Such a pity. I own a watermill in France which would produce 1.6MWh a year, but the French environmental minister ignored my request for suggestions how to capture this wasted power. The European leaders also wasted my time with useless distractions. There are thousands of watermills across France, potential sources of clean energy, but there is NO INTEREST FROM 'LEADERS' to utilise this power. EDF (electricity de france) wish to continue producing toxic waste which will deform and pollute France for thousands of years, because TODAY they can make a profit and never have to face the responsibility they have. THEY are the 'leaders' who are hindering ANY alternative sources of energy from appearing, but there is no action we can make to stop their stranglehold. They PRETEND to offer assistance, but reality shows us that no waterwheels are turning. We have all failed. Such a pity.
Please don't call her a woman that's mixing things up with all the political correctness over language that has been confusing and corrupting adult minds for so long: Greta Thunberg is a GIRL, she's a CHILD, a schoolgirl and THAT is her power and her her integrity that we must not corrupt with our slanted minds and language
We, adults, contribute to this disaster on a daily basis When doing grocery shopping I noticed some veggies and fruits wrapped in plastic. I ask the manager why are single cucumber, paprikas, and aubergine wrapped in plastic. And he said he doesn't know why! I think if we all boycott this kind of products that are pre-wrapped at least it will be a way forward.
Greta is pretty great. Her parents are, too. I know her Mom gave up air travel because her daughter asked her to. Her Mom is a high powered opera star, apparently, so that's really a cool thing.
She's my inspiration too! she has said there's no point in going to school because we will be here no more if there's an ecological catastrophe. She says that we should panic and think about a catastrophe every day. She's great, we'll all be more anxious and unhappy and idiot (no school!)
Ms. Thunberg is a most eloquent speaker. She is not reading any script, memorizing any speech or responding with preconceived answers to questions. She is genuine and believes in her cause. Compare her to what politicians (especially the current administration in the US) say and you'll quickly understand that she is a free thinker not a pawn to someone else's agenda. Even if you don't agree with her (I find that hard to believe anyone would disagree with her message) she stands out as a bright and engaged student. You cannot say that she is simply a naive 15 year old looking to skip school or garner attention. She speaks English remarkably well considering it is likely Swedish that is her first language and that which is used at home and school. I wish her much success and commend her parents.
I love you Greta. When I was your age I was up to no good and was in trouble a lot although nothing serious or harmful I could not have done anything like this. I admire you greatly because you should be having lots of fun instead of worrying about extinction events. I really hope millions of young people follow you and that us adults listen to young people much more in the future. Never give up and always say the truth. I hope you become a Climatologist of some kind.
So glad you gave Greta some airtime. She well deserves all the attention she gets, and our thanks for being brave enough, to go it alone. Bravo...Greta!
There will be more coming with Greta, one later today. Subscribe to get all the notifications. I had the honor of bringing Greta to this year's COP. She is one of the leaders of her generation. She has a great future ahead of her. Great Greta!
Sorry my english is bad I also saw this post on TV. That's why I made the following for 2019. I will go to Berlin on 25.01.2019, 08.02.2019 and 22.02.2019 and demonstrate there in front of the Bundestag. Although I have not been a student for a long time and already 62 years young. But why should not people of my age fight for the generations to come. Because our generation bears a not inconsiderable complicity in the broken climate. And since I have a Bahncard 100, the trip from Siegburg to Berlin and back does not cost a penny. In addition, I have already planned my working time for the months of January and February, so I do not have to take a holiday for it. If others want to participate in the said days, I would be happy. We adults must not abandon future generations in the fight for climate protection. Politics is just talking and we citizens have to force you to act through such actions. Of course, I will continue this action after February. The days when I will come to Berlin will be announced in time. Ich habe diesen Beitrag auch im Fernsehen gesehen. Darum habe ich für das Jahr 2019 mir folgendes vorgenommen. Ich werde am 25.01.2019, 08.02.2019 und 22.02.2019 nach Berlin fahren und dort vor dem Bundestag demonstrieren. Ich bin zwar schon lange kein Schüler mehr und auch schon 62 Jahre jung. Aber warum sollen Leute meines Alter nicht für die nachfolgenden Generationen kämpfen. Denn unsere Generation trägt eine nicht unwesentliche Mitschuld an das kaputte Klima. Und da ich eine Bahncard 100 habe kostet die Fahrt von Siegburg nach Berlin und zurück keinen Pfennig Geld. Außerdem habe ich schon für die Monate Januar und Februar meine Arbeitszeit so geplant, das ich keinen Urlaubstag dafür nehmen muss. Sollten andere an den besagten Tagen sich beteiligen wollen würde ich mich freuen. Wir Erwachsene dürfen die nachfolgenden Generationen im Kampf für den Klimaschutz nicht im Stich lassen. Die Politik labert nur und wir Bürger müssen Sie durch solche Aktionen zwingen endlich zu handeln. Diese Aktion werde ich natürlich auch nach Februar weiter machen. Die Tage wann ich nach Berlin kommen werde, werden dann noch rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
@Erich, your English is fine! I would like to put you in touch with others in Berlin who can join you for demonstrating in front of the Bundestag. Email me at, and make the subject line 'For Stuart'
A general strike would be a good idea. But, you MUST shut some shit down or the Man won't pay attention. I say, once you shut it down, it stays that way until we(the people) get some action.
Greta, there are people all over the world who are with you. Change IS coming. We are together, perhaps not in proximity, but certainly in spirit and faith and determination. We love and support you! I hope to meet you someday (though the continents may have to come together first ;)).
The energy emanating from her is intense and reflects the hurts of the environment. Very rooted in morals, ethics and egalitarian. Greta is on a supra-high plinth of awareness, and we should tap into her sensibility. Bless you.
As a Swede myself.. I can say that this speech was making me very glad and happy - finally "we" did something great too! There are many great voices "out there" now - that want to change the world for the better! Some of the great voices: Peter Joseph (obviously on this list) Jimmy Dore Chris Hedges Abby Martin Richard Wolff Jacque Fresco (unfortunately died 2 years ago) Kyle Kulinski Julian Assange Noam Chomsky Lee Camp Edward Snowden Yanis Varofakis Alex O'Connor Roland Paulsen (also a Swede!) :) And even the fictional reporter "Jonathan Pie". All those people on 'my list ' above (at least I think so) has great and important "messages" (all-embracing knowledge) that will hopefully have a great impact on people, now and in the future - and hopefully help to create a positive 'transition' to a better future, for us all!
It’s immensely important to be vegan first as that halves your carbon footprint. Then stop shopping except for essentials. Car share or try to use trains more etc. We must spread veganism. It’s essential. Non violent direct action too.
Ich bin stark beeindruckt von Greta Thunberg! Sie macht uns vor, dass jeder einzelne Mensch was erreichen kann! Sie zeigt uns, dass es auf jeden von uns ankommt. Ausreden wie "Was kann ich schon als normaler kleiner Mensch gegen Riesenfirmen, Politiker etc. ausrichten?" nicht zählen! Jeder kann sich überlegen, was er tun kann. Jeder Schritt - auch der kleinste Schritt - ist wertvoll. Also bitte - tun wir was!
I love how she answered the hypothetical question about "geo-engineering". She said it was like a dying patient refusing surgery and hoping that a medication yet to be invented would be preferable. We have already geo-engineered ourselves into a warmer world. At least now we understand what the results on climate will be under several different scenarios. If we try to slow down climate change by methods that sound good in theory, but which have never been attempted on a global scale, we risk accelerating the demise of Earth's already fragile ecosystems. Oh, and I nominate Greta Thunberg for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
Here you see the vanguard of those children sent to the world already aware of issues such as climate change. Greta is only one of many children who, hopefully, with adult help, can help save what is left of this planet.
Go KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her speech is BRILLIANT !!! Refuse to participate Kids !!1 Democracy Now has a great interview and gave her great air time , she makes me bawl !!!! GO GO !!
wow! I will share this with my Green Screen (eco film) students in class and some of our mutual friends! Thanks for hosting this Stuart! Young people like Greta givee me hope for the much needed paradigm shift.... and for old friends like Stuart who has been on the front lines of this issue for many years! Thank you Greta and Stuart!
Brilliant young lady, go don't stopped until you get all the young people to go with your goal. Lots of older people are very uneducated about climate change.
Bless her , what a bright young girl , we have destroyed the world for these kids and even now we continue unabated. My worry is we have passed the tipping point. Whether we have or not there is an obligation to give it our all, this young girl and her like deserve at least that .
The adults are too afraid to walk in truth, so they rather buried their heads under the sand hoping that the nightmare that we're living in will go away and watch their children be zombified like themselves
God speaks through children bless you young lady-we are also in a spiritual crisis as well,is the true cause of not really caring what the future hold-these people are real devils!!!
Greta is amazing!! ... the adults really ask dumb question. Gretas message is simple. Do your choice in life and business hurt the planet or support it? adults in the room fail to get it. Asking her about global business?!? Its simple - fix it within each of our own areas if study and commerce,
ich hoffe dies video verteilt sich weltweit und beeinflußt das bewußtsein und vor allen dingen das handeln der menschen. i hope this video goes round the world and take care to transform the human awareness and act.
Bravissima, Greta. I have great sympathy and admiration for your generation. (Ho molto compassione ed anche ammirazione per la tua generazione). The generations preceding you have abused our collective Mother; skepticism is warranted. Perdona.
@Vincenzo - We need translators for Italian to help our videos spread in Italy. If you can help, write us at Molto Grazzi!
Greta if there was a button that would give you a heart on You tube i'd push it. You are not only an inspiration to children you are an inspiration to grown adults. Fantastic job, and you are much more of a grown adult than many . Standing Ovation, Keep it up!
Greta, I don't think you will read that, but nonetheless I want to tell you that you are a very brave and clever young woman and your heart is definitively at the right place. I am a lot older than you are, but I share your conviction and I really wish your voice will be heard before it's too late. Being myself a so called "grown up", I doubt reason will ever triumph over money and greed (the current riots in my country (France) show how much more people are interested in having the power to consume ever more than about the world they leave to their children).Nonetheless, as you so rightly said even if the battle might be lost in advance, it's not a reason to give up. And in the present case, giving up is not an option anyway, we only have one planet earth , a wonderful blue dot, a place of wonder lost in the immensity of space, and we can't afford to let her die (I should rather say, to kill her), because, it would be a suicide, but because it would be the most despicable murder ever committed. I wish you to remain as strong, the world definitively need people like you :)
6 років тому+1
Actually, we shouldn't call it a climate change, we should call it a climate crisis.
#fridaysforfuture is a movement of young people all over the world who want to shift attention to this urgent topic. They follow Greta and organize school strikes in their cities. We're becoming more and more, especially through whatsapp groups and instagram/facebook pages. If you want to help spreading this important issue, please share it as much as you can. Thank you!
One year later, you can really tell her English has improved over this past year. I’m still amazed that a 15 years old girl can express herself this well in a second language. I don’t believe many American kids would give interviews in Spanish or French at that age.
Enfin un être humain qui a encore les pieds sur terre. Elle ne se fait aucune illusion . Elle est d'une sagesse remarquable. Elle possède une maturité que peu d'adulte ont. Elle a parfaitement saisi la profonde bêtise des acteurs politiques et économiques en regard de la relation de l'humanité avec notre environnement naturel. Elle redonne espoir. Merci beaucoup madame Thunberg. deniout from Québec
Complimenti Greta, sei un bellissimo esempio per noi tutti, speriamo le nuove generazioni siamo meno ipocrite delle precedenti, il pianeta terra ha bisogno di persone come te.
And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds; are immune to your consultations, they are quite aware of what they are going through - David Bowie (Breakfast club)
GRETA is ny new Hero. I imagine we'll be seeing great things from her. Wisdom from the mouth of babes. Her talk had me in tears all the way thru and when she was done, i stood up and applauded her. I cant think of anything more beautiful than a young girl saving the world. Good for you Greta and thank you!
When i was small i thought about climate change and didn't fully understand. I actually starting thinking that if It was THAT harmfull, people wouldn't be so relaxed. So i just decided to go on with my life because there was no way It could actually be THAT bad, and i was always a natural optimist too. Only recently last year, at the late age of 15, my teacher started talking about the extinction of all beings and the ozone being destroyed, and i totally collapsed and woke up. I started becoming increasingly afraid and sad, and embarrased as well, and around that moment i discovered Greta Thunberg. Since then, i have dedicated my time to fridaysforfuture here in Chile, i started a recycling project at home, i became vegetarian and i will be vegan once i gain at least 10 kilos more of weight :/ and i write songs dedicated to this crisis. Greta changed me forever, she made me understand how everything is just so wrong, and she made me understand that the best way to create a movement is by inspiring and acting instead of just discussing furiously with those who are around you. I realized that being ecological or green is not just another "lifestyle", even if there are people that are ecological just for popularity. It isn't about a lifestyle, it's about changing everything and It is about survival. I realized late, but i changed in every possible way. So if you're reading this: don't be afraid or embarrased to change yourself from one day to another. You have got to know if you're doing what's right and we are all endangered.
People expect others to sort the climate change issue out. They will maybe watch a video like this on social media, have great admiration for this young woman, make comments at how terrible the human race is and then go about their lives as they have always done, maybe switching a light off from time to time or taking quick showers, thinking that they are doing their bit to help. The UN has stated that the Meat Industry is the "World's most urgent problem" relating to climate change and that the single most impactful thing an individual can do is to drastically reduce their meat intake or cut it out all together. I wonder how many of these well intentioned, conference attending people are vegan? Beacause THAT would take a lifetime commitment.
Greta is an awesome human being. It's not really children vs. adults. There are a lot of adults who would like to do something, yet they have been trapped by billionaires, big corporations, lobby groups, and the governments that yield to their wishes. On the flip side, there are a lot of kids, who just like a lot of adults, have not been educated about the issues and live within their selfish bubbles. Of course, it's hard to blame the kids if they get the same example from their parents. We all need to take action.
Can I contact or write her in social media or something? I would like to know her opinions and reflections about the world. Maybe this is somehow possible.
Dear Greta, wonderful speech!!! But let me tell you that you can still greatly improve your influence if you truely go by bike or by Trane. If you use plane, then you won’t be able to change the people who get money from the oil industry. Greed doesn’t listen to image management/hypocrisy. Greed only listens to generousity and honesty which makes being the change you want to see. Good luck our female hero !:))))
@@FacingFuture Yes, I watched this as well! She really tries to be consequent and as much as I can see, her family is supporting her. That's sooo much more than we're doing, isn't it?
Thank u for saying about the most despicable human on earth ...and all behind him..which know the truth and do nothing because of the money they make. Savage said is the suffering of the rest who pays for their luxury lives
School is a gift. We better understand the climate because of schools and education. We may not have school in several years, should things fall apart. My own opinion is that if you think it is beneficial to the climate to stop attending school, you might as well just quit school altogether
Of cause school is a gift, and Greta knows it is. But she also realises how big of a problem the climate change is and that she can do something about it when no one else does. I think she have learned a lot more of this than she would have in school. She doesn't need to study to become a climatescientist, since she already have all the facts. Climate can't wait and she knows that she can manage to do both her schooling and be an activist for the future at the same time. Why not save the climate when we have the time? We study for our future and there is no point of doing so if there is no future to begin with. Do not underestimate the power of a young girl. She has the power to change the world and she will do so whatever our priminster or any other politicians says. We have the actual power and with Greta as an example, inspiration and role model we can and will turn the wheel.
The questions that included, social media might be more important than formal action; and “What do you children think of that?” Seem to be missing the point. Yes social media is a useful tool for spreading the info, planning and encouraging people to act. But policy and actions must dictate for the betterment of all, not just the rich few. Not just for the power hungry few. And the question “... you children...” It’s not just children. One planet - one human race and countless other beings, fauna and flora. We’re all here together. Humans changed and are changing the environment to the detriment of the world as a whole. We, humans have to act and make policy, that change the environment for the betterment of the planet as a whole. Not sometime in the future but now and ongoing.
This action is good in developed countries. I am writing from Colombia and here those actions rarely produce positive efects. However, actions like Greta¨s are very efective when we use the media to share. She is a young motivation. She inspires young people. My generation did not understand and it is difficult to find a change from them. It is possible but difficult. Thanks a lot Greta!!!
Such a pity. I own a watermill in France which would produce 1.6MWh a year, but the French environmental minister ignored my request for suggestions how to capture this wasted power. The European leaders also wasted my time with useless distractions.
There are thousands of watermills across France, potential sources of clean energy, but there is NO INTEREST FROM 'LEADERS' to utilise this power. EDF (electricity de france) wish to continue producing toxic waste which will deform and pollute France for thousands of years, because TODAY they can make a profit and never have to face the responsibility they have. THEY are the 'leaders' who are hindering ANY alternative sources of energy from appearing, but there is no action we can make to stop their stranglehold. They PRETEND to offer assistance, but reality shows us that no waterwheels are turning.
We have all failed.
Such a pity.
kenneth keen They are a facade. Just like in America. Keep being human-trying.
Kenneth, don't give up. Keep trying!
Don't accept the horrible future that lies ahead of us if nothing is done. Unite and rebel for life. Join the extinction rebellion.
Hi, Maybe You could Charge Battery and sell it ? Ir Do some bussiness with it
Please don't call her a woman that's mixing things up with all the political correctness over language that has been confusing and corrupting adult minds for so long: Greta Thunberg is a GIRL, she's a CHILD, a schoolgirl and THAT is her power and her her integrity that we must not corrupt with our slanted minds and language
We, adults, contribute to this disaster on a daily basis
When doing grocery shopping I noticed some veggies and fruits wrapped in plastic.
I ask the manager why are single cucumber, paprikas, and aubergine wrapped in plastic.
And he said he doesn't know why!
I think if we all boycott this kind of products that are pre-wrapped at least it will be a way forward.
Very powerful. Thank you Greta, and you Stuart Scott for bringing us a real voice of youth power.
This is so sad. It's so sad, when someone like this girl says nothing but the truth. It is like everybody in thes works is in trance.
I love this young girl. She is MY inspiration!
Greta is pretty great. Her parents are, too. I know her Mom gave up air travel because her daughter asked her to. Her Mom is a high powered opera star, apparently, so that's really a cool thing.
She's my inspiration too! she has said there's no point in going to school because we will be here no more if there's an ecological catastrophe. She says that we should panic and think about a catastrophe every day. She's great, we'll all be more anxious and unhappy and idiot (no school!)
She's amazing.
Ms. Thunberg is a most eloquent speaker. She is not reading any script, memorizing any speech or responding with preconceived answers to questions. She is genuine and believes in her cause. Compare her to what politicians (especially the current administration in the US) say and you'll quickly understand that she is a free thinker not a pawn to someone else's agenda. Even if you don't agree with her (I find that hard to believe anyone would disagree with her message) she stands out as a bright and engaged student. You cannot say that she is simply a naive 15 year old looking to skip school or garner attention. She speaks English remarkably well considering it is likely Swedish that is her first language and that which is used at home and school. I wish her much success and commend her parents.
so thankful for the Greta's in our world. she brings tears to my eyes. Thank you little Greta. x
Adults are slackers, it's tiring waiting for you to grow up
I love you Greta. When I was your age I was up to no good and was in trouble a lot although nothing serious or harmful I could not have done anything like this. I admire you greatly because you should be having lots of fun instead of worrying about extinction events. I really hope millions of young people follow you and that us adults listen to young people much more in the future. Never give up and always say the truth. I hope you become a Climatologist of some kind.
So glad you gave Greta some airtime. She well deserves all the attention she gets, and our thanks for being brave enough, to go it alone.
There will be more coming with Greta, one later today. Subscribe to get all the notifications. I had the honor of bringing Greta to this year's COP. She is one of the leaders of her generation. She has a great future ahead of her. Great Greta!
Kent Deal school is obligatory in Sweden, not going to school for months is not good.
Greta is so brilliant and wise.
Sorry my english is bad
I also saw this post on TV.
That's why I made the following for 2019. I will go to Berlin on 25.01.2019, 08.02.2019 and 22.02.2019 and demonstrate there in front of the Bundestag.
Although I have not been a student for a long time and already 62 years young. But why should not people of my age fight for the generations to come. Because our generation bears a not inconsiderable complicity in the broken climate.
And since I have a Bahncard 100, the trip from Siegburg to Berlin and back does not cost a penny.
In addition, I have already planned my working time for the months of January and February, so I do not have to take a holiday for it.
If others want to participate in the said days, I would be happy. We adults must not abandon future generations in the fight for climate protection. Politics is just talking and we citizens have to force you to act through such actions.
Of course, I will continue this action after February.
The days when I will come to Berlin will be announced in time.
Ich habe diesen Beitrag auch im Fernsehen gesehen.
Darum habe ich für das Jahr 2019 mir folgendes vorgenommen. Ich werde am 25.01.2019, 08.02.2019 und 22.02.2019 nach Berlin fahren und dort vor dem Bundestag demonstrieren.
Ich bin zwar schon lange kein Schüler mehr und auch schon 62 Jahre jung. Aber warum sollen Leute meines Alter nicht für die nachfolgenden Generationen kämpfen. Denn unsere Generation trägt eine nicht unwesentliche Mitschuld an das kaputte Klima.
Und da ich eine Bahncard 100 habe kostet die Fahrt von Siegburg nach Berlin und zurück keinen Pfennig Geld.
Außerdem habe ich schon für die Monate Januar und Februar meine Arbeitszeit so geplant, das ich keinen Urlaubstag dafür nehmen muss.
Sollten andere an den besagten Tagen sich beteiligen wollen würde ich mich freuen. Wir Erwachsene dürfen die nachfolgenden Generationen im Kampf für den Klimaschutz nicht im Stich lassen. Die Politik labert nur und wir Bürger müssen Sie durch solche Aktionen zwingen endlich zu handeln.
Diese Aktion werde ich natürlich auch nach Februar weiter machen.
Die Tage wann ich nach Berlin kommen werde, werden dann noch rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
@Erich, your English is fine! I would like to put you in touch with others in Berlin who can join you for demonstrating in front of the Bundestag. Email me at, and make the subject line 'For Stuart'
@@FacingFuture Have you sent a mail to the address you have given me with the subject "For Stuart"
Greta, you are a big inspiration for all of us. Thank you!!!
Thank u for interviewing Greta, THANK YOU GRETA!!
"change is coming whether they like it or not". The rich and powerful have to act now. In 11 years time climate change could be irreversible
She is so wise beyond her years!
International Consumer Strike 1st May 2019.....
A general strike would be a good idea. But, you MUST shut some shit down or the Man won't pay attention. I say, once you shut it down, it stays that way until we(the people) get some action.
I love what she says about Hope vs Action. Brilliant!
maybe there is still hope for the future - thanks for your courage, Greta!
It's too bad everyone isn't like this girl :(
Level1 Life: Angry Foregenier is an example of a sick person who dislikes Greta. You're welcome to hate him back!
Greta, there are people all over the world who are with you. Change IS coming. We are together, perhaps not in proximity, but certainly in spirit and faith and determination. We love and support you! I hope to meet you someday (though the continents may have to come together first ;)).
A brave soul is - back! You are all so brave - heart-centred - which is awareness. People - let's post this everywhere
Dare to view this, then comments
I have huge respect for all of you, especially Greta Thunberg
The energy emanating from her is intense and reflects the hurts of the environment. Very rooted in morals, ethics and egalitarian. Greta is on a supra-high plinth of awareness, and we should tap into her sensibility. Bless you.
Brave courageous Great, thank you and thanks Stuart as always 💖💖💖
As a Swede myself.. I can say that this speech was making me very glad and happy - finally "we" did something great too!
There are many great voices "out there" now - that want to change the world for the better! Some of the great voices:
Peter Joseph (obviously on this list)
Jimmy Dore
Chris Hedges
Abby Martin
Richard Wolff
Jacque Fresco (unfortunately died 2 years ago)
Kyle Kulinski
Julian Assange
Noam Chomsky
Lee Camp
Edward Snowden
Yanis Varofakis
Alex O'Connor
Roland Paulsen (also a Swede!) :)
And even the fictional reporter "Jonathan Pie".
All those people on 'my list ' above (at least I think so) has great and important "messages" (all-embracing knowledge) that will hopefully have a great impact on people, now and in the future - and hopefully help to create a positive 'transition' to a better future, for us all!
Shame on industrial society. Gretha you rock!
Kia kaha, wahine toa! Massive respect from New Zealand!
hell yeah!! I'm definitely going to the March in Wellington on the 15th. make our voices heard!
It’s immensely important to be vegan first as that halves your carbon footprint. Then stop shopping except for essentials. Car share or try to use trains more etc. We must spread veganism. It’s essential. Non violent direct action too.
Ich bin stark beeindruckt von Greta Thunberg! Sie macht uns vor, dass jeder einzelne Mensch was erreichen kann! Sie zeigt uns, dass es auf jeden von uns ankommt. Ausreden wie "Was kann ich schon als normaler kleiner Mensch gegen Riesenfirmen, Politiker etc. ausrichten?" nicht zählen! Jeder kann sich überlegen, was er tun kann. Jeder Schritt - auch der kleinste Schritt - ist wertvoll. Also bitte - tun wir was!
Klar, erst mal weg vom Öl - guckste Audi e-gas - kannste sehen !
Thank you Greta, Thank you for your ACTION!! Thank you for taking DIRECT ACTION!!! Finally!!
I love how she answered the hypothetical question about "geo-engineering". She said it was like a dying patient refusing surgery and hoping that a medication yet to be invented would be preferable.
We have already geo-engineered ourselves into a warmer world. At least now we understand what the results on climate will be under several different scenarios. If we try to slow down climate change by methods that sound good in theory, but which have never been attempted on a global scale, we risk accelerating the demise of Earth's already fragile ecosystems.
Oh, and I nominate Greta Thunberg for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
A great initiative and great wisdom.
This young lady is an inspiration!!!
Dear Scott and Greta - beautiful. Love you both.
Here you see the vanguard of those children sent to the world already aware of issues such as climate change. Greta is only one of many children who, hopefully, with adult help, can help save what is left of this planet.
Greta does the best she can do with her time. Unfortunately, we live in a world of corruption and deception. It is admirable what Greta does.
Go KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her speech is BRILLIANT !!! Refuse to participate Kids !!1 Democracy Now has a great interview and gave her great air time , she makes me bawl !!!! GO GO !!
wow! I will share this with my Green Screen (eco film) students in class and some of our mutual friends! Thanks for hosting this Stuart! Young people like Greta givee me hope for the much needed paradigm shift.... and for old friends like Stuart who has been on the front lines of this issue for many years! Thank you Greta and Stuart!
Great message about action over hope - adults would be wise to heed this message.
She reminds me of Jane Goodall. Her voice and expressions and dedication.
Brilliant young lady, go don't stopped until you get all the young people to go with your goal. Lots of older people are very uneducated about climate change.
Final message-
"We are one ❤️"
Bless her , what a bright young girl , we have destroyed the world for these kids and even now we continue unabated.
My worry is we have passed the tipping point.
Whether we have or not there is an obligation to give it our all, this young girl and her like deserve at least that .
She will be so known in history
"You can do anything" including sharing this video on your social media.
The adults are too afraid to walk in truth, so they rather buried their heads under the sand hoping that the nightmare that we're living in will go away and watch their children be zombified like themselves
Wow what a superbly intelligent, caring and kind young lady she is ... All power to her ( well done her parents and to her school )
God speaks through children bless you young lady-we are also in a spiritual crisis as well,is the true cause of not really caring what the future hold-these people are real devils!!!
Greta is amazing!! ... the adults really ask dumb question. Gretas message is simple. Do your choice in life and business hurt the planet or support it? adults in the room fail to get it. Asking her about global business?!? Its simple - fix it within each of our own areas if study and commerce,
ich hoffe dies video verteilt sich weltweit und beeinflußt das bewußtsein und vor allen dingen das handeln der menschen.
i hope this video goes round the world and take care to transform the human awareness and act.
Manfred Hasenpusch Vielen Dank für the translation
A little child shall lead them. The concept of action bringing hope as a concept is stunningly insightful.
Salve, c'è la possibilità di vedere lo stesso video sottotitolato in italiano ?
Danke Greta...!!!🇩🇪 Du sprichst für diese wunderschöne Welt- wir sind bei Dir👍🏼
Bravissima, Greta. I have great sympathy and admiration for your generation. (Ho molto compassione ed anche ammirazione per la tua generazione). The generations preceding you have abused our collective Mother; skepticism is warranted. Perdona.
@Vincenzo - We need translators for Italian to help our videos spread in Italy. If you can help, write us at Molto Grazzi!
Keep going, Greta!
Greta if there was a button that would give you a heart on You tube i'd push it. You are not only an inspiration to children you are an inspiration to grown adults. Fantastic job, and you are much more of a grown adult than many . Standing Ovation, Keep it up!
Greta, I don't think you will read that, but nonetheless I want to tell you that you are a very brave and clever young woman and your heart is definitively at the right place.
I am a lot older than you are, but I share your conviction and I really wish your voice will be heard before it's too late.
Being myself a so called "grown up", I doubt reason will ever triumph over money and greed (the current riots in my country (France) show how much more people are interested in having the power to consume ever more than about the world they leave to their children).Nonetheless, as you so rightly said even if the battle might be lost in advance, it's not a reason to give up. And in the present case, giving up is not an option anyway, we only have one planet earth , a wonderful blue dot, a place of wonder lost in the immensity of space, and we can't afford to let her die (I should rather say, to kill her), because, it would be a suicide, but because it would be the most despicable murder ever committed.
I wish you to remain as strong, the world definitively need people like you :)
Actually, we shouldn't call it a climate change, we should call it a climate crisis.
#fridaysforfuture is a movement of young people all over the world who want to shift attention to this urgent topic. They follow Greta and organize school strikes in their cities. We're becoming more and more, especially through whatsapp groups and instagram/facebook pages. If you want to help spreading this important issue, please share it as much as you can. Thank you!
Heja Greta! Jag tackar dig för att du gör det jag måste göra. Ungdomen som du är en stor förhoppning för framtiden
One year later, you can really tell her English has improved over this past year. I’m still amazed that a 15 years old girl can express herself this well in a second language. I don’t believe many American kids would give interviews in Spanish or French at that age.
Enfin un être humain qui a encore les pieds sur terre. Elle ne se fait aucune illusion . Elle est d'une sagesse remarquable. Elle possède une maturité que peu d'adulte ont. Elle a parfaitement saisi la profonde bêtise des acteurs politiques et économiques en regard de la relation de l'humanité avec notre environnement naturel. Elle redonne espoir. Merci beaucoup madame Thunberg.
deniout from Québec
The question is: Are we going to leave Greta alone in this fight for our planet? Nice words are not enough!
Complimenti Greta, sei un bellissimo esempio per noi tutti, speriamo le nuove generazioni siamo meno ipocrite delle precedenti, il pianeta terra ha bisogno di persone come te.
Love from 🇨🇦
#FridaysForFuture in Wellington New Zealand:
Great job miss tunberg
that's the truth. brilliant girl!!!
sending you all my love and admiration greta
And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds; are immune to your consultations, they are quite aware of what they are going through - David Bowie
(Breakfast club)
GRETA is ny new Hero. I imagine we'll be seeing great things from her. Wisdom from the mouth of babes. Her talk had me in tears all the way thru and when she was done, i stood up and applauded her. I cant think of anything more beautiful than a young girl saving the world. Good for you Greta and thank you!
I think I may love The host of this show a little bit
Heja Greta😀👍
When i was small i thought about climate change and didn't fully understand. I actually starting thinking that if It was THAT harmfull, people wouldn't be so relaxed. So i just decided to go on with my life because there was no way It could actually be THAT bad, and i was always a natural optimist too. Only recently last year, at the late age of 15, my teacher started talking about the extinction of all beings and the ozone being destroyed, and i totally collapsed and woke up. I started becoming increasingly afraid and sad, and embarrased as well, and around that moment i discovered Greta Thunberg. Since then, i have dedicated my time to fridaysforfuture here in Chile, i started a recycling project at home, i became vegetarian and i will be vegan once i gain at least 10 kilos more of weight :/ and i write songs dedicated to this crisis. Greta changed me forever, she made me understand how everything is just so wrong, and she made me understand that the best way to create a movement is by inspiring and acting instead of just discussing furiously with those who are around you. I realized that being ecological or green is not just another "lifestyle", even if there are people that are ecological just for popularity. It isn't about a lifestyle, it's about changing everything and It is about survival. I realized late, but i changed in every possible way. So if you're reading this: don't be afraid or embarrased to change yourself from one day to another. You have got to know if you're doing what's right and we are all endangered.
Brilliant mind
People expect others to sort the climate change issue out.
They will maybe watch a video like this on social media, have great admiration for this young woman, make comments at how terrible the human race is and then go about their lives as they have always done, maybe switching a light off from time to time or taking quick showers, thinking that they are doing their bit to help.
The UN has stated that the Meat Industry is the "World's most urgent problem" relating to climate change and that the single most impactful thing an individual can do is to drastically reduce their meat intake or cut it out all together.
I wonder how many of these well intentioned, conference attending people are vegan?
Beacause THAT would take a lifetime commitment.
wonderful Greta, thank you!!!! :)
Greta is an awesome human being.
It's not really children vs. adults. There are a lot of adults who would like to do something, yet they have been trapped by billionaires, big corporations, lobby groups, and the governments that yield to their wishes. On the flip side, there are a lot of kids, who just like a lot of adults, have not been educated about the issues and live within their selfish bubbles. Of course, it's hard to blame the kids if they get the same example from their parents.
We all need to take action.
Quit doing what you are told! DO not comply. Quit your job. Make do with less. DO NOT FOLLOW ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST YOUR OWN INNER GOODNESS.
Maybe go directly to the businesses that are producing the emmissions and strike at their locations. Just a thought.
Can I contact or write her in social media or something? I would like to know her opinions and reflections about the world. Maybe this is somehow possible.
Greta speaks for me.
She is my hero
OMG! Beautiful humans like her make me proud to be one. Love you
She is my hero! such courage and honesty she is wise beyond her years. I wish more of us join her in demanding accountability and change.
Dear Greta, wonderful speech!!! But let me tell you that you can still greatly improve your influence if you truely go by bike or by Trane. If you use plane, then you won’t be able to change the people who get money from the oil industry. Greed doesn’t listen to image management/hypocrisy. Greed only listens to generousity and honesty which makes being the change you want to see. Good luck our female hero !:))))
Greta and her father went by electric car. She is talking about it in this interview with Democracy Now:
@@FacingFuture Yes, I watched this as well! She really tries to be consequent and as much as I can see, her family is supporting her. That's sooo much more than we're doing, isn't it?
Greta we are extremely Proud of you dear girl.. with you there is Hope for us all.. Carry on with our loveing supports 💕✌😊💕🍃🌍🍃💕
Thank u for saying about the most despicable human on earth ...and all behind him..which know the truth and do nothing because of the money they make. Savage said is the suffering of the rest who pays for their luxury lives
School is a gift. We better understand the climate because of schools and education. We may not have school in several years, should things fall apart. My own opinion is that if you think it is beneficial to the climate to stop attending school, you might as well just quit school altogether
Of cause school is a gift, and Greta knows it is. But she also realises how big of a problem the climate change is and that she can do something about it when no one else does. I think she have learned a lot more of this than she would have in school. She doesn't need to study to become a climatescientist, since she already have all the facts. Climate can't wait and she knows that she can manage to do both her schooling and be an activist for the future at the same time. Why not save the climate when we have the time? We study for our future and there is no point of doing so if there is no future to begin with. Do not underestimate the power of a young girl. She has the power to change the world and she will do so whatever our priminster or any other politicians says. We have the actual power and with Greta as an example, inspiration and role model we can and will turn the wheel.
Turkish subtitles please
The questions that included, social media might be more important than formal action; and “What do you children think of that?” Seem to be missing the point. Yes social media is a useful tool for spreading the info, planning and encouraging people to act. But policy and actions must dictate for the betterment of all, not just the rich few. Not just for the power hungry few.
And the question “... you children...” It’s not just children. One planet - one human race and countless other beings, fauna and flora. We’re all here together. Humans changed and are changing the environment to the detriment of the world as a whole. We, humans have to act and make policy, that change the environment for the betterment of the planet as a whole. Not sometime in the future but now and ongoing.
God bless you sweet, sweet, brave, chosen child of God, dearest Greta... xxx
AAA+++Bedford, Texas
There are many adults who care. They just need to stand up.
This action is good in developed countries. I am writing from Colombia and here those actions rarely produce positive efects. However, actions like Greta¨s are very efective when we use the media to share. She is a young motivation. She inspires young people. My generation did not understand and it is difficult to find a change from them. It is possible but difficult. Thanks a lot Greta!!!