An large train station has been added in Beijing! Train No.Z602 arrived at Beijing Fengtai Station

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • 视频录制于2022.6.20. 也是北京丰台站开站运营的第一天,这是亚洲最大的火车站之一,也是采用了独特的普速列车&动车组双层站台的车站。如我所料,很多人选择专程赶往北京丰台站拍照留念,或者特意体验北京丰台站出发的火车,才有了视频中的这一幕。拍摄时站台上从头到尾都排满了拍照的人,不仅有火车迷,也有不少普通的亲子家庭,大家都非常的开心。
    The video was recorded on June 20, 2022, which was also the first day that Beijing Fengtai station opened. This station is extremely large and unique. This is one of the largest railway stations in Asia, and it is also a station with a unique common speed train & EMU double deck platform. As I expected, many people chose to make a special trip to Beijing Fengtai station to take photos, or experience the train departing from Beijing Fengtai station, which led to the scene in the video. The platform was full of people from beginning to end. There were not only train fans, but also many ordinary parent-child families. Everyone was very happy.