The grave goods of Kha and Merit at the Egyptian Museum in Turin. Il corredo funebre di Kha e Merit.

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2023
  • Kha was the director of the construction sites of the royal mausoleums, worked under three pharaohs and lived in Deir-el-Medina. His wife Merit died at the age of thirty and to demonstrate the great love he had for her, he used the sarcophagus he built for himself. He lived about fifty years. Both were buried in a modest and elegant tomb, not far from the village where they had lived. The door was sealed by the priests.
    Kha era il direttore dei cantieri dei mausolei reali, lavorò sotto tre faraoni e visse a Deir-el-Medina. Sua moglie Merit morì all'età di trent'anni e per dimostrare il grande amore che mutriva per le,usò il sarcofago costruito per sè.Visse circa cinquant'anni. Entrambi vennero sepolti in una tomba modesta ed elegante, poco lontana dal villaggio dove avevano abitato. La porta venne sigillata dai sacerdoti.