Even the trouble you had, they still turned out amazing. Today I spent time trying to figure out how to mask a beauty of a Lexus and remove some of the surroundings with not much success. I did learn from you a few more things to try. So a big thank you once again.
Masking things out in ON1 is getting easier, but it is a little far off from what we can do in dedicated raster programs. With practice and patience I think you can mask anything out using ON1
Very interesting and creative, thank-you! [Note I had also similar problems of ON1 not saving properly with the latest version.]
Thank you! Good thing is that I think it is getting resolved now. I have not had that issue since the 2024.5.1 update.
Even the trouble you had, they still turned out amazing. Today I spent time trying to figure out how to mask a beauty of a Lexus and remove some of the surroundings with not much success. I did learn from you a few more things to try. So a big thank you once again.
Masking things out in ON1 is getting easier, but it is a little far off from what we can do in dedicated raster programs. With practice and patience I think you can mask anything out using ON1