on another note: since running NE 2x a week with 2x gpp a week, I've been sleeping A LOT better and I usually have trouble sleeping, but lately I've been sleeping within 5 mins of hitting the bed because I'm so drained from the workouts. not over trained because the next day I'm pretty fresh.
FYI I made a mistake on the last tip. I said "repetition method" but I meant to say "timed method". This is the correct terminology. Of course I also recommend repetition method, which is doing ultra high reps to failure. I especially like 3x20 on squats and lunge variations. In sum, do DE method, timed method, and repetition method.
AlphaDestiny giant sets for me except for deadlift, I don't fuck around with my deadlift sets. everything else I alternate opposing muscle groups 4 in a row. I find heavy session easier to recover between sets, light session way harder, so much for calling it low intensity!!!
ALEX OR SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND! I WANT TO DO FLOOR PRESS VIA NOVICE PROGRAM BUT .. even pins on lowest setting my elbows barely hit to ground couple inches away!!!! SO is it ok if i do FLOOR PIN PRESS? because of my leverages! i feel like its very similar!!! only dif is i stop when bar hits pins , pause then go back up! also do i use close grip bench grip or slightly wider than shoulder width grip ? thx!
This is so true. My last squat sessions I do a certain weight and I struggle to do 5 reps for the first two sets. And I do AMRAP on my 3rd set and viola I did 20 reps with the same weight. Just keep pushing and don't mind the pain. You'll see you can do more.
Id just do some calisthenics every day for a nucleus overload.. You need like 20-30 minutes for a quick workout and you can hit many muscles. Then when you get more free time to train the gains will come faster
concurrent periodisation as it's year round volume and intensity. drop sets, super sets, giant sets, low rest intervals. full body. GPP/cardio. dynamic effort and repetition method (repping for time). around 45 seconds for volume, and 2 mins max for intensity. wait as long as you want for a long rep max, but 3-4 mins at the most. don't rest between warmups, except for your last one, going into your working set. around a minute.
I would suggest taking shrugs out of a novice program and just substitute rack pulls, my brother was a no gainer and I had him stop doing everything except for 10 x 10 rack pulls, and squats... everything grew, his Biceps his Triceps his traps his legs his Calves and even his chest a little bit. He now went back to a fullbody after a year now and he is able to make consistent gains off a pretty basic 3 x 10 program
Despite what people say about it, a personalised take on the Conjugate method (Note I say Conjugate, not Westside) can be utilised for creating a higher work capacity, it's entirely dependent on the person running the program and how they want to structure it, similar to what you mentioned with the concurrent periodisation. Just my opinion and what I've found.
recently started doing farmer walks and rope skipping after every workout (fullbody ofc) and it is pretty cool to do actually, i Always superset it with some ab work to get everything in as fast as possible
Im currently doing nucleus overload for my upper body and man do is my work capacity increasing on top of the small increment increases for weights. I'm only on the 3rd week so once this 2nd cycle is done, i'm gonna go for my lower body next. This tip might be useful to some idk but to me sheitt. Thanks a lot man a lot of these things I didn't even know!
Alex, I just hit my first squat and deadlift plateau. Going to stop with the 3x5 and 5x5 stuff and add some volume. I was literally just doing 3x5 for both and could add 5lbs twice a week easily. I loved it, really short training sessions and is always a PR day. Guess that time is over. Going to test and record my 1 rep maxes, then try your program. After 6-12 months when I hit intermediate I'll make it into a video. This is if I ever hit intermediate, my joints are bad I honestly don't think a 2 plate bench is possible.
last 5 months i've been working a manual labour job. I can now complete workouts that used to take me an hour in about 20 minutes or less. I can do 20 sets of squats in 20 minutes with rest and weight changes because I can work fast and recover fast. I hae lost 30lbs aswell without reducing calories, only by increasing my activity level from manual labour.
Not necessarily a secret, because you explained it in the video, but I just like doing high rep push-ups with 20 sec rest intervals. Same for the home workouts in NE, I rest for 15 secs between different band pull variations. Of course, when I start to tire out to the point of a little dizziness, I'll rest a little longer. But it translates into volume day. It takes getting used to but GPP training and the home work outs give you higher work capacity to effectively complete volume day.
Nice video! I have to say I was very against your facial hair when I started subscribing to you about a year ago, but holy fuck not only was 2016 a year of muscle and strength gains for you but your beard has a come a long way. Did you do anything other than just not shave?
Yoo some good tips again!..gpp really works.When i was 'cutting' i used to always do hiit cardio or boxing on the bag 3 times a week.Even after legday.Following a brosplit,yep i did.Anyways,now i'm more wiser and bulking,gaining.I have a belly lol.But im still conditioned to an extent.2 weeks ago i trained bodybuilding mike mentzer style but fullbody.Like do bench,right into bent over rows.Leg presss superset calves.Triceps superset biceps etc...High reps instead of low.Hyperthrophy.Everything superset,dropset style.Full body done in a fking halfhour.I was completley drained after that.But i sat down,rest,had a shake and i was thinking like damn..how tf did i pull that off?
Need to get back on conditioning and GPP work first few sessions of NE are kicking the crap out of me! Need to get accustomed and then crush the work cap!
Hey Alex, I saw your comment in an older video of yours that you're balding from the back. Could you give some advise on it, coz I'm balding too and am currently just shaving or buzzing it regularly, also following Max DaSilva's youtube channel and FB group.
I used to be a builder and after work I always worked out. Now I walk for 2-3h,5 to 6 times per week (still looking for a job) and I do all the home labors myself(usually I choose the stairs because I live in a 5th). After all that activity I workout for 70-75min (weighted calisthenics for the mayor part). I'm always full charged men,no exhaustation at all. But still using an S T-shirt hahahaha
Kotally Savage I was a house builder,not a bodybuilder. And because I also was an obese 225lbs kid,I was always afraid of bulking because I didn't want to gain fat. And there you have a 143lbs,5'6 tall house builder,until I found Alex's channel and now I eat between 3600cal and 4200cal instead of 1600-1800cal.
whats the best and most optimal way to do heavy deadlifts please? straight sets? work up to a top heavy set and thats it (1 heavy set)? or do back off sets? after mt top heavy set im pretty much fucked up and cant achieve same reps on the other sets, i wanna get Stronger and bigger
Iago Borges are you a novice? Which mean, can you hit 405x5? If u can't maybe it's your program that suck ass. Get into alpha novice program you should be fine doing his program.
Yo Alex, what do you think is the best novice program for a highschool wrestler. Height: 6'0, Weight: 185, Bench: 195, Squat: 275, Deadlift: 380. Btw Neck training is all ready covered during training with my coach.
Hey Alex, I'm running your novice program at the moment. I've noticed that my bench is a lot stronger than my row and I want to bring my row up to prevent any muscle imbalances and posture problems. Should I just always do 5 sets of the pulling exercises and 3 sets of pushing?
I will be starting your novice program next week,transitioning from bro splits,do I need a deload before I start it?ive been hitting plateaus one everything and my numbers are very unimpressive so I'm hoping full body will cure this
Joseph Gonzalez Well to be honest you don't look like a novice in your picture. I think it would be a good idea to start running a Concurrent periodized program. Doesn't have to be Alex's program but i'd recommend concurrent. keep eating of course
Joseph Gonzalez I know man, shit sucks. I have similar genetics. but the only way to get stronger for us hard gainers is to eat more, gain weight, and make progress.
Let me let you in on a little secret Alex... go to a tire place and ask for one of the biggest scrap tires, put it in your backyard, buy a cheap ass 10 or 12 lb sledgehammer and slim that thing as hard as you can for 20 reps as fast as you can every minute on the minute. If your heart rate doesn't Spike up to 180 Plus, then you aren't Swinging with maximum effort. The s*** hits my triceps almost as hard as dips, and I get so much testosterone I grow 14 dicks It's about the manliest feeling you can get only matched by grinding out a new PR on deadlift or overhead press
Yeah man. Light days are fucking killer. 5 - 10 sets for 10 - 12 reps with 60 second rest intervals will put hair on your chest. Even moreso than the days where You're only doing 3 - 5 rep sets with 90% your 1RM.
Can you implement Concurrent Periodization into a push/pull/legs Routine ( 6 times a week )? Like do you put 3 volume days followed by rest to a 3 intensity which I think is insane , so I'm really lost cuz there is endless ways to schedule it but what is the best way to do it ?! Any tips Alex ?!
Should I also play around with the rep scheme based on your Naturally Enhanced guidelines for Intensity day and Volume day? I was gassed out half way through my volume day and I figured it might have to do with not eating enough and not maximizing GPP, what do you think?
hey alex biceps bigger than shoulders or shoulders bigger than biceps? In my opinion shoulders is what makes or kills a physique. How much do I need to overhead press to get intermediate on that lift? Ive been running your novice program. Ive been making all kinds of gains! thanks a lot!
ive been doing full body work outs 4 months already but my arms are hardly growing at all makes me sad other than that full body is cool. alex how many days should i do band face pulls i remember you told me thats the best shoulder exercise for 3 heads?
yo alex if im limited to a few exercises at a home gym with barbell what would you recomend fow switching movements. move hand positions? rotate posistions every few weeks?
That varies depending on the person's work capacity. Generally speaking high volume training includes lots of sets, and lots of reps. In simplest terms, it amounts to high total workload (again relative to the individual).
Alex say I wanna look like kinobody but with a thick upper back and the same minimal trap development. would running ne with rack pulls but no direct trap work achieve this?
I mainly do high volume calisthenics, waiter's walks, bear hug walks, and farmer walks. Also I'm not an athlete, there is no off-season for me especially with concurrent.
Thanks for the advice Alex I have question, should I do the mini home workouts the day after the gym before or after I do gpp work. Also there are 3 days between the volume day and intensity day would it be ok if I did gpp work in two of them and leave the last day free before the intensity day or would that start fucking with recovery?
Also would I potentially need to go a third mini home workout on the the day I do gpp the day before I have the off day before the intensity day? Thank you Alex
I ride my bike to school 60min Total a day, and also train full body twice a week+kickboxing once a week and jump rope everyday for kickbox conditioning and feetwork is this to much ? i don't feel tired at all
Do both the maxing out session and volume session have the same amount of exercises/sets and reps for the accessory work? So the only difference would be the intensity&volume first exercise of that specific training day?
Yo Alex. Kinobody streamed a video a few hours ago about a guy called Cody who lost 50 pounds etc. He looked pretty bad ass before cutting with the beard, body hair and higher body fat %. Is that your definition of bear mode physique cos it's looks sick?
Can I do Gpp on my off days? Also if I'm doing farmers walk as my Gpp, should I use a weight that I use during my workout days. Or should I drop the weight? Thanks
Hello to you'll. I have a Q (sorry about my English) I train 3 times a week Rack pull,Pendle row,military press,dumbbell press,shrugs. Did i need to do arms? And if this training is good? Thank you
simon shadi . Do box squats as well . Depends on your current strength. I'd just follow his novice program if you are under his weight lifting requirements .
Yo Alex, How would you deload? If one has done way too much work for too long, what would be the best approach? I'm doing concurrent training nowadays, but I spent a long time doing too much ineffective training along with long hikes and some manual labor work and I feel like l'm burned out(I could possibly have adrenal issues right now). How would you go about a deload if it was necessary?
I don't recommend that one bit. You will lose work capacity if you do 4-8 weeks heavy then 4-8 weeks medium-light. Use concurrent periodization so that you can combine intensity and volume within each week.
Alex is it possible to gain strenght on a cut on NE 2x a week ? I know when cutting u should maintain strenght but im at 91kg early intermediate so shouldn't i gain strenght even tho im on a cut?
Hey I do high rep push-ups every day for upper body work capacity, but I wanted to know if doing explosive jump lunges/Hindu squats with bodyweight would increase my squat? (or at least my squat work capacity.
AlphaDestiny i Mean that You say that you have so High Work Capacity (Wich i know you Have) but How would you know if you have Good work capacity if you're training 2x a week, that is easy to recover form
Nothing he said is related to what I talk about. I have said hundreds of times that I only recommend cheat rows and cheat shrugs, which are in fact superior because of the stretch overload. If people think that video has something to do with me they're dead wrong as cheating on bench and deadlifts is never something that I've recommended.
Im pretty new here, if i buy the NE, do i get a book with a bunch of infomation or do i get a program which i simply can follow. Sorry for bad spelling
Alex how does it matter where im attaching my bands as long as they are stretching? As long as I place the bands in the same spot for example on dumbells and in squat racks and progress im fine right? Dont have to calculate stuff
alex when i do barbell rows i feel a tear in my right upper trap, i dont have it when doing pendlay rows the same weight. am i not used to the stretch?
ALEX OR SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND! I WANT TO DO FLOOR PRESS VIA NOVICE PROGRAM BUT .. even pins on lowest setting my elbows barely hit to ground couple inches away!!!! SO is it ok if i do FLOOR PIN PRESS? because of my leverages! i feel like its very similar!!! only dif is i stop when bar hits pins , pause then go back up! also do i use close grip bench grip or slightly wider than shoulder width grip ? thx!
Golden Memes You can take the pins out. You don't need them because the floor will save you if you fail (assuming you're using standard 45lb plate size). As far as grip goes it's really up to you. I personally have really long arms so I use a semi close grip as it lets me bring the bar closer to my chest.
on another note: since running NE 2x a week with 2x gpp a week, I've been sleeping A LOT better and I usually have trouble sleeping, but lately I've been sleeping within 5 mins of hitting the bed because I'm so drained from the workouts. not over trained because the next day I'm pretty fresh.
No problem.
running NE 2x a week with 2x gpp a week.
can you go into detail please
FYI I made a mistake on the last tip. I said "repetition method" but I meant to say "timed method". This is the correct terminology. Of course I also recommend repetition method, which is doing ultra high reps to failure. I especially like 3x20 on squats and lunge variations. In sum, do DE method, timed method, and repetition method.
AlphaDestiny Hey Alex you once mentioned that you trained bjj before... how long did you train and what belt did you reach??
AlphaDestiny are u Italian? U look like an Albanian/Italian.
AlphaDestiny giant sets for me except for deadlift, I don't fuck around with my deadlift sets. everything else I alternate opposing muscle groups 4 in a row. I find heavy session easier to recover between sets, light session way harder, so much for calling it low intensity!!!
I thought he was greek.
ALEX OR SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND! I WANT TO DO FLOOR PRESS VIA NOVICE PROGRAM BUT .. even pins on lowest setting my elbows barely hit to ground couple inches away!!!! SO is it ok if i do FLOOR PIN PRESS? because of my leverages! i feel like its very similar!!! only dif is i stop when bar hits pins , pause then go back up! also do i use close grip bench grip or slightly wider than shoulder width grip ? thx!
Another thing is that people can usually do more than they think. so just fight through the pain and you'll surprise yourself.
This is so true. My last squat sessions I do a certain weight and I struggle to do 5 reps for the first two sets. And I do AMRAP on my 3rd set and viola I did 20 reps with the same weight. Just keep pushing and don't mind the pain. You'll see you can do more.
Why so? Being srs here
Try Supersquats/20 rep squats. :)
ive become so lazy with work and school just gonna train neck and forearms
Don't forget your glutes
MrLukedanger i was gona include that too in the comment i guess i can do a deadlift variation 1-2x a week
Id just do some calisthenics every day for a nucleus overload.. You need like 20-30 minutes for a quick workout and you can hit many muscles. Then when you get more free time to train the gains will come faster
3Runner95SRB i lose focus after 20-30 min now that sounds good
how are you now, 7 years later?
El trapador
Fuck yeah! #AlphaDestinyExclusive #BigBlackAssesForWorkCapacity
Can shoveling the snow be considered as gpp.....no joke im asking for real
Lolek Bolek yes, he even said this in a video
MNuggat Yeah like he literally made a full video saying you should shovel snow if you can
Lolek Bolek what's gpp!!?
Hell yeah
Lolek Bolek fuck yea fam.
concurrent periodisation as it's year round volume and intensity. drop sets, super sets, giant sets, low rest intervals. full body. GPP/cardio. dynamic effort and repetition method (repping for time). around 45 seconds for volume, and 2 mins max for intensity. wait as long as you want for a long rep max, but 3-4 mins at the most. don't rest between warmups, except for your last one, going into your working set. around a minute.
instant like crew checking in
Please don't turn knowledge to believes.
This video is gold.
Golden video brother keep it up!
awesome vid alex! now show us those 500 pushups
I will try to film it sometime, I usually do it in my room but it's a very tight setup. Will probably do it at the gym one day
I would suggest taking shrugs out of a novice program and just substitute rack pulls, my brother was a no gainer and I had him stop doing everything except for 10 x 10 rack pulls, and squats... everything grew, his Biceps his Triceps his traps his legs his Calves and even his chest a little bit. He now went back to a fullbody after a year now and he is able to make consistent gains off a pretty basic 3 x 10 program
great video man waiting for that shoutout though
Good stuff👍🏻
full body workout for the win!
Alex now has an official beard now good job man
Despite what people say about it, a personalised take on the Conjugate method (Note I say Conjugate, not Westside) can be utilised for creating a higher work capacity, it's entirely dependent on the person running the program and how they want to structure it, similar to what you mentioned with the concurrent periodisation. Just my opinion and what I've found.
Can I do G4P instead of GPP?
recently started doing farmer walks and rope skipping after every workout (fullbody ofc) and it is pretty cool to do actually, i Always superset it with some ab work to get everything in as fast as possible
yeah I have to agree with you on the full body workouts
Im currently doing nucleus overload for my upper body and man do is my work capacity increasing on top of the small increment increases for weights. I'm only on the 3rd week so once this 2nd cycle is done, i'm gonna go for my lower body next. This tip might be useful to some idk but to me sheitt.
Thanks a lot man a lot of these things I didn't even know!
Alex, I just hit my first squat and deadlift plateau. Going to stop with the 3x5 and 5x5 stuff and add some volume. I was literally just doing 3x5 for both and could add 5lbs twice a week easily. I loved it, really short training sessions and is always a PR day. Guess that time is over.
Going to test and record my 1 rep maxes, then try your program. After 6-12 months when I hit intermediate I'll make it into a video. This is if I ever hit intermediate, my joints are bad I honestly don't think a 2 plate bench is possible.
Get bands and do band pushdowns after or 12-24hrs after ur workout
Beard gains coming in nice Alex! Minoxidil is working great i see ;)
last 5 months i've been working a manual labour job. I can now complete workouts that used to take me an hour in about 20 minutes or less. I can do 20 sets of squats in 20 minutes with rest and weight changes because I can work fast and recover fast. I hae lost 30lbs aswell without reducing calories, only by increasing my activity level from manual labour.
I believe it! Manual labor makes you mad fit
Alex! Can you make a video on combining upper/lower and fullbody. F.ex. Upper intensity, lower intensity and fullbody volume day etc.?
Not necessarily a secret, because you explained it in the video, but I just like doing high rep push-ups with 20 sec rest intervals. Same for the home workouts in NE, I rest for 15 secs between different band pull variations. Of course, when I start to tire out to the point of a little dizziness, I'll rest a little longer. But it translates into volume day. It takes getting used to but GPP training and the home work outs give you higher work capacity to effectively complete volume day.
Nice video! I have to say I was very against your facial hair when I started subscribing to you about a year ago, but holy fuck not only was 2016 a year of muscle and strength gains for you but your beard has a come a long way. Did you do anything other than just not shave?
you should do an interview with brian alshru he is a strongman he bench 505 deadlift 710 and squat 680.
he also overhead press 310 and pushpress 400.
Yoo some good tips again!..gpp really works.When i was 'cutting' i used to always do hiit cardio or boxing on the bag 3 times a week.Even after legday.Following a brosplit,yep i did.Anyways,now i'm more wiser and bulking,gaining.I have a belly lol.But im still conditioned to an extent.2 weeks ago i trained bodybuilding mike mentzer style but fullbody.Like do bench,right into bent over rows.Leg presss superset calves.Triceps superset biceps etc...High reps instead of low.Hyperthrophy.Everything superset,dropset style.Full body done in a fking halfhour.I was completley drained after that.But i sat down,rest,had a shake and i was thinking like damn..how tf did i pull that off?
You should film your push up session. It would be very inspiring to see you banging out 500-1000 push ups!
Maybe I will now that you mention it.
Need to get back on conditioning and GPP work first few sessions of NE are kicking the crap out of me! Need to get accustomed and then crush the work cap!
Gpp with unstable shit is all i do and it's amazing
Any GPP training vids or GPP vids in general coming up?
any videos about women?
Hey Alex, I saw your comment in an older video of yours that you're balding from the back. Could you give some advise on it, coz I'm balding too and am currently just shaving or buzzing it regularly, also following Max DaSilva's youtube channel and FB group.
brother Alex try this : SHOULDER DISLOCATE (10 reps as close as possible ) you would feel your badass traps tight af ......
tell me how you felt
I used to be a builder and after work I always worked out. Now I walk for 2-3h,5 to 6 times per week (still looking for a job) and I do all the home labors myself(usually I choose the stairs because I live in a 5th). After all that activity I workout for 70-75min (weighted calisthenics for the mayor part). I'm always full charged men,no exhaustation at all. But still using an S T-shirt hahahaha
MetAlan100 S t shirt? What kinda bodybuilder where's a small?
Kotally Savage I was a house builder,not a bodybuilder. And because I also was an obese 225lbs kid,I was always afraid of bulking because I didn't want to gain fat. And there you have a 143lbs,5'6 tall house builder,until I found Alex's channel and now I eat between 3600cal and 4200cal instead of 1600-1800cal.
MetAlan100 everyone worries about getting fat. I'm worried about it and I was anorexic as a child lol.
I can do like 9-10 chin-ups if I do it before the workout, but when i do it at the end (novice program),I struggle to do 5.
When will you make a beard video?
whats the best and most optimal way to do heavy deadlifts please? straight sets? work up to a top heavy set and thats it (1 heavy set)? or do back off sets? after mt top heavy set im pretty much fucked up and cant achieve same reps on the other sets, i wanna get Stronger and bigger
Iago Borges are you a novice? Which mean, can you hit 405x5? If u can't maybe it's your program that suck ass. Get into alpha novice program you should be fine doing his program.
juan mendoza i can bro i just wanna know if its best way to do heavy deads ramping vs straight sets vs back off sets please
Alex how many years have you been training bro?
Should you be mixing volume and intensity in your novice program
what about implementing hiit training during rest days ?? will it be enough to increase work capacity??
what is really the difference between high and low reps in terms of gains ?
Yo Alex, what do you think is the best novice program for a highschool wrestler. Height: 6'0, Weight: 185, Bench: 195, Squat: 275, Deadlift: 380. Btw Neck training is all ready covered during training with my coach.
Q&A: My close grip and wide grip bench press are exactly the same numbers (315lbs). When I fail a rep it's at lockout. What does this imply? Thanks
Hey Alex, I'm running your novice program at the moment. I've noticed that my bench is a lot stronger than my row and I want to bring my row up to prevent any muscle imbalances and posture problems. Should I just always do 5 sets of the pulling exercises and 3 sets of pushing?
wouldn't this make your shoulders round forward since you ain't doing back work and only chest, shoulders etc with the push ups
Hey Alex how can I incorporate single leg work into a routine as a novice ? I coach a lot of basketball players off season
I will be starting your novice program next week,transitioning from bro splits,do I need a deload before I start it?ive been hitting plateaus one everything and my numbers are very unimpressive so I'm hoping full body will cure this
Joseph Gonzalez Eating more will cure it. If you're a novice gain at least 4lbs a month (1lb a week).
Logical VeganLifts I've been gaining weight like 4 pounds a month,I just feel like my strength isn't following so I think it's my poor training design
Joseph Gonzalez Well to be honest you don't look like a novice in your picture. I think it would be a good idea to start running a Concurrent periodized program. Doesn't have to be Alex's program but i'd recommend concurrent. keep eating of course
I just want to be strong:/
Joseph Gonzalez I know man, shit sucks. I have similar genetics. but the only way to get stronger for us hard gainers is to eat more, gain weight, and make progress.
Alpha destiny I am truly one of your biggest fans,I was wondering if you could talk about Brock lesnar and how to get a body like him
Let me let you in on a little secret Alex... go to a tire place and ask for one of the biggest scrap tires, put it in your backyard, buy a cheap ass 10 or 12 lb sledgehammer and slim that thing as hard as you can for 20 reps as fast as you can every minute on the minute.
If your heart rate doesn't Spike up to 180 Plus, then you aren't Swinging with maximum effort.
The s*** hits my triceps almost as hard as dips, and I get so much testosterone I grow 14 dicks
It's about the manliest feeling you can get only matched by grinding out a new PR on deadlift or overhead press
what do you think on training 10 excercises for session whith full body workouts
Yeah man. Light days are fucking killer. 5 - 10 sets for 10 - 12 reps with 60 second rest intervals will put hair on your chest. Even moreso than the days where You're only doing 3 - 5 rep sets with 90% your 1RM.
Alex how we should progressively overload on our mini home workouts for etc bandpushdowns?
Baris BANDDESTINY i dont think it is something to progress with,they must be done really fast for the connective tissue
How can i do gpp with farmers walks? Sets or what?..
REXZUH GFX farmers walks just to laps. If you want to know when to do them it's good on off days to do GPP
Can you implement Concurrent Periodization into a push/pull/legs Routine ( 6 times a week )? Like do you put 3 volume days followed by rest to a 3 intensity which I think is insane , so I'm really lost cuz there is endless ways to schedule it but what is the best way to do it ?! Any tips Alex ?!
Should I also play around with the rep scheme based on your Naturally Enhanced guidelines for Intensity day and Volume day? I was gassed out half way through my volume day and I figured it might have to do with not eating enough and not maximizing GPP, what do you think?
How often would you recommend doing GPP work?
Would doing incline walking for 30mins a day be sufficient for work capacity gains?
Chris Lawrence GPP work should be done on off days. Doesn't matter about the time depending what program your using
i have a question for your next qna
to gain pure strenght is it ok for me to go just low reps every time or i have to switch it up to volume sometimes
Sanjin Pilepić he recommends an intensity day (low reps) and a volume day
hey alex
biceps bigger than shoulders or shoulders bigger than biceps?
In my opinion shoulders is what makes or kills a physique.
How much do I need to overhead press to get intermediate on that lift?
Ive been running your novice program. Ive been making all kinds of gains! thanks a lot!
Alex... can i use martial arts training instead of gpp?
Fernando Ribeiro yes IMO
But still to GPP if you can
ive been doing full body work outs 4 months already but my arms are hardly growing at all makes me sad other than that full body is cool. alex how many days should i do band face pulls i remember you told me thats the best shoulder exercise for 3 heads?
light rios best 3x25 and than 100reps non stop.
yo alex if im limited to a few exercises at a home gym with barbell what would you recomend fow switching movements. move hand positions? rotate posistions every few weeks?
Thank you so much Alex. But would regular aerobic cardio help work capacity as well or is anaerobic conditioning even better
Yo alex, what constitutes "high volume?"
That varies depending on the person's work capacity. Generally speaking high volume training includes lots of sets, and lots of reps. In simplest terms, it amounts to high total workload (again relative to the individual).
Got ya. People throw around the term "high volume" but never really outline what "high volume" means.
Alex say I wanna look like kinobody but with a thick upper back and the same minimal trap development. would running ne with rack pulls but no direct trap work achieve this?
Just add the rack pulls, cheat shrugs, cheat rows, and direct neck work and you'll have the look you want.
what exactly do you do for your GPP work? And is your GPP mostly used for recovery purposes? I thought most people do GPP work during offseason.
I mainly do high volume calisthenics, waiter's walks, bear hug walks, and farmer walks. Also I'm not an athlete, there is no off-season for me especially with concurrent.
when I start NE can I do calisthenics on the mini home workouts
Peter Koski what would you recemend on both days I used to do calitenics everyday
Thanks for the advice Alex
I have question, should I do the mini home workouts the day after the gym before or after I do gpp work.
Also there are 3 days between the volume day and intensity day would it be ok if I did gpp work in two of them and leave the last day free before the intensity day or would that start fucking with recovery?
Also would I potentially need to go a third mini home workout on the the day I do gpp the day before I have the off day before the intensity day? Thank you Alex
Day after is recommended, and GPP can be done 2-4x a week so try to figure out what will work
I ride my bike to school 60min Total a day, and also train full body twice a week+kickboxing once a week and jump rope everyday for kickbox conditioning and feetwork is this to much ? i don't feel tired at all
So i guess it is good for my work capacity but now i gotta eat alot of calories to even maintain my weight.
Do both the maxing out session and volume session have the same amount of exercises/sets and reps for the accessory work? So the only difference would be the intensity&volume first exercise of that specific training day?
U have to delete old videos or revisit the pendlow row n stuff like that. Contradictory to what u doing now kinda
if I do upper-lower, without exceeding my Maximum Recoverable Volume, even though the body doesn't recover together, can overreaching be avoided?
Yo Alex. Kinobody streamed a video a few hours ago about a guy called Cody who lost 50 pounds etc. He looked pretty bad ass before cutting with the beard, body hair and higher body fat %. Is that your definition of bear mode physique cos it's looks sick?
Shahid Ghani well that guy in the before pic looks good but just a tad bit too fat
Yo Alex, what is your estimation of stephen amell's body fat percentage in arrow?
Do you do fast explosive shrugs? I got some traps from doing some Olympic lifting. (short movements.) I wish I had your traps though..
Yep, that's the ONLY way I do shrugs.
Can I do Gpp on my off days?
Also if I'm doing farmers walk as my Gpp, should I use a weight that I use during my workout days. Or should I drop the weight? Thanks
Sam Sprecker yes you can to GPP work on off days. Second question should be doing conditioning/GPP
hey bro is the The Repeated Bout Effect the same as the biological Law of adaptation??
isnt dnyamic method where you go for speed?
Yes but the low rest intervals build crazy work capacity
Hello to you'll. I have a Q (sorry about my English)
I train 3 times a week
Rack pull,Pendle row,military press,dumbbell press,shrugs.
Did i need to do arms?
And if this training is good?
Thank you
simon shadi . Do box squats as well . Depends on your current strength. I'd just follow his novice program if you are under his weight lifting requirements .
Yo Alex, How would you deload? If one has done way too much work for too long, what would be the best approach? I'm doing concurrent training nowadays, but I spent a long time doing too much ineffective training along with long hikes and some manual labor work and I feel like l'm burned out(I could possibly have adrenal issues right now). How would you go about a deload if it was necessary?
Either a full week off or going in and hitting 2-3 light days
Hey alex, is doing bjj on rest days a form of GPP?
Thx brah, will be doing this month heavy then changing things up, would you suggest change every 4 weeks or 8 weeks?
I don't recommend that one bit. You will lose work capacity if you do 4-8 weeks heavy then 4-8 weeks medium-light. Use concurrent periodization so that you can combine intensity and volume within each week.
How does having a physical Job twice a week lets say correlate with the need for conditioning and gpp work ?
Pretty much no need to do GPP at that point.
Alright merci chef
Alex in NE what do u mean by overheadpress with minibands (quarter of an inch) ???
Refers to the thickness of the bands, which is miniband.
Alex is it possible to gain strenght on a cut on NE 2x a week ? I know when cutting u should maintain strenght but im at 91kg early intermediate so shouldn't i gain strenght even tho im on a cut?
Hey I do high rep push-ups every day for upper body work capacity, but I wanted to know if doing explosive jump lunges/Hindu squats with bodyweight would increase my squat? (or at least my squat work capacity.
Logical VeganLifts it will increase you're capacity.
Squatting work capacity, yes. But squat strength? Highly doubt it
But alex, You cant Just brag about how well your Recovery is if You're only Training 2x a week. I Can do Crazy high volume if i have your frequensy
Of course I can. More people should train full body twice a week if the recovery is that good
i Mean that You say that you have so High Work Capacity (Wich i know you Have) but How would you know if you have Good work
capacity if you're training 2x a week, that is easy to recover form
Hey, créatine mino during a cut/fat loss. What do you think ?
Oddes Laro fuck creatine
Won't change anything. Calorie deficit is what causes you to lose fat.
AlphaDestiny I know that but would it be bad or ?
Won't change a single thing. If you feel like using it be my guest but IMO it's a waste of money.
what is "gpp"?
Philip Nashev conditioning.
Philip Nashev g4p
Philip Nashev nah watch the vid he explains
Go watch Juggernaut Training System last video
Nothing he said is related to what I talk about. I have said hundreds of times that I only recommend cheat rows and cheat shrugs, which are in fact superior because of the stretch overload. If people think that video has something to do with me they're dead wrong as cheating on bench and deadlifts is never something that I've recommended.
Im pretty new here, if i buy the NE, do i get a book with a bunch of infomation or do i get a program which i simply can follow. Sorry for bad spelling
both, program is modifiable to your needs
Kasper Boysen its a book with info, templates, and sample programs
458 pages of content. Includes information, exercise demonstrations, templates, and 10 four week programs.
Alex how does it matter where im attaching my bands as long as they are stretching? As long as I place the bands in the same spot for example on dumbells and in squat racks and progress im fine right? Dont have to calculate stuff
Hey, can I do cheat shrugs on my volume days(5x15 or so)...
Yes, I often do this
alex when i do barbell rows i feel a tear in my right upper trap, i dont have it when doing pendlay rows the same weight.
am i not used to the stretch?
Alex on ne 3 day Version I do gpp after the workouts and 60 minutes of liss on my bike at home on off days is this enough?
ALEX OR SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND! I WANT TO DO FLOOR PRESS VIA NOVICE PROGRAM BUT .. even pins on lowest setting my elbows barely hit to ground couple inches away!!!! SO is it ok if i do FLOOR PIN PRESS? because of my leverages! i feel like its very similar!!! only dif is i stop when bar hits pins , pause then go back up! also do i use close grip bench grip or slightly wider than shoulder width grip ? thx!
Golden Memes You can take the pins out. You don't need them because the floor will save you if you fail (assuming you're using standard 45lb plate size). As far as grip goes it's really up to you. I personally have really long arms so I use a semi close grip as it lets me bring the bar closer to my chest.
Ryan Cox awesoem!!! so i dont need pins at alL!! thx u ryan ur a lifesaver!!!! i love floor presses now my new fav push exercise thx so muc!!!!!!!