I 3D printed a pointier tip and now it blows over 200mph. There are generic batteries on Amazon that will work for this blower, just make sure the model number is compatible. The original batteries are expensive. Ceramic coated cars have better results.
I 3D printed a pointier tip and now it blows over 200mph.
There are generic batteries on Amazon that will work for this blower, just make sure the model number is compatible. The original batteries are expensive.
Ceramic coated cars have better results.
Debating getting one for car detailing as well. This video was very helpful for me.
Works very good especially for the crevices. Still have to wipe down with microfiber cloth after before putting wax.
where can i buy it ?
Can it be used on the interior?
Absolutely!!! Wont be the same like the blow gun with a compressor but its pretty strong to blow dust.
link to buy it?
Where I can buy it?
18V. Ryobi hates their 40V tools
I dont see the need of 40v. Unless your doing heavy duty work.