If everyone in the world suddenly began to love everyone else as they love themselves, wars and crime would cease IMMEDIATELY. Great message. Our whole purpose here is to love.
If everyone would realize that most everyone has live several life times as different colors and sexs so why hate when your soul was once in similar body .
I'm glad she lived to tell people that there is love awaiting on the other side. IMO love is defined differently by different cultures. Without a leadership & teaching, then the world will forever be divided. Those immortal beings were neutral with her, not telling her anything good or bad because ultimately we have to decide what we believe prior to moving on. If all of her questions were answered there, then she didn't have any questions about where she was, is there a supreme creator etc. because she returned with no knowledge of how to anything beyond attempting to love the world based on our own individual perspectives and performance.
Wow. I’m sobbing. I had an experience once when I was sick with mono and had a fever of 105.7. I was literally laying in my bed, dying. My brain was cooking. While I lay there in my bed, I asked out loud “why are we here? What is our purpose?” Then I heard a voice. From up by my ceiling. It said 2 words-TO LOVE. In that moment, I got it. We are hear TO love. Not seek out receiving love. I thought about my children on Christmas morning. I didn’t give a rats ass if I got anything for Christmas. I saw their faces in my mind and the pure joy on them was what made my heart burst. It was seeing them happy and joyful in their innocence. That’s what made me happy. Knowing they were loved immensely and feeling safe in that made me feel completely whole. I never heard that voice again but I’ve never forgotten it and tell this story as much as I can. Most think I lost my mind and it was just a hallucination. I did lose my mind. A fever that high took my mind to a different dimension. I know this, with 100% certainty. To love. I am so glad that you had that experience. There are way too few of us. Thank you for sharing your story. I love you. Truly.
I'm sorry that you had to go through that experience. It's hard enough to get through things in life but when something attacks our bodies it's really hard to overcome the torture that we deal with.
Dear Michelle, Amen sister! I like to say, "Love is the answer to the test." Here's another tidbit. A spiritually advanced man has stated that, "The satisfaction of love is not in the feeling itself, but in the joy that feeling brings." Much love to you, my dear...
Thank you for sharing your NDE - I so needed to hear your message tonight. I've been so sad and have so much stress in my life and I feel empty , scared and helpless and your testimony gave me so much hope knowing when I leave this world, I just may feel love and peace something I haven't felt in years. Thank you again.
@@kg5521 Dear Kg I understand how u feel. The world is becoming more + more difficult and unfriendly. I find listening to NDEs help + comfort me. I wish u peace + love
kg, yes this is a time of great discomfort, mostly because enough of us humans have not done enough to address issues as they have presented themselves, and so things-to-do have piled up : personally; in relationships; in governments and organizations. Like D , I've experienced comfort and greater understanding after resonating with NDE stories. Years later I better understood my Spiritual purpose. When in low times, know that you can only go up from there. What are your strengths? YOUR light and likely purpose on Earth? One way to focus on finding your purpose (and subsequent MOTIVATION) is to pretend you have been given ONE YEAR more to live. WHAT do you want to do? WILL YOU BE SATISFIED that you did your best on Earth with your GIFTS when you die? Or are you going to leave undone something that you could've done to heal ( yourself &/or others)? Or can you ask for help from Great Spirit/God/all other names for the all-encompassing ? Reflect inward, find life's repetitive lessons & and what you can do to better yourself? If safe, you can communicate with loved ones the changes you need to make. If necessary, you may have to go on your own path. Ask for Great Spirit's help - your higher self has a connection, but one needs to have clear pure heart-intentions , and get rid of prejudices and unfair perspectives ( and there is NO fooling Spirit so don't try to fool yourself). Find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable - you need a supportive person with whom you can talk freely. A therapist can suggest tools ( techniques for breathing, for journaling, for interacting with people, etc). Best wishes on this journey of life. Look for the growing lights - within you and all around. There's much more work to be done for a better world. C'mon, FOCUS. And do vote this year. Everyone ought to make a choice this year; choosing to not choose is still making a choice, but doesn't register your REAL choice ---- and you CAN'T complain if you don't vote.
You survived what very few do. Thirty years as a labor & delivery nurse, my patients with AFE did not survive. How amazing for you to come back to your baby & family.
Make this comment top so it might help someone. My addiction led me into depression and schizophrenia, and I almost gave up on everything. But things started to change when I began repeating gratitude and repentance affirmations like ‘I am grateful, and I am sorry,’ all day and night. At first, they felt like just words, but slowly they began to take effect. Now, I only repeat them three times a day-before bed, after waking up, and in the evening-for 30 minutes, and I am happy. The voice inside my head has become a friend.
I also deal with depression. I've started doing similar with "I am a good person" "I am loved" and similar positives. Watching NDE helps me to gain insight into what is important
@@octopuszoo2027 I agree. This lady is recounting this amazing experience and producers of this video think we need all that to be entertained. Insulting.
I can’t imagine there weren’t angels assisting the medical team with their energy and their light because that is one of the most amazing medical survival stories I have ever read. I hope your baby made it through unharmed as well! 🙏🏻
@@paularc1899 Well.... there are obviously angles or you wouldn't have corners in your room. Your second posit is just as silly. Jesus was 1. an historical figure 2. Love
GOD is unmeasurable LOVE.........everything is GOD, Love with all your Heart, be sure to Love your Pets and all of life. Every living thing on this planet. Plant life, Ocean Life, you will experience it one day.
When i hear about people who had the choice to stay or to go back, it always makes me wonder if the people I love who have passed had the same choice, and they chose to stay in the afterlife.
Exactly my thoughts. And if that's the case, then we have to look at death in a completely different way. Maybe it was their choice, their wish to die. And instead of being sad, we should accept their choice and be happy for them. 🙂❤️
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
The part that scares me about these is when they say they don't remember their human life. They can't remember kids. Etc. But then see them on the other side. It's very confusing when you hear so many different versions of nde
I wonder if anyone has met someone in the afterlife who was given the choice, AFTER their first salvation moment in an NDE, (Heard many of these), and they chose to stay, and talked about it. It really bends my head on this verse. Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, These people sort of die twice, some get a life review where they do the judging, and after the first death, it isn't final judgment, but salvation. Is there a gap between "die once" and judgment where people can come to and accept the truth of salvation, at a time when nobody alive can tell that they made the choice in last moment before being dragged into hell? Did they get sent back so they didn't really die, and Jesus knew they were going to say yes, or did they get saved in what I would call "The Valley of shadow of death". and fall into the category of those who die without having anything built. 1 Corinthians 3:14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
Thank you for sharing your experience, if only people could understand what is like to be back home, if only they could remember, they will have heaven on earth within themselves and spread it out to others around them Amazing experience, I wish you well and many blessings
My grandmother went through cardiac arrest and she said that she rose above and was watching the doctors or nurses working on her. They brought her back and she was so mad because she said she felt so peaceful and didn’t want to come back
Love these stories. I've watched 100's. Gives me such peace. I do like the pictures of space better than the fantasy pictures. I thought the fake pictures took away the realness of the experience.
I've had an experience with a deceased soul. Unfortunately, his personality hadn't changed with the death of his body 🙏 We communicated for several years. Love is universal and very special. Unfortunately, many souls aren't loving. You cannot change a truly bad soul/person into a loving soul 🙏🙏 I'm glad you've had an experience of the spirit realm, it's actually our home, it's where we come from 🙏🙏 Love and peace to you 🙏🙏
Excellent NDE!! One thing I cant understand is why they are telling people to let everyone know what NDEers have seen, when they erase our memories when we come here so we dont have knowledge of the afterlife? Thats a total contradiction!
We wouldn't want to stay here if we brought memories of heaven with us to this place. But once we die we're sometimes allowed to bring back so memories of heaven.
@@dpraptorP I think the way I've come to understand that is that NDEers are only allowed to keep a small fragment of the memories of their experience. This small fragment is what they share when they come back and it gives us all hope, peace, and reminds us that love is the most important thing in this human experience. We're here to love and to learn. If we were born into this experience with the full awareness and memories of our spiritual existence, we may not want to stay here and may not be able to learn the lessons we set out to learn.
Maybe it’s religion, man made dogma, that is preventing our souls from having the learning experience we were meant to have. So these are hints, for those who are open, to let go and “let god” let’s love and learn at this school called life and not allow our freedom of choice to be hindered by dogma.
What did she uncover that we have completely backwards? I’ve always known that it’s all about Love. Every NDE story brings us that message including my own. And it’s the best thing that has ever been implored to me. And I do as much of it as I possibly can. And as of now no harm has come from it.
@@nicolebrown8661 Are you sure the beings you met were high- vibrationals? Because in Heaven, everyone is equal and respectful of one another. Was the place you went to BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL AND FULL OF LIGHT? ✨🧐 Could you feel the Presence of Jesus Christ? Did you call upon Him? 😶
Our purpose in life is to enhance our symbiotic existence. Everything we do is to help others exist in a happier state. That is love. ANY profession that is honorable and productive in any way fits this bill. If anything you do is not helpful to another person in this way, it should not be continued.
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
It takes time to heal the world. For example, you’re giving the impression of judging. Your response is negative to. Even this is negative. It’s a very long process unless we all have an nde.
Ok what is love really, and if Source created our souls then why do we need to learn anything because we should already know everything. Nothing makes sense and everything they say is a lie and an illusion then why are we here.
God revealed the same thing to me. It takes a big weight off your shoulders when you realize that’s all you have to do. Then we just work out what that looks like in everyday life.
@@PeterS123101may be some kind of different reality / dimension she went to there. One not very pleasant one. Interestingly, there are spooky stories of people that experienced those stick figures here on earth, without any NDE. Makes me think whether those cryptid stories are some kind of journey like people have while experiencing an NDE.
No fear need be taught by the true religion The holy Bible warns about the ol devil consequences of not living right….. we reap what we sow in this life. God promises He will repay in that His vengeance is brought in such a way to bring people to repentance. It is a fearful thing to consider the reaping of suffering we’ve brought on ourselves by our actions apart from Him. Christ made it clear that The path is straight that leads to the narrow gate of salvation which is entered Thru rebirth in this life. But the wide highway is the way most go leading to their own destruction where’s there’s weeping gnashing of teeth in this life…. To follow the world inevitably leads to great sorrow, regret and or gnashing of teeth in frustration or anger. It’s the same with the analogy that those who build their house or life on the Rock or Christ Jesus will prevail Thru the storms that come whereas those who disregard Christ and his teaching have built their house on sand and the when the storms come…. Well we see all the broken lives of people around us in America. The book The Shack spells it out when God says, “I don't need to punish people for sin. Sin is its own punishment, devouring you from the inside. It's not my purpose to punish it; it's my joy to cure it.”
As long as mankind has existed, it has never been the case and it will most probably never happen that people love each other. So why doesn't the cycle of birth and death finally come to an end?
I'm glad she lived to tell people that there is love awaiting on the other side. IMO love is defined differently by different cultures. Without leadership & teaching, then the world will forever be divided. Those immortal beings were neutral with her, not telling her anything good or bad because ultimately we have to decide what we believe prior to moving on. If all of her questions were answered there, then she didn't have any questions about where she was, is there a supreme creator etc. because she returned with no knowledge of how to do anything beyond attempting to love the world based on our own individual perspectives and performance.
Then why ask questions, none of this really makes sense. We either have free will or not. To me it is sort of free will until they force you to do what they want you to do. I'm not happy here and ready to leave but guess I can't leave until they let me. So I assume I will be leaving not happy unless something changes but I'm 70 now don't think I have much time left
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Well, during my nde, I was thrown into space and I went to what looked like a nebula and there were some what looked like blue stars way in the distance but then 2 of the stars started to move towards me and almost instantly they were in front of me and they were entity's and I felt that I knew them and I remember that before we could say anything I was whisked back to my body and it all happened so fast. This is the first time I've said anything about it. That was from what the doctors said I had a flash edema that my lungs filled with fluid and was drowning me.
*In 1973 the body I was experiencing was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center... More than half an hour passed, then its heart started beating again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT The Human entity ) entered "The LIGHT", and have remained in "The LIGHT" to this day...*
My mother-in-law last year overdosed on opiates. Lucky for her I had an addiction years before that I overcame and had narcan in my purse. I walked into her bedroom and she dropped to the floor. I couldn't get much of a heartbeat. I did cpr for ten minutes or more while on the phone with 911. (I was in college for 4 years in the health and science field) I gave her the narcan and she was still gone, but slowly I felt her heartbeat come back. Cops came and gave her more narcan and she finally came back to us. She woke up. She was very grateful to me, but also mad. She didn't see these things maybe because she wasn't completely gone but she was mad because she said she remembered having this feeling of delight and comfort on the other side. She says she's never felt such a feeling.
(Notes to self) Authentic, sincere testimonial but little new information. White light -- Love, bliss, eternal -- Figures -- Boy needing help -- Particulate matter -- No time in this realm -- Forest -- Became various things -- Wanted to stay forever -- Long energetic beings in cloth -- Communicated by feeling instead of telepathy -- Given choice -- Returned to body -- Purpose of human life to learn to love. Production values: Too many images, but no eyes -- Graphics with huge mushrooms (!)
Love your shared experiences of consciousness beyond this realm. I watch n share these stories told here n am changed by them. Thank you.. This blog title should be renamed- You didn't answer the statement u posed- "we've got it all wrong". If it was just love, then say that in the title. Don't pose a statement that you're going to explain how "we've got it ALL wrong" about everything n then just say it's love w no transition from what was understood to this enlightenment. You gave a hope of explanation of everything amongst her experience. I BELIEVE IT IS LOVE- but her journey didn't say WE have it all wrong. She never said the world has it backwards. We are all manifesting God in our own way, through our own understanding. She said love is the most important thing. Don't promise an explanation of us getting it all wrong when what she was saying the answer was love. We aren't wrong in our journeys w the light. Perspectives can be skewed- and yes LOVE is the ultimate reason.
@@brentdowney5815 don’t get caught up so much in the title that you miss the message actually some people do get it wrong what we are here for she doesn’t mean you personally it applies to those who are in a world of selfishness when that hurt or destroy other’s.
Beautiful Experience But, why do some people have scary NDE's that leave you traumatized? I've heard a few that left me extremely confused and just terrified...why do some have good NDE and some don't?
I had a near experience & I saw this cloudy white tunnel with spirits floating I saw a light at the end of the tunnel but couldn't see past it when I awoke I realized this tunnel was the I walk through valley of & shadow of death & I fear no evil this tunnel was utter peace Psalms 23:4
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Tap, or click, on your screen. This will reveal a gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap or click on the gear. Go down to “Playback Speed”. Up from “normal” is slow and down from “normal” is fast.
@@alaskaaksala123The Bible warns of the second death, the most important death after physical death. Everyone wants to listen to the "positive, lovey-dovey" NDE stories but everyone ignores the negative ones grounded in eternal damnation in unimaginable pain and fear.
@@wingnutmcspazatron3957 But eternal damnnation in pain and fear is not death. And in the Nde account she said the fading away happened while trying to help someone, not because she did something bad. It appeared like another soul was consuming her life force, as if consciousness would need energy to exist. I have never heard that before. If that energy would be love, it wouldn't make sense to me, because it would mean, giving love would hurt us.
I had a near death expirience myself at the age of 19, i had been sexually assualted by my girlfriend at the time, and i was being ghosted by her so i was broken mentally, didnt know what to do or how to tell anyone. Even my parents. I had taken a pint of buckleys thinking i wouldve gotten high off it and id ease my mind. I drank about as much as i could, went to my neighbours after to smoke weed & i thought id be on my way after wards. I overdosed on his couch, my palms were caked in sweat, pupils were dialted, i had waves of what felt like electricity pulsing through my nerves, i had blue lips, i felt an immense pressure on my skull, it felt like my skull was being pushed in on my brain, But i started seeing little fireworks, blue, red, yellow, green, orange, & my vision turned to like a old tv static like fuzzy look to it, I had trouble breathing, my heart was beating fast, then itd slow down, or itd stop then start again, I was fighting for my life there trying to take deep breaths & all i can remember is being next to a tall dark figure with his arm around me, i wasnt scared but more a less comforted. Theres so much more to this story and it goes on but i can confirm myself, there is an afterlife. Im 25 now, 5-6 years clean off booze, narcotics, only thing i do is smoke weed & nicotene.
This is so moving. I do wish that the cheesy music didn’t play throughout, as it totally distracts and unfortunately takes away from the powerful experience that she’s sharing.
Every NDE'r says that "it's all about love". I get that. But what I don't get is this; living on this planet is difficult and there is so little to love. When it comes to "people" there is even less than "a little to love". I love nature and animals. I love my husband and friends and some family. There's not much after that. I'm flunking Earth.
She needs to get to her point in the act that happened to her and not the things what heaven is made of. She needs to express the things that happened to her not explaining part of what something looks like but the act about the things that are happening to her.
I wonder why some people have very religious experiences and some have experiences like this. Her experience feels like it is with an alien race. Strange
Jesus actually gave us two additional commandments which are rarely talked about. He said, "This is the first and great commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." I think He was telling us that these are our tickets to paradise. I'm a little surprised that Christian Biblical scholars did not add them to the other Ten.
@@MyTwoCentsWorth199 they are not added because they are a summarization of the 10. If you love God with all your heart, you will recognize Him as your only God. You will not have any other graven images to worship, you will not take his name in vain. You will honor His holy day. If you love your neighbor as your self, you will not steal, kill, envy, steal his/spouse, or lie about your neighbor and you will honor your parents. The two commandments are really all 10 in just 2 statements.
I'm curious if anybody can share anything here. I just thought about it, I listen to a lot of NDEs. Has anybody heard an NDE say that they've seen somebody drink fluid or eat food. I can't imagine that we would need nourishment, at the place where the soul resides. On a different note, most NDE'ers say that people resemble the age of 30. I have heard many say that they walk and people have shoes on, or some sort of footwear. Maybe there's so much going on when people get there that they don't think about the food or fluid thing..
If everyone in the world suddenly began to love everyone else as they love themselves, wars and crime would cease IMMEDIATELY. Great message. Our whole purpose here is to love.
@@brendafayepatten3312 I love the thought, however, I'm convinced our problems upon this earth stem from most human beings hating ourselves.
A lot of my problems with self esteem in adult life come from my inability to love myself.
The problem is it's a tough world. survival of the fittest.
If everyone would realize that most everyone has live several life times as different colors and sexs so why hate when your soul was once in similar body .
I'm glad she lived to tell people that there is love awaiting on the other side. IMO love is defined differently by different cultures. Without a leadership & teaching, then the world will forever be divided. Those immortal beings were neutral with her, not telling her anything good or bad because ultimately we have to decide what we believe prior to moving on. If all of her questions were answered there, then she didn't have any questions about where she was, is there a supreme creator etc. because she returned with no knowledge of how to anything beyond attempting to love the world based on our own individual perspectives and performance.
Wow. I’m sobbing. I had an experience once when I was sick with mono and had a fever of 105.7. I was literally laying in my bed, dying. My brain was cooking. While I lay there in my bed, I asked out loud “why are we here? What is our purpose?” Then I heard a voice. From up by my ceiling. It said 2 words-TO LOVE. In that moment, I got it. We are hear TO love. Not seek out receiving love. I thought about my children on Christmas morning. I didn’t give a rats ass if I got anything for Christmas. I saw their faces in my mind and the pure joy on them was what made my heart burst. It was seeing them happy and joyful in their innocence. That’s what made me happy. Knowing they were loved immensely and feeling safe in that made me feel completely whole. I never heard that voice again but I’ve never forgotten it and tell this story as much as I can. Most think I lost my mind and it was just a hallucination. I did lose my mind. A fever that high took my mind to a different dimension. I know this, with 100% certainty. To love. I am so glad that you had that experience. There are way too few of us. Thank you for sharing your story. I love you. Truly.
@@MichelleHutchinson-r3h I "LOST MY MIND TOO" than I asked God how I gonna live without them, I heard the answer " JUST BE LIKE A RIVER" !!! 😍🍀🐞💖🌞💃
@@MichelleHutchinson-r3h glad you are doing well!
I'm sorry that you had to go through that experience. It's hard enough to get through things in life but when something attacks our bodies it's really hard to overcome the torture that we deal with.
Dear Michelle, Amen sister! I like to say, "Love is the answer to the test." Here's another tidbit. A spiritually advanced man has stated that, "The satisfaction of love is not in the feeling itself, but in the joy that feeling brings." Much love to you, my dear...
Thank you for sharing your NDE - I so needed to hear your message tonight. I've been so sad and have so much stress in my life and I feel empty , scared and helpless and your testimony gave me so much hope knowing when I leave this world, I just may feel love and peace something I haven't felt in years. Thank you again.
Dear Kg
I understand how u feel. The world is becoming more + more difficult and unfriendly.
I find listening to NDEs help + comfort me.
I wish u peace + love
@@DJKSB58 Thank You DJK. I wish you the same ..... Peace and love 🙏
kg, yes this is a time of great discomfort, mostly because enough of us humans have not done enough to address issues as they have presented themselves, and so things-to-do have piled up : personally; in relationships; in governments and organizations.
Like D , I've experienced comfort and greater understanding after resonating with NDE stories. Years later I better understood my Spiritual purpose.
When in low times, know that you can only go up from there.
What are your strengths? YOUR light and likely purpose on Earth?
One way to focus on finding your purpose (and subsequent MOTIVATION) is to pretend you have been given ONE YEAR more to live.
WHAT do you want to do?
WILL YOU BE SATISFIED that you did your best on Earth with your GIFTS when you die?
Or are you going to leave undone something that you could've done to heal ( yourself &/or others)?
Or can you ask for help from Great Spirit/God/all other names for the all-encompassing ?
Reflect inward, find life's repetitive lessons & and what you can do to better yourself? If safe, you can communicate with loved ones the changes you need to make. If necessary, you may have to go on your own path. Ask for Great Spirit's help - your higher self has a connection, but one needs to have clear pure heart-intentions , and get rid of prejudices and unfair perspectives ( and there is NO fooling Spirit so don't try to fool yourself).
Find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable - you need a supportive person with whom you can talk freely. A therapist can suggest tools ( techniques for breathing, for journaling, for interacting with people, etc).
Best wishes on this journey of life. Look for the growing lights - within you and all around. There's much more work to be done for a better world. C'mon, FOCUS.
And do vote this year. Everyone ought to make a choice this year; choosing to not choose is still making a choice, but doesn't register your REAL choice ---- and you CAN'T complain if you don't vote.
@@DJKSB58 I agree, NDEs are comforting.
you may enjoy the talks of Michael Singer....on UA-cam for free
You survived what very few do. Thirty years as a labor & delivery nurse, my patients with AFE did not survive. How amazing for you to come back to your baby & family.
Make this comment top so it might help someone. My addiction led me into depression and schizophrenia, and I almost gave up on everything. But things started to change when I began repeating gratitude and repentance affirmations like ‘I am grateful, and I am sorry,’ all day and night. At first, they felt like just words, but slowly they began to take effect. Now, I only repeat them three times a day-before bed, after waking up, and in the evening-for 30 minutes, and I am happy. The voice inside my head has become a friend.
thank you :)
@@Imran-ih6it Going to try it. Thanks so much for sharing.
God bless you
I also deal with depression. I've started doing similar with "I am a good person" "I am loved" and similar positives. Watching NDE helps me to gain insight into what is important
I am recovering from addiction also. Go bless you
"Love ourselves first, and then others." That was right near the end and is very important.
We are spirit’s living a human experience, that’s it that All 🙏🏼
@@universalservicetechust3578 🙏🏽
Lucky to be alive! Awesome med/nursing team. Love your message.
Don’t be sad you are loved
I got to see that white light and feel the love that it is, wonderful feeling ... I look forward to the next steps
We really don't need the music, it drowned the narrator at times.
@@octopuszoo2027 I agree. This lady is recounting this amazing experience and producers of this video think we need all that to be entertained. Insulting.
Just ignore it, some people may need it so stop comparing @anthonygibson660
I agree...so corny
The music adds to the experience I like it.
I agree , it's so annoying. Pick something slow and quiet and barely discernable instead.
Thank you for sharing. Well told and impactful. ♥️
I can’t imagine there weren’t angels assisting the medical team with their energy and their light because that is one of the most amazing medical survival stories I have ever read. I hope your baby made it through unharmed as well! 🙏🏻
IF there are no angles nor Jesus this was just false.
@@paularc1899 huh???🤔
@@paularc1899 No angles? Don’t you mean angels?
@@RockyMtnBaby// I believe there actually were angels, but working in the background. That's why it all turned out okay.
@@paularc1899 Well.... there are obviously angles or you wouldn't have corners in your room. Your second posit is just as silly. Jesus was 1. an historical figure 2. Love
This happened to me too!!! They called code blue on me as well.
I don't think I'll get there in this lifetime, but what a wonderful story! Thank you and so glad you made it to be able to meet your daughter!
Everyone’s experience is different …so it makes me believe it’s just our conscience/ soul that goes on but different for each..
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m so glad you came back and it certainly looks like you are living a beautiful and loving life now 🕊️🌏❤️🙏🏻
GOD is unmeasurable LOVE.........everything is GOD, Love with all your Heart, be sure to Love your Pets and all of life. Every living thing on this planet. Plant life, Ocean Life, you will experience it one day.
But no answers to prayer
When i hear about people who had the choice to stay or to go back, it always makes me wonder if the people I love who have passed had the same choice, and they chose to stay in the afterlife.
Exactly my thoughts. And if that's the case, then we have to look at death in a completely different way. Maybe it was their choice, their wish to die. And instead of being sad, we should accept their choice and be happy for them. 🙂❤️
Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible!
You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins.
God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ!
The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus!
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible!
You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever.
Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight!
Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
@@TheValent411there ya go! 😊
The part that scares me about these is when they say they don't remember their human life. They can't remember kids. Etc. But then see them on the other side. It's very confusing when you hear so many different versions of nde
I wonder if anyone has met someone in the afterlife who was given the choice, AFTER their first salvation moment in an NDE, (Heard many of these), and they chose to stay, and talked about it. It really bends my head on this verse.
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,
These people sort of die twice, some get a life review where they do the judging, and after the first death, it isn't final judgment, but salvation.
Is there a gap between "die once" and judgment where people can come to and accept the truth of salvation, at a time when nobody alive can tell that they made the choice in last moment before being dragged into hell?
Did they get sent back so they didn't really die, and Jesus knew they were going to say yes, or did they get saved in what I would call "The Valley of shadow of death". and fall into the category of those who die without having anything built.
1 Corinthians 3:14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
Please, the music is very distracting.. but I do the episode ❤
@@LucyLeonty I like the music
Thank you for sharing your experience, if only people could understand what is like to be back home, if only they could remember, they will have heaven on earth within themselves and spread it out to others around them
Amazing experience, I wish you well and many blessings
Thank you. Wonderful, clear story with a clear message.
My grandmother went through cardiac arrest and she said that she rose above and was watching the doctors or nurses working on her. They brought her back and she was so mad because she said she felt so peaceful and didn’t want to come back
Thank you for this. So fascinating and really interesting!!! Wow! What an amazing experience and revelation!!!
Love these stories. I've watched 100's. Gives me such peace. I do like the pictures of space better than the fantasy pictures. I thought the fake pictures took away the realness of the experience.
I've had an experience with a deceased soul.
Unfortunately, his personality hadn't changed with the death of his body 🙏
We communicated for several years.
Love is universal and very special.
Unfortunately, many souls aren't loving.
You cannot change a truly bad soul/person into a loving soul 🙏🙏
I'm glad you've had an experience of the spirit realm, it's actually our home, it's where we come from 🙏🙏
Love and peace to you 🙏🙏
I can really feel the love. Sending you guys more love.❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Excellent NDE!! One thing I cant understand is why they are telling people to let everyone know what NDEers have seen, when they erase our memories when we come here so we dont have knowledge of the afterlife? Thats a total contradiction!
We wouldn't want to stay here if we brought memories of heaven with us to this place. But once we die we're sometimes allowed to bring back so memories of heaven.
@@dpraptorP I think the way I've come to understand that is that NDEers are only allowed to keep a small fragment of the memories of their experience. This small fragment is what they share when they come back and it gives us all hope, peace, and reminds us that love is the most important thing in this human experience. We're here to love and to learn. If we were born into this experience with the full awareness and memories of our spiritual existence, we may not want to stay here and may not be able to learn the lessons we set out to learn.
@@rachelepps3891 beautifully put. Same conclusion.
@@dpraptorP just a partial only. This is some of kind reminding .
Maybe it’s religion, man made dogma, that is preventing our souls from having the learning experience we were meant to have. So these are hints, for those who are open, to let go and “let god” let’s love and learn at this school called life and not allow our freedom of choice to be hindered by dogma.
Thank you for sharing this nice NDE. Kind regards from Germany, Robert
What did she uncover that we have completely backwards? I’ve always known that it’s all about Love. Every NDE story brings us that message including my own. And it’s the best thing that has ever been implored to me. And I do as much of it as I possibly can. And as of now no harm has come from it.
Then why has my experience been horrible and they were angry with me and condescending to me, they were not loving at all
@@jackdurden466 the video person includes that phrase in nearly all the video titles. Not sure why, but he’s got it completely backwards. lol 😂
Being love does not mean that we’ll have an easy life but it’s the only way that is real and works.
@@nicolebrown8661 I’m sorry that happened to you! Do you mind sharing your experience?
Are you sure the beings you met were high- vibrationals?
Because in Heaven, everyone is equal and respectful of one another.
Was the place you went to
✨🧐 Could you feel the Presence of Jesus Christ?
Did you call upon Him?
So we leave a realm of unconditional love to come here and learn to love? Why leave it in the first place?
I don't know how anyone could make such bold statements without proof. Everyone just promises depending on their beliefs.
Or this realm is a trap. To escape we must forget what we've learned and find our truth whilst here to break the reincarnational cycle.
I think to grow.
@@JosannaMonik to have different experiences!
To see if love prevails and to learn.
Music is not necessary. It reduces the quality.
It’s distracting.
I agree.
I couldn't even listen to it; the music was so irritating.....
The operator of this channel has been told this numerous times. By me for one…
The background music is deliberately added for emotional impact. I agree it is not necessary
Thank you ❤
Thank you! The truth is the truth. Aloha 😢
Beautiful narrative of an exceptional experience. I had a somewhat similar one.
Thank you for telling us your NDE experience. I got a lot from it. ❤
Our purpose in life is to enhance our symbiotic existence. Everything we do is to help others exist in a happier state. That is love. ANY profession that is honorable and productive in any way fits this bill. If anything you do is not helpful to another person in this way, it should not be continued.
Very beautiful. Love is the answer.❤
❤ “Love everyone and all will be well” 🌅🙏
Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible!
You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins.
God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ!
The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus!
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible!
You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever.
Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight!
Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
So explain to me what is really love from what we know here because it seems to be completely different when we die
You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
“And he was going like this”. Doesn’t show her to see what “this” is. 🤷🏻♀️
Jesus, Mary I love you save souls. Jesus I trust in you.
Thanks for sharing!!!❤❤❤
How sad that under a video that says the purpose of being here is to love, there's all kinds of negative comments
It takes time to heal the world. For example, you’re giving the impression of judging. Your response is negative to. Even this is negative. It’s a very long process unless we all have an nde.
Ok what is love really, and if Source created our souls then why do we need to learn anything because we should already know everything. Nothing makes sense and everything they say is a lie and an illusion then why are we here.
@@markdossett9100 I was just about to say the same thing :)
@@markdossett9100 Great question. One I ask myself often.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Yes to loving!
That was so beautiful ❤
Music is distracting, kitchy, and unnecessary.
God revealed the same thing to me. It takes a big weight off your shoulders when you realize that’s all you have to do. Then we just work out what that looks like in everyday life.
When you were fading you were coming back to life…
What happened to the little boy? Did you help him? Was he real or just used as a distraction that didn't work? I don't understand that bit.
@@anneb5603 I wonder what happened there. Did he consume her life force? Would she have died if he would have continued?
@@PeterS123101may be some kind of different reality / dimension she went to there. One not very pleasant one. Interestingly, there are spooky stories of people that experienced those stick figures here on earth, without any NDE. Makes me think whether those cryptid stories are some kind of journey like people have while experiencing an NDE.
Beautiful story
It reminds me of the book Many Lives Many Masters. It's about reincarnation.
All love.
Love Without Fear. (Religion)
No fear need be taught by the true religion The holy Bible warns about the ol devil consequences of not living right….. we reap what we sow in this life. God promises He will repay in that His vengeance is brought in such a way to bring people to repentance. It is a fearful thing to consider the reaping of suffering we’ve brought on ourselves by our actions apart from Him. Christ made it clear that The path is straight that leads to the narrow gate of salvation which is entered Thru rebirth in this life. But the wide highway is the way most go leading to their own destruction where’s there’s weeping gnashing of teeth in this life…. To follow the world inevitably leads to great sorrow, regret and or gnashing of teeth in frustration or anger.
It’s the same with the analogy that those who build their house or life on the Rock or Christ Jesus will prevail Thru the storms that come whereas those who disregard Christ and his teaching have built their house on sand and the when the storms come…. Well we see all the broken lives of people around us in America.
The book The Shack spells it out when God says,
“I don't need to punish people for sin. Sin is its own punishment, devouring you from the inside. It's not my purpose to punish it; it's my joy to cure it.”
religion is control through fear. NDE proves that is a lie.
@@Hbest2019 Just ignore the OP, he’s always on these NDE channels blathering about.
God bless you. Thank you for sharing. 💖
As long as mankind has existed, it has never been the case and it will most probably never happen that people love each other. So why doesn't the cycle of birth and death finally come to an end?
I'm glad she lived to tell people that there is love awaiting on the other side. IMO love is defined differently by different cultures. Without leadership & teaching, then the world will forever be divided. Those immortal beings were neutral with her, not telling her anything good or bad because ultimately we have to decide what we believe prior to moving on. If all of her questions were answered there, then she didn't have any questions about where she was, is there a supreme creator etc. because she returned with no knowledge of how to do anything beyond attempting to love the world based on our own individual perspectives and performance.
Then why ask questions, none of this really makes sense. We either have free will or not. To me it is sort of free will until they force you to do what they want you to do. I'm not happy here and ready to leave but guess I can't leave until they let me. So I assume I will be leaving not happy unless something changes but I'm 70 now don't think I have much time left
All of the stock photography is not what you saw.
Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible!
You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins.
God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ!
The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus!
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible!
You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever.
Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight!
Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Amazing story thanks for sharing
Thank you so much❤
6:32 LOVE is ALWAYS the answer ❤️
Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible!
You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins.
God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ!
The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus!
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible!
You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever.
Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight!
Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Well, during my nde, I was thrown into space and I went to what looked like a nebula and there were some what looked like blue stars way in the distance but then 2 of the stars started to move towards me and almost instantly they were in front of me and they were entity's and I felt that I knew them and I remember that before we could say anything I was whisked back to my body and it all happened so fast. This is the first time I've said anything about it.
That was from what the doctors said I had a flash edema that my lungs filled with fluid and was drowning me.
*In 1973 the body I was experiencing was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center... More than half an hour passed, then its heart started beating again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT The Human entity ) entered "The LIGHT", and have remained in "The LIGHT" to this day...*
@@johnb8854 where are you
This is so beautiful. I am in awe of the beauty of our real purpose. Thank you for sharing.
My mother-in-law last year overdosed on opiates. Lucky for her I had an addiction years before that I overcame and had narcan in my purse. I walked into her bedroom and she dropped to the floor. I couldn't get much of a heartbeat. I did cpr for ten minutes or more while on the phone with 911. (I was in college for 4 years in the health and science field) I gave her the narcan and she was still gone, but slowly I felt her heartbeat come back. Cops came and gave her more narcan and she finally came back to us. She woke up. She was very grateful to me, but also mad. She didn't see these things maybe because she wasn't completely gone but she was mad because she said she remembered having this feeling of delight and comfort on the other side. She says she's never felt such a feeling.
Wonderful experience
I hope i haven't sinned to much so i can experience that love
i wish i could visit there now
(Notes to self) Authentic, sincere testimonial but little new information.
White light -- Love, bliss, eternal -- Figures -- Boy needing help -- Particulate matter -- No time in this realm -- Forest -- Became various things -- Wanted to stay forever -- Long energetic beings in cloth -- Communicated by feeling instead of telepathy -- Given choice -- Returned to body -- Purpose of human life to learn to love.
Production values: Too many images, but no eyes -- Graphics with huge mushrooms (!)
Wish they wouldn't say,"We have it completely backward!" It is pretty straight forward "Love!"
Love your shared experiences of consciousness beyond this realm. I watch n share these stories told here n am changed by them. Thank you..
This blog title should be renamed- You didn't answer the statement u posed- "we've got it all wrong". If it was just love, then say that in the title. Don't pose a statement that you're going to explain how "we've got it ALL wrong" about everything n then just say it's love w no transition from what was understood to this enlightenment. You gave a hope of explanation of everything amongst her experience. I BELIEVE IT IS LOVE- but her journey didn't say WE have it all wrong. She never said the world has it backwards. We are all manifesting God in our own way, through our own understanding. She said love is the most important thing.
Don't promise an explanation of us getting it all wrong when what she was saying the answer was love. We aren't wrong in our journeys w the light. Perspectives can be skewed- and yes LOVE is the ultimate reason.
Fault finding and self-righteous judgement is not love
@@brentdowney5815 don’t get caught up so much in the title that you miss the message actually some people do get it wrong what we are here for she doesn’t mean you personally it applies to those who are in a world of selfishness when that hurt or destroy other’s.
Beautiful Experience
But, why do some people have scary NDE's that leave you traumatized?
I've heard a few that left me extremely confused and just terrified...why do some have good NDE and some don't?
To have a human experience
Can you reduce the volume of the music please? So annoying.
Can barely hear it.
Agreed. It's too loud and distracts from the speaker's description.
I had a near experience & I saw this cloudy
white tunnel with spirits floating I saw a light at the end of the tunnel but couldn't see past it when I awoke I realized this tunnel was the I walk through valley of & shadow of death & I fear no evil this tunnel was utter peace Psalms 23:4
Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible!
You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins.
God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ!
The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus!
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible!
You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever.
Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight!
Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Religion is garbage 🗑️
Is there any way to speed up this play back ?
Tap, or click, on your screen. This will reveal a gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap or click on the gear. Go down to “Playback Speed”. Up from “normal” is slow and down from “normal” is fast.
so true.
I wish the presenter would avoid all the fake graphics. Just focus on the experiencer. The rest is irritating.
At 8:56 in she says they were darting in and out taking her energy. She was becoming nothing? She was helping them? That needs some explanation
I never heard of a fading away or dying on the other side. Sounds scary.
I know… doesn’t make sense.. I can’t understand it.
@@alaskaaksala123The Bible warns of the second death, the most important death after physical death. Everyone wants to listen to the "positive, lovey-dovey" NDE stories but everyone ignores the negative ones grounded in eternal damnation in unimaginable pain and fear.
@@wingnutmcspazatron3957 But eternal damnnation in pain and fear is not death. And in the Nde account she said the fading away happened while trying to help someone, not because she did something bad. It appeared like another soul was consuming her life force, as if consciousness would need energy to exist. I have never heard that before. If that energy would be love, it wouldn't make sense to me, because it would mean, giving love would hurt us.
@@wingnutmcspazatron3957 the bible is a lie written by false prophets, emperors of Rome and aristocracy of Europe.
@@wingnutmcspazatron3957 only damnation is self imposed via turning your back to the light, the light is always there, you just need to embrace it
I had a near death expirience myself at the age of 19, i had been sexually assualted by my girlfriend at the time, and i was being ghosted by her so i was broken mentally, didnt know what to do or how to tell anyone. Even my parents.
I had taken a pint of buckleys thinking i wouldve gotten high off it and id ease my mind.
I drank about as much as i could, went to my neighbours after to smoke weed & i thought id be on my way after wards.
I overdosed on his couch, my palms were caked in sweat, pupils were dialted, i had waves of what felt like electricity pulsing through my nerves, i had blue lips, i felt an immense pressure on my skull, it felt like my skull was being pushed in on my brain,
But i started seeing little fireworks, blue, red, yellow, green, orange, & my vision turned to like a old tv static like fuzzy look to it,
I had trouble breathing, my heart was beating fast, then itd slow down, or itd stop then start again,
I was fighting for my life there trying to take deep breaths & all i can remember is being next to a tall dark figure with his arm around me, i wasnt scared but more a less comforted.
Theres so much more to this story and it goes on but i can confirm myself, there is an afterlife.
Im 25 now, 5-6 years clean off booze, narcotics, only thing i do is smoke weed & nicotene.
@@Emess_902 I’m so sorry you were assaulted. I hope you are doing better now.
This is so moving. I do wish that the cheesy music didn’t play throughout, as it totally distracts and unfortunately takes away from the powerful experience that she’s sharing.
@@shandrasv I love the music. It’s like the music in my meditations. But I get your point.
I had the exact same experience slightly different in ways
Every NDE'r says that "it's all about love". I get that.
But what I don't get is this; living on this planet is difficult and there is so little to love. When it comes to "people" there is even less than "a little to love". I love nature and animals. I love my husband and friends and some family. There's not much after that. I'm flunking Earth.
All NDE are convinced to go back. Nobody knows what happened to those that don't. So there's still no answers
That what I think,do they go for good when they font come back,or does the brain die,it incredibly though
If love exists totally in the next realm, why do we need to come here? Why not stay in perfect bliss. It makes no sense.
She needs to get to her point in the act that happened to her and not the things what heaven is made of. She needs to express the things that happened to her not explaining part of what something looks like but the act about the things that are happening to her.
I had a similar experience.
So when she encountered the helpful gray beings, she didn't bother to ask if they could help the 7 years old boy that was in a tough situation?
It “happen” all at once? English.
I wonder why some people have very religious experiences and some have experiences like this. Her experience feels like it is with an alien race. Strange
Maybe it depends on ones own belief system
Jesus actually gave us two additional commandments which are rarely talked about. He said, "This is the first and great commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." I think He was telling us that these are our tickets to paradise. I'm a little surprised that Christian Biblical scholars did not add them to the other Ten.
@@MyTwoCentsWorth199 they are not added because they are a summarization of the 10. If you love God with all your heart, you will recognize Him as your only God. You will not have any other graven images to worship, you will not take his name in vain. You will honor His holy day. If you love your neighbor as your self, you will not steal, kill, envy, steal his/spouse, or lie about your neighbor and you will honor your parents. The two commandments are really all 10 in just 2 statements.
@@LynneRoseAmber I send you my love!
The music in the background detracts from genuineness of story.
They started taking her energy and she felt she would be nothing? That is scary
I really want to leave this world because I am very exhausted from the last decade of division and war on earth.
You mentioned that all of your questions were answered. Would you be sharing what you learned?
So what is it that we have completely backward? I'm confused.
Love is what the universe is made of and everything in it. If this became our reality, there would be peace and total unity.
I'm curious if anybody can share anything here. I just thought about it, I listen to a lot of NDEs. Has anybody heard an NDE say that they've seen somebody drink fluid or eat food. I can't imagine that we would need nourishment, at the place where the soul resides. On a different note, most NDE'ers say that people resemble the age of 30. I have heard many say that they walk and people have shoes on, or some sort of footwear. Maybe there's so much going on when people get there that they don't think about the food or fluid thing..