He was a great preacher and preached the whole truth and didn't take a pen knife to the Holy Bible like so many preachers do today . Lord raise up men full of the Holy Ghost who will cause a baptism of fire as a fire doesn't have to be advertised but will draw men and women to the cross to hear the true full gospel message 🙏
Father God in the name of Lord Jesus we thank you!!!
Wow I'm taken back this is powerful Praise the lord
Jesus is Lord!!!😇😇😇
He was a great preacher and preached the whole truth and didn't take a pen knife to the Holy Bible like so many preachers do today . Lord raise up men full of the Holy Ghost who will cause a baptism of fire as a fire doesn't have to be advertised but will draw men and women to the cross to hear the true full gospel message 🙏
Yes ! We do feel this way - beginning with me . These are true words
Yeah..I am.on the VERGE,on the PRECIPICE, of slipping Right now.Today.this minute.The DAEVIL SEEKS TO ENSNARE MY SOUL.
Job 1:22 In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.
Even though i walk through the shadow of death