You explained about the Diavorced and marriage in USA very well! The Main problems for diavorced is money and materials. Women love money and materials here in USA than their hasband and families. So they need to live as single mom but it is very very challenging to grew up children only by mom !! Moreover, diavorced is very very heartbroken and dangerous for all families!!
@@fikrumenaga2438 perfect! This is exactly what the problem was I got. Let me explained the true life experience in USA; I married my wife 20 years ago in Ethiopia . We came to USA in 2005 A.C. After we lived together peacefully life for 9 years, my wife behavior changed to bad because of she got so many friends. So my wife was pushed me to live expensive life. For example, she encouraged me to buy luxury cars and I bought for her $25000.0. Because she cried on me to do . At that time we have 3 'wouderful children 10 years ago. I paid all bills for 12 years by himself even if she worked . When was paying that cars payment she did not helped anything even for one month Moreover, I paid all bills. So she needed to live as single mom because she brainwashed by evil friends. The most surprising things was ; she was competing our life with her friends. When her friends but beds my wife was asked me to do same things. I remembered that we bought $1,200. Beds. When our bank account reduced to lower amount because I paid for our car and other's bills, she started fighting and she took advice from others people by ignoring me. Finally, we diavorced in 2015 Because of her Evil money love and benefits. The main points she needed was ; to get section 8 houses, good stamps and all others benefit from government as bad people adviced her ! It was very very heartbroken to separated from my children. But now she is scarfied a lot with (3) children without helpers. She paid all that bills by herself now ! She can't worked full time because of children. See!? So many Ethiopian women diavorced after came to USA because of money and materials. I have 3 men who diavorced like me after they bought a house in Texas . This is very true story Not fiction. It is real real my life experience in USA . I'm ok now I recovered I got more money that we were together. God is Great! I was very good and fool hasband who was paid all bills 12 years, I was Not chat on her Or No bad addicted! Thank you God ! I'm very very ok now after she destroyed my life. But I was believe her !!!!
Great points. 1. Have Share Account with your husband. 2. Build House in America Not Ethiopia first. 3. Communication is the key.... 4.Spend time with your kids...😮😮
Wow you are so right everything you said True. Thank you for sharing and helping out community one person make a difference 🙏 ❤ I,m proud of you my Ethiopia sister God bless you.
Being in a deep sleep, not only is Adam allowing his wife, Hewan, to be raped by the serpent, but also he allowed his son, Cain, to kill his brother, Abel. This means that Adam ignored his responsibility to take care of his wife, Hewan, and his children, Cain and Abel. Hence, due to his negligence and ignorance of the Spiritual Law for a true and healthy Family hood, Adam went to hell with Eve and Cain, according to the story presented in the Bible. Habashic or Habasha husbands must learn this biblical narratives and take care of their wives and children. Otherwise, their wives will be raped by the serpents, and their children will kill one another. Yilma Wako Ashagre from the USA, though born and grew up in Ethiopia.
The conversation has started out good, but as soon as she started humiliating the comedian, I couldn’t continue that’s sad to hear in America. There’s such a thing called HIPAA anyone who claims to be in medical field should know you’re not supposed to talk about other person‘s medical issues out in public, especially the way you were talking without his or her consent I hope you learned something new.
But in your analysis you forgot to mention the most profound truth as narrated in the First Chapter of the Bible regarding the first husband and wife - Adam and Eve. According to the Bible, Adam fell in a deep sleep and did not do what he was supposed to do for his wife. When she realized that Adam was not doing what she expected him to do to her, Eve went to Serpent and started chatting with him and the serpent raped her. This Biblical narrative teaches the husbands not to fall in a deep sleep, but to take care of their wives so that their wives don't go to the serpents and be raped.
Fidelity and responsibility are the most important points to build a healthy marriage and family, according to the narratives in the Bible. When Adam ignored his responsibility to take care of his wife, she broke her Fidelity to her husband and went to the serpent and got raped. One of the most deadly serpent was king Solomon who raped 1000 beautiful women in the world including the Ethiopic queen called queen of Sheeba. King Solomon is a very dangerous serpent.
Yes, the main reasons for diavorced in USA is money and materials!! Many Ethiopian women are changed their behavior because of those and other's things.
@@ET-cw8ro ye setoch tilku chgr the new gena le gena USA negn blesh new meftat milew hasab yemetalsh ….siketl demo tdar lanchi bcha aydelem memechet yalebet lehuletachum new …snt ametsh new
ዶ/ር ሊሻን ስላየሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል መልካም ሰዉነሽ በሙያሽም አከብርሻለሁ ተባረኪ።
አሜሪካ ላወቀበት ለትዳርና ልጅ ለማሳደግ ጥሩ አገር ነው:: ችግሩ ሰዎች ከሌሎች ጋር ፉክክር ይወዳሉ ሴቶች ከስራ የሚያገኙትን በራሳቸው አካውንት ብቻ እንዲሆን ያደርጉና ለእራሳቸው ጥቅም ብቻ ማድረግ ሲፈልጉ የወንዱን ግን ለጋራ ጥቅም ማዋል ይፈልጋሉ:: በተለይ ልጅ ከወለዱ በሗላ ሴቶች ፀባያቸው ይለወጣል የጏደኞቻቸውን የማይጠቅሙ ምክሮች መስማት ያበዙና ባሎቻቸውን በሆነ ባልሆነው መነዝነዝ ይጀምራሉ የሚያስቡት ተፋተው ግማሽ ንብረት መውሰድና ልጅ ማሳደጊያ ተቆራጭ ማግኘት ነው እንጂ ልጆቹ ላይ ምን አይነት መጥፎ ተፅህኖ እንደሚኖረው አያስቡም:: ብቻ ከፍተኛ ጥናት ተደርጎ ለአዲስ የሚጋቡ ሰዎች ትምህርት መስጠት ቢጀመር ጥሩ ነበር::
ትክክለኛ አገላለፅ ነው እኛም ፈርተን እስካሁን አላገባንም
ወንዶችም አሉ በብዛት እንዲህ የሚያደርጉት ወንዶች ናቸው እውነት ለመናገር
You explained about the Diavorced and marriage in USA very well! The Main problems for diavorced is money and materials. Women love money and materials here in USA than their hasband and families. So they need to live as single mom but it is very very challenging to grew up children only by mom !!
Moreover, diavorced is very very heartbroken and dangerous for all families!!
@@fikrumenaga2438 perfect! This is exactly what the problem was I got. Let me explained the true life experience in USA; I married my wife 20 years ago in Ethiopia . We came to USA in 2005 A.C. After we lived together peacefully life for 9 years, my wife behavior changed to bad because of she got so many friends. So my wife was pushed me to live expensive life.
For example, she encouraged me to buy luxury cars and I bought for her $25000.0. Because she cried on me to do . At that time we have 3 'wouderful children 10 years ago. I paid all bills for 12 years by himself even if she worked . When was paying that cars payment she did not helped anything even for one month
Moreover, I paid all bills. So she needed to live as single mom because she brainwashed by evil friends. The most surprising things was ; she was competing our life with her friends. When her friends but beds my wife was asked me to do same things. I remembered that we bought $1,200. Beds. When our bank account reduced to lower amount because I paid for our car and other's bills, she started fighting and she took advice from others people by ignoring me. Finally, we diavorced in 2015
Because of her Evil money love and benefits. The main points she needed was ; to get section 8 houses, good stamps and all others benefit from government as bad people adviced her !
It was very very heartbroken to separated from my children.
But now she is scarfied a lot with (3) children without helpers. She paid all that bills by herself now !
She can't worked full time because of children. See!?
So many Ethiopian women diavorced after came to USA because of money and materials.
I have 3 men who diavorced like me after they bought a house in Texas . This is very true story Not fiction. It is real real my life experience in USA . I'm ok now I recovered I got more money that we were together. God is Great!
I was very good and fool hasband who was paid all bills 12 years, I was Not chat on her Or No bad addicted! Thank you God !
I'm very very ok now after she destroyed my life. But I was believe her !!!!
@@goferewshiftaመፍራትማ ጥሩ አይደለም ሁሉም ሰው ቢያንስ አንዴ ትዳር መሞከር አለበት ብዬ አጥብቄ አምናለሁ::
Great points.
1. Have Share Account with your husband.
2. Build House in America Not Ethiopia first.
3. Communication is the key....
4.Spend time with your kids...😮😮
@@speakmytruth thanks and very good short point
The shared account though !!!
@@Hiwot736 Yes it is not easy but If you can share everything else why not share the account only if you are married.
@@speakmytruth it will be hard to manage
Share account birr kelelw min yiseral lol
እግር ጥሎኝ ዘው ስል ማርና ወተት የም ታጠባጥብ ግሩም ሴት እደግመዋለሁ ግሩም ሴት አስተማሪ ህይወትን ኖራው የምታስተምር እኔም ደግሞ ጥሩ ተማሪ ሆኜ እራሴን ህይወቴን ትዳሬን ቃኘሁበት ተባረኪልን Dr
የአራት ክጆች እናት በጣም ታሳዝናለችዶክተር ግን ልጅቷ ስትሞት ጥልቅ ሃዘን የተነሳ እኔንም ውሰሰደኝ ማለትሽ በዚህ ዘመን እነዲህ አይነት ሰው አለ ወይ❤❤❤ በእውነት በጣም ጥሩ ሰው ነሽ እኔም ባገኝሽ ደስ ይለኝ ነበር ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ይስጥሽ ተባረኪ ለልጆች ስንል ዋጋ ከፍለናል ግን ስደት ላይ ሲሆን ደግሞ አሰከፊ ነው
ጥሩ ቃለምልልስ ነው ስደትን ለሚናፍቁ ዜጎች እውነታውን አውቀው ይሄዱ ዘንድ እውነታው መገለጽ አለበት ጥሩ ነው እናመሰግናለን::
thanks for sharing.
የአሜሪካ ትዳር የአሜሪካ ቡዳ በልቶታል::አሜሪካ ለትዳር አትሆንም::ምክንያቱም ሰዉ በኑሮው ደስተኛ ስላይደለ::ኑሮው በስቃይ የተሞላ ነዉ በሰው መፍረድ አንችልም::በቃ እራሳችንን እናድን በጭንቀት እንዳንሞት::
እሱ ብቻ ሳይሆን አያግዙም እኮ ባሎች
ሁሉንም ባሎች በጅምላው መፈረጅ አግባብነት የለውም የሚስትን ስራ ሁሉ ደርበው የሚሠሩ ባሎችም አሉና ዋናው በእውነተኛው ፍቅር ላይ ተመስርቶ በመቻቻል አብሮ መኖር በቂ ነው ።አምላክ ጤናን ፍቅርና ሠላሙን አብዝቶ ይስጠን ።@@selamawitlemma5742
@@selamawitlemma5742 ምን ማለትሽ ነው? ሀበሻ ወንዶች እነ ከማያቸው ውጭ ከሆነ okay, ሌላው ብቀር በሀገሩ የተከበሩ ፣ በጋርድ የምሄዱ እዝህ መጥተው እያለቀሱ ከwalmart ጋር ስገፉ አይደሉምን? This is America እያሉ የወንዶችን ህይወት የምያበላሹ ሴቶች አይደሉም? በርግጥ የነሱም ህይወት የተረጋጋ አይደለም
ሕይወት! የጋዜጠኝነት ትምህርት ቤት ጓደኛየ፡፡ በዚህም ስላገኘሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል፡፡ ፕሮግራምሽ ቁምነገር አለው፡፡ ያስተምራል፡፡ ሌሎችንም ምርጥ፣ ምርጥ ዝግጅቶች እንደምታቀርቢልን ተስፋ አለኝ፡፡ በርችልኝ ውድ ጓደኛየ!፡፡
እኝህን እናት EBS ላይ ቢያቀርቡልን ለብዙ የአይምሮ ጭንቀት ላለባቸው ሰዎች ይደርሳሉ ብዬ አምናለሁና እባካችሁ አቅርቡልን:: 🙏
ሴቶች ብቻ አይደሉም ወንዶችም ችግር አለ ምናምንቴ ጋደኛ ወዳጅ የሚመስሉ በምቀኛም ነውአሜሪካ ትዳር የሚፈርሰው በጣም አደገኛ ሰውች አሉ ትዳር የሚያፋቱ
ተመስገን ሀገሬ ተስፋ አላት! ት/ቤት የሆነች ሰው ናት። ተባረኪ
She is absolutely right, I like her idea
ጀግና ሴት!🙏 ያወራሸው ሁሉ ትክክ. You are a women with moral princeple!❤❤❤❤
Very true DR Lishan tebareki enate❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! Very helpful እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልኝ❤
Dr. Lishan Tebareki.
We are very proud of you. Godbless!
Dr Lishan Kassa so happy to know you're doing such great job. Much respect for you.
Thank you !
እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ ተያቂዋም ተጠያቂዋም በጣም ግሩም ነው ኑሩልን ተቀባይነት ያለው ቃለ መጠይቅ ነው
@@Genetu158 አመሰግናለሁ
What a blessed human being you are! I can't thank you enough whenever I see your interviews . May God bless you more!
Well said Soooooo true I agree with you that is a blessing 🙏 we need more people like her ❤
Betam tikikle Dr. ❤
A fantastic story about absolutely and you are a wonderful lady I must say i admire you ❤❤❤
Wow you are so right everything you said True.
Thank you for sharing and helping out community one person make a difference 🙏 ❤
I,m proud of you my Ethiopia sister
God bless you.
የፈለጋችሁትን ማለት ትችላላችሁ ፣ እውነታው ግን አሜርካና ካናዳ ለትዳር የማትሆን ሀገር ነው ሌሎች ሀገሮችም ልኖሩ ይችላሉ በዮሮፕ ፣ የነጮች ህይወትም ማየት ችያለሁ ከስዕዖል አይተናነስም
Dr world needs people like you that is the biggest humanity please keep up your good work God bless you 🙏 ❤🙏❤ 🙏 ❤
Good conversation, but it wasn't necessary to disclose his medical conditions..
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ
ዶክተር ግን ከልመንህ ፈቃድ ኣግኝተው ነው ይህክምና ሚስጥሩን አየር ላይ የዘረገፉት?
Dr. Yenegershn Tarik bemam yasaznal sewuyewu betam baleye sewu new yeljochun enat yegedele sew new esu kfu sraserto beyihot yinoral, egzabhar yesrawun yistew Dr. Tarikun bemenagersh lebzu sewu tmhrt yisetal bye amnalhu Dr. launchm egzyiabhar edmana Tena yistsh.
God, Bless, You👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👌🌷🌸💕
Thank you for share Dr wonderful sis
Every thing she said about America is right
በጣም የታደለች ለብዙዎች የምትተርፍ ሴት ነች። ምክሩዋ ለብዙዎች መድረስ አለበት።
ሆ! ትገርሚያለሽ፡ በጣም ደስ ትዪአለሽ!
💯%ትክክል ነች ሰለትዳር የተናገረችዉ.
እውነት ነው በዝቶል ተለያይቶ መኖር ፋሽን አድርገውታል
Your program is very educational
@@KK-ri2gu thanks
ይገርማል የወንድ ልጅ ግፍ ግን የልጆቹን እናት ለዝሙት ሲል ገደላት 😢 እሷ ቀረች ልጆቿ ያለ እናት ቀሩ እሱ ግን በደም የተጨማለቀ ኤጁን ይዞ በድሎት ይኖራል
How do I contact her
አቤት የትዳር አማካሪ መብዛቱ
Thank you
ደስ የምትል ሴት ናት
አጎል ወንድ ገዳይ ነው
Mashall mashall Allha yechmerlachu
Dr. Lyshan ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ❤️
america ahun betam nurotewedwa. befit 100$ yebet asbeza bedenb ygezaln neber lijoch lalew beteseb ahun $400 aybeqam besamnt. yezin yahl tewedwal
Money and people opinion make all the problems
ewnet nuw america kehonu beanid lib eyeno lij masadeg keza lijoch adgew tidar siyzu betun shito ethipia lela bet megzat alebeleza hulet botaebet egezalewtebilo sra sisera lijoch beqtu ayadgum ezi
አማርኛ የምትችል ናይጄሪያ ኢንተርቪዉ አይከብድም። ትዳር በአሜሪካ የሚለዉ ትዳር በአፍሪካ እንደማለት ነዉ። በየእስቴቱ ይለያያል። ጢባርሽን አርግቢዉ
Which state??
@@mimiabebe2343 Alexandra
Where is this Dr.what state?
@@emmyafework3101 ቨርጅኒያ
ለምን ባሉዋ ቤት መምጣ አልፈለገም?
ቤትን የሚስጠላ በሽታ ስሙ ምን ይሆን?
@@theo4020 የድብርት ህመ ም ይመስለኛል
Beketot nw
@@theo4020 ድብርት
የአሜሪካ ትዳር የተወጋ ነው
You are so right wow so true money money money👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
አረ እኔ ኢትዮጵያ ሂጀ አምጥቸው ልክ እንደመጣው ያለሽን ብር በሙሉ ወደኔ አካውንት አስገቢው አለኝ እኔ ደግሞ የኔ የቆየ አካውንት ነው እና ስምህን እኔ ጋ አድርገው ስለው ደግሞ ደግሞ ከሴት ስም በታች ልሆን ብሎ ይኸው ዛሬ ነገ ልንፋታ እንቀጣጠር አለን እና አያድርስ ወገን መቃጠል ነው
Being in a deep sleep, not only is Adam allowing his wife, Hewan, to be raped by the serpent, but also he allowed his son, Cain, to kill his brother, Abel.
This means that Adam ignored his responsibility to take care of his wife, Hewan, and his children, Cain and Abel.
Hence, due to his negligence and ignorance of the Spiritual Law for a true and healthy Family hood, Adam went to hell with Eve and Cain, according to the story presented in the Bible.
Habashic or Habasha husbands must learn this biblical narratives and take care of their wives and children. Otherwise, their wives will be raped by the serpents, and their children will kill one another.
Yilma Wako Ashagre from the USA, though born and grew up in Ethiopia.
@@YilmaWako-cd1du lovely message thanks
ምን ጋብቻ ብቻ እውነተኛ ግንኙነት ሣይኖርም ትዳር ይመሠረቱ እና ግራ ያገባሉ ሁለቱም ፆታወች:: ችግሩ መብት አለኝ ነው እጂ ህግን አንረዳም::ሤት ካላመጣህ ተብየ አደል በሚዲያ ይበጠብጡኛል::
ደምሩኝኝኝኝ😢 የኔ ውዶቼ❤❤
hospital ዝም ብሎ መቀመጥ ይቻላል እንዴ
Where you live dr.???
@@mimiabebe2343 Alexandra
average salary increase is more than price increase
Where is the address?
ከሚስቱ ጋር የሚጣላ ሰው ይገርመኛል እንዴት ሰው ከግራ ጎኑ ይጣላል ? እስኪ ትምጣና ሰው ከሰው ጋር እንዴት እንደሚኖር ለአለም ምሳሌ ሆኜ ነበር ማሳያት
Kkkkkkkk ስዳርስብህ ታያለህ
"..ያልተነካ ግልግል ያውቃል:" አሉ የምትስለውን እና እውነታው አንድ አይደለም ካሁኑ እራስህን ብታሳምን ጥሩ ነው
ያኔ ስምህን ወደ not happy world ትቀይራለህ
The conversation has started out good, but as soon as she started humiliating the comedian, I couldn’t continue that’s sad to hear in America. There’s such a thing called HIPAA anyone who claims to be in medical field should know you’re not supposed to talk about other person‘s medical issues out in public, especially the way you were talking without his or her consent I hope you learned something new.
ቤተሰብ ፣ ፊይናንስ፣ ኳምንኪሽን
But in your analysis you forgot to mention the most profound truth as narrated in the First Chapter of the Bible regarding the first husband and wife - Adam and Eve.
According to the Bible, Adam fell in a deep sleep and did not do what he was supposed to do for his wife.
When she realized that Adam was not doing what she expected him to do to her, Eve went to Serpent and started chatting with him and the serpent raped her.
This Biblical narrative teaches the husbands not to fall in a deep sleep, but to take care of their wives so that their wives don't go to the serpents and be raped.
Fidelity and responsibility are the most important points to build a healthy marriage and family, according to the narratives in the Bible.
When Adam ignored his responsibility to take care of his wife, she broke her Fidelity to her husband and went to the serpent and got raped.
One of the most deadly serpent was king Solomon who raped 1000 beautiful women in the world including the Ethiopic queen called queen of Sheeba. King Solomon is a very dangerous serpent.
I don't like the host.she doesn't show emotion or response with wisdom 😕
@@fikirtefeyisa115 ለአስተያየቱ እናመሰግናለን እናስተካክላለን
Yes, the main reasons for diavorced in USA is money and materials!! Many Ethiopian women are changed their behavior because of those and other's things.
እህቴ ዋናውን ነገር እረስተሽዋል::ዋናው በወሲብ አለመጣጣም ነው::
ትክክል!! እኔም ልፈታው ነው የ2 አመት ልጅ አለችን:: ልጄ ከተወለደች በሗላ ማለትም በ2 አመት ውስጥ 4-5 ጊዜ ብቻ ነው የአልጋ ጨዋታችን ስለዚህ ፈቶ መገላገል ነው:: ሰነፍ ናቸው ወንዶቻችን
@@ET-cw8roEthiopia bithogni tifechiw nebr?
@@NewOnew-bm3mw የሚያስተዳድረኝ ከሆነ ላልፈታው እችላለሁ:: ውጭም በጎን ውሽማ መያዝ ይቻላል ነገር ግን ስለማልፈልግ ፈቶ መገላገል
@@ET-cw8ro ye setoch tilku chgr the new gena le gena USA negn blesh new meftat milew hasab yemetalsh ….siketl demo tdar lanchi bcha aydelem memechet yalebet lehuletachum new …snt ametsh new
@@ET-cw8roአትፍቺው እኔ የሱን ቦታ ተክቼ ላስደስትሽ
ኣንበሳ ነህ ኣባቴ የኛ ሴቶች እንደዚህ ነው ሚፈልጉት እነሱን ሁሌ ማሰር....
እኔስ 4 አስወልጃለው ንቅንቅ አትላትም የትም!!
በሽተኛ ደነዝ የትም ንቅንቅ አትልም ብለህ በርግጠኛነት እያሰቃየሀት እንደሆነ ግልፅ ነው ግን አንድ ቀን ስትቆርጥ እንዴት ጥላህ እንዳማትሄድ ታያለህ ከዚያ ድምፆህ እራሱ ያስጠላታል ደም እንባ ታለቅሳለህ እንዳንተ አይነቱን ነቀስ እየሰበሰቡ ማቃጠል ነው
@ ሀገር ቤት እያለች 2 እኔ ጋር ስትመጣ 2 በቃ አሁን በጣም busy የት ልትሄድ?
@@fitsumManaፍቅር አለህ ወይስ እስር ቤት ነው አንድ ቀን ችግር ላይ ትወድቃለህ አይምሰልህ አስበት ብልህ ከሰው ይማራል እራሱ ይህንን ሰምተህ ለእራስህ ተጠቀምበት
መስሎሀል በልጅ ማሰር ይልቅስ ወደ እግዚአብሔር ቤት ቤታችሁን ፍቅራችሁ ሙሉ እንዲሆን ፈጣሪን አስቀድሙ@@fitsumMana
Tidar ina isir bet Lex.
Tariku lante new.
Please don’t lie there is no other country in the world like America. If you work, you will get it.