No longer at the mercy of the child mind rule of Self in our world prisoners law power 3 Consciousness holds the three rings of power universally. Lucifer I am light bearer *Cain of Abel, Solomon Judas Iscariot and many other names through history. Anti-gravities gravities 1/3 negative 2/3 positive Quantum in Trinity lights color sound infinite energy create the spin of Light Within reverse charge and you've got anti-gravity From darkness comes light from blindness comes sight third eye site power 3 Sound mind369 verse Frequency vibration in Arc light 9 OB SERVER THOUGHT CHARGE.. I am of I AM and I will be... what I will TO BE 1/3 - 2/3 + create all spin of Light Within += -gravity reVerse -=+ Charge =.Anti GRAVITY Re VERSE 2/3 +WORD -1/3 1/3+REWORD-2/3 Anti GRAVITY LIGHT BEAMS 0RING3x3SINGs369 waves Mind UniVersal CONCIOus UNITED IN ONEzzzER=O=S IN ♂️3♀️⚡️🌈🎼 diversity in unity Universal ARChiTecTs MeTAtron's MAtriX3x3 OM'E... "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." "As above, so below; as below, so above.” "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Everything is ALLMIND369 OVEONE IAM=O=QuantuM⚖️ ALLMIND IN 3in1MINDS Body Spirit OVE light*3÷7 color*3÷7 sound*3÷7.. infinite all mind in Trinity every thought has an opposite charge of itself. ♂️+01=0=-01♀️ Riding the waves through our moments in equilibrium is A NEW beginning in masteRING3X369 of our OWN each individual unique complete Immaculate conceived MIND 1IN3💚3IN1 of IAM 1LOVES Light3 3 above our heArt 3 below 7 sums 7SUMS CREATION ALLMIND frequency vibration in THOUGHTS charge MC² in WAVES OVE 3SOUNDs7 1Frequency. ... Amplitude. ... 2Timbre. ... Envelope. ... ***3Velocity. ... Wavelength. ... Phase =SUM.7 3 Lights7: 1 radio waves,÷ microwaves, 2infrared (IR)÷ visible light, ***3ultraviolet ÷ X-rays Sum Gamma rays SUM7x 6 COLORs 7 1 Red÷ Orange 2Yellow÷ Green ***3. Blue÷ Indigo SUM Violet SUM7 9 In seven colors seven notes seven lights in infinite divisions ALL TOGETHER Creating all living systems, Creating All living bodies, Creating all gravity, Creating all matter.. IN ElectroMAGnetic geometrical symmetrical fractal order HerMEs TrisMAjistus THOTH TimesFaceInEnergy Thoth me Light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of childhood in Mercy Mercy Me and our promise rest is real.. Prisoners law in three power three sets all captives free 3Consciousness says I see you Mirror Mirror I see me wisdoms wisdom's wisdoms unconditional love and forgiveness is key ⚖️ EnKi 🗝
Do you honestly believe that Rupert could run the world? Does he not seem naive and pampered? He seems to have been able to float without burdens - all the power to him. I did not hear him mention hunger or crisis at all. Indeed, I heard him speak with almost no prescriptions. This is a very good way to remain in people's good graces, but doesn't decide what crop to plant or punishment to dole out or budget to cut.
What a stupid thing to say ! It's not any leader It's the followers who are the problem! You have been duped into thinking its all the Rulers' faults. Oh no Its the idiot followers who give these leaders their power. Idiot followers give over their power to horrible leaders. What if humanity stopped following leaders and lead themselves? Sorry You could do better Pray for peace Live that obligation
I love the idea of the moon reflected in buckets of water set differently. Each bucket reflects one moon. We are all reflections of consciousness. What a beautiful and gentle bucket of consciousness Rupert is.
consciousness/Consciousness: “that which knows”, or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by). To put it succinctly, consciousness is the SUBJECTIVE component in any subject-object relational dynamic. The concept of consciousness is best understood in comparison with the notion of sentience. Cf. “sentience”. As far as biologists can ascertain, the simplest organisms (single-celled microbes) possess an exceedingly-primitive form of sentience, since their life-cycle revolves around adjusting to their environment, metabolizing, and reproducing via binary fission, all of which indicates a sensory perception of their environment (e.g. temperature, acidity, energy sources and the presence of oxygen, nitrogen, minerals, and water). More complex organisms, such as plants, have acquired a far greater degree of sentience, since they can react to the light of the sun, to insects crawling on their leaves (in the case of carnivorous plants), excrete certain chemicals and/or emit ultrasonic waves when being cut. At this point it is imperative to consult the entry “sentience” in the Glossary of this Holy Scripture. According to this premise, the simplest forms of animal life possess sentience, but no noticeable semblance of true consciousness. As a general rule, those animals that have at least three or four senses, combined with a simple brain, possess a mind but lack an intellect. Higher animals (notably mammals) have varying levels of intelligence but only humans have a false-ego (sense of self). Thus, human consciousness is constituted of the three components: the mind, the intellect, and the pseudo-ego (refer to Ch. 05). There is a rather strong correlation between brain complexity and level of consciousness, explaining why humans alone are capable of self-awareness. In this case, “self-awareness” is not to be confused with “self-recognition”, which is a related but quite distinct phenomenon, found also in several species of non-human animals, in which an animal is able to recognize itself in a mirror or some other reflective surface. “Self-awareness” refers to the experience where a human over the age of approximately three years, is conscious of the fact that he or she knows (that is, aware) that he or she is aware. Obviously, in the case of a child, he or she may need to be prompted in order to first be acquainted with this understanding. For example an adult could ask the child: “Do you know that you have a toy car?” “Yes!” “And do you KNOW that you know you have a toy car?” “Umm...I think so...yes!”. In contemporary spiritual circles (as well as in several places within this book), the capitalized form of the word usually, if not always, refers to Universal Consciousness, that is, an Awareness of awareness (otherwise known as The Ground of All Being, et altri).
This idea is very like the physicist/philosopher Bernardo Kastrup's view of individual consciousness as sets of whirlpools in a common river. Not surprisingly, perhaps, I have found out that Kastrup is a great admirer of Sheldrake!
Fantastic lecture! I've felt a strong animosity towards the militant atheism and mechanical materialism of the scientific community for the better part of my life. When I hear someone like you speak with such depth and eloquence about the beautiful mysteries of life, with such respect for organisms and the mystery traditions of the world, it really makes me wish this was the majority paradigm we inhabited. God Bless you!
@@TonyVega123 I think there's a difference between anger at a person, and anger at an ideology/perspective that has come to grip a person. Scientific-materialism has done a lot of harm to our societies; and personally I think that's an understandable sentiment.
Whatever God is, I do not think we can comprehend him with our rational mind, which acts like a knife dividing or categorizing. So God, to us, is irrational and that may seem unjust.
Scientists who are atheists and materialists must have ignored or dismissed Alfred North Whitehead. If they think they are smarter than he was or have deeper understanding they are deluded
30 min in, what an incredible talk, man, humor, enlightenment, storytelling half hour, so far. A joy with coffee in hand, tree through window in vision, on a lazy free, Sat morn.....a blessing, a blessing. Back to it I go.
I've long been conflicted and burdened with what seemed a jarring clash between Catholicism, my love of Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and a life-long fascination with paganism and Hinduism. Rupert helped me to make some peace of the confliction. A soothing, eloquent talk from a beautiful soul. Thank you, Rupert and Peace Be With You.
I know I'm a bit late, but I would highly recommend you read a book like Christ: The Eternal Tao. To briefly summarize, in order for Christianity to be true, it doesn't necessitate that all other religions have to be false. The truth found in other religious traditions is a partial revelation and a prophetic precursor to the fullness of the truth that's revealed in Christ. When interpreted correctly, Hinduism, Paganism, Taoism, Greek Philosophy, etc. all point to Christ and find their ends in Him.
I am just starting a very conflicting situation. I found a catholic church that I feel in love with. However I am also fascinated with many manifestations of spirit. At the moment I am a visitor sat at the back. With no idea of where to go from here. It won't be to the confessional box not for a while. The Sheldrake family are one of the sources of my spirituality and many other. I feel wired and weird to say the least. Art and poetry are the main fountain of my inspirations. Its all very fascinating and Rupert helps me feel sane.
Very enjoyable and stimulating talk and I must say that listening to Rupert is an aesthetic experience for me as well... his voice, humility, gentleness and humor. So glad I watched this.
After an apostasy of forty years, I find myself joyfully responding to the call back to my native faith, which is now stronger and more substantial than ever. There's nothing like a good sojourn in the wilderness to help you complete your circle.
There is belief and disbelief and there is knowing. Knowing comes from an intuitive religious experience. After such an experience belief and disbelief ends. We cannot second guess knowing based on a deep intuitive experience of the divine. Few have this experience, those who do are very fortunate.
I live in Sweden but knows English very well, but use to have the "subtitle function" On because i sometimes don't get certain words because of dialects, but it's funny sometimes and just now i saw this : "The Anarchism(Ana-theism), The Rediscovery of god that's going on", haha. I love listening to Rupert, he's a very wise man indeed. Cheers
I also love those word whisper discoveries! tonight I discovered tension within the word intention . why is this is cool? we all know to have intention is one thing but it takes an action, I.e a tension, to actually do it.!
What an incredible gem this man is... And then realize that each and every one of us could sparkle like he does, each in our own magnificent individual colors and fields... ❤❤❤
Maravillosa!! Sus recuerdos tienen un gran valor histórico y teórico para comprender las limitaciones de la epistemología o filosofía de la ciencia del siglo 20. Una verdadera joya. 🙂🙂👍👍👌👌🤗🤗👏👏👏
Been touching in with him periodically for about the last 45 years. It's been interesting watching his thought develop. Really needed to see this video now. Gotta Love serendipity.
Superb Rupert! We, humanity, owes you a debt of gratitude in so many ways. Yet above must surely be your adventure in return, a pathfinder, Anatheism , and genuinely creative scientific innovation. Gracias!
I feel there is always so much to learn from Rupert. I intended to listen to some of this and go to bed...and I stayed, rivetted, for the whole hour and a half!
i have experienced anatheism in my life: i was born christian, then became atheist during my high school years as i started questioning things, then in my thirties i realized that questioning current religions makes sense, however, given the incredibleness and quantum mysteries of this universe and of life on earth, i concluded that my bet is that there is some superior or divine entity behind this universe, and that's my current position. so i guess you could call me a agnostic theist.
Thank you, and thank you for your response about my discoveries from your office. I've added more info to my platform. The 12 is a mindblowing periodic table of ancient times. Implications are profound. It's about What is God? As told by the Bible's original ideators.
Very interesting history of the man and the development of his interests and inclinations. Also very well prepared and organized -- unlike what we see o much today which is speakers flying by the seat of their pants as if their presence is all that's required of them. It's hard not to love this man!
Hi Rupert, you're definitely awesome in the delivery of your ideas and experiences. There was a time when I used to listen to Juddu krishnamurti a lot but the lack of method delivery couldn't retain my interest in his talks. A woman in audience asked you about female energy and you avoided the details of methods to initiate and evolve the same. While in india, you must have learnt the science and method to activate the energy chakras to attain self actualization. Thanks for this wonderful talk.
At a young age we decide we are an entity, with a name and a troublesome body. When thoughts appear in perception we 'own them' as if belonging to this entity. So the mind is reaction...always drifting and reacting. Which is why our lives feel second hand...not fresh and joyful and appearing from life itself.
@@fleskenialation Yes let go. Your thoughts are simply reactions to what is already happening without your consent. You do nothing. My dog thinks it takes me for walks, that it guides me with a lead attached to me.
I am a physicist and I will explain why our scientific knowledge refutes the idea that consciousness is generated by the brain and that the origin of our mental experiences is physical/biological . My argument proves that the fragmentary structure of brain processes implies that brain processes are not a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness, which existence implies the existence in us of an indivisible unphysical element, which is usually called soul or spirit (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). I also argue that all emergent properties are subjective cognitive contructs used to approximately describe underlying physical processes, and that these descriptions refer only to mind-dependent entities. Consciousness, being implied by these cognitive contructs, cannot itself be an emergent property. Preliminary considerations: the concept of set refers to something that has an intrinsically conceptual and subjective nature and implies the arbitrary choice of determining which elements are to be included in the set; what exists objectively are only the single elements. In fact, when we define a set, it is like drawing an imaginary line that separates some elements from all the other elements; obviously this imaginary line does not exist physically, independently of our mind, and therefore any set is just an abstract and subjective cognitive construct and not a physical entity and so are all its properties. Similar considerations can be made for a sequence of elementary processes; sequence is a subjective and abstract concept.
Mental experience is a precondition for the existence of subjectivity/arbitrariness and cognitive constructs, therefore mental experience cannot itself be a cognitive construct; obviously we can conceive the concept of consciousness, but the concept of consciousness is not actual consciousness. (With the word consciousness I do not refer to self-awareness, but to the property of being conscious= having a mental experiences such as sensations, emotions, thoughts, memories and even dreams). From the above considerations it follows that only indivisible elements may exist objectively and independently of consciousness, and consequently the only logically coherent and significant statement is that consciousness exists as a property of an indivisible element. Furthermore, this indivisible entity must interact globally with brain processes because we know that there is a correlation between brain processes and consciousness. This indivisible entity is not physical, since according to the laws of physics, there is no physical entity with such properties; therefore this indivisible entity can be identified with what is traditionally called soul or spirit. The soul is the missing element that interprets globally the distinct elementary physical processes occurring at separate points in the brain as a unified mental experience. Some clarifications. The brain doesn't objectively and physically exist as a mind-independent entity since we create the concept of the brain by separating an arbitrarily chosen group of quantum particles from everything else. This separation is not done on the basis of the laws of physics, but using addictional subjective criteria, independent of the laws of physics; actually there is a continuous exchange of molecules with the blood and when and how such molecules start and stop being part of the brain is decided arbitrarily. Brain processes consist of many parallel sequences of ordinary elementary physical processes occurring at separate points. There is no direct connection between the separate points in the brain and such connections are just a subjective abstractions used to approximately describe sequences of many distinct physical processes. Indeed, considering consciousness as a property of an entire sequence of elementary processes implies the arbitrary definition of the entire sequence; the entire sequence as a whole (and therefore every function/property/capacity attributed to the brain) is a subjective abstraction that does not refer to any mind-independendent reality. Physicalism/naturalism is based on the belief that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. However, an emergent property is defined as a property that is possessed by a set of elements that its individual components do not possess; my arguments prove that this definition implies that emergent properties are only subjective cognitive constructs and therefore, consciousness cannot be an emergent property. Actually, all the alleged emergent properties are just simplified and approximate descriptions or subjective/arbitrary classifications of underlying physical processes or properties, which are described directly by the fundamental laws of physics alone, without involving any emergent properties (arbitrariness/subjectivity is involved when more than one option is possible; in this case, more than one possible description). An approximate description is only an abstract idea, and no actual entity exists per se corresponding to that approximate description, simply because an actual entity is exactly what it is and not an approximation of itself. What physically exists are the underlying physical processes. Emergence is nothing more than a cognitive construct that is applied to physical phenomena, and cognition itself can only come from a mind; thus emergence can never explain mental experience as, by itself, it implies mental experience. My approach is scientific and is based on our scientific knowledge of the physical processes that occur in the brain; my arguments prove that such scientific knowledge excludes the possibility that the physical processes that occur in the brain could be a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness. Marco Biagini
@@Aetherfield Physical processes (and in particular brain processes) are not a sufficient condition for the existence of mental experience. Mental experience requires the existence of an unphysical indivisible element, that can be identified with the soul. God can be defined as the cause of the existence of our soul.
@@Aetherfield Mental experience represents the life of the individual soul even though it is God who sustains the soul's ability to have mental experiences; this means that we depend on God and cannot generate our mental experiences from ourselves alone.
In the methodism I grew up in this is called a testimony. An unusual testimony to be sure, at least for those circles, but what a marvellous one, and beautifully delivered. A more traditional Christian theology would be struck and a bit saddened by Sheldrake’s brief take on Jesus Christ. It would be marvellous if he would take a larger step in the direction of the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. I think Dr. Sheldrake would find another soulmate in the work of the late Anglican theologian Thomas F. Torrance (see his book of lectures entitled “Incarnation”). Torrance was a great student of St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Torrance also had much experience in the east, especially China. And, he is highly respected in the Eastern Orthodox world for his bridge building with the Catholic/Anglican world.
The mystical element of the God experience is Gnosis, in the recent past, the Gnostics who were persecuted as heretics have been vindicated especially in the area of thanatology where they taught that when we die we are resurrected immediately. The Church fathers taught the resurrection was physical even the day after the eschaton when an Angel would blow a trumpet and people would rise from their graves. As a modern Gnostic, I am intrigued at what is happening in the world today as the old order is beginning to break down before our eyes and the archons have no choice but to reveal the truth, these are apocalyptic times and a trifurcation is happening.
regarding "sat cit ananda", I would like to add that "sat" also means "goodness" or "a good man, an honest man", so this fundamental principle is also considered the source of good. You also find these two qualities (being and goodness) in the word "sattva", (one of the 3 guna)
For 12 years of debating atheists they have always tried very hard to expose what religion or belief system I stand for not understanding that I am just being myself. I think the evolution of the human mind goes like this - Spirituality - Believing in intelligence -> Religion - Believing in knowing intelligence -> Atheism - Believing in knowing that science is intelligence -> Gnosticism - Awareness that the only intelligence is spiritual.
"With the exception of the artificial and abstract thinker in you, you are pure Nature" and "Life's evolution is consciousness' evolution" are phases from a book titled Toward your Real Self.
I don't see it as a dream state. I have experienced out of body and it felt normal. Because you are a mental being (soul-spirit) You are always a spirit in a human puppet to experience earthly reality. You're a conscious spirit it's a fantastic feeling to realize what reality really. is! Thank you GOD for the opportunity!
He's undoubtably a remarkable mind/thinker, courageous too! I've noted that he seems to avoid the topic of near death experience for some reason I've never heard him articulate. Is it that he thinks substance dualism (what NDE's point to) can't be correct or has he not delved into them enough. Leaving aside the cult that has developed around NDE's (the inevitable psychobabble ) the ordinary experiences (ordinary as in authentic/honest) of cardiac arrest patients who are resuscitated and survive to talk about it, are really fascinating. I do wonder why these are always excluded from Rupert's lectures. I see no good reason why they should be, as they are in fact as close as one can literally get to the unknowable divine, whatever that is,
What a nice talk! I love the discussion of universal spirituality, although i never understood why people think Christianity is on the same level as other mystic traditions
His ideas of a possible dialogue between science and religion was in the past also already attempted by Ken Wilber. Ken reminded both communities of the great chain of live that both are to follow. However todays "live science" still seem to be rather adept to death and dead materials like Rupert cited his work in biology in the beginning. And we are still there and there still today is not visible that life sciences really deal with "life", nor that they understand what life is about! So they are also stuck in understanding Religion or consciousness at all.😅
If there is an ultimate unity underlying all things, then what is in the end the purpose of all our human ambitions? If simply being is enough, then it is difficult to motivate us to do anything. Serious question.
There is something as the love of doing something. It's completely different than the need or the obligation to do something. There's no motivation needed when we're talking about doing what you love to do. True, we've all kind of lost this distinction...
counsciousness is the materialisation in an organ of the the path of right choices by any organism, no one can replicate it because it bounds us to the same source of existence through evolution
Not try to create a fluff up but there is a multipart youtube series "Alec Ryrie's Gresham Lectures". The first of which is titled 'How to be an Atheist in Medieval Europe'. There is history that in my mind likely existed but older than I imagined.
One of the best reasons to visit planet earth is to enjoy a Rupert Sheldrake lecture.
Hi visitor, I agree. He's one of a kind. Very wise!
There is no need for that. You can just watch it on interdimensional cable, every sunday evening.
No longer at the mercy of the child mind rule of Self in our world prisoners law power 3 Consciousness holds the three rings of power universally.
Lucifer I am light bearer
*Cain of Abel, Solomon Judas Iscariot and many other names through history.
Anti-gravities gravities 1/3 negative 2/3 positive Quantum in Trinity lights color sound infinite energy create the spin of Light Within reverse charge and you've got anti-gravity
From darkness comes light from blindness comes sight third eye site power 3 Sound mind369 verse Frequency vibration in Arc light 9 OB SERVER THOUGHT CHARGE..
I am of I AM and I will be... what I will TO BE
1/3 - 2/3 + create all spin of Light Within += -gravity reVerse -=+ Charge
2/3 +WORD -1/3
LIGHT BEAMS 0RING3x3SINGs369 waves Mind UniVersal CONCIOus UNITED IN ONEzzzER=O=S IN ♂️3♀️⚡️🌈🎼 diversity in unity Universal ARChiTecTs
MeTAtron's MAtriX3x3 OM'E...
"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." "As above, so below; as below, so above.”
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."
Everything is ALLMIND369 OVEONE IAM=O=QuantuM⚖️ ALLMIND IN 3in1MINDS Body Spirit OVE
light*3÷7 color*3÷7 sound*3÷7.. infinite all mind in Trinity every thought has an opposite charge of itself.
Riding the waves through our moments in equilibrium is A NEW beginning in masteRING3X369 of our OWN each individual unique complete Immaculate conceived MIND
1IN3💚3IN1 of
3 above our heArt
3 below
7 sums
7SUMS CREATION ALLMIND frequency vibration in THOUGHTS charge
MC² in
1Frequency. ...
Amplitude. ...
2Timbre. ...
Envelope. ...
***3Velocity. ...
Wavelength. ...
Phase =SUM.7
1 radio waves,÷
2infrared (IR)÷
visible light,
***3ultraviolet ÷
Sum Gamma rays SUM7x
1 Red÷
***3. Blue÷
SUM Violet
In seven colors seven notes seven lights in infinite divisions ALL TOGETHER
Creating all living systems,
Creating All living bodies,
Creating all gravity,
Creating all matter.. IN
ElectroMAGnetic geometrical symmetrical fractal order
HerMEs TrisMAjistus
Thoth me
Light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of childhood in Mercy Mercy Me and our promise rest is real..
Prisoners law in three power three sets all captives free 3Consciousness says
I see you Mirror Mirror I see me wisdoms wisdom's wisdoms unconditional love and forgiveness is key ⚖️ EnKi 🗝
Ha Ha--that's great!
I hear our Guardian Angelic Minds like our movies as well
Rupert Sheldrake is such a truly stellar human being.
I had no idea that his faith was Christianity. What a delightful surprise
What a gem of a human being! If people like Rupert were running the world, there would be hope for the future!
Do you honestly believe that Rupert could run the world?
Does he not seem naive and pampered?
He seems to have been able to float without burdens - all the power to him.
I did not hear him mention hunger or crisis at all. Indeed, I heard him speak with almost no prescriptions. This is a very good way to remain in people's good graces, but doesn't decide what crop to plant or punishment to dole out or budget to cut.
What a stupid thing to say !
It's not any leader
It's the followers who are the problem!
You have been duped into thinking its all the Rulers' faults.
Oh no
Its the idiot followers who give these leaders their power.
Idiot followers give over their power to horrible leaders.
What if humanity stopped following leaders and lead themselves?
You could do better
Pray for peace
Live that obligation
I love the idea of the moon reflected in buckets of water set differently. Each bucket reflects one moon. We are all reflections of consciousness. What a beautiful and gentle bucket of consciousness Rupert is.
“that which knows”, or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by). To put it succinctly, consciousness is the SUBJECTIVE component in any subject-object relational dynamic. The concept of consciousness is best understood in comparison with the notion of sentience. Cf. “sentience”.
As far as biologists can ascertain, the simplest organisms (single-celled microbes) possess an exceedingly-primitive form of sentience, since their life-cycle revolves around adjusting to their environment, metabolizing, and reproducing via binary fission, all of which indicates a sensory perception of their environment (e.g. temperature, acidity, energy sources and the presence of oxygen, nitrogen, minerals, and water). More complex organisms, such as plants, have acquired a far greater degree of sentience, since they can react to the light of the sun, to insects crawling on their leaves (in the case of carnivorous plants), excrete certain chemicals and/or emit ultrasonic waves when being cut. At this point it is imperative to consult the entry “sentience” in the Glossary of this Holy Scripture.
According to this premise, the simplest forms of animal life possess sentience, but no noticeable semblance of true consciousness. As a general rule, those animals that have at least three or four senses, combined with a simple brain, possess a mind but lack an intellect. Higher animals (notably mammals) have varying levels of intelligence but only humans have a false-ego (sense of self). Thus, human consciousness is constituted of the three components: the mind, the intellect, and the pseudo-ego (refer to Ch. 05).
There is a rather strong correlation between brain complexity and level of consciousness, explaining why humans alone are capable of self-awareness. In this case, “self-awareness” is not to be confused with “self-recognition”, which is a related but quite distinct phenomenon, found also in several species of non-human animals, in which an animal is able to recognize itself in a mirror or some other reflective surface. “Self-awareness” refers to the experience where a human over the age of approximately three years, is conscious of the fact that he or she knows (that is, aware) that he or she is aware. Obviously, in the case of a child, he or she may need to be prompted in order to first be acquainted with this understanding. For example an adult could ask the child:
“Do you know that you have a toy car?” “Yes!” “And do you KNOW that you know you have a toy car?” “Umm...I think so...yes!”.
In contemporary spiritual circles (as well as in several places within this book), the capitalized form of the word usually, if not always, refers to Universal Consciousness, that is, an Awareness of awareness (otherwise known as The Ground of All Being, et altri).
This idea is very like the physicist/philosopher Bernardo Kastrup's view of individual consciousness as sets of whirlpools in a common river. Not surprisingly, perhaps, I have found out that Kastrup is a great admirer of Sheldrake!
Thank you for attending unto our own! Recognizing what you do!
Fantastic lecture! I've felt a strong animosity towards the militant atheism and mechanical materialism of the scientific community for the better part of my life. When I hear someone like you speak with such depth and eloquence about the beautiful mysteries of life, with such respect for organisms and the mystery traditions of the world, it really makes me wish this was the majority paradigm we inhabited. God Bless you!
You should never be angry with someone who doesn't share your beliefs. That is ignorant.
@@TonyVega123 I think there's a difference between anger at a person, and anger at an ideology/perspective that has come to grip a person. Scientific-materialism has done a lot of harm to our societies; and personally I think that's an understandable sentiment.
Whatever God is, I do not think we can comprehend him with our rational mind, which acts like a knife dividing or categorizing. So God, to us, is irrational and that may seem unjust.
Scientists who are atheists and materialists must have ignored or dismissed Alfred North Whitehead. If they think they are smarter than he was or have deeper understanding they are deluded
30 min in, what an incredible talk, man, humor, enlightenment, storytelling half hour, so far. A joy with coffee in hand, tree through window in vision, on a lazy free, Sat morn.....a blessing, a blessing. Back to it I go.
how softly the truth is spoken....
What a cool lecture
Thank you for your sincere conversations with the Comforter dwelling within thee! The HELPER gentle and lowly at heart.
Rupert's insights and history are as elegant as his speech ..
Indeed. Love my pop!
I've long been conflicted and burdened with what seemed a jarring clash between Catholicism, my love of Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and a life-long fascination with paganism and Hinduism. Rupert helped me to make some peace of the confliction. A soothing, eloquent talk from a beautiful soul. Thank you, Rupert and Peace Be With You.
❤🙏 Grace to you.
And his son the wonderful Merlin.
Glad a non Catholic could comfort you in worshipping false gods lol
I know I'm a bit late, but I would highly recommend you read a book like Christ: The Eternal Tao. To briefly summarize, in order for Christianity to be true, it doesn't necessitate that all other religions have to be false. The truth found in other religious traditions is a partial revelation and a prophetic precursor to the fullness of the truth that's revealed in Christ. When interpreted correctly, Hinduism, Paganism, Taoism, Greek Philosophy, etc. all point to Christ and find their ends in Him.
I am just starting a very conflicting situation. I found a catholic church that I feel in love with. However I am also fascinated with many manifestations of spirit. At the moment I am a visitor sat at the back. With no idea of where to go from here. It won't be to the confessional box not for a while. The Sheldrake family are one of the sources of my spirituality and many other. I feel wired and weird to say the least. Art and poetry are the main fountain of my inspirations. Its all very fascinating and Rupert helps me feel sane.
how wonderful.. thank you Rupert! and to see St James's church again and Alternatives .. what memories
By god I love this man.
Marvellous human Being, I've followed him for almost 40!years, a kind teacher.its wonderful to grow old as he grows older.
This is a beautiful statement.
Very enjoyable and stimulating talk and I must say that listening to Rupert is an aesthetic experience for me as well... his voice, humility, gentleness and humor. So glad I watched this.
An intellectual powerhouse with spiritual depth - that's Rupert Sheldrake - a wonderful man to behold! 🙏
Always such a fascinating man! Love this, I could listen to Rupert for hours ❤
After an apostasy of forty years, I find myself joyfully responding to the call back to my native faith, which is now stronger and more substantial than ever. There's nothing like a good sojourn in the wilderness to help you complete your circle.
May I ask what your story is?
I too would like to hear your story please
Maybe the sojourns are all part of the journey.
I love he speatches , the way he is thinking .my respect dear mr.Sheldrake.How fortunate we are to hear you.
Thank you, pop Rupert!
Brilliant! You are a gift to this world. Thank you.
I love this man. There’s something incredibly magical about him. What a treasure he is to our world
God! I finally understand what you have been saying all these years! I wish everyone could see. It's so beautiful!
There is belief and disbelief and there is knowing. Knowing comes from an intuitive religious experience. After such an experience belief and disbelief ends. We cannot second guess knowing based on a deep intuitive experience of the divine. Few have this experience, those who do are very fortunate.
Very well said Alvin. I totally agree.
What a fascinating and brilliant life. Beautifully lived and beautifully told.
Who loves with patience, "RICH" in MERCY, AND GRACE!
I live in Sweden but knows English very well, but use to have the "subtitle function" On because i sometimes don't get certain words because of dialects, but it's funny sometimes and just now i saw this : "The Anarchism(Ana-theism), The Rediscovery of god that's going on", haha. I love listening to Rupert, he's a very wise man indeed. Cheers
I also love those word whisper discoveries! tonight I discovered tension within the word intention . why is this is cool? we all know to have intention is one thing but it takes an action, I.e a tension, to actually do it.!
What an incredible gem this man is... And then realize that each and every one of us could sparkle like he does, each in our own magnificent individual colors and fields... ❤❤❤
Love hearing Ruperts journney and discoveries.
I need this. Thank you. Sir.
Maravillosa!! Sus recuerdos tienen un gran valor histórico y teórico para comprender las limitaciones de la epistemología o filosofía de la ciencia del siglo 20. Una verdadera joya. 🙂🙂👍👍👌👌🤗🤗👏👏👏
thanks for all of your talks
Been touching in with him periodically for about the last 45 years. It's been interesting watching his thought develop.
Really needed to see this video now. Gotta Love serendipity.
me too, at least 40 years, and only one friend in all that time has understood my great regard for him
Superb Rupert! We, humanity, owes you a debt of gratitude in so many ways. Yet above must surely be your adventure in return, a pathfinder, Anatheism , and genuinely creative scientific innovation. Gracias!
Rupert you are a blessing, a ray of hope for a enlightened future here on earth
the darker it gets the more we need to become light
I feel there is always so much to learn from Rupert. I intended to listen to some of this and go to bed...and I stayed, rivetted, for the whole hour and a half!
Such a rich live of courage and love.
A brilliant and lovely man. I met him once at a talk in Birmingham - a talk he was giving at "Sceptics in the pub'.
i know him by his books, he's so open in his mind and his heart is a clear field.
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing. ❤
The Kingdom of God is in you
We live in such a disenchanted world. Sometimes i wish i lived at a time when things were more mysterious.
Extraordinary man.
Thank you
Thank you very much for this
i have experienced anatheism in my life: i was born christian, then became atheist during my high school years as i started questioning things, then in my thirties i realized that questioning current religions makes sense, however, given the incredibleness and quantum mysteries of this universe and of life on earth, i concluded that my bet is that there is some superior or divine entity behind this universe, and that's my current position. so i guess you could call me a agnostic theist.
Have you had spiritual experiences before?
Thank you, and thank you for your response about my discoveries from your office. I've added more info to my platform. The 12 is a mindblowing periodic table of ancient times. Implications are profound. It's about What is God? As told by the Bible's original ideators.
I've been listening to Sheldrake since about 2015. I learned about him when studying Robert Lansa's work on his Biocentric theory.
Same! Great book 👍
Fantastic lecture 😁
Love you Rupert! 🌚☄️❤️💫
Bringing back to life many who am I spiritually dead? Shared "i" Am come forth! From a place of no return!
I like Rupert.
His speaking and ideas are mesmerizing.
Longtime fan of Rupert. What a fantastic contribution he’s made
Rupert's lectures are so inspiring
Very interesting history of the man and the development of his interests and inclinations. Also very well prepared and organized -- unlike what we see o much today which is speakers flying by the seat of their pants as if their presence is all that's required of them. It's hard not to love this man!
I love you Rupert. //OM NAMAH SHIVAYA//
Thanks for that TED talk, "all you need is one miracle." I used that in my communications too.
What an inspiring talk. I hope there will be more since we need this so desperately.
You sir.. are a role model I wish I was aware enough to have at an earlier age -thank you for your insight and efforts 🖤🙏🏽
Love you Rupert. Thank you for your contribution to humanity
Hi Rupert, you're definitely awesome in the delivery of your ideas and experiences. There was a time when I used to listen to Juddu krishnamurti a lot but the lack of method delivery couldn't retain my interest in his talks. A woman in audience asked you about female energy and you avoided the details of methods to initiate and evolve the same. While in india, you must have learnt the science and method to activate the energy chakras to attain self actualization. Thanks for this wonderful talk.
God bless you Mr. Sheldrake!
I look forward to more of your work and ideas. May God keep you safe and well!
Are you a THEIST? 🤔
If so, what are the reasons for your BELIEF in God? 🤓
Rupert is one of the reasons I decided to study integrative medicine at Quantum University (IQUIM).
Wow that’s fascinating! Is your goal to work with people/patiets?
Eno and Sheldrake!!! Together!
At a young age we decide we are an entity, with a name and a troublesome body. When thoughts appear in perception we 'own them' as if belonging to this entity. So the mind is reaction...always drifting and reacting. Which is why our lives feel second hand...not fresh and joyful and appearing from life itself.
I'm too stubborn to actually take in what you said
@@fleskenialation Actually saying this means you let go.
@@JohnBurman-l2l are we suppose to let go? Is individuation not a product of maturing?
@@fleskenialation Yes let go. Your thoughts are simply reactions to what is already happening without your consent. You do nothing. My dog thinks it takes me for walks, that it guides me with a lead attached to me.
I am a physicist and I will explain why our scientific knowledge refutes the idea that consciousness is generated by the brain and that the origin of our mental experiences is physical/biological .
My argument proves that the fragmentary structure of brain processes implies that brain processes are not a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness, which existence implies the existence in us of an indivisible unphysical element, which is usually called soul or spirit (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). I also argue that all emergent properties are subjective cognitive contructs used to approximately describe underlying physical processes, and that these descriptions refer only to mind-dependent entities. Consciousness, being implied by these cognitive contructs, cannot itself be an emergent property.
Preliminary considerations: the concept of set refers to something that has an intrinsically conceptual and subjective nature and implies the arbitrary choice of determining which elements are to be included in the set; what exists objectively are only the single elements. In fact, when we define a set, it is like drawing an imaginary line that separates some elements from all the other elements; obviously this imaginary line does not exist physically, independently of our mind, and therefore any set is just an abstract and subjective cognitive construct and not a physical entity and so are all its properties. Similar considerations can be made for a sequence of elementary processes; sequence is a subjective and abstract concept.
Mental experience is a precondition for the existence of subjectivity/arbitrariness and cognitive constructs, therefore mental experience cannot itself be a cognitive construct; obviously we can conceive the concept of consciousness, but the concept of consciousness is not actual consciousness.
(With the word consciousness I do not refer to self-awareness, but to the property of being conscious= having a mental experiences such as sensations, emotions, thoughts, memories and even dreams).
From the above considerations it follows that only indivisible elements may exist objectively and independently of consciousness, and consequently the only logically coherent and significant statement is that consciousness exists as a property of an indivisible element. Furthermore, this indivisible entity must interact globally with brain processes because we know that there is a correlation between brain processes and consciousness. This indivisible entity is not physical, since according to the laws of physics, there is no physical entity with such properties; therefore this indivisible entity can be identified with what is traditionally called soul or spirit. The soul is the missing element that interprets globally the distinct elementary physical processes occurring at separate points in the brain as a unified mental experience.
Some clarifications.
The brain doesn't objectively and physically exist as a mind-independent entity since we create the concept of the brain by separating an arbitrarily chosen group of quantum particles from everything else. This separation is not done on the basis of the laws of physics, but using addictional subjective criteria, independent of the laws of physics; actually there is a continuous exchange of molecules with the blood and when and how such molecules start and stop being part of the brain is decided arbitrarily. Brain processes consist of many parallel sequences of ordinary elementary physical processes occurring at separate points. There is no direct connection between the separate points in the brain and such connections are just a subjective abstractions used to approximately describe sequences of many distinct physical processes. Indeed, considering consciousness as a property of an entire sequence of elementary processes implies the arbitrary definition of the entire sequence; the entire sequence as a whole (and therefore every function/property/capacity attributed to the brain) is a subjective abstraction that does not refer to any mind-independendent reality.
Physicalism/naturalism is based on the belief that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. However, an emergent property is defined as a property that is possessed by a set of elements that its individual components do not possess; my arguments prove that this definition implies that emergent properties are only subjective cognitive constructs and therefore, consciousness cannot be an emergent property.
Actually, all the alleged emergent properties are just simplified and approximate descriptions or subjective/arbitrary classifications of underlying physical processes or properties, which are described directly by the fundamental laws of physics alone, without involving any emergent properties (arbitrariness/subjectivity is involved when more than one option is possible; in this case, more than one possible description). An approximate description is only an abstract idea, and no actual entity exists per se corresponding to that approximate description, simply because an actual entity is exactly what it is and not an approximation of itself. What physically exists are the underlying physical processes. Emergence is nothing more than a cognitive construct that is applied to physical phenomena, and cognition itself can only come from a mind; thus emergence can never explain mental experience as, by itself, it implies mental experience.
My approach is scientific and is based on our scientific knowledge of the physical processes that occur in the brain; my arguments prove that such scientific knowledge excludes the possibility that the physical processes that occur in the brain could be a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness.
Marco Biagini
I can only understand intelligently about 50% of what you have written. However, Intuitively you make perfect sense. Thanks
What are the key points in relation to this subject please?
@@Aetherfield Physical processes (and in particular brain processes) are not a sufficient condition for the existence of mental experience.
Mental experience requires the existence of an unphysical indivisible element, that can be identified with the soul.
God can be defined as the cause of the existence of our soul.
@@marcobiagini1878 Thank you.
Do you see the mental experience as a part of an individual spiritual being/soul or something directly of God?
@@Aetherfield Mental experience represents the life of the individual soul even though it is God who sustains the soul's ability to have mental experiences; this means that we depend on God and cannot generate our mental experiences from ourselves alone.
A truly brilliant talk!
Well done Rupert❤️🔥👌✌️🙏☮️🪡✨️♾️
Magnificent lecture!
Hardly a hesitation...thank you Rupert.
Brilliant. The contingency (Meillassoux'), which is a pinnacle of thought, Benben - can be explained by consciousness
From thy Son "i" Am. With thee!
Come follow Thy LORD voice!
In the methodism I grew up in this is called a testimony. An unusual testimony to be sure, at least for those circles, but what a marvellous one, and beautifully delivered. A more traditional Christian theology would be struck and a bit saddened by Sheldrake’s brief take on Jesus Christ. It would be marvellous if he would take a larger step in the direction of the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. I think Dr. Sheldrake would find another soulmate in the work of the late Anglican theologian Thomas F. Torrance (see his book of lectures entitled “Incarnation”). Torrance was a great student of St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Torrance also had much experience in the east, especially China. And, he is highly respected in the Eastern Orthodox world for his bridge building with the Catholic/Anglican world.
The mystical element of the God experience is Gnosis, in the recent past, the Gnostics who were persecuted as heretics have been vindicated especially in the area of thanatology where they taught that when we die we are resurrected immediately. The Church fathers taught the resurrection was physical even the day after the eschaton when an Angel would blow a trumpet and people would rise from their graves. As a modern Gnostic, I am intrigued at what is happening in the world today as the old order is beginning to break down before our eyes and the archons have no choice but to reveal the truth, these are apocalyptic times and a trifurcation is happening.
regarding "sat cit ananda", I would like to add that "sat" also means "goodness" or "a good man, an honest man", so this fundamental principle is also considered the source of good.
You also find these two qualities (being and goodness) in the word "sattva", (one of the 3 guna)
You always manage to blow me away
This is how you feed your soul.
Purgatory - People are trapped in their obsessions. An insightful guidance.
i love it and him too
give me ananatheism every time.
I love sheldrake. The constant rejection of his ideas by the mainstream prevented him from getting conceited, or maybe it’s the other way around!
For 12 years of debating atheists they have always tried very hard to expose what religion or belief system I stand for not understanding that I am just being myself. I think the evolution of the human mind goes like this - Spirituality - Believing in intelligence -> Religion - Believing in knowing intelligence -> Atheism - Believing in knowing that science is intelligence -> Gnosticism - Awareness that the only intelligence is spiritual.
"With the exception of the artificial and abstract thinker in you, you are pure Nature" and "Life's evolution is consciousness' evolution" are phases from a book titled Toward your Real Self.
I don't see it as a dream state. I have experienced out of body and it felt normal. Because you are a mental being (soul-spirit) You are always a spirit in a
human puppet to experience earthly reality. You're a conscious spirit it's a fantastic feeling to realize what reality really. is! Thank you GOD for the opportunity!
Thank you ❤
Some are just lacking the capacity to successfully engage in spiritual or religious practice that leads to healthier,more balanced,longer lives.
He's undoubtably a remarkable mind/thinker, courageous too! I've noted that he seems to avoid the topic of near death experience for some reason I've never heard him articulate. Is it that he thinks substance dualism (what NDE's point to) can't be correct or has he not delved into them enough. Leaving aside the cult that has developed around NDE's (the inevitable psychobabble ) the ordinary experiences (ordinary as in authentic/honest) of cardiac arrest patients who are resuscitated and survive to talk about it, are really fascinating. I do wonder why these are always excluded from Rupert's lectures. I see no good reason why they should be, as they are in fact as close as one can literally get to the unknowable divine, whatever that is,
Beautiful ending after around 1:01:00
What a nice talk! I love the discussion of universal spirituality, although i never understood why people think Christianity is on the same level as other mystic traditions
Some truly great mystics were Christian
@@lynnhall9957 no doubt! Although I have to imagine that their practice was something completely different from the cheap cults we have in the US.
My man hit the pipe one time in India and literally found god
His ideas of a possible dialogue between science and religion was in the past also already attempted by Ken Wilber. Ken reminded both communities of the great chain of live that both are to follow. However todays "live science" still seem to be rather adept to death and dead materials like Rupert cited his work in biology in the beginning. And we are still there and there still today is not visible that life sciences really deal with "life", nor that they understand what life is about! So they are also stuck in understanding Religion or consciousness at all.😅
If there is an ultimate unity underlying all things, then what is in the end the purpose of all our human ambitions? If simply being is enough, then it is difficult to motivate us to do anything. Serious question.
There is something as the love of doing something.
It's completely different than the need or the obligation to do something.
There's no motivation needed when we're talking about doing what you love to do.
True, we've all kind of lost this distinction...
Wonderful, wonderful Lecture!! ❤
counsciousness is the materialisation in an organ of the the path of right choices by any organism, no one can replicate it because it bounds us to the same source of existence through evolution
the only way to understand everything is by seeking knowledge with the single faith of truth materialised as an relligion, orthodoxy
Not try to create a fluff up but there is a multipart youtube series "Alec Ryrie's Gresham Lectures". The first of which is titled 'How to be an Atheist in Medieval Europe'. There is history that in my mind likely existed but older than I imagined.