Cred ca in anumite ocazii se scoate la plimbare prin oras un tramvai vechi Nostalgia ( cred ) asa ca oradenii de azi il pot vedea .... Un tramvai retro..
Păcat că OTL nu a păstrat nici măcar un exemplar din fiecare tramvai care circula prin Oradea acum 40 de ani😥. Eu nu le-am văzut pe nici unul dintre ele niciodată, deoarece nu am trăit în acele vremuri. Aș vi vrut să păstreze măcar un exemplar dintre aceste tramvaie, dar toate au fost casate.
separe că sunt şi tramvaie împrumutate din timisoara 1870-1992 fiindca tramvaiele vechi din timisoara aveau tot galben si alb totusi ca si timisoara veche asa era si oradea nostra frumos merita5*
Nagyvárad. Magyar történelmi város. NAGYVÁRAD GYÖNYÖRŰ MAGYAR VÁROS AZ ALFÖLDÖN! NAGYVÁRAD A BEAUTIFUL HUNGARIAN CITY ON THE GREAT HUNGARIAN PLAIN! Nagyvárad was part of Hungary until the Trianon Diktat of 1921, and again for five years during the second world war. When Nagyvárad was GIVEN to Romania in 1921, the population was 95% Hungarian speaking. Right up to 1970 Nagyvárad had a Hungarian majority population. Because of ethnic cleansing and anti-Hungarian discrimination Nagyvárad now has a Romanian majority! Founder of Nagyvárad Saint László statue was removed by the Romanian chauvinists from the main square!
Pardon kedves , Trianon pontos datuma 1920. 06.04. a tobbi a mi bajunk!!! Nem kell heveskedni, jol meg vagy te ott ahol vagy, de ha oda mennek budos roman lennek kedves Hungarian ???????
Who ever you must know that Hungary as a kingdom or a real state doesn't exist after the battle to Mohacs 1526,against the mighty Solyman the magnificent,in the same time till 18century this territory(Hungarian plain)was under the Osman occupation(Pashalîk)than they(the Turkish) lose against the Hapsburg's empire.After that the "Hungarian"territory became part of the Hapsburg,empire.Finally in1867under the leadership of Austrian emperor Franz Josef Hungary was part of a dual Monarchy...named"Austro-Hungarian" Monarchy...Just after the WW1 was lost from the Monarchy,the big empire is shared to more new independent states ,based on ethnic and language that Trianon conference is lead to appearance of a number,of new states(Republics)one of them is the republic of Hungary,that is the historical fact...have a nice day
Hungaria56 Mi bajod van? Unod magad? Nem hiszem ,hogy van meg egy olyan nemzet aki a sajat fajtajat anyira gyuloli,mint a magyar.Ti ott,mi itt es ez maradjon is igy.Meg maradok romanak inkabb
daca ar fi fost sa le pozeze anii astia erau doar tramvaiele actuale. au dreptul sa foloseasca pozele acestea deoarece reprezinta ISTORIA transportului oradean.
Cred ca in anumite ocazii se scoate la plimbare prin oras un tramvai vechi Nostalgia ( cred ) asa ca oradenii de azi il pot vedea ....
Un tramvai retro..
Păcat că OTL nu a păstrat nici măcar un exemplar din fiecare tramvai care circula prin Oradea acum 40 de ani😥. Eu nu le-am văzut pe nici unul dintre ele niciodată, deoarece nu am trăit în acele vremuri. Aș vi vrut să păstreze măcar un exemplar dintre aceste tramvaie, dar toate au fost casate.
Amintiri frumoase, amintiri triste.
Ce trist arata orasul! Acesta a fost comunismul, din care regret doar copilaria si tineretea mea...
good old days
Trist ca zboara anii :((
separe că sunt şi tramvaie împrumutate din timisoara 1870-1992 fiindca tramvaiele vechi din timisoara aveau tot galben si alb totusi ca si timisoara veche asa era si oradea nostra frumos merita5*
Tramvaiele rosii ce mergeau pe linia 1 in ultimul timp,erau asa zgomotoase...Bine ca eu nu prea il foloseam!
Și tramvaiele înotau prin noroi 🙁
Știe cineva CUM se numește pașa otoman al Oradei din anul 1687 ?
Cum am ajuns peste noapte vedeta in Crişana....Ne urcam pe osia tramvaielor si eram fericiti ca nu stam pe scări. ...Copilărie nu internet....
Miért írja ,hogy Decsebál
Azt se tudja ,hogy hól van Nagyvárad , forog a sírjába , életébe nem járt Váradon . Az a Vitézutcai híd . .
Nagyvárad 🇭🇺
Nagyvárad. Magyar történelmi város.
Nagyvárad was part of Hungary until the Trianon Diktat of 1921, and again for five years during the second world war.
When Nagyvárad was GIVEN to Romania in 1921, the population was 95% Hungarian speaking. Right up to 1970 Nagyvárad had a Hungarian majority population. Because of ethnic cleansing and anti-Hungarian discrimination Nagyvárad now has a Romanian majority!
Founder of Nagyvárad Saint László statue was removed by the Romanian chauvinists from the main square!
Hungaria56 Very true, in my childhoold was more people Hungarian speaking like now. God bless Nagyvárad!
Pardon kedves , Trianon pontos datuma 1920. 06.04. a tobbi a mi bajunk!!! Nem kell heveskedni, jol meg vagy te ott ahol vagy, de ha oda mennek budos roman lennek kedves Hungarian ???????
exact :)
Who ever you must know that Hungary as a kingdom or a real state doesn't exist after the battle to Mohacs 1526,against the mighty Solyman the magnificent,in the same time till 18century this territory(Hungarian plain)was under the Osman occupation(Pashalîk)than they(the Turkish) lose against the Hapsburg's empire.After that the "Hungarian"territory became part of the Hapsburg,empire.Finally in1867under the leadership of Austrian emperor Franz Josef Hungary was part of a dual Monarchy...named"Austro-Hungarian" Monarchy...Just after the WW1 was lost from the Monarchy,the big empire is shared to more new independent states ,based on ethnic and language that Trianon conference is lead to appearance of a number,of new states(Republics)one of them is the republic of Hungary,that is the historical fact...have a nice day
Mi bajod van? Unod magad?
Nem hiszem ,hogy van meg egy olyan nemzet aki a sajat fajtajat anyira gyuloli,mint a magyar.Ti ott,mi itt es ez maradjon is igy.Meg maradok romanak inkabb
Folositi cu nesimtire niste fotografii care nu sunt ale voastre. Despre drepturile de autor ati auzit?
daca ar fi fost sa le pozeze anii astia erau doar tramvaiele actuale. au dreptul sa foloseasca pozele acestea deoarece reprezinta ISTORIA transportului oradean.
plus ca pozele au o vechime destul de mare si autorii pozelor au fost uitati