Strict recycling in Korea



  • @klarixaun
    @klarixaun Рік тому +667

    I’ve never been more in love with a recycling system

    • @freshojesho4897
      @freshojesho4897 Рік тому +2

      I know

    • @happygoto
      @happygoto Рік тому

      Too bad half of that stuff can’t be recycled

    • @peterlee840
      @peterlee840 Рік тому

      To bad most of it ends up in some third world country giving kids cancer from all the burn piles.

    • @tofinilith_
      @tofinilith_ Рік тому +9

      @@happygoto That's why you separate it

    • @dwo356
      @dwo356 Рік тому +4

      @@happygoto Many things can be recycled that just simply aren't here due to cost or lack of proper equipment.

  • @nenna_nynny
    @nenna_nynny Рік тому +242

    I like the way Korea and Japan recycle. Korea might be more strict with it in apartment complexes. And the certain day what trash you can bring onto your driveway to be picked up by the trashcollectors in Japan is pretty strict but cool too. And if you either bring the wrong thing on a spesific day or you have packaged it wrong or used the wrong material to package the trash(for example cardboard needs to be flattened and tied together with spesific rope) your neighbours will most likely tell you that you have done it wrong.

    • @rudeminnesotan
      @rudeminnesotan Рік тому +5

      Very true. Even hotel rooms in Japan will sometimes have two different bins.
      I've messaged my friend who lives in Japan "is this burnable or not?" Because it's not marked (that I can tell).
      In korea, if its recyclable, its clearly marked lol.

    • @lindsayoneill2892
      @lindsayoneill2892 Рік тому +4

      Korea is less strict than Japan. In smaller complexes people barely sort their trash. The only that’s really separated is food and standard trash

    • @chaboiseann
      @chaboiseann Рік тому

      Well if they do tell me what I did wrong I say kiss my ass

    • @moahammad1mohammad
      @moahammad1mohammad 5 місяців тому

      That's only in Tokyo
      In other prefectures rarely do they sort trash beyond "recyclable" and "non-recyclable"

  • @dhsora95
    @dhsora95 Рік тому +39

    This is absolutely how it should be everywhere. Mixing all your recycling makes it impossible to actually recycle so they just throw most of it away

  • @rudeminnesotan
    @rudeminnesotan Рік тому +139

    this is only at large apartment complexes and such. I live in a small building (less than 10 apartments total) and we just put out trash and recycling out by a street lamp. We can put it out between 6pm to 12pm, Sunday to Friday (no Saturdays). You do *not* have to sort the stuff at my place, but you can if you want (some do. I don't.)
    I live in Seoul near a university to give some context. The garage/recycling situation varies depending on where you live.
    The important thing that he didn't mention is you have to use specific bags for garbage that cost.. a lot.. to help encourage you to recyle more (because so much is recyclable).
    Thanks for coming to my TED talk~

    • @sinusrythm751
      @sinusrythm751 6 місяців тому

      Recycling could be vary depending on place but quite uniformed in all parts of Korea as it applies penalties . I have never seen other way of doing . I dont live in Korea, but whenever I visit my parents and relatives in korea , I got told off due to my careless handling on rubbish . For food waste , it is charged according to weight . I think overseas visitors tend to be more negligent on recycling .

  • @lovinavargas-carriedo2698
    @lovinavargas-carriedo2698 Рік тому +6

    That's amazing. A lot or the "we will sort for you" recycling gets tossed out anyway because something wasn't supposed* to be in there which is so dumb. I really like that set up its awesome!

  • @michael6880
    @michael6880 Рік тому +11

    Its about the same as Swedens then except for the plastic bottles and cans. Most stores recycle that for you and give you 1-2 sek back for each bottle and can

  • @strawberrytiramisu
    @strawberrytiramisu Рік тому +5

    I’ve been learning Korean so ngl I paused the video to read the labels and played the video again to see if I read it right

  • @audreydoyle5268
    @audreydoyle5268 Рік тому +3

    This is brilliant ☺️

  • @CeasefireNow2024
    @CeasefireNow2024 Рік тому +4

    We need this worldwide

  • @billiebobabrain
    @billiebobabrain Рік тому +3

    Very organized and awesome.

  • @skynikan6075
    @skynikan6075 Рік тому +3

    In germany every house has a blue bin for paper/cardboard, a brown bin for food and plants (compost), a yellow one for certain plastics (that later get sorted in special factories), a black one for the rest of usual house trash and in certain areas of the cities you get big containers for different types of glass or clothing containers. Plastic bottles cost more when you buy them and once you return them to the store, you will get your money back so they get recycled too. Supermarkets are not just fully integrated into the recycling system for bottles, you can also bring batteries there for example.
    If you put trash in the wrong bin, they will not pick it up and you have to wait with your remaining trash until you sort it correctly and the next date for the specific bin comes around. Certain things you will have to bring to your local disposal yard (not everyday trash) , but you can also request and pay for really big trash like furniture to be picked up from your home.

  • @alexisalvarez9629
    @alexisalvarez9629 Рік тому +4

    God we need more systems like this world wide

  • @writtenwisely
    @writtenwisely Рік тому +2

    Best part? If you can read Korean it's often just the English word. For example 캔 is just "can" and 비닐 is just bi-nil or "vinyl"

  • @melodiekyriu
    @melodiekyriu Рік тому +1

    That's cool!

  • @emmybellbell
    @emmybellbell Рік тому +4

    This is so cool!

  • @jnd_jnd
    @jnd_jnd Рік тому +3

    Gotta respect them for that

  • @SirXer
    @SirXer Рік тому +9

    This is SO lovely. My apartment complex in the US got rid of the recycling bin and told us to just toss everything because they are tired of dealing with the cost- so frustrating!

  • @SirCutRy
    @SirCutRy Рік тому

    In Finland we have mixed, glass, metal, cardboard, paper, bio and plastic waste bins in a similar hut outside most apartment buildings.
    There are clothes collecting boxes and second hand stores for clean and intact clothes, other clothes and textiles go in the mixed waste.
    Depends on the locality, but in the Helsinki region mixed waste is utilized for heating by incineration.
    Bottles and cans for beverages are collected in the stores where you get the deposit back that was included in the price when you purchased the beverage. The plastic, glass and aluminum from the containers can be and is recycled.
    "Problem waste" such as paint cans, certain cleaning products, car batteries, and others are taken to a specific collection point.
    Electric waste has collection points too, such as second hand stores.
    Each store that sells batteries has to have a return box for batteries. Remember to cover the terminals with tape to prevent short circuits.
    There are stations where you bring larger amounts of waste to be recycled for a small fee, but some still has to go to the landfill.
    Some or more than this is done all over Europe.

  • @nelldn
    @nelldn Рік тому +1

    You and I live in completely different world’s even though we’re both British. Except the difference in our class. You are really lucky to have the life that you do. Only something I can dream of.

  • @joehorn1762
    @joehorn1762 Рік тому +35

    Wish it was this good in the US.

    • @Dragondan1987
      @Dragondan1987 Рік тому +4

      Most cities have recycling areas like this, but I would bet you don’t separate all your garbage and make sure they are dropped off and sorted correctly, because being smug on the internet is easier than helping make the changes you want.

    • @joehorn1762
      @joehorn1762 Рік тому

      @@austin3853 that I don't know.

    • @priscillajimenez27
      @priscillajimenez27 Рік тому +1

      @@Dragondan1987 many of us do sort our stuff

    • @peterlee840
      @peterlee840 Рік тому +3

      @@joehorn1762 Korea and most other countries just dispose of it in third world countries it doesn’t actually get recycled.

    • @TonyMontanaOG
      @TonyMontanaOG 10 місяців тому

      If you wonder why it isn’t this way than you’re welcome to do this, we shouldn’t expect people to do as we wish, we can only achieve our own wishes.
      If you blindly declare that you wish something with no intent to follow through than you’re a part of the problem and not a part of change.

  • @grapes4832
    @grapes4832 Рік тому

    That’s what recycling is like where I live, but there’s only 1 large facility in an area with a radius of ~70 kilometres so most people don’t bother & just end up throwing everything in the trash that’s not explicitly recyclable or compostable

  • @elainechan7155
    @elainechan7155 Рік тому

    This is so cool! I wish we have that in Canada! Everything is in the pile and we can't recycling everything here either...

  • @Frog_king11
    @Frog_king11 Рік тому +1

    Might want to mention that not everywhere in Korea is like that?

  • @briebrownn
    @briebrownn Рік тому

    We have separate bins for recycling in America as well. The problem is that only 9% of recyclables actually end up recycled. This is because if someone Puts a plastic cup or can into the recycling bin that is not Pristinely washed, The garbage collectors will find it and toss out that entire bag of recycling into the regular garbage and bring it to the landfill. In the US, our problem is not separating recyclables, it’s most bags of recyclables just getting thrown into the regular garbage because they are not all perfectly cleaned. We have separate bins for regular garbage and recycling on the corners of the streets as well, they are a lie, the garbagemen come and dump all of the containers into the regular garbage truck. Most people don’t know this. Do you happen to know what percent of recyclables actually get recycled in your country?

  • @ahoyitskait
    @ahoyitskait Рік тому

    Omg the US should have clothing recycle bins!!

  • @LongCaster_
    @LongCaster_ Рік тому

    I thought he walked in a mini Los Angeles for a second

  • @christianaddington2956
    @christianaddington2956 Рік тому

    Who does the best recycling not just meaning this but where they actually make them into other things

  • @mildread1809
    @mildread1809 Рік тому +1

    bro this how i store my mob loots in mc

  • @carnivoroussarah
    @carnivoroussarah Рік тому

    Johnny is so cute.

  • @angeecelinova7760
    @angeecelinova7760 Рік тому

    That's amazing. And i thought we have a pretty good system. But sorting the types of plastic seems amazing. Are there any rules about washing them out?

    • @tkim2320
      @tkim2320 Рік тому

      You generally always wash out any container that will be recycled in Korea. Cans, glass, styrofoam, plastics...

  • @k.a.u.4599
    @k.a.u.4599 Рік тому

    I should show this to the customers at the coffee shop I work at who can't seem to read basic signage with color codes and throw away the correct things in the correct places. There are three different ones. That's it. Guys it's not that hard. People throw away trash in our dish bin and in the bowls of sugar packets when they're empty... They are on the counter on top of the trash can.

  • @rayfinkle7909
    @rayfinkle7909 Рік тому

    I think the real question is do they actually recycle the waste or is it just performance art like it is in the US

  • @johnnytieszen
    @johnnytieszen Рік тому +1

    I collect my cans glass and plastic everything else goes in the trash and we get paid for it lol

  • @loristrout4741
    @loristrout4741 Рік тому

    If you want to keep something someone else recycled is that allowed? I keep all laundry bottles and some clear plastic bottles for my homemade laundry soap. The clear plastic I use in the spring for garden plant covers.

  • @TheGreenerItGets
    @TheGreenerItGets Рік тому


  • @sorryitsmoops
    @sorryitsmoops Рік тому

    Love it

  • @theeternalcheerleader7154
    @theeternalcheerleader7154 Рік тому +1


  • @amandapittar9398
    @amandapittar9398 8 місяців тому

    I WISH we had recycling like this on every street in NZ. It would mean the Refusecollectors would only have to do each street. Can you imagine how great it would be? It obviously works, it’s just that councils are run by old fuddy duddy men who can’t think out of the box. Time to poke the nests of pale, male, stale councillors into affirmative action.

  • @marsupeach
    @marsupeach Рік тому

    Bet this is gonna trend

  • @sabrinamunoz3517
    @sabrinamunoz3517 Рік тому

    We Need These In The US . But I Bet People Here Would Be To Lazy To Seperate It .

  • @bmo14lax
    @bmo14lax Рік тому

    So much easier if people did this everywhere.

  • @bigasspockets
    @bigasspockets Рік тому

    Same as in Germany!

  • @Sofiaode18
    @Sofiaode18 Рік тому

    When you live in an apartment complex that doesn’t have these sorting bins so you’re forced to buy government approved trash bags that cost a lot. Yeah recycling is good but they make it a burden to do so. I know people get lazy and as a result there’s usually trash on neighborhood streets.

  • @rachelg9873
    @rachelg9873 Рік тому

    How do I share this with my HOA and them take me seriously?

  • @CrossKarma2
    @CrossKarma2 Рік тому

    I don't know about the homeless situation, but are the clothes bins dirty on the insides if not I wondering if someone has found clothes to put on if they're cold/have none

  • @meettheoutlaw.8278
    @meettheoutlaw.8278 Рік тому

    The people in these comments 🙄 where i live in the US,you can take your butt to the damn recycling plant and sort through your recycling if you care so much about it... My family does this,sorting through all the types of bottles and crushing cans. Seems like people are too lazy but love to complain and not do anything about it smh.

  • @humanwithaplaylist
    @humanwithaplaylist Рік тому

    God I wish NZ recycling was like this

    • @wilsons2882
      @wilsons2882 11 місяців тому

      make it happen vote for the one who will bring change or be the one if you can. or do it on your own offgrid style. dont get caught.

  • @cmclark7
    @cmclark7 Рік тому


  • @87clits
    @87clits Рік тому

    They can't even get it into the dumpster in my ghetto.

  • @shreyakaskar6062
    @shreyakaskar6062 Рік тому

    Do u know in india u get money if u sell recyclable plastics and paper

  • @Hoobs1000
    @Hoobs1000 Рік тому +2

    Love it anything to help the environment I'm in .

  • @cameliarosner8064
    @cameliarosner8064 Рік тому

    Not too different from the Netherlands I must say, just organized a little differently.
    Also why would you (speaking in general) expect someone would do the sorting for you, it's not that difficult and you are the one who is creating the rubbish/the ownership of the rubbish

  • @fabboterman
    @fabboterman Рік тому

    Make durian cheong!

  • @meggiemegggs
    @meggiemegggs Рік тому

    This isn’t strict lol. It’s like that here in my city in 🇨🇦

    • @TenderAya
      @TenderAya Рік тому +1

      no this definitely strict you try pulling this in the US and the people here would have a meltdown /hj

  • @CreationSGame01
    @CreationSGame01 Рік тому +1

    I imagine you guys spend half your life doing this.
    Edit: I’m amazed at the comments. I don’t got time for this stuff!! I gotta go to work! Maybe this is an idea for people that don’t have a 6-6 job.

  • @Austin-rm9ip
    @Austin-rm9ip Рік тому

    As it should be. That’s how the states should do it, but then they couldn’t charge for sorting centers

  • @liyahliy6894
    @liyahliy6894 Рік тому

    Yesterday the recycling people on my street just threw my broken curtain rods and a bunch of other ish on the lawn because they didn’t want to take it…..wish we had this in the US man.

  • @carter6456
    @carter6456 Рік тому

    That’s incredible, I wish America had this at like every street corner

  • @everfluctuating
    @everfluctuating Рік тому

    i wish it was like that in the US

  • @priscillajimenez27
    @priscillajimenez27 Рік тому

    If only people had this mindset in my country...

  • @brentonburgess2107
    @brentonburgess2107 Рік тому

    This is how it should be everywhere

  • @BanilyaGorilya
    @BanilyaGorilya Рік тому

    And they have the complex a short distance away from residential areas which I’m sure if we had those here, people would (ideally) be in better shape if they had to sort their TV dinner entree plates, single use plastics, and pop tart boxes and to-go foil covers. However many people can turn a profit by recycling aluminum cans, plastic and glass bottles as well as scrap metal so I’m sure a depot like this would look much more trashy with a minority of American society leaving what couldn’t fit in their rubbish bin and dead pets there what with the drug addicted population looking for copper wire scrap to fuel their addiction.

  • @gabrielkapach9955
    @gabrielkapach9955 Рік тому

    Looks amazing at least there are some places in this world who still care about our planet

  • @nancyhongthe1
    @nancyhongthe1 Рік тому

    I helped my mother-in-law clean out her pantry in Korea... that made me homesick for being able to just trash anything 😅 especially the 5 year old syrups... those bottles were fun to clean out 🙃

  • @superken242424
    @superken242424 Рік тому

    Im sure there is towns in the usa with this kinda system but I really wish recycling was this accessible and normalized in america. I have to PAY the city $125 a month a special trash can for recyclables and thats bullshit when I could take it myself to a recycling place for cash so nobody does it because nobody is going to PAY to recycle. If they had places like this set up in every neighborhood in america it would change america and make recycling so much easier.

  • @bellasamantha237
    @bellasamantha237 Рік тому +2

    We should all be doing more like this. 😁🙏💙🦘