One thing I do like about the light purple “tank top” on Titania is that it forms a “T”. That’s kinda cool. She’s the only one I preordered from today’s reveals.
53:04 For some strange reason, the upper boots are on the wrong legs on this Secret Wars Captain America. 54:23 You can see the swapped boots when you compare their back sculpts in this promo image with the picture you took at a similar angle (rear-right-side) of 20th Anniversary Cap for your review on your website. 53:42 And also in this image when compared with your front pic of 20th Cap.
I am sorely tempted to get Prince Xizor (though I have no idea who he is) to customize into a sort of variant costume of Aggamon, an old Dr. Strange villain from Strange Tales.
Happy you talked about Titania so much, I was feeling like a creep when I first saw the figure and was like "damn I got to repaint the chest" haha. I'm big on the 90s Spider-Man Animated series, so I was a little disappointed that's ending. I really wanted Blade, Blue/Green Punisher, and Man-Spider, but I know that series is not as popular with most ML collectors.
I hate there's this weird stigma about talking about how female figures are portrayed if you're talking about them like an adult. I would complain if Spider-Man figures made him look like Thor so I think we can all handle mature conversations if Kitty Pryde's figure makes her look more like a bombshell than Emma Frost.
That tease of the face at the end is 100% chameleon's mask but not just any chameleon. It's the green and black robed version. I commented that I really wanted this look for him on one of your videos and it's happening!!! I know everyone wanted animated Chameleon BUT this comic chameleon will not disappoint spidey fans. It's such a good look for him and I'm ecstatic my dream figure is happening
Ahhh. Good call. I'd definitely be down for that version of Chameleon and I guess it makes sense with the news of the VHS packs winding down for a while.
Sorry, I watch half your video last night and commented some and the rest of it just now. 😆 All I really wanted from the stream was to know when and how much for my CLAWs...and maybe an announcement of the FANGs and Sky Hawks we know are coming next year. Pretty sure the Triple T is up soon as well while they got a fresh deal with Sgt Slaughter going. For iconic, it would surprise me if the Awe Striker isn't at least announced next year, if not out some time next year.
They got me with Secret Wars. Loved the stop motion ad for it as well! Future waves should have recolored Zemo, classic Falcon and Redwing and Daredevil with black chest logo to name a few.
I wonder if we'll see a second wave. This is the 40th anniversary and getting wave 1 out so late suggests this might be a one and done anniversary set.
Here's the thing... Those characters weren't in the comic story. They only appeared in the toy line, because it was Mattels established brand for Marvel characters after the first wave. Hasbro currently have an established toyline wave, called legends. It doesn't make any sense to redo those figures as Secret Wars figures.
I always agree with you. Iron Man not having the yellow reactor arc and the broken Cap's shield are big bummers. I would have purchased them if they were done right but I'll only be getting Titania and Wolverine (at least they did him right).
Thank you. I really try not to just fly off and be crazy emotional about these reveals -- they're only figures -- but man is it wild when they keep making simple mistakes that ruin sales for a portion of their fanbase.
I would order Law and Order right now if I could. Just a great figure set. The rig on Heavy Duty looks like a lot of fun and so nice to get head options.
*Sigh* No Wrecking Crew, no Volcana but at least we got Titania. Iron Man should have represented the man who actually fought in the first Secret War- Rhodey! Packed with an unmasked Rhodey head with the proper yellow unibeam it would have been great.
After rewatching some of the Marvel showings on Hasbro Pulse, I enjoyed most of the presentations, but I had a few nitpicks. I was surprised to see the Beyonder because I recognized him more from Secret Wars 2. I haven't read the first Secret Wars, so I was unsure if he appeared there. I would have liked to see more villains, like Lizard or the Wrecking Crew. Perhaps they could include them next time. I still haven't gotten a black suit Spider-Man, so this might be my chance to get one. Also, the two-pack with Vulture and Spider-Man is really tempting because I could use Vulture to add to my Spider-Man villains collection.
Lyle I think the Ironman design needed two fixes besides the the chest reactor color. Never felt the shoulder pieces were large enough to match the comic version and the yellow really needs to go back to the golden color it was in earlier versions. It just looks too plastic in the plain red and yellow.
My channel name throws people off. My first name is Jeffrey. My last name is Lyles. I got the yellow for that comic book look and find myself using the gold more in photo shoots for that reason!
They do mention this in the feed and it says on the pack he has a secret regarding his identity... I think they should have honored this time Rhodey wore the armour though.
Just when I said I was done with the black series that clone commander pulled me back in. It did take 50 minutes for me to get my order to go through though.... Thanks for the heads up on the sentinel two packs I just ordered two more, I love those things, I got two before but hooked up sir Blake with one.
I was super excited when that Uncanny X-Force Nightcrawler was revealed. I actually yelled "Hell yeah!" when I saw that render. I love, love, love Remender's Uncanny X-Force. I would have preferred to see more X-Men.
I was looking forward to watching this for my first pulsecon, but with GI Joe being first. 8 couldn’t log in on time. I’m definitely stoked about dial tone and I really like the updated zandar. I don’t know anything of the saw viper and Star duster, so I’ll probably pass on those.
Yeah, Zandar looks awesome! I don't collect GI Joe these days because of cash and space limits, but man, there are some I may simply have to get, and Zandar is one of them!
The Streets of Mos Eisley. The limitless options exist to create a unique set of your choosing. The more I think about this Playset the more I want to add another one to the overall purchase. I covered Deedra Meero in a previous episode of Today's Special and I'm happy to see that she's on the way...& if you want to see what is on the current installment, the freshest order awaits you. 😊Thank You & Enjoy!
Love ya, Jeff. What do you mean Twenty dollars is a lot for 4 inch figures?😁 Yeah, I know. We used to pay 4 and 5$. Time moves on. We used to pay 8 for a 6 inch. Well, others did. That's before my time. They were $10 - 15 when I started. $15 is a sale on a 1/12 figure these days. My bias is I buy premium 4 inch figures for $27 to 75 from companies like Joy Toy, Boss Fight studios, Toys Alliance, Hiya, and Fresh Monkey Fiction.
There were a few things I wanted (Titania, Wolvie, SAW) but this was a huge waste of time for so few reveals. They advertised this "event" for weeks and it was a lot of nothing. We already knew what the exclusives were. Let's go back to less frequent, bigger reveals.
Hey, I got an idea for a video...what's the best replacement Cap shield for the broken Secret Wars one, and where can we buy it cheap.😂 Only 1/4 joking here as well.
This reveal was as equally disappointing and infuriating as the Strange Tales bait and switch stunt they pulled. As I announced in the live stream the other day, yes, I am having a world class temper tantrum today!
@@LylesFigureFiles I can't believe that of the two NEW characters they bothered to release, they screwed one up. Titania's chest being painted plus they used that dull dark purple instead of her brighter, more vibrant comic book colors. I think I better personally take over Hasbro and get things fixed! LOL!
I pre-ordered the symbiote Spider-Man because I feel that the Amazing Fantasy 15 buck scales better with the other characters. I have the retro symbiote Spider-Man, but I think he's a bit too tall. So. I'm replacing him w/ the Secret Wars version.
A TON of folks on the Thursday live said they wanted him. Not begrudging them. It's more a matter he wasn't rocking his white jacket look until Secret Wars II. Their own spin for an anniversary wave seems like a weird business strategy. Just go with the classic looks to truly celebrate it. Not some new tweaked design just because.
It's more of an issue that he doesn't have a physical form until Secret Wars 2, so if you want an authentic Secret Wars 1 Beyonder, you can just suspend an LED over your collection😅. Secret Wars 2 could have been a separate wave with him...pretty much all the MU appears in that series, so they wouldn't have been short of potential inclusions.
@@Banterbear yeah see Secret II getting it’s own line considering it wasn’t nearly as beloved as the original. Some of us waited almost 40 years for a Beyonder and don’t have another 40 years to wait. It’s close enough. Toyline didn’t follow comic book canon anyway I was fine with it. I loved Hobgoblin and Daredevil.
Aside from the disappointing reveals, the one major asset this Hasbro PulseCon ML team gave was a break to my wallet so I can afford Dragon-Man. Sorry Jeffrey, these reveals today was slightly disappointing. Having Spidey, Wolvie, Cap, and Shellhead in the Secret War wave #1 is too much. One of them could have easily have been replaced with a grail most collectors are looking for. A Titania without a new modern Absorbing Man seems like a wasted opportunity. As you said; "it just doesn't do enough for me".
Dial tone looks badass. Saw viper badass, heavy duty and law and order badass, bacara and xixor badass, iron man, not so badass. Why hascrap doesn't do double jointed waist and torso for irony man??? Why???!!😂❤
In fairness, I never hold companies accountable for not matching up with another company's figures. From pics of the two lines, they seem pretty compatible though.
@@LylesFigureFiles There's always a few things I can't make out/don't see at first too. One of the great things about this community is having people around that notice things immediately that you wouldn't have noticed for a long time if ever. :)
The Rhodey erasure on that Iron Man figure might be Hasbro's most egregious transgression against a black character since the ML Power Man Arm Pit Fasco of 2023
LOL. And those arm pits on those kinds of sleeves are really a weird design flaw. Didn't realize til after the fact how annoying it is on Rogue and Sersi as well.
Marvel Legends: Design and hire some sculptors who can sculpt WAVY HAIR on female figures!!!! Titania, Phoenix, Kitty Pride in the '80s all had WAVY HAIR! Stop giving these retro figures straight hair! Jeez!!
So many thoughts, smh. Gonna try to keep it as short as possible. 1. The entire PulseCon event felt rushed and almost cringeworthy. Next time, I recommend that they do a pre-recorded, nicely produced, and edited production and leave the live broadcast alone. The presenters rushed through everything and even got a little snippy with each other due to the time constraints. In some cases, it looked like they completely skipped over segments. Did not like it. 2. GI Joe was solid; nothing groundbreaking, but good. S.W. had some decent reveals; a little light. Marvel Legends (my bread and butter) was very underwhelming. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad to be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Secret Wars, but I needed a better turn out. More comic book and less original toy design influences. Also, as you and many others have said here Jeff, the ML team is missing the finer details of these costumes and not landing the looks as well as we might want. I know they joke on us about this privately ("wrong costume" nerd rage t-shirts anyone?) but the Hasbro Marvel Legends team might not want to dismiss our concerns so blatantly. A little bad press from a lot of people, goes a long way. 3. I was SOOO TIGHT this afternoon when at 4pm, my subscription to Hasbro Pulse is supposed to guarantee me early pre-order access, instead I'm clicking complete order button for like 40 dang minutes in an endless error loop! Really?!!! If it wasn't for someone on Reddit telling people to use Paypal to get past the error, I might have lost out on the early access to some of these figures that my PAID Pulse subscription member benefits provide me. Not cool Hasbro. Still a fan but very frustrated and disappointed today.
Loston told me he had problems with Pulse too. I got on maybe at 4:30 to pre-order Cosmos and had no problem at all. Wonder if that was just for ML figures. Don't know if you watched the pre-show, but one of the designers was mentioning how they listen to fan feedback and make switches to figures like the eyebrows on the Retro Storm. I really would have liked to have heard more examples as some problems continue from one figure to the next (classic Iron Man). It'd be like celebrating the anniversary of Star Wars/ANH with a release of Luke in his Snowspeeder gear instead of his X-Wing outfit. Do the (ahem) iconic costume first, then go nuts with variants.
My reaction will come as no surprise. What a disappointing waste of time. Look! ANOTHER Iron Man release! Look! ANOTHER Wolverine release. Look. TWO MORE Spiderman releases! That brings us up to 80 Iron Man figure variants, 78 Wolverine remakes and 64 Spiderman remakes. I'm not listening to excuses about them being popular characters. Not even the most obsessive, anal-retentive fan needs 80 Iron Men. That's 221 individual figure releases for the same damned 3 characters. It's ridiculous. There are THOUSANDS of Marvel characters that have yet to be made. I can't justify even a dozen variants of one character, but for sake of argument let's say it's acceptable to release a dozen of this same few characters (12 each of Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine). That would have left 185 "slots" of figure releases that could have seen Attuma, Mantis, Swordsman, Mandarin, the Frightful Four, Mephisto, and countless other figures released. We'll never see the majority of the various Marvel characters because they simply keep releasing the same characters over and over and over again, ad nauseum. Frankly at this point I wish Hasbro would just lose the license. Between overpriced nonsense and the endless remakes and variants, the line is dead to me.
3 місяці тому
I mean we both called this last time right ? But the thing is i saw ppl still cheering these repaints as if they have never saw them before ,so i get why hasbro does it ,the 💩 sells despite what you just typed . Its like frickn grounds hog day with every new wave becuz thats what these weird toy collectors want .
@@LylesFigureFiles Not sure who Mr. Cheesburger is, but yes, I'd prefer a better company to take over. Hasbro seems to be quite happy churning out the same few characters hundreds of times while neglecting hundreds of new ones.
UA-cam's bizarre algorithm does this to me all the time. Posts disappear, then appear in my history but not on the video, etc. Just insane. It's like UA-cam just randomly deletes posts for no reason
Once again, really on point with your nitpicks. These figures are decent but all these little issues really stop them being the best they can be. Hasbro should really start running these figures by you in the prototype stage. The Secret Wars set is fine for new collectors that need these characters. But even then, I need a brown suit Wolvie, but I might as well wait for a proper comic version. I need a classic cap, but I need a proper shield with him. The Iron Man could have had an unmasked Rhodey head. The Beyonder was never in it, and lots of other characters appeared in Secret Wars 2, they could have done a wave of that...the cardinal sin is filling Titania's cleavage! So annoying and makes the costume unauthentic for those that know the characters... Which is really what the point is, giving us authentic productions of the comic costumes, not reinventing them to appease the feminism crowd 😅. Sigh. So even if I buy the Cap and Titania, I will have to source an extra shield and customise the paint work on her skin. Bad production choices here...
Thank you! The costume censoring is always weird. It's not like she's wearing pasties. I don't begrudge them for the figure homage Wolverine. We know they'll do another brown and orange version of him. I don't understand still not painting the uni-beam for Iron Man right. Rhodey never took the helmet off around anyone in the story so I can't be that upset.
@@LylesFigureFiles it's just confusing how they come to the decisions they do. I think a Rhodey head would have been good not so much for Secret Wars authenticity, but just for generally having for our IM scenery for that time. You could do red/gold Rhodey IM with a Stark Silver Centurion scene, which happened one issue when Stark had to have his arse pulled out of the fire 🤔😂. Eta, not sure if there any figures with a comic accurate Rhodey head already. I assume there are, but....
Weird. I don’t delete comments unless they’re out of pocket offensive, which you haven’t ever done. Lemme check the spam filter to see if something triggered it.
3 місяці тому
@@LylesFigureFiles i never thought it was you ,you know how i talk already and never against you bro .
Every single Secret Wars figure was disappointing on some level! Wolverine was the wrong color. Tan and brown would have been preferred. Iron Man should have been red and gold, and the center circle should not be blue at all! Hate when Hasbro does this kind of lackluster thing. Just rehashing, and not caring about details. Titania had neither her wavy hair and that silly pink painted in undershirt. BLECHH! Disney and Hasbro corp. censorship is pretty ridiculous! And yet another modern, straight-hair sculpt. Not impressed. Cap's head sculpts are a bit weird. No complete shield once again on a classic Cap. If it's classic anything, they just don't care to give us something complete. Broken shield is okay, but want a classic shield, and heads with black shadows on the cowl. Spider-Man was probably the best of the lot, but come on. How many times can they give us this same black costumed character??? Would have preferred updated SECRET WARS characters like Molecule Man, Absorbing Man, or a new Klaw. The Beyonder??? REALLY?? Someone out there likes this goofball?? Not me! Again, would rather have another SECRET WARS hero or villain instead. Beyonder isn't even in the right get-up. Hasbro just doesn't care to get details right on classic things. They just don't. Very sad to see. All the GI CLASSIFIED stuff was pretty awesome. No complaints. Marvel Legends team needs to do better.
I do think they need to consider collectors don't want these random tweaks. They want the figures like the character appeared in the comic or cartoon or video game. These changes for the sake of changing are frustrating. My main gripe with Beyonder was he doesn't appear in this outfit until much later in the sequel.
@@LylesFigureFiles My main gripe is that he got made at all, but yeah, I don't like when they do this kind of thing. He didn't look this way in Secret Wars II, and he didn't actually appear in Secret Wars--just his voice! Why does he get a Secret Wars figure if he didn't physically appear until Secret Wars II??? I feel like this is as bad as the Cobra Airborne patches! A wasted opportunity to produce another figure instead! They could have at least made him period correct to Secret Wars II for the fans that do want him. I don't get it, man.
@@LylesFigureFiles In my opinion he doesn’t look tough enough. I wanted him to look more like the cartoon with a stronger looking jawline. He was my favorite figure back in the day. 🫤
Finally! Retro carded Secret Wars figs. Been dreaming about these forever.
I'm glad to hear a figure wish came through for you!
Thank you for the heads up on the two pack Sentinels, you're a scholar and a gentleman. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm glad to hear you were able to get them! Always happy to help out my fellow collectors!
I understand Titania wearing a top under her leather to prevent chaffing. Leather on your soft goods could totally rub you the wrong way.
One thing I do like about the light purple “tank top” on Titania is that it forms a “T”. That’s kinda cool. She’s the only one I preordered from today’s reveals.
Her original design has a choker which helps create the T with that original comic look too.
53:04 For some strange reason, the upper boots are on the wrong legs on this Secret Wars Captain America. 54:23 You can see the swapped boots when you compare their back sculpts in this promo image with the picture you took at a similar angle (rear-right-side) of 20th Anniversary Cap for your review on your website. 53:42 And also in this image when compared with your front pic of 20th Cap.
That is odd. I wonder what happened with those pictures? Good catch!
We need every character that was in Secret Wars on that card back. You don't have to buy them, but don't say we don't need them.
Are you talking Secret Wars 1, 2 and the mid 2010s version?
I am sorely tempted to get Prince Xizor (though I have no idea who he is) to customize into a sort of variant costume of Aggamon, an old Dr. Strange villain from Strange Tales.
There you go!
Happy you talked about Titania so much, I was feeling like a creep when I first saw the figure and was like "damn I got to repaint the chest" haha. I'm big on the 90s Spider-Man Animated series, so I was a little disappointed that's ending. I really wanted Blade, Blue/Green Punisher, and Man-Spider, but I know that series is not as popular with most ML collectors.
I hate there's this weird stigma about talking about how female figures are portrayed if you're talking about them like an adult. I would complain if Spider-Man figures made him look like Thor so I think we can all handle mature conversations if Kitty Pryde's figure makes her look more like a bombshell than Emma Frost.
That tease of the face at the end is 100% chameleon's mask but not just any chameleon. It's the green and black robed version. I commented that I really wanted this look for him on one of your videos and it's happening!!! I know everyone wanted animated Chameleon BUT this comic chameleon will not disappoint spidey fans. It's such a good look for him and I'm ecstatic my dream figure is happening
Ahhh. Good call. I'd definitely be down for that version of Chameleon and I guess it makes sense with the news of the VHS packs winding down for a while.
Sorry, I watch half your video last night and commented some and the rest of it just now. 😆 All I really wanted from the stream was to know when and how much for my CLAWs...and maybe an announcement of the FANGs and Sky Hawks we know are coming next year.
Pretty sure the Triple T is up soon as well while they got a fresh deal with Sgt Slaughter going. For iconic, it would surprise me if the Awe Striker isn't at least announced next year, if not out some time next year.
They got me good with those Secret Wars figs. Those hit me right on the nostalgia button. Gonna have to double up on those to keep some on card.
I'm glad to hear you dig 'em!
They got me with Secret Wars. Loved the stop motion ad for it as well!
Future waves should have recolored Zemo, classic Falcon and Redwing and Daredevil with black chest logo to name a few.
I wonder if we'll see a second wave. This is the 40th anniversary and getting wave 1 out so late suggests this might be a one and done anniversary set.
Here's the thing... Those characters weren't in the comic story. They only appeared in the toy line, because it was Mattels established brand for Marvel characters after the first wave. Hasbro currently have an established toyline wave, called legends. It doesn't make any sense to redo those figures as Secret Wars figures.
Thank you for the heads-up Lyle! I was almost gonna go full scalper buy. haha
I'm glad the overall sentiment here is folks are pleased with the Secret Wars wave!
I may get the Symbiote Spider-Man because he is on the Amazing Fantasy body. Hell, I’m probably gonna get them all. Nostalgia man, nostalgia. Lol.
Nostalgia hits hard sometimes!
I always agree with you. Iron Man not having the yellow reactor arc and the broken Cap's shield are big bummers. I would have purchased them if they were done right but I'll only be getting Titania and Wolverine (at least they did him right).
Thank you. I really try not to just fly off and be crazy emotional about these reveals -- they're only figures -- but man is it wild when they keep making simple mistakes that ruin sales for a portion of their fanbase.
I would order Law and Order right now if I could. Just a great figure set. The rig on Heavy Duty looks like a lot of fun and so nice to get head options.
I definitely like both of these figures!
I liked the bumblebee, leather neck, zandar and secret wars reveals.
I forgot about Dial tone. He came out really good
Agreed. Dial Tone was a great reveal!
Was happy
To see the sentinels available again. Thought this was another win for legends team. Classified is just fire. Can’t wait for law and order.
Me too. Already planning their missions with Mutt & Junkyard!
Love it!! They really do
The animals well.
*Sigh* No Wrecking Crew, no Volcana but at least we got Titania. Iron Man should have represented the man who actually fought in the first Secret War- Rhodey! Packed with an unmasked Rhodey head with the proper yellow unibeam it would have been great.
The yellow unibeam apparently is very hard to get right.
Solid post. Iron man needed the Rhode arm
Thanks. That would have been a fun inclusion!
Those Cap heads will work well for the Streets of Poison comic arc display. Cap was really over the top in that story!
I've gotta check that story out. Not ringing a bell for me.
After rewatching some of the Marvel showings on Hasbro Pulse, I enjoyed most of the presentations, but I had a few nitpicks. I was surprised to see the Beyonder because I recognized him more from Secret Wars 2. I haven't read the first Secret Wars, so I was unsure if he appeared there. I would have liked to see more villains, like Lizard or the Wrecking Crew. Perhaps they could include them next time. I still haven't gotten a black suit Spider-Man, so this might be my chance to get one. Also, the two-pack with Vulture and Spider-Man is really tempting because I could use Vulture to add to my Spider-Man villains collection.
I definitely recommend reading the original Secret Wars. It was a fun and meaningful event. I think we might be lucky to get this one wave.
@@LylesFigureFilesfrom the way they were talking, I got the impression there might be a 2nd wave, but maybe reading too much into it.
Lyle I think the Ironman design needed two fixes besides the the chest reactor color. Never felt the shoulder pieces were large enough to match the comic version and the yellow really needs to go back to the golden color it was in earlier versions. It just looks too plastic in the plain red and yellow.
My channel name throws people off. My first name is Jeffrey. My last name is Lyles. I got the yellow for that comic book look and find myself using the gold more in photo shoots for that reason!
Tony Stark was not Iron Man in Secret Wars. Jim Rhodes was Iron Man. Tony Stark returned after Secret Wars.
They do mention this in the feed and it says on the pack he has a secret regarding his identity... I think they should have honored this time Rhodey wore the armour though.
Indeed. This could've been the thing that made the rerelease different enough for a purchase.
Just when I said I was done with the black series that clone commander pulled me back in. It did take 50 minutes for me to get my order to go through though.... Thanks for the heads up on the sentinel two packs I just ordered two more, I love those things, I got two before but hooked up sir Blake with one.
Glad to hear you were able more of the Sentinels. Nice how good things happen when you do good things for other people :-)
I was super excited when that Uncanny X-Force Nightcrawler was revealed. I actually yelled "Hell yeah!" when I saw that render. I love, love, love Remender's Uncanny X-Force.
I would have preferred to see more X-Men.
That run was really fun. Not upset about getting Nighcrawler for the team.
We need updates of classic Cyclops and Punker Storm w/ double jointed elbows.
Yeah we do!
I was looking forward to watching this for my first pulsecon, but with GI Joe being first. 8 couldn’t log in on time. I’m definitely stoked about dial tone and I really like the updated zandar. I don’t know anything of the saw viper and Star duster, so I’ll probably pass on those.
There's a great story arc in the comic featuring SAW Viper. Highly recommend it if you can find the trade for a reasonable price.
Bro, I'm feeling that Zandar
Yeah, Zandar looks awesome! I don't collect GI Joe these days because of cash and space limits, but man, there are some I may simply have to get, and Zandar is one of them!
They knocked it out the park on him, I'm so surprised at these early release dates. It's going to be a rough fall/winter getting these Po's
Only thing they couldhave done on Zandar is painted the armour blue like the Original figure but cool anyway@gregarcher8177
Yeah the modern tweaks are starting to grow on me.
@@LylesFigureFiles Did they release a modern Zoltan? I gotta check. He was always my favorite, with his swamp skiff.
How can you have a Classified Dial Tone and NO 9mm Parabellum?
The Streets of Mos Eisley. The limitless options exist to create a unique set of your choosing. The more I think about this Playset the more I want to add another one to the overall purchase. I covered Deedra Meero in a previous episode of Today's Special and I'm happy to see that she's on the way...& if you want to see what is on the current installment, the freshest order awaits you. 😊Thank You & Enjoy!
Love ya, Jeff. What do you mean Twenty dollars is a lot for 4 inch figures?😁 Yeah, I know. We used to pay 4 and 5$. Time moves on. We used to pay 8 for a 6 inch. Well, others did. That's before my time. They were $10 - 15 when I started. $15 is a sale on a 1/12 figure these days.
My bias is I buy premium 4 inch figures for $27 to 75 from companies like Joy Toy, Boss Fight studios, Toys Alliance, Hiya, and Fresh Monkey Fiction.
Man, it's crazy these prices now isn't it Ric Kage?
There were a few things I wanted (Titania, Wolvie, SAW) but this was a huge waste of time for so few reveals. They advertised this "event" for weeks and it was a lot of nothing. We already knew what the exclusives were. Let's go back to less frequent, bigger reveals.
It did feel like they were rushing. Guess they were getting the kinks out for their 1027 event?
Those are goggles for Order. Military Working Dogs wear them sometimes, especially when dog and handler parachute out of a plane.
Thank you! Couldn't figure out what they were from that one image.
2 Arcade Sentinels 2pks
Dragon Man
Secret Wars Spider-Man
Secret Wars Wolverine
Secret Wars Captain America
Secret Wars Titania
Hey, I got an idea for a video...what's the best replacement Cap shield for the broken Secret Wars one, and where can we buy it cheap.😂 Only 1/4 joking here as well.
LOL. Hopefully soon!
That Clone/troop ideas is smart
It really is!
I was glad to see the secret wars figures i pre ordered wolverine, cap , spiderman, and the Beyonder i was disappointed with this year's pulse con
This reveal was as equally disappointing and infuriating as the Strange Tales bait and switch stunt they pulled. As I announced in the live stream the other day, yes, I am having a world class temper tantrum today!
No Iron Man or Titania?
@@LylesFigureFiles I can't believe that of the two NEW characters they bothered to release, they screwed one up. Titania's chest being painted plus they used that dull dark purple instead of her brighter, more vibrant comic book colors. I think I better personally take over Hasbro and get things fixed! LOL!
I’ve been asking for titana for over a decade. Hate the pink whatever but the rest of the fig is cool to me.
Hopefully someone can figure out a flesh color paint that's a proper match. And I'll need to find something for her choker.
I pre-ordered the symbiote Spider-Man because I feel that the Amazing Fantasy 15 buck scales better with the other characters. I have the retro symbiote Spider-Man, but I think he's a bit too tall. So. I'm replacing him w/ the Secret Wars version.
Thanks. I couldn't place what buck they were using. Do you have a pic of how that matches up with other Marvel heroes?
Sorry, I’m definitely one of the ones that wanted the Beyonder. Anyway, Dwight said they were going to put their own spin on some the designs.
People that grew up with secret wars want all these. Anyone who didn't get them all is clearly a millennial.
@@Libertycustom73 amen
A TON of folks on the Thursday live said they wanted him. Not begrudging them. It's more a matter he wasn't rocking his white jacket look until Secret Wars II. Their own spin for an anniversary wave seems like a weird business strategy. Just go with the classic looks to truly celebrate it. Not some new tweaked design just because.
It's more of an issue that he doesn't have a physical form until Secret Wars 2, so if you want an authentic Secret Wars 1 Beyonder, you can just suspend an LED over your collection😅. Secret Wars 2 could have been a separate wave with him...pretty much all the MU appears in that series, so they wouldn't have been short of potential inclusions.
@@Banterbear yeah see Secret II getting it’s own line considering it wasn’t nearly as beloved as the original. Some of us waited almost 40 years for a Beyonder and don’t have another 40 years to wait. It’s close enough. Toyline didn’t follow comic book canon anyway I was fine with it. I loved Hobgoblin and Daredevil.
That Luke is certainly a upgrade over the previous version.
Yeah it fits in a lot better with the rest of the ANH cast they've done.
Ah, so they CAN do spikes! Let me say again, for the thousandth time, Rachel Summers in Hound costume please and thank you.
is it really that hard for hasbro to make iron man's arc reactor yellow?
It REALLY seems to. That could have been enough to sell me on this look, but they keep going out of the way to mess that look up.
@@LylesFigureFiles they did it also with the recent iron man wave (model 09), like, IS IT REALLY THAT HARD HASBRO????
I like the new head on symbiote Spidey though
The squinty eyed one?
It would have been cool if there had been a repaint of She-Hulk in her FF outfit, wasn't that when she officially joined and the Thing left?
Sigh. That ABSOLUTELY would have been a good choice. Or even She-Hulk's blue jumpsuit deal.
To me, that New Hope Luke Skywalker kind of looks like David Bowie.
An army of SAW Vipers would look like the California Raisins.
LOL. Taking me back with that one.
The heavy duty head is 100% Hodge twins vibes
LOL. There are a bunch of twins in the Joe lore.
Aside from the disappointing reveals, the one major asset this Hasbro PulseCon ML team gave was a break to my wallet so I can afford Dragon-Man. Sorry Jeffrey, these reveals today was slightly disappointing. Having Spidey, Wolvie, Cap, and Shellhead in the Secret War wave #1 is too much. One of them could have easily have been replaced with a grail most collectors are looking for. A Titania without a new modern Absorbing Man seems like a wasted opportunity. As you said; "it just doesn't do enough for me".
No need to apologize to me, Jay. It's your money. Spend it how you will!
saw t ms marvel at target today almost grabbed but not marvel legends right now
a Marvel Legends Secret Wars Hobgoblin would be nice 😩
What would make that one look different enough for another purchase of Hobgoblin?
I don't think hasbro has given us a definitive classic hobgoblin
After spending that Rattler money I am glad we weren't inundated with Joe figures. Perfect amount.
Great point! That was helpful for the wallet.
You're not getting me with nostalgia when you can't get it right.
Maybe they’ll release Absorbing Man and the Wrecking Crew as a 5 pack…a person can dream can’t we.
I think at this rate that's all we can do LOL
Jeffrey, I'm having that world class temper tantrum I predicted in the live stream the other day! LOL!
LOL I knew you would.
@@LylesFigureFiles I'm still having it today! LOL! But Odin arrives Monday so that should bring it to a close. 😂
I hope they make 3 secret war waves. Too many characters not too
That would be nice!
Coooobbbrraaaaa 😂🎉
I gotta say. I liked what we saw, I just wanted more
More Secret Wars or another line entirely?
@@LylesFigureFiles I’m alway looking for x-men. So just more x-men
Hope they do original blonde Cover Girl 👧
That seems like a good time for her, right?
@@LylesFigureFiles You bet!
Order Spider-Mens...then cancelled when I noticed lack of toe-tilt. I don't buy Spider-Mens without toe-tilt anymore.
Wonder why this one doesn't have it...
@@LylesFigureFiles A lot of the recent ones haven't. 🤷
No not Terry Crews, the Guy that played Bushmaster in Luke Cage
That reminds me. I want MCU ML versions of the LC characters.
I have to say to biggest disappointment to me is the Secrat Wars Wave only having two figures I want, and they’re already sold out on Pulse
Which two?
@@LylesFigureFiles Titania and Beyonder, but it’s ok, I pre ordered them on GameStop thus morning
Dial tone looks badass. Saw viper badass, heavy duty and law and order badass, bacara and xixor badass, iron man, not so badass. Why hascrap doesn't do double jointed waist and torso for irony man??? Why???!!😂❤
I wonder if that would make the sculpt look janky?
R truth would buy it for Little Jimmy
Yeah he would.
Captain America is a war vet lol he’s supposed to be intense? He gets serious in battle since his early comic days
I’ll just paint the arc reactor because obviously they can’t get it right
It sure doesn't seem like it!
It's his mic, not an eye piece
Thank you.
If they do Marvel v Capcom in the same style of Jada's Street Fighter figures they could totally redeem themselves,they won't though lol.
In fairness, I never hold companies accountable for not matching up with another company's figures. From pics of the two lines, they seem pretty compatible though.
Hat is definitely for Order. See the holes for his ears?
Thank you! I couldn't quite make it out.
@@LylesFigureFiles There's always a few things I can't make out/don't see at first too. One of the great things about this community is having people around that notice things immediately that you wouldn't have noticed for a long time if ever. :)
The Rhodey erasure on that Iron Man figure might be Hasbro's most egregious transgression against a black character since the ML Power Man Arm Pit Fasco of 2023
LOL. And those arm pits on those kinds of sleeves are really a weird design flaw. Didn't realize til after the fact how annoying it is on Rogue and Sersi as well.
Marvel Legends: Design and hire some sculptors who can sculpt WAVY HAIR on female figures!!!! Titania, Phoenix, Kitty Pride in the '80s all had WAVY HAIR! Stop giving these retro figures straight hair! Jeez!!
I wonder if they're struggling to not make full wavy hair too top heavy?
@@LylesFigureFiles that was my problem with Elektra, big poofy headsculpt looks great but I had to switch for the bandana bc she kept falling over
One step closer to the perfect brown costume wolverine and captain America I’ll pass until they get it 100% right
They lose the license next year, so good luck with that.
I think we could see brown Wolverine in the next '97 wave.
@@Libertycustom73 no idea what your talking about
So many thoughts, smh. Gonna try to keep it as short as possible.
1. The entire PulseCon event felt rushed and almost cringeworthy. Next time, I recommend that they do a pre-recorded, nicely produced, and edited production and leave the live broadcast alone. The presenters rushed through everything and even got a little snippy with each other due to the time constraints. In some cases, it looked like they completely skipped over segments. Did not like it.
2. GI Joe was solid; nothing groundbreaking, but good. S.W. had some decent reveals; a little light. Marvel Legends (my bread and butter) was very underwhelming. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad to be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Secret Wars, but I needed a better turn out. More comic book and less original toy design influences. Also, as you and many others have said here Jeff, the ML team is missing the finer details of these costumes and not landing the looks as well as we might want. I know they joke on us about this privately ("wrong costume" nerd rage t-shirts anyone?) but the Hasbro Marvel Legends team might not want to dismiss our concerns so blatantly. A little bad press from a lot of people, goes a long way.
3. I was SOOO TIGHT this afternoon when at 4pm, my subscription to Hasbro Pulse is supposed to guarantee me early pre-order access, instead I'm clicking complete order button for like 40 dang minutes in an endless error loop! Really?!!! If it wasn't for someone on Reddit telling people to use Paypal to get past the error, I might have lost out on the early access to some of these figures that my PAID Pulse subscription member benefits provide me. Not cool Hasbro.
Still a fan but very frustrated and disappointed today.
Loston told me he had problems with Pulse too. I got on maybe at 4:30 to pre-order Cosmos and had no problem at all. Wonder if that was just for ML figures.
Don't know if you watched the pre-show, but one of the designers was mentioning how they listen to fan feedback and make switches to figures like the eyebrows on the Retro Storm. I really would have liked to have heard more examples as some problems continue from one figure to the next (classic Iron Man).
It'd be like celebrating the anniversary of Star Wars/ANH with a release of Luke in his Snowspeeder gear instead of his X-Wing outfit. Do the (ahem) iconic costume first, then go nuts with variants.
My reaction will come as no surprise. What a disappointing waste of time. Look! ANOTHER Iron Man release! Look! ANOTHER Wolverine release. Look. TWO MORE Spiderman releases! That brings us up to 80 Iron Man figure variants, 78 Wolverine remakes and 64 Spiderman remakes. I'm not listening to excuses about them being popular characters. Not even the most obsessive, anal-retentive fan needs 80 Iron Men. That's 221 individual figure releases for the same damned 3 characters. It's ridiculous. There are THOUSANDS of Marvel characters that have yet to be made.
I can't justify even a dozen variants of one character, but for sake of argument let's say it's acceptable to release a dozen of this same few characters (12 each of Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine). That would have left 185 "slots" of figure releases that could have seen Attuma, Mantis, Swordsman, Mandarin, the Frightful Four, Mephisto, and countless other figures released. We'll never see the majority of the various Marvel characters because they simply keep releasing the same characters over and over and over again, ad nauseum. Frankly at this point I wish Hasbro would just lose the license. Between overpriced nonsense and the endless remakes and variants, the line is dead to me.
I mean we both called this last time right ? But the thing is i saw ppl still cheering these repaints as if they have never saw them before ,so i get why hasbro does it ,the 💩 sells despite what you just typed . Its like frickn grounds hog day with every new wave becuz thats what these weird toy collectors want .
Now you're sounding like Mr. Cheeseburger when he's saying Marvel fans should root for Hasbro to lose the license.
@@Vintage-Bob hmm,wonder why my comment got deleted did i hurt someones feelings ??
@@LylesFigureFiles Not sure who Mr. Cheesburger is, but yes, I'd prefer a better company to take over. Hasbro seems to be quite happy churning out the same few characters hundreds of times while neglecting hundreds of new ones.
UA-cam's bizarre algorithm does this to me all the time. Posts disappear, then appear in my history but not on the video, etc. Just insane. It's like UA-cam just randomly deletes posts for no reason
Al😮t of nitpicking.
Once again, really on point with your nitpicks. These figures are decent but all these little issues really stop them being the best they can be. Hasbro should really start running these figures by you in the prototype stage. The Secret Wars set is fine for new collectors that need these characters. But even then, I need a brown suit Wolvie, but I might as well wait for a proper comic version. I need a classic cap, but I need a proper shield with him. The Iron Man could have had an unmasked Rhodey head. The Beyonder was never in it, and lots of other characters appeared in Secret Wars 2, they could have done a wave of that...the cardinal sin is filling Titania's cleavage! So annoying and makes the costume unauthentic for those that know the characters... Which is really what the point is, giving us authentic productions of the comic costumes, not reinventing them to appease the feminism crowd 😅. Sigh. So even if I buy the Cap and Titania, I will have to source an extra shield and customise the paint work on her skin. Bad production choices here...
Thank you!
The costume censoring is always weird. It's not like she's wearing pasties. I don't begrudge them for the figure homage Wolverine. We know they'll do another brown and orange version of him. I don't understand still not painting the uni-beam for Iron Man right. Rhodey never took the helmet off around anyone in the story so I can't be that upset.
@@LylesFigureFiles it's just confusing how they come to the decisions they do. I think a Rhodey head would have been good not so much for Secret Wars authenticity, but just for generally having for our IM scenery for that time. You could do red/gold Rhodey IM with a Stark Silver Centurion scene, which happened one issue when Stark had to have his arse pulled out of the fire 🤔😂. Eta, not sure if there any figures with a comic accurate Rhodey head already. I assume there are, but....
Shut-up and take my money.
How many are you getting?
@@LylesFigureFiles As many as my bank account will allow. So probably not many.
Somebody really didnt like my comment about that lame pulse con ..whoops did it again
Wait, did something happen with your comment??
@@LylesFigureFiles i dont see it
@@LylesFigureFiles i dont see the one under vintage bob either
Weird. I don’t delete comments unless they’re out of pocket offensive, which you haven’t ever done. Lemme check the spam filter to see if something triggered it.
@@LylesFigureFiles i never thought it was you ,you know how i talk already and never against you bro .
Wish hasbro would stop making the same figures over and over, make new figures. Serpent Society would be nice.
I think we're "supposed" to be seeing some new Serpents at some point soon.
Every single Secret Wars figure was disappointing on some level! Wolverine was the wrong color. Tan and brown would have been preferred. Iron Man should have been red and gold, and the center circle should not be blue at all! Hate when Hasbro does this kind of lackluster thing. Just rehashing, and not caring about details. Titania had neither her wavy hair and that silly pink painted in undershirt. BLECHH! Disney and Hasbro corp. censorship is pretty ridiculous! And yet another modern, straight-hair sculpt. Not impressed. Cap's head sculpts are a bit weird. No complete shield once again on a classic Cap. If it's classic anything, they just don't care to give us something complete. Broken shield is okay, but want a classic shield, and heads with black shadows on the cowl. Spider-Man was probably the best of the lot, but come on. How many times can they give us this same black costumed character??? Would have preferred updated SECRET WARS characters like Molecule Man, Absorbing Man, or a new Klaw. The Beyonder??? REALLY?? Someone out there likes this goofball?? Not me! Again, would rather have another SECRET WARS hero or villain instead. Beyonder isn't even in the right get-up. Hasbro just doesn't care to get details right on classic things. They just don't. Very sad to see.
All the GI CLASSIFIED stuff was pretty awesome. No complaints. Marvel Legends team needs to do better.
I do think they need to consider collectors don't want these random tweaks. They want the figures like the character appeared in the comic or cartoon or video game. These changes for the sake of changing are frustrating.
My main gripe with Beyonder was he doesn't appear in this outfit until much later in the sequel.
@@LylesFigureFiles My main gripe is that he got made at all, but yeah, I don't like when they do this kind of thing. He didn't look this way in Secret Wars II, and he didn't actually appear in Secret Wars--just his voice! Why does he get a Secret Wars figure if he didn't physically appear until Secret Wars II??? I feel like this is as bad as the Cobra Airborne patches! A wasted opportunity to produce another figure instead! They could have at least made him period correct to Secret Wars II for the fans that do want him. I don't get it, man.
Agreed on all these points. Silly little things and design choices that spoil the releases.
What are you talking bout leatherneck looks terrible. 🤦♂️
What's wrong with him to you?
In my opinion he doesn’t look tough enough. I wanted him to look more like the cartoon with a stronger looking jawline. He was my favorite figure back in the day. 🫤