You have a nice big table to set up your track, I didn’t have that, had to build mine more in a straight figure 8. I bought the drift set before I bought that set just to test out how the track is, and it comes with R1 curves, so I was able to build a 6 lane,
I can't imagine how big 6 lane is. I almost bought the drift set to get r1 curves but after I saw how big this set was, I decided against it. I guess down the road I could maybe add 2 more lanes. How did you do power on 5 & 6? Upside down 1 and 2?
@@tomsidener actually I messed that up, lol, I had 2 lanes going the wrong way! That’s why I didn’t do a video. I think you might have to change the polarity on third.
Also, your track won’t be bigger if you buy the drift set, you’ll be just filling in the inside of your layout, and you’ll also need 1or2 boxes of straight pieces extra, I think
This is the bigger four lane set correct ? I have the smaller one ! Doesn’t compare to this set ! I should have paid extra and got this one . Did you add anything extra to it ?
Looks fantastic 👍
Thank you!
Awesome set I should have gotten this one !
I love it!
With all this track you could build a huge two lane as well !
Yes but I have a digital 2 lane also. You are correct however, it could be massive 2 lane.
You have a nice big table to set up your track, I didn’t have that, had to build mine more in a straight figure 8. I bought the drift set before I bought that set just to test out how the track is, and it comes with R1 curves, so I was able to build a 6 lane,
I can't imagine how big 6 lane is. I almost bought the drift set to get r1 curves but after I saw how big this set was, I decided against it. I guess down the road I could maybe add 2 more lanes. How did you do power on 5 & 6? Upside down 1 and 2?
@@tomsidener actually I messed that up, lol, I had 2 lanes going the wrong way! That’s why I didn’t do a video. I think you might have to change the polarity on third.
Also, your track won’t be bigger if you buy the drift set, you’ll be just filling in the inside of your layout, and you’ll also need 1or2 boxes of straight pieces extra, I think
How is the track compared to Carrera? Gaps between pieces, grip, width etc?
Little gap but nothing extreme. Grip is way better. Width is a little smaller than Carrera but bigger than Scalextric.
This is the bigger four lane set correct ? I have the smaller one ! Doesn’t compare to this set ! I should have paid extra and got this one . Did you add anything extra to it ?
No I did not add any track. I had to modify my tables to get what I have here to fit.