Susan Polgar's Method 🤔 for Dominating BAD BISHOPS - GM SUSAN POLGAR

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
    ♕ 10 GM SECRETS:
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    In this video, GM Susan Polgar gives some middlegame training showing how to dominate a bad Bishop with a Knight. A bad Bishop is one which is restricted by its own pawns. As Bishops can only operate on diagonals of one color, they become less powerful when their pawns get in their way. In these type of positions, the versatile Knight can become their superior.
    The first step is to simplify the position into a straight Knight versus Bishop situation by exchanging any other pieces. Then the side with the Knight should find a way to block any pawns that might be able to move and free the bad Bishop. We see this in the first example with e5!, preventing Black from playing …e5 himself.
    Once the bad Bishop is trapped, or restricted, White should bring his King into play. To limit Black’s options further, White should use his King to put pressure on any pawn weaknesses. This will force Black to passively defend. Next, White makes further preparations by putting all his pawns on the opposite-colored squares to Black’s Bishop, making sure they cannot be attacked.
    Once the position is secure, White forces his opponent to move his King away from defensive duty by buying time with pawn moves. Soon Black is in zugzwang - any move let’s White win.
    In the second example, Black is completely paralyzed; the Bishop is stuck at home on c8 and this stops the Queen’s Rook from entering the game too. With Queen’s still on the board, it’s not so easy here for White to exchange off the major pieces. Instead, White uses his domination to keep Black making ‘pass’ moves (moving a piece to one square then back again, not making any progress) while he advances his pawns to open up lines against the King.
    All of these ‘free moves’ make it much easier for White to create unstoppable threats. See if you can spot the tactic that wins the game!
    This a free sample of Susan’s Secrets of Chess Strategy (Intermediate) course, check it out for more middlegame training.