Please do not try to contact any demon to prove a point. Even if you don't believe in this. Just stay with your opinion. Because contact with these things are very very dangerous. Don't demand proof, if you demand the proof of these entities you might not like what you find. and once the door is open its hard to close.
iiocylonii No I mean . ..i I didn't exactly invoke one but I did invite friend says I did something this morning I woke upcblacking out if it makes sense...i drove to work with a black cloud around my eyes I couldn't shake it off for atleast maybe 3 hrs...finslly I my senses...
If you are being harrassed by demonic beings please seek help from a pastor. But if he is not trained he can make things worse. Pray for protection and ask to be surrounded by positive energies/light. You can also call upon the ark angle micheal. Salt also works. Put salt by your doors and windows after they have been cast out the house they will not be able to enter it again. And say the following out loud. You have overstay you welcome. I revoke my invitation to this house. In the name of lord jesus christ. I command you to leave this house immidiatly.
Mysterious 5 I ended up watching it earlier today, while playing some "South Park" in the background and halfway through the video, "South Park" started sounding very distorted. It was like the the connection to the TV became loose but as soon as I exited out of the video, it stopped and went back to normal. NOPE NOPE NOPE, f**k this, I'm not watching this one again 😖😫😭.
I've only started watching these kind of things but you are fantastic at doing them.please keep up the great work and thank you I will spread the word among my friends
Hi Mr. Mysterious. I've been following you for two weeks now and I just love your channel and that voice! Your voice is everything! ❤ Keep up the awesome work!
Historically, I think many cases in which people were believed to be possessed were actually cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder. DID usually only develops from severe child abuse. So it makes me sad to think that people mistakenly believed to be possessed had to suffer through being called "demons" and hours-long exorcisms, after already having been hurt so much. :/
Watching this at 7:05 at night while there is Cyclone Cook raging outside. Thank god it's Good Friday tomorrow so I can have a sleep in LOL. Great video, as always, Mr. Mysterious!
So glad I subscribed to this channel always good for in the mood to be scared but can't think of what "horror film" to watch (if there's such a thing now lol) but never disappointed here. I know you get told this all the time but you're voice is great and only adds to it 👍😊
Rick Elkin that's because when someone starts acting strange the parents automatically think demonic possession rather than mental illness which is why the church doesn't perform exorcisms left, right and center anyone and there's a strict criteria of psychiatric analysis that has to be done first before they'll even think about it and even then the order has to come from the Vatican. Priests have been excommunicated for performing unofficial exorcisms
Rick Elkin actually it is not, if you are a gang member will you attack your own people or hunt the ones that are not part or part of an another gang, it actually make more sense, if they already have the ones that are not religious, why bother, while it is not exactly the same here but it will give an idea, as simple as your question is, as simple as the answer will be.
Catholics mostly. They're into praying to things and idols of saints, Marry, and angels they shouldn't be thanks to Emperor Constantine usurping the Church with Roman Pagan practices. Also on another note.. time is different between "Heaven" and Earth. John's vision (Book of Revelation) 2000 years ago was showing him of what was presently going on in Heaven at that time which was also running parallel to Earth's distant future (close to where we are now today). These fallen entities know all who will come to believe and who will not. They don't waste their time bothering with those who they know will not.
If only he could share his research further by citing his sources, so others can do further research. For some reason, he really doesn't want to do that.
Always happy to see a new M5. Interesting subject, you always do dig up the strange that is so prevalent out there in our great big beautiful, and frequently surprising world. Thanks again.
My husband went to school, at that same time as the hauntings, with one of the daughters of the Perron family. He once got into a little argument with her and now feels so bad knowing what she was going thru. I've actually been by the house many times in RI.
I was at the Rollin Doe story when I heard a knock at my door. I said, "what" because I thought it was my roommate knocking. There was another knock, so I said "come in". A second or so passed by, and my door went from completely closed to slowly easing open, then closing back almost entirely.. If that wasn't creepy enough, about 10 seconds later, I heard a knock on the wall right next to me, as if someone was standing there.. True fucking story. I don't want to sleep tonight now.. Lol
Do you always just yell "come in" when a potential stranger knocks on your door? I find that far more worrisome than the thought of some sort of nonsensical demon knocking at your door.
Finally found a video with ur og voice ! 😀 The newer videos have ur voice so different than this video & so watching the videos Whos ever voice that is kills the videos, please keep ur og voice such as the one in this video PLEASE! Thanks again for your voice and channel ✌🏼👍👌🏼👏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
The most common way that a Demon can enter your body is if a Person 1: Acknowledges their existance, (it can be summoned or just randomly around the area.) 2: The person feels a great, crippling fear about the entity, (Or a welcoming sign) 3: The Demon decides to use your body. Since "Fear" is a type of Worship that most people are incapable of controlling - While Praising the Lord is an actual choice, often called "Fear" for this very reason - the Demon has easy access to a person's will. Their Astral body also seems to be displaced by a Demon entering in a Full-on Possession, which can even lead to the famous "Third Person Point-of-View." I'd just stay away from that stuff, if I were you. That's what I'm here for. So you don't have to.
I've heard that demons will disguise themselves as passed away relatives/friends & be outside your door or window hoping you will welcome them into your home , which you should never do!
Tried watching it 3x now I just get a weird feeling in my gut and turn it off lol I've watched literally all of your videos but this one. Terrifing I can't even get halfway through
You should make a Video about Real-Life Zombies too. You'll find pretty much all of it down in the lower-48 right now. It's called "Libritardemocratitis." It's English Term is "Modern Liberalism Run Amok." Seriously, they exhibit every symptom consistent with a Zombie Virus Outbreak. No seriously though, thank you for your hard work. Your Videos are pretty Awesome!
All I know is committing suicide at 93 seems pretty arbitrary. At that point, attempting to avoid any more misery would probably be quite a futile endeavor.
Hey, can you at least put time stamps for each case in the description, so it's easier to try and look up the cases. I really don't understand how it's so hard to make citations to your work.
all these cases of "multiple demons in one person" makes me think of Trojan Viruses... like, one demon just lets all these other ones inside, and it's real crowded wow
That poor woman Caroline Perrin was torchured for so many years. She wanted out it was the rest of the family that wanted to stay. I read the first book by the oldest daughter "House of Dark House of Light". It's a good book if you're into this stuff.
just stopped 3:13 into the video to say the slow zoom into the manic eyes of that lady freaked me the fuck out! lol. nice subtle effect. I'm sure it's been done, but it's the first time I've seen it.
Didn't know about the Old Arnold Estate in Harrisville; makes sense as Rhode Island is a cursed state. Lot of unexplainable/supernatural things happen here...
Do you notice that most cases are either related to the catholic church, or the Warrens? I say yes to Schizophrenia, pareidolia and bad parenting in the early childhood of those unfortunate people. Oh how some people love some publicity, even if it means proving you've been possessed. There is no such thing as normal na. (Bla, bla bla, you get the point) Anyway, I love your videos. I wait to watch your videos every week. Keep up the good work. Content is also very good. Cheers from Sri Lanka.
It's been said that people who have watched the movie the conjuring in their home would start hearing things and have strange stuff start to happen, like they were being haunted, been alot of those reports, don't know if it is true or not though,, firm believer in the paranormal, have had a lot of things happen myself over the years,, so much in the world we don't know about still, you guys take care, God bless
I love your videos! But Bathsheba was 'mrs sherman' not mrs Bathsheba. And she was only accused of killing one child, when it died in her care. It was found that there was a puncture wound from a knitting needle at the base of its skull. She was tried, and acquitted. There is no census or historical information to prove that she even had 4 children, let alone killed them all. That is speculation and rumours.
THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION Many Modern Christian sects erroneously teach salvation is by something a sinner DOES. They make a person's salvation dependent upon the works of the sinner. But nothing could be further from the truth of God's word. According to the Bible, salvation is by taking what Jesus DID on the cross of Calvary, when he shed his blood to pay for the sins of man. This FINISHED WORK, once and for all, is the only thing that can give man the new birth, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. The Bible clearly presents the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Notice the Gospel is what JESUS DID FOR MAN, and not what MAN CAN DO FOR GOD! A person is only saved by BELIEVING upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, when he shed his Precious Blood for our sins. This blood atonement was necessary, for without shedding of blood, is no remission (Heb. 9:22). God has always demanded blood for sin. In the Old Testament, God accepted the blood of a lamb. In the New Testament, God accepts the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the LAMB OF GOD, slain for your sins. The Gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 has five parts: 1 Christ died 2. For our sins 3. Was buried 4. Rose Again 5. According to the Scriptures An old preacher once said, "YOU CANNOT PREACH THE GOSPEL WITHOUT PREACHING THE BLOOD ATONEMENT OF CHRIST AND YOU CANNOT PREACH THE BLOOD ATONEMENT OF CHRIST WITHOUT PREACHING THE GOSPEL!" This is absolute Bible truth! For salvation by Jesus Christ's bloody sacrifice on the cross is the only means in which God offers eternal life. Just as we see the blood of Christ in the five wounds He bear on the cross, so we too see the blood of Jesus in the the five points of the Gospel. Christ died. Jesus shed every drop of his precious blood on the cross of Calvary, dying in man's place for man's sins. His blood dropped into the ground. For our sins. The Bible likens sin unto blood in Isaiah 1:18: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Scarlet and crimson are the color of BLOOD. Was buried. Jesus Christ was buried in the same ground in which his blood was spilt. When Abel, died, we read the following words in Gen. 4:10, "...the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." Shed blood speaks to God! Hebrews 12:24 then tell us the following about the blood of Jesus: "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." Christ's blood speaks as well! Rose Again. When Jesus rose again, the Bible tells us Jesus Christ took his blood to heaven, and sprinkled it on the mercy seat there (Heb. 9:12-25), where it's still waiting to wash away the sins of the most vilest sinner! Are you washed in the blood? According to the Scriptures. The whole Old Testament points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah. He's pictured time and again in all the sacrifices the Jews slaughtered in the temple for the atonement of their sins. When Jesus died on the cross and the sacrificial Lamb of God, shedding his blood, he fulfilled prophecy written of him all throughout the Old Testament. So there you have it! The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST is found all throughout the Gospel. You can't preach the blood, without preaching the Gospel, and you can't preach the Gospel without preaching the Blood. For the Bible clearly teaches salvation is by FAITH, without WORKS (Eph. 2:8,). Faith in what? FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! Romans 3:25-28 make this clear: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. To be justified, or saved, a person's faith must be wholly in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This declares God the Just one. When a sinner is saved, he cannot boast about himself or his works. He'll only brag upon Jesus who saved him from his sins! Sadly, in our modern age of apostasy, very few who claim to be Christians ever preach the blood of Jesus for salvation. But the simple Bible truth is, YOU CANNOT EVEN BE A CHRISTIAN UNLESS YOU ARE TRUSTING ONLY IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! This webpage has been set up for the defense of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. To read more about the Gospel and salvation by grace through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, please click on the links to the right. BOOKS ON SALVATION AND THE GOSPEL: Hey, Where's the Blood? The Importance of the Blood of Jesus Calling According to the Bible The "Heresy" of the Sinner's Prayer The Sinner's Prayer by O'neal Propitiation
Did you really have problems recording this? Just wondering if so I believe it being an atheist my whole life in my 20s I can no longer be after what me and my friends experienced I will never forget the voices we heard and one of our friends was touched. But we all heard the same sounds of three little girls laughing we still cant explain it as it was 2 in the morning and noone in sight
what I don't understand, is why they didn't question the wife. Every time I hear about modern possessions with couples, it's almost always the husbands fault. It's like feminist demons are starting shit, or something. WTF...😒
According to the laws of the Catholic church, before possession is assumed all medical possibilities must be explored. Exorcists are specially trained and they have to have permission from the church hierarchy.
saw my notifications now saw mr. mysterious I click the screen so hard I think I cracked it oh well worth it
Black Fox1 :-)
Black Fox1 noice
the comments section seems pretty cool, you've got a good fan base Mr. mysterious
Please do not try to contact any demon to prove a point. Even if you don't believe in this. Just stay with your opinion. Because contact with these things are very very dangerous. Don't demand proof, if you demand the proof of these entities you might not like what you find. and once the door is open its hard to close.
iiocylonii Agreed
iiocylonii I've invited one
lewis berrie . i doubt that. you wont even know were to start. so you are safe.
iiocylonii No I mean . ..i I didn't exactly invoke one but I did invite friend says I did something this morning I woke upcblacking out if it makes sense...i drove to work with a black cloud around my eyes I couldn't shake it off for atleast maybe 3 hrs...finslly I my senses...
If you are being harrassed by demonic beings please seek help from a pastor. But if he is not trained he can make things worse. Pray for protection and ask to be surrounded by positive energies/light. You can also call upon the ark angle micheal. Salt also works. Put salt by your doors and windows after they have been cast out the house they will not be able to enter it again. And say the following out loud. You have overstay you welcome. I revoke my invitation to this house. In the name of lord jesus christ. I command you to leave this house immidiatly.
I'm gonna get a good sleep after I've watched this.
Good night everyone, sweet dreams!
Big Smoke :-)
Deez Nuts is that an American fast food reference?
I'm legit too scared to watch this after that warning ... 😖😭. I think I'll try again tomorrow.
Carolina Murtha :-)
Mysterious 5 I ended up watching it earlier today, while playing some "South Park" in the background and halfway through the video, "South Park" started sounding very distorted. It was like the the connection to the TV became loose but as soon as I exited out of the video, it stopped and went back to normal.
NOPE NOPE NOPE, f**k this, I'm not watching this one again 😖😫😭.
Seeing a new video from you makes ME feel possessed! Great work, Mr. Mysterious! As per usual! :)
Ari Z Thank-you
I've only started watching these kind of things but you are fantastic at doing them.please keep up the great work and thank you I will spread the word among my friends
John Lightfoot Thank-you
Hi Mr. Mysterious. I've been following you for two weeks now and I just love your channel and that voice! Your voice is everything! ❤ Keep up the awesome work!
Historically, I think many cases in which people were believed to be possessed were actually cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder. DID usually only develops from severe child abuse. So it makes me sad to think that people mistakenly believed to be possessed had to suffer through being called "demons" and hours-long exorcisms, after already having been hurt so much. :/
This is what I look forward to every freaking Sunday 👍🏼👏🏼
Abhijay Sudharshan :-)
Watching this at 7:05 at night while there is Cyclone Cook raging outside. Thank god it's Good Friday tomorrow so I can have a sleep in LOL. Great video, as always, Mr. Mysterious!
So glad I subscribed to this channel always good for in the mood to be scared but can't think of what "horror film" to watch (if there's such a thing now lol) but never disappointed here. I know you get told this all the time but you're voice is great and only adds to it 👍😊
very good video, a little surprised Anneliese Michel didn't make the cut, but great job.
Anne Cherrier Already covered it in 5 unexplained audio recording, so don't want to repeat :-)
keep these shows coming and keep up the awsome work . i love this show thanx mr mysterious
Stuart Mercer :-)
couldn't watch until now been saved in my watch later! I just adore your voice!
nikki brooks :-)
Just what I need before bed. Thank you!
Cindy S :-)
Love Your Videos!. Had to get watch.
Kiara Vargas I love you
loving this bro love ur channel always gives me the chills n i love it thank you
Eduardo Pena :-)
Strange how it's only the "deeply religious" that get possessed.
Rick Elkin that's because when someone starts acting strange the parents automatically think demonic possession rather than mental illness which is why the church doesn't perform exorcisms left, right and center anyone and there's a strict criteria of psychiatric analysis that has to be done first before they'll even think about it and even then the order has to come from the Vatican. Priests have been excommunicated for performing unofficial exorcisms
you very much missed the point
Rick Elkin actually it is not, if you are a gang member will you attack your own people or hunt the ones that are not part or part of an another gang, it actually make more sense, if they already have the ones that are not religious, why bother, while it is not exactly the same here but it will give an idea, as simple as your question is, as simple as the answer will be.
Knight Hawk so if ur not religious it means ur already a bad person?....
Catholics mostly. They're into praying to things and idols of saints, Marry, and angels they shouldn't be thanks to Emperor Constantine usurping the Church with Roman Pagan practices. Also on another note.. time is different between "Heaven" and Earth. John's vision (Book of Revelation) 2000 years ago was showing him of what was presently going on in Heaven at that time which was also running parallel to Earth's distant future (close to where we are now today). These fallen entities know all who will come to believe and who will not. They don't waste their time bothering with those who they know will not.
Thanks for all the research on these stories! I really enjoy details, especially mysterious details:-)
Jennifer Marquard-Clanton :-)
If only he could share his research further by citing his sources, so others can do further research. For some reason, he really doesn't want to do that.
Always happy to see a new M5. Interesting subject, you always do dig up the strange that is so prevalent out there in our great big beautiful, and frequently surprising world. Thanks again.
Next Time I See My Psychologist Im Tellin Him Its Ur Fault Mr. Mysterious! 😂
You should also talk to your shrink about the way you type. :)
I'm new to your channel and just love it. You are very informative even though it maybe a very frightening subject. Thanks keep it coming...
I ll gave it a like, but too scared to watch all of it.
keep up the good work
Kilokawasaki636 :-)
Your channel was the first one I subscribe too. I ❤️ it. Thanks for the great videos.
My husband went to school, at that same time as the hauntings, with one of the daughters of the Perron family. He once got into a little argument with her and now feels so bad knowing what she was going thru. I've actually been by the house many times in RI.
Karen Lindsey whoa, that's creepy. do you know where she is now?
Well done sir well done. i havent been this spooked in a while 🖖
Glad that I got the notification for a new video. But, did you say, a "Maleficent being"?
watching this before starting my Monday class.
Danzel Samuel Purantoro :-)
Me too!
I was working on my own video, got a notification from you xD my video can wait lol
I was at the Rollin Doe story when I heard a knock at my door. I said, "what" because I thought it was my roommate knocking. There was another knock, so I said "come in". A second or so passed by, and my door went from completely closed to slowly easing open, then closing back almost entirely.. If that wasn't creepy enough, about 10 seconds later, I heard a knock on the wall right next to me, as if someone was standing there.. True fucking story. I don't want to sleep tonight now.. Lol
Cuddly Cactus ooh hun that's messed up. I'd be sleeping with allllll the damn lights on tonight ;)
Do you always just yell "come in" when a potential stranger knocks on your door? I find that far more worrisome than the thought of some sort of nonsensical demon knocking at your door.
Cuddly Cactus - liar
Finally found a video with ur og voice ! 😀
The newer videos have ur voice so different than this video & so watching the videos Whos ever voice that is kills the videos, please keep ur og voice such as the one in this video PLEASE! Thanks again for your voice and channel ✌🏼👍👌🏼👏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
glad the sun is shining and the birds are singing, that was eerie!
Joy Walsh :-)
I really like your Channel... keep up the good work! : )
Here again to get my favorite UA-cam videos!
First one here too!!
Sean May Thank-you
The most common way that a Demon can enter your body is if a Person 1: Acknowledges their existance, (it can be summoned or just randomly around the area.) 2: The person feels a great, crippling fear about the entity, (Or a welcoming sign) 3: The Demon decides to use your body.
Since "Fear" is a type of Worship that most people are incapable of controlling - While Praising the Lord is an actual choice, often called "Fear" for this very reason - the Demon has easy access to a person's will. Their Astral body also seems to be displaced by a Demon entering in a Full-on Possession, which can even lead to the famous "Third Person Point-of-View."
I'd just stay away from that stuff, if I were you. That's what I'm here for. So you don't have to.
Watching before work!
YES thanks for the upload
Austin McGowan :-)
~YES! - was waiting for this!
Great episode
thanks so much for doing a paranormal type video this week! these are my favorite! This video was excellent. Its creeping me out! perfect! 👍
Karen Walton :-)
your voice, Mr. Mysterious, became deeper from the start of the top 2 videos.
Sweet dreams, Mr. Mysterious! 🖤
Jessica Cason :-)
Decapitated ghost: "Get out, get out. I'll drive you out with dreams and gloom"
Me: let me get my shit, I'm out.
I’m fucking scared and paranoid now.....and that’s only from the beginning to 1:18 X(
Hey Mysterious, what's the name of that creepy humming music you use in the background of your videos?
I've heard that demons will disguise themselves as passed away relatives/friends & be outside your door or window hoping you will welcome them into your home , which you should never do!
#3 Michael Taylor was an incredible of the most dramatic graphic description of attacks that I’ve ever heard. Wow.
Great video
Tried watching it 3x now I just get a weird feeling in my gut and turn it off lol
I've watched literally all of your videos but this one. Terrifing I can't even get halfway through
late at night but still gunna watch the vid
You should make a Video about Real-Life Zombies too. You'll find pretty much all of it down in the lower-48 right now. It's called "Libritardemocratitis." It's English Term is "Modern Liberalism Run Amok." Seriously, they exhibit every symptom consistent with a Zombie Virus Outbreak.
No seriously though, thank you for your hard work. Your Videos are pretty Awesome!
Angel In Disguise 3.712 I will think about it
Awesome! I'll be watching for it if you do! I've got a whole list of Evidence that I could send your way. Anyways, no rush.
All I know is committing suicide at 93 seems pretty arbitrary. At that point, attempting to avoid any more misery would probably be quite a futile endeavor.
Hey, can you at least put time stamps for each case in the description, so it's easier to try and look up the cases. I really don't understand how it's so hard to make citations to your work.
What was the name of the priest in the first story? Rev "MenSweaty" :D jk! Mysterious, violent and creepy.. -Great video! :)
Mr M you do make some good videos
James Johnson :-)
Mr. Mysterious' voice is reminiscent of the narrator of How It's Made. 🤔
A Mr. Mysterious a day, to keep the doctors away! 😉 👍👌👏
How about something about '13' and people's dislike for it...
They should make movies from all of this :)
Well guess I won't be sleeping tonight...
Dude cheats on his wife... "Sorry honey, I was possessed"... Well, that's a new one
all these cases of "multiple demons in one person" makes me think of Trojan Viruses... like, one demon just lets all these other ones inside, and it's real crowded wow
You put that voice effect by you self that wasn't the video fault 😂😂😂😂😂
Pretty scary but I love watching :)
I had to watch this in the day time. I wanna know what happened to you Mr. Mysterious during this script.
Watch these on night shift, gets me through.
im not deeply religious at all but I've seen and experienced some shit to make me know to never mess with the afterlife.
I dont get it,you couldve just as easily distorted the audio?I call BS on the strange things happening to you editing the video.
That poor woman Caroline Perrin was torchured for so many years. She wanted out it was the rest of the family that wanted to stay. I read the first book by the oldest daughter "House of Dark House of Light". It's a good book if you're into this stuff.
Karen Piotte The daughters mentioned that Mrs. Perrin was not possessed is some interview tho..
my lightbulb just blow out smh I'm going to my parents house
5 Horrifying Cases Done Because Of Anime Addiction
me: nothing can hurt me. I live in South Africa. nothing happens here.
also me after first story: oh
just stopped 3:13 into the video to say the slow zoom into the manic eyes of that lady freaked me the fuck out! lol. nice subtle effect. I'm sure it's been done, but it's the first time I've seen it.
So what was the strange things that happen when u were recording
Didn't know about the Old Arnold Estate in Harrisville; makes sense as Rhode Island is a cursed state. Lot of unexplainable/supernatural things happen here...
Although I'm not religious I still believe there are things that are beyond our understanding.
Unfortunately sir i do believe these things can happen. I have lived thru way too much to be able to dismiss such events. God Bless you Sir.
notif pops out click it :") cuz i know it's going to be great (y)
This is my JAM
Do you notice that most cases are either related to the catholic church, or the Warrens? I say yes to Schizophrenia, pareidolia and bad parenting in the early childhood of those unfortunate people. Oh how some people love some publicity, even if it means proving you've been possessed. There is no such thing as normal na. (Bla, bla bla, you get the point)
Anyway, I love your videos. I wait to watch your videos every week. Keep up the good work. Content is also very good. Cheers from Sri Lanka.
Mysterious 5, do 5 real cases of stigmata.
It's been said that people who have watched the movie the conjuring in their home would start hearing things and have strange stuff start to happen, like they were being haunted, been alot of those reports, don't know if it is true or not though,, firm believer in the paranormal, have had a lot of things happen myself over the years,, so much in the world we don't know about still, you guys take care, God bless
I love your videos! But Bathsheba was 'mrs sherman' not mrs Bathsheba. And she was only accused of killing one child, when it died in her care. It was found that there was a puncture wound from a knitting needle at the base of its skull. She was tried, and acquitted. There is no census or historical information to prove that she even had 4 children, let alone killed them all. That is speculation and rumours.
Just after your warning...the first story...girls name is Clara...that's my name....I got a chill and I'm a HUGE
Well there goes my sleep for tonight.
don't mess with evil things
Hang on, gotta turn on my lights. Ok now I can watch.
Many Modern Christian sects erroneously teach salvation is by something a sinner DOES. They make a person's salvation dependent upon the works of the sinner. But nothing could be further from the truth of God's word. According to the Bible, salvation is by taking what Jesus DID on the cross of Calvary, when he shed his blood to pay for the sins of man. This FINISHED WORK, once and for all, is the only thing that can give man the new birth, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life.
The Bible clearly presents the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4:
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Notice the Gospel is what JESUS DID FOR MAN, and not what MAN CAN DO FOR GOD!
A person is only saved by BELIEVING upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, when he shed his Precious Blood for our sins. This blood atonement was necessary, for without shedding of blood, is no remission (Heb. 9:22). God has always demanded blood for sin. In the Old Testament, God accepted the blood of a lamb. In the New Testament, God accepts the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the LAMB OF GOD, slain for your sins.
The Gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 has five parts:
1 Christ died
2. For our sins
3. Was buried
4. Rose Again
5. According to the Scriptures
This is absolute Bible truth! For salvation by Jesus Christ's bloody sacrifice on the cross is the only means in which God offers eternal life.
Just as we see the blood of Christ in the five wounds He bear on the cross, so we too see the blood of Jesus in the the five points of the Gospel.
Christ died. Jesus shed every drop of his precious blood on the cross of Calvary, dying in man's place for man's sins. His blood dropped into the ground.
For our sins. The Bible likens sin unto blood in Isaiah 1:18: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Scarlet and crimson are the color of BLOOD.
Was buried. Jesus Christ was buried in the same ground in which his blood was spilt. When Abel, died, we read the following words in Gen. 4:10, "...the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." Shed blood speaks to God! Hebrews 12:24 then tell us the following about the blood of Jesus: "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." Christ's blood speaks as well!
Rose Again. When Jesus rose again, the Bible tells us Jesus Christ took his blood to heaven, and sprinkled it on the mercy seat there (Heb. 9:12-25), where it's still waiting to wash away the sins of the most vilest sinner! Are you washed in the blood?
According to the Scriptures. The whole Old Testament points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah. He's pictured time and again in all the sacrifices the Jews slaughtered in the temple for the atonement of their sins. When Jesus died on the cross and the sacrificial Lamb of God, shedding his blood, he fulfilled prophecy written of him all throughout the Old Testament.
So there you have it! The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST is found all throughout the Gospel. You can't preach the blood, without preaching the Gospel, and you can't preach the Gospel without preaching the Blood. For the Bible clearly teaches salvation is by FAITH, without WORKS (Eph. 2:8,). Faith in what? FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!
Romans 3:25-28 make this clear:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
To be justified, or saved, a person's faith must be wholly in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This declares God the Just one. When a sinner is saved, he cannot boast about himself or his works. He'll only brag upon Jesus who saved him from his sins!
Sadly, in our modern age of apostasy, very few who claim to be Christians ever preach the blood of Jesus for salvation. But the simple Bible truth is, YOU CANNOT EVEN BE A CHRISTIAN UNLESS YOU ARE TRUSTING ONLY IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!
This webpage has been set up for the defense of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. To read more about the Gospel and salvation by grace through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, please click on the links to the right.
Hey, Where's the Blood?
The Importance of the Blood of Jesus
Calling According to the Bible
The "Heresy" of the Sinner's Prayer
The Sinner's Prayer by O'neal
gr8 vid m8 I r8 8/8
A little curious on what the strange and unusual things happened while recording 🤔
Did you really have problems recording this? Just wondering if so I believe it being an atheist my whole life in my 20s I can no longer be after what me and my friends experienced I will never forget the voices we heard and one of our friends was touched. But we all heard the same sounds of three little girls laughing we still cant explain it as it was 2 in the morning and noone in sight
what I don't understand, is why they didn't question the wife. Every time I hear about modern possessions with couples, it's almost always the husbands fault. It's like feminist demons are starting shit, or something. WTF...😒
Maleficient being? Is that like a MALEVOLENT being or is it being possessed by Angelina Jolie?
OGSpaceCadet lol, I'm not the only one. then.
OGSpaceCadet word
"Maleficent" is a word, too, and it makes complete sense in this context whether or not he meant to use it. :)
Daemonic? I thought it was Demonic?
Jigsaw same
They're both correct.
British version I think
Mark Bauz ok then its fine I'm only French so I don't know many word of other
Daemon is the original Greek spelling. All a daemon was originally was a spirit, usually a benevolent one.
Aaaand I'm watching this AGAIN lol
No Annalise Michelle?
I'm like number 111 😎 ahhh satisfying
According to the laws of the Catholic church, before possession is assumed all medical possibilities must be explored. Exorcists are specially trained and they have to have permission from the church hierarchy.
scroll back up and get back in there champ..... you can do it
The one with Ed and Loraine Warren is TRUE