 1 in the longest living males on the planet ranking (Spain leads the ranking with the longest living ppl but the mans life is actually slightly lower than the ones from Switzerland while the womens life span is higher). Apart form that, grain comes in different forms and qualities, just like every kind of food resource ...
Oatmeal/Spelt flakes are my daily fuel! I'm not too precise with the measurements, but it's definitely less than 150 grams.
We use to have a third party ID access control to most of public & semi-public (banks, intranets, ...) website
Also your internet connection at home should also have a user ID for connecting to the access point on the curb. Most people just don't know it or even see it, since they get their router pre-configured. Somebody is always accountable for the internet - even if you permit anybody to use it.
Pretty sure W Germany stands for Wolfsburg.
It is the short form used on car plaquettes for example
7:17 I see google advert algorithm got you, " Want to move to Germany from the US?..."
10:00 Probably, but it isn't necessarily the case. I got lot of thinks produced after the reunification which are still labeled as 'Made in W. Germany'. Some companies just didn't want to cancel the unnecessary 'W'. Why should they? It was still true. And some companies wanted to pronounce that this isn't a 'cheap' GDR product. Image was (and is) king. Even a lot of ex-GDR citizens tend to buy W.German products, because they can't have it that easily when GDR existed. They were a bit tired of the things they were used to.
Deutsche Bundesbank is not the Deutsche Bank. It is the equivalent to the Federal Reserve. It is the ones who issue the banknotes as part of the Eurozone (European Central Bank) and where the German private banks and saving institutes have their accounts.
i wish he would continue read when he is seconds before reading the importent stuff xD i wonder how his brain can ignore it i mean u see it xD
whole grain is good for your intestine and blood sugar
It should be noted that Vollkornbrot was invented by the Germans in World War II, when flour had to be stretched due to a shortage. The population was then told by propaganda that Vollkornbrot was particularly healthy. This attitude has persisted to this day and is being promoted by industry.
Bro we dont use overhead projectors anymore. Like every school in my area uses smartboards.
In whole grain all the nutrients are contained. Refined flour only has about a fifth of minerals left.
Together with the loss of vitamins and fibre the refined stuff is of extremely low nutritional value. It just delivers calories.
Whole grain is the foundation of a healthy diet.
whole grain is GOAT
Vapiano isn't fancy at all. The significant price increase in the food service industry is also and above all due to the introduction of the minimum wage, which has also risen from €8.50 in 2015 to €12 in 2022.
Autumn days are especially grainy in Germany.
Fax aren't encrypted. For email there are extensions for end to end encryption, but sadly it never was made easy and never got any traction.
Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪❤🇺🇸
Ryan is interested in Germany's next election, probably expecting something more along the lines of American elections, meanwhile in Germany peace and order. Germans are like "Oh, is it time again? Where do I put my X's this time? Which party should I choose? How many elections are there this time?".
In Germany there are more then 2 parties which one can vote for.
Normally german villages/cities, regions and federal states try to combine as many elections on the same date as the for the country (for example election for mayor....), which results in having sometimes 3 ballot papers to fill out and some of them giving the voter more then one X to vote with. Elections are always on sunday's (by default a free day) or can be requested for postal ballot.
German parties advertise by flyers in mailbox, posters on lampposts, tv ads and talk shows/discussion rounds to cover most people.