Hi, good questions! 1. For cable car, it's actually pretty fast. It's always moving but average dalam 15 - 20 minutes if you dah dalam the tent area. About 20 - 30 minutes if you kena beratur sampai luar tent. 2. Yes, setiap kali naik kena beratur balik. Dia laju je bergerak sebab satu cable car boleh duduk 4 orang. Kalau dia stop sebab hujan je jadi lama menunggu. 3.Boleh beli ticket at anytime before pergi TAPI kena make sure tickets are still available for the time slot you have chosen. Kalau you beli 4:00PM, you can still go around 3:30PM until 4:30PM for your first ride (jangan lambat sangat pula). Then you have around 3 hours to finish up the rest of your rides. Eg: Beli ticket for 4:00PM, main sampai 7:00PM. Hope that helps!
Where to next? 👀
Hi , i have few questions to ask. Berapa lama beratur before naik cable car tu? memang setiap kali nak naik kena beratur kan?
kalau beli tiket on website right before pergi tempat tu boleh ke? sebab takut hujan
Hi, good questions!
1. For cable car, it's actually pretty fast. It's always moving but average dalam 15 - 20 minutes if you dah dalam the tent area. About 20 - 30 minutes if you kena beratur sampai luar tent.
2. Yes, setiap kali naik kena beratur balik. Dia laju je bergerak sebab satu cable car boleh duduk 4 orang. Kalau dia stop sebab hujan je jadi lama menunggu.
3.Boleh beli ticket at anytime before pergi TAPI kena make sure tickets are still available for the time slot you have chosen. Kalau you beli 4:00PM, you can still go around 3:30PM until 4:30PM for your first ride (jangan lambat sangat pula). Then you have around 3 hours to finish up the rest of your rides.
Eg: Beli ticket for 4:00PM, main sampai 7:00PM.
Hope that helps!
ok noted thankyouuu so much !!!
ok noted thankyouuu so much !!!