As a vet myself. I can tell you that's true. But to be honest. We dont really know how to respond. So if you thank a vet for their service and they dont say anything, dont take it personal.
Most of the guys in the military don't see it as a service or a sacrifice. they chose their path and saw it as doing their job so they feel like being told thank you is over exhaulting
Everyone I know, including myself, we never really know how to feel or respond to being told “thank you for your service”. Especially since we’re just starting out. To us, we haven’t earned it and it seems wrong to accept praise for others sacrifice and service. Every time I hear it I tend to freeze up and look around expecting them to be talking to someone else. That being said I still say it to other soldiers especially veterans, while in and out of uniform.
I mean it all depends, some vets might not have a person who can welcome them others might not like what they did over there so thanking them might just hurt them more instead others just accept it with kindness, there are all sorts of circumstances and stories that play into how a person will react
I live with PTSD. The waking up screaming, when I can actually fall asleep that is, the anxiety, when there’s nothing to be anxious about and the stress when there’s nothing to be stressed about. People don’t understand what it means to be like this unless they are also like this. The memories and feelings stay with you all day, every day. No matter what is going on, how bright the sun is shining, they’re right there. It’s a bitch and a shitty way to live. But at the end of the day, I am alive. And that’s all that truly matters when the day is done.
hallucinogenic drugs are supposed to be good for PTSD. stuff like magic mushrooms, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT & especially ayahuasca. you might have a scary trip if you've some scary stuff upstairs but you'll probably feel better when its over. look into it, see what you think
As a Marine combat veteran, I'm still waiting for a movie that isn't corny regarding post combat life. "You were my hammer out there!"...nobody ever talks like that. Honestly, a real movie on PTSD would be boring and show lots of drinking, thinking and more drinking. That wouldn't sell though.
I watched this movie, loved and hated it at the same time. It was so realistic and honest that actually caused me to go into a panic attack and depressed state for a few days. It hit me in a strong way, I evrn told my VA counselor and psychiatrist about the movie and how it affected me. My medication was increased by a slight margin and doing much better nowadays. I really just wanted to say this movie touched me, and made me see beyond my own personal shortcomings. God is Good.
Kirishi Kaze If God is telling you that the service is your calling then I believe you should fight for your country and your freedom. But at the same time, you need to understand the sacrifices. You need to ask yourself, In the battlefield what am I willing to do for my family's freedom? The service will, without a doubt, take a toll on your mental health
I'm right there with you kirishi, my family has been going in the service since the revolution too and I hear the same calling. I'll be going to marine Corps boot camp in the next 3 months.
When this guy stopped making frat movies he turned into a really good actor THАNK YΟU FOR YΟUR SЕRVICЕ Watch dramas, cartoons, anime , genres countries at CinemaMeGa, net #1
@Rich 91 Legit 90% of those meth-headed fuck bois aren't veterans. They are trash that have never served a day. The Vietnam era guys died off long ago off the streets. What you see are the dudes emulating them trying to get that vet status so people give them cash. It's fucked.
I have some mild PTSD from 5 yrs in prison, and my bid was pretty smooth sailing outside of it being...well...prison. I cant not even imagine what kind of pain these guys go through after they get home.
All i see in these comments are people shit talking soldiers and veterans, yet no one takes into account the fact the politicians who sent them there in the first place still walk free. If you're gonna complain about shit, complain about the politicians, not the soldiers.
True that. But none of these young "heros" were forced to go their. They decided to take a weapon and go in to war instead of starting to work at a car wash. You are responsible for what you do. Not others because they told you do it.
No one held a gun to their head and forced them to go.This is not the draft. They are lazy who wanted easy money from the government so they chose a lazy mans job: killing innocent people. They chose to go they pay the price. They are not slaves.
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት And if people like myself don't volunteer for the service who will defend our country who will save people's lives in other countries ,fat slobs who get drafted by how dare you say we do this for easy money I serve my country to be something greater than myself my childhood was perfect I singed up to be a hero to save lives to help maintain peace. If because of people with the courage to do so like myself that ignorant , entitled pieces of shit like yourself can sleep at night ,so shut the fuck up before taking shit about people who defend a nation you live in
@@rockgodintraining3701 unfortunetly when i searched for it on my roku it was only listed on a bunch of channels for rent. Ill wait to see if it comes out free later
COVID 2020 soap2day. It is a website when u click it to play only 3 pop-up ads. Just gotta click off and you are good to go. Virus free I’ve been using it for 2 years.
I can't watch movies like this. My anxiety was so high just watching the trailer. My husband served in Iraq and a mortar went through his camp. I didn't hear from him in 4 days and every time the phone rang or I saw a military vehicle I broke down. It was the worst 4 days ever. He was miles from the explosion and he was ok but he is not the same man. I am so grateful for every single service member and all they go through.
TMI Flow I served in the Australian Army. Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan along with East Timor and Bougainville. Give your husband a big old hug and don't ever forget to pat yourself on the back for how strong you were keeping everything together back home.
mans You can try and start with me😎 no... wait... your just a troll😂the real deal i have some respect for because they could actually fight not just type😂😂 give up kid we've heard worse😅
PSA for everyone attacking this film in the comments: It is possible to disagree with and even hate a country's decisions as a militant body while also having empathy for the human individuals who give everything they have and fight wars they never chose to start. This film is about empathy. This isn't politics. See the film first and quit screaming propaganda just because the film is ABOUT people in the military.
I like miles tell he's a really good actor I've mainly seen him in comedies it's gona be interesting seeing him a "serious movie as for the one going on about proproganda like what's your point take that shit to /pol/ a circlejerk the fuck out of each other like youtube is not for that it's better known for the cringe memes and all around tards and straight up weirdo's who can make a quick buck
They didn't started the war, but they sure as well chose to fight in it. If my knowldge about modern military is correct, you can refuse an order without getting immediatly executed, right? So every soldier, that is ordered to get into the plane and travel to another place and start shoot up people (if in self defense or not), ends up doing so, he, in fact, chose to obey that order. If he likes it or not doesn't really makes a different, so why should i have empathy with those men and women, when they suffer through years of service only to come back and find out their state the obeyed willingly isn't really giving a crap about them?
Paul Enan I can understand why you think so, but you seem to forget, they might have the feeling that they have to do so, because they are a group and with a group comes peer pressure and friends. If you or me would be in their situation, I believe, we would do the same. But that's my opinion, if anybody has a different opinion, he/she can tell it
Go to war for your country to come back and listen to people complain about how oppressed they are while waiting for their Starbucks. (Not my quote, but it sums things up pretty good for me.)
My dad fought as a marine in Operation Iraqi Freedom I don’t ask him much about it because I don’t want him to remember anything he doesn’t want to but I’ve heard somethings and this movie is brutally honest about PTSD and I can vouch that it shows it truthfully luckily my dad is ok now he doesn’t have suicidal thoughts or gets scared due to memories and he can talk about his experiences openly
Every night I can feel the last breaths of the little girl I tried to save. Nov 09th 2004. God Bless her. Most of my brothers and I are home but are still there in part
God bless our veterans and current active soldiers! Last December the 20 th I was so honored to meet and help a young Sergeant from FortBragg that had brokedown enroute to his family for Christmas. I will never forget this moment in my life that I will cherish forever! He was so shocked and thankful for all the help we gavehim! He came as a stranger but Left a lifetime friend! We pray for his safety and all the great men by his side daily! I pray God will put his best guardian angel by his side!!! We love honor and totally respect our awesome soldiers in Marion Nc!!!!
As an airmen, most of us don't see this kind of hell. We send our officers to get shot at in million dollar aircraft. However, I'll stand with any member of any branch and help them up from whatever hell they are in any time. We all are brothers and we take care of each other. We also give each other shit, but if you dont catch hell you aren't liked.
This hit home for me.... I don’t know why but when I watch certain "scenes" in movies I get all emotion and at times will cry.... I know I have PTSD but I haven’t said anything I just keep it to myself never bring it up at VA Appointments. Did my 25 years seen some stuff, it is what it is.
I feel you. Viet vet, four years a grunt. 2/9, others. Do the same about the crying at stuff. It is what it is. But I got a great woman who loves me and am thankful everyday for life.
Men and women gave their lives and mental health to protect what they believed was truth, don’t blame them, admire them, love them and look after them, hate the politicians that sent them on false errands, call the government out, shake them down and make them pay. But love the soldiers and veterans always.
MaskedAnalAvenger i did, as part of a counter terrorism team attached to an army special forces unit, Joint Coalition Special Task Force. I got slated on a unicorn chance and it was the best time of my life.
The phrase, "Thank you for your service" is a bit strange to me. Really. I joined the Navy in 1976, three years after Viet Nam ended. I got spit on in the Atlanta airport shortly after graduating bootcamp. The worst part was that the people standing around literally turned their backs when it happened. One guy actually had his nose in the corner. Time moves on and I retire in 2007. Suddenly, for the last 6 or seven years, everybody loves me if they are under fifty. But I can't get that spit off my face and uniform. Every time someone says "thank you for your service." I get confused. I don't know what to say. Once I even said your welcome. Then I laughed. Your welcome? Really? Lame. Sometimes I say, "It was my honor." But really, I would prefer that no one said anything. In college, myself and some other vets used to hang out in the veterans service office. It was more comfortable. Anyway, my two cents on the subject. As for the guys in the movie ... Combat vets need a lot more help. A lot more.
I say it kinda off and on. My moms side was mostly military so ill say it to show my respect to vets. But I also work at a grocery store so if i see a vet ill help put their stuff away. Not many of the older gens care for vets which i personally dont like, but me and a majority of my friends respect our military in 18 by the way. I wanted to join but it would take me a while to get fit enough.
I just graduated BCT at FT. Jackson, D Co. 3-13 INF, 4th PLT. The FTX’s we did were pretty tough, I can only imagine what actual warfare feels like. To all those who have served and fought, thank you for your service 🇺🇸
it's great that more and more, people are understanding that war causes ptsd and that it's less stigmatised but i can't help but feel that too many, especially Americans, are turning this into more _glorification_ of war, rather than a realization that we, as human beings are not meant to war each other - it's literally so unnatural and so against our souls, that it makes us deathly sick... Instead of 'thank you for your service', it would be more appropriate to say, 'Sorry you had to serve...' because war is old rich bastards sending poor young men to kill each other for their profits.
this should be a recruitment ad, don't lie to em saying that it will be a peachy time with no side effects, but show them that the brotherhood and kinship you share with others and that your actions are the reason why your best friend is still alive, but also its a message to the vets... show them that if they have PTSD not to clam up and silence it but talk to people like your spouse and family who want to help, it may be hard but they are hurting from you hurting, it worked for me after 2 tours in Khandar and Kuwait. For all my brothers out there struggling... I know what your going through and bottling it up aint healthy.
This shit looks like one of the most real movies in a long time. I personally relate to this on multiple levels. There's so much that the average joe doesn't understand about being in the shit down range. What you see. Hear. Feel. Things you can't forget or drown in whiskey. You miss a lot when you're deployed and you'll never get it back. This isn't as much of a political movie as it is a movie trying to get people to understand just a little. To understand that "thank you" only goes so far. It's nice to feel appreciated for your sacrifices, but it doesn't help what's in you. To the edgy guys putting down the soldiers depicted in the film: I definitely disagree with you. However, i fought for your right to say whatever you please. As a little FYI, I know a ton of guys including myself who have extensive knowledge about OIF and OEF. Neither are for oil. The US have trade deals with other countries and none of us saw a single shipment or document (classified or not) that described any op as oil related. Desert Storm, more than probable. Please do not reply to argue about this as i will not reply to ignorance.
If you'd like to see another very good war movie about PTSD, I'd recommend the movie Man Down with Shia LaBeouf. Its a very sad movie and at some parts tough to watch, but it is a good glimpse at what PTSD can do to a person.
Keep in mind those of us who actually deployed do not have higher rates of suicide, domestic violence etc than the the same demographic general public. the entire elevated suicide rate of "veterans" derives from non deployed
How much hate you people have in yourselfes is just beyond me. This is a movie supposed to portray the life and struggle of a veteran. Of a person who's seen some shit - who might've been through more shit on one day of his service than we'd ever be through in our whole lifes. This is supposed to be a movie about the pain, suffering and trauma haunting a soldier. Be it American or any other nationality. And here you are, ranting and spewing hate on the States or its' soldiers, getting all political and stuff. IT'S NOT THE POINT.
i dont feel bad for these soldiers though. i feel bad for 10 year old brown kids getting bombed. they should get that jaden smith kid to star in one about that. itll only have to be a minute long
The first to pray for peace are soldiers as they will endure the horror of war.Politicians tell them where to shoot and they ain't trained to consider complexitys or who they are killing,their trained to follow orders and kill.
Sorry not sorry. I only have a limited supply of empathy and id rather reserve it for kids that jist wantes to milk their goats rather than dudes who signed up to go shoot and bomb said kids for money
Personally empathy has never been something i've limited the supply of.The soldiers suffer war as sadly do the innocents,do not blame soldiers for following orders as they have enough guilt by themselves to contend with.Do you know any who have served or have you? Out of curiosity
I hate when people say thank you for your service. I don't know what to say back. If I could push back time I would never have joined. There are some journeys in life you go on where you can never COME HOME if you know what I mean. The daily battle is different but one that lasts a lifetime filled with pain.
When I get a "Thank you for your service!" besides thanking them, I've decided to return with "Thank you for hiring me!" It was the best job I ever had after all.. a bit tough at times, but, hey, what job isn't?
@@seancartinella6260 read, "the Room"? The novel about being in a prison? Or, read the room. As in look at others posting here? Not sure I get your statement.
Hey there I hope you don’t mind me asking a few questions as I’m quite interested in all this stuff but I’d like to ask when you were deployed, where you were stationed and how it felt to come back.
@@northernsoutherner5678 I was deployed into Fallujah April 17th 2016 and I was stationed into Camp Fallujah. I have to say it was the worst decision I've ever made joining the Marine Corps. I watched some close friends of mine pass, and even lost two very close friends even after returning home. I did find myself waking up early because for a year I woke up on Iraq's time. It was not a fun experience, it felt amazing being home and I've started playing airsoft to help remind me that the war is left in Iraq and its not here. But it is comforting knowing that I can sleep without being woken up with gun shots.
@@Cheekeau well I would like to say thank you for your service to your country and thank you for sharing your experience as I’m currently living in the uk and joining the royal military police after some time in sandhurst (officer school is the best term for it)
@@Cheekeau I hope you talked to someone abt it my dad came back from 3 deployments and one he got shrapnel from a gernade he didnt really talk to anyone about how he was feeling that much one day he was gone in an instant he didnt talk to anyone at all
1:24 saying "I'm not alright" are some of the most brave words. Being in the military myself, not seeing the horrors yet, that other service men and woman have before me, it kind of goes over my head. But I've seen a lot of my mates struggle. It's hard. We try to hide it and try to put on that strong warface. When inside, you know you're broken. You know you're falling apart. It's tough, a struggle beyond words.
You hit the nail on the head. Sometimes we don't know there's a problem until someone points it out. The cloudy mind, the not sleeping, the apathy and numbness of existence all creeped up on me. Not feeling safe, tears for no reason, and bouts of anxiety were about the only feelings I had between the mental numbness. My wife pointed this out to me, and with her support, I realized that "I'm not alright."
You must be an idiot, if you could not derive from the context of my comment that I am in the military, and know how easy it is to get one... therefore I have several.
1:40 Anyone else notice the quick jerk of the piece on his neck? Error between scenes that I doubt will be noticeable throughout the action of the movie/scene, just knit picking.
LadsyOneProductions the strap around his throat suddenly jerks tight clearly BEFORE the explosion. Watch, he casually turns his head, THEN, boom. But you'll notice right before the boom that throat strap magnetically retracts to his throat. ..... A millisecond BEFORE the explosion. It's a movie error.
☆ GFXJake ☆ nah sorry bud everyone knows how horrible fantastic 4 was and can never recover from that btw this movie is ass bunch of hypocrites crying they got the leg blown off for the good old us of a
I don´t think anybody who didn´t serve is able to catch the massive weight of pain and mental suffering certain events leave behind. Even more the struggle to cope with "normal" life. I humbly thank you for your service. Take care and stay safe!
@@randomclipsmilitary9056 Thank you for your reply. I aquired the movie some time ago, but still didn´t dare to watch it. As i´m trying to cope with severe psychological issues due to childhood neglect and family matters, i´ve gotta avoid triggers. I will watch it, yet don´t know when. To everyone out there battling PTSD - Stay strong, you are not alone!!!
Never quite understood the whole "thank you for your service" thing Americans say. My family is British Army, we lived in Aldershot and Northern Ireland! Very rarely, in fact, I can't even remember a single time any of my squaddie mates (quite a few) or family members have heard those words. They chose that line of work, I know it wasn't out of a sense of patriotic duty. I genuinely reckon most, if not all, of them do not want to hear that said to them. But each to their own, I suppose.
Well, from my perspective, it seems to stem largely from America's poor treatment of her Vietnam veterans. After Vietnam, a lot of Americans marginalized those who continued to choose to serve, for decades really. Many people looked down on our service men and women, they felt that they chose a life of ease because they could not make it in the civilian world. I served 10 years in the US Army, and as little as @5-6 years ago, the father of one of my friends said something to the effect that he thought that most people in the service are there because they are too lazy or stupid to do anything else, and that they were worthless as "good workers". To which I replied, 'well, you better hope we never get attacked then....' Anyways, Americans finally started to realize that we have troops deployed in combat zones around the world, a few years before the first Gulf War. They started seeing soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines home on leave or in transit, in uniform, and hear about combat actions. The first Gulf War was a big eye opener for many Americans, and there was a large upswing of "popular support" from every day civilians. And of course after 9/11, everyone finally woke up. I hate to say it this way, but it became "popular" to openly support our serving men and women, again. Still, I find some people that are awkward around us, they don't know what to say or how to treat us. For many years, people joined for 4 years or so, just to get tuition assistance from the military. It was a peace time service, or so they thought. Now, they see there are people and countries out there who genuinely hate the west, and America and her allies such as yourself. So, it has become the thing to say. Many of the men and women I served with, joined for college assistance, many also joined out of patriotism. Some joined for the "easy life" and retirement (not sure how well they thought that turned out for them lols). For you, my brother in arms, I would simply nod, offer my hand, and say "thanks". We have all been there, in one way or another. I have served with and alongside many nationalities, among them the British, Canadian, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Swiss, Saudi, Honduran, Mexican military personnel.
Its just something people say. Not much to think about. Just like when someone says thought and prayers or sorry for you loss. Just empty words out of social obligation.
Really like Miles Teller he has become one of my favorite young actors will definitely be watching this movie. Really wish this country would take better care of its vets, so tragic what they go through in service to this country only to come home and be put aside by our government. This country needs to do better by them.
This movie was extremely sad but gives a really good POV on what our troops go through and the battles they face when they come home. Miles teller did a fantastic job!
I dunno... that song makes any trailer seem way better. I heard that it is now the most used song to promote a movie in Hollywood history. That's some distinction.
Don't be a soldier, don't glorify war. Think about what exactly are we doing in the Middle East. You can live a brave life without signing into the military.
Don't say that until you see what the middle East is doing to the middle East.... Such a dumb close minded statement God people like you ruin my day with your ignorance of the world
“2 ARCOM’s, 1 AAM” Give me a break. They lost me at this point. This guy would have had way more awards than that if he had been through half the shit shown in the trailer. This is what happens when civilians make movies about the military...
Too many of our youngest and bravest have so much psychological damage from our constant wars. Support them. Bring them home when we can. And most of all show them the love and respect they have earned.
I've seen military movie and I appreciate those who served, fight, and stand up. I do feel sorry who lost there love one in the Afghanistan War and who committed suicide.
I watched this when it first came out, the issue that I had with these movies is where are the films about guys like me that did multiple deployments and didn’t freak out after 20 years. Step one, stay away from the booze and drugs and half your problems with be wiped out. I tree to tell friends that too but they dont listen.
For His Nation, He will go for them For His Family, He will fight for them For His Brothers, He will die for them For His enemies, He is coming for them
why are people thumbing down this trailer, people go through all of this horrible stuff everyday, and sometimes they dont make it home, and if they do its in a box with a flag over it.
No, Now I see what my husband Suffered in a different light. I know now he does still love me.Im not the problem.He doesnt mean the evil he says.Its that he saw too much and heard too much and it took his heart and he couldnt Be a soldier and a good Man I understand He gave all for country Nothing left for family So I must Understand.
This trailer pops out after that incident in Virginia where 2 cops pull over an Arm Lt. whose hands are up and clear, the cops still used pepper spray and cuffed him while on a uniform. Bow, "Thank you for your service."
Lol this dude really stepped his game up. I remember when he was doing drunk teen movies. Glad to see talent recognized.
Ye he was in project x right??
LDH yes he was
@@sirgodzz8373 thought so 😊
Well, i love him in Whiplash, what a movie
A & E now 21
When this guy stopped making frat movies he turned into a really good actor
Santiago Costa that's 100% true this comment should get more likes
Santiago Costa 👗👗👢🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️🤼♀️😫🤼♀️😘🤼♀️😘🤼♀️😚🤑😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Santiago Costa ive thought the same thing
It was all because of "whiplash"
goldendomer what ?
From what I've heard most veterans prefer to hear the words "welcome home."
As a vet myself. I can tell you that's true. But to be honest. We dont really know how to respond. So if you thank a vet for their service and they dont say anything, dont take it personal.
Jagr Redfield thank you for helping our country 🙏🏽
Most of the guys in the military don't see it as a service or a sacrifice. they chose their path and saw it as doing their job so they feel like being told thank you is over exhaulting
Everyone I know, including myself, we never really know how to feel or respond to being told “thank you for your service”. Especially since we’re just starting out. To us, we haven’t earned it and it seems wrong to accept praise for others sacrifice and service.
Every time I hear it I tend to freeze up and look around expecting them to be talking to someone else.
That being said I still say it to other soldiers especially veterans, while in and out of uniform.
I mean it all depends, some vets might not have a person who can welcome them others might not like what they did over there so thanking them might just hurt them more instead others just accept it with kindness, there are all sorts of circumstances and stories that play into how a person will react
I live with PTSD. The waking up screaming, when I can actually fall asleep that is, the anxiety, when there’s nothing to be anxious about and the stress when there’s nothing to be stressed about.
People don’t understand what it means to be like this unless they are also like this. The memories and feelings stay with you all day, every day. No matter what is going on, how bright the sun is shining, they’re right there.
It’s a bitch and a shitty way to live. But at the end of the day, I am alive. And that’s all that truly matters when the day is done.
Hey man, I just really hope you get better, I can't say much as I don't live with PTSD, but I genuinely hope you get better.
charsobishi oh yes this comment is surely helping him you piece of shit
Meditate man , may there be peace upon you
hey Vincent, try to do something about it, start a garden, a butterfly garden preferably. They bring peace, i pray you find it.
hallucinogenic drugs are supposed to be good for PTSD. stuff like magic mushrooms, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT & especially ayahuasca. you might have a scary trip if you've some scary stuff upstairs but you'll probably feel better when its over. look into it, see what you think
"Stop the car!"
"Not quite my tempo..."
that's golden :D
I love internet
Thanks I was trying to figure out where I've seen him
Its a caravan
This actor has never dissapointed me in any movie, ever.
AUSTIN YOUNG I think war dogs
Fantastic Four?
It was the script that made fantastic four bad, not the actors
As a Marine combat veteran, I'm still waiting for a movie that isn't corny regarding post combat life. "You were my hammer out there!"...nobody ever talks like that. Honestly, a real movie on PTSD would be boring and show lots of drinking, thinking and more drinking. That wouldn't sell though.
Cheyn Crangle true I heard stories about how my uncles were when they came back from Vietnam and same with my cousins that went to Afghanistan
Yea,......its just booze, and staring into nothing.
Because they group up gang bang kids and goats. What the fuck morals do you think they even have?
Cheyn Crangle That's what documentaries are for, sort of
ismael aden Keep telling yourself that you vapid cockroach fart.
I watched this movie, loved and hated it at the same time. It was so realistic and honest that actually caused me to go into a panic attack and depressed state for a few days. It hit me in a strong way, I evrn told my VA counselor and psychiatrist about the movie and how it affected me. My medication was increased by a slight margin and doing much better nowadays. I really just wanted to say this movie touched me, and made me see beyond my own personal shortcomings. God is Good.
Thank you for your service. I hear God calling me, telling me it's my time to join the service. Just like my family have done since the revolution.
Kirishi Kaze If God is telling you that the service is your calling then I believe you should fight for your country and your freedom. But at the same time, you need to understand the sacrifices. You need to ask yourself, In the battlefield what am I willing to do for my family's freedom? The service will, without a doubt, take a toll on your mental health
@@TritaniumYT I am fully aware of this. And I'm willing to make those sacrifices.
I'm right there with you kirishi, my family has been going in the service since the revolution too and I hear the same calling. I'll be going to marine Corps boot camp in the next 3 months.
@@ACEDOG47 I'm going marines too, hope to see you there.
She doesn't like chocolate!! That kid got issues.
Simon Farrugia ikr😂
Delant she would've said their alergic
When this guy stopped making frat movies he turned into a really good actor
Watch dramas, cartoons, anime , genres countries at CinemaMeGa, net #1
Simon Farrugia I also don't like chocolate
The "I feel like I cant go on" part really gets to me every time I see this tbh
"Thank you for your service", but when I travel to the United there a lot of veterans in the streets asking for money, homeless...
LiderANBU Hollywood Vs. Reality, Most Vets are used up and thrown away like trash
because they aren't medal awarded heroes...
While the politicians simultaneously demand more for Defense and less for Veterans Affairs....
Your definition of veteran is misguided
@Rich 91 Legit 90% of those meth-headed fuck bois aren't veterans. They are trash that have never served a day. The Vietnam era guys died off long ago off the streets. What you see are the dudes emulating them trying to get that vet status so people give them cash. It's fucked.
I have some mild PTSD from 5 yrs in prison, and my bid was pretty smooth sailing outside of it being...well...prison. I cant not even imagine what kind of pain these guys go through after they get home.
Shout out to the trailer editor, this is one of the most emotion-inducing trailers I have ever watched. Got me feeling the feels!
All i see in these comments are people shit talking soldiers and veterans, yet no one takes into account the fact the politicians who sent them there in the first place still walk free. If you're gonna complain about shit, complain about the politicians, not the soldiers.
Junhe 2002 thank u bro
Rejimxx keep looking
True that. But none of these young "heros" were forced to go their. They decided to take a weapon and go in to war instead of starting to work at a car wash. You are responsible for what you do. Not others because they told you do it.
No one held a gun to their head and forced them to go.This is not the draft. They are lazy who wanted easy money from the government so they chose a lazy mans job: killing innocent people. They chose to go they pay the price. They are not slaves.
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
And if people like myself don't volunteer for the service who will defend our country who will save people's lives in other countries ,fat slobs who get drafted by how dare you say we do this for easy money I serve my country to be something greater than myself my childhood was perfect I singed up to be a hero to save lives to help maintain peace. If because of people with the courage to do so like myself that ignorant , entitled pieces of shit like yourself can sleep at night ,so shut the fuck up before taking shit about people who defend a nation you live in
Why am I now just hearing about this movie, this looks like a good movie
it is but its sad af
Me too. Now i gotta find out where its at.
@@COVID-cm4rn did you find where it is?
@@rockgodintraining3701 unfortunetly when i searched for it on my roku it was only listed on a bunch of channels for rent. Ill wait to see if it comes out free later
COVID 2020 soap2day. It is a website when u click it to play only 3 pop-up ads. Just gotta click off and you are good to go. Virus free I’ve been using it for 2 years.
I love miles teller. Ever since Whiplash I've been a huge fan.
He seems to get cast as a lot of really hateable characters, but he's good at playing them.
yeah the last 5 min in whiplash is cinema gold.
Yeah.. me too man
I agree, he was amazing in whiplash. Without him it may not have been one of my favorite movies ever
I love that movie
_"I feel like I can't go on."_ brings tears to my eyes everytime I see this video.
That Teller dude is really surprising me each time. He is becoming big due to clever movie choices. That is a fact.
After whiplash I can watch everything with this dude .
watch bleed for this
@@the_question sow it bro,so fu@king impressive ..)
Well, at least the baby is real this time
gg you win
Yeh... Unlike the bruise that Meg has xd
Sai. Boii
I can't watch movies like this. My anxiety was so high just watching the trailer. My husband served in Iraq and a mortar went through his camp. I didn't hear from him in 4 days and every time the phone rang or I saw a military vehicle I broke down. It was the worst 4 days ever. He was miles from the explosion and he was ok but he is not the same man. I am so grateful for every single service member and all they go through.
TMI Flow 🙅🙅😽🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅😿
TMI Flow I served in the Australian Army. Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan along with East Timor and Bougainville. Give your husband a big old hug and don't ever forget to pat yourself on the back for how strong you were keeping everything together back home.
Michael Stott I thank you for your service. You and my husband made it easy for me to be safer at home with the kids.
mans You can try and start with me😎 no... wait... your just a troll😂the real deal i have some respect for because they could actually fight not just type😂😂 give up kid we've heard worse😅
Fuck allah
Am I the only one who couldn't focus bc of how the neck-thing clips at 1:39?
why have you done this to me?
they messed up
holy shit you fucked up my life now
It got caught on his chin strap
its just a one glitch calm down developers will fix it
"In the silence of the night we will always hear the screams" -we were soldiers
PSA for everyone attacking this film in the comments: It is possible to disagree with and even hate a country's decisions as a militant body while also having empathy for the human individuals who give everything they have and fight wars they never chose to start.
This film is about empathy. This isn't politics. See the film first and quit screaming propaganda just because the film is ABOUT people in the military.
I like miles tell he's a really good actor I've mainly seen him in comedies it's gona be interesting seeing him a "serious movie as for the one going on about proproganda like what's your point take that shit to /pol/ a circlejerk the fuck out of each other like youtube is not for that it's better known for the cringe memes and all around tards and straight up weirdo's who can make a quick buck
except its glamorizing a war that killed innocent people for money.. "Thank you for your service" bullshit.
They didn't started the war, but they sure as well chose to fight in it. If my knowldge about modern military is correct, you can refuse an order without getting immediatly executed, right? So every soldier, that is ordered to get into the plane and travel to another place and start shoot up people (if in self defense or not), ends up doing so, he, in fact, chose to obey that order. If he likes it or not doesn't really makes a different, so why should i have empathy with those men and women, when they suffer through years of service only to come back and find out their state the obeyed willingly isn't really giving a crap about them?
Paul Enan I can understand why you think so, but you seem to forget, they might have the feeling that they have to do so, because they are a group and with a group comes peer pressure and friends. If you or me would be in their situation, I believe, we would do the same. But that's my opinion, if anybody has a different opinion, he/she can tell it
What about not starting a war? I keep this question on purpose this simple.
Why start those many wars? Don't tell me there is no alternative.
Go to war for your country to come back and listen to people complain about how oppressed they are while waiting for their Starbucks.
(Not my quote, but it sums things up pretty good for me.)
Damn straight.
I Shit my pants if you’re trying to tell me to kill myself, no... I got paid to kill other people.
Hm, I guess it should be "go to the war for interest of your master"....
@@JimboLogic damn hero calm down
@@СергейЕрмоленко-и5ж rather than going to war for communism
My dad fought as a marine in Operation Iraqi Freedom I don’t ask him much about it because I don’t want him to remember anything he doesn’t want to but I’ve heard somethings and this movie is brutally honest about PTSD and I can vouch that it shows it truthfully luckily my dad is ok now he doesn’t have suicidal thoughts or gets scared due to memories and he can talk about his experiences openly
Every night I can feel the last breaths of the little girl I tried to save. Nov 09th 2004. God Bless her. Most of my brothers and I are home but are still there in part
God bless our veterans and current active soldiers! Last December the 20 th I was so honored to meet and help a young Sergeant from FortBragg that had brokedown enroute to his family for Christmas. I will never forget this moment in my life that I will cherish forever! He was so shocked and thankful for all the help we gavehim! He came as a stranger but Left a lifetime friend! We pray for his safety and all the great men by his side daily! I pray God will put his best guardian angel by his side!!! We love honor and totally respect our awesome soldiers in Marion Nc!!!!
5% Bad comments about America or it's army , 95% Comments complaining about the bad comments ... who's complaining now
Just America's Army? What about the Marines, Squids, and Airmans?
America doesn't take any shit
As an airmen, most of us don't see this kind of hell. We send our officers to get shot at in million dollar aircraft. However, I'll stand with any member of any branch and help them up from whatever hell they are in any time. We all are brothers and we take care of each other. We also give each other shit, but if you dont catch hell you aren't liked.
and ~0.001% comments complaining about the comments that complain about the original comments
Joey Kuffman I'm asking a question you fool lol
I literally got a ad for this movie before the videos
PorthunaxGaming GRAMMAR NAZI!!!!!!!
Lol. That's targeted advertising for you.
Google machine learning
This hit home for me.... I don’t know why but when I watch certain "scenes" in movies I get all emotion and at times will cry.... I know I have PTSD but I haven’t said anything I just keep it to myself never bring it up at VA Appointments. Did my 25 years seen some stuff, it is what it is.
Hope you get better man!
I feel you. Viet vet, four years a grunt. 2/9, others. Do the same about the crying at stuff. It is what it is. But I got a great woman who loves me and am thankful everyday for life.
Talk to somebody, it is what it is but we don’t usually work it out on our own
Men and women gave their lives and mental health to protect what they believed was truth, don’t blame them, admire them, love them and look after them, hate the politicians that sent them on false errands, call the government out, shake them down and make them pay.
But love the soldiers and veterans always.
This trailer gave me the chills
it was stupid
give miles a oscar already
oscar for typical american imperialist warpropaganda as weve seen it in thousands of movies. truly deserved.....
Rich Panini clearly you haven't seen all of the films he's in. He's A hugely versatile actor.
Rich Panini You get an Oscar based on how good you act, not based on the freaking movie.
Alone his acting in whiplash should have brought him an oscar in my opinion
@@FireDramine7 no u get an oscar if u sell ur soul
as someone who is a prior marine sergeant who’s been to baghdad in 2017...this movie hit hard
You went to Baghdad in 2017?
Baghdad in 2017?? what did you see out there? sadams palace???
MaskedAnalAvenger i did, as part of a counter terrorism team attached to an army special forces unit, Joint Coalition Special Task Force. I got slated on a unicorn chance and it was the best time of my life.
J Roth i did! mostly still just a burnt out shit hole from the push and late 2000s
@@alexandergonzalez8419 I was in Afghanistan twice 2008 and 2011 it was horrid
The phrase, "Thank you for your service" is a bit strange to me. Really. I joined the Navy in 1976, three years after Viet Nam ended. I got spit on in the Atlanta airport shortly after graduating bootcamp. The worst part was that the people standing around literally turned their backs when it happened. One guy actually had his nose in the corner.
Time moves on and I retire in 2007. Suddenly, for the last 6 or seven years, everybody loves me if they are under fifty. But I can't get that spit off my face and uniform. Every time someone says "thank you for your service." I get confused. I don't know what to say. Once I even said your welcome. Then I laughed. Your welcome? Really? Lame.
Sometimes I say, "It was my honor." But really, I would prefer that no one said anything. In college, myself and some other vets used to hang out in the veterans service office. It was more comfortable. Anyway, my two cents on the subject.
As for the guys in the movie ... Combat vets need a lot more help. A lot more.
I say it kinda off and on. My moms side was mostly military so ill say it to show my respect to vets. But I also work at a grocery store so if i see a vet ill help put their stuff away. Not many of the older gens care for vets which i personally dont like, but me and a majority of my friends respect our military in 18 by the way. I wanted to join but it would take me a while to get fit enough.
We just say, "appreciate the support." Works well.
What rank did you retire as?
@@sin9037 E-6, Petty Officer First Class.
@@danielcostello4041 God Bless Petty officer
Every time I see this guy, I think 'not quite my tempo' he owned that character.
And his hands start bleeding
Miles teller one of
The best fucking actors,
So underrated 🙄
ricardo guerra 100% agreed
How is he underrated? He's been praised in all of the movies i've seen him in
MrHenrik747 he wasn't praised fan4stic, and his more comedic films lol
I don't Know about Best, but He's getting There
not my tempo, Neman
Ilja Salaman you mad dog
Lol , only fellow drummers will get this 🤟
made my day
@@zoom-zip3473 HAHAHAHA!! Mine too
Am I rushing or dragging?
i served with usmc in iraq ... i did treatment is today i remember the brothers who did not return to their families. SEMPER FIE
Severely underrated film. Miles Teller was phenomenal in this, as was his supporting cast.
this fucker really is doing a good job. i did like his previous war dogs movie and i am definitely gonna check out this one.
Dude is a master of "inspired by true events" kinda films
Bleed for this is a great one as well
He's definitely recovered after Fant4stic.
His name is Miles Teller and yes he is a good actor.
Whiplash was good
Finally they get the uniform an active duty soldier...I greatly appreciate that
SoHypnotik - thank you for your service sir
They usually get them wrong on purpose, otherwise, they feel that they are impersonating soldiers.
Hi Wishful I saw your post thank you for your on going service it is very much appreciated
I just graduated BCT at FT. Jackson, D Co. 3-13 INF, 4th PLT. The FTX’s we did were pretty tough, I can only imagine what actual warfare feels like. To all those who have served and fought, thank you for your service 🇺🇸
I get those goosebumps every time.
you ease my mind you make everything feel fine
I'm not crying, you're crying!
I'm crying
Im not crying! its just something in my eye!
Felix P lol
Antonio Cesaratto ????????????????????
me to
I'm only human after all.
deafpool i’m not ;)
I'm only human after all
No your deafpool
deafpool 200 likes to type that oh hell nah
thats right you are human ya fucken imposter
This hurts me more then anything I’m glad someone is showing the hard times of veterans and also showing the true side of it
Thanks for a very long trailer that showed the entire movie.
Wonder why I'm just now being recommended movie years after its release when I'm feeling alone and missing the Army... ILTW
it's great that more and more, people are understanding that war causes ptsd and that it's less stigmatised but i can't help but feel that too many, especially Americans, are turning this into more _glorification_ of war, rather than a realization that we, as human beings are not meant to war each other - it's literally so unnatural and so against our souls, that it makes us deathly sick...
Instead of 'thank you for your service', it would be more appropriate to say, 'Sorry you had to serve...' because war is old rich bastards sending poor young men to kill each other for their profits.
True mate.
this should be a recruitment ad, don't lie to em saying that it will be a peachy time with no side effects, but show them that the brotherhood and kinship you share with others and that your actions are the reason why your best friend is still alive, but also its a message to the vets... show them that if they have PTSD not to clam up and silence it but talk to people like your spouse and family who want to help, it may be hard but they are hurting from you hurting, it worked for me after 2 tours in Khandar and Kuwait. For all my brothers out there struggling... I know what your going through and bottling it up aint healthy.
"IM NOT A HERO WE ARE BROTHERS WE LOOK OVER FOR EACH OTHER"boi im touched i want a lil brother or somethin.
This shit looks like one of the most real movies in a long time. I personally relate to this on multiple levels. There's so much that the average joe doesn't understand about being in the shit down range. What you see. Hear. Feel. Things you can't forget or drown in whiskey. You miss a lot when you're deployed and you'll never get it back. This isn't as much of a political movie as it is a movie trying to get people to understand just a little. To understand that "thank you" only goes so far. It's nice to feel appreciated for your sacrifices, but it doesn't help what's in you.
To the edgy guys putting down the soldiers depicted in the film: I definitely disagree with you. However, i fought for your right to say whatever you please. As a little FYI, I know a ton of guys including myself who have extensive knowledge about OIF and OEF. Neither are for oil. The US have trade deals with other countries and none of us saw a single shipment or document (classified or not) that described any op as oil related. Desert Storm, more than probable. Please do not reply to argue about this as i will not reply to ignorance.
If you'd like to see another very good war movie about PTSD, I'd recommend the movie Man Down with Shia LaBeouf. Its a very sad movie and at some parts tough to watch, but it is a good glimpse at what PTSD can do to a person.
Belligerent Stag what are you referring to?
Belligerent Stag lol ok kid. Go to your safe space.
Keep in mind those of us who actually deployed do not have higher rates of suicide, domestic violence etc than the the same demographic general public. the entire elevated suicide rate of "veterans" derives from non deployed
Belligerent Stag
Is there anyone stopping you from baking some damn pies?
How much hate you people have in yourselfes is just beyond me.
This is a movie supposed to portray the life and struggle of a veteran. Of a person who's seen some shit - who might've been through more shit on one day of his service than we'd ever be through in our whole lifes. This is supposed to be a movie about the pain, suffering and trauma haunting a soldier. Be it American or any other nationality.
And here you are, ranting and spewing hate on the States or its' soldiers, getting all political and stuff. IT'S NOT THE POINT.
i dont feel bad for these soldiers though. i feel bad for 10 year old brown kids getting bombed. they should get that jaden smith kid to star in one about that. itll only have to be a minute long
The first to pray for peace are soldiers as they will endure the horror of war.Politicians tell them where to shoot and they ain't trained to consider complexitys or who they are killing,their trained to follow orders and kill.
pa1nted you're a piece of shit
Sorry not sorry. I only have a limited supply of empathy and id rather reserve it for kids that jist wantes to milk their goats rather than dudes who signed up to go shoot and bomb said kids for money
Personally empathy has never been something i've limited the supply of.The soldiers suffer war as sadly do the innocents,do not blame soldiers for following orders as they have enough guilt by themselves to contend with.Do you know any who have served or have you? Out of curiosity
I hate when people say thank you for your service. I don't know what to say back. If I could push back time I would never have joined. There are some journeys in life you go on where you can never COME HOME if you know what I mean. The daily battle is different but one that lasts a lifetime filled with pain.
Thats very interesting. Why did you join?
When I get a "Thank you for your service!" besides thanking them, I've decided to return with "Thank you for hiring me!" It was the best job I ever had after all.. a bit tough at times, but, hey, what job isn't?
The military was the only job I had where people literally wanted me dead 😂🤷♂️ other than that it was pretty cool
Damn man read the room. Thanks for your service, however.
@@seancartinella6260 read, "the Room"? The novel about being in a prison? Or, read the room. As in look at others posting here? Not sure I get your statement.
@@russchadwell I meant "Read the room" as in the expression.
@@seancartinella6260 oh? How do you see the room here, as compared with what I said?
who else is on a youtube movie trailer marathon
This actually destroyed my heart watching this because all of this happened to me when I got back
Hey there I hope you don’t mind me asking a few questions as I’m quite interested in all this stuff but I’d like to ask when you were deployed, where you were stationed and how it felt to come back.
@@northernsoutherner5678 I was deployed into Fallujah April 17th 2016 and I was stationed into Camp Fallujah. I have to say it was the worst decision I've ever made joining the Marine Corps. I watched some close friends of mine pass, and even lost two very close friends even after returning home. I did find myself waking up early because for a year I woke up on Iraq's time. It was not a fun experience, it felt amazing being home and I've started playing airsoft to help remind me that the war is left in Iraq and its not here. But it is comforting knowing that I can sleep without being woken up with gun shots.
@@Cheekeau well I would like to say thank you for your service to your country and thank you for sharing your experience as I’m currently living in the uk and joining the royal military police after some time in sandhurst (officer school is the best term for it)
@@Cheekeau I hope you talked to someone abt it my dad came back from 3 deployments and one he got shrapnel from a gernade he didnt really talk to anyone about how he was feeling that much one day he was gone in an instant he didnt talk to anyone at all
1:24 saying "I'm not alright" are some of the most brave words. Being in the military myself, not seeing the horrors yet, that other service men and woman have before me, it kind of goes over my head. But I've seen a lot of my mates struggle. It's hard. We try to hide it and try to put on that strong warface. When inside, you know you're broken. You know you're falling apart. It's tough, a struggle beyond words.
You hit the nail on the head. Sometimes we don't know there's a problem until someone points it out. The cloudy mind, the not sleeping, the apathy and numbness of existence all creeped up on me. Not feeling safe, tears for no reason, and bouts of anxiety were about the only feelings I had between the mental numbness. My wife pointed this out to me, and with her support, I realized that "I'm not alright."
Army Achievement Medal....? Lolol
You get that for pissing and not hitting the toilet seat.
Where’s yours
You must be an idiot, if you could not derive from the context of my comment that I am in the military, and know how easy it is to get one... therefore I have several.
@@syphjake You're right though. They give AAM's out for doing layout inspections. Army's got a ribbon for everything.
I still hit the seat most times
@Jake Ayala I missed the bullseye in the portacrappers, so no AAM for me
18 Years of failures in Afghanistan and the show is still on. Hollywood is sitting on an infinite supply of movies for its very Intelligent Nation.
Thanks for stating the obvious m8
I still haven’t watched this because I’m not ready to cry and relive certain events
Maybe you don’t need to, maybe surrounding yourself with beauty is a better thing to do.
@@grahamtrezise1114 wise words
I haven't watched it because I don't like trash movies
give the person who made this trailer a medal!
Yoo...This Guy
He’s from that War Dogs Gun dealer guy right?
Yeah or you can take a good movie example like Whiplash
21 and over, Spectacular now and the divergant series.
@@marvinhamilton6637 Oh I love Spectacular Now , the girl is just so perfect
Yep. "Only the brave" guy as well. Good movie as well
Anybody else have goosebumps throughout the whole trailer?
I did
No bitch
Anyone else notice the quick jerk of the piece on his neck? Error between scenes that I doubt will be noticeable throughout the action of the movie/scene, just knit picking.
Rematch it man, it moves when his chin moves it, no error there.
LadsyOneProductions it's the strap on his neck for his vest
Michael Crisci how the fuck did you even notice that!? Wow
It's intentional because it's the jerk of the explosion
LadsyOneProductions the strap around his throat suddenly jerks tight clearly BEFORE the explosion. Watch, he casually turns his head, THEN, boom. But you'll notice right before the boom that throat strap magnetically retracts to his throat. ..... A millisecond BEFORE the explosion. It's a movie error.
Funny how we see ourselves as the good guys in every movie... but we are anything but.
I fucking love Miles Teller, I see big things for him in the future. The guys career is already big I know but the guy is going to advance.
☆ GFXJake ☆ nah sorry bud everyone knows how horrible fantastic 4 was and can never recover from that btw this movie is ass bunch of hypocrites crying they got the leg blown off for the good old us of a
As a fellow service member man this hits hard
Hi monster I saw your post thank you for your service it is greatly appreciated
@@phillipasalisbury7570 its always an honor
I don´t think anybody who didn´t serve is able to catch the massive weight of pain and mental suffering certain events leave behind. Even more the struggle to cope with "normal" life. I humbly thank you for your service. Take care and stay safe!
@@jessiesungmanitou9369 It can happen doesent matter if your a serviceman or not everyone can get affected by PTSD but it affects vets more
@@randomclipsmilitary9056 Thank you for your reply. I aquired the movie some time ago, but still didn´t dare to watch it. As i´m trying to cope with severe psychological issues due to childhood neglect and family matters, i´ve gotta avoid triggers. I will watch it, yet don´t know when. To everyone out there battling PTSD - Stay strong, you are not alone!!!
Never quite understood the whole "thank you for your service" thing Americans say. My family is British Army, we lived in Aldershot and Northern Ireland! Very rarely, in fact, I can't even remember a single time any of my squaddie mates (quite a few) or family members have heard those words.
They chose that line of work, I know it wasn't out of a sense of patriotic duty. I genuinely reckon most, if not all, of them do not want to hear that said to them.
But each to their own, I suppose.
Well, from my perspective, it seems to stem largely from America's poor treatment of her Vietnam veterans. After Vietnam, a lot of Americans marginalized those who continued to choose to serve, for decades really. Many people looked down on our service men and women, they felt that they chose a life of ease because they could not make it in the civilian world. I served 10 years in the US Army, and as little as @5-6 years ago, the father of one of my friends said something to the effect that he thought that most people in the service are there because they are too lazy or stupid to do anything else, and that they were worthless as "good workers". To which I replied, 'well, you better hope we never get attacked then....' Anyways, Americans finally started to realize that we have troops deployed in combat zones around the world, a few years before the first Gulf War. They started seeing soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines home on leave or in transit, in uniform, and hear about combat actions. The first Gulf War was a big eye opener for many Americans, and there was a large upswing of "popular support" from every day civilians. And of course after 9/11, everyone finally woke up. I hate to say it this way, but it became "popular" to openly support our serving men and women, again. Still, I find some people that are awkward around us, they don't know what to say or how to treat us. For many years, people joined for 4 years or so, just to get tuition assistance from the military. It was a peace time service, or so they thought. Now, they see there are people and countries out there who genuinely hate the west, and America and her allies such as yourself. So, it has become the thing to say. Many of the men and women I served with, joined for college assistance, many also joined out of patriotism. Some joined for the "easy life" and retirement (not sure how well they thought that turned out for them lols).
For you, my brother in arms, I would simply nod, offer my hand, and say "thanks". We have all been there, in one way or another.
I have served with and alongside many nationalities, among them the British, Canadian, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Swiss, Saudi, Honduran, Mexican military personnel.
Just American guilt for treating Viet Nam vets like shit. Probably no equivalent in the UK. War was always closer to the people in Europe.
Its just something people say. Not much to think about. Just like when someone says thought and prayers or sorry for you loss. Just empty words out of social obligation.
Really like Miles Teller he has become one of my favorite young actors will definitely be watching this movie. Really wish this country would take better care of its vets, so tragic what they go through in service to this country only to come home and be put aside by our government. This country needs to do better by them.
Thank you for your service. Love from Libya.
Have fun in your civil war
This movie was extremely sad but gives a really good POV on what our troops go through and the battles they face when they come home. Miles teller did a fantastic job!
oh boohoo that was their choice to go kill people and shit.
Why does this trailer come up on my recommended page every few months?!
How we all felt coming home. Nightmares after nightmare.
This is definitely the best movie tralier in trailer histrory.
I dunno... that song makes any trailer seem way better. I heard that it is now the most used song to promote a movie in Hollywood history. That's some distinction.
What's the tittle of the song?
Anyone who is in the military would know that two Army Commendation Medal and a Army Achievement Medals, ain't shit.
lol... it’s not bad but yeah it’s not exactly a bronze star (for enlisted at least, officers get that shit for sitting at a FOB for a few days)
After Whiplash movie this guy really uplift in my chart of men actors
One of the best movies out there shows the sacrifice our troops did and what we owe them!
Serious? what sacrifice ?
Don't be a soldier, don't glorify war. Think about what exactly are we doing in the Middle East.
You can live a brave life without signing into the military.
Don't say that until you see what the middle East is doing to the middle East.... Such a dumb close minded statement God people like you ruin my day with your ignorance of the world
@@thatprettymuthafucka7267 the US created the "Middle East"
And nobody cares if your day is ruined, western individualist.
@@Dumb-Comment nobody cares about your USA created middle East opinion either
@@thatprettymuthafucka7267 the entire middle east do
@@Dumb-Comment US did not create middle east. You're not an individualist, you're an idiot.
00:55 "2 ARCOMs 1 AAM impressive" 🤣🤣
I'm guessing that's not impressive? I'm British so you'll have to excuse my disability.
@@ddandymann no not at all
@@jimmybob2453 Fair play, the only American awards I know are the MoH, DSC, Silver star and purple heart.
"An Army Achievement Medel...Impressive" lmao okay
Kosmx Rankin LOL. Harsh
“2 ARCOM’s, 1 AAM”
Give me a break. They lost me at this point. This guy would have had way more awards than that if he had been through half the shit shown in the trailer. This is what happens when civilians make movies about the military...
Everything short of a Silver Star has been given away way too often.
Too many of our youngest and bravest have so much psychological damage from our constant wars. Support them. Bring them home when we can. And most of all show them the love and respect they have earned.
Nope. Biden finna war syria again for no fucking reason.
"I'm only human after all."
Served two tours on COD until my xbox broke, I know how these guys feel
"Am I going to get laid?"
I hope I meet a women who´ll ask me that question one day.
I've seen military movie and I appreciate those who served, fight, and stand up.
I do feel sorry who lost there love one in the Afghanistan War and who committed suicide.
I watched this when it first came out, the issue that I had with these movies is where are the films about guys like me that did multiple deployments and didn’t freak out after 20 years. Step one, stay away from the booze and drugs and half your problems with be wiped out. I tree to tell friends that too but they dont listen.
Graftanker 98 Totally get your point, some would say see you glass as half full not half empty.
Best quote: “he did his job now do yours”
nah that shit was gay
For His Nation, He will go for them
For His Family, He will fight for them
For His Brothers, He will die for them
For His enemies, He is coming for them
why are people thumbing down this trailer, people go through all of this horrible stuff everyday, and sometimes they dont make it home, and if they do its in a box with a flag over it.
In a parallel universe there are trailers about Star Wars Storm troopers coping with PTSD with all the civilians they killed.
For once can we have a movie that doesn’t depict us as damaged goods.
Now I see what my husband
Suffered in a different light.
I know now he does still love me.Im not the problem.He doesnt mean the evil he says.Its that he saw too much and heard too much and it took his heart and he couldnt
Be a soldier and a good
I understand
He gave all for country
Nothing left for family
So I must
@@carolyningalls4580 killing kids is this what he does right?
Not sure where you got that.But all American soldiers where not /are not snipers.
How am I just seeing this trailer lol
I was thinking the same!
Cause it's a shit movie that did bad. Hence why it wasn't shown around
Same I’m about to watch the movie lol
@@pewdsspaghetti4449 let me know how it is
@@cjm1936 it's good
I wouldn't mind being a father one day.
This trailer pops out after that incident in Virginia where 2 cops pull over an Arm Lt. whose hands are up and clear, the cops still used pepper spray and cuffed him while on a uniform. Bow, "Thank you for your service."
It was a set-up by the Lt.
This guy has been making non-stop amazing movies. Time to wait and then watch this one.
is rather take a shit at a gas station
From selling weapons to the army to being in the army.
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