If for instance anyone got the error "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"" when trying to start the server, it happens because the port number used in the video is too high. Usually computers have up to port 5000 enabled. This number can be increased by changing a specific Windows registry key value, but it's much more easier if you just use a lower port value. I tried with port 502 and it ran smoothly. Thank for this great tutorial.
0:11 noted that Windows Form App(.NET) and Windows Form App(.NET Framework) are quite different in this video , we choose Windows Form App(.NET) 0:29 We change Target framework to .NET 5.0 to use the new features of C#9 1:10 manage nudge package and install supersimpletcp 1:43 rebulid 9:00 noted that server.Events.ClientConnected += please press tab button on the keyboard you guys can play 9:27 ~ 9:28 by x0.25 you can see (Press TAB to insert) 11:19 server端的Send 13:03 13:49 - 13:51 detail 18:39 if you get the same error as me,you can use the invoke method to solve the problem\\\ 18:59 the MethodInvoker 20:58 開始實作 並且 成功 記得一定要選中 一個 IP 21:18 detail you must select an IP in the list first , then you can send message. 22:13 connect multiple clients
9:00 noted that server.Events.ClientConnected += please press tab button on the keyboard you guys can play 9:27 ~ 9:28 by x0.25 you can see (Press TAB to insert) 13:49 - 13:51 detail
Unfortunatley for me when trying this I just get errors all over the place. Not sure why. Errors like "The type or namespace name 'ClientConnectedEventArgs' does not exist in the namespace 'SuperSimpleTcp' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" and "Non-nullable field 'server' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the field as nullable." plus a bunch of others. By 9:08 time mark I already have 3 errors.
To make a chat app via internet as a windoes application C# what should I do ?? i have 2 application work local as server and client , i need make sever form on pc , and client form on another pc what should i do , i only know tcp / ip
sorry but we are very ungreatfull , i dont understand why you have that small amount of likes , when you have such a nice video , well , i just loved your video , keep on please .
Great Video Did both server and client need to run App that build using Supper simple Nuget I has hardware that already has TCP server build in and need to build App that send command as client did this method will work? Thanks
How can I connect two computers in my network? It only works on my computer not with any other... i don't know which ip i have to use if i want to connect my computers. May anyone canhelp me. Thanks
Hi. I'm new to visual studio. How do you auto generate event without having to manually type to create it? For example Events_ClientConnected. Also, is the auto generate events available in visual studio 2010? I used 2010 due to faster IDE loading 😅
Does someone know how to set a delimiter in SuperSimple TCP? I'm trying to send different strings separately on a for loop, but at the received event I got only one string with all together.
Ok so maybe after each string try to flush it if this doesnt work then send one string like so: string xy = "text1:text2:text3:text4" Then on client side just filter the text like so: string text1= xy.Split(':')[0]; The 0 is for the first index before ":" and then 1 would be for text 2 and so on
how could I detect a specific message in the txtInfo and send that same message to a serial port example.: detect the message "Hello" and send it as text to a serial port.
hello fox , I really thank you for this video But I have a problem : When I type my own ipv4 address , it cannot see another client device or android client server . Even though I open the firewall many times , the problem still persists . I have reached you by mail, I ask for your help.
at server btnSend_Click function check lstClinetIP.SelectedItem.ToString() or lstClinetIP.SelectedItems.ToString() if u use SelectedItems , you can't catch the ipport.
can you please make a tutorial? Im dumb and all tutorials i readed didnt work so please make a tutorial. And i hope all of you understanding me im not good in english because im from german
Nice video, but i have one problem. I can´t send data from the server to client; it doesn´t make a error, but the word just don´t send. If you can help me pliz.
at server btnSend_Click function check lstClinetIP.SelectedItem.ToString() or lstClinetIP.SelectedItems.ToString() if u use SelectedItems , you can't catch the ipport.
When doing port forwarding and connecting to another machine, I get the code: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. [:ffff:]:9000. This is not the address I have in the box, but it fails to connect. What is this?
If for instance anyone got the error "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"" when trying to start the server, it happens because the port number used in the video is too high. Usually computers have up to port 5000 enabled. This number can be increased by changing a specific Windows registry key value, but it's much more easier if you just use a lower port value. I tried with port 502 and it ran smoothly. Thank for this great tutorial.
noted that
Windows Form App(.NET) and Windows Form App(.NET Framework) are quite different
in this video , we choose Windows Form App(.NET)
We change Target framework to .NET 5.0
to use the new features of C#9
1:10 manage nudge package and install supersimpletcp
noted that
server.Events.ClientConnected +=
please press tab button on the keyboard
you guys can play 9:27 ~ 9:28 by x0.25
you can see (Press TAB to insert)
13:49 - 13:51
if you get the same error as me,you can use the invoke method to solve the problem\\\
the MethodInvoker
開始實作 並且 成功
記得一定要選中 一個 IP
you must select an IP in the list first , then you can send message.
connect multiple clients
Excellent ! kindly Keep bringing up more videos . Thanking you
Thank you so much !
noted that
server.Events.ClientConnected +=
please press tab button on the keyboard
you guys can play 9:27 ~ 9:28 by x0.25
you can see (Press TAB to insert)
13:49 - 13:51
You are incredible! Thank you soooo much for this amazing tutorial!💞
Unfortunatley for me when trying this I just get errors all over the place. Not sure why. Errors like "The type or namespace name 'ClientConnectedEventArgs' does not exist in the namespace 'SuperSimpleTcp' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" and "Non-nullable field 'server' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the field as nullable."
plus a bunch of others. By 9:08 time mark I already have 3 errors.
yeah pretty garbage tutorial if you ask me xD
You need to declare the name space with `using SuperSimpleTcp;` at the top.
To make a chat app via internet as a windoes application C# what should I do ??
i have 2 application work local as server and client , i need make sever form on pc , and client form on another pc what should i do , i only know tcp / ip
maybe guide about chat with usernames and private chats with each one of them is it possible to be maded?
It is possible.
But use WebSockets or WebRTC instead (those protocols retain connection instead of just sending a message and closing)
Great video
but one thing the this is not necesary in a private void
I love you videos and never miss one
Thank you so much !
sorry but we are very ungreatfull , i dont understand why you have that small amount of likes , when you have such a nice video , well , i just loved your video , keep on please .
Thanks for the beautiful video But I have a question.
.. What about UDP protocol is it the same as TCP protocol programming
u can use sampleupd package for develop
Thank you so much for the amazing video. Great tutorial....I love it. Thank You Again and again...
thanks! It works between two different computers?
@@foxlearn thank you!! it is very nice
Great Video
Did both server and client need to run App that build using Supper simple Nuget
I has hardware that already has TCP server build in
and need to build App that send command as client
did this method will work?
Thank you so much for the amazing video. ❤ It was very helpful.
Hello sir, can u show me how to disconnect tcp/ip, please? Thank you a lot
How can I connect two computers in my network? It only works on my computer not with any other... i don't know which ip i have to use if i want to connect my computers. May anyone canhelp me. Thanks
how can i get the client computer name and put it into listbox together with the ip and port?
Can you only use this for LAN or also web? if Web is possible is there a guide on what to change ?:)
Is it possible to replicate an app like hamachi , so that to pc.s enter the same lan?(the 2 pc.s are on diff networks)
same sub network for example client 1 client 2
i left it at 7:20 (just a reminder for myself, youtube usually messes it up)
can you please make a video about voice channels?
You mean? how to create voice??
@@foxlearn how to create a tcp voice channel like voice over ip
i dont have .NET in my visual studio. i have .NET Framework and also 4.7.2
Not problem, you can use .net framework
How come can whenever I declare new(txtIP.Text), I get an error.
This for the TCP client
same errror
You should enter your local ip. for example your ip you can use cmd, then run ipconfig/all to see your ip network address
@@foxlearn ㅠㅠ...how fix it...
same error . any one can help
Great video! i always use your tips.
you write to yourself, it starts to get weird
Great video! Could you tell me PLEASE if it works if the server and client are on different networks ?
Doesn't work brother
Hi. I'm new to visual studio. How do you auto generate event without having to manually type to create it? For example Events_ClientConnected. Also, is the auto generate events available in visual studio 2010? I used 2010 due to faster IDE loading 😅
Just double click on your component (button, timer, gridview etc)
Does someone know how to set a delimiter in SuperSimple TCP?
I'm trying to send different strings separately on a for loop, but at the received event I got only one string with all together.
Ok so maybe after each string try to flush it if this doesnt work then send one string like so:
string xy = "text1:text2:text3:text4"
Then on client side just filter the text like so:
string text1= xy.Split(':')[0];
The 0 is for the first index before ":" and then 1 would be for text 2 and so on
how could I detect a specific message in the txtInfo and send that same message to a serial port example.: detect the message "Hello" and send it as text to a serial port.
Great video.
I always use your tips.
I hope you can make video about how to use signalR on winform and sqlserver
DataReceivedFromServerEventArgs not found in SuperSimpleTcp 2.4.
hello fox , I really thank you for this video But I have a problem : When I type my own ipv4 address , it cannot see another client device or android client server . Even though I open the firewall many times , the problem still persists . I have reached you by mail, I ask for your help.
Very smooth ! Thank you so much
This is good job Lucy can we have a call please !!
I think no, it's difficult
@@foxlearn why we have a lot of to do this call !!
Hii, I have established the connection but it is showing only one sided, communication from both side is not established, what to do
at server btnSend_Click function check lstClinetIP.SelectedItem.ToString() or lstClinetIP.SelectedItems.ToString() if u use SelectedItems , you can't catch the ipport.
How to use it without a local ip? Because I want to use it with the internet and not with computers in the same network
You should set static ip internet, open port
can you please make a tutorial? Im dumb and all tutorials i readed didnt work so please make a tutorial. And i hope all of you understanding me im not good in english because im from german
Can different computers talk to each other as long as they share the same local Ip?
I think no
Yes, You can work via Network
Thanks, Me salvaste la vida. . .
Do we have a method to put the port and ip itself?
What if you allow people to share their screen and it'll share over TCP 🤔
Thank you for your suggestion. Let me try to research
Can't connect more than just 1 client to server, dunno what to do
Nice video, but i have one problem. I can´t send data from the server to client; it doesn´t make a error, but the word just don´t send. If you can help me pliz.
click on the ip adress on the list box
hey, did you fix this problem?
same problem
at server btnSend_Click function check lstClinetIP.SelectedItem.ToString() or lstClinetIP.SelectedItems.ToString() if u use SelectedItems , you can't catch the ipport.
Great ! it help me a lot i want to add time of client to join server and leaving the server
can you help regarding this scenario
can you share me the code. My code not work @
Is there a way you could give your self a name before connecting if so could you make a video???
Add a textbox : name and in the code before send add textboxname.Text
Hi. Is there a way to get the scripts of this program?
How can I configure to stop the server?
Great video Fox,
Thank you !
This code used to communicate with one computer to another computer having same lan connection
how do I host a server tho?
In the event handlers, if I know that an invoke is required, I do it like this:
BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
// Code goes here
could you please make video about transfer file
OK. Thank you for your suggestion. Let me try to research
from where can i get code?
When doing port forwarding and connecting to another machine, I get the code: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. [:ffff:]:9000. This is not the address I have in the box, but it fails to connect. What is this?
So you get the error when commectig as a client to the server? If yes just allow firewall ok the server side for the connection
@@Laugny İt is doesn't work how can ı solve for this problem
Thank you so much
for me ask Application of SuperSimple TCP/IP Client Server in fact
Very useful
Thank you so much !
wouldnt this only work if everybody using the program was on the same network connection
can anyone send me the code?
thanks a lot
You’re welcome
deja las fuentes
1998 called and said to stop using Windows Forms. :-)
And who else?
Can you please send me the code
{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Data)} error e.Data why?
try using
private void Events_DataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
txtInfo.Text += $"Server: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Data.Array, 0, e.Data.Count)}{Environment.NewLine}";
how we can show username instead IP address in Listbox ?
How can i run it on my public ip?