Religious & Spiritual Arrogance & The Age Of Dajjal By Sheikh Imran Hosein

  • Опубліковано 15 кві 2014


  • @iratri7239
    @iratri7239 10 років тому +25

    I could listen to his lectures for hours without even blinking my eyes, he is very knowledgable and brave to share these eye-opener lectures, God bless him

  • @abassdiallo6022
    @abassdiallo6022 3 роки тому +11

    This man is a Legend 🙏🏽

  • @RubbinRobbin
    @RubbinRobbin 10 років тому +7

    this man is utterly brilliant in his analysis. Way ahead of his time. So grateful to have him. The Ummah is asleep, this man should be given more authority.

  • @liamphilpot5611
    @liamphilpot5611 8 років тому +5

    May Allah forgive our wastefulness

    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Рік тому

      آمين، ثم آمین يا الله ☝
      صلوا على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 💗
      يا مقلب القلوب، ثبت قلوبنا على دينك يا أرحم الراحمين ويا أكرم الأكرمين 🤍
      ويا كريم ، اجعل القرآن راحة قلوبنا 💙
      وأخرج النفاق والبغض والكبرياء والغضب من قلوبنا يا عزيز 🤲
      يا رب، نسألك بأسمك الأعظم ان تعتق رقابنا ورقاب آبائنا وأمهاتنا من النار، اللهم انصرنا على الكافرين وارحم والدينا كما ربونا ضغار 🥰
      استغفروا ربكم استغفار من عمق قلبكم 💜
      المسلم لازم يدرس القرآن وتفسيره والأحاديث وشرحها. شفوا الزمن كيف اتغير، افهم واتبع الله ورسوله وهناك الجنه الفردوس الأعلى
      ويا حكيم 🧠 زدنا علما طيبا مباركا فيه
      ويا ودود ارزقنا بزوجة صالحات وذرية صالحه ورزقا حلال طيبا يا الله 💕
      ويا فتاح ، يا عليم ، افتح لنا ابواب الفرج واقضي حاجاتنا واقضي مشاكلنا المالية والنفسية 😇
      يا حي، يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث 👑
      يا جبار ، ساعدنا على قضاء أعداء الدين، المنافقين، اليهود والنصارى وعباد البقر المشركين وعباد النار 👿
      يا رب ، نسألك بأسمائك الحسنى ، من عنده حاجه، اقضيها ومن عنده احد يحب، اجمعهم في الدنيا والآخرة بل حلال وارزقهم باولاد الصالحين واعطيهم علم دينك واجعلهم حفاظ القران والحديث 🤎
      اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات يا رحيم 🥺
      يا رب ، يا حنان ويا منان 🤗
      اللهم اجرنا من عذاب القبر واجرنا من عذاب النار واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المحيا والممات واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المسيح الدجال 🤲
      أستمر بل استغفارات والصلاة على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وقراءة القرآن والصلاة الخمسة مع السنن والنوافل والتهجد والوتر وصلاة الضحى يا احبابي المسلمين، يستركم الله ويحميكم الله من المعاصي والفتن والذنوب جميعآ ويسهل لكم الحلال ويدخلكم الجنة الفردوس الأعلى اجمعين وصل الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين أجمعين ✨
      يا وهاب ، اصل اجر هذه الأدعية وكل دعاء ادعي للمسلمينن الى ستي وأمي والمدرس الدين الإسلام لي، السيد انس بن احمد وهاج الصديقي حفظه الله تعالى لأن هم علموني الدين بعد هداية الله تعالى و بإذنه عز وجل حصلت العلم من القريبين الى الله جل وعلا
      سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك 🌟

  • @ahmadsami4035
    @ahmadsami4035 10 років тому +4

    what i have now learned from this lecture is that ..the more arrogant you are, the more blind you become !! Satan was thrown out of heaven because he felt himself to be something better than Adam !!

  • @jamil1985
    @jamil1985 10 років тому +3

    I tried doing wudu with a mug, man i found it a bit difficult because i am so use to using so much water, bad habit, but i need a lot of water for my nose to clear it out. But i am going to try my best to use small amount of water like the prophet in sha allah, hope Allah forgives me for my ignorance coz down London every masjid and house has a Tap, we were taught how to do ablution but did not know how much water to be used.

  • @MakaveliMarcel
    @MakaveliMarcel 10 років тому +2

    When the Green man sat down in the barren land and it brought forth much plant life means: He humbled himself and it brought forth much fruits of life, Allah is fair and just.

  • @MalikaNura
    @MalikaNura 3 роки тому

    Allah Almighty bless you Shaikh Imran Hosain. . ameen 🙏

  • @zaahafizah4808
    @zaahafizah4808 3 роки тому

    Masyaallah tabarakallah 💖

  • @omarfaruk6020
    @omarfaruk6020 4 роки тому

    well said

  • @ahmadsami4035
    @ahmadsami4035 10 років тому

    نصيحة لأهل الشام وللزائر الحمصى والمسلمين جميعا

  • @charlesjones7082
    @charlesjones7082 2 роки тому

    Hey Sheik, Peace ✌️.

  • @alisam7941
    @alisam7941 5 місяців тому

    This video got around 19K. This means this world is busy with Disneyland stuff.

  • @johnalex9004
    @johnalex9004 10 місяців тому

    One of the end times signs is when Muslim channels have few subscribers

  • @aliabdulaziz6081
    @aliabdulaziz6081 Рік тому

    If u don’t attack Sufi. Salafi and others. I think ur Odeon will be ingested and more people get benefit from ur lectures. May Allah bless you.

  • @klaaskay2685
    @klaaskay2685 9 років тому

    Where can I find the 'details' of the story of the encounter between Musa and Khidir (peace be upon both) that Sheikh has described here? Is it in a hadith or a tafsir?

  • @klaaskay2685
    @klaaskay2685 10 років тому

    Why does the sheikh seem to be so angry this time? What happened?

    • @itizmemrrizvi
      @itizmemrrizvi 9 років тому

      poor guy faces so much disrespect and opposition i guess, we should msg him

  • @meerbalutch4075
    @meerbalutch4075 10 років тому

    right george costanza...there is much more that we prob from Quran ..
    such as the star of Sirus when it been been worshiped by the Gaints people of ADD, for years I have study the puzzle of pyramids and Quran always gaided me to the same resulte so far..Pharons of Eygpt as the builder of the Great city of ERAM
    was a cover up by the Zionist,,but the rope of fulse hood is always short.
    and there is much more...

  • @meerbalutch4075
    @meerbalutch4075 10 років тому

    what is the hickmah of releseing AL SAMIRI with no panishmnet as he missguide bano israil to shirik,, it sems that he has a mission to complete

  • @TomMarAlem1987
    @TomMarAlem1987 10 років тому

    Nay! We are too deep for such petty superficiality as reading the Qur'an and the Hadith and using them, stand alone, to derive our religion.
    Our religion, the religion of ORTHODOX ISLAM is based upon the FAHM, the comprehension, of the Sahabah that lived with the Prophet, saws, and assumed command over the Mu'minin after his death. We are the Ummah of the 'Ilm of Abu Bakr and 'Umar and 'Ali and their students.
    Our Fiqh is derived from not only the Qur'an and Hadith but the way in which we were taught to read them by the likes of those illustrious Sahabah and their students.
    We not only have the hard and raw data but also the operating system and formulas for how to read them.
    This is the foundation of the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali madhabs which neither the Shi'a nor the Wahhabis can comprehend.
    And this is the source of the danger posed to the Ummah by the likes of Imran Hosein, who would have us, individually become our own 'Alims. Nay! If we are to be true to the Qur'an and Sunnah we would do well to be part of the 4 schools of law and learn how to read the primary sources from them.
    Allahumma lead us on the path of truth and never let our feet slip therefrom. Ameeeeen.

  • @jonnyy4088
    @jonnyy4088 10 років тому

    How is your future Mahdi,Ahmed Moaz Al-Khatib,doing?

  • @DaNyAaLcEc
    @DaNyAaLcEc 10 років тому

    I agree with the Sheikh in many things relating to Politics, economics and eschatology... but he's dead wrong on the tabligh issue. They are the ONLY way to achieve completeness of iman and oneness with Allah in this time of fitnah. I pray the good Sheikh may not allow his esteem in his own eyes to hold him back from becoming truly great.

  • @purexqx
    @purexqx 10 років тому +1

    Imran Hossein is close minded, why would we either be deaf or arrogant to not listen to you? Are you receiving revelations from the holy angel Gabriel?

  • @meerbalutch4075
    @meerbalutch4075 10 років тому +1

    I think that AL SAMIRI is Dajaal , as I am your student here prove me wrong :)
    والله العليم الخبير

    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Рік тому

      Some people can call Ibn Sayyad as Dajjal but do you know who's Dajjal or the story of Ibn Sayyad? The complete story or just the section of where some things showed that He is allegedly the Dajjal?