first time watching The Lord of the Rings ✨ The Fellowship of the Ring : Extended Edition PART 2

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • hi everyone!
    My dad and I are back with another movie reaction. In this week's video, we finished watching The Fellowship of the Ring! We watched the 2nd half of the film in the Extended Edition.
    I loved this first movie in the Lord of the Rings series! Excited to see how it ends! (Gandalf pls come back!! 🧙🏻‍♂️)
    Thank you all so much for watching and supporting the channel! I hope you all have a wonderful week with lots of second breakfasts and zero orc attacks.
    Instagram: @daniellebaggett
    Copyright Disclaimer: this is not a market substitute, please support the original content! NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners
    #lotr #lordoftherings #reaction #reactionvideo #firsttimereaction #thelordoftherings #fellowshipofthering #commentary #extendededition
    Psalm 27:13
    John 3:16
    You are so loved!


  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +38

    I always get a dopamine hit when I see someone watching Lord of the Rings and a happy feeling when I see someone is watching the Extended Editions!

    • @DestinyAwaits19
      @DestinyAwaits19 8 місяців тому

      What is it about the Extended Editions that you love so much?

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +14

    Yes, I'm sorry, Gandalf the Grey is dead.

  • @davidholloway1817
    @davidholloway1817 8 місяців тому +7

    Younger reactors always compare LOTR to the more modern films & games they have seen or played before seeing LOTR. It is important to realize that Tolkien's books were first published in the mid 1950s, setting a new standard for, & inspiring all modern fantasy fiction & fantasy gaming that came after. D & D & all the fantasy computer games were inspired by LOTR, as well as Game of Thrones & Harry Potter. It follows that, Gandalf does not look like Dumbledore but, Dumbledore looks like Gandalf; Legolas does not look like Link but, Link looks like Legolas; The One Ring is not like a Horcrux rather, a Horcrux is like The One Ring. The difference is subtle but important to bear in mind.

  • @matthoward5429
    @matthoward5429 8 місяців тому +17

    If only all dads guarded their children with the wisdom, love, and self-sacrifice of gandalf! Every parent should introduce their kids to Tolkien to see the beauty of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice!
    Gimlis gift from galadriel is hugely important, and easily overlooked. Backstory: the elf Feanor was the greatest craftsmen of middle earth. He created the silmirils (jewels that held the "light of the trees" that illuminated the world before the sun and moon.) Galadriel's hair also caught this light, so he asked her three times for her hair that he might make it into jewels of light. She knew he was power hungry and arrogant so denied him three times. Gimli knew none of this. When forced to ask for a gift, after befriending galadriel (whom he was raised to hate) he asked for her hair as a memory of their friendship and a sign to his kin of the friendship of the elves. She gives him the gift the greatest elf ever was not worthy of because he (a dwarf who was supposed to be greedy) asked for it with pure intentions and without even considering it might be valuable. Her friendship was all he valued.
    This moment changes the relationship between gimli and legolas. Gimli saw the elves (who imprisoned his father) could also be fair, gentle, and good. Legolas saw that a dwarf could also be kind, noble, and moved by love over greed. Its a big turning point. Later on (left out of the movies) gimli threatens to kill people who say galadriel is a witch, staking his life upon her fairness and kindness.
    One of the best lines of the trilogy, sadly left out of the films, is after gimli receives his gift. "Tell me, Legolas, why did i come on this quest? Little did I know where the chief peril lay! Truly Elrond spoke, saying we could not for see what lay upon the road. Torment in the dark was the danger I feared, and it did not hold me back. But I would not have come had I known the danger of light and joy!"
    Gimli is so grieved to depart from lothlorien because of how deeply it has changed him. He weeps that he might have known sooner the beauty he could have seen.
    Enjoy the films! I hope dad is back for the following ones!

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +15

    Frodo, like most hobbits, is able to resist the Ring because he has the ultimate humility. He doesn't want anything. Not glory, or power.

    • @Wirmish
      @Wirmish 8 місяців тому +1

      Hobbits just want to party, eat, drink, dance. They don't seek power... well most of them don't.
      Frodo is a Fallohide ("Pale Skin"), one of the three races of Hobbits and the most distant race from Human.
      Sméagol is from a different race of Hobbits: Stoorish ("Strong"), and the closest race to Human.
      Humans are easily corrupted, and so are the Stoorish.

    • @rimasmuliolis1136
      @rimasmuliolis1136 3 місяці тому

      Shirefolk love things that grow, and are a self sufficient community. The rewards of planting are their treasures. Smeagol was a Riverfolk Hobbit, knowing the value of gold from trade with men.

  • @sonosoloio
    @sonosoloio 8 місяців тому +3

    many were shocked by the request for the hair made by gimli to galadriel, as if it were some kind of fetish perversion, but in reality it is a custom that is lost in the mists of time, lasting in bits and pieces until it was invented photography, practically until the mid-nineteenth century, when men-at-arms went into battle carrying a lock of their beloved's hair with them as a souvenir and good luck charm.

  • @Wirmish
    @Wirmish 8 місяців тому +12

    20:20 - The "50' steps" near the 2 large statues are the remains of a stone quarry where the blocks that were used to build the statues were cut.

  • @dennisswainston411
    @dennisswainston411 8 місяців тому +5

    The 20 minutes of credits at the end of "Fellowship" included everybody that had been involved in the fan website that was launched when the movie series was announced. Anyone that took part in online discussions was given the opportunity to have their name listed. I was one of those fans. I won tickets to the Fellowship premiere in Orlando,Fl. I have a 18" replica statue of Gandalf that I won on-line. I have a replica "Sting" sword that looks like and is as heavy as a real sword. But when you slide a switch, it glows blue and hums! I also have polystone statues of Golem and Smeagol, The Argonath and Minas Tirith. My wife an I attended a LOTR marathon when the "Return of the King" was released. It included the Extended editions of the first two movies as well. It started @ 9:30 am, included meals & breaks between the movies and movie related giveaways. It ended the next morning at 1:30 am... and 10 years later we did the "Hobbit" movies at the same theater the same way!!!

  • @mrwidget42
    @mrwidget42 8 місяців тому +6

    There are sound reasons why orcs do not have the immortality of elves, in the legendarium. Since Morgoth did not possess the eternal flame of life he could not create, only corrupt that which already existed. Therefore orcs were by simple necessity degraded beings by comparison. The gift of Galadriel to Gimli of three hairs from her head has significant reference to earlier history of the legendarium as well. I think it was Feanor, after the loss of the two trees, realized that Galadriel alone still possessed some of the essence of the light from the two trees, so he requested three hairs from her head with which to imbue the light into great gems, the Silmarils. But Galadriel knew Feanor's soul was not fair and possessed of benevolence. It is incredible, that she would willingly give the same gift of hairs to Gimli for she knew that Gimli had a great and good heart and so was willing to part with them. This act was the one specific event that helped end the long enmity between elves and dwarves to the end of the ages.

    • @0okamino
      @0okamino 8 місяців тому +3

      Small correction: Faenor asked three different times, and she refused him each time. Galadriel deemed Gimli worthy of a hair for each time Faenor asked.

  • @BobBlumenfeld
    @BobBlumenfeld 8 місяців тому +6

    A bit of rare (I think) trivia about the movies. Sir Ian Holm, who plays Bilbo, also played Frodo back in a 1980's BBC radio production.

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +4

    Because we like watching Lord of the Rings!

  • @08Derrock
    @08Derrock 8 місяців тому +5

    Your dad is AWESOME! Thanks for the reactions

  • @PaulHuber-f8p
    @PaulHuber-f8p 8 місяців тому +1

    Well I am just caching up to you two so if someone else already told you ignore this. The birds are called a murder of crows and your father is right they already saw them but hiding is worth a shot I guess 😊

  • @johnmackendrick5173
    @johnmackendrick5173 8 місяців тому +2

    We missed them reacting to Boromir's death. One of the most poignant deaths in cinema. 😢

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 8 місяців тому +2

    Enjoyed watching the movie with you! Many people object that no one tried to save Gandalf when he was about to fall into the abyss. In the book, Aragorn and Boromir start to run back to stand by Gandalf in his confrontation with the Balrog, but they are forced to retreat when Gandalf breaks the bridge. An arch bridge missing its keystone has no structural strength, and in fact the rest of the bridge fell just as the two reached safety.
    And yes, Gandalf the Grey really is dead.

  • @Muck006
    @Muck006 4 місяці тому

    On the topic of birdss ... EAGLES have good "far away vision" ... but CROWS not so much.
    The Fellowship also has Legolas ... and as an elf he has "super vision".

  • @Wirmish
    @Wirmish 8 місяців тому +1

    We know that birds have better eyesight than humans... but did people know that 1000 years ago?
    1000 years ago there was only one in 100 people who could write, maybe even less.

  • @leonardoastros
    @leonardoastros 4 місяці тому

    17:40 No. Actually, orcs were not elves, or "created" from elves. Because of elves nature (including their immortality), it is not possible. He played with some different "hypothesis" and that's all we have.

  • @angel-astanfield7939
    @angel-astanfield7939 2 місяці тому

    So at the beginning of the movie the king that was killed by Sauron, Elendil, he and his son’s, Isildur and Anarion, ruled all of the lands we see in LOTR. The father, Elendil as high king over all, ruled the northwest on the other side of the Blue Mountains (the Shire sits smack in the middle of his lands of Arnor) and the two sons ruled the south east namely Gondor and Rohan ( which was part of Gondor at the time). The second son, Anarion, was killed early in the war we saw at the beginning of Fellowship, leaving his father and brother to rule. Then Elendil was killed by Sauron leaving only Isildur. After Sauron was destroyed. Isildur set his nephew, Anarion’s son Meneldil, on the throne of Gondor and head northwest to take the high seat in Arnor. He and his older sons were killed as shown at the beginning and the young, 4 year old son Valandil, was kept safe in Rivendell, sparking a tradition that the kings of Arnor be fostered in Rivendell for a time. Slowly over time the two kingdoms grew apart, fell into hard times and eventually fell into complete ruin in the north, and the end of the king’s line in the south. Although the Arnor line, through Aragorn’s forefathers was still intact, their kingdom was gone. The south still held on to their kingdom, through friendship and creation of Rohan to help stave off attacks. However, the south always had insisted the line of its 4:36 kings be through Anarion’s line and not Isildurs. There was none until Aragorn, who was descended from both brothers, Isildur through paternal line and Anarion through the maternal line. That was long but hope it helps. Loved the ears. ❤

  • @Afreshio
    @Afreshio 8 місяців тому +1

    Legolas is an elf, they have incredible sight. He could've stop the magical crows from miles aways unlike a human or dwarf.
    Still, the crows, servants of Saruman saw them still. Hiding is still a valid response. Not everything have to be rational, and there's even a rationa argument to be made: hiding just for the sake of hiding in the unlikely but possible outcome the crows didn't spot them.
    Either way hiding is a good action in that context. So I don't know why nitpick this part.

  • @Lord_Legolas_Greenleaf
    @Lord_Legolas_Greenleaf 8 місяців тому +1

    Hey Dad! I'm really liking these! So the music is having it's intended effects! I like the 'cuts into' parts of the movie, adding the 'echo' effect (unless that's a 'mixing issue) is great! It adds a bit more of an 'interesting effect' that draws us! Don't use it too much though! Please note that music in almost all movies can give indication of 'things happening' or things that are about to happen within the films. FYI: According to the books - the Elves made their own 3 rings before Sauron made all the others. The part about Aragorns' sword: Only people from Elendils' bloodline can 'properly wield' it. Anyone can use it, but to use it to its full power you have to be of Elendils' bloodline as Aragorn is. FYI: I read the books in the late 70's lol Yup! I'm probably older than you dad! LOL Then shortly after we had the animated versions... Then 20 years till these came out! And then it was one year in between each movie. When I walked into the theaters (I was late cause I had to run 6 blocks to the theater) to watch Fellowship - it was at the part as the Nazgul said: "Give up the halfling she-Elf!" Then Arwen says as she draws her sword: "If you want him come and claim him!" That moment was soo epic! I was searching and searching my brain but couldn't find the spot that was in the books... Then she starts chanting in Elvish... Then I realized: "The Nazgul!" The River Scene!!! Then I was surprised to see "Gandalfs' touch" with adding horses to the raging river! LOL I was also sad cause we didn't get to see Glorfindel! I wanted to hear the bells on his horse, announcing to everyone who was coming!!! lol In the Silmarillion Glorfindel chases 4 or 5 Nazgul away from a pivotal point in Middle Earth History.

  • @angel-astanfield7939
    @angel-astanfield7939 2 місяці тому

    The Watcher in the Water (tentacle creature) prevented the dwarves from accessing the back door to get out during the orc attacks. This is the door the Fellowship uses to enter the mine. The remaining dwarves made their last stand in the chamber we see the tomb of Balin. 💕

  • @SaulOhio
    @SaulOhio 5 місяців тому

    I've heard that Link was inspired by Legolas.

  • @CliffordLake
    @CliffordLake 8 місяців тому +1

    J. R. R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia were friends and colleagues and consulted one another while each was writing their books.

  • @josephcerasuolo3563
    @josephcerasuolo3563 8 місяців тому

    Your bald-ass dad reminds me so much of my bald-ass dad, except yours has even more hair than mine lol Alopecia hit my dad hard and now he doesn't even have eyebrows or eyelashes, but other than that they look so similar!

  • @zarinshapurjee9430
    @zarinshapurjee9430 21 день тому

    Aragon is Isilduir's 37x great grandson

  • @cmdrbrantford888
    @cmdrbrantford888 7 місяців тому

    You dad looks more like Radagast from the Hobbit then Gandalf :)

  • @lcbonastre2418
    @lcbonastre2418 8 місяців тому +1

    Next The Lord Of The Ring Extended Edition Of The Two Tower Extended Edition

  • @PaulHuber-f8p
    @PaulHuber-f8p 8 місяців тому

    As far as I know it is based on the Vikings saga's the oldest story's in English written 1937

  • @davewhitmore1958
    @davewhitmore1958 Місяць тому

    I'm glad you appreciated Sam's try at poetry

  • @Tristan_Anderwelt
    @Tristan_Anderwelt 7 місяців тому

    1:35 In my opinion the ears look very good on you. Beautiful elven maid I woudl say

  • @artbagley1406
    @artbagley1406 4 місяці тому

    The 50'-tall(?) statues, made of ... ???

  • @kHanSolo469
    @kHanSolo469 8 місяців тому +2

    “GANDALF!” 🤭👍🏼 ur dad is funny

  • @lazerx1828
    @lazerx1828 8 місяців тому +1

    Hiding from the birds is erring on the side of caution, if someone was looking for you and you're not sure if they saw you, would you still try to hide or just give up and stare at them as they approached? Just saying.

  • @gokberktann5622
    @gokberktann5622 4 місяці тому

    Hobbit 1,2,3 we are waiting

  • @P-M-869
    @P-M-869 2 місяці тому

    Hobbits are usually not happy on the water.

  • @PaulHuber-f8p
    @PaulHuber-f8p 8 місяців тому

    Ok now I have a question for your father. Did you see them in the theater or when did you

  • @Darknight0110
    @Darknight0110 8 місяців тому +1

    I love your dads enthusiasm and appreciation for these films they're great and he wasnt wrong the elf ears made him look a bit orkish 😅 but actually looked very natural on Danielle despite her reluctance to commit. Hope you enjoy watching and rewaching the LOTR films!

  • @pwkt9692
    @pwkt9692 3 місяці тому

    Your dad looks & sounds like Brian Cashman.

  • @jamesbaluarte3
    @jamesbaluarte3 8 місяців тому

    That must be a big screen you are watching it on.

  • @davewhitmore1958
    @davewhitmore1958 Місяць тому

    Your dad is adorkable :)

  • @Mantis_Toboggan_MD.
    @Mantis_Toboggan_MD. 8 місяців тому +1

    5:12 - The birds did see them.
    Sauroman confirms this in the next scene

  • @Rhymester2113
    @Rhymester2113 8 місяців тому +1

    The finest lights I've ever seen,
    They burst with stars of blue and green.
    And after the thunder of silver showers.
    Would come falling, like a rain of flowers.
    R.I.P Gandalf.😢

    • @0okamino
      @0okamino 8 місяців тому

      I disagree with Sam. I think his lovely verses did Gandalf a great justice.

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm sure the birds saw them, but stopped to make sure?

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому +1

    Yes, orcs, like Elves, are immortal, but, like Elves, they can die in Battle.

    • @Fred-vy1hm
      @Fred-vy1hm 8 місяців тому

      Orcs arent immortal, they are susceptible to disease and some even have shorter lifespans then men.

  • @rosab8026
    @rosab8026 8 місяців тому

    Los puntos en común, como los regalos de Galadriel se deben a que los 2 autores,tanto el de Crónicas de Narnia como Tolkien, beben de las fuentes de la antigua mitología europea, igual que muchos de los cuentos tradicionales, dentro de la cual una poderosa figura femenina aporta al o los héroes regalos protectores para llevar a cabo su misión, si estos le resultan merecedores....más actualmente, la autora de Harry Potter también utiliza algunos aspectos de la mitología tradicional....

  • @Muck006
    @Muck006 4 місяці тому

    You should get the DVD with the extras, because they have a FULL DOCUMENTATION on all the dresses and items of the movies ...

  • @dotanon
    @dotanon 4 місяці тому

    The worldbuilding and everything is so good. The tiny thin walkways and stairs in Moria were to make sure no army could storm it, and would be forced to move one by one.

  • @dethtongue945
    @dethtongue945 8 місяців тому

    If your going to channel Gandalf as a mentor both respected and feared for your daughter you need to pull a "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" once. I think its even part of the union rules. Enjoyed watching you two watching the greatest movie trilogy ever made.

  • @alextu_Music
    @alextu_Music 6 місяців тому

    It's interesting how in the movie Gandalf doesn't want to go through Moria, when in the books, he's the one pushing for it. It's Aragorn who suggests going over Caradhras (aka the Redhorn Pass), where they are defeated by the heavy blizzards on the mountain.
    At one point, Aragorn recounts his experience in Moria: "'I too once passed the Dimrill Gate,' said Aragorn quietly; 'but though I also came out again, the memory is very evil. I do not wish to enter Moria a second time.'"
    In the book, Aragorn is also the one trying to dissuade Gandalf from taking the route through Moria. "You followed my lead almost to disaster in the snow, and have said no word of blame. I will follow your lead now - if this last warning does not move you. It is not the Ring; nor of us others that I am thinking now, but of you, Gandalf. And I say to you: if you pass the doors of Moria, beware!"

  • @Afreshio
    @Afreshio 8 місяців тому

    aww. had my hopes high up.
    most reactors edit out the part where Gandalf chants to try appease the mountain (Caradhras) before Saruman's chant that convinces the Red Peak to smite the pesky creatures (the fellowship). I don't know why most reactors leaves this epic part behind, or walled behind Patreon. After dozens of reactions only one has leave this part in the YT edit, but right now I cannot recall the channel's name.
    This is a very curious coincidence.

  • @tileux
    @tileux 8 місяців тому

    Gandalf the grey is definitely dead.
    Also, something that people new to middle-earth may not know, is elf boats dont sink or tip over. So when boromir is launched over the falls of rauros, the boat he is on is headed to the sea - which is where the men of gondor and arnor (arnor is north of the shire but by now has been destroyed - aragorn was its rightful king) - the numenoreans - come from. So he’s been given a very respectful funeral.

  • @georgial6398
    @georgial6398 8 місяців тому

    also hope you checked out the extended first half of the film as well, the additions there are:
    -an extra shot in the prologue showing Isildur putting on the ring and going invisible, then trying to swim away, the ring abandons him turning him visible in the water, and he's shot; some of this is still in theatrical but not the ring going on and then off, which explains how it killed him
    -an entirely new opening/intro to the shire and hobbits, after the prologue; basically a second prologue, narrated by Bilbo and introducing hobbits in much detail.
    -extra bit w the hobbits at a shire bar prior to Gandalf returning from his investigations of the ring; features Sam hinting at interest in Rosie, Merry and Pippin singing
    --an extra scene of Sam and Frodo on the road watching a group of wood elves marching in procession to the Western shore to take ship, leaving middle earth
    -an extra bit of Boromir talking about why he's at the council of Elrond, and almost trying to take the ring right there in front of everyone
    -an extra bit traveling thru the wilds w Aragorn on the way to Rivendell, w the midges harassing the hobbits as they wade through the midgewater marshes

  • @jedwareham4525
    @jedwareham4525 8 місяців тому

    Its all one movie. One 12 hour long epic masterpiece from the man that made Bad taste. They broke iit inro 3 parts ao we would remember to eat and use restroom qnd sruff.

  • @eschiedler
    @eschiedler 8 місяців тому

    I read the book several times in the 80's before the movie came out and I consider all three as one long story. The theatrical cut is fine for those who are experiencing the story for the first time. The extended cut adds scenes for the fans that can slow the pacing of the film at times. Some of the adaptations of the book I don't agree with no spoilers but you can't deny the craftsmanship of the film. Enjoy.

  • @ICGvids
    @ICGvids 8 місяців тому

    I think you and your dad are going to remember this experience forever. How cool that you are watching this together. My mother was a huge fan of Lord of the Rings. I wish I could have seen this with her.

  • @georgial6398
    @georgial6398 8 місяців тому

    id' have to rewatch in more detail to be sure but my recollection re: the 'steps' near the argonath that your dad mentions is that it's kind of a neat idea, it appears to be intended to be the source of the stone with which the statues are built. so like they mined from pre-existing rock right there at the source rather than from elsewhere. and those 'steps' are where the blocks of stone are carved out of for the statues.

  • @balthazarasquith
    @balthazarasquith 7 місяців тому

    Nice that chap dressed up as Dumbledore 😉😁

  • @Perktube1
    @Perktube1 8 місяців тому

    A bit abbreviated…

  • @CliffordLake
    @CliffordLake 8 місяців тому

    It was a one year wait.

  • @dustinwilliams3187
    @dustinwilliams3187 8 місяців тому

    I love it

  • @davidholaday2817
    @davidholaday2817 8 місяців тому


  • @stephaniecabrera-o8l
    @stephaniecabrera-o8l 8 місяців тому


  • @blanketstarry7725
    @blanketstarry7725 8 місяців тому +1

    Yes, I admit...I first came to this channel because of Danielle's beauty, but I genuinely like the reactions and I am especially a fan of LOTR reactions. Reactors have to be really annoying for me to not watch a LOTR reaction, and there is nothing annoying about this one!

  • @gregw74
    @gregw74 8 місяців тому +1

    "Dad", had to make things awkward and weird, didn't you?

  • @EESS-w9q
    @EESS-w9q 4 місяці тому

    Both of you look like robots watching this. So little emotion.