The rail grinding was cool, but an excess use of it would've been pretty annoying. But yea, if Kopaka and Pohatu had actual levels with fun gimmicks and not just minigames then it would've been great. Kopaka could've had a bit more to do with exploration and fighting off the Borok while Pohatu could've had fast terrain transversal
If the whole game was more similar to this level and without all the rail shooting, it would have been better. Best part of the game
Yeah, it was probably planned like that before half the content was cut due to time constrains.
The rail grinding was cool, but an excess use of it would've been pretty annoying. But yea, if Kopaka and Pohatu had actual levels with fun gimmicks and not just minigames then it would've been great. Kopaka could've had a bit more to do with exploration and fighting off the Borok while Pohatu could've had fast terrain transversal
My dad designed and built this level haha
15:10 Yellow Krana