Good illustration of not only how to do this modification, but also how much harder the tips of the stainless steel reeds are than brass reeds (which would only require a fraction of the grinding to get the same result). How is bending the 5 draw down to the minor 7th sound? Is the quality still good enough for those who would like to sometimes play a 2nd position blues scale on a country tuned harp?
Thank you! Great Performer.
Good illustration of not only how to do this modification, but also how much harder the tips of the stainless steel reeds are than brass reeds (which would only require a fraction of the grinding to get the same result). How is bending the 5 draw down to the minor 7th sound? Is the quality still good enough for those who would like to sometimes play a 2nd position blues scale on a country tuned harp?
Can you do the reverse, Take a country tuned harmonica (CT) D major to hole harmonica in my case, and convert it to standard D major harmonic.
Can you play the tune Slide off of your Satin Sheets with that tuning
Circular tuning works best for that tune with no bending needed. Natural minor is good also.