Just As I Am, I Come (Mary McDonald) duet by Felecila Walter & Lydia Elizabeth

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • “In 1 Corinthians 13:13, it is said that the greatest among faith, hope, and love, is love. When God crucified Himself, He did not have second thoughts nor was He doubting if His sacrifice would be worth it. It was because of His blood that we were saved today, it was because of His blood that we understood what salvation is, and it was because of His blood that we know how much He loves us.
    When God crucified Himself, it was all done out of love, and that is the greatest love we have and we will ever received.”
    Soprano : Felecila Walter
    Alto : Lydia Elizabeth
    Pianist : Esther Leong
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