I Tested 1-Star Guitars

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Ivan_loves_their_pookies
    @Ivan_loves_their_pookies 8 місяців тому +662


  • @reactivelemur846
    @reactivelemur846 8 місяців тому +633

    Just to clarify:
    2:09 = Guitars with a tremolo system DO come with the whammy bar detached. It often is in the gig bag and needs to be attached manually. You can also detach it whenever you want
    9:34 = That is called a Floyd Rose Bridge, it's a type of floating bridge (It doesn't sit on the wood, the string tension combined with the springs on the back holds it still). Alongside the floyd rose bridge there is a locking nut to help staying in tune on huge dive bombs, you could use a wrench to unlock it and use the normal tuning pegs but since it often stays in tune well you can use the bridge for micro adjustments.
    Some of those bridges even have a push-pull thing on the low E for quick drop tunings

    • @EliRicke-xl9mw
      @EliRicke-xl9mw 8 місяців тому +2

      I can't get the bridge back in place after restring. It floats too high. Any advice?

    • @reactivelemur846
      @reactivelemur846 8 місяців тому +11

      @@EliRicke-xl9mw Tune down 2/3 steps so the strings are flappy, then screw the screws on the back, where the springs are. You should try this until you have a straight bridge on standard tuning

    • @EliRicke-xl9mw
      @EliRicke-xl9mw 8 місяців тому

      @@reactivelemur846 thanks! I'll try it

    • @ZypherGuitar
      @ZypherGuitar 8 місяців тому +3

      ​@@EliRicke-xl9mwmake sure (if you haven't done it already) to make slow and steady rotations on the bridge screws so it doesn't overtune the strings!

    • @crownjewel555
      @crownjewel555 8 місяців тому

      @@EliRicke-xl9mw Floyd or fender style trem? If its a floyd, the tuning might be too high or the strings too heavy. 9 gauges worked for me on my Jackson.

  • @AlexDMast
    @AlexDMast 8 місяців тому +369

    Gotta love that Ryan Trahan effect on UA-cam

  • @Greyerst
    @Greyerst 8 місяців тому +269

    what i learned from this video:
    People who leave bad reviews usually don’t know what they’re talking about
    People who leave bad reviews are just unlucky and their guitar broke when being delivered

    • @101Volts
      @101Volts 8 місяців тому +14

      My Mom once saw a bad "review" for a Deep Fryer. The review *only* said *"hot temperatures."* I'm NOT kidding you. What did they expect a *Deep Fryer* to do, fry something under 130 degress F? Or was it actually getting *way* too hot to fry anything with? The world may never know, all because the reviewer was too lazy and shouldn't have even written it.

    • @101Volts
      @101Volts 8 місяців тому +5

      However, when you see 1 star reviews for the companies that sell junky bootleg T Shirts on Facebook through spam, *those* reviews are warranted: I'm saying when the shirts are bootleg merch, the lettering falls off in 1 wash, the lettering is misspelled, and the customer service is a pass the buck BS line.
      I'm still not sure who listens to that garbage "nobody likes it on my timeline" or "just got it for my bday

    • @m-og9fq
      @m-og9fq 5 місяців тому +3

      @@101VoltsRefrigerator honest review: *"cold temperatures"*

  • @I_Guess_Thats_It_
    @I_Guess_Thats_It_ 8 місяців тому +301

    Strats usually come with the whammy bar detached

    • @davidpazmino_
      @davidpazmino_  8 місяців тому +29

      i didnt know that

    • @Hames_Jetfield
      @Hames_Jetfield 8 місяців тому +6


    • @skipperthepenguin8806
      @skipperthepenguin8806 8 місяців тому +38

      @@Hames_Jetfield detached*

    • @Gliese710_
      @Gliese710_ 8 місяців тому +9

      @@davidpazmino_every guitar that isn’t used at a guitar store comes without it on.

    • @DuckMan01234
      @DuckMan01234 8 місяців тому +6


  • @yesseru
    @yesseru 6 місяців тому +16

    Whammy bars are usually not attached until you need to use them, as they can get bent, take up extra space, and can fuck with the tension of the strings in the back.

  • @paulinecervantes3649
    @paulinecervantes3649 6 місяців тому +75

    2:43 we got indian songed 😭

    • @shikazu01
      @shikazu01 6 місяців тому +6

      tungu nanga nanga nanga tungu tungu nanga nanga nanga tutu tutung tutungggggg

    • @bed_time1
      @bed_time1 4 місяці тому +2


  • @foljs5858
    @foljs5858 8 місяців тому +28

    Yes, it's supposed to come with the whammy bar detached. To fit it case, and to protect the bridge when transporting.

  • @EQU143
    @EQU143 8 місяців тому +36

    Regarding the last guitar: It's really common for Floyd Rose tremolo systems to be tuned at the bridge... nothing wrong there..

  • @HandsomeDNoobie
    @HandsomeDNoobie 8 місяців тому +17

    it makes me so happy that so many people are giving ryan credits while posting these videos

  • @LifeOfBuster
    @LifeOfBuster 3 місяці тому +2

    I think the Whammy bar being deattached was common for beginner kit Guitars in the 90s and early 00s. Since it allows it to be packed in the box flatter or something.

  • @OmniOrchid
    @OmniOrchid 8 місяців тому +12

    I Never realized u did. Long form, now I watch ur videos even more, U LITERALLY INSPIRED ME TO PLAY MY ELECTRIC GUITAR

  • @paytonhoyer8354
    @paytonhoyer8354 6 днів тому

    3:26 and 3:32 calling the blue jay an eagle probably broke every Canadians heart into a hundred thousand peices

  • @hikupmusicofficial
    @hikupmusicofficial 8 місяців тому +11

    the whammy bar is suposted to come detached when you first get it and you dont have to have it all the way screwd in to use it

    • @angeldiaz762
      @angeldiaz762 6 місяців тому

      I'll add: you can lubricate the whammy as well when you put it in

  • @OutOfControl101
    @OutOfControl101 5 місяців тому +1

    Okay so:
    1) the sound quality will either be settings or cheap amp, offbranded.
    2) either polish the wood, add nicer strings or just get toucher fingers.
    3) the whammy bar should come deatatched so you can add whichever bar you like as tight as you want it. Also it should be high, you can put ur hand under it or rest your hand on it, it's out if the way and accessible!

  • @dchavez1528
    @dchavez1528 6 місяців тому +2

    I tried a Glarry jazz bass, and it's actually very good. After a setup and new strings, it sounds fine

  • @C4azyS5nity
    @C4azyS5nity 3 місяці тому +1

    3:49 whats the song called so I can learn it in the gutair? Thank you

    • @keiko_91101
      @keiko_91101 2 місяці тому +1

      Patience by guns n roses

    • @C4azyS5nity
      @C4azyS5nity 2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you so much bro

  • @wyattdegroot417
    @wyattdegroot417 3 місяці тому

    8:06 I just wanna say this,
    on most vintage acoustic guitars, the pick guards were actually molded on to the body.

  • @papimayonaseoffical4435
    @papimayonaseoffical4435 2 місяці тому +1

    3:33 as a canadian the toronto blue jay getting calledan eagle hurt so much😭

  • @haganem
    @haganem 8 місяців тому +1

    The last guitar is a Floyd Rose! In order to tune it you first need to remove the locking nuts and then tune it **close to** whatever tuning youre looking (most painful part because the strings affects each other when youre tuning, so if you try to tune your G string, your other strings will fall slightly out of tune), then reattach the locking nuts and then use the fine tuners at the bridge to make adjustments to each individual string. And since the locking nuts are back in place the strings will not affect each other anymore when adjusting the fine tuners! ^^ Although Floyd Roses are a pain in the a$$ to setup, every single one that ive played sounds beautiful!

  • @CodyStrange_10
    @CodyStrange_10 5 місяців тому

    9:45 headless guitars ( at least some) you can tune with your hands, however the Alan wrench that usually comes with it allows tuning to be far easier.

  • @LeeTanaka
    @LeeTanaka 8 місяців тому +12

    how come u didnt know floyd rose..

  • @C4azyS5nity
    @C4azyS5nity 7 місяців тому +4

    1:36 whats the song for that?

  • @kenmax3183
    @kenmax3183 5 місяців тому

    walmart guitar: 1:09
    the tremolo always comes detached
    The tremolo has to go high, not low, the last thing you want is a tremolo that hinders you when playing
    I can't give an opinion on the wood since I can't touch it.
    the sound of the amplifier does sound like poop
    On a guitar there is never a place to rest the palm, in each type of guitar it is a different way of placing the palm, I feel some are more intuitive than others or more comfortable than others
    Amazon guitar: 3:30
    The action has to be somewhat high, it does not always have to be super straight as it can cause the frets to make fret buzz
    DIY guitar: 4:56
    this guitar is not made to be played in my opinion, it is more than all an experience of building a guitar
    If you don't know how to do it, I don't recommend buying it.
    Because if you don't know, you may not know how to put together a part of it, you will end up making the guitar not work.
    Likewise, the guitar didn't look so bad.
    baby guitar: 7:05
    the video says everything correctly
    lowest rated guitar: 9:30
    to tune it you need a wrench
    and the rest of the guitar I only have to say that it is very ugly, and I'm talking about the look, the body of a headless one but it does have a head
    and by the way, generally the headless ones are played by putting the guitar between the legs, probably that guitar too
    This comment is not hateful to the video, it is a comment to clarify doubts or questions
    have a nice day

  • @statueofliberty1132
    @statueofliberty1132 8 місяців тому +6

    I have an idea for a video: you writing a song with only C, D, and E because when I had piano lessons when I was 9, I knew all the notes but those were the only notes I was allowed to play and I felt hopeless in my musical journey!

  • @Oblivion-Official
    @Oblivion-Official 8 місяців тому +6

    You are the KING. I watch your videos all the time and makes me happier

    • @davidpazmino_
      @davidpazmino_  8 місяців тому +1


    • @gloriaprieto1647
      @gloriaprieto1647 5 місяців тому

      Did you return all the guitars?

    • @gloriaprieto1647
      @gloriaprieto1647 5 місяців тому

      Because I'm thinking you kept 2 and you played one and you didn't buy it and you returned 2

  • @Bradleynowel
    @Bradleynowel 8 місяців тому +2

    Love the videos man very funny with a great ratio of talented guitar skills

  • @thunderbeast3116
    @thunderbeast3116 5 місяців тому +1

    2:41 😂😂 Got me😂😂

  • @aiqll
    @aiqll 8 місяців тому +5

    4:00 what were you playing?

    • @rez8900
      @rez8900 8 місяців тому +1

      life is a highway from rascal flatts

    • @aiqll
      @aiqll 8 місяців тому

      @@rez8900 thx

    • @b.n.c.v5792
      @b.n.c.v5792 Місяць тому

      ​@@rez8900I was going to say the same thing.

  • @NiskarshaGaming123
    @NiskarshaGaming123 3 місяці тому +1

    2:43 😂😂😂blud really had to try that😂😂😂😂

  • @b.n.c.v5792
    @b.n.c.v5792 Місяць тому +1

    2:28 that sounded like Psychobilly Freakout.

  • @StikAnimationsYT
    @StikAnimationsYT 6 місяців тому

    “Welcome to Orange, Kentucky!” 😂

  • @geoiswhoiam
    @geoiswhoiam 8 місяців тому +6


    • @SweRvDrummer
      @SweRvDrummer 6 місяців тому

      i live in ct too!

    • @geoiswhoiam
      @geoiswhoiam 6 місяців тому

      @@SweRvDrummer Nice man milford right?

    • @SweRvDrummer
      @SweRvDrummer 6 місяців тому

      @@geoiswhoiam no, plainville, not too far

    • @geoiswhoiam
      @geoiswhoiam 6 місяців тому

      @@SweRvDrummer oh alright thats cool, but i take lessons there but im not sure if i should go self taught, i wanna learn sierenno style on requinto

  • @catstone1176
    @catstone1176 2 місяці тому +1

    1:53 trying to sneak the fade to black solo

  • @augs008
    @augs008 8 місяців тому +2

    Your videos are great man, but much to learn you still have.

  • @Mandy7D7
    @Mandy7D7 24 дні тому

    Traveler makes guitars for exactly it's name. For when your traveling and need something that won't take up much room. I have another shape of theirs it's like a normal Gibson shape but without the head stock and shrunk down size. The EG-1 and I love it. Good quality but one would only buy if you need it for small spaces like when traveling.

  • @rickhutchence9567
    @rickhutchence9567 3 місяці тому

    Electric Guitars, particuarly if Strat copies have all Whammy bars not attaced. Other tremelo setup do.
    Amp -wise, Did you try the guitar in a better Amp? the AMps that come in a pack are a practice guitar. You may find thee guitar sounds a little better with a good amp.

  • @HerkusLeGuitarman
    @HerkusLeGuitarman 5 місяців тому

    You're supposed to detach the whammy bar when putting the guitar in gigbags/cases cause the constant pressure can loosen the springs

  • @Greyerst
    @Greyerst 8 місяців тому +8

    doesnt whammy bars come deattatched or is it only me 😨 2:15

    • @ETOL17
      @ETOL17 4 місяці тому +4

      I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to come detached

    • @ETOL17
      @ETOL17 4 місяці тому

      Like in that small pocket inside a ziplock bag

    • @ETOL17
      @ETOL17 4 місяці тому

      Or wrapper

    • @Krishthebrush
      @Krishthebrush 3 місяці тому


    • @Notaprofessionalvideo
      @Notaprofessionalvideo 2 місяці тому

      It’s supposed to come detached that way it doesn’t get all bent up in shipping

  • @RobertBresson1
    @RobertBresson1 4 місяці тому +4

    10:06 can somebody tell me what is happening in the sky?

    • @Moneyman723
      @Moneyman723 4 місяці тому +2

      It’s probably thundering

  • @martinvo981
    @martinvo981 8 місяців тому +4

    I was actually expecting you to play Wonderwall on every guitar featured on this video

  • @anomalocarisfan45
    @anomalocarisfan45 7 місяців тому +1

    Fun fact: The Traveler Vaibrant 88 Deluxe (guitar that uses wrench to tune) actually has a 4.7/5 score on the official Traveler Guitar website.

  • @angeldiaz762
    @angeldiaz762 6 місяців тому

    I love how there's beeping while you're in the store, like you're standing near a save point in Alien: Isolation

  • @_Mullet_Man_
    @_Mullet_Man_ 2 місяці тому +1

    At 3:50 what were you playing

  • @scottE666
    @scottE666 6 місяців тому

    Guitars don't travel with trem arms attached. Even a bigsby that stays on is flipped back flat for transport.

  • @DEEJAY185
    @DEEJAY185 8 місяців тому +4

    David Trahan

  • @Thruthkear
    @Thruthkear 7 місяців тому

    “Sounds exactly like baby guitar” sounds so funny to me for some reason. Lol

  • @TheNirvanaNerd87
    @TheNirvanaNerd87 8 місяців тому

    I’m 10 and I started playing guitar February of 2023 so I’ve been playing for about a year now as of the time of typing this and I have 3 guitars. A Jasmine S-35(my first guitar I got from my awesome uncle) a stedman pro sunburst bass (from Christmas)and an AustinAST100.(from my birthday) and I regret taking guitar lessons a lot later than I should have. I got my S-35 when I was 7 and didn’t start lessons until I was 9. And Omg I LOVE playing guitar it’s the only thing I do once I get home. I have been nonstop practicing and even my guitar teacher says I’ve picked guitar up faster than some of his adult students.

    • @brodylockwood14
      @brodylockwood14 8 місяців тому

      I started playing 10 years ago when I was 14. Best decision i ever made to start guitar. I learned from youtube videos.

  • @Bloody_who
    @Bloody_who 2 місяці тому +2

    What are they talking about? I have that white guitar! The first one. And it works perfectly! I just learned it smells like teen spirit on it and it’s perfect😭

  • @Modestbrag
    @Modestbrag 7 місяців тому +4

    0:12 is that the Throgs Neck Bridge?

  • @FossyPickles
    @FossyPickles 7 місяців тому

    ur shorts made me get extremely interested in guitar about a few months ago and now im a fairly decent guitarist for how fast i’ve learned

  • @huxuf_is_an_idiot
    @huxuf_is_an_idiot 8 місяців тому +2

    “Deattached” is not a word dawg 💀

  • @Maurol3rr0
    @Maurol3rr0 4 місяці тому +1

    2:50 got me 😂

  • @MorganSaucedo
    @MorganSaucedo 2 місяці тому

    0:23 thats actually my first guitar but i got it on Amazon but its the same brand😂 its been doing ne good ive added a bill Lawrence l500l to it and put a new neck on it

    • @MorganSaucedo
      @MorganSaucedo 2 місяці тому

      And I also got rid of that terrible amp and got a new one

  • @AmelBg00d
    @AmelBg00d 6 місяців тому +1

    I had the Walmart guitar😭. It was a little different. It was a Stratocaster not an hss, it had the same amp just no badge on the speaker, and it had all the issues stated. It also came with a really crappy uncomfortable strap that I ended up ditching. The amp kicked the bucket after a month of use so I replaced it with a boss kata mk2 100 watt. And the wire kicked the bucket the day I got the new amp😭. Overall if you’re on a tight budget you can make the guitar work but replace all the other gear. I recommend a boss katana. It doesn’t matter the model but if your budget is super tight go with the boss katana mini. The strap you can get for 20 bucks at guitar center with a nice design and good ergonomics. For the cable just get a better one at guitar center. For picks you can really cheap out with like 50 cent picks. I’m not really sure though I haven’t looked at prices. Now for what works in the guitar besides all the issues stated. The pickups are pretty good, they don’t suck and can sound great with the right amp. The guitar itself is pretty comfortable to play for long hours. And the guitar is decently easy to play( besides hammer ons). Overall it can get the job done if you replace a few things. If you have the money to get a better guitar and still get a boss katana go for it. If not save up because you don’t wanna cheap out on the amp unless it’s a super budget set up (like I’ve stated before the guitar falls into the super budget category). But you should go for a better guitar to get better results. Overall the guitar is pretty bad but can get the job done for a beginner because the intonation isn’t terrible. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have around 250 bucks to spend and you need an electric guitar. You’re welcome for this info and review, have a great day and go practice guitar!

  • @JerielBawe
    @JerielBawe 3 місяці тому

    7:42 what is this song called?

  • @Retro866
    @Retro866 5 місяців тому +1

    I play my dads old Ibanez guitar and it is good and it has its warming bar off but it like a normal guitar

    • @daniel.phoenix
      @daniel.phoenix 5 місяців тому

      Hey Retro, I recently recorded my first vocal track and would love some honest feedback. Your opinions would mean a lot to me! ❤

    • @Retro866
      @Retro866 5 місяців тому +1

      That’s really good I like 10/10

    • @daniel.phoenix
      @daniel.phoenix 5 місяців тому

      @@Retro866 C'mon on dude be for real now.😅 I know you trying to be nice but it's ok to be honest with me so I can improve. ❤

    • @Retro866
      @Retro866 5 місяців тому +1

      No seriously it’s good I like it

    • @Retro866
      @Retro866 5 місяців тому +1

      Is it on spotify

  • @RUBY_yourmusicrat
    @RUBY_yourmusicrat 7 місяців тому +4

    8:10 no way he played that indian song 💀

  • @jupiter2032
    @jupiter2032 6 місяців тому +1

    Respect for Carlos J. He gave us all the informations and broke it down for us.

  • @fakelewis8838
    @fakelewis8838 5 місяців тому

    its completely normal for a guitar to come with the whammy bar deatached, if it came with it, it might get damaged in the shipping, even thousand dollar guitars come with it deatached, its how it should come :D

  • @invasivebird5646
    @invasivebird5646 8 місяців тому +1

    Hey David, do you think you can start posting more beginner guitar shorts?

  • @lylastevens.fancy.a.magicpie
    @lylastevens.fancy.a.magicpie 3 місяці тому

    The wood probably feels fake because its laminated, bezide that, probably is a satin finish, how they could say an ibanez isn't good. I dunno. But beside all of that, the guitar at the end played really well, fret buzz can be fixed through a set up.

  • @voosplash7269
    @voosplash7269 8 днів тому

    10:06 / was that thunder in the backround?

  • @defirefoxyt
    @defirefoxyt 20 днів тому

    2:39 I guess Glarry wanted to SET THE BAR HIGH on this one...

  • @lukasvandewiel860
    @lukasvandewiel860 4 місяці тому

    The whammy bar is always deattached, otherwise it does not fit in the case. Even with a USA standard Fender strat.

  • @jamesreece9502
    @jamesreece9502 7 місяців тому

    To prevent damage during shipping, whammy bars are normally detached.

  • @natetakahiro3101
    @natetakahiro3101 8 місяців тому +2

    Try Guitar "Ural"(Урал) (Guitar from USSR), it IS a nightmare ;)

  • @Tomek-e8q
    @Tomek-e8q 5 днів тому

    8:04 "You can peel pick guards right of thats the whole point "meanwhile the whole point of pick guards is to stop your oicks from scratching the guitar

  • @coffeesboba
    @coffeesboba Місяць тому

    3:21 eagle? The team is called Toronto BLUEJAYS for a reason lmao 😭🙏

  • @palashjyotimusics7866
    @palashjyotimusics7866 6 місяців тому

    7:43 David! You gonna be arrested by doing this

  • @Poisoneye-tz4zh
    @Poisoneye-tz4zh 6 місяців тому +1

    When I got my electric guitar from Amazon that little lick wrench thing yeah it’s supposed to be high

    • @malegria9641
      @malegria9641 6 місяців тому

      Whammy bar? Yeah, they are

  • @kutapok6836
    @kutapok6836 8 місяців тому +2

    what is that pink guitar in the beginning?

    • @Lemons-uc7ny
      @Lemons-uc7ny 8 місяців тому

      It is a mitchell MD200 double cutaway, they are around 170-200 USD dollars

  • @destianpatrianagara1119
    @destianpatrianagara1119 8 місяців тому

    The thing with import guitars is that they are so inconsistent, and there's possibility of you getting a bad one.
    That's probably the reason why some people are arguing whether "this brand is good that brand is bad." , It is important to try before you buy, or at least have a return policy.

  • @cassy8834
    @cassy8834 9 днів тому

    Yeah, those are like really beginner guitars and yeah, they’re probably not the greatest quality but I guess for someone that’s never played before and just starting out to see if they even like it. It might be OK for them, but I would do your research and definitely get a guitar from someone that has a good ratings. My daughter is a beginner and she just got one coming in this week and it’s from Germany one of the top places in Germany.

  • @jackschitt7783
    @jackschitt7783 4 місяці тому +2

    Trem bars DO come "deattached".

  • @epicneon6930
    @epicneon6930 8 місяців тому +1

    The veneer is uneven because its a spalted Maple veneer, its meant to be that way

  • @RockyPrashant-5235
    @RockyPrashant-5235 6 місяців тому

    Bet the telecaster kit if your a professional guitar builder you would sand the body and a polish it and do a paint job

  • @reloy14
    @reloy14 2 місяці тому +1

    4:09 What was he playing

  • @Red_not_dead69
    @Red_not_dead69 7 місяців тому

    7:21 I’m not saying the wood isn’t fake but I think it’s the polish they put on the wood

  • @Jimi.467
    @Jimi.467 6 місяців тому

    A baby guitar is a guitar that is smaller than a full-sized guitar, often designed for children or young learners

  • @JakeyBro69
    @JakeyBro69 7 місяців тому

    Tremolo bars always come detached. It keeps the guitar better that way. It’s really easy to screw in or take out, hope this helps

  • @whitebutterflyfingersofcolour
    @whitebutterflyfingersofcolour 6 місяців тому +1

    Bro bought a Guitar from Ikea 💀

  • @marcraygun6290
    @marcraygun6290 6 місяців тому +1

    The "EAGLE" staring from bluejay guitar!?

  • @2D_G0R1LL4Z
    @2D_G0R1LL4Z 5 місяців тому +1

    3:34 mordecai 😨

  • @Burger-g7k
    @Burger-g7k 3 місяці тому

    Should i buy my own guitarr (currently playing with my grandad eletric guitarr)

  • @cornishpasty7853
    @cornishpasty7853 4 місяці тому

    7:18 i just paused the video because i just realised that I've seen this guitar in real life before lol.

  • @christianpublico-go8iw
    @christianpublico-go8iw 4 місяці тому

    Bro pulled the tinginingingining 2 times in a row

  • @GDZenith_0
    @GDZenith_0 Місяць тому +1

    3:06, why did i just randomly get a mistplay add lol

    @THEQUIETKID6666 5 місяців тому +1

    1:27 better call Saul

  • @FubsoFub
    @FubsoFub 8 місяців тому +1

    78th like :D i saw the title and had to click, even though i only play acousitc guitar, the electric was also really fun to watch :D

  • @normal_guy_specialty
    @normal_guy_specialty 8 місяців тому

    what do i do if i have a fret buzz on the first fret? i have no idea what to do.

    • @crownjewel555
      @crownjewel555 8 місяців тому

      hey! I don't know what type of guitar it is or about your specs, but I'll see if I can help.
      First thing that comes to mind is raising string hight. For most fret buzzing, thats the simplest fix. On a stoptail bridge, the way to fix this would be by turning the lugs on the side of the bridge. On a hardtail and most trems, there are two places for a small hex wrench which can change the height for each individual saddle. *I would recommend watching a video on how to do this depending on the type of bridge you have.* If the fret buzz is only on a few of the strings on a guitar with a hardtail or trem, then this would be what I would do.
      Let me now direct your attention to a slightly different problem with the same symptoms. Wood on guitar necks buckle with time and tension. Maybe your neck has buckled and curved just slightly out of shape. *this might not be the case, I would start by raising the string height and then if that's too high or doesn't work, you can work on this.* The way to fix a bent neck, concave or convex, would be by changing the truss rod with a large hex wrench. At the top of most guitars, there is a cover that can be screwed open to reveal the truss rod. Some guitars don't have a cover, some acoustic guitars have the truss rod inside the sound hole. Turning the truss rod with a large hex wrench slightly would fix the problem.
      Doing the first option will not change your intonation (how much the guitar is in tune with its self, [check at the 12 fret, if its a perfect octave above the open, its perfectly intonated.]), but it will slightly raise your tuning on guitars without nut locks, so be sure while your raising your string height to check the tuning too. Doing the second option *will* change the intonation, as it is a huge change to the guitar and it's neck. When I was starting out, i didn't know this and messed up the truss rod on a lot of my axes. Don't make my mistake; you should educate yourself.
      I hope this helped, and good luck. (sorry for the essay, this is a very complicated subject)

    • @moss_ball.
      @moss_ball. 8 місяців тому

      I'd heavily recommend taking it into a shop rather than trying to fix it yourself. 99.9% of the time your truss rod needs to be adjusted, and i don't recommend messing around with it if you have never before. Take it to a ACTUAL luthier- not guitar center. Guitar center's gonna screw your guitar up even more iibh. everything @crownjewel555 said is correct- however, again, i do not recommend trying to mess around with your truss rod. Like they said, messed up their own axes. Not even my guitar teacher who's been playing since his teens, and is now in his 50's, will mess around with his. Its VERY important to how your guitar plays- Just take it in :) But again no guitar center- overpriced, and i've seen so many people return with a guitar in a worse state than before.

  • @Venoom938
    @Venoom938 4 місяці тому

    Glarry guitars have whammy bars deatached when you get them and glarry does diy guitars too

  • @dylangamer10000
    @dylangamer10000 8 місяців тому +3

    You inspired me to play wonderwall

  • @davidpazmino_
    @davidpazmino_  8 місяців тому +128

    Was the lowest rated Guitar in the world worth the 2 hour drive?

    • @Ccdshht
      @Ccdshht 8 місяців тому +5


    • @loganbanana
      @loganbanana 8 місяців тому

      I don’t think it was

    • @cristiancarranza_
      @cristiancarranza_ 8 місяців тому +1

      I think so to be honest, letting us know what not to get was a very great thing to do however for yourself I don’t think so

    • @Jezekmusic
      @Jezekmusic 8 місяців тому +1

      E. just e (check out MY guitar vids)

    • @lucassmith1886
      @lucassmith1886 8 місяців тому +2

      Absolutely. It was awesome for a video!

  • @scaleonkhan183
    @scaleonkhan183 6 місяців тому

    That two hours was pure dedication man

  • @Arthur_2012
    @Arthur_2012 8 місяців тому

    Love your UA-cam Vids 👑

  • @dirt7430
    @dirt7430 7 місяців тому

    What's that you're playing at 4:00? It sounds familiar

  • @ice123afn9
    @ice123afn9 Місяць тому

    At 1:57 you play fade to black soloo??

  • @ajbone1842
    @ajbone1842 6 місяців тому

    i recognize this type of video...

  • @out.of.tune8
    @out.of.tune8 8 місяців тому

    Not me waiting for him to wonderwall me with the first guitar-